Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 05, 1895, Image 3

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Btafre for Hardman, Monument, Lnnr Creek,
f ohn Day and Canyon City, leave ax follows :
Every day at 6 a. m.. except Similar.
A rrlvea every day at 6 p. m.. except Monday.
Tbe cheapest, quickest and beat line to or
from the interior conntry.
Phill Cohn, Airent.
You can get the best beer
in Heppner at Q.
rowe'a, 5 cents per glass.
B. Ted-
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.,
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
J 2 3J 5 6
j a 9 io TifTT
14 15 16 17 I6 19 20
21 2 2. 25 M 25 26 27
28 1 29 301311 1 I
Here and There.
Millions ride tbe Rambler.
Ike Eonia has bicyoles to rent.
Ayers guarantees bis poison.
$2.50 per dozen
The Niles-Vinson,
vTalla Walla, Wash.
Marble Works,
Tbe Weekly Hud and the Qnzette $2.75
per year, both strictly in advauoe.
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. 8. 0. Smith, salesman, HeDpner.
Now is tbe time to kill squirrels; and
Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with. tf.
Try Avers'
buying any
squirrel poison before
other. Only $250 per
Arrangements are being made to or
ganize silver oluoa all over Hartley
Wm. Hughes and son were passengers
on tbe down train luesday en ruute to
Dave MoAtee and wife departed for
Fossil Tuesday where they spent the
Tor Sale A lot of household fnroi
tnre and an organ. Cull at the M.
parsonage. tf.
Eli Keeney and Wm. Tillard left Mon
day for Fossil wbere they are taking in
tbe races.
Wanted Plain or fanoy sewing. Will
go to tbe house or take sewing at borne.
Mrs. Mary Henderson.
W. H. Hermann, representing an
Eastern firm; was interviewing our busi
ness men last Tueiday,
If you want to rent a bioycle or get re
pairs for same, call on Ike Ennis at his
bicyole livery, power bouse.
Gilboueen Bros-, will soon go to tbe
inner country to be absent until tbe
latter part of this month. Await their
return. lit.
Green Mathews for ahavlog, b air
cutting, shampooing and all other work
in that line. Baths at any time during
business hours.
J. P. Ilsydeo.tbe well known traveling
man, arrived from tbe interior oountry
Tuesday morning last, departing for
outside point Wednesday.
Geo. Barker retorned Monday evening
from a week's stay down at Uufus where
be had been looking after tbe interests
of the Pacific Coast Elevator Co.
Cbief Feo announced that ten oxen
would be killed at tbe Yakima reserva
tion for tbe bene lit of the visitors. This
bar beque proved to be a great drawing
Sbilo'sCnre is sold on a guarantee.
It cure Incipient Consumption. It is
the best Cough Cure only one oent a dose,
25cts..50ota.. and II. Bold by T. W.
Ay em, Jr.
Henator Mitcbel! and Hon. D. P.
Thompson both delivered orations at a
big grove near Harlow yesterday. A
large and enthusiastic aalienoe was io
Homer Harrington, Hterling Keitbly
aoiftBilly Conine were am ingtboae who
took advantage of the Cheap rates to
Portland, and departed Toeaday for tbe
metropolis to epeud tbe fourth.
On July 2. 3 and 4 tbe O. 11. A N. will
aell tickets lo any point witlnu mu ruiles
one fare foi muud trip. Tirkeia eipire
at midnight of the otb prni Tina la a
splendid opportunity to travel on hnai
Deas or pleaaore. t(.
Lo Till' J returned I t Toeaday even
inn from Tbs Dalit. Hi says we were
io error io reportiutt that be ws aide
nu ked at Kafus, as be simplv slot pe1
off to buot op Uan. Darker, a be learned
Geo. bad got loat lo a aaod storm.
Kv. Jenkins arrived from Tbe Dalles
oo (Saturday lat end held cervices al
the opera bne oo huoday morning and
evening-. II baa remaioed with Us I his
week and will bold m ruing and ev-ntng
services at the nsual piece belt nnoday
Mrs. T. H. Hawktoa. Chattanooga.
Teoo., saye "Hbilob a Vitaliser 'aaved
my life.' I eoneider II the beat rrmely
for dahilitalel Syaieoj I ever Oeed.'
For d)pepia, liver of kidr-ay euble
it eieele. I'riee 75 cents. Hol-J by T.
W. Ayers, J .
Foesil Journal: Wm. Retiie reaohed
Heppuer on the 18 b with tbe 1400 mut
too sheep sold io Lnoy Bros, by Kettle
k Patterson aud A G. Onilvie. Not one
as loet io the drive from fossil, aud
all arrived in good conditiun. Lacry
xbioped a train 1 tad from Qeppuer,
Chas White taking two cars of it tor a
bunch be shipped to Uuioago oo his owo
aooount. Frank Lacey said they did
very well on tbe previous train load.
which was shipped from the Dalles.
There are many aocidents to live stock
which oause delay i nd loss to tbe farmer
iia woik. In a larue nunber of in
8'ances tbe delay would be but trilling if
a remedy was promptly applied. Dr. J.
tl. McLean a Volcanic Oil Limmeut has
for many years been regarded as the
farmers friend. Its healing intluenoe on
tbe flesh of domestic animals is immedi
ate and permanent. Prioe 25c, 60c and
$1.00 per buttle.
We learn that J. L. Beyroer met with
a very serious acoident out at Mallory s
mill on Rook oreek the latter part of
last week. Mr. Beymer, while conven
ing with a friend, forgot that be was
sitting on the table where tbe slab saw
operates, and leaning back came in on
taot with tbe saw and whs terribly lacer
ated. However, tbe wound was ourefully
dressed and at last aocounts he was
resting easy and will do doubt recover.
There comes a time to all of us, when
we feel meen and "out of sorts" and in a
condition to invite disease. It ie then
we need euch a remedy as Dr. J. H.
McLaau's Strengthening Cordial and
Blood Purifier. To persons exhausted
by sicknees or over-work its invigorating
i fluenoe is surpris.ng, promptly restor
ing health, energy and cheerful spirits.
Prioe $l.U0 per bottle.
Dan Horner returned last Monday
evening from Sacrament where be bBs
been employed for two months past.
Dan reports times in that seotion of
California even worse than here, and
says Heppner is good enough for him.
He will .robably go in busiuees here
Ike Ennis has a stock of bioycle
repairs and will fix your wheel up at
reasonable rates. It is his intention to
make a epeomlty in this line, and as tbe
number of wheels is rapidly increasing,
this will oertuinly be pleasing news to
those who are so fortunate as to own a
bike. tf.
B. F. Swaggart is prepared to furnish
hia "dure Hhot" equirrel poison in
wholesale lots. He has alrendy received
large order from Washington and
Idaho Every where, it Iibb been need,
t has not failed to exterminate the little
pests. tf.
Earl's Clover Root will purify your
Blood, clear y.inr Complexion, regulate
your bowels and mnke your bead clear
as a bell. 25c , 50o., and $1. bold by
T. W. Avers Jr.
Kirl's Clover Root, tbe great Blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the Complexion aud cures Constipation,
25 cts., 50 ots., $1. Sold by T. W. Ayers,
Sbiloh'a Cure, tbe great Cough and
Croup Cure, is io great demand. Pocket
size ojntains twenty five doses only 25c
Children love it, Bold by T. W. Avers
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A , San Diewo,
Oat. says: "Hhilob's Cata'rh Remedy is
the first medicine I have ever found that
would do me any good." Price 5i)c.
T. W. Ayers, Jr.
cowboys have a
the time, don't
She You western
thirst tor blood all
He (with a corkscrew) Ob.no, ma'am.
We changes it sometimes. Detroit Free-
I understand that a fellow has to
know a lot to get into office under tbe
District government," Baid the young
"Ye-e s," aaid the old employe. "It's
a good idea for him to know consider
able, provided be doesn't tell any of it."
Washington Star.
Tbe Judge Have you any reason to
ofldr why sentence should not be pro
nounced upon you?
The Prisoner I ain't got much to say,
but it's right to the p'int. When I shot
the feller I was only doin' it fer f au ; an'
here you fellers are wantin' to hang me
in cold-blooded malice, so you air. In
diatapolis Journal.
"I trust," began the seedy customer,
"I dont," responded the grooer, de
Somehow the conversation languished
after that. Albany Argus.
"I'm going now; yea. I'm going, go
ing," murmured Steigher.
"What an excellent auctioneer you'd
make," said tbe heartless but tired Miss
Nyoegirl. Boston Courier.
"There's nothing worse in the world
than ostentation," said Garraway.
"Ob, yee, there is," said Gorse. "Bos
tontation is muoh worse."
"What is Bostontation?"
"Ostentation plus Boston," said Gorse.
Harper's Bazar.
Employer I don't see why you should
B6k me to pay you more money ; you do
no more work than formerly.
TvDewntist No, sir: but I have a
husband to support now. Puck.
Mrs. Brown never sits up to wait for
her husband."
No. When she expeots bim to be
nut late she retires eaily, sets tbe alarm
at 3 o'clock, aud gets up, refreshed
reproaohful. -Life.
A sjt"
Prize Hood's
Barsaparilla more than any remedy I have
ever taken. I have never been robust and
was subject to severe headaches, and had
no appetite. Since taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Hood's Pills I am a well woman,
have a good appetite and sleep well,
I cordially recommend Hood's Bar
saparilla. Mrs. 8. M. Gorham, Fillmore
House, Fillmore, California.
H nnd ' c D i 1 1 c cnr " liver '" bulom.
"wua rllia nan, headache. 2M.
If you buy a new
Thresher, Engine,
You of course want the best.
Transcript Film). Tbe case of J. B.
Eddy, railroad commissioner, against H.
R. Kiuoaid, secretary of state, is now in
tbe supreme oourt on appeal. Tbe tran
script was filed last Wednesday and
there is a stipulation ef parties tbat tbe
case may be taken up out of its order.
Tbe court is engaged on some Pendleton
canes now and so soon at those are dis
posed of, it is likely arguments will be
heard on this case, bo hs to get it out of
tbe way.
Core for Headache.
As a remedy for all forma of Headache
Electric Bitter has proved to be the
very beat. It effects a permaoeut cure
and the moat dreaded habitual sick
headaches yie'd to its influence. We
urge all who are e filleted to procure a
bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial.
lb CNnee of habitual Constipation fc,le
trio Bitters cures by giving the needed
t ne to the bowels, and few eases long
resist the ue of tbis medicine. Try
once. Large bnttUe ouly fifty cents at
T. W. Ayers, Jr., drug store.
That Tired Feeling.
Is a common complaint and it is a dan
Kermis sytnutom. It means tbat tue
system is debili'nted beoiuse of impure
blood, and in this condition It is espeo
ially liable to attacks of disease. Hood's
SHrsHparilla is the remedy for this con
dition, and also for tbat weHknese which
prevails at the ohange of season, olimute
or life.
Hood's Pills aot easily, yet promptly
and tfticiently oo the bowels and liver.
Cacbr of Mathies' Death. E. L. E
White, editor of the East Portland
Chronicle, who was also a member of tbe
exeontive onminittee of the it. P. A.
and one of three who acoompanied H. G,
Mathiee to Newport recently, attributes
the indirect cause of bia death to eatiu
rock oysters while over at Ysqnina bay
at tbat time. Tbe oysters were out
season, at which time they are danger
ous to health, but this fact does not
seem to be koowo to lovers of tbe oyster
Mr. Matbiea was predisposed to Bright
disease, and bis partaking of tbe oysters
appears to bave aggravated the disease
However, Mr- Matbies was tbe most ro
bust of tbe party and it seems strange
tbat he should be the first to succumb to
the effects. A singular effect of bia ill
nesa also was t tal blindness ensnio
about 10 days before death took plaoe,
though be was cheerful under tbis great
affliction and olnng to the hope of re
covery, tiro Mathies' funeral occurred
last Tuesday under tbe auapioea of New
oomb lodge, K. of P. Tbe Portland City
Press Club also attended in bidy.
Thi Old Silvub Dollar. How dear
to our beart ia tbe old silver dollar,
when some kind subscriber presents it to
view; the liberty brad without necktie
or collar, and all the strange things tbat
sema to us so Dew; tbe wide spreading
eagle, tbe arrowa below it, the stars and
tbe worda with strange things they tell
tbe coin of oar fathers, we're glad tbat
we know it, for some time or other 'twill
oome io right well tbe spread eagle dol
lar, tbe ttar spangled dollar, tbe old sil
ver dollar wc ail love ao well.
It Leads Them All.
he "Cyclone" Thresher.
Here are
Which we wish you to
Bemember :
First: We Keep
Secokd: We offer it
Third: We sell
We are enabled to give more
for a dollar than the usual
"Dollar's worth."
Main Street, Heppner, Or
Write for Catalogue and Prices.
tie Massilion Engine X Thresher Co.
Wheat, bu ; r.8 8640
inour.DM i 40
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 25
" " three " " 'I 60
Sheep, muttons, bead.... 1 50 1 75
" stook 1 OU 1 50
Hogs, ou foot, owt 3 00
Hogs, dressed 4 00
Wool 5 8
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll 2540
Eggs, doz 8
Chickens, doz 2 003 00
Potatoes, per owt 4')
Wheat, cwt g 87 97
flour, bbl HOoiTjaoo
Beeves, stall fed 4 00 (d 0 00
Muttons, owt 6 00 800
ifflm mercantile mm
We Sell
as Low or Lower than Any of
. Our Competitors.
We keep a complete line of everything.
Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings.
The National Bank
Building;, .... HepDner, Oregon
he in iwm i
Storage and Forwarding.
Pays all Charges on fool, Merchandise,
Wool baled and consigned. Soeoial attention paid to
wool that it may be under cover and in good condition
for inspection of buyers.
Don't Pass It By !
never pass a good thing. Alwayi take
I 1 advantage of legitimate opportunities to
A make the most out of everything, which
appliea to t' e purchase of drugs, medl-
clnea, etc.. down at T. W. Aycra' Drug; Stoie.
Just opened for the Inspection of the public
one of the finest lines of toilet arilcles. perfum
ery notions, and the like, ever seen In Heppner.
Avers nas anyming anu everything in euuicss
rrescnpuons nuea any anu mgni.
Heppner Building, next door
lo T. K. Howard's.
T. W. AY KKS, Jr..
Heppner, Oregon.
Remember the Upper Warehouse.
Heppner, Ore. Proprietor.
Hogs, owt.
Wool Eastern Oregon.
Butter, lb
Eggs, doz
Potatoes new, per ot..
old, " ..
Chickens, doz. .
4 BO it 6 25
(It H
vm is
60 85
30 (it 75
8 00 ii) 600
Attorneys at Iaw,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
BEPPNEB, : : : ; :
Turkeys, lb II dS 15
Wheat, bu f 52 ( 53
Flour, tbl 1800235
Beeves, owt 2 25(8 8 60
" dressed 6 (XI (i 6 50
Muttons, live sheared ... 2 25 (4 2 75
" d reused, lb 04 it) 04 Y
Hogs, on foot 3 50 fc 3 7.)
dressed, II)..
Wool Eastern Oregon
Butter ,
Eggs, doi
Chickens, doz
Turkeys, lb dressed. . .
05 07g-
T,i la
1(1 (rc 11
8 00 d$ 8 75
While in Stork ton, Cal., sometime ago,
Tha. F. Laiigan, f Los ISauns, that
state, was takeo very severely with
rr iui and diarrhoea. He chanced to
oet Mr. C. M. Carter, who wan similarly
alll cfrd. Ha a: "I told him of
CliauilwUiu's Colio, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy, and we went to the Hol
ilen Drug Ml ore and procured buttle of
It It gave Mr. Uarter prompt relief and
I can vminh for its having cored me."
For salt) by rilocum-Jobosoo Drug Co.
Tka Dlanxrery Kaved Ilia Life.
Mr. CailliiiH'ile, Druggiai, Iteavert
vllle. III., eait: -To Dr. King's New
Diacnvery I owe my Ufa. Was taken
wtib'L Uripp and inej i th pbifi
cans for mil alxiul, but of do avail
and ws g'Veo np and told I eouhl not
live. Having Dr. Kiun'aNrw DlMvitrfv
in my slum I sent fr Uitile and began
Its DM and I ruin lb first d began to
get getier, aud nftr using Ihren txiitl.a
waa up and about again. It la worth Its
wfigtit in gold Wt won't kep '
or houae wiih'ol it " (let a free trial at
T. W. Ayei's Jr.. drug store.
Bark Ira's arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
Drniaes, Mores, Ulcers, Malt Ilhentn,
Fever Horee, letter. Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corn, and all skin eruptioui
and poaitively cures files, or no pay
required. It ia guaranteed to give
perffct satisfaction or money refunded.
ril'ce 2o cents per box. f or sals by
T. W. Ayers. Jr.
Team Wanted. I want to buy a
good, gentle team of about 1200 pound
horses. Also a good, second-hand
wagon and harness and a gentle saddle
pony. Have aomo good, young Short
horn bulla for sale; also tine poultry
and eggs for hatobing. Took first prize
on my cattle and fowls at State fair last
year. Call at tbe J. Q Wilson place
above Heppner. N. C. Maws.
The editor of the Gold Hill Miner is a
baohelor with considerable pretensions,
and tbe young ladies if that euterpriaiug
horg the other night aas iiilted bis reai-
denoe. liro. Roberts bad oonv niently
abentel himself, however, and the sere
nadinif psrty was discomfited. Jackson.
villa Time. The above refers to T. K.
Knberts, wbo waa in the employ ot the
Qnzette during the summer of 1H02.
Tbe following advertisement appeared
io an Aurora paper last week : "Wanted
A second-band bicyolo, by a young
lady with a leather seat." The Wood-
burn Independent says: "We know a
Dnmler of ladiaa in Anrora, but have
never seen one that answers the above
Io order to reduce our stock ot
- Ktr aonaiaMraai
T is an ill wind that blows no
good, and Although the play.
ful pranka ot Old Boreas exposes
tbis fond couple to temporary em.
barrassment, the situation greatly
amuses the spectators.
Likewuie the situation at
Riiico it ha become
Generally known that
Which ba sella at Bed IVrk Prices.
Farmprs of Eicht Mile, Davidson, Gooseberry, Douclas, Jordan
Pork and lone section can d no better than make their purchases of
Joe. lie carries a full line of iMiriiiHbinu Uooln, Hoofs and oboes,
Groceries, and in fact a complete stock of general merchandise. 1 aw.
lU-ad "Coin's" publications. Don
fVrtiift Ilntril. fcutafiL I
McFarland Mercantile Co. will pay Jl V H 1 iN iLb
eah for wheat, barley, bides and pelts.
f armers should call and see them. a
Thb Cori Kiri-Cbarleo Con
nlegbain, lha bii sbrp owoer who anf
ferea aever Iiim by rrevbt Ore, !
malevt at l.Ti.lKsj or Wire, bat rreelvod
birflficalioo tbat tha teVeral CX'tnfaine
boldiog imafatioa u"iO bis damageil
properl; d'cy lo all. or part, liability.
lprrOlalie,f lh ll'itna Mutual lo
'iraora O'lcspauy, Fi'a Aaieitioa l'la-
Wblla fomint up laal Tneaday atcbt t.BS cniataev. Hartford Fir Inanranr
h'iraa ran dowo ana inim in i
eat t AHy plaea trnar laa. A lha
e,r pMd over lh bora hit b"d; ram
In tnla t wito Ilia of lb eoarb.
badly damtgtog aaj rvmovmg a portn
if tbrm.
OilleMor lllaekmaa ba appolrl J
It. Uollay tiue. Sir J. Frank D.
lb repuhbrao boljor. aa ebil aletk.
M. MiHaf baa formerly bll Ha p".l
imio of traveheg rtopnty, which pmi".
It IS n feioTte.l. Will M BUM by
J true L. CowaD, if A I hat) y.
Tb fagnlar aohadfiplloO p'a of tba
rVml-Waekly iaalt to 12 aad tba
regular prw ol iba Weekly Orreiaa
toll.-V). Any oa aaUonbiag fr lb
(tn and pavf ' ' l
.vanrra e t'b ' Oai'U d
Wr.l tr"ta f"f It AH ' awb-
. lh.il nhrt.lfl.tfia t"9
raayeanaaJrwtx-a wtli ba ntt
. . i
Meadowa A Hcnvner, tba b'arksmitha,
bnraeborr and wcKid bntohera, at tba
old Gnnn atand, Maio street, Heppner.
Call oo tba boys.
T. R. Howard makes a speoialty in
supplying atnokmeo with all oexled
artu lea, beaidea carrying a geoeral lina.
He bia new ad. ti
Mathews Bros., City botal barber shop,
tooaorial artiata. Hairoutling, shaving,
hamptMiirtg, etc.. dona aoivotiBoelly.
Ualbs at 25 cents apleoa
, O. B. Uatt. tba tonsorial artist, can
ba f'lond at bis parlora, Matlock Ooroer,
where b will dispense at popular priroe,
shaves, abampooa, bairouta, ale.
Htaga leaves fr Echo Moodays,
Wedneadaya. and rridays, returologoa
Tueailaya. Tbnradava and haturdays.
It. Wade, Prop. T. W. AvraJr., agent.
IUad "Coin's Floaoclal Hnbool" and
ttio taka np bis other pobliealioos.
They era all etvincing, tuteraating
Ik.n fVrl..a lt,H BUenL. Km him.
Any inventor in Faaiern Oregon wbo
deairt tba rviiva of ao attorney io
Waehliik-ton. I. O, will And it to bia
advantage lo rail on or adJraaa tbla pa-
par. Mf
Walt. Tbomtn runs stage tietwoen
Heppner and Monument, arriving avery
day rirwpt Monday and leaving every
da eioei.l Hiiuilav. Hhorleat and Oheap-
eat note to tha Interior. P. Cbo,
T. W. Ayers. Jr., ia making aiilrrol
piain that ha inranta. ( hill oo
pav, aad aolla It al V enla par ean,6
ai a fr II 5i; fl-Vl par dao. (it
aampla and try II. tf.
Frel Vh k, so aiprleneed botrber
; fmm Purtland, baa arwptwl a poaii0
lo Have k Mathawe bo'ehef abop,
where ha will erv the pqbllo I tha
et of atl. Frb meats and borMl
; weight to everjmia.
I Tba Ivwraoe Pob. Co. have aeoorwl
tnaa by a wubUy biMla. fldl-B by a , tba ag.oey of tha Creanl bleyolea frf
i . . . . . . . . . . I . . J -.... t a. ... & i -a . .. 4 .ill
I gMiM'i loo rion.y wi gei niim om way : frrnw inn vrraui
ttsorasce. o( Ba lg gl laf ollaalor. Hant' shortly fceve .na marbloa for aala at
j ' Wall I abool.l ty ! am." w tlgarea. ti.mloa a Creaea.l
ixi etrat4 av tmt. . UfVa baying. It.
A bay rara, ai ' "II. bd4 ; ' '
9H fcy. ba a ynr.g a. It n leal' A t rt r ) f r er were rr-arid
e.eo ll-i'l""' ""I ll.'lron h Ul 4 I, t 0l', II ti.lne a
Ft A 'liars la' l all (' I f -r Let J h'M-VI- II i ' ag l t . f I. .in.. ae
to Li MlMt, I J.anta M" li ... r'-t.a.k
U-vt.eW, lAipa. ,b(3 Urt 1 m tW j tmi.
IllLLT AT PCTALM P. J. W. Morrow,
with bis wife and little girl, ate visiting
old friends in Pnyallup. Mr. Morrow
ia ;ouoty clerk of Morrow oonoty, Ore
gon, ana baa large land and thick inter
rats Ibere, and ia a aura euongh pioneer
of tbe aound, being a native of Olympi
Ilia father, Hon. J. L. Morrow, after
whom Morrow county is named, crossed
the plaina to Tugei eonod balf a century
ag", and waa an saliva lieutenant ia tba
Vi.lootwer service during lha Iodiau war
of 'M ft. Thirty )eart ago ha went to Iba
Idaho placer mines, and sfierwards la
eama one of Iba pinbeer merchaott of
Eaatero Oregoo. dimmerca.
I'lleal 11 T llrklag I'llea.
hyinptmna Mmalure; iiiirnaw itching
and t inning; rwoat at night; worao hy
acrati'hing. It alhiw to continue
tiimora tirm, ablob often bleed and
iilrera'e, tx-romltig Very ora. HwathIS
(JlVTMSlT "pa Iho Itching and hleeij.
Hitf, heals nlceratioo, and IB moat Oaaea
reni'.vea I he Inruora Al drnggi.la, nf
hv mail, fur fMI oeula. Dr. Haa ba A rVm,
enmpany have flleJ aoilca lo Ibia ff-ct,
ro Iba ground of nii'epre.t,iati'o in
cibtalnltig lnurat.fe. Tha fat tnat e
eral fi'ea i.f incendiary an t Dot aid.
denial nrlglo prera Ie 1 IL a of a fW
weeks tg'i, and this koowlexlga aa ma
lerlal to tba fiak. Is Iba tj-lioo at-0
Iowid ar L'r I fw days agt a
veteran mroernal traveler from Ran
; Fraociano wm run doao by ao loeijer
; aoeed Dalla bietoliat. " A'a yno buriT
I lo'jiirl a aympalhelia byslander,
I llrt. feapot dej tha ilfHltilHW In a
' SO; prwaaed VuiOe, "oo bel I'm Lurt-
For lareiy year I've teo a ranUtl of
cili, d'lilgmg forty lnn-a a day cable
ear, ImH rara, rqnawava and liO mt-
Wa quota tha following Hard
Timea prices hit Uasu :
One New Home, latest t'yle. ne, $35 00
One New Home, style ie?o, baan
run a Mt'a but good s new 3100
One New Home, second hand, in
good order; a bt'gin 10
One f svonta, hat been ranted out
and vied a litre, good as new, 8
Thiuarf Haraaln Prlrtt Jar imimillatt ocwirf
am, 1 an wr on
P. C. Thompson Co.
Notice of Intention.
l.tnu Orru t at Tub Iiai.im, (hum,
June 71, A
xoti r. ia iirRfHy nwr.s iiiat mr
lv liillnitliis iiame ai'ttlr l.aa eir.l nnln.
l Ms Intention In niaka nnal linerf In ii.wirl
M his rlal'n, ant lhal lt .nil mill l.e ma.U
neln'ej w. Morri. I oiml ( lera.al lli'Mmer,
oreifiii, nn Am in, iw,, i :
HK1HY 1'owrl.l,
H4. r.. No. :rri, ir Die a', ,;. Kr. r and
UK KKta h. At,. 1u 1 S. H K vt. M
Me tiatiK-a Ihe MlnaliK ailnrMu-s l.n.v his
eoiitliiiuMis retlene un ami eultltatlmi ul.
MI'I laii'l l :
M. t Hvti'l. John A Thw' tU.lierf fur-
Mef, I. l Van Mlnkle.all nt He..ner. oiili
ilk. . M'XiHV.
A I lOirlaler.
Wood Wanted.
fit lawvat ef ran
wi r.m. mi 1 m m m
TaiKinglM His pat!
Tbe man wbo talks through hia bat is
everywhere io evidence very objection
able avideoca it is, loo, io moat oases.
Tba man of Intelligence covers bia
creii'uuj with ona of
fine straw bate, which ia in Itself a sign
of proeperily and gd taste.
II also bnya bis urnceriea, gents' for
Diahiligs, slot kmeu'a supplies, eto., at
Mr. Howard makes a seclally in those
things rt quired by sheep aud cattlemen.
lleinemW tba place asaw
Four doors south of lha U ty boteL
i k h a.l leiard ol iM.irl. I
.0,n ,u. e-,-, v . we . , lobakooCk-dover la jay
otnabam will bring sut agaioal Iba av. I t ........ .. , , . .'
aral ootnpaaiea f r lha ncovtra tf L.s
ta Mrarnv ,tr that Tiir.
' I Hrl.t.iier.
f , 1 1 1 r--el e lille lor Ilia dellferf ol flits-
l'i.r.,oli c-l tn-i at lha hia, ir mltrs al
lpt..ner. aame tn 19 rnil nn Jul In. I
r. l tm leiete-l nt elora'! I
The rri raaeroa lha rlaht ki rrjwi anf nr al
Br out. a r tni Bo.an.
A Ileal
1 ) a-arart. c le.k
tnla-l. Ilei.ie, Or . imia IS, Uk a
Notice of Final Settlement.
Nirtu r. 1 Hr.gr.sy i.tvrv that t"R
unie'Slrf 4, I. a'l.fili,lstratr tha
eelale ill Jai.iea 4 kr1., drfv1 l
raaka S'.el aettlemrnl i4 his ifmi.U I'h l I
et.aia aa a-K h a-l'i.lnleirator, al lha Ml t le'm
i in eMinl eo.ift l M'-rro eniir al llenn
aer, " M h'.i't'i al in f.i,n honsa In "H
eiMblr. oa Ua M itaf u ai- i it
a. 1 HKrrrttif.,
If AimKiiatrainr.
libt or
HoUerlUralo lha Weakly Una. Iba!
e n.lrgfaief f Ofefva. il r ar.' rTtra Abvr.H r..r,t
If. II a (II I... tv.b to adva. f, l ''
wr tear. A A v tf alM a. I aa1 tt
J.liiba.te.U;iwvfl-. Wwitai. r.i.r,. j
at iieci'jir.rt
I .hr.w O. C. II.
Arc the Highest of nil High Grodcs.
tfai.ti"1itlil riiiaiif lllrtela built in lha nrl4. refaolleas of frrt,
in hnl t lolniett lu far mil one lor an I' lcrlof heel. Insist 00
hsili ilhf a-rl y. Until S'1"! I'iaraniiet t,f its Indiana Bicycle ba , a
n.lliii.n dnllsr niMrfn. aboM IimI last looJ as inM
R0S. 2210. LAOI S'$78.
t, Iiuar)li, , r. a. A
'aatera Orefoa, rn-1S'h, lr.
f J 21lfc SCORCH
V if Ui VIH ft. RAlUrf r.
y ra. A feal M faateri
Plenty of them
GaZvtto Office.