Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 12, 1895, Image 3

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Btage for Hardman, Monument, hong Creek,
Tohn Day and Canyon City, leave at follow ;
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
A rrive every day at (p.m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior cnnntry.
Phlll Cohn. Agent F
You can get the beat beer
in Heppner at G. B. Ted
rowe's, 5 cents iver glass, -
Anything unusual io the general no
pe .ranee of C. O. tjargent cbq now be
accouuted (or by the fact tbat ao eleven
pooud boy arrived at bis borne in this
Oity Thursday of lift week. Charley
says be dow has a well balanced family,
three boys and three eirls, and tbat
while be doesn't wear as large a dollar,
yet, be believe be is a better man tnan
Grover Cleveland. And if records oouut
for anything be is oertaiuly entitled to
the belt.
If you Want the finest liquors, cigars,
call at Tf. d'
City Hotel Bar!
sun j mow I Tue wed i thu i frh sat'
JjZJ 5J 56
J S 9 10 II 1 I? 13
H 15 16 17 Ifti 19 20
21 22 23 2125 26 27
28121307311 1
Here and There.
How flishera differ as they wait
And for a nibble beg;
Some use an old tin can for bait,
And others use a keg.
Don't let the blinds befuddle you,
Nor the "Out of Town" on a caid;
You'll sometimes find that they
Are summering in the old back yard.
Millions ride the Humbler.
Ike Etinia has bicyoles to rent.
Casey Officer and wife are over
Bead Minor
other oolumn.
& Co.'b "baits" in an
bis poison.
Ayers guarantees
$2.50 per dozen.
Ed Rood was in from the Eight
country yesterday.
The Niles-Vioson, Marble Works.
Walla Walla. Wash,
Mathias Kelly was in from the Goose
berry eeotion yesterday.
P. Car's, the Monument merchant,
was io this oity yesterday.
The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $2.75
per year, both strictly in advance.
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. b. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
Rev. Sherrill, the adveDt minister of
Eight Mile, was seen on our streets yes
terday. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and
Swaggart'a "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with.
Try Ayers' squirrel poison before
bnying any other. Only $'250 per
dozen. tf.
For Sale A lot of household fnroi
lure and an ortran. Call at the M. E
parsonage. tf,
Ben Hunsnker departed for a brief
visit to The Dalles last Tuesday. He
returned last evening.
Wanted Plain or fancy sewing. Will
go to the house or take sewing at home.
Mrs. Mary Henderson.
If sou want to rent a bicycle or get re
pairs for same, call on Ike Ennis at his
bicycle livery, power Douse.
Wm. Rudio and E l Turk got in late
last night from Pendleton, departing
early this morning for Long Creek.
Word cornea over from CsDyon City
that Duo. Veugban has been quite ill,
but is again aule to be np and around.
L. Blumentbal departed last Saturday
for a brief visit with his family at Tort-
land, lie returned borne last evening,
Miuor & Co. have made another great
reduction in prices, as you will observe
by readmg tbeir Dew ad to tins paper,
(iilhoueen Broa.. will soon go to tbe
inner nountrv to be absent until tbe
latter Dart of this month. Await their
Green Mathews for shaving, bair
pnttinit. hamrxKiinir and all other work
in that line, llatbs at any time dnriug
business hours.
Marv L Dontbit. nf Portland, passei:
through Ueppuer last Wednesday on her
way to Canyon City tor a urier visit wuu
friends and relatives at tbat point.
Rev. Debison bas exchanged pulpits
lib Ib-V- E P. Oreen, ol Arlington,
who will bold services at Ilia M. K.
churali next hun lay at the regular mom
ma and eroiog hour.
W. O. Vao Schuyler, of Portland. J.
A. Bennett, of St. Joseph. Mo and H.
Harnn, ol tit. Paul, -br- traveling men.
were register! at the Palaoa yesterday,
having arrived od the previous evening's
Ktgia Recorder: W. K. K abler and
family, ot Hardman. Morrow ooiiuty. ar.
rived in town tha first at the wrk to
i.k. inihaO A. K. reunion and visit
with relatives,
Mra. Annia Labey eame op on Wed
nesday ttening's train fmm Portland
aol departed on Thursday morning a
stagr- for Borne to vin ber mother. Mra.
E. Bntt'O. who la proprietress of tta
lioitl Barns
Dr. and Mra.Oagen.of Lo'tine. pJ
Ihrnogb Elgio lt week, says In K
ob ti.air ralarn from a viit with
Heppoar frienmla. Ibis must ba a mie-!
take aa w did Dot learn of tblr viaiiicg ;
Ibis section. i
Tba n alter of holding fall race at this)
place la bait. diarnae I bv a noci.br of i
lleppoer'a prominent rititna. Active .
te will donbtteas I lak-Mi to Ilia near
fntnra. Hit ta a g "I mov 1 should ,
be pushed by OOf pr..graiV fHH.pl.
Mra T. H. IUwkin. ChUanoga, i
Tene..' eave "M.tlnb'a Vllolifr 'sated
my If ' I fottdr th bt fti (
f .r dbilit ayataa I !
r dypr,,. or alloey lennbta,
H eieele. Pnoa lb eala. Mold by T.
W. Aera.J.
BuriVa Ha-lno-a f rne ' tan
st,. V, ; '''' ,"! ''":h
f ,r i , i v . 13 '; I!
teg 4 I'., b" I ' laocnt
Set 10 ft,' - vV "
There are many aocidentB to live stock
which cause delay i nd loss to the farmer
in his work. In a large nuouber of in
stances the delay would be but trifliugif
a remedy was promptly applied. Dr. J.
H. McLean s Volcanic Oil Liniment has
for runny years been regarded aa the
farmers friend. Its healing influenoe on
the flesh of domestic animals is immedi
ate, and permanent. Price 25c, fiOo and
$1.00 per bottle.
James Poole and John Case, the two
men recently arrested and charged with
tbe recent robbery of tbe S. P. train,
were given a hearing at Roeebnrg last
Monday. Both men were identified be
yond a doubt and were bound over to
await tbe action of the grand jury. It
seems to be a clear case that tbe guilty
patties have been apprehended, as the
identification is unusually dear.
There comes a time to all of us, when
we feel mean and "out of sorts" and io a
condition to invite disease It is then
we need such a remedy as Dr. J. H
McLean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier. To persons exhausted
by Bicknes or overwork its invigorating
1 nuenoe is surprising, promptly restor
ing health, energy and cheerful spirits.
Prioe $1.00 per bottle.
Dr. Henderson arrived from Long
Creek the litter part of last week iu pri
vate oonveyanoe, and Wednesday even
ing met bis mother and aunt who ar
rived from Mt. Vernon, Iowa. All de
parted for tbe interior oity yesterdav
morning A'ter spendina a few weeks
with the dootnr aud family, the ladies
will return east via San Franoisoo.
"We wnu'd urae every one to read the
advertisement of Simmons Liver Regu
lator. We have never before said one
word in favor of any patent medioine ad
vertisement in onr oolumns, but having
Biven Simmons L'ver Regulator a fair
trial, we do not hesitate to say tbat for
Dvspepsia and Gneral DeDi ity it cannot
be excelled." Fred M. Cbilds, editor
"News," Kenton, Ohio.
The Heppner board of trade held an
interesting session Tuesday evening with
Pres Conser in tbe ohair aDd Geo.
Thornton as acting secretary. Import
ant matters, were brought np and die
cussed by the members present, and sev
eral sotive oommitteee appointed. An
other meeting will be held in tbe near
Ike Ennis has a stock of bicycle
repairs and will fix your wheel up at
reasonable rates. It is his intention to
make a specialty in this line, and as tbe
Dumber of wheels is rapidly increasing,
this will certainly be pleasing news to
hose who are so fortuuate as to own a
bike. tf.
B. F. Swaggart is prepared to furnish
his "Sure Shot ' squirrel pniBon in
wholesale lots. He has already received
large order from Washington and
Idaho Every where it has been used,
it has not failed to exterminate the little
pests. ti.
Mrs. C. J. Smith, wife of Dr. Smith,
of Pendleton, arrived Wednesday even
ing and is the gneat of the family or lit.
P. B. McSwords. of this city. Drs
Smith and MiSwnrds beoarae fast friends
while attending medioal oollege in tbe
east several years ago. ,
Being anxions to realize on tbeir stock
of waaons P. 0 Thompson Co. will, til'
Sept. 1st, give an extra disoount of $5
on eaoh wagon to casb customers, iney
have also one mowing maohtun ard sev
eral rakes, to be closed out at sacrificed
figures. a
J. W. Kerns, (he Heppner painler who
bas spent tbe past few months over in
the Monument country, returned lo
HeDDner on Wednesday evening's stage,
He save Heppner is good euotigu rir
him, no will remain bere.
Dan Matbiot, well known in Heppner,
osme up on last evening s train, wan
still bolds the tort as one of the lending
representatives of tbe Standard Oil
company. He left for outside poluta
thia afternoon. .
A Pleasant Tims Last Taesday
evening arrangements were made for the
inata'lation of tbeoffioersof D trio Lodge,
No. 20, K. of P., of this oity. but owing
to the absenoe of several of those to be
installed this part of the program was
deferred until next Tuesday evening.
However, the other features of the even
ing's entertainment were carried out.
The social part, consisting of addresses
by drcs. W. R Ellis, J. N. Brown and A.
W. Patterson, interspersed with appro-
nriate vooal music was followed by a
bountiful lunoh of ice cream, oake and
lemonade, all of which was apparently
enjoyed by a number of Knights and
their ladies, who had gathered at the
lodge room for the oooasiou. All men
bersof the lodge are hereby notified tbat
tbe installation will oocur on next Tues
day evening.
While in Stockton, Cal., sometime ago,
Thos. F. Langan, of Los Bauos, that
state, was taken very severely with
cramps and diarrhoea. He chanced to
meet Mr. C. M. Carter, who waseimilarly
ffl oted. He save: "I told him of
Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy, and we went to the Hol
den Drug Store BDd procured a battle of
it. It, gave Mr. Uarter prompt relief and
I nan vouoh for its having cured me.
For sale by Slooum-Johoson Drug Co.
Has troubled ma tor 11 years. I Haw
taken tour bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla
and am perfectly cared. I think Hood's
Sarsaparilla has no equal, and believe tbat
many who are in poor health and have
become discouraged, would be restored to
good health if they would only give
Hood's Sarsaparilla
a fair trial . Wm. J. Beksch, Astorla.Ore.
H rrA ' e Dills emt u u lll, biliou.
11UUU t'llli n(lll. haadachs. 26o.
How About This Dost? Tbe water in
tbe mill race gave out last Sunday, con
sequently tbe sprinkler has oeased to
run and tbe dust is already beginning to
assert its right by aooumulating on the
sidewalks and oolleoting on desks and
oountersof the diff-rent business bouses
on Main street. On Inquiry we learn
tbat water can be pumped for 82 per day.
And the proprietors of the sprinkler
agree to furnish pump, tank and sprinkle
the streets if the subscribers will furnish
the power. If each one would increase
their subsorip'ion a small amouDt, the
sum could easily be raised and tbe
spriukler started onoe more. This is at
least worthy nf the attention of our
business men, for if something is Dot
done thuy will likely have a dusty deal
every day for the next month or two.
How about it?
It Leads Them All.
The "Cyclone" Thresher.
If you buy a new
Thresher, Engine
You of course want the best.
Files! Piles! Itching Files,
bymptoms Moisture; mtense itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form. niob oiten pieea ann
ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swatnes
Ointment stops tbe itching and bleed
iuk, heals ulceration, and io moRt oases
removes tue tumors, ai arnggisis, or
by mail, for 50oeuts. Dr.Swaynei Son,
Write for Catalogue and Prices
The Massillon Engine & Thresher Co
Noticb of Deskktion. Notioe is
hereby given that my wife, Mrs. J. W.
Kerns, left my bed and board, deserting
me at my home at Monument the first
ay of last May, and has sinoe been liv
ing in the vicinity of Gooseberry. Con
sequently I desire to notify all that I will
no longer be responsible for ber aotlons
or any debts that she may contract.
J. W. Kerns.
Ed Hopper CBms over from I endletoo
last Sunday. He expects to move In
honsehold snnds In that place where be
will locate. He will probably stop ate
days at Teal springs on bis return.
Karl's Clover Root will puri'y yonr
Blood, char y nr Complexion, regulate
yonr bowel and make vour bead clear
aaanell. , 50c., and fl bold by
T. W. A vera Jr.
Thoa. Baroett, one of the Lexngton
merchaot. whs up from tbat pUoe ys
lerday. Tom talks of moving his stuck
of gooda to Milton, wbera be may prob
abl locale.
Sbilo's Cnre is sold on a guarantee
It cure Incipient Colianmpliuo. It la
the- best CoiigbCiirennly one Oeiil a doae,
'i eta.. 50 ott.. and SI. boUbyi.
A)erx, Jr.
C. C. Kinney, the Sherman county
atockman, of Wasco, cama np on Wed
oea lav evening a tram Io at-curn eotue
stoik In tbia section.
8. J. Kraemer, tba hardware man, was
bnsv Interviewing bia lleppmr cn'o-
niera tbia morning.
Oeo. F. K ber's. repleading Z U
Broa , oame np last night.
0. O. MeOonagill was over from Ibi
Ilittur O'tantry yeerlay.
John F.I jr was op from tha lower oono
try laat Toeailav.
ere are
Which we wish you to
Remember :
First: We Keep
Second: We offer it
.Third: WTe sell
We are enabled to give more
for a dollar than the usual
"Dollar's worth."
Main Street, Heppner, Or
m k
Wby stand you so amazed 1 Did ye not know that
Minor & Co, would, could, and do, beat each, any
and all prices that any store oan, will or do make ?
We are not like our competitors, bait you on Sugar
and Flour ; we bait you on every artiole in the
We buy for Cash and sell for the same,
And if we don't undersell, then we are to blame.
We make neither brags, boasts nor idle threats,
Neither do we charge for another man's debts.
All competition. We give tbe lowest living prioes, and
anyone outting below our quotations, we will not only
meet it, but beat it, as the quantity we handle enables
us to do ao.
We Handle More Freight Than
All Combined !
We have now in transit Sine cars oNGrooeries bought
in new fields and at new prioes.
These are a few of our Last Prices :
Jail ftaal's
Exclaims tbntlaln! of rplt '' ba
Uken IIikhIV hma.arl at Mil
Of the year.ainl hva O'lted the ano
ce of the niedieirm In giving tin-to r
11. f from thai lired feeling, waning appo- I
tila and state of exl'etue Hhsiieilon af
ter lb cl.-a- 0"t,flii'tDnt I a lorg win
ter aeaaoD.lli" busy time aio1aiil nin
a larae and preaairr lt dunt.g Ilia
spring months an I with tafatmq lima
yrt auma werka distant. It M (hen thai
tba building np powers 'f H-iof a Haraa
parilla ara fud apprietd II aeems
perfocily a-lape1 lo ove'roiiia iiiat pr
trato.o faoaed bv charg" of aKiti, r!
tnat or life, and wl.iU It !. and ana-
am lb sjstem, 11 ponfi-s and vitalise
the blood.
Mtray ar Ma
A dark roaa mi i k row, banil.l II. W
Willi eaif ibapari.t fr'fO Diy blua In
llri pi.rf KMil f i-r ea sine. Ar.y
rerana r9'niag bf r givlrg any l
rwalloo thai will leal tt bef rwivery,
h rcaaooably rwa'dd.
12 7 MM llaiat vru u.
Toilettes for Aagnst. 1895.
The Angnstnumberof Toilettes shows
another brilliant oolor effeot on its cover,
now to be seen on all news stands. It
represents a yachting scene, the central
figure being a beautiful woman, attired
in a trim nautical toilette by Pingat. It
a striking pioture, aud artistio ar
rangemeuls of golden rod and oorn
fl oaers in their natural colors form part
of tbe piolure. The inside pages afford
a feast in tuahion illustration, such as is
afforded by no olber Aiuerioan or Eng
lish magazine. Nearly 180 aeparale aud
original designs with descriptions as to
materials and make np of all manner of
dressea and the accessories to dress are
given in its 32 pages, every squsre iucb
of which appears to ba fruitful of sugges
tions to the dressmaker or tha lady
about to d i dressmaking at ber borne.
There ara childrt-u'a dresses for both
sexes and from tbe baby npwardo; casino
and lawn cosi times, boating and oyoling
loilaitea in great var ely. A speoial an
nouncement is mad- by tba puni'suera
that still greater Improvement will ba
made in this uiagHs ne, beginning Octo
ber 1st, when a i baog" in p'lce will alo
ba made from 21 1!5 cents Tor a ailitflo
oon, and from 81 W ti per year. Wa
advise our readers li take- advantage of
this Information anil sulicrihe now.
Toiletiea t'ulilisliing company, No. I'.tl
Weal 2.11 St., New York, ara tha pub-lisbera.
C K. Cute, of the Kulga conntry. was
in tha citv this morning IU report
grain an feed rather short over Id that
oounlry, thoiigli aaya alook aa yat la do
ing very well. Mr. Cat was acoom
t, allied over bv D. Junes, of tha same
ky r-ot Voaf
When Ibonaaoda if people ar taking
Hood's Karsapanlla lo overcome tha
weakness ami languor whieti ara '
common at tin a-aou, a by ara you not
lining ih same? When yn know that
HiHid'a Haraaparllla Iih power to rnn
rlienmatism. dyspn-ia and all diaeas
canaed by Imi iir I.i.hnI, wliv do U
rniitlniie t nff -l ? H'lod'S cores uthers,
why not youT
Wheat, bu 9 3640
Flour.bbl 2 40
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 25
" three " " 2 50
Sheep, muttons, bead.... 1 50 1 75
" stock 1 00 & 1 50
Hogs, ou foot, owt 3 00
HogB, dressed 4 00
Wool 5 8
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 2540
Ecus, doz 8
Chickens, doz 2 003 00
Potatoes, per owt 4'J
Wheat, cwt 9 87 97
flour.bbl 2 50 45 3 60
Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (tf 5 00
Mnttons.owt 6 00 8 00
Hogs, cwt 4 50 5 25
Wool Eastern Oregon., 7 (s?
Butter, fb 6 (ti 13
Eggs, doz I'm 1
Potatoes new, per ot.. . 600 85
old. " ... 80( 75
Cbiokens, doz 3 00 ti 600
Turkeys, lb 11 15
Mt Pass It By !
YvO, never pass a fjood thing. Always take
I I advantage of lcKitlmate opportunities to
A make the most out of everything, which
applies to t' e purchase of drugs, medi
cines, etc.. down at T. W. Ayers' Drua Stoie.
Juit opened for the lnspeetlon of the public
one of the finest lines of toilet articles, perfum
erv notions, and the like, ever seenin Heopner.
Avers nas anyimng suu everyunng in vuuiess
rreBCiipiions nueu uny auu iiikiii..
Mrppnrr liniMinq, next door
to T. H. Howard'!.
T. W. AY KltsS, Jr..
Heppner, Oregon.
In order to reduce our stock ot
Wheat, bu $ 52 63
Flour.bbl 1 80 & 2 85
Beeves, owt 2 25 (& 3 50
" dressed 6 00 (it 6 50
Muttons, live sheared... 2 25 (A i 75
" dressed, lb 04 04
Hogs, on foot 3 60 0 9 75
dressed. III..
Wool Eastern Oregon
Butter ,
Eggs, doz
Chickens, doz
Turkeys, Bj dressed. . .
05 f? (r7
7 0 15
10 H 11
8 00 8 75
Bnrklea's Aralea Salve.
The. beet salve in the world for cuts,
Bruises, Ho res, Clears, Malt Rheum
Fever Mores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chilblains, Corns, and all akin eruplious
and positively cures Piles, or do pay
required. It is guaranteed to viva
nerfect satisfaction or money refunded
ripca 25 cents per box. For sale by
T. W. Ayers. Jr.
Minor & Co.
100 pounds Grannlated Sugar $5 85
100 pounds Extra C Sugar 6 25
100 pounds Golden C Sugar , 5 00
Milton Flour per barrel .' 2 65
100 pounds dairy salt 1 10
60 pounds dsiry ealt 60
100 pounds stook salt 85
27 pounds pink beans 1 00
22 pounds white beans 1 00
Pearl oil 1 60
18 pounds rice , 1 00
Best tomatoes 2 25
Best corn 2 00
20 pou ds soap 1 00
Hock Candy Drips .' 2 25
22 pounds raisins 1 00
15 pounds fine dried peaches 1 00'
15 pounds fine dried prunes 1 00
(6 00
6 40
5 25
2 75
1 25
22 pounds
20 pounds
1 65
14 ponndi
2 40
2 40
1 15
2 50
IB pounds
12 pounds
12 pounds
We quote the following Hard
Times prioes for Cash:
One New Moma, latest style, new, $35 00 1
One New Home, style iBqo, been
run a rttie but good as new 31 00
One New Home, second hand, in
good order; a bargain s
One Favorite, has been ranted out
and used a little; good as new, ao 00
Thrnr nrr Rarpnin Pries Jor immtiKate aecept-
awe. t aa at onet on
P. C. Thompson Co.
Farmers remember in any case anyone quotas these lower figures,
its because they were compelled to, as we have reduced and they must
come to them. Give us the benefit and we will give you ample returns.
We are bere for business and not for health.
levaca a TW
Hood's IMlsare prompt ami rfTicient.
2.1. nils.
Tl: regular anlripliti PM rf lha
Htni-Wskly iiavt la U'J add Ida
rrgular pnoa nf lha Weekly Orrg.it.iaa
lafl.fiO, Any on eohM-rihtbg for lha
Oat-its and payit.g for ttm ytar 10
alvnca ran at I'rfb the Oset and
Weekly Orrgntilaa fur U. All iU enh
artiliera paying their snleert,t(.r)a for
one year la adyana will ba eolilM to
tba earn.
lima to g-t lha WYy
(. a apapT i if
i Sam I tl
1 O'etfnnian. th
IS vVr-l Willi t.tl-i-t.lei -r ei
It In adtar r.,f. ' ol. af, f I N ti'llrf
.epl!a'"f ' a-r't' r rt I ina.i.
ti th , l'i'l
rrtutT aa klli Mitl J nal.ll.a
fm. l'ia., aa "Ht.aJ pt .
iUjftl la w t4 it Vat tit
Italia). I'aiaawers.
1 n beginning of the eighteenth cen
tury witneawwl an rpi'len,o of p, lam
ing In 1 ram aa well aa Italy. Th
bualneaa wa Uguu in t ranr by tw
Italian f.ivitir riamei l.siit and
fla-r. '1 he flvjnera wrrediwover!
by th ail of tha rWy. Kalll ar,d
(laarr W)-r arbt to th taitlie, whrra
they bth d.e.1. The latter lived long
enough, however, to rommunlrst tha
aerreta of hi buairtea In tha Infamous
M, t rois, mhn lrama tha teacher of
th .Njuailr Infatnou Mine. Ilrinvil
In ra. r-t. ( roix w-a ln-UuiortUl In
t', ! at'if-f a lara m nte rf prron,
aiid f.u.;y wat L..,v,t fouud ta4 10
Li UlvrVwry. r 14 ra4 bata
Mftawal BwAaUaaaBI
llead "CoinV
Carlos Boyd, agent,
Mr-Farlaud Mercantile Co. will pay
cah for wheal, barley, bidea and pells
Farmers should call and see them.
Meadowa A Hcrivner. tha blacksmiths
boraeahoara and wood bnluhers, at the
old Dunn stand, Main street, ueppner,
Call 00 tba boys.
T. ft. Howard makes a specialty in
supplying stockmen with all needed
artn-Ua. baaidea carrying general line
Ma bia new ad. tf .
Mathews Broa., City bot el barber shop,
toDsorial artiste, llalroutting, sbaving
shatn pnoing, etc., dooa scieDtifloslly
Batba at 25 cents apieoa
O. B. Halt, lha tonaorial artist, can
be fonnd at hi parlora, Matlock Oorner
where b will diapenae at popular prlcea,
shaves, sliampooa, bairoula, etc.
Hlag leavaa for Kcho Mondays,
Wml eadaya. and Fridays, relnrolnaou
Tueada), Ihnrsdaya and Kalnrdaya.
it. S ade. Prop. T. W.AyeraJr , agent.
lUad Coin' Financial Hclneil," and
then take np hi oilier publications,
They ar all dt vineing, liitrnaling.
Don Carina Boyd, agent. blin.
Any inventor In F.a'rn Oregon who
d-aire th aervra nf an attorney to
Washington. II. O , will find it to his
advantage 1 rail on or addraaa tbia pa-
par, w
Wall. Tbompaon run alag Iwlaeea
Heppner and Moniiwiit, arriving every
day rioept Monday ao 1 leaving every
day ainept Mundav, Hlriel arid ebeap
eat rooie to tha inierior. I. Ooho,
T, W. Ayera, Jr., la making at!rrl i
polaoo that ba gaarant, No kill a'
pay, and II at eerila pf an, II i
ei for II ti; 115) par dofo. (iM
aaitipl and try II, If.
Krd lwk. an aiprienred bntfher
from I'orllaii'l. ha awptl triil'n
in !! A Mathowa b-eiier abop,
altera b will arv Hi poblla la Hi
h ill et)l. Frb meal and botieat
weight lo averym
Th IVleraoa Pub. (V . bava eeard
lb agency t.f lha Creetit bipyele for
M-rmw aad (Irani count lee, and will
lnly bay aoroa fnaeliinea for eala al
vtry p.w fgarea. Eiamint a Cfeot
bfof baying. tf.
CI CUnr isTHCBtar.
9. cordovan:
racNCH a tNAMtuxo csir.
452. WORKINGMfii',
. .aaS9 si th
' stNoroweATstpcut
S.-f'"t& W L-OOUCLAJIi
Over On Million foanla wear tha'
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our thoea are equally aatlsfactory
Th.y glva the best value tor th money.
thy equal ou.tom ihoM In sly I ana fit.
Th.lr wearing dualities ar uneurpasaed.
the prlcM are nllrra,etampea on sola.
Prom 1 1 to ft J saved over ether snekr.
I JJ ruur dnkr cano4 supply yuu wacan. hold by
Dealer alios nam will shortly ap
pear here. Agent wanted. Apply at once
Ml W
y TTtT rf."lV. I. 'KAA
Talking Tfiroupri His Had
Tha roan who talks through his bat is
everywhere in evidence very objection
able evidenoa it is, too, in most oases.
Tba man of intelligence oovers bia
cranium with one ot
fin a'raw bale, wbicb la in Itself a sign
of prosperity aud good taste.
II also buy bia groceries, genta' fur
nishings, stock meo's supplies, etc., at
Mr. Howard makes a specialty In those
tbinga required by sheep and oattlemen.
Rememlier tba plsos ., 11
Four doors south ol tha Cdy bote).
ivoeveryaMni io av n say e wna 1 v. V
bee OwwMiti u. W the mat isnloneiii siail mtg I Oa
U mtmth (linf .... .... a.i'
H o aantr Ilia bMI aasawsa inr amr oiionsa,
aa the eleu at Him oAn lo aumnfi amn io
InWk U thtKbnilll . Al MM UM
wa k unpioM p U autac bm m wet
sarkss tU"c.Ha4"leeWae1vaM
dtrwm arahmjt bnakmc d. Mnoml beta.
mm Ma." "lolto-fcMiioa," "'.-Wk, "oiatla.
Slaopat, e4 S llioo.ua ollt Silk tbf DlM I
am one ba "1 a and iKw m
MMtam are ike rh.i ( Um trnmrn lo IM
1 ry I Ibaik ol tuMUu( W laveal
T is nn ill wind that Mows no
Kh1, and altli'iiiuli tbe (Uy
ful prniiknot Old Korean eipriaoe
thin fond cotiplo to temporary nm
linrrnaaiiDMit, thn Hituation greatly
aiiiuai a thn (cUtot.
rr is not so hard as it selms.
FewaM blMM H-mai a. fwetve ial antx la
aSe" h.ieel kMj4n?' liUM M WHratiioN
It C , vkakalheaMI oulUaio Aa
1 oW aumn of mwt. e loranli w . u
ernpwa M Um)mmtl. hi ol cwt. Io eu tlwooj.
t tttm a4 mw. be J uM . the fc oaeolh
VlwllVMM llV '. UifAnAnt Am
of r ml the "Neimwl " eooumef a
iMfk of iMmmi, eoa e enHs or kimim,
dl ke orawoa ihrmMHt ti Loiwa Hi.i.om(
tewi-wa a4 aw"1"!"", ! ani(a- u
MmM IM ami Of 4 ""
A -m mm mm rtW tuj)j afiifelll
toUtiters al Amoeicoa ae I or. if a faioala.
618 l btreet. M.W
ftaf ,. Weahlnftrwi, f. C.
Likowien the aituatiun at
- 1 ONB
iin, it linn wcotn'
flftn.Tully Utiown tlutt
Which ba aetla at IVfl R k I'rica.
IVmr-raof Kitjlit Miln, r)nvi.Un, (.KH.i-l.rry, Dooifla. Jordan
H'nrk Hud nt,p aertn.li ran d no IrHt.T tban maka tbrir pnrchaai-e of
lWv-'';ll -."""-lii. llfrHrri.ait full lii.ni.f ruri.iabii.it (Iik-I, Ivk-U oI bhi,
r,rv'r'V"'''"' . . . . ..... .. t ..... 1 oa
Uftrci-rii-a, ai.'l 111 tact h cofnpH ie anx a, i k-hi ibi uinis.uiop.:. .
- - OltKGOX.
.I.Sir.f4 of "tea.
r-a'e. i ' "I t.
h'atlct of Intention.
Ltb lrrp a tf las iit i'.oa,
I in, i.
iTt r. I itrkmr mih nut r.
I ii 1.1 1 ditiof 1 . r o nwi't
..I hi. I..i itl..i. li Si,i .r.rf l-i sipiin
' Hi hie r nl-1 t II..I Ml-I .r.,f (ll ma-le
1 1.1,, I W ., 1 cmM-r I wrS.al II-ppiwl.
t , oa A m I". I" 1, l
nrHy fiiwrtu
A bay r. ail nil. bad-l
., S iy. I.oo y-ting a-ll V ae Uei
a rto'wi-XM lpprir rd Hdma
m 4"i.art rawar i-al I t ht
ai to H. I Kavasf,
Ui Ui aUkaf, iXtyii
IM f I,, r. 1 1 1. "
1 e
li ,.-.-,e !- 1 .i.,i a
r ai l
tl. l
el i
.-1 ir
Hr 1 l A 1 i-a -i-.-a a-M-t Va.
J Aa m. At'"'
AM bueioM ali-ii'li' I to In a
fit JwllNV",
iroit- atii' alifai'fy
N-.tsnea I'n'ils al d t ' "
iiui ii rut as a ar '
1 ta