STOCK BRANDS. While yon keep yonr eubecription paid np yen canteen yonr brand in tree of charge. Allyn. T. lone, Or. Horsee Od on left shoulder; cattle tame on left hip, under bit on riht ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row county. Armstrong, J. C, Alpine. Or. T with bar un der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eight Mile, Or. battle brand, O D on left hip and homos same brand on right shoulder. Range, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA oon nsnted on loft flunks cattle, same on lft hio. Biird D W aid son. Horse brandd D B on the left' Mo; o tie the same on left flink. crop off rig1 1 ear, undercrop in the left. Range in Morrow County. Bartholaraew, A. G., Alpine. Or. Horsee branded 1 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor- THanniBter, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand, ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner. Peter. Hooseherry Oregon-Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on rlBhnrke.9M Ht C, bong t;reek. Or-On cattle, MAY oonneoted on left hip. oiop off left ear, un der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Range in ttrant and Morrow 0Bn)sman, Jerry. Lena Or .-Horses branded 7 on right Hhoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop nd right ear n riper slope. Barton, Wm.. H"ppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split m BaHrown' Isa, Iiexington, Or. Horses IB on the right st ifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row county. . Brown, J. C, Hoppner. Or. Horses, oircle C with dot in mv ter on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Homes W bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left h'r)oyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, bo brand on righ hip oattle, Bame, with split in Borg'p.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hir. Brownlee. W. J., Kox.Or-Cattlfi. JB oonneoted on left side; orop on left ear and two split and middle piece cnt out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Range in box valley, Grant oonntv, , (larsner Warren. Wagner, Or. Horse brand edOon right stifle; cattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in Grant and Morrow counties. ,,.,., Cain.E., Oaloh.Or.-Y I) on horses on left stifle' TJ with quarter circle over it, on loft shoulder and on left, stifle on all oolU nder li years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Orant oonntv. date, ('has. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H G on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla, counties. f i..u MM rinHowRV. Or Cattle oron out of f.ach ear and iitidorhit, wattle in forehead; horses half circle (! on left ttitle. Range Jlor ow and Umatilla ooiitities. Curl T. H., John Day, Or. Double oross on each hip on oattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant county. n sheep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Kar marko" ewes, crop on left ear pnnohed upper hit in right. Wethers, crop m right and under half crop m left ear. All rangs in Grant oonntv, . , ri..i, a .1 l.ona.Or. Horsee. OOon nghtshonl der: Cattle, sameon right hip; ear mark square crop off left and split in runt. Currin. R. Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on i. -,:ea Cut K.ii. H.. Hanlman, Or. Cattle, C with K in center: horses ( IS on left hip. Cochran, R. K.. Monument. Grant Co , Or. Horses brandixi clrole with bar beneath, on left shoulder: oattle SBine brand on both hips, mark I an pa unit ilewlan. ci,Bln. H.. Hardman. Or. Horses branded -,., ,iM hin. Cattle branded the same. Al brands CI on horses right thigh; ca t'e sumo brand on right shoulder, ana cut on buu oi ''''iv'.mI.. W M Oallowav. Or.-CattIe.RUnn right side, s'wailow-fork in each ear; horses. H D ""l-u, n.',. TV,ntiui. Or. Horses branded KLY on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hole in right ear. , , Vmerv C. H.. Ilardinan. Or. Horses branded is lrored (: with taill on left shoulder ; oat. '.i..... riuU hln. Range in Morrow comity Florence, L. A., Hoppiier, Or.-Cat,t,l, LK on riuht hiu: horses V with bar under on right shoulder. vlMmnn. H. P. Heppner. Or Horses, V on -:..i. .i....,i.iu, nnttln. V on riuht hin or t,h 'reneh, George. Heppner. Or. Cattle branded w v with bar over it. on left side; orop off loft ear. Horses, same brand on left, hip. i'i,nur . Khi. Or. Hiiraea brsndod H H with il tinarlnr oil-He over it, on left stifle. Range in Morrow and Umat.illaoouiit.iea. Iliatt A. B., Ridge, Or. Oattle. munrl-tnp K with quarter circle under It on the right hip. Rnmii. In Morrow ami timaniia eounnes. Hinton AJanks, Hamilton. Or Cattle. two bsis on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses J on right thigh. Range in Grant county Hughes, Hamnel, Wagner, Or-K (T P L Coini"'t'd) on right shoulder on horses; on oattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack (linirlct.. Morwtw eonntv lisle, Milton, Wanner, Or. Horses hrandel -O- (call In with parallel tails) on left shoulder Cuttle Httine on left hip also large oinils on lefi side. Howard J L, Gilloway, Or. Horses (cros. Willi hir above I') on right aVinl'liir; cattl 'ssuie on l"ft side. Rung' m Morrow and Umatilla ""hhuTV Iwin, John lav. Or. -Cattle K II on right hip; hunt a h lie oil rijlit shoulder. Range In OrMiitc ily. .... , Hughes. Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co, Hnnsaker, li . Wagner. Or. -Horse., U on left ah.,i,i.r: caMle. Hon left hip. 1 1 it in ph revs, J M U anl man, Or. Horses, H on Hnsi!in. Lnther. Kurtit Mila. Or. Ilnraa Hod the left shoulder n I heart on the left stifle Cat J'U on left Ion. Ilwi in Morrow minor II irrv. H iium -r Or -II " hranlel II .1 on f h'f' s iouliler; caMle lira "led J on right hip. also iitulerliil III left aar. Range in M'P'tus con it v. J mi km, r. Heppner, Or -Horses, home, alum J on left shoulder. Cattle, the saint. Range '' .. , . Johns m, Kelii. L-na. (tr - Hiiraaa. eleeleT le't siitle; caMle, wtm on right hip, under half oron In ri and split n left ear H-nnr. Mik", Heppner, Or.-llorsss hrni KNY on lefthip cattle same anil crop ofl left r nri-lr aim on tria riuht Kirk I T , Heppner, Or.-llorses SI) en left shoulder: nettle. anon left hip. Kirk Jeasn, Heppner. Or.; horse- It on loft shoulder; cattle same on right side, uudnrbit on right nar. knmlierlaiid.W (.. Mount Vernon. Or.-I I, on rail In.. ti right and lf' spina, swallow fork in lift an ami ini.r nop in right ear. Morens eatiia I...,,. I n Inft ah.mlder. Raiian ill Grant I liftnn, HleWl'Ml. Pol.xr.-rl I, nil ten Hip on eaitle crop and split on right ear. Horms sania brand on left should.. Rang liraut chimIv l.inuallsn, John W .l--'- Or.-Hor-a. bran I" I half-circle J I. eoimei'teil on left annul, dnr. Cattle, sauir on left hlu. Range, near lies Ingion laher. J W Heppner Or -Homes branded I. and o i l-ll h'i'lldr; cll same mi left hip, wall le over rigid . three sills til r ght ear Uird. Gatirge. Heppner lr.-Horsee hrandat lloitllle II ei naeti . I niai oailal s II n lafl atntnl lfr Ma-la M C . Ileppii"'. Or -Cattle brand Piri l on rigid hip, ho' asm ull right Blllle. Il..,,rt Hi l ,rnw rMllllV. Minor. llMr. neppiinr tr.-Vlle, M U iw n.l,lk. I,..ra M nil left ahlMlldar. M .....i. H. N. llMPii. "r.-llorens, MI .... I.r, .1 1, U, rail la aa lie on left hip. Mil-hal Oarar !. r.-Mors . II on right 1 m-iik 17 n rirfhl aids. Met lamn, It. It.. Itr,iwnaille Or.-llnraM, fira S.,a aa,.h ahool lef . pallia. Mill" hm M.ilirr. (frank. rn aUv, Or. M.ile shi sriih l.a rok n Paul M nl" aa I nn lar le aa. h "ar, horaea aa n brand l"'t stirU. M.'tl,!.,... .. iia.ilil.iu.r. ln ll'ie. aiilh hall ,r.. a'i'U on Infl alnHll .r ; on I al"" liara e ,.mi-. on l"P on I ha right aid llanga in llrant I'.HinH. .l l,, ls I. .... U a a Or llo-a-a h " n. II-- I m l.-'i anonMar ""In . on tah Mi. N irttke r... tilvnrion or. tloriaw. circle 1 inj latt lh,tfl, a lla IH im Infl hill. iltiaar liniHii'm il' -atoneat'e l-'t hiu on horaaa, aa'iia on left thigti. Range In lira..! e.,'l'ilk tlii-r. I'arr. lilngiin. Ir.-I' t on left .....,, I, Hi. Ilar.nan. 1'iairla Cllv. h,-4 rail la. O I.I' eonn-nal on Ml h'P. hor-s on left sIlRe a.. I aarila ..a B.iaa Hv III trnl e mntv. I'aaraon. HUi Mlla, l. - H iraaa, .jnar la- rlrrla ahl-l.t on l-'t al, Hl.-r an I I on pr lop. r'a'lla. f trk III In'" ' 'g'lt priL '14 ., I.fl hi,. H,.,-on llit M ia. faikar S Ul-aa-m. liar I nan tr. - ll.mea IP ia IpM ai,.l l-r. ... . I'.. a l loilegt.rn. Or. "or aa bran I m V l. K ennnaplal '"" sh'ell l-V I Pallia eTaon rigi.l I IP Hang M -rr-.w r.Mi'r. 1'ipaj J . Irll"'. ' 'I ". " .,. Ml ' l-f, pallia, aaiaa on lafl hip i..l f till III a- h aar IViua a . Or i h.i-aa dis'n..,l r ah.ail rant", J KJeasawl. io lh. l-et hip. u-pi III left aaraad slip tr lln right. Ii...l. An draw, Hardman. IH- !!, a.nart . ,tl, ,,.,,,1-r r.r. la nf It on laft allHa Maying-. I hna. Il-l l oa. . - ll"aa, t II us lafl .1. ,1 l-r. Koah !.. . or - ll .ra-a l.ran.a.t I an lh- ngh. Paula. IV lei ll.a ll h,p rr.,1, aft aal and d-alap oa Ca. k. Ilaltga It M .-"a a" I a le.udng p.miiaa. haa-ar, vl' -S I .-. Or - M . bran I I II "a rtg''' al.-ail.lar, lall pirrla I.ra.. I. -aula aaata right hip la- g aV''rw i-tf $ ll . Vi a II l.a.r.vllla. Ov-tlH ennnatai .l, .!!. rir la IU." lM l.i and rr.f"1 aar an I p1'1 at. M-waav Maitivl"" Ml iixai'lat. liaaaa in Ma row lira' ! and lli'lia e -.nmtiaa. Il.t.n J Of -II oraas, JO m Ml !. I aita 1 1 a rM hlN a.;.M W f . ...,aa.. Or - ir.raas.alt t f ,.a W' MlfUi aa'll" I Mmswetio" f.- l ' ' a.' '.d-.'rtt ta lat a.,,,, thai. It ... -a.. ' HorsaS, M 4 f a aa e I a I' -I r. in wrant county. ... Smith Bros.. 8nsnville, Or. Horsee, branded H. Z. on shoulder: cattle. me on left shoulder. Hqniree, Jamee. Arlington, Or.; horses branded J8 on left shoulder: cattle the same, also nose waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam oo in tie Stephens. V. A., Hardman, Or-; homes B S on right stifle; cattle horisontai L on the right side Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Cattle, ti on right hit ; swallow-fork in left ear. Swaggart. G. W., Heppner. Or. Horses, U on left shouldei : cattle, 44 on left hip. Sparry, K. G-. Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner. Or Horses, I on left shoulder: cattle. 2 on left shoulder. Tipoets.S.T.,EnierpriBe.Or. Homes, C-on left shoulder. Turner R. W.. Heppner, Or. Small capital T left shonlder, homes; cattle same on left hip with split in both earn. Thornton, H. M.. lone. Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. Vanderpool. H. T.. Lena, Ur; Homes n v con nected on right shonlder ;cattle, same on right hip Walbridge. Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horsee. TJ. L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. orop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, Jonn Q Salem or Heppner, ur. Horsos branded 3q on the left shoulder. Rangr Morrow connty. Warren. W B. Caleb, Or Cattle w witn quarrel circle over it, on left side, split in right oar. Horses Bame brand on left shoulder. iia"gei" Grant conuty. Wade. Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses oranoeo ace of spades on leit snouiner ano ieii nip Cattle brandoH same on left side and left hip. Wolflngor, John, John Day City. Or On horsei three parallel bare on left shonlder; 7 on sheep hit in both ears. Hauga in tirant ana aininuer counties. Woodward. John, Hoppner, Ur. Horses, ui oonnoctod on loft shoulder. WBtkins. Lishe. Hoppner, Ur. Homes Dranaer UE connecteo on loft stifle. Wallace. Charles. H monor. Or. Cattle, W or right .thigh, holr in left ear: homos, W on righ shoulder soon sameon left shoulder. Whittier tiros., nuruinmon. Baker Co., Or. - Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder Williams, Vasco, flainUton, Or. Quarter oir ole over three bars on left hip, both oattle aw horses. Range Grant oonnty. Williams. J O. Long Crook. Or Homos, onar ter oircle o7er three bars on left hip; oattle same and slit in each ear Range in Grant connty Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running A f nn shonlder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young, J. 8., Gooseberry. Or. Homes branded r4nnlho rlsrht ahonlda- E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE GIVES TUB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ky. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. ill TAVERN OF n j n V UM 11V .l I VI OPENS JUNE 1, 1895. GtO. SCHONCWALD, Manager. Luxury, Good Cheer, Hospitality, Dc lifflitfyl and Healthful I'astimes, Matchless Mountain Scenery. SWEET BRIER CAMP. Established last year In a roman tic dell of the Sacramento Canyon, lust below and In full view of grand old Khasta It was a great hit and promises still more encouraging re sults for the present year T J. Loctiis, at Castclla.tB still iuchargc mid will answer all inquiries. A i ew candidate for public favor tnu year is SHASTA VICINO CAMP, Also In the Shasta region, about a mile and a half trom Diiiisiniilr. It is a genuine paradise for hunters. fl-liers and seekers of hcHlth and iilt'itsiirtt. Easy to resell (near the railroad), sightly, anil 11 1 1 the ne cessities of camii life easily procur able. All Inquiries ahoiit Kliasta Virino I'amn. If addressed to W. C Gray, Box 4, Dniismiilr, ( ill., will receive prompt attention. Camping In The SM77I CRUZ MOUNTAINS Mma, w r'ghts, Laurel, (ilenwood, Fel'on. Hen Lomond, Moulder Creek. Reduced Rates During the Camping season will be minie uy niu Knr full particulars address K. I'. KitttKKS, Asst. lief. "a. Agt., I'OIITI.AMl, OltKllON. July '.'II. Or any 8. I". Co. Agent. o or Gr Ocean Steamers leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on O. E. & N. Am nt at Heppner, tr addreas W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Phbb. Agt. Portland, Obecon. QUIOEa. TI3VII3 ! Snn Francisco ind all points In California, via the Mt, Hhasts route of the Southern Pacific Co. The areat highway through California to all points East and .South, (jrnnd Hcenio Route of tho I'aeifio tiast. Pullman Bnffet Hleeiiers. Beoond-claas Uleepers Attaohad to express trains, affording superior mcommodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tickets, slnepiug car reservations, ito. oall npon or address it. KOEHLKK. Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Asst "Jen. V. A P. Agt.. Portland. Oregon HISTORICAL PARROTS. Talking Birds Who Delighted Kings, Queens and Commoners. The very oldest parrot story on rec ord comes down from Queen Elizabeth's day. She owned a fine talking bh-d, gifted with so much wit and good sense, her majesty was far fonder of him than her hawks and greyhounds. He wore a ruff of bright ribbons about his neck, little gold bells on his feet, was an astonishing acrobat, and sitting on his royal mistress' shoulders would give saucy answers to the noble ladies and gentlemen to whom her majesty gave audience. One day when the queen went on a water party in the royal barge, whether in f right or frolic, Polly, who had been prowling about the boat, fell at last plump into the river. A ferryman, seeing the mishap, bold ly jumped in and rescued the fright ened bird. Then a dispute arose as to how much the man should be paid. Let us leave it to the parrot," said the queen, whereat Polly, who had sat silently preening his bedraggled feath ers, looked up, winked his round, red eyes and said in a gruff voice: "O, give the knave a groat," and that put an end to the discussion. The cleverest parrot ever known was the property of a poor actor named O'Keefe. The bird not only talked clev erly but sang sweetly, in a tenor voice. His favorite song was "Lord save the king," but not a sound would the par rot make on Sunday. He enjoyed church going and sat sol emnly, on the back of a pew, paying the most respectful attention to all that was said. One day, when the sermon proved very long and tiresome, the good cler gyman arrived at an impressive pause just to give weight to his words, and the sober sided parrot s.Toamed out Amen! amen! now let u.-i 1m off," and scuttled out the door, mvir winch his master sat, leaving the weary congre gation, and, after a bit, the good-natured clergyman, too, laughing heartily The fame of this parrot s achieve ments reached the royal palace, where upon King George commanded him to sing before the court. When Polly entered the royal pres ence and was ordered to sing "God Save the King," not a sound would the bird make. Then'his majesty, put in quite a rage by this obstinate discourtesy, stalked out of the room. Ilardly h-id the door rinsed, however, when t!io parrot broke gavly into the national ant hmh in a voice so fine that the king il-Tightedly reentered the room an I o.'ferud O'Keefe a princely sum for so gifted a bird. O'Keefe loved his feathered friend too dearly to part with him, and tucking Polly close to his breast, under his ECZEMA From early child hood until I was ' grown my family I spent a fortune trying to cure me I 1 of this disease, I visited Hot Springs i and was treated tv tne Dest medical men, but was not benefited. 116 all things bad rnnil tailed I de- J termined to Is K 1 1 1.1 try S.S.S. and in four II U III months was! entirely cured. The terriblj eczema ( was gone, not a sign of it left My general health built up, and I have I never had any return of the disease. I nave often recommend ed 8-SJJ. and have never vet known a failure to cure. GEO. W. IRWIN. Trwin. Pa. Never tails to enre, ' even when all other I remedies have. Our i treatise on blood and i skin diseases mailed free to any address. I SWIt I SPECIFIC CO . Atlanta, Ga. 1 any return oi tnc uisease. i CHILDHOOD 7.500 sailors, but Belgium is able to get along without any navy at all, though the Uelgium army, on a peace looting, is 2,000 men stronger than the Dutch army, and, on a war footing, has 100,000 men more. FOR AN UNSPOKEN SPEECH, Th Irish Patriot Jailed for Words Ha Didn't Kay. A member of the Land league was sent from Dublin to a certain district to get up a meeting and make a speech, says a foreign exchange. On reaching the town where the meeting was to be held, the speech maker met a friend, and, both being genial fellows, they retired to a public house and had something. Then they began talking over old-time rem iniscences, and the first thing the land leaguer knew was that the attendant had come in to light the lamp. "Great troodness!" he said, "I was sent down from Dublin to get up a meeting here, and now it is too late." "Oh, well, it doesn't matter," said the other. "Yes, but it does matter," said the organizer, "I have to report to my su perior that the meeting was held." "Oh, that's all right," said his friend. "LTere, you write out a speech and I will send it to the local papers, who will print it just as if the meeting was held, then the folks in Dublin won't know the difference." This was quickly done, and the speech that was never delivered ap peared the next day m the papers. The fun of the thing comes in over the fact that the leaguer was arrested and was sentenced to four months m jail for a speech that he never delivered, at a meeting that was never held. I Sa'rst, . j?7f?lW Lightest, Simplest, Tu!y.l!UaJ' Elt Strongest, I !jjjn 'k' Receiver. iiMf Compact, Most Modern and progressive For rstslogus or Information write to TMU MARL1N F1RU ARMS CO., New Haven. Conn. Th thumb I n ntiflllti( tntlfi ff rli a UT. Hie hiiiinrv T pr In. 'Itinhf niD'tig win t'"a ""'p mt fUmttrpo. i lo-rU ilhril l the himiiiil 1 lliiinib of llmt-t ftf ftilvjinrril lii' M nil t.i)f.htM alii 1 h v. I.oitl nf tlirf t tHlonv 1 to tlia bitpy niiin or wuimiti; anil lv rrt'a l'Mititly Mmitin pre r'tft-tullv ' '" ! rn n wliiila volume nf new tilintv cull ! li U hi A M.M.I. ppttr. i hut the rTiiti of ilir w.hU- i'f'il Worli fr tjioiuh niay l r ail In haf an iioitr, I lt . tim al 1 ) (tr ti iliratri ft-iWmriit, culture, ai d ft Invt nf in n-n . (Mh irr, ami fit tin A prr-on ilh 1hi of tlumih tlmr. out'it if rhjtiy tin tilt mrv Urn, limit of m-i.tnrri a Miiiraci!. . 'I lie Ar- tlM'C '.'..I tlulHt.t.i ft lot Ol Im tut t mitt art, vlitrh mill Ami ran I plravurr til tlif roaCtiif.i t lit oil ptrU ttrr of n-t a. ! t J I tn Im, rirt i)h i d f toin lit on nHial pfimiihir by Ito latHia'pii, ito- ntii c I irniit of httrid (low rr painter, Mih lll I fflpti In rt !. t-trr ta 1 mr l'a Ma.'ain fr I-Wfi Tha t of tut niiwth wutk oi art aa VaiHi); iiti hi riTtMturiin iiuui b iiti nifiiihl fti'iu lh Thcomparatlvtilutofthat twocardt U known to moat praont. Thay llluetratft that grtater quantity ! Not ftlwftyt most to b desired. ThtM Cftrdt tiprcaa tha beneficial qual ity of RIpansrfabutes 4i compared with iny prtvioualy knows DYSITPSIA CURB III pant TftbuUftt Price. 30 cinti ft boa Of dnjieU, or by oiail. IIP.Nt CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Sprue II., .t. PLAYISO WITH T1IEIK ADOPTKD KITTENS. shabby coat, begged his majesty's leave to keep linn. Wht-n the parrot died the Uritish mil- ai'iiin hiuiirlit the skin and stuffed It, and to-day I'olly is to he aeon in the nm sr 11 m at Oxford. A U';iriK'(l I'hilailelpliia roily sanjf charminirlv botli In (ierman and Knff- lihh. lie loved to sit in a Minny haek window, und toss seed and criiinliH to hungry city sparrow; not only were his fet'linn deeply hurt, but he would scream and scold, unless permitted to blchs all the family good niifht and good morning. ilo etijiivcil the companionship of mate who luld several w. but cnuld never hatch them, so in despair they act out to ndopt some cliildren. l'liUing- alantt the room one ilay they chanced upon a box In which were three tiny irray kittcna. with which the mother parrot was delighted. 'l'limiL'li the kittcna slrug-flcd slip pnthcred litem tinder her winjra and after awiuit" the cut jrave Her babies r ntircly Into the blrd'a care. The parrot a learned to drink nillk at the same nuueer with their adopted ehildri'il and the kittcna trotted con tentedly aUmt at their foster iMtrvnW hecla, and had roil if h and tumble (fame I together on a sunny buck porch. l(oa- A Nutural Impulse. A curious story comes from Vienna. ' A young man, the representative of a famous firm, who carried a large sum of money with him, spent the night at a hotel at Presburg. According to his usual custom, ho remained some time smoking in bed. Suddenly the burn ing cigar fell to the floor. lie bent over to extinguish it, when he saw a hand project from under the bed and put out the fire. It made him very un comfortable, and he lay for fifteen min utes thinking. Then he said, aloud: "How very cold it is! I must get my fur coat. Jumping out of bed, he ran to the door, opened it and screamed for help, and the robber was caught. He confessed his crime, and then added that he had been a fireman formerly, and could not resist the impulse to ex tinguish the burning cigar. According to Ur. tieorge Russell, of Hartford, Conn., the largest chestnut tree now growing tin American soil is one standing in the town of Manslleld, in the above named state, on the land of a Mr. Whipple (Ireen. It is In an open pasture, about three-quarters of a mile east of Munshcld station. The circumference of the tree at the height of 4 feet from the ground (which is sulliclently high to 1h( clear of the gnarled roots at the buttressed base) Im .:i feet R inches. It is heavily but tressed with exposed roots of enor niotis size, which would make the actual circumference at the basis not less than 5 feet. tXXSf That,16 RAMBLER Is one of the very best wheels ever made Is an Indisputable fact. It stands In the ffl front rank with all hlsh grade machines, and ityou buy one'you will make no mistake. 3 Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want to be happy, for should your wheel be m punctured. It can be mended by you In five minutes, aB it is equipped with the world j renowned G. is J. clincher tires with wooa rims or copper-piaiea Bieei riiun. Sold In all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at $100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, J160 each. THE RAMBLER i the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the market. For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, aB it is constructed on strict mechan- i (gt leal and scientific principles. m 1 Chicago Ideals H For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 inch wheels, at fi5, $55, $45 respect-! ft. H.niv r anli-nrtlrl mpitinm ururin whpela. with G. & J. hie h-sxade doubln locklne edire ! '0 lltir,i,M- tlrpa and nr full v wnrranred. Before vou buv a blcvcle. write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call f on our numerous agents. Rambler RuBtlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- J ton and Idaho. FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, Northwest representatives Oormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main ia Store, 327 Washington ,-t , Portland, Or. Mnj E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and lecturer. wTIs PATTERSON, Agt. lor Morrow Co., Heppner, uregon. How's Your Liver? ,vjMNnkaaisrkav This question is asked daily. If dormant . you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. Any one who has ever had an attack of lutlamraatir rhf ttitiHtism will rejoice ith Mr. J. A.Ptnmm,22Q Boyle Height., .joe Anifflee, titer hie fortunate eacntie 'rum a sipge of that diatrrsHltig ailment Mr. Mutual i inreniaDof Merriero'eoon fectlnnery establishment. Home months mo, oo leaving tha healed work mom to run aoroae the street o an erraod. he was eatiKht out ia the raio. The result aa that when ready to go borne that Olirht be was uoalila to walk, owing to inllatnruitory rheumali-m. lie wee taken home, end on arrival was placed In front of a (nod Are and thoroughly rnbbed wiid t liamnerlain l'eio Halm. During 'he evenioir aad uiuht be wae repealedlv bathed wit b Ibis liniment, aod by morning wm relieved of all rheumatic peine. He King- of Bicycles, fr ?- FINEST MATERIAL. LIGHT, STRONG, yfTX?X fWiHl SCIENTIFIC SPEEDY, HANDSOnE. AWS4y ZLJt WORKMANSHIP. Four Models S85 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halsted Sts.. CHICAGO, ILL. 38ANCMi;S:-New York, San Fmnclsco, Salt take Cltv. Denver. Msmphls, Detroit, Tsronto. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. W. PATTEHSOX, Agent for Morrow County, Hepjmer, Oregon. il l..,..i in r..h i,i,na, rut n.rM ,.al il WTTi5rr -LLVC'V- rbraiberlln'e Peio Helm, aod alwaye ruir. ami iha an r-... .,.a 17' IP,?. -"J1 i Wh hm keep a txittla of it in the hnu.e. For f. iiii vi an .,i. i.( tha i.i.ha.i Pi., Jkji :V 'VVTV ra.'i' ' dn'n'ipartv. n hir n-lurn ahe aald to i,t Mr ., .tiani tari... ti.i f4i' f Vl! ' rW- -9 t Ml "ff vUuW' the othrr ifirli It l usual to claaa aa the lake atat h;"ti".r.':,T j;Mi. t'h&W'i$--&V I-'II. nY. "w. f tbe union only ih, that border w i'l lla tinnii r... il. Hiiir, t. U i'P ' .'J 'Vxi'fi Y'1 't'a' ''5 didn't yon liunrhr " t oumj 1 u the uta.ti one or more of the great lukea. rJ;:'un,t'r!,l,,Kri,;,i;.'e,7 .frW fyPVt& WITHOUT A NAVY. may W,.r..,,.rlv a.,rall...t. Maine. Now kjt')A - .u....7Br.....w.,.er,... "r'rir, n'1 f.anr.i u..rm i. tha t 1 iU-'t 2.,. At Jv .. .uM.i.. floa'd lake ,vat-m, and evpo Mrnuav Krnl In t.iir uir,.li,ii: It tilll a a. t .r.-"' ' -CTAeiiV I . w I .-nr Hi"fi,, t-ai oiii, ..Hi, a, it . a HI a ili n nr. In ina. aiiiin H ,lii... ii aa..r Hil,ii hr, I t l llitl Mia, Nf Viaa. 1rtutii ei l.hi.a 'a,'ira Ht i. if. i ta.tiitin r ,t.arlta a i.n t.nni) rt.aural maiirra. anl ha ,.f itarlalla n th,aa Ma., a.), a l.a r, ,!!, i. T' tar HI a t,i, h In. halo In Haamail I tra. .taltttr.i raa, ai'tt l a'l, at4 I m.aiih, rttnir.t tta tra,ia al,,. h rl t aaarMUMf In tha I amiirf aritit i' a .m at,Hiifl a,,lr,iai ia I a itt-xvat . 4 .,'' in.. If tiai ara aia. tti,Mil a I II I la .i,l. 1,4 siariaun r"' ,r,aa, aaa a ai l a,t., l ii .l a i.. Ika Till VI, a h I'al I'l itrt, aar .'1 i it a'M I-, ft, it ( la a la - ., a ...r. h i . w aau.l) IL llltlai, aaaU a. aa aa... i.a.j. TH'a et-a- r-riJ Mnf.ry Vi ;t'i "aClH COPYRIGHTS. V ur uiiiir I h in a 'on In-,, r y t'f W ', Il . , ri .1 i-r ti,e If I, II . ul a i'U f i" -a en I llli. ira. Hud) ,e U r.-.jr n,a .ii-. aa4,, ra) f t i''. e- i ( f t', i a. rHai(a in .o 4'. (Ufa I0ST KAMI3CD COPYRIGHT! l ntTttJ a rTrTf re a f.-! a.aa. a"! aa f a ,.,..a..a villa f. at .S ( II , an-. !. k.J mi l tn ,.i.' a,, .. a ta , ii a. ,..,.a. '.-a i'l m V-.. V bm A., f? :',;, ;" Canti.i n I'U;, Faillm ivii. katli'ii., Ni it ciutallt I. Ill, n( tbe ei.11 .:sf etfafigtrwna, nrl i raira ml ion. il.a rnlra.f .tpra.. e-aiie i it ta i I. I I I t , r-riu.; ra. I nil, na en .ircHra I'.l rr.torr Ural , laara SVInt In i ha awl, kaar hr o oi biattab -,ad si V'n ;i 4 if c iiM - I... .aa'li m i li'' "P fa. a I a.-m aa.i i.aat a, a., a ra'. fcajae II laai, . ar.a..l aa am l..a l',l.l. lat.a lkn,i) fatina k fV I tra,ai n.awainlha a, IrallMa aa.rfl.aa, -4 ILaa a-a ww-i, , aal .a t a,lha fw.1 a4 f. i.a ai-ii I" .i.i..l t lli, L.a fl,l a .aai "f 'iiaaiLia.! haalffailia ' .at , -.a, .. a ft a m , i a a.-k i rat aj li i... a." r i aa-f tiaa . t ata, a 'a a f ia.i aia.i . aa t aw ( I.. I M' I ". 4 .-..-Marl a a. . at a a a ! .. . i.n I . a h f,. .. T .... , . . ... . ..i. -a i . -. ". A (,, et Ta. yet ea.u a- I. aa a f aa'!. til unlrttr. f arrf 1 Til falvai anVt-arfiwrit, t'ra,uat,,ri o.a , uia Uii'ajtra. f la iha int (ra a ,) i. i ll f a. lii aratnaaa a- l Har iiia i ran tai u-,j-jal u m ter I f I. .i t , an. Th, i , a it ,. .- r m.'a t (fiaaWaMat. (iairflLa ,l IMt.a, ffi,4,f t4i-aj laililal II II ': .t' ll -i a 1 A I- 'a mi a, i... i ha ii i. i .f t mm r.a. ,ra , a a ka-a ,'. S ( 1 1 la a a. a ! r tav r lia fiar.r r' f . . ' i a rra. 1 1 vi tatf , I ir i . nti..; ,urcl v Maw , I I -' a.U til l l . r i l a I !, lai 1 1 a if m a a,,.t !. .v w (tfaat alllliit mi ii-i. laaititita, Jeaa,, a .iihiu, rrer1-, af, No invitation bna ln-rn extended to the naval BUtlliiritirn of ntie nrl.'hlair- Itilf ('inintrv ! er1irinte in the ffatlv itii-a at Hie tiiiiHif ( the ahi ranal ltifti tbe Nurth araand the llaltif. vtlili li art to atlrart the aruird alilt ,(f variiitia r.urMnn and Attirrtcan iMvrrtiineiita. That einintry, any the Now York un. ta IWltriutn. and It U pfs-tttiar ani'inif lluropcan niuntrti Sevitiir a wati-r front from the fai l that it baa ni liary. ThLa la the more rrmarkalile when It l eoiiaiderrit that lUlifium larludra within Ita taardrra one nf the ulilrat hartaira In I'.itrotw-. Anltaerjf-which, at the rrnith ( Ita eottitiirrrlal kurvraa. had aa tttanr aa l.taio aliia. The eom-mi-ree nf Antavrrp la at ill ronaidrrable, and a fair aliare uf It U done w ill. the I ultM Mate. When thearrif i-ui eulmlnate.1 the lnili'nlewee of Hrlum fromth rule of the Nrtherlanl, the ten eotintne were divUie.! that tloUand had the Urirrr ehare if the raNaat line, and tr!r'ira had a larrer mraaure of the Inlatnl eiftititry lb t re t4inr( alt the eohmial poaaainna o' Ihe ta cHmtitrira. end. In ordrf tit tier; up Hiner!Wtt ith them and protec them front bif-ti'e .au'.'a, the ftav) wa mnlntained by Ilo. land lklffittm. bavlnif fiwrlr rol.-anlea to rmrte. t mi an Jr fc-i fdiiifatUwia t-Biall-talr. toary. tin'.'.aotl ttae aVf t HI drier H rf kvaf t tatty rhiiM-tta and t'tmniH-tU-ut have a few attiall natural lake. Northwestern New JrrM-y haa a nort of lake trm; o baa rtorthwratern Iowa. North Ia- kuta'a lake ay at r in ia part ft the Urjfrr ayatem rttibrat'liif northern Minnraota aud beltrhUtrlnir .irta uf Itrttiah Atner ha. fsiulh Ihiknta. raat nf the Mia kouri, haa a lake avatrtn that e.tend into the nice of Nebraaka. Waahlnir ton. Orrirnu, California, Nevada, t'tah. Idaho, Wyoiiiltiif and Montana have Like yt. ma more or ba) lolrrrrlatcd, lUiati rn North Carolina haa a lake ay tfin, tiirtodittj M'Vrral rottalderahU' Inatii of Mati-r. Southi-rn iieorifla ahama the pilrnaive l lorida lake av. tern, iff rat brr ayatema. aa the I'loriiU lake have more than one waUirahrd. Miaiaaiiit and !ouiana hare a lake rat.' Ill lrtwndrtll Uta-n the Miaaiaaliipl river. Nmirthinif i.f the kind ta triw alaotif raatern Arkanaa. "1 UK imrairtatinn of" aheen from Ivn mark, uwinir to the a;rea4 of f,it and mouth illapaae there, haa been fMhlb- ilea ty the authorities at lUmhurf . Tut agricultural drpaHiAent at Queenalend l ditribitiaf latre Qan lillrtof aro-1 amottf the farmer. wh4 u (Tared from the very il.Mtr.u fl.aal la that colony Al atfi nt of the New ZraUarl fov nimeat claimt that rtvVonlal butter afwr IV rrval In anlaa4 M Ihirprat t4 t.fltUttf tt 4 l)iti.' rlajfte4 u lridt ft lYHtvttjf tWialf OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. The Patterson Publishing Co. f :AV1TH, DBS : BICIIP!! Vouro IIOUXD to Tnko 'Km. FILLS I Leaves No Constipation, I Care M, aa !) all li llrtioe, ir ttradaeU and Malaria. Tha only O nrMt I M'l o H.a tiifM. by all rlrayala rr Ky mail c ratft 14 t'"e. 3 eeftta frar tea. I KaK lIHa Vri'lTAl. It) til t-aiu-aia eitM ftM rrHK, let.