Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 09, 1895, Image 3

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Rtage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
loha Day and Canyon City, leave as followi :
Every day at 6 a. ra., except Sunday.
A rrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phill Cohn, Agent
You can get the beat beer
In Heppner at G.
rowe'a, 5 cent per glass.
B. Ted-
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
TT 2 3J 56
j a 9 ionUi3
14 15 16 17 161 19 20
21 22 23 24- 25 26 27
2ft 1 23 1 30 1 31 1 1
Oregon ia Dot being overlooked by the
tented "circmes" this reason. The 8yn-
icate show is Don in the state, bavins;
sbowrd at The Dalles last Saturday, and
tbe great Wallace show is advertised (or
the same place on August 1st. These
two shows will make a tour of the state,
though both have overlooked Heppner.
However, in this instano we do not feel
slighted, as tbe Great Falls, Montana,
papers say the former show is the great
est possible aggregation of fakes, fakirs,
nuoo men and abort-change woraers.
Heppner can exist without this combi
County Superintendent Anna J. Bal-
siger returned from a 17 days' trip visit-
ug tbe mountain and adjomiug school
districts. She reports tbe schools in a
flourishing condition, the attendance
and interest good and teachers showing
an entbiiNiastio and progressive spirit.
Miss Bulxiger urges tbe teachers to
horougb, faithful w rk, and kindly asks
the sobool officers and pafons to assist
tbe teachers in tbeir efforts in every pos.
Bible way.
Tbe tongue of thesoandal monger is
now busy in Heppner. now so many
people can find pleasure in defaming,
traducing, reproaching and disgracing
the name of anyone is a mystery. If
every person, the good people of Hepp'
oer not excepted, would follow the old
axiom.. "8 v a good word or nothing of
every one, bow union better we wouia
be, and how much pleasaDter and bap-
pier this lite.
There are many accidents to live stock
which oause delay tnd loss to tbefarme
in his work. In a large nun-ber of in
s'aoces tbe delay would be but trifling if
a remedy was promptly applied. Dr
H. McLean's Volcanic Oil LinimeDt has
for many years been regarded as the
farmers friend. Its healing mtluenoe o
tbe flesh of domestic Bnimnls is immed
ate and permanent. Pnoe zoc, 600 sn
$1.00 per bottle.
John W- Lundy, formerly night oper
ator at Arlington, but at present assist
ant cashier in tue anuiKum nation
Here and There.
Millions ride the Kambler.
Ike Ennis has bicyoles to rent.
Ayers guarantees bis poison.
$2.50 per dozen.
The Niles-Vinson,
Kktcbnbd With a Wife. Mr. Otis
Williamson returned home last Friday
evening from a brief visit with Kansas
friends, bringing wi'h him a wife, much
the surprise of his many Heppner
friends. The Times published at Lewis,
Kansas, bss tbe following to say of tbe
affair: We were surprised to learn that
Miss Effie Ostrander was married to Mr.
Otis Williamson, of HeppDer, Oregon,
last Sunday evening, June 23, at the
home of the bride. All relations were
nvited to attend tbe wedding, after
which an extremely welcome reoeption
was enjoyed. Mr. Williamson's wife
was well acquainted with bim in N6W
York, and sinoe then has held ft sooial
proximity which has proved inseparable.
The gentleman is not practically well
known here but be represents a firm re-
igious character and with a confiding
christian wife, we think that bis life will
be one of usefulness, Our motives are
to oomphment Mr. and Mrs. Ostrander
on. their daughter's success. Mr. Will-
amson and wife will visit relatives and
friends until July 1st, after which they
will depart for Eastern Washington
where they will make tbeir future home.
Oar best wishes for tbeir saooess go witn
them." Mr Williamson and wife ex
peot soon to leave Heppner for the Yak
ima, Wsshington country, where tbey
will probably locate. Tbe Gazette also
j ins in congratulations.
Makes the Blood Pure
This is the secret of the cure
by Hood' Sarsaparilli. Read this J
"I am so glad
to writ that I
am now In per
fect health and
it is all because
Hood's Sana
parilla made
toy blood pure,
ily health
broke down
With troubles
peculiar to
women, m y
nervous sys
tem was shat
tered and I
had to take my bed. The physician said
there was little hope for me. A neighbor
niA nTnHaifni niireit nv Hoods barsa
parilla and I decided to trjf it. When I
had taken 3 bottles, I could sit up and now
1 am pertectly well ana strong.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
has done all this for me." Mrs. C. P,
Fadeebr, La Platta City, Colorado.
-j mm f-. cure namiuai consnpa
tlOOU S F111S tion. lTlceSScperboi.
Marble Works,
I7u1lo Wulla Wuali
8, N. Metier was up from the Lexing
ton country yesterday.
Arthur Minor and wife Sundayed up
in tbe Ditch creek country.
Minor & Co. have made another great
cut. Call and get prices now
D. F. Ketobum came up last night to
receive a shipment of hogs.
Patronize those who reduce the prices
Dot those that follow. Minor & Co,
The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $2.75
per year, both striotly in advance.
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. 8. O. Smith, salesman, Heppner
Born. To tbe wife of frank Deford
of the Hardman country, July 2nd, a
For the next 30 days Minor & Co. will
rp.11 anv Dair of mens' pants at exact
cost. 1
Now is the time to kill squirrels; and
Swaggart's "8ure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with,
Try Ayers squirrel poison before
buying any other. Only 82 50 per
dozen. it,
E. B. Stanton and W. W. Brannan
were in from the Eight Mile country
For Sale A lot of household furnl
ture and an organ. Call at tbe Al.
parsonage. '
Al Hale came over from the. Piln
Rook oountry and spent the Fourth in
this oity.
Call on Minor & Co.. we are tbe lead
ers. We handle moie goods than all tbe
rest combined.
F.d Dv aooompanied bis wife belo
last Friday where she goes for medical
Ike Ennis returned Saturday evening
from a'brief visit with home folks down
at Hillsboro.
Minor A Co. received nioe oars of
freight last month and have new in tran
sit 10 cars more.
Price lorenoe wntea up from Port
land that his wire ia not improving
rapidly as he bad hoped.
Minor A Co. boy for oash and sell the
m. do not obarge you a oommiesloD
to pay for poor accounts.
Wanted Plain or fancy sewing. Will
go to the house or take aewing al Dome.
Mrs. Mary Henderson.
1 1 imi want to rent a bicycle or get ra
pairs for turn, call on Ike Ennis at bis
UlCfOIB I'orj,
Woman may langb in her sleeve mora
nnmfortab than ever uui sue caouoi
look over her shoulder any more,
Minor A Co.. the reduoers of price,
have mad soma extra good buys
and sea what we ean do for you.
Wm Dunn and family and MiS Bella
rvitriMn nloved tba Kourlb down at
The Dallas, returning last evening.
Judge Freeland ia moving into tbe
Boved properly jaat above ibe power
bona which ba recently purchased.
A. J. Spenoer, an olJ-tima Heppnerita,
i,. tu.n abaant for sometime, re
turned to Heppoer tba latter part of la
(iilbotiaen Brim . will eooo go to tba
i.,.. ..imtrv to lie aheent until tba
laiiar urt of this moDtb. Avail
nr.eo Mathews for ahavlng, beir-
.miina ahkmtMioa and all other work
In that line. Hal us at any
busioe boars.
it. ,.ir. straiubt to beadatjartera too
ara snra of selling the ..wet price and
saving )on tba Iroooie oi loosing over
town. Mjdoi A Co.
U rn To tba w. fa f Oeorge Walla,
.. m, itU laai. a ir.
()porg, liowvr. still bolJs bis poanioo
ia th eUrk'a oII'ijo.
Marling K-ilb'ay. Frank Bifa'. Wm.
Cowma aol Uomi-r llarnogl n returned
Httarday evaing fro n PortlanJ wnra
tbey clpbrld Iba Fourth.
F. A. UolUbangh, rpfetlna: a Ht
Paul bo Brm and an old ll e-irBm-r-eial
traveler ot tbia , lalatviawad
n m.rebaote lt adowday.
lima during
g A Lowell, f redll"0. haa bo
InvlUNl U !" tb-aot jx't "l ha
Fntaraof tu I'l"'"." b
auk. and MissGrce E Bedford, dHug
ter of J. W. Bedford, or the Hotel
Grande, were united in marripge last
Tuesday evening. Tbey departed on the
midnight traiu for a brief boneymoou in
Portland. The Gszette wishes mend
Luudy hnd wife a happy and prosperous
The Gazette oftea receives requests for
back numbers of the paper containing
one particular land or mining decision.
These dersisious are published regularly,
but it is impossible for us to nud same
unlesB date is furnished. However, it
would be much better for those inter
ested to clip these out Bnd preserve
them. Io this way they would soon
have a book full of valuable decisions
There comes a time to all of us, when
we feel mean and "out of sorts" and in a
condition to invite disease It is tben
we need such a remedy as Dr. J. H
McLean's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier. To persons exhausted
by sickness or over-work it invigorating
fluence is surprising, promptly restor
ing health, energy and cheerful spirits,
Prioe $1.00 per bottle.
It is reported that Rocky Mountain
Smitb. tbe tourist printer who has
tramoed all over tbe United States al
most, and who bas several times visitea
Henoner. ha decided to start a demo
cratic paper at Prineville. While Rooky
bas our best wishes, yet, we predict that
this will be like many of bis other ef
forts, short lived. Bis great desire for
"bug juue" usually masters blm.
Condon Globe: Atty. T. R. Lyons
came over from Heppner Friday and re
mained here until Tuesday. He whs at
tornev for the defendant in tbe Brass-
field divorce case, whioh was beard Mon
day and Tuesday. He and his brother
eiDRot to spend the 4 Hi at Walla Wall
after wbiob Jo' n Lyons will locate at
Condon in tbe praotioe of law.
E. O.i O. F Thompson and wife are
in from Batter creek. Mr. Thompson
whs tbe second sheriff UaiHtiila oouu
bad, succeeding Frank Maddnx Bnd be
incr Knooeeded by A. W. Nye. Mr
Thompson raises etock and fruit, and
says fruit, though Dot a big crop, ia of
fine quality this season.
Ike Ennis has a stock of bicycle
repaire and will fix your wheel up at
reasonable rates. It is hia intentioo to
make a specialty in tbia line, and as tbe
number of wheels is rapidly increasing,
this will certainly be pleasing news to
those wbo are ao fortauate as to own a
B. F. Bwaggart is prepared to furnish
his "Sure Hbot " squirrel poison in
holeaaie lota. He bas already receiveo
larirA order from Washington ana
Idaho Every where it baa been naea,
t baa not failed to exterminate the lime
Morrie Ball and John Horner If ft last
Friday for tbe John Uy and Ureoo
born mining sections Tbey expect to
spend tba reraaiur'ef of the summer ovr
there and win prooaoiy vieii tun l'bhui.
tion lake oountry before returning.
Miaa Uattia Orober. of Honora, Cal ,
arrived last Wednes lay and i now tb-
anrtl of het friend. Mre. Kd rmilb, wife
nf onr venial awl ion fireman. Miaa
Oruber and Mr. Hroith ara visiting
Morrow'a metropolia t inlay
Ao absent minded man near Heppner,
forgettiog that a circular aaw waa in mo
tion sal dowo upon it. He aaid ba bad
do Idea it was loadod, and that tba old
idea of OMng a chair ia much preferable
to tba saw. Salem Pot.
F.rneat Kirk, eon of Crocket Kirk. r
turned bomn from I'orlUod last Wed
nesday evening, whera ha baa been
nintrgolng treatment for aprepdioitia.
Ha baa completely recovered but ia yet
q ilie weak.
Oor Hardman qorreapmidetit ornpllo
that Jim KulgMen and John Furbi,g
participated In a aqnara koork d iwn
o inteai op in fial timulty oo the Fourth
without iDTltiug bin to witbeas lb
Cap. Warren. 0. Ilea, Ui.rla Jack
Morrow and NU Magnnen Ml Hatnr
U mnrninif iti a pratrta schooner for a
moiitb'a roraiiio al tba aonderful
bealib reatormg MuUofTU ipringa.
Hbilob'a Core, !! great l-mgh and
Croup Cure, la in great demand. PnrkM
no entaina twenty 0a d.a ml U-V.
Cmldrrn love it. H ll by T. W. A)rs
Harah J. Thomt-aon. inotlter -f Wah
Thonipaoo, lm eonipai,id Wab and
if bM frum Mia nri lt apnog. de
parted lit her aaatara home tterday
Karl'a Clover Itixit, tba graat lllnod
Birifler, atva irebn and eirna to
lha limplnWn and eora I otiaiipaluia,
25 eta i M) ot., II . HolJ by T. W. A) r.
F4 It. lli'hop an I wifa wera paan-
While in 8to"kton, Cal., sometime ago,
Tbos. F. Lnugan, of Los Bancs, tbat
state, was taken very severely with
cr imos and diarrhoea. He chanced to
meet Mr. 0. M. Carter, who wassimilarly
hffl oted. He savs: "I told him of
Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy, and we went to tbe Hol-
den Drug Store and procured a buttle of
it It, gave Mr. Carter prompt, relief and
can vouch for its having cured me.
For Bale by Slooum-Johoson Drug Oo.
It Leads Them All.
The "Cyclone" Thresher.
If you buy a new
Thresher, Engine
You of course want the best.
A PainftjIi Accident. While return-
. , , . mi J
tg irom tne aanoe given last xoursuay
night up near Parker's mill, where the
mountain oelebration was held, MiBB
Elsie Smith, of Hardman, met with a
very painful aocident. She, in company
with a young gentleman, was returning
home on horseback, when tbe animal
became frightened and ran away. Tbe
saddle being loose, turned when Miss
Smith jumped from the horse, and 'n so
doing suffered a fracture of tbe left
femur about six inches above the knee.
The accident happened about five miles
from Hardman but tbe unfortunate lady
was removed to her home where she suf
fered great pain until tbe arrival of Dr.
Shipley the following dav, when the
fracture was reduced. Late Friday even
ing when tbe dootor left she was testing
as comfortably as oouldbe expected. We
regret to learn of this aooident and hope
soon to be able to report Miss Smith's
oomplete recovery.
Write for Catalogue and Prices.
The Massillon Engine & Thresher Co
ere are
Which we wish you to
Eemember :
First: We Keep
Second: We offer it
Thied: We sell
We are enabled to give more
for a dollar than the usual
"Dollar's worth."
Main Street, Heppner, Or
.1 a a
We Sell as Low or Lower than Any OT
Our Competitors.
We keep a complete line of everything.
Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings.
The National Bank Building;, .
- HepDner, Oregon
Storage and Forwarding.
I Pays all Charges on Woo
Merchandise, Etc.
Pilfn! Piled! itching Piles.
bymptome Moisture; intense ltobing
aud BtiDKine; most at Dight; worse by
BoratcbiDg. If allowed to continue
tumors form, wbiob otten biped ana
ulcerate, becoming very nore. Hwaynbb
Ointment ato pa tbe itching and bleed
idu. beals ulceration, and in most oaseB
removes the tumors. At drugging, or
by mail, (or 50 oenta. Dr. 8 way u 4 Hon,
Wheat, bu 9 3640
Flour.bbl i
Beeves, cowg & two-year-olds, owt. 2 25
" three " " 2 50 ,
Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 50 1 75
stock 1 00 1 60
Hogs, ou foot, cwt 8 00
Hogs, dressed 4 00
Wool 5 8
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 2540
V.aaR. doz 8
Chickens, doz 2 003 00
Potatoes, per owt 4'J
Wheat, cwt 87 97
D'lonr.bbl a 50 o ou
Beeves, stall fed 4 60 5 00
Muttons, owt 600800
Hoes, owt 4 5U ra o ZD
Wool Eastern Oregon.. 7 0 8$
Butter, ft) a 13
Eggs, doz i-m Jo
Potatoes new, per ot.. . 60fc$ 85
" old, " ... fHius io
Chickens, doz 8 00 0 euu
Turkeys, ft) 11 U
Don't Pass It By !
nO, never pas a good thing. Alwayi take
advantage of legitimate opportunities to
X I make the most out of everything, which
appllei to t' e purchase of drugs, medl
clnes. etc.. down at T. W. Ayers' Drug Stoie.
Just opened for the lnnpectlon of the puoiic
one of the finest lines of toilet articles, perfum
r, imtinna. mul the like, ever seen in Heppner.
Avers nas auyuiiug aim everyming iu ouuiot
rrescripuouB uuvu uh uu mK".
Heppner Building. neH door
to T. K. Howard'!.
T. W. AYE US. Jr..
Heppner, Oregon.
Ah Intbhbstinq Meeting. Tbe Will
amette Valley Chautauqua will hold its
ernnd annual assembly at Gladstone
Park. Oregon City, Or., from July 10th
tn the 20th Inolunive. An extensive and
interesting program, witn diUerent leai
urea for each clay, bas been prepared
Monday, Joly 15ib, baa been atyled as
"Patriotic Day," and on tbia oooasion
patriotic addressee will be delivered by
Senators Mitchell and Moonde, Oena,
Otia end Bee bp, Hons. W. R. Ellis, Bin
ger Hermann, Phillip Metsohan, Rufoa
Mallory and thememberaof be aopreroa
benob. Gv. MoConnell, or idano, ana
ex Oov. Thayer, of PortUnd, will also
speak in defense of the American nag.
In ail the entire af mbly will ba ona ot
inteieet and will duubtleaa draw large
crowds every day.
Bpeclmaa Canea.
8. fl. ClilT 'rd. Nw Caal. Wis., waa
troabled with neuralgia and rbouroBtiara,
hi 'nniHoh wasdinordered, biallviT waa
affected to an alarming denree, appetite
fell aav. and he waa urnhly rednoed io
ih nd atrenittb Tbrea bottles of
Electric BiHera nnred him.
K..l'd HhM herd. lUrriaburg. Ilia.
hHdarnnnmg aor on hia leg of eight
ara' txiiditiB. Uaed three boHlea of
Electrlo BiMrB and aeenlxieaof Bunk
leu'i Arnica Hnlve, and hia leg ia eonnd
and well. John Speaker, Caiawba, O.,
had Ova large fever aora no ha leg. dxi
tnra aaid ba waa inciirnhle. One hotila
of Electna Bittera and ooe ki I'.uokl'ti'a
Arniea Hlve cured lilin entirely. Hold
by T. W. Ayera, Jr.
Wheal, bu $ 52 63
Flour.bbl 180235
Beeves, owt ) H o '
" dressed o uu i o oo
MnttmiH. live sheared... 2 25 (3 2 75
dressed, tt) 0 W U;
Hogs.onfwit 3 600375
" dressed, ft) ,
Wool Eastern Oregon.
Eggs, dor. ,
Chitkens. doz
Turkeys, ft; dressed. ,
im is
8 00 8 75
Wool baled and oonsiened. 8oeoial attention paid to
wool that it may be under cover and iu good condition
for inspection ot buyers.
Remember the Upper Warehouse.
Heppner, Ore. Proprietor.
Attorneys at Xaw,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
In order to reduce our stock of
We qnote the following Hard
Times prioea for Cash:
Ona New Home, latest ityle, new, $35 00
Ona New Home, style 1890, been
run a IWe but good as new 3a 00
Ona New Home, second hand, in
good order; a bargain ao
rin Favnritn. has been rented out
and used a little: cood as new, 38 00
These nre Barqaln Price for immediate accept-
once, taa at om-e on
T is an ill wind that blows no
good, and although the play
ful pranks ot Old Boreas ei poses
this fond couple to temporary em
barrassment, the situation greatly
amuses tbe spectators.
P. c.
Likewise the situation at
Burklea'a Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuta,
Bruises, Horea, Ulcers, Halt Rheum
Ker Horea. I'etter. Chapped Uanda
Chilblains, Corns, and all akin eruplioua
and poKitivaly ouree Piles, or no pay
required. It ia gna'rnteed to five
De'feot satisfaction or money refunded.
riPoe 25 cents per boi. For Bale by
T. W. Ayera. Jr.
Horsim UontuKM AH-o (I. Hlonaon,
writing 'row Watiing'm, I). C , aivea
tins cne: "A Dew and aomeabat gy
aenator from the weal 'iot the Pariflo
onast-dld not bring hia Nmily to Waeb
Inglon lt aoaaon. A few days ago ba
Osme buck o this city accompanied by
one f hia daughter. After spending
lta dt in eilg lha towo. ba left her
with aotaa ladies la ll.a parhif of lha Ar
lington al night. Hl.a waa sweet, at
tractive girl, hot it waa D-.t hard to lell
that ! waa i.ew to tha capital, and a
kindly Waehing'oo lady, who waa io lha
parlor, !' k w-caaioo t draw bar Io one
Ida and aaid in ooljfl lenlial lotia:
Yuu mo"t pad ro, my dear, I dio'l
know Jtt h'w well yon ara atiamtd
with tba a-nator amttg tba young
lady'a falbt). b'i! if I ware yao I would
it go axut aitb him VUUl "
f()r it ia worth any w.imaa'a repnlatioo
to U aeo IB ptlbilO with hi ia in Wab
Red "Or.in'a"
Carina lioyd, agent
MoFarland Mercantile Oo. will pay
eah for wbeat, barley, hidea and pella.
Farmers should call and aae tbem.
Meadowa A Horivner. tbe blacksmitha.
horaeahoera and wood butohera, at the
old Onnn aland. Main etreol, Ilappnar.
Call 00 tbe boys.
T. fi Uoward makea apeoialty in
annnlvixtf atnokilian With all needed
artu lea, beaidea carrying general line
He bia new ad. If
Mathews Broa.,Ciy botal barber shop.
toasorial artiala. lUireuttitig, anaving,
ahmne:)leg, etc., dona aciantifloally
ltntbs at 25 oenta apiece
O. B. Halt, lha tonaorlal arliat, oo
Im f.iatid at hia barlora. Matlock comer,
where be will dtapenae al ipnlar prioea,
shaves, hampM)a, bairouta. etc.
Klaira leavea for Echo Mondays,
Uh h.Iii). aud Fridaya, retnrnmgop
Tuedas, Thriradaya and Katordaya.
II. Wade, Prop. T. W.AveraJr., agent
Read "Coin'a Financial Hobrxd," and
then taka op bia other pqblicatioos.
They ara all e-itvlnoing, interaating.
D'.n Carl. Ifciyd, agent. Mw bun.
Anv inventor Io Eaatrn Oregon wbo
d-eiroa tha aervirea of ao attorney io
Waehiiiglon. II. O , will find it to tile
advantage t- rail on or addraaa thia pa
Thomoaon run etage lialweo
fa. cordovan;
ratNca a inamcuu calf.
4.3.m FincCau iKancarou
3.wp0lice.3 soles.
mOH II 7
( n Sineo it has become
Ltenorauy Known inai
Which ba iolls t Becl IVck rrioei.
wiirVilMiln. Daviilaon. Qooseberry. Douclas, Jordan
Fork and lone sections, can d no hotter than make their purchases of
Joe. He carries a full line or Furnishing uooiih, jkxhb ana oiioen,
Groceries, and in fact a complete stock of general merchandise. 1 aw.
"'i-iTi r "
s BuAr sTTnli Mill.
Ortr On Million Popl wmt th
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Sboes
All our allocs arc equally aatlsfactory
Tkay f Iva tba beat valua tor the ananey.
?kay aaual ouitout shot In at la and lit.
alr waarina aaallllaa ara Mnsurraaaad.
tha pricea ara unllurm, -alampad an sola.
s:nM a, a mmwmA avae othar anakaa.
11 four diuler unwH supily yuu wa cn. hold by
Dealer whoaa name will shortly ap
pear bare. Agent wanted. Apply at once
ItMtart a rmt
,a.aa s mi I laata r V -T
(4,ai laewiN a fc la mm mmuenam aaaaM um(
Wi aanira tha bMt paiaaU for wnr allaota.
aa4 Ik Ufa el rh B m H aacounfa -kxftrwk
al tWa bnk hl kVa. At U a
aiua a wpraai apoa la pwkac Om lacl that
tmt m "utwVw" watch caa b aaeV C4 )
imA a ltij,4 aikar ktua Ihwrt Biai
' r . . . . j..
aw, i.
m mmm caa And a el imuraafef ;
U iiiliwi -.). i .ut-iaa
askat. lrrhaaluaUMa(laiiiacas
rr is not so hard as rr seems.
a - t. ...,,. hacaton' U-fcd al WMkwfiaa,
U C .aWk lk aw.l-t a-Ah.HW m Aajam a
m aw M.I....H at awwu. W. lrak
TaiKina TiTQugn His Hatl
Tba man who talks through bia bat ia
everywhere in evidence very objection
able evidenoe it ia, too, io most oaaea.
Tba man of loUdligeoca oovara bia
cranium with ona ot
fine straw bale, wbtrh la in itself a sign
of proeperily aud g'd laaie.
lie alao bny bia grocariee, genie' fur
nishing, aim kniau'a aupphea, ale, at
Mr. Howard makea a apaelalty Io Ibnea
thing rrquireJ by aheep aud oatllamen.
Hetnemher lha place. i sa
Four diHira aootb ol lha U ty botel.
nH M ikMiawai
al. k al mm. la ak aa. OaaM.
II. ,,,.. an.l Moniimenl. arriving avary I w t--v.lr- J c . is. , a.ik
rtayVpt Monday and leaving TaBttt
da eiretitriundav. Hhorleal and Cheap- !!JTIi.-a.aaa4r.is tltm-.
anB ta acanata Mawwi wa vim ."T
aapaal-M ea aiMHn, ma kna(( a. Ska
to tha lounor. I',
ra ia lha J.iaii Irall Ve.trUV a!er
a M.iu, at Olad.l ta 1'ark Cbaoloq.ia i'0,tui,.L Tn will trobably
alrg"BCiiy the avaniag UMa it T(, 0- ffM, here itiraiag
eloaiejday. jjot nany Oregon gi'la vet wear,
Th refnlarelNMTptKo P'lea) Of lha ( Ma-aieaplia oo ihetr f tfc.. ,
. M " a k .a, J Itta i - a - i '
aUm.tta,kly lis" m Haew tb rat,l..0 ta OOtral. eiein
tvervah.r W tia
W find someone who haa beeoaar4 by
llmxl'a HaraarjarilU. and t'oil 0 all
aat nule
T. W. Avera. Jr., ia making ei'tirrel
M,ln that ba gqaranleoa. No kill OO
,r, snd -lle it at i eU par eao. fl
Fifr fi;li&l pardeo. i a
san.pl an t try H.
Krel Itiak, an Iirienrel bolrber
I. I...,l....l l.aa anvhlwl a IMl'l'n
In llatea A Mathewa bo'eher ahop, I
here b will ear It.a pqhlld la the
aat of atyla. rre.b meal and bont
weight ti everyone.
Tba I'atwrwio I'oh. Co . Laa aecomj
Ilia agauey if lha U'eaeot btayelee for
i M,rrw aad Orat (MiiieUee. a n win
vhioea roe aaia at
S i aaatiana rt ir-H -'tr '
laUtMav AmarkuMl aa4 rfa fataala,
Bo3M Waahlnfioil, f. C.
baa la ara praising thl great m-di tna tM,y (,lW ttt. iliina a Cfeat
f'r abal II baa d-nw f'if them and Iheir bfre testng. "
friend. Tka In lime Hk-I ret.a-
rill. i, venta a--ri..i ili.en ljr k-e.l- g
tiotlc of Intention.
Ua orm a at laa li.ua. '".
i.ii. n. i
ViTKr. i riraav '-ivrM iht mr.
iN I... ...ali.f i,anl -iir ba Bii-4 n.Kfa
tA hi. .tU'n V aia.a enai .f.rt i n.n
iM.r.-n ,-.1 ih.l H'1 .k.i an' n.
ii.,J W M. .,... I mini-I Iril. .I II
f'.ii. aa hi la. UuL. iU .
nr. .T fiiart t.
v. ari. i rjr
if r
Arc the Highest of nil High Grades.
.fr..,l.4..,rt..rto.n, hlr,rl. hV,X In It., world. r-f.H. f artra
,,,. I- ti'd-HH In Mr avra a y -r an IMertn, laaMaa
,.,l..tk. W.r.rler H-.HI '" f.araa.a.4 ty Iba Mlana cl. la ,a
.ilii..n Hi.II.i rniH era. h' t-""1 I I""1 "'''
trnnCMCRtBS. 22li. LADICS' 7B.
111 J 1 sW.iu
Ik Mra ii HAtiix k.
,. A-t.l l-i rV'a or'.a,
ii.ir"ii, isa., t. a. a.
"rMTh; Vfeeliy 'OrarmlM'': ' " " " i . . . IM t ' f'. r' .
tail 'A Anyone sll-ril tag for lha f n.iwi H llorref. rlai. Fell ll.e l.l I p.'e and all lh ..ri.a tn a er.re, eil h'aaileil h,, . ,.V ,...,. ,.,.... 1,1, s M If III 1 ' I , M
Oat't" atid M" ,of "" It I, if,, .!- 1,1, , fir a f'W t.el'l,. e,,,A,H to. It h- g"t S 'V. ha. yut.g frit v a laat ,,,,,, .,.,,.(. .,,-. , ..,i.i I 1,1 II III (i
..Uataaae, ....b .ha ..' a-jj . ,, , . ,..,. b,.., 'u24J!n7ui r'n - f. -a jLII A J DLAlMuX
Uhi Or'.nia for II AIIM - . ,m- . t,u. l,(1m it,, f- .rite ra d lra faaa'l w!' Pi I f-r Lcr , J! I., - , , ., il4Ul MU.ItU.
Plenty of them
Gazwtto OfflCO,
at tho