TOCR BRANDS. While 70a k.ep yonr .nbscription paid np yen can keep your brand in tree of charge. Allyn. T. J.. lone, Or. Horse GO on left shoulder; cnttle at on left hip, nnrtnr bit on rixht ear, and npper bit on the left; range, Mor row county. Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar nn. der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand, O 0 on left hip and horse same brand on right shonider. Range, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, J A con-nei-twi on loft flank: cattle, sameon left hio. Biird. D. W and son. Horsei branded D B on the left hip; on tie the same on left flunk, crop off rigH ear, ntidercrop in the left. Iiange in Morrow County. ' Bfirtholampw, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horees branded 7 E on either Bhoalder. Range in Mor row ootintv ttannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear, Brenner, Peter, lionseberry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on right side. n Hnrke. M 8t C, Long Creek. Or On cattle, MAY connected on left hip, oiop off left ear, nn. der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow 0Hro8man, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; oattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop Tid right ear o riper slope. Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; oattle same on right hip; split in Brown! Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; oattle same on right hip; range, Mor- rBrown',J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle C with dot in cei ter on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Kena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hIBoyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in Born, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shonider; oattle. same on left Mo. Brownlee, W. J., Fox,Or Cattle. JB oonneoted on left side; orop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cnf out on right eBr; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley, Grant oounty, Carsner Warren, Wagner, Or. Horses brand ed O on right stifle ; oattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in Grant and Morrow ooiinties. Cain.E., Caleb.Or. Y I) on horses on left stiflei V with qnarter circle over it, on left shonider and on left stifle on all oolte under 5 years; or left shonider only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Grant connty. Cate, Chas. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties, Cornwall, M M, Galloway, Or Cattle crop ont of f.ach ear and underbit, wattle in forehead; horses half circle C on left stifle. Range JHor- ow and Umatilla comities. Curl, T. H John Day, Or. Double oross on each hip on oattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant connty. On shoep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. EBr markoii ewes, crop ou left ear pnnehed npper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and nnder half orop in left ear. All rungs in Grant oonntv. . , . . Cook, A. J.,ljena,Or. Horses, BOon nghtshonl der: Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square orop off left and split in right. Currin. R. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, " on left stifle. Cox Ed. 8., Hanlman, Or.-rCaitle, C with Kin oenter: horses. CIS on left Sip. Cochran, R. K., Monument, Grant Co, Or. Horses bmtidud circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: oattle same brand on both hips, mark nnder slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded n on right hip. Cattle brauded the same. Also brands CI on horses right thigh: ca t'e sneie brand on right shoulder, and out off end of r'l)!ugRass. W. M .Galloway. Or. Cattle, It Don right snle.swailow-foik in each ear; horses, It D y. Br''., Donglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip, hole ir right ear. Ernerv. C. H.. Hanlman, ur. norm nrannen () (reversed C 1 i-..... 1 f .,!, 1 ..,11 ilh taill on left shoulder; cat. tie" same on right hip. Range in Morrow oonnty. Florence, L. A Heppner, Or. t attle, LF on right hip; horses F with bar uniter on right "Florence, 8. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F on right shor.idx'; cattle, F on right hip or thigh, French, George, Heppner. Or. Cattle branded WF, with bar over it, on loft side; crop off left car. HorH 'o. same brand on hifthip. Gentry, Miner, ttcitiu, Or -Horses hrended H. 8. with a iiKrler cin'le over it, nn left stifle. ltKnge in Morrow ami Umatilla counties. Miatt A. B Kidga, Or. Cattle, round-top K with quarter circle under R on the right hip, Un'ivnln Morrow and ll'iiatillaramntios. Hinton A Jenks, llatnl Hon. Or Cattle, two hais on either hip: crop In right, ear anil split in left, Hums. J ou right thigh. Range in Umiit oouuly lliorhna. Hiimnel. Wagner. Or-"T" (T F I connected) on right shoiililuroa normm; on cattle, on right hip and on left aid", swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack diHiHni.Mo".,w eonntv Hule, Milton, Warner, Of. Horses branded -O- (cattle w th ii'irallei mils) on Inn snoulilxr ('utile mine on Ml hip also large circle on left side. Howard J L. Gillnway, Or. Horses (nro with hir s'nivti i'i on right sho tlder; nattl-. sums on l"'t side. Rung- III Morrow and Umatilla counties Hall, Klwin, John Day. Or. Cattle K II on rigid hip; horn a sa nnoii ri-ihl slluiildnr. Range in Ornnt county. Hughes, Mat, lleponer, Or. Horses, shaded heart on the lf t nhoiiiilnr. Itange Morrow Co, linnsakxr, 14 A. Wagner. Or.-Horec,V on left Slioiildnr. cattle. Won Lift hip. Humphreys, i M Uardiuan, Or, Horses, II on let' Hank Huston, Luther, Fight Mile. Or. Horse II on the left shool .T tl I lisrt on the Infl stifle Cat tie sains on lft hip. K'lttge in Morrow county Jona, H irry. Hipn 'r I tr Horses brmi'ld II J on th niioiitdfr; cattle lira idisl J on right hip, also niiilirliil 111 nfl ear. Range In slur row ciMioty. Jiiu.iu. 14. .41., Heppner, Or - Horsee, horss, sImm i on I" ft shiHilitnr. ( all Is, the asms. Range VlU. Johns in. Mix. L-na, r - Hnres. eireUT on left stiHe: rail l. Moie on right hip, under half orop in n' snd solit n lft mr Hnnr, Mtk, Heppner, Or. -HorMs hrae l't RNY on lefthip oat lis earns and crop oft left r: nndr slope on the right Kirk J T., Hnppner Or.-Horses ft nn left honlilef. cetllo. 1W011 left hip. Kirk. Jeme, Heppner. Or.; horse- II on left skimidori rattle Mina on tight side, uuderbil on riiM Mr. kiinilierland.W.O. Monnt Vernon. Or. I I, on csltleoii rigid and left sides, swallow fork in l ft ear and nnder oiop lit right ear. Horses sains brand on left shoulder. Ilsnge ill Omul comity, Lofleii, Wiin, in. Or, H Loo left hip on rsttls. crop and split on rigid ear, II sams brand na left shonlilnr. Hangs lirsnl BiMllltV, Limiallen, John W., L-H " Or.-llnmei brande-l half-circle J I. connected on left slum!, der. 1 at le. same on Ml hto. lUngs. near U'l Inifliin lKhey. J. W Heppner I hr. -Horses branded Land .4, o't lrt shouldor; rettle ssins on left Idp, walllsoyer riglit ), three sills In ngld ssr. l, lleiirgs. Heppner. tr. HorMs hrandel dieilds H,'t4 sWimetiuies eslleil s mi II on Istft lMl.Lr Mo is M V . Heppner, Or -Caltls hradl rireU in right Idp; hofaes sams wu right stille. IU' ,rlu Morrow "Hintr. Minor, tttr. nsnr Kr. Vlls, M O on rihi (no; horao M on t"ti shieilder. Momn, . N ,, iir.-llorsss, Ml OC left fthiMllil! cetlls Mine on left hip, Mil. hell llH-af on. Or. - Horses, I) im right bipi esius 71 right id". MiH isnet, H. (., Hr,,wnsvllle r,- Ho ffivurs a .HI Mi'll si, oolder itiils, Mioetun M.ttirr. frsiik. Fol Valle,, Or Muleshos oh ,w ens on call la imi nl sa l nnder In M"h asri horses mois bmtid n left otitis, Mi'Hnls. a. iis.uut.Mi. 4H. Mon ilh Kslf nr. ! en - on Ml sh.eil l-r .ei 1 sine, f.eir tmrs e.mno-le.1 on lop I HI hs rigid sols U4I1M tn ItrsMl l',Hlhtv. V- 4r,.'ew Ui lt- k Or - Horses 4 N e,.n- Us- led ,.n left sr,.Hl.ler. re'lls satis 'HI tstl rttias. VeMiss r.., Hiiven, r,-tiorsss.rircls 1 os Wl llilrtr, ssills Mtns on left hilt. (Mirer. J. -oh, I snim I'm, 1 ir - a I nn estus m left top horses, sains on left Hugh, lianas Is Ursnl , 1 1 niter. I'srtf, Iilngtisn, Or.-P O un left nip Hermse. I'isirte I'lty, Or.-On Mitts, 1,1 Artllisls I 'Mt Ml hipi horses 1 HI Isfl stlA and wants .hi nsse Its"' in llia'd e,ei,lf , 'esr,H. Illsrs. t .gl.l Mils. Ir. HorsM, .,or- fpf circle slonl.l imi len sr,sil'ef sn-l I imi len hi 1 s"l fori in left sr. rll, rr'tHl. M left hll, Kso on t KM I'stlM 4 Olwa. Hard esa Or.-II.HsMll'iHj left stt-eit 1st, I',.-.. Ir s I. .ltt.t.rtV Or - Horxsl l.rsl, 4 it, K e.iMnere' m, Ml stueil-lef 1 rslll g ri,e H t ltfi.1 rlp Hangs M.Hros; rHtlt J H . Il-i-.i r ll .r Jr- s ls left '-ll ler, rsllis, MtllSiNl Ufl hip s. -I t Ihi Is ss h ssr I'.l , I , .rr Ir J roHSes illssHd I e m s(,.H,i-lr ,til, J M J e.Hl,e-ls I I HI ! Mi hiu, UiMf slovs In left ssr sn l si i in iiw tight. H-l andrew. Msftoisn Or, H nses. s-issrs Sr,w silt, ist'H..-.r,-le i.tef it irtl tnfl stie h-,i 1 i,ris, lUi p isf. IN, llissss.4' Hist Mi .. I 1. kih lir. Hei'iHMW. Of.- H hsss sn tle r, slt'eit l-H- istOls I 4 H llts Ml hip rrH ,aj hrt -s sh I -tewisi' a ss k, lisnsrs it s4o-S S'-l s I- H-l-'g e,Mi,les H t 4nl-ew t m, lf-H tifSH lel 4 It -H, Mjl.l l,.e,l s, SsS,l t'Si sir.-s hSi4, rs'lls SVM wn flghl hip iS .. e.-., I, K.,s., 44 s H lrtfllls, lw lltt SSHlassHsi ll h ii-rtli r,r. Is hist l.i hi rsllle osj rt' l I, tl,i -r.-K iii'.i su sol si-lii In '. H.h ss'f.s h I Mt v-i ur, Iismsw IS M urn ,-, SM I II, 'is s e-es ,l,s. H.H.e i 44 M ..- Of - It Hsss, JO sa Ml slwnldsf. I ltH rl',l kla I H'ralgSI W , M ,ns "t t eses ftS I ,H W sorU -s"s I S . 1st I l,, tll I,.- is f es- si 4'Hi Is lrt ., ,., r , M.o . ,-r. or M.hsss, I (fur Is , 1 HIKS'el 11 SSI H I .Si I II- - V snneses( s k.sHI -, . t iH hi,, s , "S s HS h in ttrant connty. Smith Bros.. Hovumlle, Or. Horses, Branded H- Z. on shonider; cattle. mAon left shoulder. Hauims. James. Arlington. Or.: horses branded JB on left shoulder: cattle the same, also nose waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam con nties. Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 Son right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side Htevenson. Mrs A. J.. Heppner, Or. Oattle, Id on right hi; swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner, or. Horses, u on left shoulder ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Sperry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horses W Con left shonider. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on left shoulder; cattle. 2 on left shonider. Tipnets.8.T..Enierprise,Or. Horses. C-on left shoulder. Turner K. W Heppner, Or. Small capital T left shoulder, horses; oattle same on left hip with split in both ears. Thornton, H. M lone, Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. VandorDool. H.T.. Lena. Or: Horses HV con nected on right shonlder;cattle, same on right hit. Walbndge. Win.. Heppner. Or. Horees, U. L. on the left shoulder: cattle same on right hip. orop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John Q,. Balem or Heppner, Or. Horses branded Jo on the left shoulder. Range Morrow oonnty. Warren. W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter circle over it, on left side, split in right ear. Horses same branu on lett Shoulder, nangeio Grant conuty. Wade. Henry. Heppner. Or. Horses branded ace of spades on left Bhoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wolflnner. John. John Day Citv. Or On horses three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malhuer counties. Woodward. John. Heppner. Or. Horses. VF connected on left shoulder. Watkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or, Horses branded UE connected on left stifle. Wallace, Charles. Hnppner, Or. Cattle, W on nghtthigh, holf in left ear; horses, W on right shoulaer sonif same on left shoulder. Whittier tiros., nnnctngion, Baker Co., Or. -HorBes branded W B connected on left shoulder Williams, Vasco, Hamilton. Or. Quarter oir cle ovor three bars on left hip, both cattle and horses. Range Grant county. Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, anar ter circle over three bars on left hip; oattle same and slit in each ear. Range in Grant oonnty Wren. A. A.. Heppner. Or. Horses runningA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young. J. 8.. Gooseberry. Or. Horses brandw THon the right should" TAVERN OF e u o OPENS JUNE 1, 1895. GEO. SCHONEWALO, MANSaia. Luxury, Good Cheer, Hospitality, De- lif;litlyl and Itallliliil Fastimcs, Matchless Mouutiiio Scenery. SWEET BRIER CAMP. Established Inst year In a roman tic neii oi the MHi'rcmeiito Canyon, Just below and In full view of grand old HIiHHta It whs a great hit and promises still more encouraging re sults for the present year T J. Lofton, atCastcllu, is still in charge anu will answer an inquiries. A l cw candidate for public favor mis year is SHASTA VICINO CAMP, Also In the Hhnsta region, about a mile and a half from Diinsitmtr. It is a gen nine paradise for hunters, IIbIhtm and seekers of health and pleasure F.asy to reach (near the railroad), sightly, and all the ne cessities of cauip life easily procur able. All Inquiries about Hhasta V leltio l ainp, if aildressed to W. (;. (iniy, llox 1, Diinsiuiilr, Cul will receive prompt attention. Camping in The SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS 41ina, " rights, Laurel, Glenwood, Ft'lion, lien i.oinoiiu, lloulder Creek. Reduced Rates III llurlng the ('limping season will be niituu ny mo saimiHiN PACIFIC CO For full pnrtli'iilars address K. 1', HOi.KKS, Ast '' us. Agt., I'ollll.AMi. OllKollN. illy Jfi, Or any 8. I. Co. Agent. cf rU t iff. 1 Ui' htiinn I k- in ml flni i n rw. ti-l hIIimI i (lit htiKiulaitil I jl', lit Ihumhiif 1 li ftiiilli v, h-'ll of lltr-r U ton to Um py iimrt or iiiinti n H-itHirr4( i rmnily Mn stlnr (ire. nholii -mlutitr nf tti-w Itli't, cult l tii4t t hi a Ktnnll (Mtf, ptt i hut r-Ttitil n Hit In. it- Mutitl p rl ftif ft ii'"t Hi niMv lf Mil lit Im ( ai htMir. 'I It i ullll H, T H tl llH IlIlt ft lliirmrnl, cuMiiri', ttwt ft hut tun iMh tr, ami fit tii-it A I tl!i tin f of thiiiitti MI lltor pnliif rit)v t- litt Trtr ftliritrilniii of IH tHrt--t 9Hnvflit. Iht A Imiii 'I'tier li.tlti itl rt Ute hmtiir untl pn, lii4 h will flnti run lli a-iirr In it'' nifi(-iMniiti ml ti il i itrr i.f i !, I4 k VI IihIm , u-.r A tin iil (min tin t'tiiitil t liiiinf by r ' lr l4Hi;''f. f'i l'riitii nf vTK'V Aimer i-nttiitr. lih A mA fl fn In I T MlWt'ltcf fu I " tt . l- .t 4... I k. CUHYKIUHTS. V r4l t OMT4I1 a t4Tr.Tf r t. ., ssr s -I s -.- , .-,-s r-i t I I V . A 4 II , s - t-ir - j slit t-r . , -a, . - is) I t I sT ' I ss. - J.....S, t. i f --.- i., A llssWss l l-w --.w-s'.-si -,, 'strl -l , niimss-I li. 4',. s rs.-,,s4 tsl I I- - SS . I ' six-is I xs kurs fH .i s-... s. Irsllsr Isnlrss, .- 4 It. I-.-".-' I S I. ( Ss, . ,. ,.!,. rl . ... t-.s ir.- . s -! 4 rs.r, .wi , i IS.M.IM l.lf f I - . t r . . s -l s s, I -r s 4 l 4se 4 SIS ' r - .s spr lts. 4 I.-. In -sv- "llSf v.i.( ssm s--f ms -rf I ,v - s r . . . h. -. r m - - ss I- - Li .1 s-s' si, r ., s 4 . .s-w,., i s r-t . -i, , r " 4 --- ' .. I., sfc. u. , I '. . '-h' i tr -. A t SSJI 4AS ! evsa, ! ksUSMrr. Cast Crass n i d II I JV " s ,tn'r ", , -. 1 ns VI . '(,-! ,,f tills siiiM ll, Stfk ,l ttrt mM J , , I Hl'l: Bid 111" i-t-IH li Lll J imuit W iii.t hki.Mh-iI lii-m ihs TA T ; srrr vsai h 1 ,, X. , "''Ciiisl. ! ' Hi . sn riiui.its ri i Tf 'Z "ssst U.""''-4'-" flir j .1 H ..11 ..r ,i. r-....,r 1 ml. ah. , WT' nUDrM $ A fa l"hdlnes.hi.iiil.rol ihsMsie, . , w - Ai-VrTTVT'Tre , "r-'1'U(N V7' 2 I'lllt ami nprrliiv I In.irst.a lluil t ,' "Vu-- r5 1 1 1. 1.. of en .u i. it. , VA -v-Vr U- a tj , , (r r.T ' I t 1 ' I ,"""'h " ''''' " d '" '"' A- r ' 'j t i K; IOplC 'fl t .!" ' I " l.l..-r l.trr. i l ,f J. , (a Ms I .ir.i in ih.-ss .uri..HU t 4'n' f r ' 4 pf- f yyytr y f !- H In l'rB....sls,r. In My ' . V.'V- w V i.V:T y -Y It J "'nr--us ,1. 1 -s.i m, 1. , t,-' (! '. TT " ,C A ' J! J li ,h r.urr i.s nuns s.iirl.r sr j . . ! 'V ' ' t , 'i " ' ' ti rr.: "A .M. r.r,a,. mt ,'. , , J j V -' 'I Jr. 1..1. t... s..a m f it.. ' -4 . .'7i ' r I?: f. It, 1 ls..i s ts n. a ti'r,t 4H J !..-.', ' ; 'vi 4, r '. 4 -in it si.l ass li e . k .'," TwV. ."V 1 Nv ll f.,, vrTB n 4I.,.ii,.w. .7 H .' '. M III J...r siilrr .l..l.. it sj ill : ' ',' ( " " v't 4 '" f il s .t..r. a 4t.i-s.nrs !. !.(. f '' -'--' I 1 ti 'I u, I ,'.- i- If UV . - J. U . 14 t.. lim M.rt. Nr. t.sH. ' ) V.J. , ' i- U. V V A Li: I Ih-Hifh t,.asf..l.i..a s,.rw lie f v 4 I, , . 7 ' ft t t I I- ' fs.l.'. s-: -is sin, ts 4 1 1 ' it L; l .inih. f " . u- 1 1 .; IT ' .W 1 I .-...I s II.. 4-.h.t..u. T.i, ..f, ! rs.... t 4 i' .' I '. . V 1 V.-h.-....HI..,.l..l...Vms. " n'-t K '! a.', -"?. ;!' I .-. ..,f....r. s.41 t.l. sis! .ft T 1.1 :'.." - . '. z: : a' . "Z 1 . ' :. i oi.i ::iei r-'" ...... ........-.. -. ... , . ,,- ," V J ksx.'rn sV f.,.w.. If srs sus. .e ' - . I 1 !.,, J . lannta sri.,1 f. e Slw.ncS r - ,t,,, .,4 t',.. ..... i -, A . S SI I Si.i4 H-St Srr'1 g ll. Till 41 ll .S Sl "H (Ml f-' . J .4 a lit l ir ssr "t s g p.." r l- (1- .1 if In tw-e i I l s a.l k , 1 I, , . . f, 1 4 w ssix-'i li l'.isi s4 '-a. I "' . , U-S I.U.- 1- fn 1 U ,..,, I t . ' j - - . I', :it . i I . -a r . r I u bsbB k i m mm si-sis.w i i ii i 0 p. M E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE GIVES TUB CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental 3&Q "TO" TS? 3E3 25 GREAT UNION PACIFIC RY. NORTHERN Ry. VIA VIA Spokane Denver OMAHA MINNEAPOLIS St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on O. R. & N. Arnt at Heppner, tr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Phhs. Agt, Portland, Okeqon. QUICIi TI3VII3 I San Frnnoisoo ind all points In California, via the Mt, Hhasta route of the Southern Pacific Co. rhe great hiahway throngh California to nil points s.ast and Mouth, tirann Hoenlo hVouto ofthePanifio Coast. Fullinan BnSet Hleepera. beoond-olass Hleepera Attached to express trains, affording snoenor accommodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, etc.. call npon or address K. KOKHlKK, Mauai;er, R. P. ROGERS, Asst. len. Jr. A f. Agt., fortlaiia, uregon Most Modern and progressive For rstiilngiia or Infornmlton write to Tim MARLIN rikU ARAtS CO., New Haven, Conn. Thtcompsratlvtvslut ofthssstwocarda Is kLowo to most psriona. Thejr Illustrate that greater quantity la Not alweya moat to be deairtd. .'. These tarda express the beneficial qua! Ity of RipansTnbulcs 4s compared with eny previously knewa DVSI'I'.PSIA CLRU Rlpsns Tsbuls i Price, 50 cente boa. Of drugglata, 01 by mall. IIPlNt CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Spraca II., N T. Of i ta. 'Iirli'!l I .t r I s nisu a i -I i..:is in. ft- lrr)tsjl Nultsa C'i-.e I' I. 1 1 1 1 , N . M ,,, .Ms, fkinis.i.-ns, a l s. i. is t M rl..rr. stl I ssi 4 !' 't . In IIW srs. l-sss, T rl a f e i , t..i.isi. irm s 'e ;i. a il I tr 4 tv is tr4. si sx ets. I ' . 'm t V It ..1 I f. . r ti-tf ,is-. , 1 , ,,,. , . -t ;r ."- t I t il Is a . V -Ml .1 .rt.'.sl sfrssnsse " I- smi Isi a ,is4 la or us) '.,-. -. I . f assr4sl. IM. s! i i t. i t'' ' it ass Its tel is. ii si. I r, I s! n t ssis. ! s Ssrf 4 , . I. s.. .1 I ft r4 e .rf I ''.l s S ss -l ts.tssl Hrl 4, m "i r 1 1 ii is. I ' si 4-s sis.. .! f.r- i t ci". s-A ts-V4 I llr.l Hi -il s.fs. ,-' v 4 ' i r s-,-1 sr.- i- s 1 1 tree) S.MII.S4I; ) tin 4k. Illtttav rsM4sn 'Isrhrl a. Us ., 5st. jffiTtttt&L Lightest, Simplest, f Biljj j Strongest, iTrsJiTSTsJ Working, Aoliil Wwt55I'Wr J Most Top sJtjfrJ Accurate, Receiver. sff3flJ Compact, 1 . ANCic.ii 1 WAKRIORS. They Were Fbyslcslly Inferior to Soldiers of the Present. The popular tendency to enlarge everything that is far off and belittle that which is so close by is responsible for the opinion that the men of the present time are degenerate reductions the men of medieval times, who were giants clad in iron ana witn muscles of steel. The Paris Figaro thus shows the absurdity of this opinion: Our learned physiologists, after hav ing measured hundreds of skeletons, testify that the men of our times are from one to two centimeters taller than the men of the middle ages. We possess their war garments, and it turns out that we appear not only to have grown taller since the time when these were manufactured, but our shoulders could never fit into the steel corslets of our so-called athletic fore fathers. The superintendent of the museums under the Second empire, wishing to put on the armor of Francis I., the largest of all in the Museum of Artillery, was unable to do so. It was too small for him, though he was in no sense a giant. And here is another example. In Switzerland, - recently, on the occasion of a gymnastic tournament, the young men, wishing to close the festivities by procession with historical costumes, borrowed the arms and armor of the arsenal. Hut it is evident that their ancestors, people of little foresight, never thought of their grandchildren, and these grandchildren were unable to put on the armor. It was too small for them. So much for the stature of our an cestors. As to their supposed strength, we have no proof beyond the weight of the equipment of the men-of-arms. But the harness of the knights was very much lighter than haa commonly been supposed. According to one of the catalogues of the Museum of Ar tillery the weight of the complete armor did not, as a rule, exceed fifty pounds, and inasmuch as those who wore it were horsemen, it was the horse that had to bear the greater part of the fatigue. DOG WORSHIP IN FRANCE. The Darling Peta Are Surrounded with Every Comfort. A new religion has sprung up in France thut of dog vcrs'iip. These darling ot of sru.rt '.vumcn have a charming time of it win n thev are rot being vh itv eted by brutal scientific men, as lis olteu the case; for pet dogs, like refined people, are peculiarly sen sitive, their nerves as well as their tastes being ultra-developed. The prize favorite of his doting mistress is armed at all points, says the London Graphic. He has his own tailor, who provides him with a variety of clothes. lie has winter coats, Bummer wraps, mackin toshes, comforters, pocket handker chiefs, even respirators. Dogs have been trained to eat their dinner off a tablecloth and to carry a sunshade over their devoted heads. False teeth, too, can be provided, and dentists are found specially prepared to minister to the canine race. And with all this luxury the charm of the dog's company will be destroyed. Artificial and civilized he will differ nowise from men; and we all have experienced the value of, a dog who is our friend, who is funny, and naughty, and mischievous, and frolic some, and faithful and undiseriminat- ing; who loves us when we are unjust as well as when we are good, who bears no malice, and never philosophizes, and lives only for pleasure and to have a g(Md time, innocently expecting us to share it with him, and looking to us confidently for sympathy "that dumb, inarticulate ecstasy, as Mrs. Rrowning says, "wliii'h is so affecting love with out siM-eeh. Hogs must lie pagans frank and free; therein lies their worth as companions for men. IN ANCIENT EGYPT trlkss Ralil to Here Ilsen Nameroni Along the Hirer Nile. The reporter of the time of Rnmeses I X. does, nut take note of the walking delegate, though strikes were numerous then among the Thehan workmen. As liiUinr were paid in ft mm), tho con tractors 4vero often U'liindhanil with their Hiipplii'N. F.rwin write that "it la oneof the acknowledged elinmeterlhtlce of tniMlern Kgypt that psyments can never be made without delays; ao also In old Kgypt.the aame routine aeema to have bet-n f til lowed out with renpeet to paymeiita in kind." To build or keep the tutnba ami montimentH of the dead In good order must have required a vast iiuiiiIht of workmen. If they were not paid and were Mnrviug, funilliiir Ity with the mortal remain of the great, ami tho pr.M'erty at.ired away In tnu mtii v i'iw'h, hud iitude theae work men IndtlTen'nt to the idea of there being any peculiar kind of aAerilege In committing riibliery. That explain, ao think tun ii v authorities, w iiv aomnnv totnim linve biM-n rilbil. Inlalily fur that reiiKin were built tlxme vast niaM'a of stone, with narrow passagea. an as to guard an rntranee fnitn thieves. lint prt'i iiiitioii rttrndang over thou- sAttiUnf vrnr are lo. If the thief of one eviirratlon was foiliil, hi ili MTtul.ints ivrre more rtiterjirlsing or etpt'rt, nr. mur be, curious. Hearing tills In iiiind. the mure rrtnarkatile are the reornt Hnda mado by M. da Morten, at lhii'hiiuar. AN ODD UANQUtT. 4 Whtoh rashtswettle Is1aeiev I4er4s4 lit ItsrhslurKsMssk M.t mon etwrlfOi'l In ilinlntr rmt hrr atti-lulfil taliat tnltrtit te aplly raiusi craiiH uiiinrr nrre ssittie holil.jr fmno Into jilajr tr an t. r-Tn Irli-ltv vta ffrtilrwiuH at.l. One (llit iiipi T,-l (aii'Hi. t nf tlii t tiar- aoliT 'Ui't' li'W )rar ak'n at f jshl.inalilf rtanrant In l'ti.l.iti, wlu-r an Hnnltitnv etiBifH a t al litt'l imrtlrulifr ln"-lflrtt that he rall.-.l the 1 l'url tf liia l-a.!n-!..r ln.sL- 1 ho UMe tai.l with ttak satin rliith. tit) fl.i4T In the rrfrif rrt Imiti.rrtt'Ui', ttit niftiti t tritirn in a ili -l latiiru.ttrv un uiiuno t'iiiittoni. tlie nmiifiifrs. li purst ra ttrtW.l nn fritlsr.l ofltn 4 hi. h inr4 an'l conlaini-.! a il.irU ri,-' l. r-jrvrtit 4rjsr u.t ttw 44 a i rT. ttraprj In orai aii-l a twrr- 4 ly ttiutra. Wht-ntlit" ptiri attitrnl they re Tie In ti4. rsirtiit, ; a.') si'rson rf hge lilas ii h. r. it h t.rt j ! ',, ui-h KHt tsrsl'tij t'n-ir y t the vtt'pt.-rir. T! b-' a i!rvs in l.-ff i i .'irn ,c. th 1.' an.tin.l ah arm I Ir r Ul.'!jr In .;risa tiv s; man t !,, rvv't4 la is iivt lnfr i'. t ,. , t'e srt' tf nf t . rvi.i.iii 4tui,4 at ',!t '. (it e ti n ; a.i.4 i,-lr-; s Vivsi U 4. 4l iiwt r t,ait FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. THE CURES CANCER, ECZEMA. TETTER. BLOOD over the giver of the feust was reading the burial service with mock solemnity over an empty claret bottle. He addressed the manager as a potent, grave and reverend seignior," requested one of his guests to play him out to the strains of the "Dead March in Saul" and protested that the dinner could not be completed "until it was half mourning." This comedy or farce, interlude or whatever one may call it, was kept up to the very end by the convives departing as lugubriously and solemnly as they had entered. WOMEN AND WATERLOO. What One of the Fair Sex Remembered of the World-Famous Battle. 'In my early days I knew a lady who happened to be in Brussels that memor able June," said Mrs. Newton Cross- land to the New York Commercial Ad vertiser man. "She was then newly married and only twenty-three years of age. So little certain of victory did the English on the spot feel that her hus band insisted on her dressing like a Normandy peasant, thinking such a costume would be a protection. "Vividly have I heard her describe the partings she witnessed at the door of the hotel where she was staying and the despair of wives who were left be hind wives soon to be widows. "Very graphically, too, did she de scribe the next day's events, when women many of whom, too agitated to change their attire, were still ele gantly dressed made their way some how to the field of battle, returning in the army wagons, supporting the heads of the wounded on their knees, bathing their brows and binding up their wounds, while a steady rain poured down on the faces begrimed by powder, which yet allowed their pallor to be seen. "I once met at a dinner the widow of an officer I forget the name who fought at Waterloo, and the lady narrated her experience of the 'after battle' scene. For some reason she had to cross the field of Waterloo, which was still strewn with the dead, and for this purpose she was blindfolded and placed on horseback, the steed being led by a trooper. "She held a handkerchief to her nose steeped, I think she said, with vinegar and not until she had reached an acclivity nearly a mile from the sevne of carnage was tho bandage removed from her eyes. Then she looked back The field of Waterloo appeared like a field of tombstones, for the bodies were all stripped of clothing and shone white in the sunshine like stones. Tho camp-following ghouls had done their work effectually." Verv Methodical. Germans are nothing if not methodi cal. Herr von Osten-Sacken, a lieu tenant of Hussars, recently wounded himself mortally by accident. Tho doctor told him he had only three hours to live, whereupon, after making bis will, he drew up the ofiieial report of his own death and sent it to his su perior officer. Tub finest opal of modern times be longeu to r.mpresa JOHephine. It was called "The .turning of Trov." 1U fate 1 unknown, as it disappeared when the allies intMft rnria. Anv odb m ho hat ever had an attack of lutUmroatiry rlistiniHtism will rpi.iice lib Mr. J. A.Siaaiin,'-"-,(lBiyleHeighti, Lot Aiigt'lee, nvrr bit fortunate eaeap rrom a mi'ife of that dislrrssltig ailmrnt, Mr. htutnm ii forsrnan of Merriem'aoon tretiouery fslsblislimeut. Htimo motitbt t no leaving the heated work room lo run loniM the etrsft na ao errand, be at cau-ht out in the rain. The result tlmt when read to so borne that niirhl he wm Double to walk, nwiDg lo itillnmmstory rbeumallsm. He wat taken home, and on arrival WMcUcrd in front M a fond fire and thormigbiy rnhbed wun voamrteriain 1'aln Halm. ltirln lb evening, and tiighl lit was repeetetilr bathed with l hie liniment, and bv moroina wea relieved of ali rheamatic pain. He now tskre especial plsoenr) 10 praiaioc CbamrMirUin't I'am Helm, and alwaya keep a bottle of It Id the bone. For ala by Mlocum Johneoo lru Co. VANITY BRED IN THE BONE, with the A Wnssa rrtsxps I for a Talk Issisibl t aller. Oni-e avmin. woman, hast thuti prtittro thjr tain la Vanity. And hrre la the rYi.lim- nn tahU-h luUiituirnt atnl ctmtrU-ttnn are f.mnilr.l: Mr. Yimni?lriit waa rallinjr on nno nf hrr . liiilil.iy t lntiii. t ..ntrrmtliin fluwrtl ami Ihrntnl w ith nary ao ctt an4 wtrt't jral re wrrst Itrlnit lnilrtp'l with rrry tinniirnt. whi-n "tinjf a lin- luirf" wt-nt tlif lrli'1'' tn lL MaJ-aim- .strs aiiswrrvil the auitiinnua. "Yf. thi U lirrt. hen," "iv. h'iw 414 ynti kni.w ahe w herr? Wail :niiiutf ami 1 11 rail hrr." 1 hrrruiin Mr. Yiiuti;trt.le waa in f, .riiM.I that "J U ltli- ii rriurtn Isrr hint, dnti't ttni-wa at the l'rirta of raHa Ih;1. ynit know want to pt-ak t.i 4'u." J ttst ha'ifwar t tnrrn the .llran ti4 the "ihin wa mirrnr. It ntr4 a fatal that affile In the faritrn nf l;.!"n. it haltr4 Mr. Yirtimr. trite, ThitiB'i.l thrr tie fltr.l her Iwkir. wllli a ttrft t.itti h arrant! a lw tsr two. tu I',!-1 mil Ihf ht(f, l'lf lrrrr. an.lollh final kwitrh nf hrr rrwn wa.kr4 tip Ui the ttl" J'h.itie to U.k-t4 Oian Hittitut ran mtrr Ily4 TtrV.' Liti4t44. 44!f hrf.f tsB o'cl.s-k (a the trli)a', an.l aftrr tra la the ea int It he hen rtnrn. that la Ort lHtlo there are l tnl'.',a 4't frwii-1 tr tnl Iwrti'r !hutvb4 tah.biUir aa l l.rxss!, r vt If I aim." ti.4 lUat'an tak re' '! f "l i; U 1 ;i nf W ,(.(- -ra f.rt elt rn lit. l.r La '-0 r tvsrtai hi lf ls44tst IWwsjt, lHeiati4. , Ists , Tht the RAMBLER Is one of the very best wheels ever made front rank with all high grade machines, and Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want punctured, it can be mended by you in five renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rimB. Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at f 100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, J150 each. THE RAM BLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market.! For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as It 1b constructed on strict mechan ical and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals S For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, S ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, fijl cimcner ures ana are iuiiy wurrauieu, fS Before you buy a bicycle, write for cntalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call ! m on our numerous agenra. itamoier miBuers waniea in every town in Oregon, washlng N ton and Idaho. 3 FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, M Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler BicycleB." Main 1 w Store, 327 Washington H , Portland, Or. Maj E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and m lecturer. una r a l i jl noun , Agi. xor How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. Zing- Four Models EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. Monarch Factory and Main Off ice : Lake w m ie-i4fNy.fsi lar3iT?W. , 504t-0 SCIENTIFIC SPEEDY, HANDSOHE. SKiiPOft ' WORKMANSHIP. BANC.Ir-.S: 'w Vcilc. S;-.t Frv'tUr'-, i-afr r- - nv t.0 . -tiptitt V)clrM. Wnrlo, WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. W. rATTEUSOX, A genf for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon. MjfSri 1 I t1 It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. The Patterson Puijlisiiing Co. i : WITH. nans ; hiciifii : puis i Youro BOUND to Take 'JCni. Leaves No Constipation.-- Terse M. as well ae aM . Ill nst. 4 atrneTtwn ft" " t.i wnrin, tmpt .4 3.1 r.., r,f b,i. 11 Ca.lrurt.ta Btrevi is an Indisputable fact. It stands In the if you buy one you will make no mistake, y to be happy, for Bhould your wheel be: minutes, as it Is equipped with the world ( 26 and 24 Inch wheels, at 65, $55, 945 respect-! with Q. & J. high-grade double locking edge; luurrow io., neppner, uregon. of Bicycles. FINEST MATERIAL. $85 and 8100. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Cycle Co. and Halsled Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. OUR STOCK ( OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD - r i - ., s,nk H't lsete ar4 alaria. T4,s 1- r4id fit l ii ... . riiE.N Wfl lpi I r.t 0 ssy usl ass sss Ssml asshsl tsssnatl si i