Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 16, 1895, Image 2

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UDder the McKiDley law. If these
editors do uot know the wool grow
ers do know that as the wool clip of
1894 had to go into competition
with goods made of wools imported
without duty its prices sank at ODce
to the level of free wool, while the
woolen industry was paralyzed.
It was known January 1, L&93, that
wool would go on the free list, and
Mrs. M. S. Schoonmaker.
Here are
A New York Woman Who Suffered for Four
Which we wish you, to
Eemember :
First: We Keep
Second: We offer it
Years with Nervous Debility Paine's
Celery Compound Made Her Well.
free-wool prices prevailed there
after. When will the democratic
editors cease assuming that the
people are fools? Indianapolis
We Sell as Low or Lower than Any of
Our Competitors.
--: A.T
Senator Hill is advising New
York democrats "to get together."
He must be spoiling to see a fight.
Someone suggests that politi
cally Americans can at present be
classified as three kind of bug,
viz: "Gold bugs, silver bugs and
straddle bugs."
The following states will vote
for state officers in November:
Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massa
chusetts, MissisHippi, New Jersey,
New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania
and Virginia.
The chautauqua assembly is now
in session at Gladstone park neai
Oregon City. Each day's program
has many interesting features, and
W0e crowds are in attendance
ONE of the conspicuous banners
at the Louisville convention bor
thelegHiid, "Harmony or 11 .
It was a hard alternative, but th
convention finally cIioho llaruin.
Cincinnati Times-Star.
Up IN M inriesota thpy are gather
irig the grasshopper crop by a new
machine that harvest 8,000 bush
els per dav, so the dispatches SHy.
That section evidently has an
overproduction of grasshoppers as
well as Eastern Oregon.
The performance of the re
cent democratic convention in Ken
tucky was a victory for those who
believe in free coinage of gold and
silver. It was not as great a vic
tory as a declaration for silver in
express terms would nave Deen,
but considering the efforts of the
gold men at their full value, it was
still a triumph upon which the
bimftallists may bn felicitous.
I he work of the convention was,
to state it in few words, the nomi
nation of, the pronounced silver
candidate for governor, and the
adoption of a straddle platform on
the money question, and an en
dorsement of the administration,
which is absolutely nothing. Cm
cinnati Enquirer (Dem..)
Electric Bitter.
This remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to Deed do
Rpeciul m tion All wbo Lave osed
Elpotnc Bitters mnu tbe same song of
prmiie. A purer medioine does not t-xist
and it is (guaranteed tn do all that 18
claimed. Eleotric Bitters will cure all
di8eisen of the Liver and Kidneys, will
remove Pimnlpe, noils, Salt Khenm and
other affecti'ins canHcd by impure blond.
Will drive Malaria from the syHtem
and preVHtit as well as cure all Malarial
fevers. For enre of Headache, (loiisti-
nalion and In JifBti-n trv Electric
Bitters Entire RntiHfneton Bnarantppd,
or monev refunded Pr'oeGDo. and $1
per bottU at T. VV. Ayers, Jr., drug store.
iff ( J Hif
Third: We sell
We are enabled to give more
for a dollar than the usual
"Dollar's worth."
We keep a complete line of everything.
Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings.
The National Bank Building .... HepDner, Oregon
Main Street, H. ppner, Or
Did you ever notice the diflVr
cn" tit' tween the U. S. and the
foreign countries? Not long since
Iloseberry was called a fool for re
signing. Now if Cleveland were
to resign we would call him a pa
triot. Yob, quite different
Kmokf.lkhs powder is to bo is
sued to the American army this
year. There are home fellows who
believo that the more muoke theie
is tu a battle the better. So it re
mains to be seen whether this
change will give nut infliction.
If IT is true that Secretary I.a
niont CHine west to learn what Mr.
Cleveland's cliHtici'8 for a third
term are, he has doubtless become
fully informed by this time. In
deed, the wet would be only too
gLd to let Mr. ( levehuid off light
now if it could be Hrnmged. St,
Iouis rortt-Uispateh (dem.)
!ot I'itzsimmonh has been nc
quitted of the clmige of killing
Cm Itiordun. Kiordnu and ritz -
ziuiiii' us wore giving nil exhibi
tion at sparring when Kiordati re
ceived a blow from which he did
not recover. No obstacle now pre
vent the meeting of r'ilz am
Col bi t t down in Texas this fall.
K.I pinna tion or a Tunu Much In Vogue at
Apropos the recent disturbance in re
ligious circles over the definition of
"spoon injr" the Tennessee version of it
Is Riven, say the St. Louis Republic.
"Spooning" parties are popular in
some quarters. They take their name
from a Rood old English word, which
was intended to ridicule the alleged
fantastic actions of a young ninn or a
young woman who Is in love. For
some reason, which no one ever could
explain, everybody pokes fun at the
lover. In fact, that unhannv character
is never heroic in real life, no matter
what prciit gobs of heroism are piled
about him on the stage, and in all the
romantic story hooks. The girl in love,
nnd the boy in love, are said to be
When a "spooning" party is given
the committee in charge of the event
receives a spoon from euch person who
attends, or else presents each guest
u illiAsp.mn. These spoons are fanci
fully dressed in male and female attire,
and are united eit her by the similarity
of costume or by n di.stingishing rib
bon. The girls and hoys whose spoons
are mates are expected to take care of
each other during the coutiiniuiice of
the social gathering.
Of course, the distribution ,,f the
shmiiis is made with the greatest possi
ble carefulness, the aim being to so
place them us to proM-rlv lit the case of
the young people to w hom they are pre
sented. The parties re usually given
by the young people of some neighbor
IuhkI. where th. personal preference
of each spooney is well known, and
they are the source of no end of fun. It
is xssil.e, also, that they serve as aids
to matrimony as well, and are there
fore commendable, since an avowal is
rendered more easy to a ditlldent swain
after be feels that his passion is not a
secret, but that bis weakness for a
sHMiney maiden Is known to bis friends
and enemies on the committee which
dispenses Hie spoons. It lusty be men
tioned that after the sptsuis have I n
distributed among fn guests, euch
couple retires for consultation regard
ing the reasons which caused the award
of mated sSNns III their case. This
eon mi It lit inn is known by the uaiuc of
For four years I was a sufferer from j
nervous debility. During that time I
took a great many remedies without get
ting any help until I tried Paine's celery
compound. I took six bottles of that
remedy and was oivrl. I cheerfully
reoomraend Paine's celery oompound."
8o writes Mrs. 1YI. 8. Shoonmaker of
80 Jane Ht,, New York City.
Too msny women needlessly suffer
from nervous troubles, not only in tbe
cities, bat everywhere.
Their whole world too frequently lies
inside tbe four walls of their homes.
Think of the many persons, men as
well as women, who siiend most of tbeir
lives barricaded within tbe narrow oon
fines of tbeir dwelling. Rummer finds
them pa'e and tired out. Their store of
nervons vitality ban been slowly brought
down by vitiated sir and sedentary life.
' Their whole system Deeds a thorough re
plenishing. The nerves want nourish
ment, the ticsues are not half supplied
with material for the repairof their parts,
and the great vital organ tnnst have
riober blood to mVe tbeia ennnrl and
active, and to keep tbem so. Tbe nerves
and brain need nourishment.
The power of refreshing and reviving
every part of tbe languid body is what
makes Paine's celery compound tbe mar
velous strengthener and invigorator of
tbis oentary. It is this same capacity
to recruit the worn-out nervons system,
to rejuvenate tbe blood that has enabled
this rem nrh able n-mdy to help so mauy
debilitated persons Bnd to restore tbem
ag'iin to firm health.
Rheumatism, neuralgia, pain in the
region of the heart, debility and nervous
weakness, showing itself in any of its
myriad forms, are dispelled by Paine's
celery oompound. It feeds enervated
tissues all over the body. It gives
fresh vigor to the eitire nervous traot,
the brain, the large nerve oentera in tbe
spinal cord and the nerves themselves to
their minutest ramifications.
It restores jaded nervons energy. It
sends new blood roursing through tbe
Veins. It makes people well!
Don't PasOy !
no, never pass a good thing. Always take
advantage of legitimate opportunities to
A make the most outof everything, which
u applies to t' e purchase ot drugs, medi
cines, etc.. down at T. W. Ayers' Drug Store.
Just opened for the Inspection of the public
one of the finest lines of toilet articles, perfum
ery notions, and the like, ever seen in Heppner,
Avers has anything and everything in endless
Prescriptions filled day and night.
Ileppner BuUriinq. next door
to T. K. Howard'!.
T. V. AY KltS, Jr..
Ileppner, Oregon.
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices! Comfortable Rooms!
Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop.
What Hepr is Dig in lis line i
Io order to reduce oar stock of
IF Mr. Columbus were alive to
day and called at Mat Lichten
thal's he might make a Dew discov
ery quits as memorable as that
1492. Chi is was a great discoverer
in his day. He would at this time
dirtcover the fiuest stock of Shoes
ever showD in Heppner, and the
cheapest as well. vV hat more does
mortal man waDt ?
The Old, Original Shoe Merchant.
Mala Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Custom Work a Specialty.
We qnots the following Hard
Tia.es prices fur Cash:
One New Home, latest style, new, $35 00
Une New Home, style ittao, been
run I tt'e but good as new ?i 00
One New Home, second hand, in
good order; a bargain . 20 00
One Favorite, has been rented out
and used a little; good as new, a8 00
Thrtr nrr Itanjnin Prlefi fur immrtliate arcrpt
anre. ( 'all at oner on
Since March ist, '95, the total amount
of merchandise received is not far from the P. C. Thompson Co.
following figures :
Total for the Town, - - - 821,443 Pounds
Of thisamt. Minor & Comets about 447,372
Leaving not far from this amount - 374,071 "
For all the Rest Combined.
We have also more tmods in transit now
.i 'Hi i 111111 i i r .i
tnan win nc nanuieu ny an comuineu lor me
next four months.
MINOll & co.
The tlt'inm-rut linvri muni tinted
tlin numt ritinpniit tm comao nixl
........ . i
Hiiti-ik.liuinihtrntum ninn i no
fuun.l iu tin tla(i on it pliitf. riii
which, ho fr m it boar nv ri-U.
tion to di'l'UH'ratic ftt'litlllli'lit in
Ki'iitiii ky, i a iiH'iininnli'itit Mrml
ill -a complete fnuv. Wc- jii'li'
from th pint form tht Mr. IV
lilo' catnptjjii whm m f ur miCCCHH.
ful m to Holi.lify tin pnp-Mickor
Ktl i till) CUt'Vooo, HU.l tllOHl' put ill
Hit npHnrRtn'i (it tli" convention in
Ur'i ihhuImt. AtLtiU Conntitu.
tiou (l)citt.)
AT HIE Io Ti'publlCHtt elate
ronventioii ltt NVcilnemUy tleti
(J, M. Priike, .f lYiiterulle, n
t.. .
loinilinu,! lor piveumr. in n
brii'f hmm!i ('liHirtntti !.mn re
ferred to tin liftiinjuiiliel native
on, AlliKon, m prenideiitinl hh
ubibty, lt"ll the applmiHp ln-i-nine
no jjient that l'iilte.1 Stale Sefia-
tor ( t r i VYtiJt I. s th liiiu-gulie-l
Htnlemnnu to Hi front 'f
th- U whiU h" lluhivl 1U
ehool K'fl ""! tear rolled down
Li rW'k. Matt I'arrott m
th (Hen fuf lieutulMIlt p'tCtUOf.
j e n ! Hu tu .t , r t)il lh ) riit rl
think they aio f.,.i;i,it th- n j,,(, X, , Hm,tU.n"mt u.
froi r I' TH' J tint 0"l i rri,i,!.i h. Ilaofuu rrrvlU'A U't
TU aingular I'tprrlvnr at a rrvnrh tl
An ohl Kn iii h mhlu r. Col. Ivtiun
tii'Ville, In nrinntr I lie Morv of hi mill
1 ii r v cariTr, ili-writn' nin ciirioiiH nil
vniiiire, hIh.-Ii hi. I ti.it tiinf u.irliki
iKuO It l u 1,1 -ti f.,r n in.iiiii'llt
! wn In il.intrrr of Inn in.'. iMinnf
tin of hiv 'H'iiMiiL'lii. Ml the Voutl
I .'iiii'.iiiimii, h,- Ii.kI Iiim. for the
ci 'i; 10 hi a Iiiiiim' in hli lufl l.i. I v
himI lu-r il.iiii-l.il r.
It ni-!iilv May. Mini In tin- rvriiinif,
after iliniii-r, I tvcnl out iih tlu lnln-
for a wall. We l.k a rmi.l Inoli, if
out of tin' villus tx-tMi'i'ti Ktmii' Mall
BtNiut f. nr fi I in lu iht. Ilrre at a
ln-'f w'urp roi.l fi' l" a
turn, .! Unit Mf rouul n.l M-e m Imt lav
lN'fiir ii . I tii'tiril all at oiuv m otraitiro
iioim-. It nilH'ht lmvo U-4-it r,,lu.vl
I'X lfiiiM-il, Imt then- ai to -I
liri nlti of ir iirrniif
At lh.it n .'iiu nl. inr Iwn roiii'mioM,
ith of i tr, t.rror, , LitmIht, ,
ou r tlo- nit. I I in.Mii, !,, ! fol
low..! I'k iii !- I ir.ltv on thi
oih. r !.!, Ii f -ri- n t io- .lr,.. of p
t I. M-.1 A hiin.!r-. bii I lift f.-.-l loiij,',
nm r.mn, (In- turn it!i n. H furv
ll.al no ohttmlo i-oiii.l hnie to'.l
If Ik. not Imhti on! of iher-.!.
.H.nil l lmp wii Uii.. i-. down,
n I tin' !.; (Iroii m.hi',1 liatr mn
oi-r , Hi,. Momrii tol.l ei ttist
hoii', hat I rn i kol up or el
Irsot k lnuloal.,1 to U- for
Th liif. It ;iirrvl, r JrlvT n
nut to a tu tlu- tnornuii,', an.t et
li!t-ht p itrm-n l, k t. li
ii. fil The ri..t of lh Iroeth
Mr. J.U. Mnrpby, if AuMope, met
with H(1 neoulrot on Ids rourlhof
July at that plaoo. rfnilllliitf in hl denlb.
WLil driving to lh rare track io com
pan with K. M. Hhult, n-lilur of tta
Antelope llerahl, an.l Mra, Minnie liletv
no, h. fornierljr lil in tlrppner, nil
rr thrown from the cart. Mra. OIa
on w cotiKiileraliljr injiirej, Imt waa
hlii to vit'k t.i hrr home nvar ljr. Kill
Mr. Mti'pi'f an.Uinmt ii jnriia ahi. h
ivinlercl lum nnemiprinna, thoiuh In
lu tioiira Ii" hill fully nei'"fi a'i.
aa alle ri'le In hi home, tlitite
f t it id I Ira. II a not Ooimi.li n-.l
rloiialy burl, ami bia family irtuiiiil
t Anirlup fur il" rn irg i'Pie:
but no rritiruintf h'm lh nett ntorninK
thiy fonn.l bim nneoimciona, an ! aer.
taiDinl that l ba.l lko iiMfi'l.iti to
r.M a bfa.lwh from tnrb h anfT-r.!.
Aiitulolr rr appli I. bnl l only r-
Th Orr(uB l'rra Aawwlatlna.
Th Ooruruillre bavins io chnrjf tha
matter of rrantf-ratiia for the anounl
niertingol tha Oreg o Tre Aoola(inD
bave retnrnml frnin Newport, abcra the
tiieniHsltl io iirttinK tha Wt po.nihl
le'nia from botala anil railroa.U for tb
uliiora an.l Ihrlr familir hirai
(witf. I i attcn.l ibn an ii ii l ni'tinit,
hieh tin y bavn art In t- n int-nr Hat
nnlay fni?i, July Ii m ijetJ
l.iO'K.M' Hulur.Uir pi PM1.4 ii,J Hun
lay In rlttfiim -r-ia-a an I ! r.uly
lor at enlar liiiaiu.- I .1 ,1 ,v 'I h (.,.
otiiij la th pr..k-r.,m I -r H.tn Inv ; H
m , rnioii by S.-cr-Mr T ( finm
let-It -ii.l .1 .e.i!i Kie U.l..n.l
ll'tr.1 0 Ilia f.ilea an. I W ," In lncb
lh a. prrlay will K' a In. 1 1 iplm.
tion f Je.ih' parformane an.l prt
in. to throri, ahnaini( why Jn-ob
pt br e.lla.l ni'n p"f'rn HI
Mr. T' B ar liiin-lf baa ulaaya con.ul-
I i racNcaaiHAMCiACo calf.
v-it-f 3.P0LICE,3SOLtS.
"-A ,52.ll.a .
4a trunrnirmi miit
"2V.."r W'L'OOUG LAfl
- shock ToriMAaa.
Ovar On Million Pcopl weir th.
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoca r equally Mtlsfactory
Th.y ilv. th bl value lor lh. anoiwy.
T h r i)ual ouatom . hoc In at v la and fit.
7 hair rarln aualllir. ara nurna.
I h prkn arm Hnilarm,alampl at
From li la f t aavrd avar MkH w.k
II your d)rr cannot tupply uu x can. hold by
. ... ..
iair no nam m annrtu an
paarbrr. AitpbI aantrJ. Apply at oner
iaa.aaarvaMMh t" am to anr a k a.
wrauca a. i la. mtuH aiminyai aataM wa-
lb m-aiili id,nf
M a aarnr. th bt nalan la rVit tir rllatita.
ami i ha tdfK ,4 ihu a ta aacnaraga awaaiM. la
kwvtrxa fcfHht Mm Al lh.
ami k NBDiaia im pvtMC ttaa laa tkaa
aarka. eS "f W k kcaa k aaV al.4
a4 a awmia amkuif ih pmtrtn . back,
"aawaaaa," "At bu,' "a.t -kuHla.
atoptm, aa4 a IhaawaM what kllia thaiia Oial
a aa taa a aaa at WW, , ami ilwo
a' aaiaiai an Ik mr iKai kni Utft mra la tka
aaiiiii. r T ti tt t t i i i i mm
rti.Mi uta am eli at armroal aaa. la
aVa" hia.aal kactWt. aHmu at I mm.(hnk.
l C . aka. k a tha aai aawatara. mtmta m Ammm a
ialatM.t, a luranh . mi , aak
t.m.la.1 fftially N lh.r rff -eta. ki, 1 1 I""""' ' nr.f tnry a,
..,,,1 .,.,.l.r at 7 o'ikk. -" b...
Mr Mti'pbv aa on t.f lb prom'.rtit i ',,,,''n Jacob ..; ,.a ...t I. thai
r ,ib lean, of W a-0 o,iMy, an.l u , !' f' .Uml ba.l b-n ralihaj nnlona
.IM-k-ala fr-Hl IM e-inly -ill trtt-t 7 I'- ' ,h n,,,U "'" '
hrrtimaaMf.il VV.i..a rrpr-l.l..ra , '''r.r Amrm.ll.a,
t ha. ira-n; nrtraiir. ira i ampii.
Effl mm;: nmm
Storage and Forwarding.
Pais all tas co fto
It d (J
isc, Etc.
Wool bnled nnd oonaitroed. HDeoial ftttpntino pnid to
wool that it may be nniler cover snd in good coodition
for ioapeotionof bnyeri.
Remember the Upper Warehouse.
Heppner, Ore. Proprietor.
(i-) A W AJ VAV-f T 11V111T1U11 1 a
1 lfAvtrrtii v;
a muiN in
al lh laal Ut aoht Kill.m . Tb Irf
m bin at lhat lima moi fonn.l lum a I
a.iBMit afolkrr BliJ BU t.lll.lla.l 0 f-"'"'
....I.I. II mmma i iit.lid aikkrr of twetitly.
ronai.lrf.l.l nol an.l prooOtirbt i
Imcat nif In Ibat cotml), atiara (.
b'Ih-I. apiar.l a i moat aarkly la It
lUralJ an.l olbf ottnty papr. Tb
()t-i rf ra lit fhroakiil tb daib of
lb. kin.l baabanJ an.l faibar. an.l era of
th bonr an4 tWtaxl Cllii'-O of
J It S IU.I1 an.l Y. Ib-.rp
f!lrll aa nt ir bii.I rrfr'a re-
Al tnlrit!. ilnritfc lb ile-
bil aaetri' Bot.at aiil aa ajti( by
I'rirra.m, and al II floaw tr . -Irc'toa
mil b t.kn p by A I tab W,
1'altrrao K-aall JnnmaL
arntmat la Una )amtl. ha. af r-. la al a ilm
a a aM alMHaa, ha 4 cam. tha a.aai,aa aa. k
uik tal a 1 1 , a I kwf-la af
a4 ttaa a tha "Kaiaaaal Bataaajat," aam..t a
aafc a mi iha m-im. ' - - " - ,
a) ba ra4Wa4 l almi iha I at 4 -f t aa 114
atai.M aat aaaai.tam, tha. ktwfi. ( aa Ikaa)
awrwl Ik. m. at lk I laal a.
jomn wrnnrRntRN co.,
Matlia a Aawakja Baa laralg ra)U,
618 1 Mrtrt.N.W.,
nta!l. U aahlnriofi, f, c
f ttmmtTkm mf' aw mnmjmmmar
f'ttfftl, Aft.
rilat Mlaat IhMa Ptlaav.
hytnp4otn-M.alur; IB Sana ltMt
aail alihajini'S Moal al tbl ainrta .y
, , , acfal. biatf If Ilo. trt fotttiBi
Hnlaer.l-r to lh Wkly Ha. !!..;'"' '"" 1 !
inlnfl . iftlrara, It -r ..f. nWa. tr. mlfg t-r, ... XtTl
Wllh It. Il.i It. U U in mU-r, t'l t . t i It iMorrj , 1 t-l-
liTSi-af f. A r-'l eonluaii.Hi .,,,.., ,
V LOAN CO. v.r.,
.r..,...t af... ft'talf ,t.4 11
n 1,, ii .li.i. a rat
a-fav iia-n ti-h.,a. faa-a la
Ornn na aaaiar hhi al ata n( ni,nai
MUilwlliin.. fi tnnnmt Himwm
raraaaa) Ikal haa Hr tataa l.f othaf (,,n.
fallllf l Iraaa a oh Tip
Mrati antra.
aar tltr. 1 iva-.a.
Ta.li. a tapa-u 1 at tn.a fea h t, 1. U fc, ...u, J.f fjo, ' .
ituUh;flttlbU.lt.24a. ,tU:JUW I ii!al.i.f. j
fH -f lh tlttf dflft'f
of;c of final SitVtmtnt.
I" !' f tll.i n lh
ft rf l p. I . g d a1 i )
t - . . t m U .
i t 4 a t.
4 .... , . 1 M m ... f (I,.,,
l . !.., lq r )
$ The Press Claims Company
ft THIUP W. AMRCTT, Oesenl Mianer.
61S P 5trect. WASHINGTON, D. C.
To rnon who rvd In th wan of th I'nitcJ State or to their
Widows, Children, or Patents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a
relativ in th War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican War
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pention, who now do not. ThouMnd under th new
taw are entitled to an Incrcaa of pension. The Rovernment own it
to you and Is willing and Analout to piy. Why not prent
your claim at thl preaent time ? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now I the accepted hour.
frWrit for Uws nd complei Information. No Charg for advice.
No Fee unlet tiKtenful.
f ft-r AHra i, aa.w;aj af Bmrrf an iKnumnd UoJimf ntv
waer. la It fadrat a aat U watawat fry Uaat.
Arc tho Highest of all High Grades.
try airya! kaCI la lb w4. rtr4; f w
ft Wtmra af ht .a nina ahi.
HmuaM ( f. ty tMlau HryrWraj
fr L t -..-ww oa-c w aa 4 aa
V ant ha Ift4.r4 to
ant( IK at.t:,f
kni .i. a i..,;af Im wu.
211 tCCBCMCR tts.
22ik. LAOltt' tra.
hi 1 a n n 11 1 in x i -
oiiiiik.ii itp r a a
taa .! Laawa Ofm... ttttAMuu, Vf. ' '