Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 16, 1895, Image 3

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    Time table.
'Stage for Hardman, Monument, Lonir Creek,
loha Day and Canyon City, leave aa follows :
Every day at 6 a. m except Sunday.
A rrivea every day at 6 p. m except Monday.
The cheapeRt, quickest and best line to or
from the interior conntry.
,., v . WALT- THOMPSON, Prop.
Phill Cohn. Ajrent
You can get the best beer ...
in Heppner at Q. B. Ted-row-e'i,
S cento per glass,
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.,
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
1 2 5J 5 6
7 6 9 IP. II 1 12 13
J4 15 16 17 Id I 19 20
ILIA. -21i5L?6. 27
Col. W. H Yarborongh, revenno agent
tor Oregon, Washington and Idaho, with
headquarters at Portland, came np with
Webb Still Lives. Paul. Webb, who
broke big buck while attempting to de
upauunaners at rortianu, uuiue up wnu ,, , .. ti.u.0.n
Henry Blackmail last Friday, sending I 80eDd log Chute up In Idaho recently,
is not oDiy Bim anve out ibiks ana acts
as thongh be expected to remain orj this
earth for Sometime yet. tie ia now in a
hospital up at Spokane, where he re
ceives many callers, a number of whom
are ladies who bring him words of good
cheer, boqnets of lovely flowers, and
dainty things to eat. Webb is already
planning his oauipaign after bis recov
ery which is to be ended when he goes
over the Niagara Falls safely, How
ever, bis pbysioians do not speak so en
oonrHgingly, and say he oan only sur
vive a few moDtbs at the most, and have
decided that in order to do so he must
undergo a surgical operation, in which
case bis ohanoe of recovery is about one
in a hundred. With this fate faoing
bim, Webb bus not yet decided as to the
feasibility of an operatit n.
Here and There.
Hasn' got er baby carriage,
Hasn' any toy
But dan's luxury a-waitln'
Foh dat cullud boy.
Hush-a-by, you pickaninny,
Don' yoh nebbah mln'j
Gwiuter git a cradle made ob
Water-million rln' I
Atlanta Constitution.
Millions ride the Rambler.
Ike Ennis has bicycles to rent. 1
his poison.
Ayers guarantees
$2.50 per dozen.
The Niles-Vinson,
vvalla Walla, Wash.
squirrel poison before
other. Uuly $25U per
Marble -Works,
The Weekly 8no and the Gazette $2.75
per year, both striotly in advance
La Grande Muible Works, La Grande
Ore. 8, O. Smith, salesman, Heppner
Now is the time to kill squirrels: and
Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with. tf
Try Ayers'
buying any
J. M. While, Lexington's dealer of
justice, was seen on our streets last Sat
urday. For Sale A lot of household furni
ture aud an organ. Call at the M. K
parsonage. tf.
Wanted Plain or fanoy sewing. Will
go to the house or take sewing at home.
Mrs. Mary Henderson.
G. W. Vmoent, one of Galloway's
promiuent farmers and stockmen, was in
Heppner this morning.
It you want to rent bicycle or get re
pairs for same, call on Ike Eunis at his
bicycle livery, power bouse.
What Heppner is doing in tbe line of
trade will be found In another column.
It makes interesting reading.
Mrs. W. P. Dut'on was a passenger on
Saturday's down traio for Portland,
where abe goes for medical treat meot.
Gilhousen Bros., will soon go to tbe
loner country to be absent until the
latter part of this month. Awsit their
return. Itf.
Green Mathews for shaving, b air
ratting, shampooing and all other work
In that line. Baths at any time daring
business boars.
Saturday rnd Sunday In this city. - Col
Yarborough is a veteran in the revenue
servioe He bails from North Carolina;
here be was collector of iuternal reve
nue, at Raleigh, under Cleveland's first
administration. He is jolly, affable and
in all a pure type of a sou hrn gen'le-
man. The Gazette acknowledges a very
pleasant cull.
Mrs, Green Mathews left last Sator
y for Portland to make a short viit
with relatives. While below . she will
also at'end the annual oooelave of the
Degree of Honor, as a representative
from the Heppner lode, whiob convenes
tomorrow In Portland, oontiuuiiig in
session for three days. This order, as
all are probably aware, is the ladies' ad-
junot to the A O. U. W.
There are many accidents to live stock
which oause delay nd loss to the farmer
in his work. In a large cun.ber of in
sfanoes the delay would be but trifling if
a remedy was promptly applied. Dr. J.
H. McLean 8 Volcanic Oil Liniment has
for many years been regarded as the
farmers friend. Its healing influenoe on
tbe flesh of domestic animals is immedi
ate and permanent. Price 25c, 50o and
$1.00 per bottle.
I. SinBbeimer, a commercial repre
sentative of a New York clothing bouse,
was in Heppner over rnday night last
Mr. Sinsbsimer was one of tbe passen
gers on the S. P. overland train recently
held up by rubbers down uear Riddles,
and was held as one of the witnesses
against Poole and Case recently bound
over at Rosebnrg. Mr. Hinsheimer
gives a good account of the robbery.
There comes a time to all of us, when
we feel mean and "out of sorts" and io a
condition to invite disease It is then
we need such a remedy as Dr. J H
McLean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier. To persons exhausted
by sickues or overwork its invigorating
l tlnence is snrpris ng, promptly restor
ing health, energy and obeerful spirits.
Prioe $1 (JO per bottle.
Ben Hnnsaker departed yesterday for
The Dalles where he will enter tbe gro
cery business, having bonght out, tbe
firm of H. Moses & C!o during bin reoent
visit to that point. His family will join
him in a short time While we regret
to loose Ben from our midst, yet. we
wish him abundant success iu uis new
business venture.
Ike Ennis has a stock of bioycle
repairs and will fix your wheel up at
reasonable rates. It is bis intention to
make a spec alty in this line, and as the
number of wheels is rapidly increasing,
this will oertainly be pleasing news to
those wbo are so fortunate as to own a
bike. tf.
Bound Oveb. Last fall the Gazette
gave notice or tue faot tnat some one
bad evidently stolen a gang plow from
Gilliam & Bisbee's warehouse back of
their store, but in getting away with the
same bad left a small piece whioh tbe
owners desired tbe tbiet to oall and get
and thus make complete bis plow. How
ever, it is unnecessary to state that the
missing pnrt was never called for, and in
fact tbe incident was forgotteD by many.
But someone had evidently not forgot
ten, for on laBt Friday John Hall, of
Gooseberry, was arrested and obarged
with the theft. The plow in question
was found secreted in his cellar. Hall
was brought in Saturday afternoon and
lodged in jail, and yesterday afternoon
was given a hearing before Judge Free-
land, wbo after hearing tbe testimony
uud him over to await the
the next grand jury. Hall
guest at Hotel do Harrington.
W. J. WaUenbnrger and family were
in from Galloway this morning. Mr.
Wattenbnrger left bis measure with tbe
Gnaette for soother year's subscription.
Karl's Clover Root, tbe great Blood
purifier, gives freebneat and elenrtiea to
the Complexion and cor-s Constipation,
25 cts , 60 ct.. tl. Sold by T. W. Ayers.
Miss Bells O'Brien, who has bean
visiting with br sister. Mm. Wm Dunn,
of t bio city, for sometime pat. Ml Sat
urday for Portland where Ler parents
are now living
Captain Sweeney, V. 8. A , Sin Dieto,
Cal. say : "Hliiloh'o Catavb lUrnedv is
the first medicine I have ever found thai
wonld do me any good." 1'ru-e ftte.
T. W. Ayrra, Jr.
A. A. Wren can boast ' f a very fins
garden of all kinds of vegetable at Li
plana jrtt above town. Th ti He ao
knowledge receipt of a Sack of excelled
turnip raiM on this ground.
Bod Kin V. having entirely recovered
from hta re it ihn, departed on Hal
Or.lay aft-itirxm's train to again J-In to"
rrew. He eicf to find tlm to the
vicinity wl I2gi Rck, W) owing
Mr. C ' Slid danghter, Bertha
and Mraa E hl Hp-rry dpnd ye.tr
day f ir lha ovm-leine up tr 0lwll
grd and abonl four miiea fmm IiU h
creek, wbera they viper I to spend tbe
bill two Dionlba
Heor Nsaekmaa acpompiBM his
wifs and f.mil np from Portland last
Frl lav. returning on yeetef.Uy'a train
Mrs. lii kmn and ibe rbiMr-o remain
for a nititi"a " with oil friends and
relative in ibis city.
Prtca r"k rnce returned b"ns last Fn
,t. .tuns from Portland where ba l as
been wHb bis w.ff"f -" Ihaaa saoalb
I'riea reports Mrs. ri-.r.e as
gritmg along at ,!. and It.ibks shs will
soon t able lo mm Utna.
Buhv's Hatinnla t f rnt or Ian
,l,o. t a-.ti Hunt's '"',
for la4i-a' 11 UJ 11 bf
Pt ami eabf pr-fai-n in o rnl
and 10 rent - 1 ty s v-.h-n. eaa
t l iiie.l. sl by r. O
ilen Haaiffart baa a bandrl
tu.b.U f rln t h-ar h'ly al Lis
" . . - mt.irt, k will A a
raaen vr
B. F. Bwaggart is prepared to furnish
his "Sure Shot squirrel poison in
holeaale lots. He has already receiver!
a large order from Washington and
Idaho Every where it has been used
it has not failed to exterminate tbe little
pests. tf.
Being anxious to realize on their stock
of wagons P. 0 Thompson Co. will, till
Sept. 1st, give an extra disoount of $5
on eaoh wagou to cash customers, ihey
bava also one mowing maobiue ard ev
eral rakes, to be closed out at sacrificed
figures. 2 9
0. H Blokes, a lineman for the W. U.
Telegraph oompauy, oame up from The
Dalles on last evening's train lo repair a
bresk of tbe wire on tins line a short
distance below twn. and thus bring us
again in touch with the outside world
Horner & Rhea bought tbe confection'
ery block of Boyd & MoDowell venter
day, taking iuVuioe I act evening and this
morning. The GuZ-tie barns that M'S
Nelson will take otiaige of the place aud
continue it as an ice cream parlor.
L. F. Cook, proprietor of the 1'endle-
ton hotel, aud E U. Clarke, the veteian
wool buyer, are registered at the Palace
hotel. Ibe gentlemen left Pendleton
yesterday afternoon by private convey
ance, arriving late luet evening.
Beo Poppen, of tbe Hardman oonntry
was in town yesterday, tie Informs tia
that black b.igs have destroyed bis cab
bage, aud Ibat tbey are doing rouaioer.
abie damage to gardens ont tu that eo
Bud Ingrabam was in from the Eight
Mils section yesterday, lie reports hay
ing in full blast onl in that country
bud leaves todav for Walla Walla lu tu
tor lbs harvest fluids.
Hbilob'a Cure, the great Congh and
Croup Cure, la In great demand. Pocket
size o intains twenty Bve dose mil) V-a;
Ctuldren love it. tld by I. W. A)i
T. J. II. Manning, of Portland. iecial
traveling sgentof the Palatiue Insurance
Oompauy, waa iu town over Sunday,
Hon. W. F. Matlock arrived from Pen
d'eton on last evruit.g'a Irani, for a fra
days viait a nb Heppner relatives.
Oeo Miller, tbe Dimglaa positnaater,
is iu the city i nlay.
Thb Oilman Under New Manage
ment. The Uiloian notel, ol rortlana,
hiob has been the headquarters for so
many Heppuerites in past years cbangtd
management on Monday of last week.
. R Reeves, formerly of Heppner and
well known in this county, but of more
recent years a resident of La Grande,
and E. Sanders, both veterans in tbe
usiness, are now in full charge ot this
polar house. These gentlemen will
pBre no pains to make everything oom
irtable and pleasant for their guests,
and we bespeak for them a liberal share
f the patronage of this eotion, where
Mr. Reeves is so well known. 3 i
Tbe undersigned having Wn restored
lo health by annul mean, after snff
Ing for several years aitb a sever lun
sffeotion, and that dread diaeaae, Con
aumptioti, is anxious lo make known I
bis fellow snffrrera Ilia means of car
To th wbo d'-ir it. be will ibeerlitl
ly Send, fre of charge, a pt'V of the pf
acrlptlon n!, alurb Ihev will find a
i' one for ('olmirupMoii, 4troa, ("a
larrh, I'.rotictiilia and all 'hrn and bing
mala-lie IU liof-a all n!T-r" will
nim hi rernedv as il ! tiialnaile rt
aotion of
is now a
Editob Gazette ;
As some of the readers of your valu
able paper have written letters of aopre
oiation to me of the former articles furn
ished you as reports of state conventions,
etc, I bava been thinking probably a
tew notes made of tbe annua) gathering
of the Christian ohurch at Turner would
be read with interest by a majority of the
oeopleof Morrow county. As you all
know, the Oregon Christian Missionary
Convention owns floe oamp grounds at
Turner, Or., on which was built io 1891
a magnificent tabeioaole, all a gift from
the Turner family to the Christian
oburohes of Oregon as a memorial of
"Father to Mother." Turner, long since,
passed over tbe river.
A fine well of pure water stands In the
center of the oamp grounds whioh is
never failing and as clear as oiystal.
Everything which campers can need for
oomfort or convenience is also furnished
on the grounds.
This year the board thought best as a
plan ot keeping op expenses to charge a
small gate fee of 10 oents, from which
children and campers were exempt; tbe
latter to pay $1 for oamp privileges, for
bioh wood, straw, police protection and
other conveniences were provided.
Theie was this year about forty camps
and a large number ot visitors every day,
especially Sundays. About thirty-five
preachers were in attendance during the
whole or a part of tbe convention. Many
glad soeces of reunion did we witness
and pleasant acquaintances did we make.
The weather was delightful for camping
and it was from this lovely place that
we observed tbe beautiful "conjunction
of venus and the moon," referred to in a
former issue ot the Gazette. So you see
the same sights are viewed by us, the
same songs sung, the same things read
as by you, "though many miles apart we
Is Your
Blood Pure
If It Is, you will be strong, vigorous,
full ot life and ambition; you will have a
good appetite and good digestion;
strong nerves, sweet sleep.
But how few can say tbat their blood
Is pure I How many people are suffering
daily from the consequences of impure
blood, scrofula, salt rheum, rheumatism,
catarrh, nervousness, sleeplessness, and
That Tired Feeling.
Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalizes
and enriches the blood. Therefore, it is
the medicine for you.
It will give you pure, rich, red blood
and strong nerves.
It will overcome that tired feeling,
create an appetite, give refreshing; sleep
and make you strong.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in the public eye today.
Hrtrwrl'e Dillc after-dinner p i and
11UUU S ftmUj catuartlo. Wo.
It Leads Them All.
The "Cyclone" Thresher.
If you buy a new
Thresher, Engine,
You of course want the best.
Write for Catalogue and Prices.
Marbibd -Sunday evening.at 6 o'clock.
at tbe residence of the bride's father, C.
Kirk, of Rhea creek, Mis Millie Kirk
and Cha'lie Miller, Judge Hallook offici
ating. Tbe wedding was followel by a
bountiful wedding supper whiob all
present prnnaunoed a very snmptoons
affair. K. J. Uallock and wife, J. R,
Simons and wife and Mrs. Wm. Ruark
and son were among those from Heppner
in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are
well known io Morrow county, and the
Gzttn joins with their many friends
aud acquittances in extending Congratulations.
Two l.lvrs Havrd.
Mrs. Thnebe Thomas, of Junction
City, III., wa told ! her doctors she bad
consumption and that there was no nope
for her but two bottles of Dr. King's
New Discovery completely cured her
and she savs ii saved tier life. Mr. Tims.
Kiiters, 13; Florida Ht., Han Francisoo,
utr-red from a dreadful cold, approach
ing consumption, tiled without result
everything else then b 'iitfht one lailtle
of Ir. King's New Discovery and in two
week was cured, lie iiatuaally thank
ful. It is such result, of which tbea
are samples, that prove the wonderful
efli-'aoy of this m -dioine in flmigh and
cold. Free trial ImMle at T W Ayers.
t'., drug store. Regular sins TiOo. aud
be." How deeply we
press the thought tbat the same God
loves us all, the same Dear Saviour has
gone to "PrepareTbose Many Mansions,"
that we may all meet in tbe same heave"
"Over There." and I thought, as I en
joyed those pleasant meetings at tbt
Turner oamp ground, of the "many" wh
looked to be there and wbo in thought
and prayers were in that great meeting,
although "absent in tbe body." On ao
oountof a very "oroupy" baby the writer
was obliged tc go home before tbe olose
of the meetings, but "Grandma" Spray
remained during the entire time Rtid re
ports the interest being kept np until the
very last session, which took plaoe Mon
day morning, July 1st. During tbe time
we were in attendance we had tbe pleas
ure of meeting Elder J. W. Jenkins and
wife, of The Dalles, whom you all know
Elder Jenkins delivered a fine address to
a very appreciative audience on "Jamaica;
Her People and Their Customs." Mrs
Jenkins also read a paper before the C.
W. B M., whiob showed tbe lady to be
thoroughly acquainted with her subject
and fully fitted for the duties of the po
sition she ocoupies ss one of the district
managers of that organization. Very
nice indeed was tbs Model Junior So
ciety exhibited by tmmbersof the Junior
Endeavor of Halem. When the Christian
churcu at tieppner organizes a junior
Hociety tbey will wish they had done so
a long lime ago. Mrs. Hloan is the lady
chosen for superintendent of that work
in Heppner, and I imagine now that I
can see bar with ber band ot juniors
orking enthusiastically for tbe mission
tbat the juniors alone support in foreign
But I am making my letter so long I
expect you are looking for the end, and
that 1 may not weary yon and tbat yon
may bid me "come again," 1 will pray,
"God Us With You Till Wa Meet Again."
Mbh. C M. Cbaiilton,
Hah, Or.. July 0, 18.
might then inu- Th8 MassiHoii Engine & Thresher Co.
Wheat, bu ...8 86(340
Plour.bbl 2 40
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 25
" " three " 2 50
Sheep, muttons, bead.... 1 50 1 75
" stock 1 00 ' 1 60
Hogs, ou foot, owt 8 (K)
Hogs, dressed 4 00
Wool 5 8
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 25(340
Eggs, doz 8
Chickens, doz 2 003 00
Potatoes, per owt 40
it k mm
Why Btand you so amnzed ( Did ye not know that
Minor & Co. would, oould, and do, beat eaoh. any
and all prices that any store oan, will or do make ?
We are not like our competitors, bait you on Sugar
and Flour we bail you on every artiole in tbe
Store. .......
We buy for Cash and sell for the same,
And if we don't undersell, then we are to blama
We make neither brags, boasts nor idle threats,
Neither do we charge for another man's debts.
i wm
TO fflT
All competition. We give the lowest living prioes, and
anyone outting below our quotations, we will not only
meet it, but beat it, as tbe quantity we handle enables
us to do BO.
We Handle More Freight Than
All Combined !
We have now in transit Nine cars of Grooeries bonght
in new fields and at new prioes.
These are a few of our Last Prices :
Fikd roB Mali -Tha M.. C. L. A T,
oompauy have a full stock of all kiodaof
feed, sno'i as chop, mill feed, barley
etc, which will be sold a reasonable
prioea. iMi't neglect to see them for
s rue. WMt
The regular snlweripllon price of the
Somi-We. kly liaz-tte U $ .VI and the
regular pric of the Weekly Or'gonian
Is (1. 50. Anyone aulwriliing (or IN
Oaisetie and paying for m year in
M.lvnnce ran el Ixitli tlm Oaretta and
Weekly Orcgiiiiiaa for 81 All "Id nl
acuta" layii'ii their snlien'in'iona for
one ear in advance mill be entitled to
Ilia 'iin. 9
A M iMker. representing lbs Union
Pants Co , of Cbicaio, wm soliciting
bn-ln- as lo Ibis c ly yeaierday.
Wheat, cwt 87 97
flour, bbl 2 DO tl 8 50
Beeves, Btull fed 4 50 (i 5 00
Muttons, cwt 6 00 0800
Hogs, owt 4 50 a 5 25
Wool EiiBtern Oregon.. 7 t 81$
Hotter, lt , o (e in
Kggs,doz 12ti 15
Potatoes new, per ot... 60(r$ 85
" old, " ... 80 75
ChiokenB. doz 3 00 tt 600
Turkeys, lb 11 OS 15
Wheat, bu $ 52 ( 153
Flour, bbl 180235
Ueeves,Owt 2 25 (e 8 50
" dressed 5 00 (ii 6 50
Muttons, live sheared... 2 25 (it 2 75
" dresaed. lb 04 it 04 H
Hogs, on foot 3 50 3 75
" dressed. Hi 04'ij
Wool Eastern Oregon... 05 (it) 07
Butter 1i kt 15
F.ggs, dm lo it 11
Chickens, doz 3 00 (tf 8 75
Turkes, tbdreeaed. 12
Minor & Co.
100 pounds Granulated Sugar 85 50
100 pounds Extra 0 Sugar 5 00
100 pounds Golden 0 Sugar i 4 75
iilton Flour per barrel 2 65
100 pounds dairy salt 1 10
50 pounds dairy salt 60
100 pounds stook salt 85
27 pounds pink beans 1 06
22 pounds white beans 1 00
Pearl oil .' 1 60
18 pounds rice 1 00
Hest tomatoes 2 25
Best ooro 2 00
20 pon ds soap 1 00
ttock Candy Drips 2 25
22 pounds raisins ; 1 00
15 pounds fine dried peaches 1 00
15 ponnds fine dried prunes 1 00
Farmers remember in any case anyone quotes these lower figures,
ts because tbey were compelled to, as we have reduced and they must
come to them. Give us the benefit and we will give you ample returns.
We are here for business and not for health.
Rurklra's Arnica Halve.
The best salve in the world for cnts,
Bruises, Mores, Ulcers, Malt Hhetini,
Fever Horea, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblain, Coma, and all skin eruptions
and positively cures Piles, or no pay
reauirel. It Is una'antoeil M sive
perfect satisfaction or money refunded
riPcn 25 cents per boi. For sale by
T. W. Ayera. Jr.
la Voir fllimd
Is (be cause of that tired, languid feci-1
iug which aflliots yon at tbls season.
The blood is impnre and Las beooins
Ibin and poor. Tbat la why yon Lavs
no strength, no appetite, cannot aleep.
Punly your blond with Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, which will give yon an appetite,
tons your stomach, and invigorate your
Hood's Pills ara easy to take, easy In
action and snra InfrffcoL 25o.
pulilioiiti ins.
d-S'Mng pieacrtplKio, wlnott aill C"t t foffX HNl J i if!7 V"l jl
It.m ao'bing. and n'y -fv blnng, LV f 1 1 T fH ftVuXLJ
ill plra. a-l lr. llv. I.DWAKOA. L -i"rW?f f XEr JJ TrfM "j
WILSON, llrra. n, $. Y. Junll . I flf it ntaff TO Ik
J 1
The Portland Citr 1're.s Club adopted
satiable resolutions nnon ths death of
on of its members, II. (1. MatblfS. At
lbs last meeting of lha Olub the follow,
ing waa ad'ipUd: "In lha midat of life
wa ara io des'b la truiara verified In
tliraof II i Malblea, laU editor nf
the IJn-gon Knighl ami Nrthw.t
Hprtinan, and,
"WiiantAS.K litor Malbie waaayonng
man f'HI of v gor. apparently, with a
brigtil and pr-.arotia (nlam awaiting
j him, and was a good writer, an eii"rg tic
I worker and a man of groat force of ehar
afer, and.
Head "Ooin's"
Carlos lloyd, agent.
McFarland Mercantile Co. will pay
cah for wheat, barley, bides and pelts
Farmers should call and see them. I
Meadows A Scrivner, lha blscksmiths,
borswahoers an I wood butuhers. at ths
old Ounn stand, Main street, Heppner
Call on the boys,
T. It. Howard makes a specialty in
supplying stockmen with all needed
ar ticks, tieaidiHi carrying a general litis
Beo bla new ad. tr.
Mathews Urns., City bot el barber shop.
tonaorial artlat. Ilairotittitig, shaving
shampooing, etc, dons scieiitiQoally
Hatha at 25 oents apieoa
(1. R. Hall, the tonaorial artl.t, can
U found al In P'trlota, Matlock Corner,
here be will dtpene at tr"pnlar price
have, shampoo, tialrOul, etc
Staifx rr fof IXiO Motola
Vt e!a. an I Frida), reltirtilng
Ttir-ada), I li'Kda and Kiittirday
II. Wade, Pn.p. T. W. Ayer lr , ag-nt
lli-ad "Otin'a Financial Hchrml, anil
1 1. mii lake lip lit oilier publication.
Tbey a' ail cavincing, iiiteritlng.
lm Caih llod, Sg'dU hwi bim.
Aiv uivntor In F.ai"rn Oregon who
$G 00
5 40
5 25
2 75
1 25
22 pounds
20 pounds
1 65
14 pounds
2 40
2 40
1 15
2 50
16 pounds
12 pounds
12 pounds
s jut iJLjM m
Talking Tnrougn His Hat!
The man who talks through bis bat is
everywhere in evidence very objection
able evideuoe it is, too, io most oases.
The man of Intelligence oovers bis
cratium w ith one ot
fine straw bats, which is in Itself sign
ot proeperity and good lasts.
He also bnys bis groceries, gents' for
nishiiigs, stoi kmeu's supplies, eta, at
Mr. Howard makes a specialty in Ihosa
things required by sheep and oattlemsn.
Kememlier tba plage. m
Four doors south of lbs Uty hotel.
"WilKliHS. Whila enjoying IbnU-st o J rlirM , M-rytroa
MraJHl at atlea j
A dark rnan ni!k row, b ati U I II. W., '
with calf d'nrd frim dy ten In :
Usppiier aboql focr aine. Any i
trtwo riorniag ber or f ivlrg any to-
formal o that will ld ! her tMfitery, 1
ill b reasonably rwadd.
12 7 Mm llaaar Usan.
An Sfwt 1a Tavtttvw anl Krwrs Tol,
rV.Kl ty trnierxnarir srr.t t T I. Kotwh
ao4 lMi pry t nw, rawlcs lra
If A W ft liahev'iiTnfXn
iJ IlUMUMlwUian41ifaUt.&.
Now Is tba lima In get th Wa kly
Oregoaian, lha griM aep(r (f
ths Vt ft. U Mb Ibe ( Ifl'a. le.tb strirl
f in adarr,fort )r. 1-1 N bnf
0iirrlna'i"t f aer en l maile
la lha ll. Wid aill glv aa a
,rmt't aa l ll'l-.iial )'rnl.tl. Mh
f.a.l planter, aa afnittral pif.
ConftS la and tiWrih.
A'ofct c Intention.
I ,u (tr rn I at las bil f'i.
NoTtf r. i tirsrav .tNr uti mr
l.,.;.,et,.f ,,T,i or f,. ,..,--
itf M. Iiirt,t..t l. . fo.l f.r.-.t t ' u.l.1
t n hi. rial-i 1 li.t I f.t m,' el 1. .. .!
; !'.. ml M. ... , 1 ' ' .1 II (. f ,
: o..ti, ftt. Am M'. ! , l
i tit at i-irtl.
khm cf al 1 real i-r !. ly 1
siring f- s-4 sbll h. al j Hisn
and tin tak aJvata of in gfmt
bfain. i ..ti
H o W
R. r it aol faS)i', Mr.
A It """"
e i T a
ft. ih- r. - .
Hy, ab ! "
T Iirs by M. v. A.
rtl l
Haxt al
la. tseeruiaiy fsaet
ary l la, sail nr. iia, "wor
lis a or ILat sans, replied Mrs.
II. It. at g-eal a fn-.' re' I
t.r I .r,t .-ll.l I.. . a .
a,l a'n ey i.e."
i "Tt ra f--f ) Only 'iwof an sigsr,
I a sMe." Wabua fjiar.
, 4r4
l . 1e " e
M ti (..:.. oof H
e. lit.' j rl'lr. ui.n
e.t ! ,i
y Mf"l ! tfc'i"tn S'iel Tnf
. I. L il a.l Ml f.t . '(..
ja r m-.'
t eief
health, be was a'ricken il'iasj by Hi
halo) of death, and,
"Wh . Ht wa memlter of the
P .rll itid Preaa C nb, It txt-r-ntr-a nor
duly In pay tribnut Ut bis tu' roor;,
Iheref'ire Ih it
-litnlrnl, Thai in lb dealb of Han
() Ma'biea tbt emh l"a a nimber abo
ww aver fee' lo rep lO-l lo Ih rail of
d'i'y an I lr bis share of lha harden
a'f ner bim.
.'.,'. Thai a cpy nf tbt leii
moatal t f .rrd- to lbs wldoWi.f Ih
rtxwaaed ai-d In Hi m-ro'e-r of lb City
pre with a y qie.i io pntiiiti lti tan,.
K L V.. Wmn. Pre.teUi.
ttaai LS. Ptwretery,
Ir'ty. t.vtnT"rrt T tirrsra
i I . ; -
I t ,., .r.H t"-.. Ii;
II . I A I 1
l . x. .. t .
m mi. i ,
. ' r ti
. rlrf. t
... al,i
1- '
r ihb..a t. M.
Wbil In Hl'ickton, Cal.,omet!tn ago.
Tlx a. F. L Sn, f Iia ttaar.a, that
tale, wa lakes Very severely with
if .nn ard ilirrh-. Ha brd to
rr.el M. (' M I a'lee, wtut wa miary
m cr H- : I til I. m 4
I ... n I, it ,,. f Ii I' le a d I 'I
r. , e II ... . a . e . Ml ... I . l
I ni e . i .-..r t a H ' f
j I en net, f.. i. ,a,rig ruir l tnm,"
I ttt saia by riniriia Jwlue liag co.
of an aitorney in
Wellington. I). () , will hud it l M
a'lvarilaa call on or addrea bt pa
per. M
Wall. Tboint -n run slag ltren
Heiipner and Monument, arriving awry
day etoepl Monday and leaving every
day einepl Hui.day. Htiorle! n el.eap
el rout lo Iba Inlaririr. 1'. Cohn,
T. W. Avr. Jr., I making squirrel
,leon Itial b giiarantee. N kill 0"
par, and eella t al Z Be,,t (rt.r an, fl
ca a f II fei; li'et per d'.en. it a
aatnple and try it. If.
Fred IVak. an lrieicei l.n'cl.er
from p.trtla'id. ha arret.'ed a M'..n
In He k Mattiew lofcter t.op,
tir-re ,e l ery It. pnl.llu In It.
U.t i f l)le. Frb meal an 1 bolieal
eight to rer)oo
Tl" PatlefeoB Pub. C . I.ava ecnrd
ll.a agency of It. IJ.eeAent lne)elea for
V -rr-w and (Irani rvmntl, a. d will
iiortly l.v a-.m rnehin'afo sal al
1 ey ow flgnrea. J.laniill a LreeceOI
t lf ,r bay ins. I.
IT in an ill wind that blows do
good, and although the play
ful prank tit Oil Ilorrn eiKM
1 1 ih fond couple b) temporary f tn
bhrriiaHiiw'tit, tlm hituation greatly
ainuHi-N thn ac titois.
Iikewieo tho situation at
la- I O ID
Krll l.
.l, Mfc4 e ale
e ee ! I,
hue a f ntig e It
i.n-' eo
-itn o It Iwih lKoinn T0 WOOIsKliY
nctifirully kiKiwu that tlllt, M UVijliiia
Which b Sells St IWd It K k Priea.
IVmor-of Kietht Mil". laviUn, (looarlnTry, Douplaa, Jordaa
Fork ai d ton a cti'-na can d no Mtr tban inak tbi'ir Mirrlici ot
Ion. lie larrit a a full lii.s of Forniabiim (laU, 15a.ta and MinM,
(nK- ii.a, and iu fact a coii.plile atrnk of i t ral tucribandiae. 1 aw.
b a .1 I
" ut
r her
l d '''U' '' ' I'' I f
e'er In 1. I KV.
! ll tf. UH't-f, Ui"s,
the IM in; foi
Grnccrics Cheap for
C ish Only.
r rcsn