aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . . , . in WTUCK BRANDS. Wh'le yon awep yorir subscription paid up yen em keep your brand in free of charge. Allvn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses GK on left shoulder; cattle oame on left hip, under bit on right ear. and npper bit on the left; range. Mor row county. Armstronar, J. 0.. Alpine. Or T with bar un der it on left shoulder of horses; oattle same on left hip. AlliBon, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand, O D on left hip and horsns aame brand on right boulder. Range, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, J A con neteri on loft flank: cat'l". name on lft hm. Bu'd D W and sm. Horsst brant' rl D B on the let' hin; c tl ths an on left fl ink. crop off rin t nar. nn dercrop in the left. Itange in Morrow County. Bartholampw, A. (i., Alpine. Or. Horses branded 7 E n either shoulder. Range in Mor 'ow nountv . riannistnr,.!. W., Harrlman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh; split in eaoh ear. Brenner. Peter, lionsabnrry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on rlHhnrke.9M 8t C!, Long tireek. Or-On oattle, MAY connected on left hip. 01 op off left ear. un. dor half oroD off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Bangs in Grant and Morrow CH?onan, Jerry. Una Or -Horses branded 7 on right shonlder; cattle B on the left side. Left mr half crop nd right ear tinner slope Barton, Win.. H -ppner, Or. -Horses, J B on Hght thigi. oattle same on right hip; split in Brown', Isa, f-eitington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle: cat tle same on right hip; range, Mor- Brown J. C, Heppner. Or.-Horses. circle n :tl. ,tt ;n a tarnn left Md: Cattle. RTlfl. Brown, W. J., bena. Oregon. Horses W bar or it on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left Lin Boyer, W. G., Heppner. Or.-Horses, box brand an righ hip oattle, same, With split in Borg. P. O.. Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left ihonldar: nattlo. same on left hiri. il '1 ' ur t v, rwr.arr.ln. .IB connected nrtlaftsMni crop on le't ear and two sohtsand middle piece cut out, on right ear; on horses same hrsnrt on the left thigh; Range m Fox valley, ?ri.?.nwoMor, Woffimr. Or. Horses brand edOon right Btifl'e; cattle (three bars) on piolit mVis. cron and HDlit in ftaoh ear, Katitfe in Dain R., (ialeb.Or -Y 0 on horsea on left stifle' TJ with quarter circle over it, on bti mnnnrnr ..J n left stifle on all colt u dnr 5 years: on left shoulder only on all horses over Ii years. 1- nnnntu. Cat Ches. H.. Vinson or Lena. Or Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hin. Range Morrow and n-natllla ;''in,'";; r-nrrim.ll M M Oa'lowiy. Or a' t in crop on it of fach ear and ni.drliit, wat.i'e in forehead half ci-clo 0 on left ftitle. Hange .Uur ..A lt...aiiila nnm til's. Curl T H John iHv. Or Double oross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in ,l.hi .r. stilit in left ear. Range In Orant .,.,. nn ahin. invortwl a and spear noint n .K,;,',l,lor. Kar msrko.i ewes, crop on loft oar v.j hit in riirltt,. Wethers, crop in iii.. .nrl nn ler half crop in left ear. All ranga in tirant oonntv. . Cook .1 l,ona.')r. Horses, (Won riahtaliiinl dor ('at'le same on right hm: ear mark sipiare crop off left and snlit in right, r .-rie 11 Y.. Cnrriiisville, Or. -Horses. on ..-tl-. I',:. W,i H.. Hurl-nan., C with .. ... ...... na. hftrarut CK on loft Sin. Cochran,' R. K Monnment. Hrant Co , Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark i 1...... K..II, aura end dewlao. u Hunlmsn. Or. Horses branded Oonriirlit hip. Cattle branded the same. Alt., brands CI on horsea right thigh; oa te S'laie hml on rinlit hliouldur, and cut oil end ol "".l."?, r M Oollowav. Or. Cattle. R 1 on pIM.'i .ide.s'wmlow'-fork in each ear: horses. K U 0J,"."nh.i" n,.lR..Or.-Horse branded KIA 'i..ft alu.nliinr. oattle same on leftliip. hole Wm.F fl'H.. Hardman. Or Horses brandei i,..o.,'r.l C with taill 'in left shon'der; cat. iiJ... ....I.t hin. Iliuige in Morrow nonnty, Florence, ! A.. Ilepi.eer Or.-Cattle, LF on rlifht hio: horses F with bar under on right ''Flormine. 8. P. Hennnw ..'-""""":. ' .! -l.. -u.... i,iu.. nmtt a. Fon ridht hto or thigh. t .,h n.,nn llennner. Or Cattle brande. irant oonntv. . . Bmith Bros Hnsviville. Or. Horaee, branded Z. onshonlder: csttle. m on left ationioer. Hooires. James. ArlinKton. Or.; horses branded JHon left shoulder: cattle the same, also nose waddle. Range in Morrow and itiliiamco miles Htephens. V. A., Hardman. Or-; horses B! on right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side Stevenson, Mrs A. J.. Heppner. ur. mine, a on right hit : swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart. O. W.. Heppner. ur. norses, on left shoulde' ; cattle, 4 on left hip. Roerry. K. G.. Heppner, Or. 1 attie on eft hiD. crop off right and nnderbit in left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shonlder. Thompson, J. A.. Heppner, Or. Horses, I on left shoulder: cattle. 2 on left shonlder. Tipoot8.8.T.,Koterpnse.or. tiorses. i-on ion shoulder. Turner R. W.. Heppner, nr. nmaii capiiai i left shonlder. horses; cattle same on left hip with split in both ears. Thornton, II. M.. lone, ur. Horses nranaeo HT connected nn left stifle: sheep same brand. VanrfermKil. H. T.. lona. Or: Horses H con nected un right ehoulder;cattle, Bame on right Walbridge, Wm . Heppner. Or. Horses, TJ.L. on the left, shoulder; cattle same on light hip, orop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, Jonn U,. Balem or Heppner, ur. Horses branded Jo on the left shoulder. Range Morrow nonnty. Warreu. W B. Caleb, or Cattle W with quarter circle over it, on left Bide, split in right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder, uangein Grant comity . . , Wade, henry, Henpner. Dr. Horses nranaeo ace of spaoeM on leu snoniner ana ihh inu Catt le branded same on left side and left hip. Wolflnger. John, John Day 'ity. Or wn horsef three parallel bars on left shonlder; 7 on sheep, hit in both eare. Range in Grant and Malhuer counties. Woodward. John. Heopner, Or. Horses, ur noenecteH on left shoulder. Watkine, Lisha. Heppner, Or. Horses oranaen D K oonneoteit on left stifle. Walls. Charles. H -ppner, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, holt in left ear: horses, W on righ' shonlner sonn same on left shoulder. Whittior Bros., numiuguin. Baker Co.. Or. - Horses brandod W B connected on left fhoulder Williams. Vasoo. flaimlMn, Or. Quarter oir ole over three bars on left hip, both oattle anr horses. Range Grant oonnty. Williams. J 0. bong Creek. Or Horses, qnar tor circle over throe hars on left hip: cattle same and slit in each ear Range in irant oonnt.y Wren. A. A., 'oppnor, Dr. Horses runnings. A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young. J. H.. liooseiiarry. Or. Horaes nranno rqnn tho rlrht .honM.- H '1 E. McNEILL, Receiver. to tub; GIVES TUB CHOICE or Of Two Transcontinental TAVERN OF 0 Ciws ill WF. with bar over it. on left side; crop off ear. Horses, same ornuo i .om. ,i...... h'i,.,r s'.ehn. Or -Hor branded H. with a quarter ninile over it. on loft stifle. Range in 'Viorrowanii uinwni"-. ii. .it k l Itidua. Or. tlattle. rotind-top wlihnnarler nircle nnder It on the right hip, ii - i u,.,.,.a anrl IT msttUa count it A lanka. Hamilton. Or Cattle, t wo hi on either hip: crop in right ear and split in left, Horses J on right thigh. Range in Grant oounty Wanner. Or- (T F eoniiei'ti'dloii right shouhlor on hows: on cattle, on right hip ami on ion, sine, ewmiow mr i riuhl aar and slit in loft. Range in HaystAc .ii.,Ptt vi,Fr,w oonntv Mle ' Milnm. 'Vanor, (r.-llorses hranded i i ,,iu u.ti. i.oritlli,! tailsl on left shou dor Cntlleaame on loll hip also large oirnls on lefl side. Howard J It. 0 illowiv. Or.-H i'ns T (cross with h r a'lovo I'l on right s'l i ihlor; eattl -smiie on h'ft siiln. Rang' ill Morrow and Umatilla "'i'i'h'i"" Iwin, John Pav. Or. Cattle F. linn rUhl hn; hors s sa neon ri J lit sliuul.lor. Range in tl'-nt I. . . , , Hughes, Mat, Hoppiier, Or. Horaes, aha led heart on the left l Ider. Range Morrow Co. IMnsaker, H A. Wagner. Or. -Horses, U on left (h'eil lr esiile, Hon left hip, Hii'nuhrnvs. J M Hardman, Or. Horses, II on '"'llnsillli. I.niher, Fight Mile. 'r.-Ilorae Hon ft,a lefl sh ell l r an I hirt on the loft stills Cat Ue sa ns on left h'll. Hinge In Morrow oo.mlT .l ines. 'I irrv. II ipilT' Or-H irs'i tirsn lel II .Ion t'-e l"f' ai.oihlor; ra'tle bra nlral J on right hip. al i imliirliil in left r. Range iu llo.row con ity. Junkiu, ri Ilepnnar, Or -Horses, horo shoe J on left ahonldnr. ( alt Is. tlis sains. Range " r"l..hi Mils. Johns .n. Fell! L-ns, Or.-Horses. oireUToe let siiMa: naiile. sa naon right hip, molar half rop in rih anil suit n left ear Ksnnr, Mik , Hepp-er, Or.-Horses hrsn. KNY on Wt hip naitls same and orop off left r tin ler slolta on the right Kirk J T . Hspnnar Or.-Horsst en left ihonl lar. cattle, ail on left hip. m.k i.. II. n i, ear Or.i horas II nn left L ,n d -r; cattle satiisoo right snls, nuderliit on ...i.t kiimlwrland W.G. Monnt Vernon. Or. I I, on rants on rigid and left si lee. swallow frk in It ft r and nn.ler ciop in right ear. Horses sains K.a...l ..n lMrt ah'teliler. Range In (Irani ei'inl l.flen. Ml.ll"ll. fm.Or.-H It on left hip on eaiile crop an I split on right ear. Iloraoa same liraud on loft shoulder. Range Itmnl tolntv. I.i-isllan, John W., l.-li Ov.-Hor brande I half-eircls Jl.e-.nnsctol nn left sho d. Her. Caltla. sainr un left hlu. lUngs. near lot Ins'on lahet. J W Heppner tr - Horses branded Land A o i left shoulder; cattle asms HO lefl hip, wailla over right Hire sills In r ghl ear. ,ir., llanrga. Ileppnsr Or.-llos brands I doillil II CMtl-naol i,(niias calls.1 s sw e H on le'i sh.oildar M-ls M C. Ileppnef. 4r -Cst'le hra"dl flt,.l it'i riull hip: li t aasssitlS till light St lite, lU' ga iii M r ow r ainir M.nor. il'ar, nai.ii 'Vr.-tSttle, H 1) right hip; liorae, M left shmil iar. !.' I. " H, II 'pP't-H-. -Ilrs, Ml on l"t ah. mi l" cauls a n on left h'p. Mleha. Ilv I eia. ir.-l.irs. II on right Dip; esms 71 I1 right 'ds. la-T. II O . MrosjnssilU. Or.-Mursaw, f , i a n a-S h el lar, vtia. M I n" hm M e(,rr. Fra ik V-t Va'l, ' -Milesh i. w.ii, i,r e fk on ea'ils " r.lei an I a.r r Sn-.S aa.ri horaes se ns lirafl I n lart slide. I..1I.I ... . m.m... u.llr. -'In H.iraaa, will, tif i.r da ae tat n left ah.eii lar ,ta i a''-. .fir bars ee,naea tta top na the right sola in 0-il t''Mle'. Nl I.'tna H te Of - H i-aaa a 1 ... Ha..'a I n I- ah til lar etMte aa-na on hti hifat. N.tliha ., t-rtti itr.Mtajaws.siifl Ion laft ea Ha tvSt I1 lafl hilt llltaar l.taM.S I an ton t ii ' -I ImiraMif nti left ttitt on h'.raaa. sa ns mi left thigh, liana In llt.,l e t-tnlv HU-r. I'arrt. Illng'ttn. Irf.-I O (Ml lefl la. ill,, Mar-nan. Pnls Cur. Or rot la. I I I' ,1' "w I OS left ht; h traa Itn Stiff an I art la on ft taa lis , a in OtS'it e einlr. I'aaf.i mm F '' Mda - II maj, ,af lar elr.-la ahta'd tta la't sh tqt. an I II tta left hlt. Via. ' l I"'' ' 'M CMpa. I an lt hie Rang- tie I ',! M'la. I'atkar lllaaantl list I ml Of. - HrtaaS 1 1' IH Urt at, tn t t, .... ,,. a I. Ivl-gt- 'r H r ea l.rttt, I , , k a., . .a '-l a.. I-'I ah.fil l-r i rati l tigi.i t ip lUnga w.ttr r.tni I'lltW J ll lrll'" Hi H-.raas . If a a.ta. ,t I'l sh ell ar, rl l la, sauna -n lat hip ,ar Itf In a.-h ! 'alia a ' , l ei", Or ! h..taaa dlamon,! ' m, . l oa'Oa. J H J atttinerir I tta the left hip. Utaf siotw In lafl ear sa I slip In til llM. R.a.l raj ll.rl nan - llom-s, a,nar ar.. .is'l-r "t 1 orar it ttt, lafl gtiSa H i bus, tt.tner, lh- ll.aas, I- It tar atrt .. ,1 l-t K ah ', llemrtiar r H ttaas brat, a. J aa i he nv shifil - ra'Ha I tn ! ' aip rt-.. ..1 aa so I lealao e xsl. Ilaaa ii rr..w at.d at mli.get.a'.ltea. H av.-t. 1 1 l-aa !... -a, l-Hs hraa la.) K H "S1'! ai. e. ar, vat, I nns-taa eifla ..rar Irfa-.d raiila earn as ngl.l hip kg ia V .tr-, a.. -It M.t-. Was. II lKt.rIUa, Or-ll -naeai atith ,,,Ha airla tttar t,,n t.n rslliaan rt t''l hi I ... ,V a sal ., ! In I'M. M pg aa ttta I 'ii 'a'l sa.fM tar. nansat a an.w ja . I an I ''"' n M.t... J W H-t.pnar H traaa, JO a laft s io ti ter. I am ll-mi rigM hit. flira 4 ,1 W . tl , rr II .ease .' a I-' 1 a ... . 1 . tta)-. Mi li., a . I...-.-I I" I o T I o is ENDURANCE CHINESE. GREAT NOR 1 HERN Ky. UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW KATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Instances of Their Apparent Insensltlrs oess to Physical Palo. "Remarkable though the statement is concerning the endurance of Chinese soldiers, I can quite understand it," said an ex-police surgeon of San Francisco to a New York man recently. "The correspondent says that, though the men in question were shot through the chest and the head, they walked great distances. In one case, if I remember aright, it was one hundred miles. "During four years of service as po lice surgeon in San Francisco I saw some pretty severe cases of wounded Chinamen ya, vuiiux wueico, too and I declare their insensitiveness to pain seemed to be almost absolute. Part of it, I have no doubt, is due to racial, in herent stoicism; but I am also inclined to the opinion that the Chinese do not feel pain as we do. Now, 1 remember the case of a woman who was brought down to the city prison ward from Chinatown with her head literclly split open in five places by one of the high- binders' hatchet men. From the very first to the last I think she died she gave no indication of pain, and did not even refer to her injuries. The Chi nese dislike our surgical appliances, our knives and saws, not, however, because of the pain they produce, but because that sort of treatment is foreign to their ideas. Let one of their doctors put a pitch plaster over an injury, no matter if it be a broken leg, a lost nose or a hole through the lungs, and the man will be perfectly satisfied and will accept whatever will come without a word of suffering or complaint. They're certainly a queer people." Mr. A. IT. Cransbv, Of Ho. 158 KerrSt, Memphis, Tenn writes that his wile had can cer winch bad eaten two larira holes in her breast, and which the best physicians of the surrounding country treated, nd pronounced In curable. Her grandmother and aunt naa aiea iu Cancer and when told this, the most Lin.nt snecialists of t-ew V k ttnrier WHOSO liref i eminent specialists ment she was "ared ber case was boners. h U treatment having tailed, Bhe was (riven up to die B. S. 8. was lommende and aston shing as it may "em. a few bottles cured ber sound and well. ,..- fast sn on tniB ais- atin he sent tree to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta. G II! n OPENS JUNE 1, 1895, GEO. SCH0NEWAL0, MANSdl. Luxury, (lowl Cheer, llos; itnlily. h lii'lillul mid llciiltlil'iil Pastimes, iMiitdiless Mountain Scenery. SWEET BRIER CAM1. Ktn Wished hist venr In n rninnii til' dell of the Siieri'lllellto Crtlivoil 1 1 1 -at helnw and In Full view nf uriind old Simula It whs a icrent hit mid promises Mill ninri1 eiieiiiiriiKlnir re.' suits for (lie present venr T J liOKTUM. at CHBteJIa. IhMIH In charge iiiid will answer nil inquiries, A ' ew candidate for public favor this year Is SH4STA VICIIVO CAMP, Also In thp Hhnatn region, about a mile and a hnlf frmn Dunsiiiiilr. Ir is ti giMi ill lie parndiKe fur linn tcrs, tl hers mill seekers of health and pteiiMiire Khhv hi reech Ineur the railroad) subtly, and ell the nu cessitle" of camp life ranlly procur able. All liiqulrlis shunt Slum's Vlelii" ramp. II addressed to W (' firny, Ilex I. Dnnsiiiulr, ( ill., will receive pioinpt attiMitliin. Camping In The SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS lina, " r'ghta, Ijinrel (Kenwood, Fid on Hen l.oiiiiind, lloiilder Creek. Reduced Rates During the 'ainplng season will he inuilu uy l no Ocean Steamers leave Portland tvery 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For f nil details A?i nt at Heppner, cull nn 0. i r Bildress R. & N. W. H. tlURLRURT, Geti. 1'aas. Agt, PoltTLAND, UBISOON. t'at full particulars address K. P. KtlnKIW, Asst lice. . Ailt., I'llKII.ANIi, tnikllllN. July :'. Or any 8. P. t'o. AkcuI. iQl a' '' I r i i-i a( II U The thumb Is in nrfnlllnj Int rf cha tir. 1i,v rii,nn I In dlistis s sir. tiK alii trial emirt and flrinnra. I In.rb slliin l tin h nsiii la I id lit", i In-ll in he' llinn of Bilvsireii Mi m snil bueiftt at a iilnr. II. l h el llirs lllas lelin In lbs b"y nan vt em..i snil a enrol I nn. I y sin sii r pis ii ms r.ia-il .lli f. r Hell t rat lie aleilo velum of tew lues nm it. us d In s rniall rn di' I tlir r. rutil ef li s ate if act il t aiitk fur a peiiuli br p ail in lis t sn linitr. I lis t sl 1 1 I'l- Ii ll-tapt rrili'rnn-iii. rulniri . si it lint- ul nm-ir ihi lr . siei fit lien A ia-r villi s I i at Iti.r ut limUili an ilit.r oni-'iiW rtilnv Ibe bit rm) stunt liens of lirietirs.t s MuKMKiiiS 1 lir Ar titt r lua Ini ii .i.s a Ins ol hisnivsi tl srt, alilih aill fli n rars iilrs'iirr In ll.f mailt lb M ell I n llra ef intra. I' 1 l II" I'l '" tlttird ftttni Ibe i.l'icliisi tninitii' ttf In tm -lite, lie- ni.t ire iirsitd ef tO 'X "1 I it , at rl.iai f psinlrrs. al.ii h a til 1 A A A ia (dire i" tv tiiti.ii lar in I , U mortal's Msearuir f.'t ! I lbs LION The King of AND MOUSE. QOICK. TIIVIE ! iSixn Franoisoo 4nd all points in California, via the Ut, Bhasta route of the Southern Pacific Co. rhe great hiahway through California to all points hast and Mouth, itranil ncenin iloiue ofthoPanifio t oast. Pullman Unflet Hleepers. Hoonnd-nlass Hlftepers Attached to eipress trains, attording snpenor accommodations for senond-olass passeDgers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, etc. call npon or address K K.OKHMCK, Manager, K. r. ROUBsia, ASSl 'ten. F 4 P. agt.. Portland, Oregon Sa'rst. jjYJhv Lightest, p,ron,c,t.MmWork.n.. K'judver. ijii Compact, Boasts Ierrlfld by His Di minutive 1 oe. A mouse was put in the cnge of a lion to test whether, as the oM fables as serted, there was a natural affection between them. The experiment, nay.: an exehamre. demonstrates Unit each was so afraid of the other that no affec tion could exist between them. Tin lion saw the mouse before he was fairly throusrh the bars, and was after him instantly. Away went the little fellow, scurry ing across the floor and squeaking' in fripht. When he had pone about, ten feet the lion sprang, lighting' a little in front of him. The mouse turned, and the lion sprang again. This was re peated several times, the mouse travers ing a shorter distance after each spring of t he linn. Finally tlin inoue fctnod still, squeal ing and trembling. The lion strlod over him, studyiug him with interest. Pres ent! v he shot out his bitr paw and brought it down directly on the mouse but so gently that the mouse was not injured in the least, though held fast between the claws. Then tho lion played with him, now lifting his paw and letting the mouse run a few inches, and then stopping him again as before. Suddenly the mouse changed his tactics, and, instead of running when the lion lifted his paw, snmnT into the air straight at the lion s neiui. The lion, terrified, gave a great leap back, striking the bars with all his weight. Then he opened his jaws and roared and roared again, whale the lit tle mouse, still squealing, made his escape. Of the two the lion was the more frightened. THE USEFUL DONKEY. a ' '' " WOMEN AND WATERLOO. What One of the Fair Sex Remembered of the World-Famous Battle. "In mv early days I knew a lady who happened to be in Brussels that memor- .. 'j nf -KT. Perme able June, saiu iurs. ixnwu. x, land to the New York Commercial aci "She was then newly married and only twenty-three years of i rro. So little certain of victory Qia me English on the spot feel that her hus- land insisted on her dressing nice a Mnrmnnrlv nnnsant. thinkins? sucn a . J t , - jostume would be a protection. "Vividly have I heard her describe ,he partings Rhe witnessed at the door if the hotel where she was staying and he despair of wives who were left be hind wives soon to .be widows. "Very graphically, too, did she de scribe the next day's events, when tvomen many of whom, too agitated .o change their attire, were still ele gantly dressed made their way somc iow to tho field of battle, returning in he army wagons, supporting the heads of the wounded on their knees, bathing their brows and binding up their vounds, while a steady rain poured lown on the faces begrimed by powder vhich yet allowed their pallor to be ;oen. "I once met at a dinner the widow of in officer I forget the name who 'ought at Waterloo, and the lady mrrated her experience of the 'after- jattle' scene. For some reason she had o cross tho field of Waterloo, which svas still strewn with the dead, and for .his purpose she was blindfolded and olaced on horseback, the steed being led bv a trooper. "She held a handkerchief to her nose steeped, I think she said, with vinegar and not until she had reached an acclivity nearly a mile from the scene of carnacre was the bandage removed ! from her eyes. Then she looked back The field of Waterloo appeared like a field of tombstones, for the bodies were all stripped of clothing and shone white in the sunshine like stones. The camp-following ghouls had done their work effectually." That the RAMBLER t . .i ,.t i.oi. ...r morle Is an Indisputable fact. It stands in the leuncui tuc ycti int. ..u.ov.w . S front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. ,g 1 Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel be n punctured. It can be mended by you in five minutes, as it Is equipped with the world gj g renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-piatea steei runs. S 8old In all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $100 each. 3 Tandems for two men or man and woman, 1B0 each. 1 THE RAMBLER Is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market. H For Btyle, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it Is constructed on strict mechan ic ical and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals For men women, bovs and girls with 28, 26 and 24 inch wheels, at t6.r., ?55, 45 respect-1 iVein?erPTndid n double locking edge S clincher tires and are fully warranted. f '4 Before vou buy a bicycle, write for c-ta'ogiie, circulars, terms and discounts, or call I o-. our "fmerous ageuts. Kambler Hustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon. W ashing-1 M ton and Idaho. , , . , k m FRED T. IVlt.-tl-llLl-VII-UC. Wllirnnt, S ., r.ntmiiiiv At .Teflerv Manf. Go's "Rambler Bicycles." Main ( store Vn ' Wail ing "i -t . Portland, Or. Ma) K. A. Weed, Gen Traveling Agent and lecturer. 'TIS PAlTEKSuN, Agt. for Morrow Co , Heppner, Oregon I Hows Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power ! House. .do tt Alndern anil prngresslv .-:i'iilii,rn or Information wrtto to marun nun arms co., N- Hsvrn. Corn. 3 rtt-l ttf lula aiia ilt autk nt srt mi ii in : at a tiif it pna u IStil.nt la tlt.l tlii,.ltil fti.lll lltff ur tuial. Id .n t lit S" t iti-.l t-tl l.r tttliKi.i.f l. ti la t- II Li lt. hi tl In t at tt p n n la r id it t Y tit a rtr, St.. I lltt B'l tlta - to pt.t- M ,1, Sid n-l 1 I 'l.'ttSltit H tlta Ma nv la, III ri I'l, S I i ul 'l a, tta i t lit- I I.. I ot.lra 1 ! I'l Ii, ai, I Ii I It I tl lit II t o k' t SI .1 III! I I. at wt lilt- , li t a . I I a ilt . It ti r- lalttt III II," att llrli l.-ail I tit.ll. f In 1 1 t. -r . at a at ii", ill ir'V tt i f ila ii-lit. il, t-a-llt t , I". ah ,li r..ttt it-s ii n S-I..I r a- 4 1. 1 (, ,tl t ' it ' it t tf f , (attv, sntl fft-l at ll a 1 1, ttl- I, S ! lt''V til'.. I t m il kl-iir si tl a,. I..t s.ti tv-i.rli nf lh- tjl.a iu t. ml In )." .i.i. 1 1 pi nt. It a. II (, m It .' , i , a ijl t-ats ,t,,,n Vta.-.'-tir. In it .'tt a , W .1. i... . a.. t lai.iihrr, t tat llh M'trt. Nra .... 1 h-.tit ll l-ta- ta.liltin a a.-o-tt us j p. .1 , . pa ii 'I t atitt ts 1 ttt t.ati i an il.rft.t .i t n 41.1 ! aldl l . f t.,.l It.- Ii trt.l l Ih.aa I t,.. . 0 11 a r. a ii u r T' I a tf ' 1 nil, at tl, Ii, a ' . In Mat-ma I i ana iiii... ttti. att Is'l. S' 4 I .a 'h. rt-lil ft Hi' l'-" tt IS 1 a t It la . tt a-tr- II. t I" Ida ' ta. rim - i,a t-f a ntn r-i'.i;'l .i-i-lla. la' . i i a, .... . If i .at ata tn-ai .j.ii t-i. .1 a I a . t, i-.t '.. a . i . t'. a t-i-i 'i.a-. 4 . . at I ltl i It' T "" fat i... t if t.,t . . t,-.' it 1 1 s a if in t.i ! a f ' ' i . la satiI Iks lit. a, j iiiili tat Ths tompsratlvs vslusof thtss twoeardt Is known to most psrsona. Thtjr lllustrata that grtstcr quantity Is Not always most to b dcslrsd. .. Thtss csids siprcss ths btnsflclat qual ity of RipanstTnbulcs 4s comparsd with any prtviously known DVSPI PSIA CL'KB .'. ItlpsnsTsbultsi Pries, JO tsnts boa. Of drugf itts, or by mall. .. HPiNI CHIMICAL CO., 10 Iptaca It., NT. ' Ji- a , s.'ir" ", A-r N-aa" rN I . v . a-.,t 'e - A 1 . t . . v. c . t. . ...Vat t. It rarforms Hnrvlta That Could Not Its Arrninpllaliad by Any Other Maans. A Mr. Shepherd 1ms a vi-ry rich mine in nn u! most uiiicci'ssitiie pari 01 me Mi-xii'iin inoiiiitiiin raii(fi,s, a limjf wny ri'inovi'il from any rtiilroail, whieh litis lii'i'u tMiiipH'l at jrrat cost, witli first- hiss mi'chiitiii'al opplmni't's. Snmu trine ajfo. says the Soientllli! Ameriean, Mr. Shepherd coiu:liiilel that hiseijinp tnent reiiuired fivo tlioiisauil or six thousand feet of wire rope for carrier purposes, Init how to get it up into his mountain fastness in a binirle. piece, as required, was a question. Ily no pussi hility ccuiltl it lie moved froin the rail road to final destination on wheels, and he didn't we how it could be carried by liurros: but a Mexican did. lie ex plained his plan, Rot tho contract for the 1 vinch cable, and successfully ex eculed it. Here is the way he did it. He coiled the row up at fixed distances alunir its entire leiiiftli, each coil being- of approximately the same sue and tie siirncd to wcig-h three hundred pounds, and loaded it on a airing of burros with protM-r fasteiilnfrs. To take up the slack between each two burros, two Mexicans with padded shoulders were Inserted and faithfully kept tip their end, or portion, of the line. The pro cession was curious one, to be sure but it got there just the same. i-volutioii U'flned Miss Frances Power Cobbe once dis cussed evolution with Sir Charles Lyell. when some of the party had betrayed the idea that "survival of the fittest" meant of the best. Sir Charles left the room (continues Miss Cobbe, in her re cently published memoirs) and went downstairs, but suddenly rushed back into the drawing-room, and said to me all in a breath, standing1 on the rug: I'll explain it to you in one minute Suppose you had been living' in Spain three hundred yeurs ago and had had a sister, who was a perfectly common place person and believed everything" she was told. Well, your sister would have been happily married and had numerous proireuv, and that would have been the survival of the fittest but you would have been burnt at an auto-da-fe, and there would have been an end of you. You would have been unsuited to your environment. There That's evolution! (lood-by!" On went his hat, and we heard the ball door close after him before wo had done laughing. Any one who has ever hJ an attack of inflammatory rheumatism will rejoici- with Mr. J. A.Btnmm 220 Boyle Heights, Los Aniieles, over his fortunate eCBie "nm m nii'iiB of thai uiptrrssirig ilnirtit Mr. Stunini is foretuaDof Merriam'a oon fi oliidiery patsbhaameiit. Hutu months sun, on It-svlt.g the heated work room In 'tin across the street no an errand, he was caught out in the rain. The result as Hi at when ready to go hnm tbal niifbl he was unable lo walk, owing to rtlUmniHtorr rheumatism. II was taken home, air) on arrival was placed In front "t B""d fire and Ihorongbly rnltbed lib Chamberlain's l'alu Halm. Ihi'lno he evening and nlnlil be was repeatedly bathed with this Ii' Iruent, and by oioroifg was relieved of all rheumatic pains. He now lakes especial pleasure to praising King of Bicycles. JUJlli ililia'fiiillllllaair LIGHT. STR0NQ, Iii ' "lisnai FINEST MATERIAL. SPEEDY, HAND50HE. SCIENTIFIC WORKMAN Fonr Hodels-885 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP F0H CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office; Lake p! Hr sd St3., C3;iCA(10, ILL. BRANCHES!-NewYork,SsriFranclr''C'. "tnv.- ,v m.rfcl' fe.e.- '(, WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. W. PATTERS0X, Agent for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon, F l iv ' ''at .-.' a. - - ArfcAVfAIS.lnJiCEl.' v C0PYKIGH r .- .,4 l I ss A i . " Sit 1 - l '. I.ttnat ' r."i . v ' en it -a 'i t t ?, r. '- i rf ' .1 I -f ti , . i.t tl t,.t i . t i ; i' t . , i. iiesi i .ii.i !'. a... f ,i e t til. t t.S r it i.t (f tilt 4 VI a ri a .. I'.r.-t th V I i I i a s it i.."i alt. r i 'ri.i)ii' Hi4a t i t I' It I 1 1 I f S rtiti.t- ria s t-i I a li n t tl Itt4.''-'l kl I ffl. II til I Canine I atxtr In llalslam, In this country the do(f U really, In nine cusea out of ten. the master of the man. In Heliriutn, however, his status I- . .l:tT,......t 11.,.. .,f Ilia Aral la .4 IV Hint ti tit. .'no ... ... ' , ... a . .. . I thinira that impresses the stranger in 'JtisniDeris it s i s o i m. snu aiw.y. UrueU i. the Immenae numln-r of I , J, JT J ,V " r"' .1. .. I I It. .la.rlr, l.are... and ' W Blocntu Johnson Dm. Co. small carta alaiut the streets. In tlie For ' ' il s In tl ' V t. v ti a n J' ." -fy ...t.l..f ' 1 I ,.V I t. I I inula H.'MMNJ M f COPYRIGHTS. , 14 r a.4 t.i . a a a. .1 I ft :Vi " I " r. tu t ! ft, fl at IU l' '(.t .tc af. ff st.1 Ml)t. A lmisl(Vsa 'l I'aa I )--. ) n't li 'srhl t I I I'lttsst t iiiiiM l 't ' ft ft tfl sM ktftaw a 4 a .s-l a-t-t.t t,. ii i' t....n U-t n A V .tt, .. m, th m, .. ntlHr wtrtt 4 ! !" I .i r ' U s. ; . 4 .t I 1 (h . t 4 j ' i , e. "I .,! k f IM t ' st l I ' r I St l it tfl I t . ' t tt 4 I F Il i' . t (ff Still tr I la i 1 a ' - Stt -a- a - v r i. -t . i . '- t r 1 1 i -It It If i u., a t I'l 'll M ,, t,. - sat tataw .1 I 1 44 ui wa.; , t. .,, . taa ' . -a-ll i. 4s lt I. St ltllt. a ... f a Itt. I " aa-y at I , 4 I u a pa ! t ,. . i a -, ,, .i la .al . i i t' if - M A. .ts tettS . 'at. capiul alone over ten thousand dojra are att etiuifctl, and the numlK'r of drauifht il ia's ' Ihtt whol country Is probably not baa than fifty thousand tietieratitiiianf servitude have made the Helfiaii il.'i,' a race Snrt. For his sle he is said to ttusacss the (frrstrat pull- in if power of any animal, four limra hia own weight ttriinf conalitereil a loail well within his laitarrs. Taking hia srcrairc vteiL'lit sa half a hiitnlritl wei,'lit. thla iiiesna thst soinethliisT like five thousand tons are daily drsfired sbout by canine IslaT In Uclf luui. 1h alafts as Jiihaes. Tne Jwni-ae are a very puiii peo. pie, but tin') aninet lilies like to plsy a Juke. In nrtinibilatut ttrlental way, iiaitt the men of the west. In lliedajs of the Second rinplre, Itaron ttrnawss at-nt to JaiHin t.i tlcmatid Ibe ii-tiiii of certain porta to French .tmunerce. Amoi'if the rest h" tistnetl tt the Jap- iii-ae iiiiiu.trra a certain city. The Japsnrac fuiii tlitnarieaamileil so ly when be prrfcrred the fetiueat that the French attibaa..r aked them to trll Mm what ce them much bmiiim iiu n'i t ilt ttiateatl of antwteriDg' the Jspano ministers said: "We will opt n the port In question ruy l r-l. It France In her turn wiUopen certain irt t. us. "What prt It ti.str asitsl ths Frenctin.atv. "Th port of Lltrerravtl." Hut, your rer'ilencles" CanftilrifV'rl Is t Frooch port, lut so F.n -'U'i one." "Vca." stiwi-rel lbs Jsratnese. "an.! the tir y hi named U Hot la Japan, WITHOUT A NAVY. Klaf dom af rtelflniw llss a TV alar rrtsos. rial Ka Ship, ef War. No Invitation has been eitended to the naval authorities of one nelffhlanr- Inif tintry to participate In the featW itie at the I'Tnlnn of the ship canal ta-twei-n the North sea and th Ilaltlc, nhich are to attract the armed ships of various F.uropean and American ifuvi-rnmi-tita. That ettuntry, says the New York Sun, Is Iti-lifium. and it la pecuHur amonu Kurnpran inuntrles Savimr water front from the fact that tt haa no navy. This la the more remarkable when It Is -4tnatilcml that IW-ltftum Includes withlu its latnlers one of the oldest harla.ra in Furope Antwerp -whicJi. at the letiith of Its commercial an.'.Ta, had aa tunny as J.nisi ahl. The com nit-rce of Antwerp U still ronaldcrahle and a f ur at. .ire of it is done with the Fnltp.1 Mi.-.. t,nn infwsri.f ivt rulininated In llie linlelirn.lence of lte1(flum from the rtile of the Netherlands, the two ctntntrlc were so dlvUed tlat Iloiland Sa.l the larifr share of the sraowat line, and lii lirtum had a larffer measure of the Inland country. re Uinr.l a'.l the colonial r-iia of j lh iti onin'rir. and. In order to keep j Wo Ciiti,,rct,itl wt'h thrm and pr-tteet j thnii fr.i.n hit'. aaaau'.ta, the nay t rtisiutaioetl by Ilih'.aud. F-rlrnttn. havinir no forelim eo,onies t prots-t t. was .ncr no ot-liftttiwis to i maintain a tuy- II -'.'.an ! as tow a tf,'e Aavr,ravrtsT l10 V'r ! I . .i:.ti. t.t lit '. nm Is able t p--t i at ,i,., ,) s" rtavr s' a!'. i . I he I'.. ' i i sr-n- . t" f '!" . : OUR STOCK VOF . . . SPACE IS ':i TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must s :11 it. The Patterson Publishing Co. ( A r V :W1TII hip euro BOUND to Tako 9 Em. FILLS Lcnves No Com. .potion, fe"- l. Wa'l aM l III. " titrt )f r I ,al , fs1ai. , j. ra ajr p-tfi'l mtttj r,j w r-.-rft'. r .rtl J mail ... -a ....... i a.a.aK ..... . . . ' 1 i on but I I K trt -I "1 It.', H ktvstavl 4 ! t.iu- f.aJ tJ ikaattr Wt t Ms WS iraiaasisa. , , ,.. . ' , I a - M .taa. a) It'.- e t - ' t (til -i t . I i i ' a" r i. "'" ' '': Saal WavkaSt Pt U Sat. att r"ssst 1 jc 1 t n sir t'- r ' tan i "n - ii i t, si.J, Vt lsl (Aw.4fi SM I v WV ata SVaftV I Ut . , .i , llti t . f-.j.i m i r uniia,ni rr m ir.j i l I 1 v I, ( , 4. I - kit ,1 J J a I I. I at. 451 t'ssifjf lentl k,a ' h -Saw VV aaaWaUtA WasS St Vx al rWfst Sai m4 ai . . irf, . a a-ataS