Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 05, 1895, Image 2

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-.mil vs.
Mr. O'Brien's relatives live, Yanoouvei
and oHier Paeifio const cities. Hit
friends in Spokane wish bim joy, andtbr
hride is felicitated by hundreds of ad
iijirers. Spokane Review.
Mrs Hbermoo is well known in thin
A BCItGLAR stole &4 70 nnd a kisa city, being b sister of D. A. MoAtee.
The bed bug and tbe potato bug
are ha I enough, but tbey do Dot
require us rich food as the gold
from a woman, in Port Jervis, N.
Y., and the ungrateful old maid
reported the robbery. Portland
Tbe Guzette j iins in congratulations.
Advertising e
Will help you out
The Missouri democrats 6hould
not now hesitate to call their pro-
The undersigned having been restored
to health by simple means, after Buffer
ing for several years with a severe long
hflVctioD, and that dread disease, Con
sumption, is anxious to make known to
posed confeence. Their Kentucky hiB friw Bnfferers tbe means of
brethren showed them bow
straddle a bai betl-wire fence.
A Grand Soldiers' Reunion
The campaign againBt the re.
election of Senator Mitchell hns
already been commenced by the
Oregonian and its satellites. Tho
Telegram the other day remarked
that a few weeks' residence in
Oregon would modify his views on
the financial question, as he would
find the innjority of his party
against the white metal. The
Times does not believe this to be
true, for the rank and file of the
republican party in Oregon, as in
many other states, i9 opposed to
tho demonetiz ation of silver, and
those who are trying to manipulate
mutters in thi interest of Wall
stieet will find it out to their cost
at the next election. Mr. Mitchell
is mure nearly in accord with the
views of the majority of the people
of this state on the silver question
than any other promiueut republic
an; and if the next senator must
perforce be one of that party we
would rather see him elected than
any one else. facksonville Tildes.
Mb. Eichaed Crocker sends
word from London that he is in
favor of democratic harmony. But
Mr. Crocker neglects to tell where t'.iera nothing, and may prove nbl'saing.
to get it. Kansas City Journal,
To those wbo desire it. be will cheerful
ly send, free of charge, a copy of tbe pre
scription used, which they will find a
are cure tor Consumption, Asthma, Ca
tarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and Inng
maladies He hopes all sufferers will
nse his remedy as it is invalnahle. Those
desiring the prescription, which will oost
will please address, RmV. EDWARD A.
WILSON, Brooklyn. N. Y. junll-w.
An Extensive and Appropriate
Program for the Two Days
Racing and Other Sports.
The two factions of democrats
in Kentucky both won. It was
sixteen wind to one platform.
Carlisle got the platform and the
silverites the wind and the goveru
oi. Exchange.
Indians Cue a Pern lar Carriage on the Nex
Perce Reservation.
An Eastern paper says the Ken
lucky Kold bug democrats formed
a hollow square. That
but the silver forces and their can
didate for governor were on the in
side when the fight was over.
Prof. TIarvey, author of Coin,
and Hon. R. G. lloir nre now pre
paring for the great financial de
bate to take place in Chicago com
mencing July 1G ami continuing
about two weeks. Mr. Horr will
attempt to tear down the argument
and bhow the false touching of
"Coin's Financial School" and Mr.
Harvey will attempt to substanti
ate all of the arguments in the
book, fellow his authority and an
swer the single standard argument"
of Mr. Ilorr. The debate will
take place in a small hall in the
presence of a stenographer and
about one hundred invited guests,
The debate will lust three bourn
each day and although but 100
peoplo will hear the debate, it will
be given to the piess each day and
the American peoplo will bo the
jury and decide upon the merits of
the debate for themselves. Kveiy
one who citi should rovl tho argu
ment!! of both sides, as this debate
will bo a great educntor.
Recently the Niz Perce Indians werf
buying buggies, says tbe E. U., and tb
stook on band at the neighboring town
ma soon exhausted. A story is told td
one old Indian who failed to make a pur
chase, and after all tbe buggies wen
is right, tfone a dei-ire to possess some sort of i
conveyance started him on a oiligeu
search. After visiting all the plHoer
where vehicles were sold without snc
ess, be finally learned f a oonveyanot
wbioh, from the description, co upletel
overshadowed anytLing in point of ele
gauoe ever sold before, and tbe posses
siou of which would render all the In
liana wild with envy. He Bought on
the owner, who proved to tbe town
audertuker, and opened negotiations
for tbe purchase of the Vebiole. TU
undnr'aker soon fraud tbe ludian wautei
to obtain bis hearse. The thought stay
iiered him fur a m"ment, but having a
eye to business, and Doting tbe anxiet)
of Mr. Redskin, tbe hearse was sold foi
California's chief justice of the a good round sum.
supieme court has decided that The Ind..,n bitched two horses to tb-
, sombre vehicle, a, d putting bis ttqua
while poker-playing may be an , ,. . , , ,, Z ,
r J a"d pappooBes on the inside, trotted oil
objectionable amusement it cannot ((r h()raP( tbe proa(lt,8t coppPr f0e that
be classified as gambling. 1 he ever strung a bow. Tbe other Indians
next, thing we shall expect to hear bearing f ins coming, had lined opolong
in that hoiha iimfHsHiunal has de the road to watch bim pass,
cuieu 10 iesi me views or. our
upreuie bench on this point.
A New York minister hss
preached a sermon on "Potatoes,
and How to Raise Them." It is
now only a step to texU ou "Hasp
berry Jain und Jamming," "Milk
ing a Cow on the Right Side," etc.
Anything that will "draw" goes in
N'ew York, even with her preachers.
Cleveland Pres.
on bis high seat, be drove haughtily b)
ihem, bile the little pappooses peered
through tbe glass sides and clapped
their bands rapturously.
The friends of Congressman The agent remonstrated with the In
lloimnni. .mvo l.l'i.i a Mnnnlion nf . MlBtl. bllt all tO DO purpose. HeretalDfd
his home iu Roseburg last Friday,
To say that Islington knows how to
appropriately manage a Fourth of Jul
celebration and pleasantly entertain her
guests but places it mildly. For if one
person failed to baveagood old-fashioned
time and to thoroughly enjov themselves
the writer failed to looate tbem. At the
Reunion and 0 imp Fire old comrade
ship, patriotism and Americanism reigned
supreme, while throughout tbe ent;re
oelt-bration good fellowship and genial
hospitality were the predominant fea
For two or three days previous to tbe
lite of the reunion, the "clans" hadbeeD
gathering and by noon Wednesday the
camp grounds were specked with many
tents, in fact as a wbole tbe pi ice looked
like a little city. The crowd was consid
rably augmented by the number win
went down from Heppner, among wbom
was tbe Heppner quartette whose musip
lent to tbe nooasion, After all bad galb
-red at the grounds and mingled to
aether for a short tiroa t' e gathering
was oalled to order by Chairman Willis
The following is the program as adver
'ised, though there were several ohanges
toboV ;
Music Drum Corps
Speech Comrade C. o. Morey
Medley Heppner Quartette
Recitation Nora Boon
Music Lexington Choir
Kei ltatlon Mrs. Kennie Gtenger
Music Eight Mile Choir
Recitation Cora Drlscoll
Vocal Duet Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Allen
Remarks Comrade A O. Bart' oloraew
Music Drum Corps
Adjournment for Supper.
plaoe of the sack race at tbe latter did
not fill. This race was won by John Pat
burg. It is anneoessiry to say that the tug of
war was won by the single men wbo
greatly enjoyed tbe cigars.
NOT! 8.
Frank Thomas created considerable
enthusiasm Wednesday evening when be
sang "Tho Cat Came Back."
The stand was beautifully decorated
with boquets. provided, arranged and
presented by Mrs N. A. Kelly.
Stands, merry go rounds, shooting
galleries and Doroupines made everything
lively in trying to dispose of their wares.
The Lexington oho r, with Mrs. J. D.
Brown as organist, rendered some ex
cellent selections, solos, quartettes and
A few fhkes of snow fell with tbe light
shower of rain late in the afternoon.
This is q lite an unusual sight, snow on
tbe Fourth of July.
Mrs. N. A.Killy and A. W. Patterson,
wbo were both on tbe program for
Lbursday, were foroed into service
for addresses Wednesday evening.
Tbe fall of rain for about an hour at
noon dampened the ardor and spirit of
tbe crowd for a short time, but the warm
tunsbine which followed soon brought
back the mirth.
Sidney Collins, of Arlington, makes a
model ohief marshal. He is quick, ac
tive and graoeful, and though forcible
in command, yet, so pleasant that all are
anxious to obey.
Tbe Heppner quartette, ooraposed of
Miss Anna Brown, Mrs. P. 8. MoSwords,
i. S. Horner and A. W. Patterson, enter
tained tbe crowd as best they oould at
different 'imes during tbe rendition of
the program.
Comrade Bartholomew's reoitation and
song at tbe camp fire was very appropri
ate and rendered in a touching manner.
He is what might be termed a "general
pnrpose horse." He oan sing, pray
speak, blow the bis, drum and tell funny
war stories without limit. A camp fire
would be incomplete without Comrade
Bartholomew's smiling oountenanoe,
Do You Want a Rig ?
I Don't You Want a Place to
rut up Your learn :
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, vi eyuu.
These gentlemen are well acquainted Wlth Grant, Harney. Crook Gljliam and other counties,
and cau save money a..d time in making these seciums .......s .
Prices in keeping with the times. .
You Should Pwp
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
Airs. Tom Bradley, IPjtojd.
which is regarded by many as the
first boom for his fifth re-nomination
for congress next year. Her-
mann will doubtless have a very
strong following, but be will likely
the bearae, and in bis frequent visits to
tbe surrounding towns, driving in hi
somewhat gloom inspir ng conveyance.
Is no longer an ohj-ot of onriosity.
Hhw'k Thin? .
We off-r One Hundred Dollars reward
tim nnu .uua if flufurrli tllut ftutlmit h
also have strong opposition in surh LnreJ l)V au.H Cll,Hrrh cure.
1 1 t a I It
tmniiiUHies ns me turns.
Tongue and T. T. Oeer.
T. H.
FnoM present indications tbe
next English parliament soon to be
elected will be strongly in favor of
international bitnetalism. Iu fad
tho unionirtts claim a majority of
40, and the lihtrd If ml its abend)
Mil 111 II llll'ir Oil ''III, Ullll UIIK
change of afTnirs in England, we
ri'rtniuly would not have nui'h n
single standard bo I in this coun
try. Iu fact with Germany and
France already iu favor of a con
fereuco and England on the eve of
a clung', tho friends of nilvei
idiould certainly feel eucourngod.
Die KrjNlnne of the A nil
fn the edifice of health is vigor, which
uieaiiH not merely muscular energy, but
tn active discharge of the varinni funo
lona of the b idy, hkiIi as digestion, se-
retmn of tbe bile, the sotlon of the
'uiwels, the Cirrulatioo of the liloinl,
oibing more actively and thoroughly
uintntmte to the nuited perfortnana of
Iipsh function than the lenowneil lomo
Hid regulator, H mlelter'a Stomach Hit
lers 1 lie result of It use is a speedy
iiain 10 sirfnit'h, toyelher mill) tbe agree
ible oonscioiisness that the tenure of life
'S tie 1 11 g st'etitfili.Mied tbatnne i laving
'ip a storei'f viUlity against tho nnavniil.
bin draught hi'h old age m" npon
heatRfrin. The fortifying i lluxnc o
lliltrr ooniitnle it a reli t'il nafe-
X'lxrd against malaria, rheumatism and
Hnlney iiiiiiIiIm. A (!'! 1 1 a'i, sleep itn
limy through ll o. simI il protect
Iim systriu from the 1 ffn'ls of 0M and
Wi:illMMl il ' A I'OI'l LA It ( OtTI.K.
l' J. ClIKNIiT 4 Co.. Toled", O.
We, the nndeisitfiieil, have known F,
J. Cheney fur i be IhhI 13 years, and be
lieve bim perfectly bouorable in all
biiHiness trunsactioua and Uuanoiall)
able to carry out any obllgat'otis uiau
oy their firm.
Weft k Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo. O.
Wahiing, Kinnan k Marvin, Whole-
sal- DrnvgiHts, Inledo, U.
IIhII'h CatarrhCureis taken internally,
scliiig directly upon tbe blood and mu
cous siir'acps nf the system. Testiuioni
als sent free. Price 75a per bottle. Hold
by all Druggists.
J oh a T. O'Rrtra anil Mr. May hrrma
rnvr O'littrnliilat ..n.
TllE Snlfm editors know how to
use their tonui-H as well ns pen-
rila. Cot. llofer, of the Journal,
delivered an address last evening
ou Kngtihlt Lil.THturo at Mon
mouth, and Uoveri.or Fletcher
deliveied nil address this afternoon
lieforo a ttHc!ior' intt.tuti at
Kuli'in. Maj. Davy, of the States-
man is aUo a grout ttlker and
reci-ntly pilo at JclTerson. Ioiu-
TllE gold bugs in TennoHace arr
raving at the Oliver democrat
because tbey are trying to throw
. i . . 1 1 . i i
inn muo nii'i mo iiauuii i tin
ri-ptiblicana. They are wcak-miud-
cil. The KtatiM'lected a rt publicnn
governor lat )cr, but lie m not
aUoii to take In aenl. lint u
tbi' nan of mri)ing Til" dem
ocralte tiiaiun i, ' lira, is i win,
tails you lose." Inter Orcati.
The Dalli:, Heppner au I IVn
dlotou ate rat h tclliug tli publii
what a giand help a telephone) to
t the interior would ln t.) tln-ir
trad. Tho inteii.ir at rrMit
would hkii to fd a liltlo tf aaid
talk aaaumc S'ltiftLioij more than
air-casllo project. Eagle,
Acror.MNa to l)uoo an 1 ftrJ.
treet tlii rCifid c ut ba aid
contiou to bat tin country in
th rr ti i t buck iuU B
ol LtuiacM t,roouiity.
H ilemo nuptial mass in h'Mior of John
r O'U'ien and Mrs. May Shemian was
hi braird Thursday morningat theOon-
I ia rliinoh by Itev. Faih-r I'hIU.Iuih,
4 J., on the oenasionof the niarclsgepcr
iimny which linked two lives for all
Tli eontraoting pa'lier well known
ml admired lo Hpikanr,liiitb being morn
iban usually favored iu personal apprar-
tnoe ami l"tli having a lrg cirri nf
wurro ami lntini'e friends. Mr. O'llnrn
lbs AnCiatrd l'rrsa night operator at
th WVstern I'nion, bile ii vily bildn
la fD Clerk of the Stamp drpa'liiirnt
f Ih poeliifTu'esiiu l'vistniasier Mallon
UMik charge.
A limited nnniUer nf personal friend
rr preseot in cbnrch when Id bridal
tarty walked slowly up the ail to seal
hi front i( lh altar. Mrs Hbrrnian
it 1 1 re I in beautiful bttotlum,ib
enlr's ror. and was rseortrj tv I'eter
t'lltavral.l.lhr bl man. Following cam
'tm groom, with Mow Frank I (lnppen,
(lie ttrtdrsiuaid. The HnprrMieerniony
'nru b'gsti. lb choir of girliii vmrx
unking i-h eled ti)tun iluting III Cil
f nlinii nf tb iu At Hi rl of lbs
r Ftii"r I'!) In o ni I llm !
ua l lun Bil l wif a branlifiil l,rr,
rt Willi h I. deflated thai th saorsnirnt
f mairtaga on tool I I m llgbttr
thought of by Hi ('.ltilie entering mat- j
'iniouy. II a hn ulli l Ih-m lit follow
Hi reis ef Hi rl'U'Ch il was lhj
crel of I ni h i'inr. -f you onl.l
intn to Id kilt ii of an el. I man, at lb
( ..!( tKi.C. IUr,"b.
ni' J I his ! and your bi pieets u
.In wndd and lb world l. sin is a.
d "
OiVrrs f ir fl'trtt r laid kl lh
rt lliig brek whli b waagiVia l
it rnlroo i f M'. MeA'r. mtl,f of
lb bfol Mr, and Mr. O'llorn will rw
id thi r Uni-irriU, sil)rr ll.sy t.l
Furnished by . I). Harlao, land and
mining attorney, Washington, D. 0.
There I no authority for the repay
ment of donbli minimum excess errone
nusly leq.iired under a desert land entry
nf au rcii sei'tiou witinu the limits or a
railroad grant.
Acuta' notice of a settlement olaini
ill prnlict ucU claim as against tbe
tilit.rqnetit entry of ajother, wbeo such
notice is snpporied by actual settlement
ami improvement ujou OoDliguoil
Work di n ont"liU lb boundaries of
a claim, tor lb purpose of eitraolioo of
mineral Iherefroin, is as available for
holding the cla m as though dun wilbm
the btuindarira nf lb claim Itself.
Land containing stone available for
making lim canuut b entered as a lode
Huoh land may b eptered as a placer
BimleCall by Bugler
Music Drum Corps
"Tenting Tonight" Lexington Choir
Recitation Bert Peck
Recitation and Song A. G. Bartholomew
Recitation Nellie Marshall
Selection Heppner Quartette
Recitation . . . v Harlan Stanton
Song1 Bert feck
Recit tion .". 1 A. Man-ell
Song J. M. White
Remarks, Songs and Addresses by Comrades
and Visitors.
Music Drum Corps
Yesterday morning was ushered In
hright and sunshiny, but even ere old
Sol bad put in bis appearanoe over the
eastern bills the people of Lexington
were reminded that another anniversary
if our nation's independence bad arrived,
by the early arrival of Morrow ocnntv's
oiti.ens in hacks, wagons, carts and on
horseback, and that it waa time to be up
and preparing for tbe events of tbe day.
At 8 o'clock tbe veterana and citizens
formed in line under tbe leadership of
Chief Marshal Collins and marched tn
lbs crossing tn await tbe arrival of the
Heppnsr train, wbicb soon arrived vith
at least 4)0 people on board, while
nearly bait at many more came by pri
va'e conveyance. Here many slight d
and marched to tbe grounds, while the
remainder walked over from tbe depot,
and by 10 o'clock it is safe to estimate
that there were folly 1"00 people congre
gated iu the grove to hear the very in
teresting program that bad been pre
vionaly arranged for tbe occasion, and
a was tbe ease on tbe previous day sev
eral change were made, tbnngh e givr
II below ae arranged and advertised
wbicb I in substance the tame:
TMuneoav, July 4th.
RevetlU, M . M.
Rrrakf! ( all. 7 m A. M.
Awiulile at o'clock; man h Irnra town to
depot, thtiic lu grot.
Culled from the Eagle.
Billy Rob bins is in from Heppner.
Ves Hinton and Bob Cannon returned
from Heppner early this week with
Mrs. Robert Gilmore oame over Mon
day from Morrow county to visit friends
and relatives in this county.
J. Q. Neatnn, of Monument, made a
business trip to Heppner last week te
look after tbe sale of his wool clip.
V. A. Eastman passed through Long
Creek early this week, en route from
Heppner to bis Grauite creek borne.
Boone Molkey went over to Hfppner
last week, where be placed himself
under tbe treatment of one of Heppner'
phyaioians for dropsy.
Byron Barnard shipped 1500 head of
cuttle last week from Heppner to Wy
oming parties. The band was purchased
prinoioally in Grant county.
A silver club was organized in tbis
oity last Saturday, with J. A. Steacb,
president; D. G Browning, vioe-presl
deut; T. P. Hall, secretary ; E. O. Wood-
all, treasurer. Tbe league will hold an
other meeting on July 6.
Utis Patterson arrived from Heppner
Wednesday. He will take in Desolation
lake and other mouutiio eight before
he returns. In speakiog of busioes of
Heppner be ay that more wool baa
been received at Ibe warehouses of that
city this year than any previout season.
IF Mr. Columbus were alive to
day and called at Mat Lichten
thal's he might make a new discov
ery quite as memorable as that of
1492. (.'hi is was a great discoverer
in his day. He would at this time
discover the fiuest stock of Shoes
ever shown iu Heppner, and the
cheapest as well. V hat more does
mortal man want ?
The Old, Oriuinal Shoe Merchant.
M. -L LC 1 1TENT 1 i A.L.
Main -Street, Heppner, Oregon.
Custom Work a Specialty.
4 IL 6, - SG5.00
5 It - $67.50
6 IL - $70.00
5 Per Cent Dis
couot for SrOT
Now i tbe time to get tbe Weekly
Oregonian, tbe greatest oespper of I
the West. With the Gazette, both strict
l in advance, for one year, $.'). No better
combination of nespaper can be made
io the slate. Besides we will give as a I
premium au additional Journal. tbe Web-
foot I'lanler, an agricultural pier.
(Jouie la now and suborlie.
Enclosed Gear ni Sieel Tubular.
(Hdrrrd TrUl.
Oai ai. Cat. "About two year ago
I unlet! from J. 11- (Ulea k Co.. Han
Kraut iso'i, a laiitl of Huiiiu ma I.hr
ll. giilal' r on 1 ml. and o ttfetnr)
ba ben it ti Hi rtprlling till tn m
Hi . trio, and regulating lb aellun of
lb liver, Ihal from an order of on al a
tini lh ord-r ba nxn in a Jua .
lie al once" It V Lawrence.
W nslc ...
Address ol Wtlcontc
Instrumental eln
KndUi PeiUralliin
Oration ,,
t ight Mltf Chi.lr
by I'hsplalp
. Itrppnergiisrlrllr
I M. White
J H. Rimlliht
.... Mr, i. P ftrii
. Carl B-ar
. l-tliiflnn I hoi'
. . A. W. 'iii-rsiHi
'rum I'nrr
J.N. nroon
Heppner jnrti-ltt
Adjourn lot l'liuiri.
Und Minbe, wbo tarte4 east with a 1
band of sheep laat spring, returned to
Heppuer Wedoeday eveoiug. Uud was
akeu severely III when near Dolce,
bere be waa ent to tbe boapilal. Here
tie bad an operation pe'forml, and was I
compelled to remalo ibere for about
b re week. Heoometbome to recreate
and build up bi system, and ehuild lie
succeed will j 'lo bi orew again later on.
A lV'sebnrg lady knocked an InenleDl
ewlng maeliiu ageol down and filled
htm full of lead from bi own pistol the
I her dav. Folk aren't surprised el
m)thing In a woman nowdys, but it
a fnnnv Ihal tbe bullet penetrated
be aarM'a skin. He most have been
tew al Ibe lniines.
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Lash Unly.
frank U rg left Tnea.Uy for lVrllsoJ
here be spent lb rou rib.
Ik rl l k alvanlairif thi hesp
rat.- and efi Fu'N for I'.irlUn.l. IU
til al.o Visit llillsborit Irirud while
M her shall w look f f bera of
lh fmurr k Hi Nw Vik Tune.
To wlileh lh I'.fland r'ln rep'te. "la
lill . fist eau baviog lVitlaud
lata la."
As rii!n-lirim irotisly remarks that
it in d-vil In si oig oalls put it la
lb ls l of worn' a thai b bad tn-ltiing
... M. ' l wear, and ' t" kept It IUf ef
l"r 10 i. . ...i...n.
tdlrr .
Itn lUIPin .
MiiU- ...
Ili lutlon
Isi Um.Uoii
Mn.if ,.
I'.nlUtlon ,
kn ttltn
I 10.
riM Mil ( holt
Mrs X. A. K.lt)
Mll '. Ilrrrrn
llrpphrr l('inr1lr
Mrs J N hroa
. ln-ix- palniei
. I'tlnilon ( hi'll
Harlan Mtil.ai
.... Ion w hllr
I. M Knit
The Eeehy Institute i
For tho Curo o
Liquor, Opium tni Tobacco Habits
It I InraM at Mem, Oregon,
Tht Uut Beautiful Town on fAe Coast.
Call at lh nttirr oftlr for partlrttlar.
eirtrilycatittdtntul. Irwtinsnt rtTiao4 sure
It 1 vl oa roarni by all dni.
ft". Il cire Innpin Cunaumpttua
ad U liio boat CouuU ana Croup Cur
rr ie tf 1. tt. Ars. it . 'tustl
sine by br own rierliuo
II n. W 11 Kilt n l tl departJ
last M ! f Kigtn, t'ni-a "aa'y,
w her Mr I'.HI detorered an nratu-n at
ih H ddier' lUnninn and Konrih of
July erlebrahno beU Ibere Wednrfclay
and )slrJy.
C.. tn Ul 'b: AMrt,T. R. ad
J hn I.rne l ;re'nl at l'ld t'-
.... Hksirit. i B, viii rrmaitj
lkl lo.ueli. li.ie.ra to. ks ipi d aaltlise iittb
filing i urn oy roigriniainrj l j U m a' MS H al. suns l&rj
tans wew rwrwJ iia Utsank, ber 1 rmisMi siisst tbe fvwili.
At the eh of Ibe afto ho' ro
erarn Ihe crowd repatreJ tn lb rare
trM k a sboil disUiK- below lb grove lo
wiine lb race. Tbe oicyele rsr
r d is pen J wtlb beeaas of tbe fact
thai tbw were no eel Me, Ibongb bi
lberlaa afre far ell re, ibrwontJ
orUinly bate beo a anmber f eoa
peinora. There fonr ealrU in lb f rd
fot rc for girl nndr 12 year nf age.
Tbe race rnlu4 In a tie rio Wll
IUny and Miaele IV.IUrhid. bo I on
bin; ma orr waa woo tr IVlle
I Four enli la wra r' J. f..r He
bo, 12 ar old M m tie, bit Ibe
too easily nun by llariy tlnae, l
A lrfil .UJ 7m vti give i&e
nil tit(. rr.t in.jirriT ri
M .Hi r prrrl li tr-t! rl
tof f gairrs lifM-n (rnpwiftl farms In
ntt-"ti IO taairra rl'i a ftof nln-
a.rt ! "" e annum Uorl(a4
r !,.-1 that rl lS'i b -hl vev
l lra I'h ratoB
OH atSrlRT.
H'kff Us, Orrvoa,
hotkt of Intention.
ivpnvft. r. at trie pi I ta. nmooi.
Maf n. -ir Is bir- si"'1 'ba
lh loUol
III itntioj lo aaas SSi Pf I" a.(t'1 "I
k't .!). an"! ir-al aai I irnrt I la, ma.
haixr J M.tt a ei. SI H'tar,
111.144 O aCCiTT.
N( ja -l f.ih a4 h li
a'.. l f -II lf aHnraias M f
Hju-iii nwm tulH ra 1 .'.liiu
ai ... I tar I
k 'V M l !!', T"l lal
, 4tlf V. raaH.sJMW1!"",,
UllluU I
Hows Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one. call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.