TOC BEAN US. While yon aeep your anbaoriptioii paid up yen can keep yonr brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horse (H on left ahonlder; cattle nut on left hip, nnderbiton right ear, and apper bit on the left; range. Mor row eonntr. Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar nn. der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand, O D on left hip and horses same brand on right shoulder. Range. Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppoer, Or. Horsee. J con nanrwl on ,oft flank; oattle. same on left hin. B uni D. W aid S'in. Horse brand'd D B on the left Mo; o tie the n on left flmk. crnpoff ri t ear, nndercrop in the left. Kange in Mnrrw County. Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded IBuii either shonlder. Bange in Mor row oonntv Hannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed H on left hip and thih: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, (Tooseberry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shonlder. Cattle same on right side. Hnrke. M Ht 0, Long tJreek. Or On cattle, M AY conneoted on left nip, oiop off left ear, nn der half orop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Bange in Grant and Morrow 0HroHrnan, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shnnltler; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop nd right ear nnnor slope. Barton, Wm.. H -ppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh, oattle same on right hip; split in Bftnh ahi Hrownj Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row oonnty. . Brown, J. C, Heppnor, Or. Horses, circle C with dot in w tor on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left Boyer, W. G.. Heppner, Or. Horses, boi brand on righ nip oattle, same, with split in each ear, Borg, P. 0 Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shonlder; oattle. same on left hip. Brownlee, W. J., Fox,Or Cattle, J B oonneoted on left side; orop on left ear and two splits Bnd middle piece out out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Range in Pox valley, Grant county, Carsner W arren, Wagner, Or. Horses brand edOon right stifle; cattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop and split in eacn ear. nange in Grant and Morrow oonnties. Cain.E., Caleh.Or. Y D on horses on left stiflei TJ with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder and on left stifle on all colts n der 5 years; on loft shoulder only on all horses over li years. All range in Grant oonnty. date, Chas. R Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses H C on right shonlder; cattle same on right hip. Kange Morrow and rjaiatllla counties. Corrignll. M M. Oiillowiy. Or Cattle crop on of fnh our and underhit, wattle in fnrofvnd; horses tmlf circle f! on left etitfe, Range Mor. ow and V ma' ilia com ties. Curl, T. H., John Day, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under hi' in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant oonnty. On sheep, inverted aud spear poin' on shonlder. . Ear markoii owes, crop on loft ear pnnnhed upper hit in right. Wethers, crop in right and nnHer half orop in left ear. All rang in Grant oonntv. Cook, K. J.,ljena,Or. Horses, SOon right shonl der Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square orop off loft and split in right. Currin. R. Y., CurrinBVille, Or. -Horses, a on left stifle. Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or Caitle, C with E in center: horses CE on loft 'lip. Cochran, R. K.. Monument, Grant Co , Or. Horses hrandod olrcle with har beneath, on lf' shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark undor slope both ears and dewlap. Chapln, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded n on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also brands CI on hories right thigh; ca t o smsih brawl on right shoulder, and cut off end of olmBglass, W. M . Galloway. Or. Cattle. R U on right side. swHilow-fork in each ear; horses, H D 0llKly, Hr's., Donglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. hole ii right ear. ... Emory, C. H., lUrdman. Or. Horso branded Irovorsod (' with taill on left shou'dor ; cat-tl-ame on right hip. Range in Morrow county. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LK on right hip; horsee V with bar under on right shoulder. Florence. H. P. Hepnner. Or Horses, F on right shonldo'; oattle, F on right hip or thigh. r'ronoh, George, Heppnor. Or Cattle branded WK, with bar over it, on loft, side; orop off left ear. Horsm. same brand on loft, hip. Gentry, Elinor, Echo, Or -Hordes brsnded H H. with a quarter circle over it. on left stifle ltnngo in Morrow and UmHtillanoniit.ies. Hiatt A. H., Ridge, Or.-I'attle. nniml-top a. with quarter nircle under It on the right hip, it . In M-rmw end ll'natillaoonnties. Hintin A Jonks, Hamilton. Or 'at tie. two hsis cm either hip; crop In right ear and split in left. Horses Jon right thigh, lutngein urant oounty II ,nhw Hainuel. Wagner. Or- - (T F I CoiniHtedlon right shoulder on homos; on cattle, on right hip and on loft aide, swallow fork in right ear ami "lit in ion. nange in nayxiaci litrtnt Mof 'iw oonntv HhIo. Milton, Wagtior, Or. Horses hrandert -- limttlo with parallel tails) on left shoulder ('sttlesame on lefthip also large oimle on lef' Ids. Howard .1 L. Gulloway, Or. Horses (orosi with h ir shove PI on right sVi'il'Inr; oatt- seine on l"ft side. Rmigi' in Morrow ami Umatilla noil nttes Hall. K twin, John Oav. Or. Cuttle K, II on right hinihoni s sn ueoii right shouldor. Ilium til (Irmil county. Hughos, Mai, Hepiiner, Or. Horses, shaded heart on the loft shiMildor, Range Morrow Co. Ilunaakar. H . Wagner. Or. -Homos, I on left shonl l'r os'tle, ft on loft hip, llii'iiuhrevs, J Uarduian, Or, Horses, II on Inf Hank Hnxou. Luther, Fight Mile Or. Home II on (ho loft hoil'lrti I heart on the loft stilto Cat Uh mine on loft hin. Range In Mi-r-iw oonntv .1 t'los, II trrv. H'lppu Or M imoe bran ll II .1 on l'ie Inf s'loitiilor; ni'Ho lira nirai j on right hip. also indorlnt ill loft ear. Kniigii in Motow con ity, Jmi.iu. rt. t.. Hoiinner, Or -Horses, home. shoe J on lft Cell Is, the sains. Range fl..l,i Mile. Johns .n. Fell i L'lia. r. - Homes. eiroleT on le't siitie, naiile, miiih on right hip, nndiir half or.iti in ritt end anhl n left ear Kotinr. Mik. Ilonnner. Or. -Horses brand- RNY on le't hip osi tie sains and orop oil Isfl star: under slniMon the nmir Kirk J T, Heiinner, Or. -Horsee rltf en left naltle. ail on left hip. Kirk. Jesee, Heiipner, Or.; home 11 on left Uinililir; oattle same on right side, nndorhit on right ear. knnilMrland.W.n.. Mount Vernon. Or. I Lon rslilo on right and left sidos, swallow fork in li ft ear and under eion in right ear. Horses sains brand on toft shoulder, Itange ill Grant oonntv, Lofton, Miepnon. Foi,Or.-H Lon loft hip tin oattle. crop and split on right ear, 11 same brand na left shoulder. Hang Kraut oountv. Liensllen. John W.. I,!-.-- Or.-lloi brandoil half-iMrcle J I. eonnerted on loft shoo I dor. Cattle, aaiur oa left hlu. Range, near lol in gtim lahov. J. W Heppnor Or.-Horsmi hrandol Land o'i brt ehonldor; roll Is same on loft Iiip, waitle over right ')o, throe sine In nght ear. Iir, llonrge. ltoiiiier Or. Honwa branded dinitile H ine.tieiM H,imetniioe rallist iviii M on lofi shiMildor w-is M ' . II.M'ni-r. Or -f'et'U brand i! ri-ftt-on nght hip: ho-sos same tin right eiitte, lloi'go III M il'IIV pouiiiv. Minor, tr, iiwiukt r. -tvtle, M D on right hip; home M on lofi shiMildor. Morgan, . N, H-nluer. Or. - Horse. M on Utf shiHllde emtlte se'lie on left hip. Mitohell.tUoar I'Mia, Hr.-llors-w. 11 on right hip: "am 17 on right si'le. Mot'isma, I) O, Hrownsvilla Or, -Hoi ig'im S m a.-h shool (. eula. M l bin M.elirr. r rank Foi VsU -v. t-r. -M lie sho. with ljNirk ita raitlM iet ntis sad aider r sw-h "sr; himo ssvn tirand .i lori sitts, MollaU, ., eiii. n. 'r. - m nuns, with hsif ur de ao lor on loft shonldor.on i f.oir lam eoonooiml on lop on the nght iil IUng in 'lisnl I '.olMtv. V.,1 a-tdmw ,.n Or - Hum 1 -.n. H- .,n ih sh-eildor rattle ft sitmiliSli S..r.k k., r. HorsOT.mri'l lon rt ilogi' "a He H tiaim lirt run 0!tvtf , JiwiiH. Canton Cpy, Or - t on eetttf n Inft Inn on hor, se ns mi Uft thigh. Range In Om-il ohiiii Ollor. I'errf. Idling'., Or.-I' O on lofi shon ! Olu ll-iian, 1'iai'te City, lr.-llii rslMe, t I.I .inOM'lf! on loft hlpi tineM nn left sttlli and wants on n.wt Ha'itfs in iimot eteinir, r-,,,., iii,, r i t nil. m - it im. ,m,r tnf olr'lo Iim.IiI nn lt sh. oilier sn I It on to. hip, aiils, f. its in lot' aar tht entpsl. it, i,it, Uaog on tiil Mo. I'aikx illwm. -IturMll'tx lri ati oii i. 'n'. ' I, Or Id. r as bran t a lL si, lfi shmitdMr t esittl, n, on right hip Hangs iir.s ismmi I'lfa' 1 H . l,-sl- i,.m Or II. im, J V eHt aia ii lofi s'l.mtdof, raiij. ssnnsott loft hip sji !' Is ssw H at t'iita I ' , loan, Or : homo dism.rrol ,m , . ali.ildf . ra"to. J H i hmiiio.oo. on th, fi hip. ui i-r al.'i-s la left ear sad slip in lie tight. It.p.1 an tmw. ItaMinsa or. - l. . s-jnaer flr.M. lh ,oartMf cii.'U 'ilr It ori lfl sIIOm, ll"Ofo I km. l..tH tr. - li-. t' H lr. ah ,i M, Noah !"- . Hei't'tior. Or lt ,maa hrari l-l on Ihs righ' shiHtl li eel'le I in th loft hi rr.,, 1 Ipfr ar and dwlap oa ara-k. flallg M oots and ll'riMtl'fl ISMIOltO. H.t,fi androw liiiigt-oA, Or M m liran 11 H oa right li.Mtt.tor, rottt iMrr rir.ta oror irfa" l. rani sswm ihs rig',1 hip lis a o-t itf . Ho. ts. II ItairTVllle. IV-HH ti'h 'I rrr oir ! l..i t.o eaMIS.OI fg'-l h n I ot.,t i.e. rig.,i Mr ant st!ir la t-ft. I a m I -o Iw'r aH.o.1 u, Iksng in trnie trrn so I T'l'S e Mini's, ll.l ., J M 11..,,,.,. Or - l riaaa. JO i.r i ai'ts ii .a rlgt I hi,, I H'mi.'t W f , 1 Hr t , f a ... ai.n .. I ,1 Uf hi,., I ca oi r g'. a tMi Mi l. rr , i. ,., It ,.,.., IM t..aM N 4rw lf it t a "i. lafl l.'u ft'.., -, J .1 a O S' 0.0,f,M- a..iK. . , r ,1,1 t,i. ian,a m ! ..a r.gol h TV wtl nl tax tej a) t it Mi raaN sag. Urn, in tyrant oonntv. smith Bros. Hnssnville, Or. Horses, nranien . Z. on shoulder: enttle. sun on left shonldor. Hauiree. James. Arlington. Or.: hones branded J8on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose waddle. Kange in Morrow and (iilliamco mties Htephene. V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 8 or right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the nght side Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppnor. or. Uittle, P on right hit ; swallow-fork in left ear. swaggart. O. W.. Heppner, or. Morses, 44 or left ahon Idoi : cattle. 44 on left hi D. Nperry. E. G.. Heppner, Or. t attle w U on loft hin. nron off right and underhit in left year. dewlap; horses w I, on lert enoniiier. Thompson, J A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on left shoulder: cattle. 2 on left shonlder. TiDnet8.8.T..fcuierpriiie.Or. Horses. C-on left shoulder. Turner R. W.. Henpner. Or. Small oapital T left shonlder. horses; cattle same on left hir. with snlit in both earn. Thornton. H. M.. lone. Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle: sheep same brand. Vanderoool. H. T.. Lena. Or: Horses HV con ected on right ehonliloricattle, same on right hit- . Walbndge. Wm.. Honnner. Or. Horsee, U. Li on the loft shoulder; cattle same on right hip. crop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson. Jonn Q.. Halem or Honnner. Or.- orsns branded Jo on the left shonlder. Kange Morrow county. Warren. W B. Caleb. Or Cattle W with quartet circle over it, on left side, split in right ear. Homes same brand on left shonlder. Range ir Grant comity Wade. Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses brandec ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip attle hranner Bame on left side ana lert nip. Wolflnger. John. John Day City. Or On horset three numllel bars on left shonlder: 7 on sheen hit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malhner counties. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, Ul oonnnofHi on left ehonldor. Watkins. Lishe. Honnner. Or. Horses brandec UK connecter! on left stifle. Wallace, Charles. H 'ppner. Or. Cattle, W 01 nght thiggi, holt-in left, ear: horses, W on righ shoulder soru same on left shoulder. or v. : ... . u., 1.- n.. n. . Horses branded W B oonneoted on left shoulder Williams. Vasoo. Hamilton. Or. Onarrer oir ole over three bars on left, hip, both oattle aw homes. Range Grant oonnty. Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, oust I ter circle over three bars on left hip; oattle same snri ant in each ear tfange in trant county Wren. A. A.. "eDDner. Or. Horses running A in shoulder; Cattle, same on nght hip. Young. J. H.. Gooseberry. Or. Homes brands H no rho right shonlno" E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THIS GKASS ON A HOG. GIVE3 THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ky- PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. ill TAVERN OF Ocean mm Crass Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For o I TV OPENS JUNE 1, 1895. GEO. BCHONCWALD, MANAats. Luxury, Good Cheer, Hospitality De- Iil'IiIIiiI and Ihltlilul l astinies, Matchless Mountain Scenery. SWEET BRIER CAMP. Knt,nhlished lust vear In a roman tic dell of the Sarretnento Canvon. Iiixt below and In full view of grand old Shesta It whs a great hit and promises still more eiKMiurHgiiig re sults lor the present year T J. I.mktiih, utCHHtella. is still In charge anu will answer ail inquiries. A ' ew candidate for public favor nun year is SH4STA VICIIVO CAMP, Also In the Himsta region, about a mile and a half from Dnusiniilr It in h genuine paradise for hunters. II hers and seekers of health and pleasure Kusy to reneh (near the rHllroHd) sightly, and n 1 1 the no cessiticM of ramp life eiiHily iirocnr- nhle. All Inquiries ahout HlmsiH Vlclno i Binii, If HddrcHscd to W 0 Gray, Hox 4, Dutisiuiiir, Cul., will receive prompt uiteniion. Camping In The SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS lmii, " r'Khts, Laurel, (llenwood, rel on. Hen liniouil, llDiildcr Creek, SAN FRANCISCO For full detnils call on 0. R. N. Dt at Heppoer, i r address W. H. HURLBUKT, Gen. Phhh. Atft. Portland, Obegon QtTICXL TZMIS I TO San Francisco Vnd all points In California, via the Sit, fcthasti route of the Southern Pacific Co. ''he (rrnat hiahway throngh California to al points hast and South. (Trend noenio Koute or thn faoino I oast, fuiiman Hnnet Hleepors. Haoond-class Hleapers Attaehnd to exprrws trains, attordina snpsno iincommodations for sanond-class passenBars. Kor ratas, tickets, slmpiug car reservations ito. oall ntion or atldrass i KOKHLF.K, Mansirer, E. P. R0GER8, Assi 'lon. MP. agt... Portland. tiTORon 111 Reduced Rates During the Catnpluir, season will be I niailu by the SOimiHW PACIFIC CO. For full partleiilnrs address K. I'. KthiKUH. Ahst, (ier. nass. Airt.. I'OKII.ANII. (lUKllllN. J in y -ii. iir any n. p. i;o, AKeui. Sa'rst. yjJlfe'SK. Lightest, Simplest, 3ii,ylSJjJs Easiest Strongest, f st3l Oj t A Working, Solid lUjllliUMost Top VjjjrJj jTjt J Accurate, Receiver. NgSsSS' Compact, Most Modern and progressive For analogue or Information write to TISU MARL1N FIRC ARMS CO., Nrw Haven. Conn. ThuTells... -V rf ( ha M icr, '1 la- hniirtn I ( hi- and flriiiiiPM, 4 allud t C lie 1 hnaiuliili-tl 1 yp4. itir ihumhot ihoM of ailvaoreii til an and hnini- ainliiy. li.-ih of lliff ijhi hf '(ma I in ilia b'iy man or woiumii; ana ltriiMirriit'a Kainllr Mat a itn" tr I puna fmriullv for tmh ptrat iia al wiioia vtiiuino or nt-w iui'a. cn d na. d In a Miiall aii-. m hut lh ft'cnrd of the whole tri a nrh I for a Dimiih may hr na1 In ha f an pour. Iha I'tmual 1 r liidirats1 rrhiiffiirtil, culture, and ft low of iii u ir, h. irv ami flcitnn A pnua) iui ihia ivim or iimnm win mor. ouijlilf fn)i'V Ihc lit rury aura liona or ItviitnrrM a liaifurtiie. ihf Ar- liir Tyt linitiNiia ft luta ol bauif and art, lkh will flmi ran Il'nrr in iw macitTti nil oil i n t- ura uf iOM-a, 14 H Imiirp, tvrn dmrd fmm lh tirlKlnal l-amlllii.' ht In Unij-prti, lh' tun, crirtiralrd of luiiiif fl.Hirr oalnUra, liih will ) iiivpm lt r rv uhw nlrr ti I tiiurr.t'a Wai'aliW fur hMft. Tha riMt uf uia uHrbworta o art aa VVpO tr ai d tha trprmiuritiiii annul W ilit iitftir-hr, fn-m th 3 Ths compsrstlvs value of thsss twocsrds Is known to most persona. They lllustrata that f raster quantity la Not always most to bs desired. .'. Theso catds tipress ths bentnclal qual ity of Rlpans Tabulcs 4s compired with any previously knows DVSPKPSIA CURB Rlpsns Tsbules t Price, jo cent boa. Of druggists, or by mail. .'. IIPINt CHEMICAL CO., 10 Sprue II., N T Museum Man's Schema for GuUin? the Public. Tb Porker Converted Into a Sort of Perambulating Lawn Bright Green lUadea Where Bristles Ought to Grow. HEALS RUNNING SORES For the insitrniflcant sum of ten cents CURES THE the curiously inclined might have had , the privilege of seeing recently in a QtKr tli g mue museum way aown m me r renta quarter no less a curio than a hog 6porting a complete and bona fide crop of grass all over his body "m de place whar de ha'r ought to grow." This sounds like the most preposter ous thing on record, writes a corre spondent of the Philadelphia Times, and so your correspondent conceived it to be until he cane to the point of sacri ficing a dime on the altar of his in credulity, and beheld with his own eyes the wonder. The animal appeared to be a well-grown nine or ten-months' Bhoat of the Essex breed, with the usual broad back, chubby neck and short legs, but from the tip of his nose to the end of his tail he was bristling with as perfect fresh green grass as the finest lawn mixture is warranted to produce. The exhibitor from time to time clipped a stray bit of grass from the hog's abundant crop and passed it around for inspection. I am willing to testify on oath that it was the genuine article and no mistake, and the more I gazed the more the wonder grew that one short hog should wear so strange a hue, till finally my curiosity got the better of my purse strings and I chipped in with some other fellows and got the man to let us on to the fake. "Easy enough explained," said the ex hibitor, as he began to spray the animat ed grass plot with a small rubber bulb which he held constantly in his hand. "Just step behind here and take a close look at the hog. Mind how you handle him, though, or you may break him all up. Seems to be a pretty good thick ness of earth 'twixt him and the grass, don't there? Yes. Well, that's just it. Grass grows in dirt and nowhere else, so all you've got to do is to get enough of it to stick to a hog and he'll make you about as good a lawn as you'd find any where almost. "That's straight so far as it goes, but, of course, there is a good deal more to it before you can work up such an ar ticle as this here. In the first place you have got to get the right kind of a hog. I generally use a 15erkslnre or an Essex, because they are good and broad and you can feed 'em np to be prettv lazy. This is necessary, of course, as a frisky hog is not liable to hold mud or yvater either for a long time. The next tep is to get the right kind of soil. "Now, I always use dirt collected from ant hills, but this is an old dodge borrowed from the East Indian jug glers, who can make a mango sprout and grow six or seven feet in as many mm 'tes. Scientists say that it is the formic acid in earth which causes seed to burst and the germ to develop when placed therein, and this acid is freely generated by the ant. Pour a cupful of hot water over a handful of the insects and it will become as sour as vinegar, "Of course it is easv enough to get a layer of soil about an inch thick caked up on a hog, and a little training will teach hun to keep it there all right. put a ring in this fellow's nose and tie him up short so that he can't skirmish around, and that's about all. I plant my seed, which sprout and come up in about a week's time, for I haven't quite gotten up to the jugglers minute per' formanccs yet. eo there s your hog as big as life and as green as grass, "I have several hogs which I use at different times, ns it would not do to keep one with his pores stopped up too long, horuetnut'8, too, I vary the mo notony by planting small, low-growing flowers instead of grass, and once rigged up a vagary with a sprig of smi lux for the tail, little coleus plunts making the stars and stripes on either side, and a razor-back of pnnaiesrunning between. Hut that did not go very well The fake was too obvious, and I lost trade by it. Since then I have confined myself almost entirely to grass, which seems to go somehow, perhaps owing to the general greenness of the public. STING CONTAGIOUS Dinnn nnicnu edbvs.s.s. w-vuv rviuiinate sores and ulcers vield to its healing powers. It re moves the poison and builds up (he system Vslusble treatise on the disease and Its treatment mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC Ca. Atlanta. Ga. In all its stages completely eradicate Ubsti- Qneoo Victoria's Growing Family Knowledge of the interesting fact that within the current year the quee expects to have the number of her great-grandchildren increased by four suggests that at the rapid rate at which they are iucreaaing her majesty muy expect to see the number of her direct di'sceiulauU exceed one hundred. He children were ten in number. The grandchildren up to date are thirty live, l he latter are now growing u nd marrying off, and their offspring constituting the fourth generation will, of course, show greatly acrelr atisl ratio of increase ay an thirty fire is to ten. The royal mothers-ex Cabbages, cucumbers, head lettuce, radishes and most other vegetables are shipped north from the neighborhood of New Orleans. Cucumbers of a very fine quality, however, have been com ing all winter from Boston, where there is extensive hot-house gardening, and these New England shipments still make up over half of the supply on the i market. Hundreds of barrels of head lettuce are also received daily from Boston. Asparagus comes from nearer home. The largest part of the local supply now hails . from Illinois, especially from Villa Eidge, Cobden, Anna and Moken- da, on the line of the Illinois Central, and from Alton. Asparagus begins coming from Mississippi along in March, and pushes northward to its extreme point' at Racine, which it reaches early m June. Green onions come from Illinois and Michigan. Bermuda onions are shipped here from New York. The trade in all these products of the season is brisk and at prices from 30 to 50 per cent, higher than last year, which was much below the standard on account of the uniformly poor quality of the year's yield. Fruit and vege tables this year are arriving in very good order and offer great promise of an abundance of the spring delicacies later on. For tho -i--"h p-n of the northwest, and, in tact, lor those of all tree fruits, which have been invariably disappointing during the past few years, a very promising outlook is reported. TRAINS SrAu.n. TO FIGHT. Diversion to Which John Chinaman Has Given Himself In Gothim. There is a use for English sparrows which the average American citizen of sporting proclivities has not so far dis' covered. It remains for the Chinese in the United States to direct attention to a novel purpose to which cock sparrows -iay be devoted somewhat in compensa tion for their otherwise useless exist ence. That John Chinaman somewhere from some source inherited consider able sporting blood, though he may not cut much of a shine himself in a street brawl with urchins and sandlotters, is pretty generally known. That he has a wholesome respect for American jus tice is also a familiar fact. Cock fight ing is prohibited; dog fighting like wise. So, in order to have just as much fun as he would at a cock or a dog fight John has made experiments with cock sparrows and the result is said com pletely to fill the measure of his happi ness. I he fighting sparrows are trained on the same principles as game cocks; their wings are clipped and their spurs Htted to gaffs as keen as the point of a needle. They can goon be trained to make as good fighters as two Spanish roosters, and those who have witnessed an exhibition of this sort declare that, next to a rat-killing, no Chinaman will admit that anything can surpass in in terest a cocking main between two edu cated sparrows. i r' i .1 ,....... 1 1.. ... i v ' i j"rr -. - . y i r i it ..ii i.r wi.r..i..r i.'i.usi. mb. J) .THtJHf.AT ' riUDVAM ,P'A-$ pwtant this year are the ducheaa of Mil .d.:,7H.v.r.r pvit v. th. Pm-. - VJ J iii .i. si .i .ii-n ir I iii.irsuii ihat V --j -"S iV two daughters of th. duke of Kdin- iTM KT&TZ'IT )iff&& Imrgh. th. m,wB rrtnMof RomMi. i Th. " M" 'i. ) r n JPpvl L I 1 -nd the ducheaa of lleamr-Danoatadt. ' : b 1.1 it., ii'i.'k. r ....I in. nine .p U ft o-f c, JJ J h ch r.urr His rnHrr sinia aid r. t J' s ' J J , fjr T --fj 9 Are at-lllug Fer. -u: r.r,:,,,,'r:;;'',L7.7 w,-ii.V'' i.. ., wh.r. H, 1 vm..r.. a is .!.'? s i-rr.,t iVJ r .4 . j:- , ' th. furly aprlng fruit ami irgrlf .:::a";xr,,t"-;!:;:. w'rr,mf rn?v,r;u,rrn3r t' m in j. ..r .ii.-.r .ii. r. it -ill ' v T 1 St? K 4 ITt ' v, wttlafaottim obtained in answer is a M V . .!. i. s'4 ,,. -ill h.-e T,';. ; V'..i ',! liS! general Matement cuiflrm f tl S ih.rrn 'Brs la a. .Mie f. '.I.VA .-"w . i I ... ... ; ll w j. !,.. it. a..,T.t'ahii h.r. Y j-J v ) , t J 3?'." 'l Pn'vioM mprealn that they com. p i -t lilt wim. firm ..a. VJ a - '.y.f- ' 'A from MMn.wh.i-. In th. south, t.raij. H 7 XXZTrTXT t 9 ViifeP ally a-the a.--,n lhl.n.le- t f. i onlsniHran ihwralli niallira. sill inisfi-. J , '1 OlI'atllAtU a f ! 11 " " - , an f 1,1 I'lFJ lit-sV I ,w ! .. ii,, K'n.M'ii,, T. f 1 MC'iai -r II I l J V ..nib -i.ut.ln. I. a", in Its an... 1 1 h nosl f. M 1 t i " j -.1 1 i i ' -i Tub Argand lamp was discovered by Argand, Jr., while Argand, (sr., wan busy studying the problem of how to produce a good white light. The boy chipped the broken neck of a win bot tle over the dull red flam of that lamp Any one who ha ever had an attack of ititlamroat'jry rheumatism will rejoice with Mr. J. A. Stumm,2-0 Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, over lii fortunate escape mm a meue of tbat distressing ailro'tit Mr. Stumm i fnremsnof Merriam' oon ffctionery ealabliabmeiit. Home ninn'hi ngr), on li Bvinu th heated work mum lo run Horns the street o an erraud, be as cmiiiht out in the rain. The result tlmt when rend y to gn hnroa that 'ii. M he was uuabla to walk, owing to itillunitiihtory rheumatism. II whs akt-u home, and on arrival wMplacetl in 'rcitil uf a ifi.oil tire and thoroughly rnhbed lib Ctiamberlain's l'am Halm, During Ii evening aud niuht he was repeatedly Imth.ii wiib this lit.lmeDl, and by morntne a relieved of all rheumatic pain. He now lake eapeeial plr-Hanr in prsisiti. ' narutierlaln I'alo Uaitn, and always keep a hut tie of il In tha house. For al by Hlocnm Johnson Drujj (Jo, sir..'irM s. n t a'l, S" aiii'Vh, rt'titi'irvt Hp. Ih. Irs'la ii. h h.'ft s r.M- tla"? I I ha .si'rt art s.r 'it i-f ar' tuit sIi.hiI.I aiitwcilh. la i in. a it ira'i.. If an i'a.ina Mislal-li t- trtla a.ia r, a arlti'R r.- s .1 sr 4 ai l a.l.' I that a-.i. Mum 11.1 VHi h.a miI h in il sr if a. i t r'i. . ta fl it'i'tf In iMe , , ... rorutui.f u sal i.l J Uie liuisi) aable a. m wiiue iiui;. - ' n W"t I n i . 1 1 m-L, mniirvj or iV r In I i i" . y t'f ih a.-. u has I.- ru rn. .". .1 i r the l. '.i f U ! runM an.l Alnptlft, Hmftaa Is I I Vi Uh'e. H-ena s'-t riri:.-t"4 of U ! Is. e'isrrt In M us'. tun 10ST KANH00O COPYRIGHTS. rn i out. j rTsri r 1 r H '" 14 rajtfi ht f-. HMf fr tlflatv IR 1-i.i )t rta. I iiaj-fl f l-rw. iim I'Mlrf M' t ! t tm I an t Ir-. 4jt a W4 sT'T nif a.i- wi t t -at r-w aw til itmv - f ttsHwtt .If V f. . li m M I Im t rM la ( f1 ' t 1 I l .1 11 . r, t-lf.) at) f . ... f I lw'll-t NaV I t t I ') a 4 . at1 ll ' tM f. ik ttt U I !. IHt . tart t f taM I 1 ' 11 ' 9 v ) I i ft t .VJ. 4 VA, mt .Jill lMAV.r ajtih'lt. fWf ? .Yl fr'rals amiV.alTis r-.&iaaliimiM4 sita t'swy la the It a t- II la a sji .p oi ! smlal Wwmtttrm a t.) lrrrnn.- h ia be la SV vlaj ty the iaMol lln1iaa, llirirs i1i..t,if ma.t r-v lKetal. lata i lh .1.1 far-ofs Hsa-ta Waeitsl Isalll.tS ll la tl-i rrH'--t a. I vary tantxf il. I s t"l. ia ! I H l a - ae"l i"f i il'ii Is a ali-l l" t-V r ti-a a.s: w w r n ' rir I f rm Nif it t-'. . u i a i s ri ii', i.. saa air ai l k'.nl 111 I. 'I i .rid M1 a'.. r " 1 1 .r , " . t i. .i.i'-.. ' s I 'rwst tit !' Minna ilitt IK JaUtfW -. ' a r h .1 A I Ills lla riiuvi Vat lined iiH-ality atMiriaache u until i. ..M al... . ..1 .. ..... i . Fa'lln. n. I """'" " " " laiiiuus is el.'ii,Mi rv. yielding lu crops of th. luscious appt- tins l 111 U us 1 tt.strm r.f Ih rin w. , , . . ... . la-fuUulft blea U-ifin their movement north from' the territory NmliTing the liulf of M.i i.yi. aay the I hi. ngo Journal. It U from UnlUla-n nd Miaalaalfal thai thev ar. iHitning n.v. Mrawia rrif imiu rinr-1 l l.i w.r. In Ihe marki't at the .ml of lightly delayed on a.v.iunt aa-ver. w.ath.r Ihrre. Kmm lniiatati I hey are aliiiM, Intwrnty. four pint caaea. whieh ar. diatkased ..f by eirtnmiasiun m.r.'hanta here al f) 5d to f J.7S pa-r easa-; from. Mii.ipi in twenty-four qtisrt raa.a. whlrh sre sell lug now al ll .V) f J a-r ease, eual to aiatut .il ea iils a cjuart f.r th. twrrle la very great and th prU. U enal l.rsl'ly la r.fof last r. This s Usa.-o It aai.l to ba due to the uierUrr qua'.ity of th fruit, whl. h is uuuiij'.'.y Una and firm, with i a mt ph aaing Nnith Water I street ia now rin-rlviug two rar'nat.U nr ttiotT a iltv. Sn Ih. herrli hI IIx ( n t.n.'iio In Uri-r "I'ntr.iS; a. aa th i f"i In T ntii r;a'u. ., nut '.J t!u litlh) or I'.l'lt'f t.lV .ti atr I,. r. V.U S JJa--1 U'Aa I". Ohtal!. iv;c . Draw hark la (lanhaaat Life. The attention of the Hrltiah adrnlmV ty ha been called to the one serious drawback the modern stead ship p Maae, namely, the death like coldness of the Interior wall. It U paaible. in deel. to warm the ahlp with atesra, but nothing can warm th. aides in cold weather, and the man that sleep near the unsympathetic steel I liable to contract rheumatism in the unconscious effort to warm it by th. MK-rlflce of hi own vital heat. On very cold days th. eloaed air port will drop Icicle, and the a ard w all of a stateroom will be 3 Th;t the RAMBLER Is one of the verv beBt wheels ever made Is an indisputable fact. It stands In the front rank with all hljrh grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. Ridea RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel be punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as It is equipped with the world renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims. 8old In all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at $100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, 1150 each. THE RAMBLER 1b the faBtest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market. For style, finish and durability It is unsurpassed, as it Is constructed on strict median 's! ical and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals 3 For men, women, boys and trlrls. with 2S, 26 and 24 Inch wheels, at Jfi5, 155, 145 respect- Si ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade double locking edge ; ;a ciincner ures ana are iuiiy warrantee.. 5j Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call 8 o" our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers anted in every town in Oregon, Washing- i w ton ana laano. f FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler BIcvclos." Main (iej Btnre. 327 Washington H , Portland, Or. Maj E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and ;tS) lecturer. ins r a i i n usun , Agr,. tor morrow uo , aeppuer, uregon Hows Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. 1 FINEST MATERIAL. LIGHT, STRONO, TOSJk " 40irXW SCIENTIFIC SPEEDY, HANDSOHE. ffkfS lV WORKMANSHIP. King- of Bicycles. Four ModeIsS85 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOCUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office; Lake and Hatsted Sts.. CHICAGO, ILL. SlKANCIIv. i: Ntw York, San, itH I a' W i"-iiv. , b'.f r nU; Ifmit, Toronio. WLBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. W. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, IIeppner,Oregotu iul Hinri ((hern In I ( ufalra a ii I l.'H. a lh r-i' lr-,talr i Nailtsa in I u 1 1 1 1 f , f tnlsainna, tVlirury, aai in ins In th t a. Ur ht o 1 I kl laaa-ar anal th Voym. Ao ainualnr atory of th uiannrr Id which lila hulincaa wm irnvtasl by Klfi(f lari.f fawi-lr n whi n ho itw-.l la UI.I ly onr of th n-lnrnr,! iiilirrlina. On pinw. hint: Ihc rvntuiff Klntf K ar rutrli.lcal lila linn.l. A k'l mm (if the rhiiri li wimlil, of imrM, Iistv knrlt ml kiaa- tha lxiH' r rlntf -Vftt- IfaUnt nuiimn liavr la (..rr now U-nt tin" line U tha-1 .j.. Itut Klm la?ar, irrlnif hla 'mlhT mmri h a ' haiiil. ahiaik li warmly, unit thm, l...ilnjf lown. rmbriK'rtl hi hollnaa. klaaimr Th ilcinaml Mm r!Tuai-tljr on lh rhavk. The utiaj waaaamu. h tuuiars by thl Irrvifular form .f rrrarUnif a tha lyUua.T wer borHOaM. GiaY ha rcccctiy tra Import in .-rpely of hirra fmm IVtimark. Livt Wa ran now I forwrW ihuirh th jki .f!ic rU or th t rriu U trrriWT)-. A- Itilart ali ral atimr f atal'lona w III W hr! l In iciit ict.ilr h it at iht liiM . ,f ts. r,j tuiuUlry of aT)'"! ':, j: OUR STOCK . V OF . . . !:j SPACE IS TOO HEAVY j! AND WE ;-vARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a rcat financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. The Patterson Publishing Co. n : WITI-I. PILLS ! PIE : Bill : Youro BOUND to Take 'Km. Leaves No Constipation,-- Cnra.. II. aa mr mm all ll llffian-. Kirk ILalarM arJ Malaria. Tha ,-!. cn.iir-aTiiia Ml m n- .rl.l. H.-IJ I; an rirt.Vtf..i, f .,, b ""f" fwt.i.f pr-fH.. Jla-uli rrt.i. ll.JMl?" WFIl('ALril U