i TIME TABLE. Btage for Bardman, Monument, Long Creek, foha Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday, Arrive" every day at 6 p. m., except Monday, The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior conntry. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phlll Cohn, Agent You can get the best beer in Heppner at O. B. Ted rowe'a, 5 cents per glass, If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc., call at Ted's City Hotel Bar! SUN rViONTUfclWE&THUirRISAT 1 I Z 5J 3 6 7 & 9 10 I) 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 Idl 19 20 1L 1L JA A IA JA 27 28 1 29 1 30 1 31 1 1 the fire-works koowo to the email boy as epin wheel.' Frank, of coarse, did Dot miud tbe injury received while la boring for such a cause, but was very muob disappointed when be learned that bis aeut to whom he bad entrusted his aooideut policy, hd neglected to re new tbe game, thus leaving bim oat and injured. Tbe information bas been received in Heppner tbat 0. Kuhl, formerly a baker here, died last week at b small town out about 15 miles from Portland, where be oouducted a small grocery, fruit stand and oonfectionerv store, Aooording to tbe report be died of blood poisoning, which started from a gathering on bis Deok. Mr. Ruhl was a member of both the A. O. D. VV. and Odd Fellows. Disorders in the liver and kidneys aer responsible for many of the ailments of humanity, which, when neglected, de velop into serious and often fatal mala dies, Prudeuoe would suggest tbe prompt use of Dr. J. Id MoLean's Liver and Kidney Balm to remove tbe disorder as soon as possible, and restore the dis eased organs to healthy and vigorous action. Price 81 00 per bottle, Tbe Dalles Cbrouiole: Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Sargent arrived home this morn ing from their extended trip in the east ern states. While absent tbey visited their old home in Vermont and stopped in Chicago, Boston, Washington and several of the great oities of tbeoountry. Tbey had a most enjoyable jonrney, but are glad to be home in The Dalles onoe more. Here and There. Millions ride tbe Humbler. Ike Ennis has bicyoles to rent. See the ad of the State Normal School in this issue. Marble Works, A Habd On on Hbnrt Tuesday's Oregonian devotes column to Henry Blackman in which it attempts to reveal the supposed fact that Henry aspires to the position of boss of Oregon's democ racy, simply because he uses bis own judgment in the selection of a clerk tor the place made vacant by the advance ment of J. B. Mullay to take the place of Special Deputy Davis, republican, just removed. It is pretty tough when an officer, who bas given a large bona to fill a position, cannot select his deputies without every pap-sucker, would-be democratic leader, and small-fry politi cian making a roar and rushing into tbe oolumns of the newspaper with an imag. luary grievance. The artiole also at tempts to link tbe aotions of Blackman, Congressman Ellis and tbe "Patterson boys" together, though this falls flat where all are known. Henry used to be jokingly styled as "Boss Blackman" in Morrow o unty in past years, though it was never seriously thought that be bad any such aspirations. However, tbe Gazette congratula'es him on having nerve enough to conduot the federal business entrusted to bim, regardlees of the owl of tbe above-mentioned con tingency.' FKOM LEXIMGTON. Everyone is leaving for tbe mountains. T m Barnett went down to Portland today. Mies Lulu Boothby returned from the mountains Menday. Joe Gammell and family will leave for the mountains this week. Marion Evans, who was kicked by a horse last week, is improving. George Smith and family have gone to Wallula to spend tbe summer. Mrs. J. D. Brown will shortly leave for Helena where she will join her husband. R Lieuallen is completing a neat ad dition to his residence on the oorner of First and Gale streets. Chas. Beymer. of Eight Mile, was in the oity Fri lay. He informed us that be would start for an ezteuded visit to the ooast and valley Monday. A crowd consisting of J. M. White and family, Nat Hale, Tom Bootbby and his sister. Mies Lulu, Ed Palmer and his daughter, Miss Elsie, will soon leave for tbe Teal springs. Lexington, Or., July 16. Dick. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be Ayers guarantees his poison. Only $2.50 per dozen. tf. The Niles-Vinson, Walla Walla. Wash. J. W, Morrow departed for Portland on last Monday's train. W. E Kahler and wife were in from Hardmao over Wednesday night. The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $2.75 per year, both striotly in advauoe. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S, G. Smith, salesman, Henpner. Harry McDonald and Eli Keeney are prospecting over in tbe Granite oonntry. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do it with. tf. Try Ayers' squirrel poison before buying any other. Only S2.5U per dozen. tf J. IM. Hoy and Wm. Starrett were over from the Monument oountry last Tuesday W. G. Espey and A. L. Perk its, trav eling men, were registered at tbe City yesterday. L. Blumentbal returned Wednesday night from a week's visit with bis family in Portland. For Sale A lot of household fnroi tore and an organ. Call at the M. E parsonage. tf. Wanted Plain or fancy sewing. Will go to tbe house nr take sewing at home. Mrs. Mary Henderson, The 17th annual session of the grand lodge, A. O. U. W., of Oregon, convened in Portland oo Wednesday. Mat Mosgrove, tbe old time traveling man, was in town interviewing our mer chants yesterday morning. Gilbousen Bros., will soon go to tbe inner oountry to be absent until the latter part of this month. Await their return. lit- L. F. Conk, proprietor of the Pendle ton hotel, and W. F. Matlock returned to IVndletou Wednesday by private con veyance. Mrs. J. G. Hayes departs today for Engene, Or., on a visit of a few weeks with relatival residing in that part of tbe state. D. E. UrII, of Portland, claim agent for tbe O. It. k N., was looking after the interest of the Company lu this section yesterday. V. O. Kelly arrived from Long Creek yesterday with some Grant onnuty wool. Us returned today with freight for lb interior. E. P. Vornf departed oo this after nooo't train for business visit to Han Franoiaco. lis ipeote to b absent about two weeks. Oreeo Mathews for shaving, hair catting, shhinpooing and nil other work in that line. JUtlii at any time during business boors. A'ohiteot J. J. Alberts Is busily en gaged in cnatruclibg an awning for Itie Gazette oftlne. Ha is bly assisted ID bis labors by Grove Smith. Tbe firm of (Wye A Malrw,butobr, ba beau dissolved by niinnsl consent. Mr. Hayes retiring. Mr. Matbws will Continue lb business at the old stand Ite. E. C. Beach, tbe eongregaUotial minim of IViingiim, will deliver rr. moo at Hi opera hall in this City tint Knndar evening, at H.I3 p. m. All ar iovitrd. fibilo's Cars is sold on guarantee. It curs Incipient Otisnmplion. It Is the best CougnCureonly oenl doa. S.-,cts...V)ots.,anJll. tMJ by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Buck F.uglfh. lbs r'lr Oenlly eenleoeaJ In California to Me imprisonment, of the ootids f,r,tiiJ b O'.veroor Psoncr. u a ostivsot Oregoo sod 38 yssrt old. Frar k La returned to Hrt""r W,N nra.Uy morning .'ter en il.'dl boal tnp or in th IVndlet-n and lUkr eow.lry. As a r'iii t ., a an, I storm Tuesday Krat.k You cannot be cheerful or happy while your liver is disordered, life in but i weary burden to persons so affl;oted Dr. J. H. MoLean's Liver and KidDey Balm is the right thing to put this organ into healthy condition, it increases the secretion of bile, stimulates tbe kidneys and restores the organs of the b dy to tbe proper performance of their functions. Price $1 00 per bottle. Fred Hart arrived home from New Yoik City on Wednesday morning, fcred hris been away from borne for some. time and was glad to get back. He bas been at work lu a big dry goods house in New York City for a number of months past and presents quite a business ap pearance, 1' red lulorms us that be bas returned home to stay. The bids for the school bonds were opened last Monday, and after examina tion and consideration the offer of Chas. W. LaBarre. of Port)nnd whs accepted. His bid was par and $80 premium and be to furnixh bonds lithographed and ready for signature, in tact he pays all expenses. This is a good sale. Word received at this tffice from V. A. Stephens, informs ns that he and his wife are at present at Marjsville, Iowa. Mrs. Stephens, who is lu very pom health, stood the trip quite well. He states tbat crops in tbat locality are good this year and tbe people are feeling good over the prospects. Bud Shnbe, who departed Saturday last to join bis crew over at Eagle Rock, Wyoming, returned Monday niaht. He got as far as Pendleton when be found tbat be was not yet able to bold down tbe job, so stopped off over tbere, and remained over Sunday, returning borne tbe following day. Ike Ennis bas a etock of bicycle repairs and will fix your wheel up at reasonable rates. It is bis intention to make a specialty in this line, and as tbe number of wheels is rapidly increasing, this will oertainly be pleasing news to those who are so fortunate as to own a bike. tf. Mrs. Dr. C. J. Smith, who bas been tbe gnest of the tamiiy of Dr. MoSwords, of this city, for a week past, departed for ber borne is Pendleton W ednesday afternoon, Mrs. Smith was accompanied home by Miss Anna Brown, who will spend s brief vacation with ber. Adolpb Krng, Seattle's defaulting city treasurer, has beeu denied a new trial by Washington a supreme oourt and wil have to go to tbe penitentiary at Walla Walla, where be will doubtless be given an opportunity to fully repent tor the oilioial sins be oommitted. Geo. Conser and wife departed yester day morning for Ime ltork, where they expect to visit a few days. Wbile over there they will be the guests of the fam ily of John Brown. Billy Spencer is looking after tbe interests of the bank during George's absence. T. R. Lvon and brother, John Lyons, returned Vedoed from a two weeks' vacation up al Wal'a Walla, where tbey spent the Fourth. Mr. J -hn Lons de parted this morning tor tJot" loo where be expeots to open up an cilice for tbe prartioe of law. W. L. Halitig now bas charge of the confectionery store formerly oooducted by linyd & McDowell, where be invites all bis friends to nail, tfllly opens up with s new a. I in this issue and wa be speak for him a goodly portion of the pub io trade. I). F. Hwaggart is prepared to furnish bis "Hnr Nbot" squirrel poison in aholeaaln lota. He has already received a large order from Washington and Idaho Every where it bas Wn used, it bas Dot failed to exterminate the little pests. If. B"itig anxious to realix on their stock of waions I. C Thompson Co. will, till Sept. 1st, give an extra diaoontit of 0 on each wagon to c-b cost'itners. They havs also one mowing machine ard sev eral rakes, to be closed out at acriflfHl flgares. 'i 3 TbnuRands of persons flounder along cured by Hal1'8 Catarrh Cure, for mouths, ves even vears. suffering F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O from indigestion, bowel troubles and We, the undersigned, have known F. liver disorders with their acoompaoying J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be; disagreeable symptoms, beoause they think they have to. If tbey would take a abort oonrse of Dr. J. H. MoLean's Liver and Kidney Balm they would soon get rid of the m:serable feeling and that overpowering sense of weariness and in oapacity for work, would give place to one of hpalth, vigor and Price $1 00 per bottle. A Mule and a Bicycle. A band of horses and mules from tbe Jobn Day oountry, where bicyoles are not numer ous, were being driven westward, bound for market, and Frank Chamberlain, riding a wbeel, encountered them as be was descending a grade east of Prine- ville. Thinking a stumpede tbe quick' eat way out of the scrape, tbe daring bioyolist jerki-d baok the lever, opened tbe throttle and tbrew on all steam. All would bave ended well perhaps, had it not been for one lone mule, which, over come with fr ght or cussedness, stood pat. He was a populist mule, and re mained apparently sorewed flint, "right in the middle of tbe road." There was neither time for turning to tbe right nor left, much less a chance to jump o Frank, bioycle and all, orashed squarely into tbe mole amidi-bips. A moment 8 admixture of legs, arms, wire and ears, aud Frank shot out in one direotion, tbe mule in another, and wbat is left of tbe bicycle caught on a projecting limb of a neighboring pine on its way down. Tbe young man says be is "done bioyolingin this blasted mule country." lieve bim perfeotly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Walding, Km nan & Marvin, Whole- nheerfulnesh. sale Drueeists. Toledo, O, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon tbe blood and mu oous surfaces of the system. Testimoni als sent free. Prioe 75a per bottle. Sold by all Druggists WAS A HARD GAME. Tired Women Must have strength or they will be in the suffering despair of nervous prostration. The true way to win vigorous health is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla which will build np strength by making pure, rich blood; thus it will also feed thenervesupon their proper nourishment, create an appetite, tone the stomach invigorate every organ. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is what tired women need the one True Blood Purifier prominent in the public eye. YEA BEHOLD Why stand yon so amazed ! Did ye not know that Minor & Co. would, oould, and do, beat each, any and all prices tbat any store oan, will or do make ? Hnnd'c DStlc act harmoniously with 11UUU flllS Hood's Sansparilla. 2ta, It Leads Them All. The "Cyclone" Thresher. If you buy a new Thresher, Engine, a HORSE POWER OR SAW MILL You of course want the best. Pains in tbe small of the back indicate a diseased oonditioo of the kiduey Owing to tbe dantrerous nature of tbe diseases which attaolt those organs it is A few nights ago, aoenrding to tbe Spokane Review, two well known attor neys, a popular physician and two strangers were engaged in a friendly little game of ''draw" in a popular about town resort. Jackpots were beooming numerous and notwithstanding tbe tact tbat one of tbe attorneys always beld good reliable openers, odb of tbe strang ers invariably raked in the pot. The at torney is an inveterate tobacoo ohewer and always keeps a cuspidor at bis side to wbich be tarns bis attention every few minutes. It was plain to him tbat something about the game was beooming crooked, ami be began to keep a olose watch. It beoame neoessary to spit and he did so right in tbe middleof tbe table. The strangers drew back in tbeir chairs and angrily inquired what be meant by suoh aotiou. "Well," said he, "I'll be d d if I dared to turn around. Every time I have spit iu the ouspidor it baa oost me a twenty." Write for Catalogue and Prices The Massillon Engine S Thresher Go. PORTLAND, OREGON. LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu $86(840 Flour.bbl 2 40 Beeves, oows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 25 three " " 2 50 Sheep, muttons, bead .... 1 50 1 75 stock 1 00 1 50 Hogs, ou foot, cwt 3 00 Hogs, dressed 4 00 Wool 5 8 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 2540 Eggs, doz 8 Chickens, doz 2 003 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per owt 4') CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt $ 87 4 97 ( lour, bbl 2 60 89 8 60 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 ( 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00 Bogs, owt 4 50 Si 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 7 i 8$ Butter, lb ti (it IS Eggs, doz vm 15 Potatoes new, per ot... 60(j 85 old, " ... HOC 76 A. FEW OF k COMPANY'S We are not like our competitors, bait you on Sugar and Flour ; we bait you on every artiole in the Store We boy for Cash and sell for the same, And if we don't undersell, then we are to blame. We make neither brags, boasts nor idle threats, Neither do we charge for another man's debts. IR PRICES IE CDARANTEED TO BEIT All competition. We give tbe lowest living prioes, and anyone outting below our quotations, we will not only meet it, but beat it, as tbe quantity we handle enables us to do so. We Handle More Freight Than All Combined ! We have now in transit Nine cars of Groceries bought in new fields and at new prioes. These are a few of our Last Prices : Miner A. Co. 100 pounds Granulated Sugnr $5 50 100 pomds Extra O 8ugar 5 00 100 pounds Golden O Sugar 4 75 viilton Flour per barrel 2 65 100 pounds dairy salt 1 10 50 pounds dairy salt 60 100 pounds stook salt 85 27 pounds pink beans 1 00 22 pounds white beans 1 00 Pearl oil 1 50 18 pounds rice 1 00 Best tomatoes 2 25 Best ooro 2 00 20 pou ds bobp 1 00 Kock Oandy Drips 2 25 22 pounds raisins 1 00 15 pounds fine dried peaches 1 00 115 pounds fine dried prunes 1 00 Competitor. $(i 00 6 40 5 25 2 75 1 25 05 90 22 pounds 20 poundi 1 65 14 pounds 2 40 2 40 1 15 2 50 18 pounds 12 pounds 12 poundi 15 Klie nmntlum and Dropny. Ionb, Ore., June 20, 189'). My mother Chickens, doz 3 00 ft 600 i.,.rnt n,.u. .h,,nM ho )!, has taken two bottles of Hood'i Sarsapa- Turkeys, lb 11 d$ remove tbe trouble before it bas rilla (or rheumatism and It bas cured ner. bus is now taxing u ior dropsy Wheat, bu $ 52 53 and it is helping ber wonderfully. Cora Flour, bbl 1 80 ft 2 35 B. Russell. Beeves, owt 2 25 (i 3 60 dressed o (Ml ( oo Hood's Pills cure iudicefltion. bilions. Muttons, live sheared... 2 25 (t 2 75 nets, constipation, sick headaohe. " dressed, Dj 04 ft 04 nogs, on iooi o uu o (.1 .Iruouu.l n, (in Council MistiNO.-City council met Wool-Eastern Oregon.'.! 05 ft 07 W in called session on luesday evening Butter t'iti 16 with Mnvnr Moronn in Iho n.hnir. All Eggs, doz 10 ft 11 members present except Oounrilmeo Patterson and Farnswortb. Balanoe on to beoome too firmly fixed. Prudence would suggest tbe prompt me of Dr. J. U. nlcLiean's Liver aud Kidney 15alm wbich bas specific aotiou on the liver and kidneys and will eanse an early restora tion to healthy conditions. Price $1,001 per bottle. Farmers remember in any case anyone quotes these lower figures, its because they were compelled to, as we have reduced and they must come to them. Give us the benefit and we will give you ample returns We are here for business and not for health. MINOR & CO. Was It Olb Pence? A ineak thief recently entered ibe Arlington hotel ht Junction City early in the morning wbile tbe proprietor was at tbe train, aud broke open a trnnk in tbe parlor and stole bboot $103. Tbe parlor door being open when tbe proprietor returned irom tbe train an nted his suspicion and an iuvextigation brought to light tbe loss. Alter a quiet but thorough examination a man named C. C. Pence whs arrested, being charged with tbe robbery, aud while tbeevidecoe pointed very strongly against bim, yet it was not enough to bind bi'D over so tbe case whs dismissed. Hince Lis shady departure from this city liel ween two suns, some of onr citizens sre it'clined to believe t li in oar original Charles IVnce, mid in any event be It fully capable of performing ancb a job. Chickens, doz Turkeys, lb dressed. 3 00 dt 3 75 12 locnKiwf Tint note of Long & Scott for fire protection supplies being due, was ordered paid. Bills were allowed snd ordered paid as follows: A. T. MoNay, repairs on streets, $17; Patterson Pub. Co., printing, S3; A. A Bnrklrn' Arnica Halve. Tbe best salve in the world for cats, Bruises, Hores, Ulcers, Mult Blieiim, Fever Hores, I'etter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions ftrwl noiiiliVMlv Allr,l Pilofl. np lio f)AV !. - 1 I " I- . - r' noueris, marsnsi salary ior one required. It is gns'anteed to Bive I month and a ball, 875; Heppner Light perfeot satisfaction or money refunded. I and Water comnsnv. enrrent for Jane. m'" Pr box. for sale uy - - i rw nr $70; F, J. Hsllork, salary for Jane, 116 66. Marshal Roberta' report on tha oonditioo of reservoirs, depth of water, camber of gallon! and test! of bydranti, was rend and aocepted. Couiiil ad jonrnwL T. W. Ayers. Jr. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. publioiitiins. Don Karl's Clover lt''t will purify yonr BliMnl, rlur y inr Complex)"!. reguUte your bowels and rank yntir bead renr asatwll. XV, and tl ivild by T. W. Aers Jr. TO t ONM MPtltH. Thb Oilman Undkk New Manaoi- urt Tlie (tilriau hotel, of Portland, which baa been the headquwrter! for a many lleppuerite! in past yean changed management on M udy of last week. S. K lleevea, formerly of Ueppner and well known in Ibis county, but of more recent years a renid'-nt of L Grande, and E Sanders, both veterans to the buine. art now in full charge of this r ntilur hne. These gentlemen will spare do palm to make everything com fortable and p!easnt for their guwMs, and we ht-npenk for them a lilriil share of the patronage (if this eotlun, where Mr. lleeVes U Wrl koowu. 3 I What HnTsrH is Dinso it Tin Lim Of lHAML-Mneo Mrcti 1. 'I'.'i, the luUl til.oiint of n.n'i liktidist received It Dot far fr Bl (be following florM : Totnl fr Urn town, h.'l.ll.l miiiid; of thia amoant Minor k Co gets sIhmiI 4I7.37J pounds, leaving dot far front (hit amount, ir 1.071 pounds fr all the real tombmed. Wt bavo at iiior geJ In transit row than will I bandied by all Ooa.bitieJ lor lbs btit foor moot!.!. Vinos k Co. kandXfi) gV CmfmD I Cl-ooikJttla.NjCM 1 II a fl wtsl It Is alfi mi nitrmntoa trv all dnir. fluta. Jl cures fnriplant Coniumptlo aad U tn boat Uouga ana itoud wur tot al by 1. M. Arr. it., lfiKIl Sotlce of Intention. The OndrtighJ having been restored to health by iini'l" Bti, alter tulf-f-Ing for several year tib a tovera long IT-olioo, and tbat dread dieM, Con. !iimption, tt stii ions to make known la bit fellow nfferrrt tha means of i ore. To those who d Irs it. h will rbeerf al ly send, fret of charge, a oopv of tbt pta. oriptlon oed, which the will Ond tort eota for Consumption, 4tl.m. Ca tarrh, BroocMii! and all Ihrrrnt and Inr g ) mala lira Ha botiaa all .iff-r'a will Flfb T" AL -Tba M C. L. k T km his tetnedv II la lnl.it. 1 ba ,,,, La a full k of all kind of f... nai a chop, R,tl faa.1, barley. !.& Orrn s At Th Ihii.m. fiseon. Jul. I voTK r. H itrHthv Mvr.N that ntr. foil'. li.tf tialrifl arftirr fll-l fwttire ill nil Inlfiill. in to muli ru.nl i.fr.l l i iit.r1 ..I hl i lll. nn.l Ml't .f..l alll I l...i l-l.. mi W, M.rr., ..mi.ij Irrk.st II. ..l.r, (IHK..H. on Aus l'i, "i, l : nr. my ifrt.i. IM t t. rrn. f..r tl. . i", sr V. snd rKkK v.. 1 1. I S. M . K M ll i. ... Il. I. ..;.. Ii Hio'Mra ! .mr hi ri.ilt,i,'t.,a rt'.piif- WIM.M aii'l ulthatlnD ol Ml'l lali'l l M nr jak. r. x'xiitr 4 V( KHu r, Ilead "Oiin'!" Carlo! Boyd, agent. McFarland Mercantile Co. will pay eaah for wheat, barley, hlile and pelt! I armert should call and see them. a Meadows & Hcrivner, Ibe blacksmiths, boraeahoert and wood butchers, al the old Ounn stand. Main street, Heppner. Call od tbe boy. T. 11. Howard makes a specialty in 0..lvi"g stock men witb alt needed artii'lea, beaidea carrying a general line rjoe bia new ad. tr. Mathews Bros,, City hotel bather shop, tonsorial artiHla, lUiroutting, shaviog, ahaiiiMiitig, etc., dona tmrtititloiilly Baths at 25 cents apieo. " O. R. Hall, thfl tonsorial arli, oan be foaiul at lua parlois, Matlock corner, here h" will dixpetise al popnlar prices, ahavea, n ham ixhih. Imlronta. etc. Htaga leaves for Kcho Mondavs, Wdeaday. and Fridays, returning nn Tueadays, 1hiirdaya aud halurdaya. U. Wadn,l'rop. T. W, AyeraJr., agMiit, Itead Ootii's Financial HcIkhiI," and then Uaa np hi other publications They r all (Vir vinmng. internating Doll Carl'M Boyd, agent, he bun. Any inventor In F.aatern Oregon who d'airea tha aervice! i.f an attorney la VYael.intftori. I. U . Will find it to bit sdvantagn lo call on or addraas this pa par, Mf Walt. Thotnpaon runt alagn between Heppner and Monumeiil, arriving ery Talking Ttirougn His t The man who talks through hi bat ia everywhere in evidenoe very objection able evidence it is, too, in moat oases. Tbe man of intelligence ooveri bii orauium witb one ot T. 11. HOWARD'S fine straw hats, wbich is in Itself s liga of prosperity and good taste. Hm also bays hi! groceries, gents' fur nishings, stockmen's supplies, eta, at T. R. HOWARD'S. Mr, Howard makes specialty In those thing! required by sheep aud oattlemen. lleinemlier th plane-Mat. HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St., Four d.Mirt south of IhtUdy hotel AN ILL WIND ! T in an ill wind that blow do (T'hmI, find itltliotili tho J Iiy. ful praukH ot Oil Harm mnmhii thin fond couplet to tinHrary fin liHrruHHtni'iit, thn aituatiou greatly BIDllSI H tllll SJ'ctlltolH. I Likewise! tlio Hittintinn at 1 o rc io Hinco it Iiiih lM'rtim t AMtorri r. I 4 J'li ".. I"' drir.ng Ita prrarr (.f (,b, wti'cti a ll p... l'.ra m.IIi htf and it. a i.n.o a liliiiirf . ,!wlll pUawi a.Mraaa. v. LUUAItll K., l"h will U a.. a1 ronhla IUU., llfo. !)t), r. I. j'llili w. i,r:(, lk,u I ttelenl lo ItM-tO lor l.i i i....i i nanpner aon sionoruein, arriving ery - - , J.?. "V:!,w'M.;.lr::?7.':;,. M.,od. and Oonomlly known that k m y rir"i r'iniwTt i himi - viira- aat rout to tha lu tenor. P. O"ho, agent. T. W. Aver, Jr., I tnaklfg 'iirrel (Miiaoa Hial li guaraiilea. i kill no par, and aella n al 't oenl per ran, 0 Cai for l Wt; fi.Vt pr dofeo. ''t .loo WOOLKliY UAKUIICM A. I'lll-I 1. 1. "VIC Notice of Intention. OF At I A t.KASi r.. Hl!l".'.l, I H..o I hvrri.f ;.i II, at ifr,l a. tl i'r S.l fift..,f , i.. i. .oi in Mi.ia.rt f.i i aait.pla and try it. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Which ba sell at lUd Kak I'riea. rartrnTa (.f Kk'ltt Mit, Davi.laon, (looai lN-rry, IhiugUn, JorJaD . . . r . I It.- k - . a. a. . .1 la.!l.a.al.. a a.. .a . ..,..,,... ... . ;it.. t ..., . ... .i iin,,,.,, r .-. mu r a yi . aiMi ItitiA Rcrltofia) rs.n ii fin iHftr Ibaii tuakei iheir ptirrnaat-d (ti Liaflil, ...-. t,r,.,.,i,. on ,.t , ., i rrom rorilaiil, r.aa a't.te.i a twai'i'iii , ,, . , ,, ... . ... . ... . ,. . i . Mr. T. 8. H-klf. Chailaaoog!,! a.,i r a,..ia. ..'.'a.V1':;- wr- ' M.tl.e., " l,.,.ei,e, h..p, iMT-rr-a a n u ).,.-grniMmiK ...-,, , .n- T.bb "M.ilob Vilalii-r 'saved ! . . ,an.MI V Tl.aragntartnWnpti.rii ptu-m tt ll.a I J ' ' "" j r j 1 . fw. , , , , n : (Jrofc-ric., klid in fact II folli'ili'to atink f (jcbrtHI tiH'f("liliillsff. 1 W. l,li. 7mn..derillhabe.t famed, 1 . c.w, b'ide. (. A,j H.tnlVMy aH la U'M and th. . Vi..' lUV.AL'. ... . w. , Wit.faiyl.. Fre.U meat, and bo,,e.t y v a v Zl a .Ubllllatal Mtm I r Oaed.' ,! Mlf tbaappaaraj from toy boma in j regular pre t.l tba WeeHy Or'tf'.mao j Is ta r....t..i...,a r ,ln upon aii'l rullliatlxn ttiv, , averyine I() V . . ( ) I ? IClClN. . i..rU?. l.vV, ot kidrt-y tmubla' lleipttrrsMit lo-r wa.. tmr Any ,v. Ay i.a. suWr.l.lu f..r lha .'--"''. ... Tk. l-.,u,-. I'uk IV, I... ...1 ,Ui ,J UHUUVll. or d)apepl. Iivr or awn r ' cUtetla at.,1 t atita- f..r nta ar in 1 ":'' wo'ian. r-a'r aarna. Jay Itavla, Tha I atleraoa uh, ti, lia ti-rura.1 lltlMlt. I'ne 75 !. H'liby T., "J , ,V" 1 , .! V A ,! 1 i .L '11a J' r.da.M.a.l M llru.r . j lha agency l.f II, CteaiM-tt bieyole for - ' " , formailoa thai will 14 li ber recovery, advanr ran sl Urh It. (aeMa and rr B t nwtv, , " ti,.,.. .onliaa at.d will U.AJ'.'1- ., ba r.auWy ra.ard.d. j Uaakly Orrg.tiia for It. All r.l I nl. tM Nwr. I ' . L 1J , mI.7V. ..U a! H,ibVi K..ool r- $27 Um lliit WtJr. !acW. p. thair soWMpikm. for t ,Tr iTl e. J TT a. TI" a ...I. A -k,. 11 r.U: l b !blrk. VV.-. U II . I, ma, b, ..t t.a tt-kli Ik. ..h.. I befofa lint lng. H. JU af mm mm a- - J TP W frg and l'b-r pfrvaimn ia o t-ni and KJ .rut i- H "','-b" .,,t r iaaia.l t " ' ; . U at j 1 bom ! iii,ati. la e!ehfal tig H fol'lh , . ,,,.,. a r I r.lrl,-li- al l.t . al ..I (Iregnniatl, lha a;r'-al aaaapapaf t,f ll.a tt at. tit Mb th ((."', h-.'b 'f.rl- In a1tarre, f.. nt-a af 1 1 N .h.lta'r a- tPiioaie.t .if a( 'a eaa I a tt.a I ia tt . , l.-a aa ai l H ,,fru.""a 99 ai il'1-.t.al J".irr.al,t a U.tf f.l ',ai.t. ' "ttl,'! a. . .. ! 'l"'r,T r.tvrn THAT Tltf rl baa a law Lnn lra l ..,a..r, , t,..t. '....i..ui t tt. I . ,, . , , Ha, If I ,'k w f k Sun I !..,- I.ata rrata a. r -" -- I',n Ma,gr 1 1. .'a . f rl, I rtfh t ear t to a.. I, , a. II .1. ... ,.f al 1 .! fr t till I 1 tl ! ii i.j Mtii '..( aa I i.,. . a. a I. in at ot., ar.J Us ( alfai.l of t'.a Mffala. k I . , i . a K- ; Mi'I.ii , ..... .. t . ... I i . a a. . -..a .i- a.i I fit. ... a i , . ... l. I al It ... I a... I 1 i.al 4. U9 al aira-4 ar a.,., Alia frara ait a'a "II, ba dl w ,t, , ,a a y ttngi r It tt l-.at a. rn lifi. II ..li-f at.. I II Iriin, llll i '!' IMI'I ! 1 U t I f r l.f ra'rtrt, lu I Knot I it. Uirri U'r Is vi V cv, ri)- Fresh CirnriTK'S Chrnp for Cmli. Onlv. 0 fMH S IK QAUk AHO f.ti AlAi tV HAhOi 1im4 ( nrnar, t.Ufl. !