IFYOBAREIMH A'T tm arv f t--JT.Z DVi:!tllMNUU.NT(ie 1 WILL HELP YOU OUT to stop appropriations and force the re-location of the utate schools nod other iistitutions within the corporate limits of Salem. Bat this will not exist always. No, it would not be surprising should the next legislature make an effort to annul the constitution in this respect, and if this same selfish spirit continues to exist, Salem may some day wake up minus the capitol. On Peary's Expedition. Perfect Eeliance Was Placed in Paine's Celery Compound. THE ADVANCE IN WOOL. A Southern Oregon paper re marks that Oscar Wilde is exer cising on a treadmill in an English prison and Prof. M. V. Kork, late of Oregon, is making political speeches in Kentucky. Possibly some people may see, in this con trast in the condition of the two men, the difference between Kng- 1:1. 1 a : tl .1 Recent small advances in wool "HU "?u J oro (vimmonnn nnnn hv enmn nf ' 0 j . . .. , . made against Rork. the populist rho nrf mmict.rnTinn nonsra antra rho o r f v , w.Vw ... , . agitator, are iih.ii irue no m a worse i 1 t. : 1 .7,. .j i u i:u..iJ i j ; ujhu tunu imiuo ovm uaicu uu. ment of conditions brought about M Lagle' by free trade. Ihe advance is due tbe friends of silver are not the to a rise in London, where prices frieDda of "woithlesB" or "cheap" have advanced 1U per cent. Lon- money. They want silver just as don merchants have notified their it ha8 been, as good as gold. Af nouses in tne united Mates mat ter ali tue nowi ahout jt8 worth- American territory wools are lessness the silver dollar still buys wanted there, and prices nave risen as much meat and bread and gro here, just as the price of wheat ad- cerje8 aa jta yeii0w aristocratic 1 1 j 1 j yances in mis country wnen ine brother does, and is far more dod- price goesup in England. JNotb- ujar with the common peope, ing like tne prices received under Inter-Ocean. protection need be counted on, be cause the naotations here will be long cheek. governed wholly by the foreign CulIed ,rom the Eagle market, iney will be tne JLondon Miss Anna Wade, of Heppner, is visit- price less the cost of transporta- iog relatives in this valley tion to that market Under pro. tection higher prices were paid for wool in this country than in Europe. The Gazette's three R.'s: Read able, reliable and republican. The candidate for V. 0. Kelly arrived Monday from Hpppner with freight for merchants of this city. W. M. Rudio will tarn off a large band of beef cattle this month, as well aa a band of oows and oulves. Peter Buick was in tbe oity last Satur day, having just returned from a trip to eppner, where be bad gone with wool. California has no edge on Ore gon, we have now had a full fledged train robbery of our own. li .IHtlsf CAPTAIN PAUL WEBB KILLED. Tbe Nervy Man Who Twice Went Over the Falls at Oregon City Loeei Hi Life at Ccenr d'Alene Cgeub d'Alrnb, Idaho, July 4. Cap tain Paul Webb lost his life near here today in an attempt to ride his subma rine boat or barrel down a 800-foot log ohnte. It is believed his back was broken. About 500 people witnessed the desoent into Lake Ccenr d'Alene, which took place at Rosen's log camp, eight miles up tbe lake. On the arrival of the Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? Airthese can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, H eppner, Oregon. .u,ith r.runt Harnev, Crook. Gilliam and other counties, These eentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, nariiey, . hnatn nt M a lno tmo annt dnwn H a and can save money and time in making inese bbi.uuu I O I Tin ITanlnriinn rlnno ptA1 Wfirlnoarlnv down in Kentucky is "the silver for ieppner to meet bis mother, who lining of the democratic cloud. onmes from Mt. Vernon, Iowa, to make bim a visit. Mrs. Dr. B. F. Vanuhan, of Ileppner, was a passenger on Tuesday's stage en route 10 Caoyon City, where she goes to join her husband, A I i. I VWU1I JIMJ ICIUIUQU or. I IT iuib wcrB VT AnutrlVtl nnnnM nnam Iia 4 a w. I Jlil unntij u V'WI DtlVD LUC3 U til 111 I- Tit I l " K " " " uomu frnm Tnnn. Murrn nruinlv. ulmrohn tma cratio train ot Jlentucky is loaded been during the past three weeks work down with gold. Yes, but bow ing in alfalfa harvest for John Carey Since gold was discovered in Grant oounty in 1802, tbe yield of the p'aoer mines aloue has been about $5,000,000. The output ot but very few counties in tbe state will excel this, Tom Kei-ney returned Saturday from Kau JoHijuin, Califoruia.wberr be has been for the pant six months. He bronuht I'in Ear, Mixs Dudley and Tampa back with him and will probably ran them in tlio raci'B here this week. about the silver engineer? The Florida Times-Union says the reason Cleveland recently re. fused the title of L. L. D. waa be cause he could not use it for gun wads or bait. TnEsiDENT Cleveland has been blesHod by another baby girl, I. f 1 1 ran wuicu arrived outiuay. inia is Orover's third girl, and as yet no son to perpetuate the narno, "When I was selected by Lieut. Peary to accompany bim on bis trip to the Arc tic regions to try and find a way to the north pole," says Mr. James W. David sou in tbe Fourth Estate, "it was partly beoause of my strong, healthy constitu tion, and his belief that I oould endure the fatigue and danger incident to the trip. I bad been associated with him as bis business manager on his leoturing tour, and was on terms of the greatest intimacy with him. "When the ship Falcon left New York on ber trip northwards it bad among tbe stores several cases of Paine's Celery Compound. The r putation of that medioioe was well established, so that it was tbe most natural thing in the world that the members of tbe party, and they comprised men from nearly every walk in life, from common sailors to men of scienoe, should desire to use it. "The record of our perilous trip to Camp Anniversary is too well known to uee.i repetition, Ouoe in camp we oat rally took an inventory ot our poines- sions, and I was exceedingly glad to find Paine's Celery Compound. The medi cine ohest was open to all. and we were tree to take from it what we thought ad visable. I, in oompany with several thera, selected some of the compound taking a bottle of it to my cabin, know- ng that it would be haudy when wanted Nor was I mistaken, for the exoesslve oold weather soon bad its effects, and began to be troubled in a number of 1 ram wanted. I want in bny a good, gentle team of about 11,'IX) pound norm's. Also a good, second-hand Hiron and harness and gentle saddle MRS. O'LeAUY is dead. It was pouy. Hv some good, young Fb'irt licr cow with tie ciurapled born ,mrn lmlls 'or "''! fl"" P""" that kicked nvnr Mm Unf nrn " ror i'o"'- ooic Urst pris on my chi lie aim row is at ntittn fair IhhI year. Call at the J. Q Wilson place above Ileppner. N. C. Maris. 37 61. twenty-four years ago and brought about Chicago's 'JOO,000,000 lire. H 11 ii hie rounn oi July was gener ally observed all over the state and was a grand success everywhere, Klu tub Ohatoii. lion. W. H. Ellii and wife returned last evening from El sin. where Mr. Ellis delivered an oration nntwilliHtanding our linancial do- on the Fourth. The following is a brief pri'ssiou and political disseusious. Uooount as appeared in the 8un: "In dependence day WM olbratd with THE ('ouri,.r..lo..m,,l l!m.. m"oh nibn.iMm at Elg.n. There was . . ...1 t,.... L !..! that the democrats of Kentucky L,,,,,, ,', of , nn,.,,,r of limy I. mho control of the Ipgisla- lloata, citiz.'iis In carriages and the plug tura A ud then, oh then, what will UK''""- "'"i H Ellis, ueiuW of lnoomo of the prospective Senator conr'M f"r tb Oregon district iuri:l.,o ueiivereii a nne oratiou. luere were r'"i i . .... rework! lu iua evening. Max ion.10 in utxm own A Woman's Charactkh. A few Issue image, ho wa are told. When we sinew Mile article appeared io the Ua ItKik about us it is rather hard to 'H,t hicb is well worth the perusal of bt lifve thia: but when we eom to "". ' ' ' ' " 'M,..,.r II.. ru.,.l. r..,...,ll. ..t ll .. I. ..... .I I I . ti . I uu.tijuMi-ii.iMi.in iraiiHOnpt. U-me base miudl l..d.vid.ml. t... I evidently on of llie vileat of soanda THE rrenidont ami tlio bulk 0f m"tteia, der l rrpnoi it and hw ' " . I. I.. I.L I.. l 1 ill 1 .. ., . (iwin i in mi hi upi w it win pinrt mill un- Ttiniiuiin, nilll Win Jtl0 In Hint i . . . rtriy urinruui'ui in improving It) its fitmncial condition and it rou- tiuo luiHiiioHi during their almouco. CAMFonN'I A ban ways. In every oase whenever I felt tbe slightest Indisposition, I used the compound and found relief. "One thing noticeable in the Arctio region was that the cold weather made us all exceedingly nervous. We became irritable and oroBS. Our nerves were all unstrung, and it naturally affeoted our health. I talkd tbe matter over with so mo of tbe nthero, and made up my mind that possibly the celery com pound would be bene6oil, for I knew that it was used for nervous disorders at home. Well, sir, we tried it, and I must say that it helped every one of ub. "When the long night of six months came on and we were in darkness, we found that the effects were very de pressing. Imagine, if you can, living for six months in darkness suob as oc curs here every night, and you can read ily understand how we were situated. It is a wonder that some ot us did not go mad. We bad not very much to divert our atteution, and the effeot was some thing like solitary oonfiuement in a dark cell. teet. It oame like b flash of lightning. A mild rain was falling, which gave tbe chute a smoothness that added momentum to anything oomiDg down it. The log passed down safely, and Webb's marine boat bad been sent down in tbe forenoon witb a success that gratified the hazard ous man who, at 5 oVlook, was placed within tbe boat for bis last ride. Tbe affair was 6 feet 6 inches long, 2 fet in diameter and cone-shaped. There was a strip of sheeting lengthwise on the barrel to make it slide smoothly and pre vent its turning over too frequently. Ou the inside it whs upholstered with car pets and rubber fixtures to strap a man in suob a way that tbe barrel oould strike on end in a 100 foot fall and not injure tbe ocoupaoU Webb, when plaoed in tbe bar rel, negleoted to take all tbe precautions bis machine offered for safety. He was confident as they tacked him in tbe fa tal barrel. He told bis manager to have whistles blown when he struok the water. Tbe sitfnal wa8 given, and tbe barrel ran down the obute wildly. TwD-thirds ot tbe way down was a slight raise in tbe inoline. Here the barrel jumped 30 feet in tbe air, striking tbe ground on end then rolling 40 feet farther do n tbe hill. Many persons on the boat turned their beads with horror. Some fxinted, as all feared instant death to Webb. When the barrel was opened, Webb was jammed olosely into the end. He wbs conscious and talked freely. Dr. Russell, of Spo kane, examined him and pronounced his spinal column broken. A tug was pro oured, and the unfortunate man hurried to Coeur d'Alene and then to Spokane, where be died at 11 o'clock. Webb was a photographer at MoMinnville, Or., bis real name being James 8tewart. Cap tain Paul Webb was a factitious came a sumed for professional reasons. He was a cousin ot Senator Stewart of Nevada. iricei in aeeping wnn tne iiuicn. .--- THOMPSON x jm -tn o . HEPP1TSB. YOU SHOULD PPPE For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY HOTEL Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Mrs. Tom Bradley, Pop. 66 99 r F Mr. Columbus were alive to day and called at Mat Lichten- thal's he mieht make a new discov- Lateb Sinoe writing the above it is ery quitfl as memorable as that of learned that Webb still lives. Although 1492. Chi is was a great discoverer the dootors say his back is brokeuin two in his day. He would at this time plaoes, be clings to life with wonderful discover the finest stock of Shoes tenacity, and pbysioians now say be has ever shown in Heppner, and the a fighting show for life. Webb is quite cheapest as well. What more does rational, and speaks of recovering as mortal man want ? though death was not to be considered. A Household Treasure D. W. Fuller, of Canajobarie, N. Y says that be always keeps Dr. King's "I have need Paine's Celery Compound New Disooyery in the house and bis for a dozen ills suob as a person is liable family have always found the very best to have at any time, and especially in j results follow its use; that he would not that desolate oountry. It bat always be without it, if procurable. Q. A. Dyke. helped me, and I should be pleased to I man, Druggist, Catskill, N. 3T says that have more of it should I go north again. Dr. King's New Disoovery is undoubted "I do not know of any one thing that u.e8' """"I, roedv; I o.,u say more of than Paine's Celery VZVFA Compound. It certainly is a great med ioine, and I am an advocate ot it." The Old, Original Shoe Merchant, M. LICHTENTHA.L, Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Custom Work a Specialty. CONCiKEHSlO.NAL COMUIXTiEbHira. Klhs and Hermann Will Roth Receive Proper KecoyultloD In tlie Next House. In tlm rune erery .lay . It is a follow I "KenieinlMr Una ynnngtuan. IU careful what you say about woman's rharao ter. Think bo many years he has bwo ti'iilding it, nf Ihe 1ml anil prlva lions tndarrd, of wounds received, and A I10W patW IH no atiapU-iou follow hrr afltloiis. Tb failed "Norva" Tins in vrrv an- purity of the women ia the salvation 1 ' rrot'tinl. htn wo riMiD.iuU'r that ,b rM,' '" ( tfr(urM 1,1 California aiiii. ..nr ..!..... 'd-n.piloi. 't man. W ipeotil her P.iMy 1 ' and lh man siiiks twnratb tha wave ,..n, ,-,. n., u i-hhi - ,,.,. ..,, . ,., Mai. 1, -i . iti i . . i I ........... i i u mnrai'ia inncii'ii as iht ov n l ui.. ii. m,.....i ..i .... ti....l I'r.nlui'l. Ilf,.r )ou upehk, and remember thai any bog can root np Ihe fairevl flower TilK Monthly Oroiuian of l'ort- rv,'r ; mt ilet man rao laud, in on of tho UtM i.ublioa- ru,B ,h t"1'"1 m,,mmn ,,,r,",r tioua lautich'sl in tliia atatn. Tim first Urn Iim ap,M.areU on our (wTaviiOr laota aim is islilo I anl neat ul,,llr ID atrauco. It ia liv ..t..,! I !' McAtea aoi family ti r- tnati.ttf f.h il. a . t lnru.l from K....il ).. re.iia y , ...-, i,uiiti t i,w,a lime over U.fra the Foai lb "'K""' II V Hliirl r.tnfn.,1 Ut .t.mi. - -" - - - - - " m frcim ihm iiiue Aittnlrv. ahi.H lia l.u rl l Ui'liat'l tliO i-XprcHHc.l I Ixeii tU"ui h ut bit i'iiirl wmlii-i of tlm t.t, rt I, on tU. dof..!.!.. I tb- !ii'l,ti..li ..f II,.. " 1 """"''f. S-lfl.MHe.l I.V I, .. . ! if r I II. ...!. Mill, t.ia rll,r. ItisHfio n)lmn nt I i.tu. Diic.ui. in-law. il v, xiuith. .f Iai-ikI IU TLuir Mill i.n t,r..U.l.l- ,'r4 ( f h uiu l WsiluU The Washington correspondent of the 'ortlaud Huu ha Ihe following to say of oiigressmen Hermann and Ellis: Unless all precedents are overruled in Ihe next contiresa, lbprt-seotative Her mann, ot Oregon, will be at the bead of he river and harbor appropriation Ooui- m it toe. Ilia long service and the fact hat be is tbe ranking republican on the ooru rait tee at (he present time entitles bim to tbe place. If Tom IWdia speaker and that is pretty nearly an accepted fact Hermann will have tbat place and also oue on almost any other committee be may select. Ellis, too, stands well for committee appointments, tor, although be is only oue term tnau m yet, there were not so very many republican repre sentatives in the Mi l oongress who were re-eleoted to the 64th . Mr. llermann i also member of the oommittee on wsr olaima.anU Mr. Ellis did good work daring Ihe last oongrrstai member (f the com. miilee on publio lands, and also ot tbe romml tee on expenditures in the pont ine department. It would be a con. summation devoutly to be wmlied if Mr Kill oould secure the cbairmaosbip of Ihe putilio laud c iinmittee, one thai isot much importance to the people of Oregon and Waahington, but there is t o likelihood of this at tbe prra.Mit lime, a he is outranked on that committee by three republican nieiulwr. older in aervior, wbo were re-eleoted: Joha K. Laeey, of Iowa; Irving P. Wang-r, of IVoimyl vama, and (leorge 1. Meiklej.ilm of Net. raeks. tbat he bas years, and it has never failed to do all that is olaim ed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free atT W. Ayers. Jr., Drugstore. Regular size 50o. and SI. 10 SCHOOL) PATKONS. The ItoHiiBn Lboiulatob Hon.H. V. To tbe boards of directors and patrons Qatee stopped off bere a few hours lea- of the publio schools of Morrow ooonty . terday, says last Thursday's Statesman. The following is a list of the text- on his way home to Hillaboro after a book which have been adopted for tbe business sojourn at Klamath Falls. Mr. us of tbe publio sohoolsof this state for Gates was one of tbe ablest and wittiest the next six yearn. The oontraot for tbe members of tbe last legislature and bis same ia to t.ike effect on the 1st of Oclo- friends are havinir lota of fun with him PIE! j v 4 H 6, - $65.00 imJi ill si-- MjS$m 6 it - - $70.00 5 Per Ctni Dis coont for SPOT CASH. ber, 1HU5: Hwioton's New Word Analysis. Harnes' New National Reader. Webster's Dictionaries. Kpenoerian Hyatem of Copy Books. Fiih's Arithmetics, No. 1 and 2. Brook' Mental Arithmetic about bis being robbed on tbe Ager- Klamath stage lately, when be was foroed to col open tbe mail bags witb tbe stage driver's pocket knife. . lie feels a little chagrined, too, about tbat knife. He bad on ot bis own bul told the rob ber he bad none and It tbe driver bad Monieitn fcieme.nary ana Uompre- done likewise tbe robber would bave hensiv Geographies. been foroed to ome other expedient, Bmitnnrieoiiexi-Oooks in 1'byn- Mr. Gates said be bad sufficient amuse. o.ogy anu iiygiene trrimary. ) (1ir.inB the robber durina their Steele's Physiology and llygiene for l"tK wait to pay bim tor the '2 15 be Uigb and Advanced Hohool. lost Barnes' Primary and Brief History of tbe United Stales. Loomls' Heries of Vocal Musio. Btrne' General History. Mouteitb's Popular Hcieuce. lUdiinson' Algebra and Geometry. Bryant and Hlratton's System ot Book keeping. Ward' Bualnena Form. CAptain Hweeney, C 8. A . Ran Dieco. Cel. says : "Hhiloh'a Cata'rb lU-roedv i the first medicine I have ever found that onld do me any good." Price 5oc. T. W. Ayers, Jr. um. Uonioo got borne rrl.lay from a three week' star at McDnllle prinu He onmes baek entirely recovered from lb effects of several attack nf rheuma tism, atd Consequently ia high ia bis Klcele's Chemistry, Botany, Astronomy, Pra' "f thew springs, liilly reports Pbvsio and (eiogy, Mtiwell's Firat llfMik in Language. Maxwell' Introduction to English Grammar, Mattel!' Advanced F.nghsb Gram uinr, lVtrrmuti'a Civil G lyerniiient, (tregoi Edition. Stiele's I'upular Zoology, National Number Taldeta. hong Wave. Cow's Morals and Maitor. At supplementary canvas taken OB me lam uay ul .nay, lX'O, tb fullowiog tell tHHiks wer SilopteJ: lw-vJ's Word Iraaona. Maiiaon'a Ht-rir of Spelling r.lmlrio He 1 1( of D-awmg. Hiiiith's Mn. ilea of English Lttrralnr. Wa.l.l)' G iii-(Mititb. Ehctric Geography. Ai J. IUuiioaa, County Mupefioleudeol lime exceptionally gn.i, over at IjoDg Oierk and northern Grnt county. Enclosed Gear and Steel Tubular. P. C. THOMPSON CO., AGENTS- IIEITNER, . ... OREGON. f?4 I THE U.S. GOVERNMENT! 13 PAYING MILLIONS TO ( ONM MIMIVm The nn.leraigiied having lwii restored to health by simple Dieaiia. sllrr suffer ing for several year witb a sevete lung ff olloo. and that dread diaeaae, Con. aumptum, i an i ion to mk known to hi fellow snfferrr the means of rare. To those who J.-ire il. he will cheerful, ty sen. I, free of charge, a tvpT of Ihe pre. eriptlon tie,t, which tlier will find a ur cm for t'oimiroptlon, Anttitna, C. larrb, llronchili an.l all Itimai and lung lrc I'reaa Aaaeialk i . . - 1 1 . . 1 1 . . , I maiatiiev i. pfiai an aun.rerv will 1 r . . . i ,... k.. ..iu.1. .. i. 1....1...1.U ti.,J Tb "i"10 UOOI mee'to tb Or- d. airing Ilia pre-rt.li..n. which will coal "" Ailioa I hereby called to ttiem Holding, and may prove ablMing, meet in the city of Njxrl a (ialOiday, WIEMJN. Br. kl0.. T. Jnnll w. tMt,m,M hM. tw0 .j. ,r boU, - xVoimo.UUii for lb prM. sod th New I tb lim to gt tb Weekly general pmgram of tb aloa I bisg Oregooian, th grealeal espapef cf prprvK y th ciecntiv commit t, lh Weat With ibG.ie, both strict. E. L E. Wblie, rbairmao, PoMlaol IV In a.1aniv,f..rne tear ,l N- hlef Tb Heairleg If t..p .rt t..n aboulj o. n-lonaifti of paiH e e.a !. mat . ...,... .i . . . . ., . , l.lh.aUl-. II..I.U will tv. pr... lent later lb. J.ly pr-niinm aa a, lt'..ial J -n-nal lh Welv ,,,tl- AaajalNm par lea crpy f .l llanler, a agncu.lua tPr, 0( ttfC. J, K Btauta, lO'mlnBowatu!crb, ' lt"H' Mm yiQ Inn ntt ITw.lt I.OT ..'ffc.'j . An arreeahl lanttvo and Frwrt Torrn, Void hy Jnirrwi or sent by naiL trt VT Tb lavnrlta 1 JY.W IlwloritelUiao41iiwUi.&i). fur Ml tr I. W. Ajen, it., I'luiil.l tONCV LOANED. V.n,, i I on l'..r...v. l.i... IT"!" A a. -M.ani .rirK l.i nv.,iiaia flr.i tnf.rt.arra iiimiu Imi.rt...! f.rms Iti Orrfitn, Hti i.ii.ei ftlr ! a ratenf it..rr.l tit.l l.i e..'.'i lf f"l H.f nmitti wtiruir mt.. p. thai h !. It other inm fanlia. A l.lrw. with lUnif MHVIS ioT. Her fit . ntrfin, hoVct of Intention. I APorri. t at Tiir rt i r. otttd... I 4 M ;. !, S.iti. I. heeti.it (lim thai the fol.na tl.g l.tiutlrll'ittil f.f n.t..r Intvnti.Mi to r.aia S" at fl.l In a.t-fM.rt ni hi rlalu, awt Dial al-l (.m..! l l t ma.1. Krioee i V..rn. (n elefa. al Mr.ner, lireaon, on J'. . Iv. vis mitt t AM O s-.iTT. M l l ..r lh. W 1 1 t n4 Wi.sWw - i,1p I M .- r V It. n.iu. tt.ff 1. til .tug It t.t f. hi. ......n.i.i .... r. at I.,, ,,jk.n a I r.tltatloa OI MM . ! II a,,it,, Trn nits. p. .in... U. Btll. Alj.t P. fv til"! UK- ' " CI fj) to & to ft to ft to ft to ft to t? to ft A MONTH To pcrtoni who served In th wart of the United States or to their Widow., Children, or Parenti. Do You rcceiv a ptmion ? Had You i relativ in th War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wan. on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousand! under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes It to you and ii willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at thl present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now It the accepted hour. 4TWtit for Uwt anJ complet Information. No Charge for advice. No Fes unlet tiRCe.tful. $ The Press Claims Company $ ft to rtllUP W. AV1RCTT, Ocaeral Maoarcr, 618 P 5tret. WASHINGTON, D. C JT. H rHHwm i mttrU4 hu nearly tnt Iktmtmi Uadinj awe f ) faftr IA r4e4 , a4 s farmmtt4 y tteav j Is the Place for I?rcsh Groceries, Cheap for C.ili Only. (hih wp, cm m mi mm p.y mc,