Pi i r.io ... silver mineB for $20. This story that free coii8ge would be solely for the benefit of owners of silver miues has gone on long enough. It is time for the gold bugs to "put up or shut up." Only takes $20 to "put up." Cincinnati Enquirer. New Yoek and New Jersey have Hayea and John Sherman, the then sec retary of tbe treasury, were opposed to it, aod on financial questions John Sher mD was at tbnt time to myself and many others nothing short of an oracle. So, before voting, I went np to bis office and asked biro wby be objected to the bill He saidMitchell, if that bill passes tbe senate every bit of gold will be driven ont of the oonntry inside of five years.' His arguments supporting bis statement LUNG CKEEK. captured the Kansas cyclone, and won me over and I went into tbe senate that state can now no longer claim chamber and voted against tbe bill. It the sole ownership. passed, and at the end of the five years there was more gold in the United States tpn timtta nver IhAn there hud been be- SENATOR SHERMAN authorizes fore Eleven years after Senator Sher- the statement that he will not be a man made that statement, a committee candidate for the presidential nom ination. Thin is unnecessary. was appointed by a republican senate cauoas, with Mr Sherman as obairman, to consider a substitute measure for the Tllunrt. Alliann hill. T Ml the rnnntfpst JACK DEMrSEY has returned to Lember 0f the committee and spoke first. Portland with a few thousand My arguments were nearly identical with rlnllnrn nnrl a broken down consti- those used when the Bland Allison bill II.. -i- 'II 1 "From present indications the tution. Jack's days as a pugilist onK,D,., pMB, iu i FllB " " man. as Honn as I had sooken. threw un bis hands and declined that if my ideas were followed every bit of gold in the country would be driven out inside of five years. I then tackled him on bis propbeoy SILVER SENTIMENT ABROAD. next English parliament soon to be are ended. elected will be strongly in favor of international bimetalism. In fact the unionists claim a majority of 40, and the liberal leaders already admit their defeat. With this change of affairs in England, we certainly would not have such a Peeper has deserted the popu lists and is now out tor a new party with "Let the people rule" 0f eleven years ago to the same effect, as a motto. His platform consists and of course he was unable to deny a of but six ulanks single argument I used. I he whole com miuee was bhubuhu hi iub iunuuy ui uin .Kionfin hni T flnrl it. aHIl livaa Anrl in Ttjw Wnnfl Tloolcr'a TTninn rf . - i i I u ,1 ;.. ii; n x the Ihoj or oommon sense, statistics ana b T . , .,, , Salem held a picnic in M anon everything else, onntinueB to nourish U y, XU lUUb VY 11 Li wci ui n li j fiuu France already in favor of a con- Culled from the Eagle. Wm. Rudio retarued yesterday from a busintrss trip to Pendleton, Otis Patters n, W. B. Bobbins and E A. McCoy were passengers on Wednes day's stage to Canyon City. Wm. Gordon, who has s"j')urned sev eral weeks at the McDuffie bot springs, returned on tbe 5tb to Heppner. Henry Scheringer and Peter Qleason, of Heppner, were in Lofig Creek during the races last week. They are both out ing at the McDuffie bot springs. John Gagen, owner of the Black Butte mine in Fox, passed through Long Creek yesterday aooompanied by a number of San Franoisco mining men, en route for bis mines in Fox valley. To an Eagle reporter be s'atedthathe had just re turned from San Francisco, where he bought new milling machinery for bis J mine, which be xpects to have in plaoe at tbe mine inside of Bixty days. Mr Gagen is a practical mining man and will make a success of tbe Black Butte. The readers of tbe Eagle may expect to see 100 men employed at this mine in side of the next year. Here are THREE POINTS : Which we wish you to Remember : First: -We Keep HARDWARE Second: We offer it CHEAP Third :WTe sell FOR CASH We are enabled to give more for a dollar than the usual "Dollar's worth." GILLIAM I & BISBEE Main Street, Heppner, Or ference and England on the eve of a change, the should certaiuly feel encouraged." The above editorial which ap- quare last wenk wbich waB well among ignorant people, attended bv the fraternitv. short "l suppose tbere are people in uregoo f " ' - i:U Lli.L!.t.i.L. 1 iU I.: J IflUVA JU IUC ou un 1 1 ! 1 1 ev. IOOI1HU ttUUUKIl IitJ lUIUtt lUttb tuo HIBUUO friends of Silver ' of ilver in the state convention of re- aim fill. nntilinan nlnha hfllrl in Pnrtlfinfl in Mav r - " nurd in fttu minrtritv nn annnnnt. rf iha H8 a presiuBimai pus- .,,,. tBHt HkfifB of 1B onnosino fac- i a . . yd f 1 I l" . I I . . . .. .1 r peared iu the Ufizeue or juiyotu nihility, is beginning to attract tions. That is not the case Myadvioes was based on conclusions reached niore than pansing notice, in fact and they are relmble, are that the after carefully noting the senti- he is conhidered by many as the mends of silver in that convenfon were mr.t. AnreHKod in the IWIish i.li non,i;,lia fn f nW;.. In the nnjority, bot rrtber than . ,r ., . , r Hpht tbe meeting on the sunjHct wern campaign. However, the victory Hn nomination. ,. to . ftVe lt and not taok,H was greater than ttio above prelic mHtter that properly belonged to tin tion, as the unionists or conserva- The fourteenth session of the national convention. tivfiH will have a majority of 100. International Christian Endeavor "But I believe it is the wisest polioy for Tl,a l'rtl,,,l Knn HtriLfH tlw nmni,'nn l,Uu nat,, of the repuDiioans everywuere, wniie nav v . v ' v " " i i i nil' u una Vi"r" M tV I'WDiiwui ,, t , I ra ttiAm ii id nil I nu I T7 1 hi a nn r Ii a iv nnoii keynote when lt says: Uy for the Shu 1'rancisco has been selected qneBtioDto p(1i(.uy WBit tii, ,be pro, er most signincaiit ana gratirymg as the place tor holding the next time oomea before making any attempt news received thus far is the de- annual gatherirg. at action. I don't believe that because feat of Sir Willium Vernon liar. a republican leans to the free coinage of cou.t. Koseberry's chancellor of Senator John H. Mitchell ! be ,H .tbe ,efl8 "'pnbiioan.Dor . . , , , ,, . , do l believe tuat tue man woo renes on p,l,Unr.plUHrau..v.l,H.1Ur1r, "" .v.v,..n u.. n , e A ntHn(iHrd is any less deyited to liberal district of Derby. Har-Oiegon I ress Association at New- 0nr ureat party than lam myself. Time court is one of the worst goldbugs port next week. Senatoi Dolph after time in the senate republicans have in all Europe. Not loni since he delivered an oration before the voted on one phase or another of thi reolied to a memorial fT bimetal- UD.,. 11(I1 ut l,llut,n lnt vonr "wny disoussion in whstever way their i.. l.n.l.u.L,i..ntl..tl.nrn..;yt.. ' nonsoienoes diotated, and their republi jnilJ rj H' vim 'h ',v u . (fill' 1 U J " I I Aumam hua on Tnruil titlfnri Bimii v no 1 .. :.... 1 , . . 1 11 ... ".... goveiuiiieuw uu uu iuluuiiwu it IH given oui on goou auuion- CBI1HB we baTe never 0Hlu.el n the hbandoning the gold standard. Uy that the San ''rancisco Exarnin- question, and never raised the issue." Her miijesty a government, with ,.r illH purchased the Toi'tUnd Sun. lloHt-berrv at the head of lt. lias VV l,ili it. in waid tlint. the trnnufcr well Pllen! Pile! ltcbing Piles. by mptoms Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, nhicb often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very eore. Swaynbs Ointment stops tbe itching and bleed ini, heals ulceration, and in most oases removes the tumors At drnggints, or by mail, for&Ooents. Dr, owaynei Son, Philadelphia CO. DON'T FORGET THAT P. C. THOMPSON Are Still in Business In spite of boycotts. Our enemies are still trying to drive us out, but as long as our friends stay witb us, we win continue u sell honeBt goods at honest prices WE DON'T THROW OUT BAITS To catch suckers as we do not expect reasonable people to judge us by the price of one or two articles. Be sure and call when you want If been kicked out of office and sup erseded by a government which numbers aiming its leaders man) earnest friends of the whito metal. This overwhelming victory means thtt an international mone tary conference will iu nil proba bility be held this year, and that the United Slates, (heat l5iitain, Germany, France and the Latin union will be represented in the conference. In the Oregon l'ress Association Sunday program, as outlined iu the Journal a few weeks ago, a hitch Iihh appeared. 1 1 wcnis that Char lie Nlckell positively refuses to lend the nllii niative side in the debate, "Docn the bible prohibit the wearing of bloomers?" slid that Ira Campbell, who is down for the negative, htreuuouslv ob jects t swapping with Charlie. The (li'lmte will doubtless fall through, unless some married man, win is imt afraid of social OHtrarisui at NewMrt, shall Volun teer to h ad the hlVumative. I Vs sil lotittud. AuiiANoi mimh are being made to hme one of the largest cliiiii- bnLi'H ever attempted on the ioat, dining the time the'J'il) editors w ill bo here. It is likely it will be on the second or third day after tin ir ariivnl. It will be a genuine "Jersey ront clambake" coiihirting of clam, crabs, lixli, chickens, green corn and owed n.at.H'H u 1 1 ti eo Mild llie-nauce. The chef de-cuiMim tf the I'ottbiiul Hotel hait been etigagetl o Inaiiagu the I'uko. NtHiit lleionl. Klertrlc This remedy is l!lltern. becoming so :.. . ,.i ..! u 1..... ,n m(l ,,-k .-"niu mi, " ""D known anil a., n.mnli.r as to need no been iiractically agreed upon. In special me tum All who have used thin itvent look out for the Kiii.'h Kleolnc Hitters sin the sunn song of tins event look out lor mo hun s prH1Bo A pnrer imi,lj(,1I)P a,lH(l not rays. and it is guaranteed to do all that is Cl111111e.il. 1'Jeotrii' isitters will rare all .1 .1 r 1 if.. 1 ..n m . 11 Hint."nr-n 'i iiiti ui vrr niiu ixi'inrin, win .lOhEPiiv oohK.oi Boston, created reran ,.)raH hoIlH Hl,)t Khenm nd unite a sensation by severely criti- other aireHiis ciiused by impure blood. ,. ., ...1 1 1 1 I 11, lliivo l.lllllt'lit lii'lll 1 1 1 r- njviii Using liesi.lent v leveiail.l wnen nn( prevent as well as cure all Malarial iliilivei ihi a I'oni th of . I ill v oration fevers Kor cure of llfailache, (lonsti- ., , , ,, . , I tuition and lnditfeHtiin trv Klectrir over in Honolulu, lie was inter-1 (titters Entire satisfaction anaranteed. rupted and lept inianded by Minis- ' money refunded Pro 5l. and Si i ii i t ,i per bottl at T. W. Ayers, Jr., drugstore, ter W ll 1 IK, which brought forth an indorsement from the people iu the way of storms of applause. Ex-l'lsrsiUKNT llAltltlHOS has sthted publicly that he will not be a candidate again for the prehiden tial nomination, but has intimated that ho would not refuse the sen ator ship from Indiana, 'this he can iu all probability have if he desires, and in any eveil Mr. Yoolhees will be relegated to tho rear. 1hi kr)lur iif III Arrk In the eililli e nf health is viuor, which nii'HiK nut merely luimiiiiUr ciiery, hill an active ilicliHf g of the varmiip fniu limi n the body, such hn digi slinii, - r.-l i ti of tli line, I tin m'liuii nr tlie IhivtU, the piri'iilallmi of the lilninl N . i 1 1 1 1 1 a ui'i'x actively and IIiumiikIiI v miilril'iil. In I he nulled ieriril)HtiOe of iiHfin fniicllnlis than Him ieiniie. tntuc Hint r' tTH'sli". II Mileler' Hlniuniih Hit t.-r The rexiill uf Its lle in a n)iee,ljr tfH hi III ulri iitflli. In vet her Willi the nw'ee. utile eiMim'liiiliiiieiM tliat I hi" leniiri nt life in lelii IO't'H'lieln.,1 - lint one I Uvilig up l.irti f vitality Htraiiinl Hi mmvi'lil liU ilrailMhls lm ll eld t tieiln lipnii l,. at alrtll. Till" f.ifllf ) lllg lltilelll li iim litlef iviiihIiIiiI a rcllt'd safn- t Htfaiiiat nmUfin. rlieiiinnliKiii and kidney I r.illlilx A' tlt" and l.-e l lit ).r..e Itir.iiicli ll , and It pr,,lrol Dim )!) IU frnlll III rfTrt'lii of p.. Id Slid I lli p. M AtOll Milt lit I.I. UN "II.UK In rnviil Inlervlew at Atri Si tia l.if Milclii ll e tlii . illuming rnnipt rriiMi Iii rrHrler's lniii'lea; 'Y', ttie UtlfT g'ral irwtiD, hilt Imi'l lull tilling men mako an nilak I lit. llrf yi.lli.n ll . llnte hrO Hip I line O.Hii.st. I If II )nn llial I lief it iM'iil itifiit III ll'rii gruwinii Viry day in favor if toiler rucogiulmn ef Mr lulu tiielal, and aill lm f. .I In .le eUr i.iiii.r vto ti Hunk rrn.ly Ml -.ll. II en ll ! Ill lie tl'lrall n i a. II m....i,'Ii kn ii ad i'''f He fount'). I I am a ffi-ii t nf i . r. h i, n.ind )hii, pii " nr a ' lr "ill ef ni n," lhl silll- ! uf all iillj lifM.'. I am an a li j ral i'f Iii ei.ii.', "Hj II r I'niirJ Htalea lnn, Henal-'f, ClIli'A'tO bait t lat illxcovrti-il iripiri-ln i f lml an ulhirtialioa that IIh-ih i rott. iim a in it city j " ''" " 11 goM.nment. It wm a!.,.,,, MAwUIm.U k(,U k ....... . J , . I (winliai.l lir, I I llin Onuly a.y inauer ror i,.caK" " j ,., VuiXnl Htmt , Ml lt.i roiiditiou -f hlTair iu 'thi ri),,,jP,1,tl,,B, u,rf nuiBrf Clliea, lilt (' !' rUIJII.. t.l i t.., eo ta'lli. Wl.nl La Id tl.elll O-lliO tlSlftllg t-llt till IT . U ft.-' I f l'.-lM.)fan.g'i,w0 . i . ,, . , Hi iiUn.l Alii -n I'll mintr-lnsd Ula (a aenalM, I e"Wpara'li It )iill nt a in .. o.'a, hut I l d lli "i.Mit etrr I I K hii'I-i aa I ii .Iia 'B I i Sup j .it !, ! it. ! I ! tt.at I t'i"l Hiihscriliers to the Weekly Knn, the cniug paper of Oregon, 1 per year. With the Oaz'tte, both in advance, 9'J73er year. A good combination. Two of the people's papers at one price Suliaerilie a' I he OneHe nfliiit. A l 1 1 bunker recei Uy npplied .i the r iilroa I coinpauy for all the Klli r tnki II ill dutllig the In t few IliolitliN en that the l ank Wotlhl la' hbi l.i aupply the farim ra with iltcr ! pay their lioii picket. It ia it fiiinilmr fact, sh)h n gun autln'iil), that the tulley f itincr nte i ii b d to pay n premium (-t nhil Ori) hop ( iikii.t; a. a. oii, Add t 1 1 1 thi IC NIC a. 'Mil' who re 'f)H'jJ "I'omi Willi aiKtr," PERSEVERANCE COUNTS. Editor Guild, of the Sheridan Sun, and one of tbe funny members of tbe last legislature, again comes to tbe front in a very onmical manner as follows: Bill Titemach, one of tbe "400" dudes at the county seat, was in town last Sat urday. John W. Squirrelhammer came n to our office and quietly told us that Bill was sbootintr off bis month about us down at tbe "Big Panther saloon." Put ting on our Prince Albert coat and tuck ing the i flioe mallet in one of tbe tails of he snrrie, we wallied over to the uinger null to epe about it. When we wint in Iti1! lib ciiHfiuK us black and blue, bat when we entered the "gihlen den of in iqnitv" he shut up like a olam. We ailed for a glass of aloes and rosin, with a dash of hops in it, to steady our nerves. We then made all kinds of remarks in loud and boisterous voire about "county seat stools, etc." We abused Fern beater, Judge McOoogin, Cy dopes, Ad dlehead and several of "the ring" for all we w( re worth, but Bill Dever opened his bead. We then went out, the whole crowd following tie and slapping ns on the back and shouting "bully boy," "ou're the colonel," etcetra. After we left, bill told Tom Orabem, the barkeep, that we had a gun on us, claiming he saw the shape of it in our coat pockets, It was only the office mallet, but it was cocked and loaded and ready for busi ness just the same. Bill left town, the boys say, looking down his nose. Grit in d pi rseveranoe will make a paper in any Iiiwd. While in Stockton, Cat., sometime ago, rhos. F. Langan, of Los Banns, that state, wbb taken very severely with cr lines and diarrh'iea. He chanced to meet Mr. O. M. Carter, who wassimilarlv 111 cted. Hrt avs: "I told biro of Chamlwrlain's Colic, Cholera and IHnr rhoea Reined y, and we went to the llol den Drug Store and procured n buttle of it ll gave Mr. Carter prompt relief and i can voneii Tor I'n having cured me For sale by Hlocntu J.dnnein Ding v'o. Don't Pass It By ! Y 0, never pan a Rood thing. Always take I 1 advantage of legitimate opportunities to J. make the most out of everything, which " applies to t e purchase of drugs, medi cines, etc.. down at T. W. Ayers' Druit Store. Just opened fur the Inspection of the public one of the finest lines of toilet articles, perfum ery notions, and the like, ever seen In Heiipner. Avers naa auytning ana everyiniug in enuiesn priitusiou. rrescnpooiiB uuea u&y aim nigiit. Heppner ttuililinii. nrrt door to T. R. Howard's. T. W AYEliS, Heppner, Oregon. Jr.. Wood and Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Willowware, and many other things. You SHOULD Pppflp For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY ! HOTEL Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Mrs. Tom Bradley, rrojp. 5T LIST! IF Mr. Columbus were alive to day and called at Mat Licbten thal's he might make a new discov ery quittt as memorable as that of 1492. Chi is was a great discoverer in his day. He would at this time dincover the finest stock of Shoes ever shown in Heppner, and the cheapest as well. What more does mortal man want ? The Old, Original Shoe Merchant, M. L1CHTENTHA.L, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Custom Work a Specialty. In order to reduce our stock of SEWING MACHINES jmj Do You Want a Rig ? TM'mf JJont You Want a rlace to Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson fe Binns, Lower Main Street, Meppner, uregon. These Gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Gtlliain anil other coiintlei, 20 oo and can save money ana time in minting tucse leciiom won iravenuu iiiuii. Prices In keetiluit with the times. I hear are nartjain rrier jnr tmmtnime orrrn- i aace. ( ail at onre on P. C. Thompson Co. We quote the following Hard Times pneeg tor Uhsu: One New Home, latest style, new, One New Home, style 1890, been run a I ttle but good as new One New Home, second hand, in good order; a bargain One Favorite, has been rented out and used a little; good as new, thojM pson & Biisnsrs. LIVBETilElT, IIEFFITEB. W.L.Douclas S3 SHOE A Ml U Sow has rharite ol the it rk ofrondi llnlier. li-s, (rnlia, riara, liilmfi'in, vie., lornierly I.XIU-.1 ,y Ho)il Mi Hum ell. Which lie in iliapoxiiifj of ut CUtc Mime I'rian. Ice Cr m mill Ice Cri-am HhI. Iiinms le anil Oraniie I l.ler !) kept nil liaml. (HVi: HIM A CALL. Wilt sl.le Main Hirer t. Minor llutliltiif. "My Pet" ISTHC BEST, riT row a kino, 3. CORDOVA NT, 430 FlNCCALf JiKANCABOOt 3.SOP0UCE.3SOLes. Mt2.W0RKINGHtiA 2.i.7-9Boys'SchoolShoex LADIES' : b Ei:!:;; Uilule -OF- For the Cure oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It la located at Salem, Oregon, The Mutt Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the GAtrrri nfflra tor particular, ctrli tlycoiitlilential. Treatment private and sura cure. srNDroeTLoctnr vr&sssiJi&a g Tli.U. S. GOVERNMENT All our ahoea art) equally Mtlsfactory Vay w7 Jhtf f lv lh hrt value lor In monr. tha prlcra arc unilrm.-lampd on aola. the ir ual waloflt ahixa In aty l and III. 1 ntlf tarln( quaiitlea ar unaurnaaaM. Fram Ii la f 1 aavrd or eih r makra. U yuur Jcjk-i cnnut supply you we un. ruid Bf Dealer hoa nnme will aliorlW an pearliere. Aueui wanted. Apply at once in sniooi Monmouth, Ore. K Ifaiitli t h.l l.'f Ira. Ii. ra t'.,mi !.i !, rla.le lialiil .Ir l I i.irlil an I ll,,i.g ,rlrMi. ,1 ai, a. a lrtiil it .,!. $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVESTORS. m.aaniiaiwnh ft awar In aT am liasa atira ihtmmh im lut Uaa aauat aMntaneua pauM OwAf Vif a4nh ttUt.g awur ihm bnl natanla nr awir rllvnta. aad il oHi v4 th, pWr u w aacama invM M armk 4 thwbnt hi kVraa. Ai llx uaaa luaa uakiiatpnw R U vImc IIM tail Uul 17 'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL IN XNT10NS THAT VILLD IWtNCS, aackaa iha "cm win-W wamkeaa a aaaSrcTxl aa and hwa whhowI Uaki( im fMMrnant bach, x "aw mh." "...IW kuii.H,." "4t lk. "ban. I P ) 'ie. aad a iSouhI mMi kiti Ihinfa inai ml a , a M(ti4 a a el wiinnf . aau ik auapla fyj aaamuMM at ihana ihu bnai Urfnt tMutaala IM amhm. 1 ty Uwvk ol aathw k ana r V) IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SCCMS. (?.) r Ilia immwW l I"nR mmmWl mu ojbj af Kail kCmr,T' puU.Ow4 a W ahifif taM, to to to to ft to ft to ft to ft PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To ptrsom wh served ! he wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a Tension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wara on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To rereivt a renion, who now do not. Thousands under the new law arc entitled to an Increase of pention. The Rovernment owe it to you and is willing and Anxloua to pay. Why not preaent y our claim at thin preaent time ? Your pension datce from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. trWute for Uws and complete Information. No Charge for advlc. No Fee tinlcu svKCettful. ft to ft to ft to ft to ft to ft The Diploma ef the achaol lantiii on i Ajo- t C , k K mm .o.r" r.l"",.Sad m dia liimi ml lurawk a a anwa M Hu iunl. It t M la ad ot ctoow. W tr,i U M com. iha wmiM a, k aoc,ik hak mrntmn Si fmtf, tr I kwiwra.uo4 tWna ml M ol K 'Nci,u4 K at m " OMMamrf a iim a of ik oMioor. an 4 a ao, ml kc himwm, k Mwad l xvfHnut ih I tJ Sam aav( ttiati Mi act immx tkaa otvd ( to load a'r i iM aM.ia mi il, .n A a i.ooMutMa nauitcd Mn H Thc Prcss Claims Company g rniUP w. AMRCTT, General Manner, ft iS P 5trcct, WASHINGTON, D. C. to Jb A t taeh in en ceMniyiM the euie writha . Vk iff- Tt A I "''""'" j J . 'l ' WV J 'V h-aM a. L.talig, I ,. .iiin IO , ' I fj. . A Vt k ') f i M j . "4 IT H.a .III il a-i hra'lt f il L.ali.ri M,!.,a J iuJiil' V "Av 5 t"' l-"a.vtl.. oilla..,dl. hf ,, j " t U I'1' V'S'j H fl al ai rhrr(i.;; anl on ai f;i. all.m r . --.Mrwg r i. cni'ni Um.r-''d aaat, Tlr . A. kK. I'no.-lrl t " cal'NcU. w.f,i.i IiYOKTS. mW N I John wrnnnRiu us & co.. olkilwe ol AowfHMl and I ol fauota, OlS I3 Street. N.W.. aahlngtiti. D. C. fit fmmft.,1, t Act f. c-l 1 MiMf tn'kd. Kcint- r f-l-atarl I aa . I m I I i a. 'I l id InLtra el dVttorneyN nt Inxx-. All tuaiiicod alUo Ir J t.i la .rMl nJ aatiafaciof; maasor. .N"Unra I'uI.Im' aod ll'k,a. tyrnrv m ratios i, iuk ivim-imi, JlMlvnt, ii,i V LOAN CO. '' v.f.,.,i I ..i,4'., riiir n - ml la'1 i-aifl . lrg..i4ia fal ii -i.f'C u,r,'-l f4fw a In fWr.n o ii i a.ir ft, tri., al a fair t.l tirral n,M l,i.(,pt I c.'.l wfan,'i't 4rtf4fvo ,.,rr. u,al l.aa ui.i I., rtlhc, ecu. 1.41, 1. A I Ir44 OI'H '41l Mmvis nkTa, l4, I'll,. Mf,.. ofr of Fmul StWement. irt' r t itrtitkr .tvt tmr Tt rttd e idktir ft fraie tl n ' h I . i t 1 1 . . t . - 1.1 Id! - 1 XT. JLrtiat Com H1f lm tnmlmlUJ tVw kMpfu ik.J LaJ.. (?A 1? V Hi 4 Mrai. OkIU 9H4imnUt4 fry U.,m. ifltl'fffl((( a a a at aTv eT. aT. vtyvlv sW vC v- vC, v4V vC w l-.vi . v a . 4 , v a , a .1 a, a. a . w . .a . hai.wo.v ai an la ,l',.i.,i a r- ' . 4 ' " " ' w I . 1 .... t . . ,,.... 41 ll, t lrm .-: .,. .0 ... . a II- 1 I ii I ' . 44 I.. 1 i , , d. 1 m, j 11 in 'i 1 I. ire rfl I 1 nn 1 1 Unh'C 1 1 x AW Bicycles Are tho Highest of oil High Grades. .fr.M.-. t-n- f u.arrirV: tmr.l la ifca tr!1, tataMloae of artro. I" ut - "-'r lf M)r ut an lM,M..f .booU Iwrtoa "1 e .a-ar.lo.4 ,m ,t. 1..h.I.,1-.-, t-11 !', ;ar t r.cfti. h, i,t.i u 4. ... a ,. 2tik SCOUCMtRtes. JJlki. LADIffeiTg. INDIAN. VAn- m 1. ......... . . . V v . - , f- ' ft 'I W 1 T f '; -. ... . .. . .