Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 12, 1895, Image 2

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    OliVf Ill lNINiii! IN The
JT 8 f eIW WBI;W-l
Will help you out
It is now some four or five
months since the two houses of
congress appointed commissioners
to the proposed bimetallic interna
tional conference, but President
Cleveland, who was to appoint part
of the committee, has not made
his appointments. As far as
known, be has taken no stops to
ward their appointment. It looks
very much as if he did not intend
to do anything of the kiud, But
wheD congress convenes he is
likely to hear from , that body.
"Though it Bhould serve no other
end than just a kind memento," he
would nua it to ins advantage to
pay some heed to it. The republi
can national platform pledges the
party to do all that can possibly
be done to secure an international
agreement on a ratio between the
two metals and republicans are iu
the habit of making good their
ante-election pledges. President
Cleveland has always professed to
want such an agreement. It is
high time the dog-in-the-manger
polico were abandoned.
Intelligence has come across tho
Atlantic from time to time of effort
in Germany and talk in Englanc
in the interest of bimetallism, and
now comes from Uerlin news to
the effect that the French, who
have never ceased to be bimetal
lists, are getting into lino. A del
egation from Paris is now in the
German capital in the interest o
thiH cause, having previously, us it
is also stated, been iu conference
with the bimetallists of England.
It would look as if the return of
the conservatives to power had
given the cnnse n now impetus in
Europe. This in a very favorable
and significant sign of tho times.
ure they have sent east has trans
formed all the eastern states.
They have never asked aught of
the ea6t, except that our couutry
men there would recognize as
money what civilization has rec
ognized for four thousand years.
They have asked this, not so much
on their own account as for the
men of the east themselves. That
is, they have never asked for any
thing that would not be of as much
more advantage to the east as to
the wost, as what the east pro
duces is worth more than what the
west produces. In return we are
advertised from Maine to Texas as
would-be thieves. Is it strange
that patriotism is growing a little
cold in the west and that there are
men who sometimes wish the
west could be set off into a repub-
ic by itself, where it would be
permitted to make its own laws
and to use the gifts which are ours
without restraiut? Salt Lake Tri
a bunch of fire crackers to Postage Lexmgton oonntry is inded a lad look'
. StBmn'B tail, whinh ha will ael od fire ids gDeotaole. Every evening aa tbe
Chaa. Beymer an
parted (or tbe east today.
John B. Evans will soon leave for
Dayton, Washington, to make it bis fu
ture home. Eight Mile is sorry to loose
bim from oar midst.
with a percussion matobbox at tbe right fanner trods his weary way homeward,
time. Still there are some people who after a frnitlees search for some vegeta-
sit about with their beels cocked np tion among his fields to cheer bis dis-
higher than tbeir heads and sty there heartened feelings, he cannot help being
isn't any fun dow on tbe 4th of July impressed with tbe fact that this is one
like there used to ba. a hundred years of the worst years he has ever experi-
We learn that J. L. Beymer who got ag0 enoed. The drouth, worms, squirrels
and crasshoDoeis form a combination
Bpeciman Cases. . nnan6red. We bone
8. H. Clifford. New Cassel Wis., was ... . . ma nn, h. too Bevere B8
cnt on the saw at Mallory'e saw mill is
improving and with oare will not be long
until be will be able to be about.
Tbe petition for changing tbe Sunday
A Household Treasure.
t n Vi i tifl mitri nan o 1 m a utid rrtanmatlDTn
bis somaob was disordered, bis liver was many will be in want of tbe necessities
sobonl boar bas assumed tbe appearance affected to an alarmioir degree, appetite of life. Jake.
of Gilroy's kite, and the 8unday school J?11 wy. and be was terribly reduoed in IoNBi j0y g, 1895
mi..i,i..,..i o nesa ana sirengin. inree oowes oi
' v Lleotnc Bitters cared bim.
A. W. Baling, accompanied by bis Edwa'd Sht-pherd, Harrisburg, Ills.,
wife and brother-in-law, left for Walla httd a running sore on his leg of eight D w fuller, of Canajonarie, N. T.,
Walla Friday las, to be absent durmg 'S. says that he always keeps Dr. King's
harvest. W. S. MoKimany is tending len's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound New Disooyery in tbe house and his
the ranch while they are away. and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., family have always found the very best
The Fourth is p.st, and reports oome ,nM n 'r8 fever sores on bis leg ooo- lfa f itg Q ,hat be wonl(, Dot
' v . tors said he was incurable. One bottle . ' , . t. , I
in rrom the diflereut places that cele- of Rlentrin R,nraanH nnehox Biioklen's vutnont it, it procuraoie. u. a. -
brated, that all had a grand and glori- Arnica Halve cured him entirely. Sold man, Druggist, Catskill, N. I., says that
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
. . . e. T:n T nirM ATnin Rt.root
All these can be procured at inompsou nu.,
neppuer, virguu.
with Grant Harney. Crook. Gilliam and other counties,
These irentlemen are well acqua nted with Grant """f y- .
and can save money a (! time iu mumus u
Prices In keeping with the times. ' tt-vtCI
Thompson Sd Biisnsrs.,
It never gets too dry back in
Kaneas to raise good healthy cy
ons Fourth, and tbat until auotber anni- y W. Ayers, Jr.
versary is ushered in tbat the events of
this one will be remembered.
A Dice shower of raio greeted us the
4tb, a Icng looked for blessiog. How
ever, there was not enough ram to revive
vegetation very much, although we were
From the B.
8. Pagne
Weather Crop
Dr. King's New Disoovery is undoubted
ly the best cough remedy; tbat he has
used it in bis family for eight years, and
it has never failed to do all that is claim
ed for it. Why not try a remedy so
loner tried and tested. Trial bottles free
at T W. Ayers. Jr., Drug Store. Kegular
size 50o. and Si.
Weather General light rainfall on July
glad it oame, it will take considerable 14 and 5. being heaviest on the 4th: the
rain to do us much good, the ground be- total amount wbiob fell varied from one- 'N REAL GRAVc
lug so dry. half men in portions of Umatilla county Booth's Experience on a stage in at Moan-
Grasshoppers have made their appear- to 0.10 of an inob at The Dalies, and in
anoe here and are coming io from the Baker oounty. The temperaturb was
tain Side Town.
'I once produced Yorick's skull from
northern part of tbe county, but will be much lower than in tbe preceding week. 5
most too late to damage the wheat crops u ,uo moromg or. me otu irosi ueany in Virginia City, Nev when that was a
However, tbey may play havoc occurred bouiu oi toe rsiue mountains, preat mining camp and a stock com-
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices! Comfortable Rooms !
Mrs, Tom Bradley, Prop.
Notwithstanding the terrible
Chinese war the celestials man- muoh.
ased to satisfy the usual larpe de- witb the orchards and gardens if enough where the loweBl temperature was 36 pany was maintained at Piper's opera
of them oome. deK- The maximum temperature ranged house on B street. The theater was
ujulu uidwomcio. 70 j n.,i .i,. iimnm bm t-the whole toivn was on tne steep
The people of Eight Mile are talking
-1. 1 -J i. A r.4..n tun tl
r-r .J I AH ,J . n,V, OI iVIUUUb 1MV1UOU1I. Buicri, w
of erecting a cburoh in the near futnre. . 7. '7 ; . thirty or forty feet higher than B street.
Judge Burnett, of Marion
Bright idea it wonlH he-it wnnlH save. Ul ,"D ",UB iuUUaiU8, wuer wno so the v had to blast out rock to make a
couutv, iu COndeuiDing a man to great deal of the supeiflnr.us talk that is ttota 36 t0 52 de8, About the verftKe level for the theater. The stage rested
tlv anirl huroi i,m amount of sunshine prevailed. The square on rock. We got along very
r 1 B n,1n 1 1 ,,rtn iinfll TlfVi zi'imn thftro and 'llflm.
he hoped that he would never have IVdLwfcHse' ZoZ Zi 1'
that to do again. 8,Bfle ot tbe dlBPutes M - was less tban in the previous week. could .no 1 without a T0' 8?
Mrs. Mattie U'uqna Closed a SUCOesSfUl Cr-.ns-The rttina thnnah lioht. were a S?UUOn OI l"B 8le,.S ba VCU ""J
T i.j term nf snhnnl nr F.ioht Mil Frirlnv Uot . r. . .' . " . ' . ana some wommen witn crowDars ana
IT is now currently reporieu --7 ------- -- 01 great Denerit. The beneht was pnn- picks du(? down about thrce fcet.
fV,of P.IQ,Tlonrl ia rroftinrr Jnt.r Una "u"'u uo 'S"' VV Pruuu oiDttll V in tho hel n it WHS to rtftlUB thfi ''Titl, nH,inrH.,niit tliisnntil
VUnU VlT iUUU . 'J .11.1. im . mi . , , . . , - " - - r uwu.i ' " ' " ' -
0 1 nf I hlfl tvila a Biihnnrlntmn anlinnl DnH . . T
t nA nnm;n(; . . " grain to be more plump: it helped tbe the grave digger s scene was on. 1 was
iji a iimu idiiu uuuiiunuuu, nrnved tn he nn Ia hpnvfln ol tn Iho " " . .u. j: ,1 nnml
, , n inff. hnf nanaail littm nr nn ATlra i"c ursi uravc ukku, uuu a iium.v.v
"My Pet
Maybe the third girl calls tor a pupils. As school will start again in Lmo,th t. ,uB ,,, Thn .,.,. frnm approached I lifted my pick and began
, , .,, digging for keeps. You know we
asco ann anermao counties Bre more .,-,,.. , j 1,1-. .!.
third term, on the hypothesis that September it looks as though the pupils Wfl
one good turn deserves another.
will have some show yet of getting an
education. We are indeed glad to see
such work prosper.
J. D.
Eight Mile, Or., July 8, 1893.
euoouraKing. and fair yields are now an- ness. of awine- lettinff the pick fall
ticipated from these two counties. Dis- lightly on a box of earth, which is on
oouragiug reports contioue from Gilliam the trap platform where we stand. But
and Morrow counties, and it is doubtful I pitched in and picked like a good lel-
if one-third as much as tbe crop of last ftnd when Booth heard the atcei
..! h..i.ii.j tnnmo(i,i.mo ring out from my hard knocks against
' . , ' , ' the honest rock he was the most sur-
grain mat was properly put in is in good nrised-lookinir Hamlet I ever sav. He
Hon. Thomas B. Keed has shaved
off his mustache. They say it
wasn't a very heavy load; but the
M aine statesman has evidently ae- The Keystone of the Arch
terxiued to l'o iuto tbe nresiden- In the ed
,m. ... b Bn ctive
Bible marching order, and. like the tinns ol tbe b dy, such as digestion, se- v;e.. nB. or, hnnhnle tn tho o-r. than-if. smiln. n-d " in'sicrod:
: 1, ,,1.1,;.., A .,,, t, t,a ' renon oi ine one, me aocvin or ine . . " 'What have we here, grave digger'
j.M-key, is rubbing down for the boweUi ,he 01r(M1,Hti()I1 of tbo ,,,,,. Terence being due to tbe manner of .. .We're mrins In for StakearBrean
fray. Nothing more aotiveiy and thoroughly plowing and seeding. Ibe oropot Uma- reaiistDi whispered back, throwing
uniuriiHirrn n ii.b iiuiiru r. luruinuuK oi una county win iiaraly De over one- out a shovelful of rock I had loosened.
Thf banka nf Rulem Or have T "n" '"",'"w"a"x'"r" fourth es much as it was last vear. In -B.t went on with the scene all
-- - null rt-K'iiaiur, u'huiihi jiiiuihuu ln- ., , r, . , i. l ...i i... l .1
laid in a supply of cents on ac-h- result of itsis a
uouuii ul ino utjuinuu iur
Are Still in Business
diflceof health is vigor, wbioh r.lition. One correspondent, who has gt between the grave and the foot- In Bpite of boycotts. Our enemies are still trying to drive US out, but
ot merely muscular energy, but 1700 acres in wheat, expects 45 busheU to lights, facing up-stage and looked friends stav with us we will continue to
b discharge of the varioue func- the acre; fields surrounding will not down into my real grave with a puzzled as long as our irienas Stay Wim US, we Will continue to
what it a i r was ram
Uev. J. P. Brushingharn, of Chi
cago, has preached a sermon on
"Cycling from a Ili'ligious Point of
View." He lauded tho bicycle.
He spoke forcibly. He proclaimed
the "silent steed" an iinplemout of
progress aid enlightenment He
said in part:
"I wish to bo contiidered an eu
tlmniiiHt upon tho moderate uho of
tho bicycle. It drives away the
nervous teimi n, the hectic cheek,
wearied brain and peevish temper,
renders us inoto agreeable to our
friends and M'tvinealilo to our
clioM-u calling. Kv tho iiKulcrate
linn of the liicycle the coated tongue
become normal once again, re-
frcHhing hluinber and I"mh discriiu
inating appetite are induced, and
tlioso fortiiH of amuHement which
seem to confunn recreation with
indoor diHHipatioti are tatKMied.'
"Tho bicyeltt is tint ouly the
tMiomy of the rai'road corjHiration
and the livery OHtablishinent, but
aim of thrt all-night waloon and the
low down theater. KlitliUninMil for
t ! UHn, protect for th hIhiho, pon-
stittito (hit keynuto of thin theme.
"Ijong llowing robe beooiue h
Hun r t o of danger by being entan
gled iu the wheel. Tin only nua
gentiou for women on thin lnattet
In to avoid t-itrcmett. Tho ahum?
lie not mo mucli iu tin' coHtutuo an
iu the 'oluervaui'o' of the silly re
mit kn often made by Hoph mIioiu
that cotitumo thnu Lot direct!)
concern. lli American woman
lit a right t dreM im olm pleaMen
and am !) deetiiM niont becoming
and comfortable."
was tried here about six years ago, damp.
nit it did not succeed. Seattle
Paymaster Cien. Stanton, of the U. S.
IN response to the sarcastic shot army, reoently wrote a very beautiful
i . . .......
from tho Salem Statesman we wil P""" " mrox.oai.ng sport or
, ..11 1 I iriPili unuiiiu iu inn uuiiii u iaiu Ntrritlljn Ol
say the (jH.etto had no riohire to . , ,
J tho niirthweHt. anil us ha k nr it nn
riominate acongrpssman to succeed lnt(lxi0Htiul, tVri H chintgo friend
leimauil in tli hrst dmtrict, but writen him the following inquiry as to
simply mentioned some of the pos- u"''
n immi ytm ici inre ft arPRiiun
AIiikk the rlv.T'i liilnk,
sibilitios 'it aspirants for his neat
as mentioned by the different val
ley papers. Mr. Hermann seems
to be giving general satisfaction
among his people, and hs long as
they aro dutitdied we havo uothiug
o aay.
Two changes have been made in
thn departments of (date. Dr. I.
A. 1 aine, of hngene, Ims oeen nu
tHiinted to succeed Dr. How land as
superintendent of the insane aay
hid, and Cb'ii. VY. II. Odell to sue
ceed (Jeo. V. Davis, the present
iucutnbeut iu thn atate laud otlice.
I'hrt now appointments will prob
atily givs HHtinfaction, but the old
servants were givii.g geuer il satis.
1 nn worn a a ruin wm aeitie,
by the picket! aona of thn rant
Thny cam west mr. l'rotu the
pUrer, tha tibial hill and thn
deaert tliry llUVO managed to kte
floning into thn bunineM ar'rie
ul ilin ral a ttpain 01 ltenurn
which ha amount! to (?0,MV
rtW in u 'h! and nilver anii'iailjf f
i)yrmi. 1 h"f ht tntb-. An
exact Hblp 0()nsci()U8n;HB ,h(ll lhe ,ennre of hfe wheat is especially poor, and will hardly fr1ravo ,and BI,,nf T' t
vears is being stiengthened-thatone is laying L,mU ls,,nwu. . , . ' sho.w examined it more carefully
npsstorer.f vitHhty against the nnavoid- ' . " aml g0t UoWn into tne grave.
Ti 1 P
cnango. w is oniy a iew years
since the nickel whs the smallest I draughts which old age makes nnon I Spring grain is not half so good, and
coin in use wet of the Missouri, tbe system. 'lht fortifying n tlnenoe ot mticn spring grain will only be at for
, . , , . . .. the Bitters oouslitute it a rellHiile safe-
and not so very far back that the vnnT(i Huli-Wt mBUrin, rheumatism and
t .t .1 1 . k I L t t.U A 1 .1 :
uirwaauie unit or. value. An , . r"" V' "TJ The havcroDisl.Bbt.exceDtthalwhi0h A writer in the Great Divide says that
attempt to break down the nickel ,m ,iem from tbe effects of oold and is irrigated. The hay is short in length s,n,e years B- while he W.BS ""'"W
Bat It Came from On Who Did Mot
Fracttf-e Wbat 11a Preached.
and thin 00 the ground. Tbe fruit pros
peota continue to be encoaraging. A
large yield ia now expected.
Wheat harvest has commenoedioafew
localities of the Columbia river valley;
in a large retail store, a bit of advice
was given him that he has always re
membered. It was sound advice, at all
events, though the giver of it preached
better than he practiced.
The establishment was large, and
To catch suckers as we do not expect reasonable
people to judge us by the price of one or two
Be sure and call when you want
m Hardware, Tinware, Wool and
Willowware, and many other things.
harvest will not be geueral until about nurh Ink was used to necessitate the
tbe 15th
lUiu will not help the grain and hay
crop; tbe present conditions show what
the harvest will be, and they show pros
pects below the average.
The latter pari of thia week will be
cooler; do rain ia probable.
purchasing of a dozen pint lioUles Rl II I W I II I
every few months. These bottles had 'Th A K fifilMf IttBflflllfi
accumulated fur some time, nnd as I I1K IlyuiuU lltuLlLULC
there was scureely room In the closet IVflVI IllVlliniV
for the lot wliii h had just arrived, I
Willi li B- k l"l ln'utlc teemlu,'
You ilMn't itop to think
How many nf m fdlera
Hreathlemi K'Cmp.l to wait
Ki r y mi tn truly tell in
H'AK you look Iur Imlt?
11 1 riMiicinl.rr rliihlljr,
Whi'ii Hli lor moiiiiUIn trout.
The t'nrk. Iunti-al f nlti' iuwa,
(liH-i a lllng nut.
A ml any nn w ho nin-l
Our falt'rl i I niupwaM (alt
W uulil mu r li In k mi
What ur uw.l (or b.lt.
Kit If the Uint mule tlilnklu',
A MIcroucM to think
W hat tialt h lxk (or till tittle hook
I'Ihiii the rlvrr'i brink.
Tbe chief of tha weather bureau,
Washington, D. C.bas directed Mr.B.H.
1 1'agua to proceed to 8sq Fraocisco and
MftUtna charge of the weather office in
that oity fr the next 30 day. Mr. H. M
Itlaudford will he in charge of tbeoffio
io I'ortland nntil Mr. I'sKue returns.
ri.rllstid,Or.,Jnly 8, IM'.I.).
How's Tbl.f
V offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for any rase of Catarrh that cannot bt
cured by Uall'i Catarrh Cure..
F. J. CinckT 4 Co , Toledo, O.
we, tha iindi-rniw tied, have known V.
J. Cbetiey fur the taut 13 years, and !
Iiv bim perfectly tintiiiratile io all
tinaiiieea trsnaactinna and tluauniully
able to carry out any obligations made
The undersigned having been restored by their firm
to health br mud tueaiia. altrr snlT. r- lr0l,I Hl'l Urnggitta,
- - I -T-..1.. ... .
I... . .1 ' ! ... I I. I. llll, .
Iticuon, especially waa una truo in it seTrrai years wuu svera ning Waldiog, Kinnan k Marvin, Wbol
tho eiiH i.f Ir. Howland. who has "ff.lion. au.l that dread d.aea.e, Coo. laal- lriu'iat. T"le..s 6.
aiimplioii, l Ntixioita to make) known to I nail (Jntarri)l.,iireilRin tnternally,
l.la (..Una, aiirTrra Ilia m..n. ..f acting llirec'ly UHin III l.llM..! HI11I MU
T.11. ..i.l -,r- .1 1 . 1, . , .' c.n aurfacra of tliiateiii. IVelinu'lil
"-"- als sent free. IViea ,o ht U.ttle. hold
ly anni, irer or enarge. a pupy or ins pr- hy all Pruggiata.
aeriplton lined, abirb tliry will find
.. . . .. . .
sure cine ior V oiiaiiuiiuill, Ant lima, l I (.); Ill
larrh, Hrntirliilia and all throat and bing
rualadiea. Ila lioiea all sulTereni will
nw his remedv as il ia invalilshle. Tlioee
ib airing the tirea.-rii.il, in. winch will Coat
ttirru Hot til rar. and may 'rn ablecaiag.
ill ieaw nilrw, IUv. Kl'WAKI) A
U It k.OV If ... k I V 1...,,
mm, 11 'v to 1 in
iiiateriHl imrl t if tint ftietrt. that the
.'. . . . -i:il I imi IlltiK Sao
ImHhIh oM at a low pi ico iHcauae
the republican' in conre r-
aervod the btnto a faithfully fur
tho past our yearn an Hupenn-
teudeut of the asylum for the iu
sit ne.
A lin riU ICAN tiewHpaHT want
it "kept iu mind that the bon.U
which Mr. Cleveland wld fot 101
are now worth I'l l" It ahuld ta
lino. 11. O Onil.l, rJitor of lb Hberi
filsisl to tHUUply with l'teci.leiit ' Hun. and a tiemlwr of the ll ha-ia.
Cleveland' le.peat t. makrt tlictu ,,ur u''r '" !'' 10 hi.
ti-wable iu Void" it atead of it)
.... im.:.... ... i'i
. . -
Uilf esteetne.l cotitemHirary la Imk g l Cam has eoie ml bit Ihor
slightly (Mil fused 1 he Imiuls (mid unuh tre. mule M,nbm, by Tare orin,
fur a low price Imcu a demo- m by Hi Maaa, dam Tur.nt,ui, for
cratic administratii... i. fu-o I to l. ,b;,,,,f- B," ,r"L ,
. .i-i rittaat Rimeana has alaa toUrwJI
low Am.r.ci ct.na I" 1'.I b,.fU, MwNMiHtl.,
auninat Kinjliah ;ddbui;a. That H,gl. Wtat t'-r, la b tVa I Utler. daw
1 thrt aob-r truth, and It i HO U0 I'nelannrd. A Idrra la inlrnaa rivalry
altemtitintf to hid it III tuoro i tha oirt ib two aotmala.
it ia at u lied tha mora uti-Aineri-can
it t. luter-t)cean.
ItegnUr r, Mcbitig n- t Sun.l i at 3
i. III. r-uodny a.'ti K.l at 'I
Tl. grasalinpiers ar arriving 11,1, ket
Itian aver and doing much damag to
gra.o, IA
A number of farmers are tiantlng Inm-
twf from lb ni,oiitaio for WjolrrtV
luinbrr arJ, abila ntbria a'a bau!iin
Mr lieub Hrry and lamily ri I tn
olunre al lb Illua M tiblam miinj.
. . .. . . ...a. a ... t i -
N'.wpi'arwi Wr(tJ a,,,,,, Tbey lart Taeala)
I'roiiraai ir in I'D Be do tins ctniM, t,( 1IB wrrk.
Miii'l. Mia Aon PUt-,r and Mia
Ofa htfbuflelil leturaed from Ibemoiui.
lain rrnion ol IhM rMDtily, after travel
ing over 2 O biles vxilln, cb.ola.
Mr. lUub Mierrj, Sunday a, b.sil Ireai
dfer, receleed iibrr i the for lb amti
f 1.1) for II peacber libit lHrt
liUMk 1 Lm l-rotrw Iba Mf,lH; ul
Ion Ti ureaaive citicaa.
Four tia bava ba 4.ttJ iA ddr
lr tb w ek la tbetaiiiir rl wf .,a
nay look fur etemm Itmea. l'nat
n,alr Hmiiaia baa ibaeed off hi
bUkera for lb reaa they eaten Iki I v iu uoiii a wagoa
l.,m b teia on lb b -me.lr.t. h. aa.l r1'1"" ""P Iba tqamtwr aa
MaWrlUraLt lh WWkt, Hna. Iba C.... la lakln-a-li Ut I., ft .!.. M ' Ula..w will ba bl4 M ether f.i
-......-..- .f Jl l-f I ear. ky in .1.1 It I t..fce, out that "' r.l.li.
il... .. - ,1.. I,. I..ik l.. ..t.n. I., all k,,. tnl.h I1.... Hi H( I'l I
Sil'it-r yr. A t soi.t.iiiaM a . i .,.,n lit, a .,rik.n tU
was insiriii'tcd to tiikc tbe old ones to
the WB-.to room. 1 removed them from
tho closet, but put them in one of the
stock-rooms iu the basement until lunch
time cuiue; then I ttxik them to a junk
shop neiirby, nnd sold them for two
cents apiece, which netted me seventy-
two cents. I returned to the oflice in
high spirits, but a little doubtful
whether the money really lclon;cd t
nie. All the after joon I pondered over
the attest ion. and tlnully I referred It
to the cashier, who hud alwuya necti u
good friend of Itiilie.
Well, he siiiil. "no doutit you could
hnve hud tbe Isittles had you asked for
them; but my advice Would tie to turn
tbe iiionev over to the llriu. as little
things nf this sort are liable to lcud to
act of dow nright dishonesty."
I turned tbe money in. therefore, but
rather reluctantly. 1 must admit. Hut
tbe strange part of the story ia yet to
come. ot long ago I renl ol the trial
and conviction of thia same etisbier for
(mlH'r..lettient. Ilia depredations bad
extended over a number of year, and
horrible double now enter my head
whether the firm ever received that
aeventy-two rents.
A an a worm a thread I one-thou
sandth part of an Inch thick.
To nx perfectly proportioned man
should weifc'b twrnty-eltflil pound for
every foot of hL height
lr well could I dutf to a depth of
forty alx mile the air at the Wtom
would Ih a d-ne a quicksilver.
Title averat'e ain-ed of the trnnsml-
lon of rartlniiiake ahovk I nearly
alxteen thousand feet per a.eitnd.
Tita Idea of an ancient tropical con-
tinent at the aouth pd unitimr South
America. Ma-I rai ar and Autrlla I
aroualtitr cotisi t.mble lnt. n-t and di
'tlasion in M-i.-Hire clrrle.
For the Cure Ox
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Balem, Oregon,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
Call at the Gazktti office for particulars.
Ptrlctly confidential. Treatment private and iur
Itmu.s. government!
Jn rict wP (jj j
II la a U n rnrnw by a. I rim.
1 if If-ipTl ronaump'.iaa,
aMi U Lai brut IVvU aaa CtvmB Cur.
r-l e If 1 . Ttrt. it , l'tiil.
,.. y i . ,., pi..it .. i
I - (. .g'.l f ft
To ptrjont who wrved In the wars of the United States or to their
Widows, Children, or Patents. Do You receive I pension? Had You t
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican War
on whom you depended for support?
To receive petition, who now do not. Thousand under the new
law at entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it
to you an J is willing and Anxious to rav. Whv not nreaent
j your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the
v ' I - i.. a, t . . t . . .
v umw juu appiy. ruw is me accepted nour.
y irWtit fot bws nd complet information. No Charge for sdvic.
(T No Fee unlea succettful.
The Press Claims Company
f PHIUP W. AMRETT, General Minster,
ft 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C
ft JT. B.-Ttt Cimpang is fmtnlUd ty arlj en Oumtand iraJia twre-
(T4 Pnpri im On t'amrf mj U grnt4 ay (Aral,
Kl- Vk-Vi. vk Vi. vlu Vi. '
Ti e im tnJ tie i lultr t f 1 y Bd
itttKiaf ia Mi i
-'4 Il
I, . l - . f,
Are the Highest of oil High Grades.
,,,!!. V.ia, rnm. . t.,n4 u , 1"; ,,"lln
2t. SCORCHER $05. 23lk). LAOItf.. $
tiXtHtl KtUS. I,? . ' LU-
tt1i..,prf.a nttml W'
kvi rs.
tuut siif, ra,