TIME TABLE. Btaee for Hardman, Monument, Ione Creek, loha Day and Canyon City, leaves aa follow! : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. A rrivea every day at 8 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the Interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phill Cohn, Agent. Yon can get the best beer in Heppner at G. B. Ted rowe's, 5 cents per glass, e If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc., tall at Ted's City Hotel Bar! SUM j WON j TUt: j WED THU j FRI 1 5AT 12 5 J 5 6 J 9 lOUi2i3 14 15 16 17 20 26U9T303l 1 ' Here and There. Millions ride tbe Kambler. Ike Ennis bas bicyoles to rent. Fireworks at Boyd & McDowell's, Ayers' guarantees bis poison $2.50 per dozen. Only tt. 0. T. Pmitb was np from the lone oountry Saturday. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walla, Wash. F. V. Dingman, the tobaooo man, wbb in Hepptier over Sunday. Geo. Harrington returned home from below last Friday evening. We learn that W. A. Johnsto n has em barked in business at The Dtlles. The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $2.75 per year, both etriotly in advauoe. Win. Dunn, our genial conductor, is qnite ill at bis home in this city. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. 8, 0. Smith, salesman, Heupner. Now is tbe time to kill squirrels; and Swapgart'a "Sure Shot" is tbe stuff to do it with. tf. Try Ayers' buying any dozen. squirrel poison before other. Only $250 per tf. For Sale A lot tore and an organ parsonage. of household fnrni . Call at the M. tf. A. Andrews was down from tbe Alpine country yesterday. Tbe Uazette ac knowledges a call. Engineer Patterson and Fireman Dur ham took tbe engine down to The Dalles for repairs last Sunday. Wanted Plain or fancy sewing. Will go to the house or take sewing at borne Mrs. Mary Henderson. Mrs. B. F. Vaoghau departed on yes terday morning's stage for Long Creek, wbere she will join ber husband, , If you want to rent a bioycle or get re pairs for fame, call on Ike Ennis at his bioyole livery, power bouse. Emil Soarfif arrived from Hamilton last Friday on a brief business trip to Hepp ner. He returned home yesterday. Gilhousen Bros., will soon go to tbe inner oountry to be absent nntil the latter part of this month. Await their return. ltf. Oreen Mathews for shaving, hair cutting, shampooing and all other work in that line. Baths at any time during business boars. John Gottwald made final proof on bis homestead last Friday before Clerk Morrow, with Jim Brown and T. A. Moore as witnesses. Captain Sweeney, D. 8. A , San DiekO, Cal. says: "Shilob's Uats-rb limedy is the first medicine I have ever fonud that would do ma any good." Price &0c T. V. Ayers, Jr. Lo Tillard departed for brief visit at The Dulles the latter part of last week, and was expected borne Saturday even ing, bat si I st reports be was side tracked at Rotas. Tbe G. A. It will have a grand camp fire and reunion at Lexington on tbe 3rd aDd 4th ol July. A'l are oordially ti nted lo attend. Come prepared to camp on (round. If. Win, Ayers tod wife are anjoornlng at MoDufBa springs. "Ooclu" Clark AJ kios and son Tioe, as well as other Mor row county folks, art also spending a brief season at that resort. On July 2. 3 and 4 the O. It. & N. will sell tickets lo any point witluu WXJ mil! one fare ft round trip. Tickete espire at midnight of tbe (Jib pfi Thin is a splendid opportunity to travel on busi ness or pleasure, tl. Fireman Durham and family departed yesterday fr a month's visit with valley friends sod relatives. During their ab sence Tom's j ib will be held down by Joe Mot'rary, familiarly known "No torious Joe," of lbs Dalles. Several eothnetasls weot op to tbe raoe track laet Friday afternoon In wit neee a bicycle rare by Frank Natter against time, tie bl being that be Ounldo'l run 1 Mi yards la tea eeoood and a half. Frbok woo, making it lo ten eeeoude. J. W. Hilton earns duwn from Park er's mill holiday, reluming yesterday afternoon. lie reports arrangements ebonl all completed foft Jolly good ele b'atu n op there ro the Fonrlb. ('ol bade, mountain air and water art a few of tbe attractions. Frank Engleroen, of the Jordan Fork evmnlry. gave th (issette offli-o brief call batnrday. He report prnepeets fir a crop do we In Ihst country no! tbe beet la tbe Wwrld. II n1 several others from tt.at auction eipict anno lo leave fia tbe upper ronotry, where they will Speoj the bervret eeeano. O B. Ted'owe relume.! bom aa Fl dav ritKhl ffm I'"r,l"d, wt-r h" had been alencli,,J tl rari-B 1i'm fi'ir.e Vm.iI' did "f uiil have retteit.ed ' ''' Fonrlb. II ". f4 b toe I r irk I ik. ful that tie l,f I.ta A fnewd, be mbrU.a, a4 Tow Dai -re. Felix Bod am came down from Upper Willow o ek Monday last and created considerable exoitement when be ex hibited wbat looked to be some flue specimens of gold taken from a plaoer mine which be bas discovered op near the saw mill. He reported that be bad secured this exhibit amouuting to about $2.50 from four pans wbiob he wasted. He returned yesterday accompanied by several enthusiasts, among wuora were Dave MoAtee and Mike Roberts. But they returned last evening apparently minus their enthusiasm, and from their report we are reminded of tbe old adage that "all is not god that glitters." Freighters, wool haulers and teamsters make great complaint about tbe rocks in that portion of the Canyon City-Heppner road from the edge of the timber to Heppner. Otherwise, they say the road is in excellent condition, in fact mnch better than any Pendleton road. If tbis is tbe case, and we believe it is as we have hexrd considerable complaint rela tive to same, the supervisors' attention should be called to this matter and tbey directed to remove the rocks. Why not take bold of this matter at once? A grand Fourth of July ball will be given at tbe opera house on Thursday evening, under the management of Boyd & McD well. One of the special features of tbe oooasion will bn a grand and brilliant display of fire works, flashlight llluminaries, concluding with a flashlight potograpb of those partici pating in the dauoe, Exoelent music provided and a royal good time assured. Admission $100 Refreshments will be served at t tie ball and also at the popular Main street ioe cream parlor. There are many accidents to live stock which oanse delay nd loss to tbefHrmer io his work. In a large nutLoer f iu s'anoes tbe delay would be but trifling if a remedy was promptly applied. Dr. J. H. McTieau's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been regarded hs the farmers friend. Its healing influenoe on the flefh of domestic nnimals ift lmroedi ate and permanent. Price 25e, f.Oo and $1 OU per bottle. Bob Gil more brought in 100 head of i cattle from Grant county for T. A, Rhea last Saturday. I hey were disposed of to the Union Meat company and were shipped below yesterday. In this band was one cow that attraorpd unusual attention on account of ber size, and on weighing her yesterday she tipped the beam at 1680 pounds. It is claimed that this cow is tbe largest ever shipped from this point. Harry Warren and John MoCarty re turned Saturday last from a tour of the great mining and agricultural belt of Eastern Washington. While away they traveled over a great deal of oountry surrounding Umatilla, Ellensbiirg, Yak ima, Okanogan river, Virginia City and a far east as Wilbur, Wash. They re port an enjoyable trip and some good prospects. John will probably return to gome part of that oountry this fall, There comes a time to nil of us, when we feel mean and "out of sorts" and io a condition to invite disease It is then we need such a remedy as Dr. J. H. McL?Bn's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. To persons exhausted by sickneHB or over-work it invigorating i"fluenoe is surprising, promptly restor ing health, energy and cheerful spirits. Price $1.00 per bottle. Tbe Fourth of July sermon announced for Sunday morning by Rev. Denison at tbe M. E. cbnroh, was deferred until Sunday evening, when it was delivered to a fair sized audience. Rev. Denison was in good form and delivered a ser mon replete with thought, eloqtiftice and patriotism. Ike Ennis has a stock of bioyole repairs and will fix your wheel up at reasonable rates. It is bis intention to make a speoialty in this line, and as the number of wheels is rapidly increasing, this will oertamly be pleasing news to those wbo are so fortunate aa to own a bike. tf. O. D. Logan, of the Galloway country, was in Heppner Saturday last. He in formed our pencil pusher that be bad disposed of bis Galloway possessions, and was now moving up above Win. Penlaud's place on Bulm Fork, on tbe road to Ditob creek. B F. Swaggart is prepared to furnish hia "Sure Shot" squirrel poison in tbolesale lots. He bas already received a large order from Washington and Idaho. Every where it bas been nsed, it bas not failed to exterminate the little pests. tt. Fossil Journal : M. V. IV irk, wbo adopted an original way to make popu list at Heppner, is leotnring in Ken tucky on "Hard times and their catiars." The people there don't seem In appreci ate him any more than they did iu Ore gon. The wool market was very strong last week, having rained about 2 cents in price. A Dumber of sales were made in Tbe Di'les at prices ranging from 10 to 12 eents, and some tew in Heppner last Friday as bigb as 10 cents. J B. Huntington, of Burns, relumed from Salem no Saturday night's train, aooompanied by bis daughter wbo bas been attending school at tbat place. Both departed for their interior borne yesterday morning. Karl's Clover Root will purify your Blood, clear y.nr Complexion, regulate your bowel and make your bead clear as a bell. I4.V, 50c., and tl. bold by T. W. Avers Jr. Atty. T. II. Lynns departed last Fri day fur Condon to I "OH after business and wbere be will also be joined by bia brother, Joho. They expeol go Irom there to Walla Walla for a brief VaOatlou with bom folks. vVrak and Nrrvoes Describes tbe eobdllioii nf thousands (it pvople at thia "mou. Thy bave no pprtiie, Otnoot I'P, and complain ol the prostrating fj t'lof warmer watber. This Condition umj be retordird by flood's Haraaparilla, wbicu ereatee an appetite and totirs op all the orgaut. It givi-t good beeltu by making the blood Dure. Hood's Tills are the bt afier-dinnrr pills, ajaaiat duration, ours headache. Tcam WArsu.-l want lo buy g'sd, gentle team of about I.' M pound borare. AlaO good, eeoou J-liaenl wagon and hernee and gutle saddle 1 pony. Here eorne gwd, young Mi rt horn bulla for sale; also fine poultry end eggs for hatoMng. Took Oral prut a on my rattle and fowls at Kute fair lt year. Call at the J. (j Wilswo place above Ueppuer. N. C. waate. 37-&1. Ul. Mra)4 er ftiaUe. A bay vare, en yers nJ, band. wakb ky, baa a young colt W t , so ti -!( Ilrppiiar and Ilardman. Fite dollars feeerd wilt t ( aid f,,r ber ' rtnru to K J Ksr, 1 41 tf. M i.f, O'efon, Miiiot.'a f'ir, tie (". a' l ('fiiiip t'nr. in g' i 4- m ,n I '.-a. I lenia ta .u y tl 4. a-a . t i.V-. CinJrwa sun it. J Ut T. W. Ajeia Jr. A Vert Closb Call. Bert Simons, who has long sinoe won the reputation of being able to shoe any broncho tbat ever grazed on the bunch grass bills of Eastern Oregoni bad an extremely close call yesterday, and bad it not been for the prompt arrival and action of Dr. Shipley, it is generally conceded that be would never have reoovered, Judd Rogers brought in rather a fine specimen ol tbe bronoho tribe of a sorrel oomplexion yesterday afternoon to bave him shod and informed the boys in tbe shop that the animal was very wild. Bat they hastened to assure him that none were too wild for tbat shop, thinking perhaps that the horse was not as wild as reported, and io faot many a wilder and meauer one bas been mastered by them. Joe Masterson, the heavy-weight of tbe shop, was dispatched to bold tbe horse, while Bert hastily prepared for the operation, and walking around tbe horse attempted to pick up his front foot, when the animal lunged by him, and as he did so Bert struck bim on the bip. Instantly the bronoho kicked with great foroe, striking Bert with one foot just over tbe heart. However, he was not knooked down, but staggered a short distance and with a groan fell to the floor. Doii. Shipley, who was silting out io front of tbe shop was at once called, and when be arrived neither breathing or pulse beat were perceptible, and bis eyes and mouth were both, set. In this oondition he remained for fully four minutes, but by prompt aotion lire was partially restored, though the breathing was apparently by great effort, aud the heart beat irregular. It was fully thirty minnteB before Brt re gained consciousness and sometime be fore he was able to stand. As Boon as able be was helped into a haok and driven borne, where, we are pleased to say, he is beginning to feel like himself onoe more. We congratulate Bert on bis successful escape from so close a oall, and trust that in tbe future be will not be too friendly with any horse of the cay use or bronoho variety. The Discovery Saved His Life. Mr. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavers ville, III., sbs: "To Dr. King's New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the pbj si cans for miles about, but of no avail and was given np and told I could not live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in mv store I sent for a bottle and began its use and from tbe first doBe began to get getter, aud after using three bottles was up and about again. It is worth its weight in gold. We won't keep store or house without it." Get a free trial at T. W. Ayer's Jr., drug store. Miss Bbrqkb Acquitted. The trial of Miss May Berger, tbe Eugene dress maker, who was recently indicted by tbe U. 8. grand jury, at Portland, on seven different counts for sending obscene let ters through tbe mail, an account ot which appeared in the Gazette at that time, was called np last Wednesday in tbe U. 8. oircuit court at Portland. Tbe oase created intense interest in Eugene, and a very large delegation from thBt place was present as witnesses. Among them were 25 or 80 ladies, comprising some of tbe leading women of that oily. Tbe court room was gay with handsome toilets and pretty faces, and oue gallant oourt oflloial remarked uloud tbtt Eugene oould produce more pretty women to the square mile than any other town on tbe ooast Tbe greater portion of the first day was taken np by the examination of the government's witnesses, and at al most tbe beginning of tbe examination for tbe dcfer.se, Judge Bellioger aaid be was not dispoard to prolong tbe caseand requested the jury to render a verdiot of not guilty. They complied with hia re quest aud when tbe verdiot was read there was su outburst of applause, wbicb was quickly and sternly repressed by tbe oourt, wbo expressed bis chagrin at suob a demoustrutioo. Tjen Miss Burger's friends gathered around ber, aud there was muoh innocuous and enthusiastic kissing, and a few tears, and tbe trie J was over. The result of the trial gave general satiafactioo in Eogeoe, though some regret was expressed tbat the guilty party bat not been apprtbended. Care for llradwhs. As remedy fur all forms of Ilpsdache Klectrie Uittra has proved to be the very txst. It fff-ols a permanent ours and the most drraded hsliltual sick beadaebfs yie'd to its ifitiumion. We nrire all ho are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy fair trial, lb oaeee of babitnal constipation El" trie Hitters cures by Riving the Deeded t !) to the bowels, and fe eases long reeiat the ue of this medicine. Try onoe. Large ImttUs otily fifty oetits at 1'. W. Ayen, Jr., drug store. A Womam OaAToa -Mrs. Katie K'bm Hruiih, nf Oregon City, arrival Htlurday evening, eo route to Wagner wbre she dvhveis tbe oration for the Fourth of July celebration. Hie was met ber by Ferd Hunt and departed tor that section Sunday Biornibg. Mrs. Hmtlh Is an en- tbueUetio un-tuber nf the 8'cular Uuh D and bile over thrre ber admirers bave arrangrd for a serine of diarnaalnne or debates tx-wD she sol RV. Moore, formerly of this city. During the last legislature a lull was introduced to re. lease rhurcb fo.erly from legation. bicb wee referred to an appropriate Oorumitt. Mrs Hiuhh appeared lolore 1 1. is e tnmittee against the bill, and soon eetahliehed the fpulstoo of blng one Jot the greatest talkers sov tig all tbe 1 lolib) lets. 10 feel S"me even sertd that "her torigne was loose at bothenda. I, arter, he la a pleasing, forcible Slid iritereating I leer, a d will doubtless de liver topical oration, and eieo prob ably ei.teriam lief. M'Xife in logical die- fuaaioo. The regular euhaeriplion prinw r,f the H.mi e..l, i,.imi la 92 .VI ar.d the regular pmHi td tbe We. fcly Ofg-nian M V Vte .) .fit ig r.r M t" icl I' )rt ,r el.li.e. I ,.., ll.se le a. .1 .re, Mfrii ku ... i afi-a ,.i- .? !'.- aoi- it-'-r,a I r ea ,oeUveJw wis. Ut aaAi.d W Ue etua). Rich Red Blood Is the Foundation of the Wonderful Cuiea by Hood's Sarsaparilla. That Is Why the cures by Hood's Sar saparilla are Cubes. That is Why Hood's Sarsaparilla cures the severest cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum and other blood diseases. That Is Why it overcomes That Tired Feeling, strengthens the nerves, give energy in place of exhaustion. That la Why the sales of Hood's Sar saparilla bave increased year after year, until it now requires for its production the largest Laboratory in the world. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only True Blood Purifier promi nently in the publics eye today. Be sure to gat Hood's and only Hood's. Hood's Pills MT ht, easy to take. It Leads Them All. The "Cyclone" Thresher. If you buy a new Thresher, Engine, a HORSE POWER OR SAW MILL You of course want the best. Write for Catalogue and Prices. The Massillon Engine I Thresher Go. PORTLAND. OREGON. LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu 8 3640 Flour.bbl 2 40 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 25 " " three " 2 50 Sheep, muttons, bead.... 1 50 1 75 " stock 1 00 1 50 Hogs, ou foot, cwt 3 00 Hogs, dressed 4 00 Wool 5 8 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll; 2540 Eggs, doz 8 Chickens, doz 2 003 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per cwt 40 CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 87 97 f lour, DDI 2 00 t? 3 DO Beeves, stall fed 4 60 (d) 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 8 00 Bogs, owt 4 50 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 7 8J liutter, id e W !? Eggs, doz 12 15 Potatoes new, per ot.. . 60 85 old, " ... 3()(i 75 Chiokens, doz 8 00 it) 600 Turkeys, lb ,. 11 15 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, bo $ 52 63 Flour, bbl 1 80 2 35 Beeves, owt 2 25 (3 8 60 " dressed 5 00 (i 6 50 Muttons, live sheared... 2 25 & 2 75 " dressed, Bj 04 04 Y Hogs, on foot 3 60 3 76 " dressed, lb 04-4 Wool Eastern Oregon... 05 (i M Butter 7Ji 15 Eggs, Am iOio 11 Chickens, doz 8 00 (if 8 75 Turkeys, lb dressed. . 12 Burklra's Arnica Halve. Tbe best salve in tbe world for outs, Rrnisns, bores, Ulcers, Malt Rheum, Fevnr Mores, Tetter. Chapped liands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptious and positively cures Piles, or do pay reqnired. It is guaranteed to irive prefect satisfaction or money refunded. riPce 25 cents per box. For sale by T. W. Ayers. Jr. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Read "Coin's" publications. Pon Carlos Boyd, agent. Mi'Fsrland Mercantile Co. will pay flab for wheat, barley, bidea and pelts. Farmers should call and see tbem. Meadows A Horivner. tbe blacksmiths. boraoaboere and wood bntubere, at the old (lunn stand, Main street, ileppner. Call od tbe boys. T. ft. Howard makes a specialty in supplying stockmen witb all needed artu lea, besides carrying general lint. Hee bis new ad. tf . Mathews Bros., City hotel barber shoo. tooaorial artiste, liairontling, shaving. shampooing, etc., done scientifically. liatbe at 'lit oeuta apiece. " O. It. Htl. tbe lonsorial artist, oan be found at his parlors, Matlock oorner, where be will diepenee at popular prices. etiaves, shampoos, uaircuts, etc Htage leaves for Echo Monde, Wed' ea.luys, and Fridays, returning on Tueedsa, Tbnredaya and Saturdays. II. Wade, Prop. T.w.AyereJr., agent. ' It-ed "Coin's Financial Bcbnol," and theo take np bie other publications, They are all eotvinoing, interesting. Loo Carlo Uoyd, agent Hee bim. Any inventor In Eastern Oregon wbo deairew the service nf ao attorney 0 Weahiiiglnn, D. U . will find II to bl advantage to call on or sd drees Ibis pa per, &tf Walt. Tbomreon runs stage between Heupner and Monument, arriving every day e inept Monday aol leaving every day einepl riuoday. Hhorleel ami cheap' eat route lo tie Interior. P. Ooha, agent. T. W. Avers, Jr., is making squirrel poleoo that he guarantees. No kill DO pav, and sella 11 1 oente per can, 0 Cars for II J; per doleo. (M sample and try it. tf. Fred IWk, an eiperienred butcher from Portland, bee enrepled a poei'lon In Haves k Mathews bu'eher shop, tier be will erva the puhlld io the beat of at) le. Fresh meats and booeel weight lo everyone. e Tbe PatUreoo Pub. Co, have secured tbe agency of the fjreeeent bicycles for Mormw ted Orant oonetlee, and will ebortly bave eome rriecblnee for eels at ory low Ago ree. diamine a Lreecenl j hqtlng tf. HiK.e la to Me V. U Kin. He 'Vitr III i- in nm TIItT 1 1 L u"lh' f 0'.r,, , ,,.f. ," f ,. ,.,.....,,., v .... t, . o...... i..h in ,dv.,re, ;",r';rJr:;:v;.:; ' a'j 73 tier se.r A r- ert.l.ieatl.n. ; ..... afAt li.a d.le 4 '' i e 1 .n n. 6wtl-'s .r. ! oM liH".! Te.v .tlit.'.'J I (ruiMuitM M kits! Ok-AWVAaj USsM, IVrj U anfire. Uruguta,' vuit MjHX Hero are THREE POINTS Which we wish you to Remember : FiK8T: -We Keep HARDWARE Second: We offer it CHEAP Third: We sell FOR CASH We are enabled to give more for a dollar than the usual "Dollar's worth." GILLIAM & BISBEE Main Street, Heppner, Or Don't Pass It By ! O, never pass a (food thing. Always take advantage of legitimate opportunities to mnke the most out of everything, which applies to f'e purchase of drugs, medi cines, etc.. down at T. W. Ayers' Drug Ktoie. Just opened for the Inspection of the nubile one of the finest lines of toilet articles, perfum ery notions, and the like, ever seen In Heppner. Ayers naa anything and everything lu endless profusion. Prescriptions filled day and night, Heppner Building, next door to T. H. Howard': T. W. AYE ItS, Jr.. " Heppner, Oregon. In order to reduce our stock ot SEWING MACHINES We qnota the following Hard Times prices fur Chbq: One New Home, latest style, new, $35 00 One New Home, style 1890, been run a l:ttle but good at new 3a 00 One New Home, second hand, in good order; a bargain so 00 One Favorite, has been rented out and used a little; good at new, 38 00 These are. Bnrtjain I'ricei tor Immediate accept ance., tall at once on P. C. Thompson Co. Notice of Intention. Land Orrict at Ths Oallks, Orkoon, June W. 1M.S. OTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE fnllowlne-iiainril settlor has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will he made tx-lo'eJ. w. Morrow, I'minty Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on Aug. HI, Ih'Ju, vis : HENRY POWELL, Fd. E. Ne. TM, for the HU HE'i, NEa 8EJi and bKU N Kla Hen. . Tp. I N, K M K. W, K. He names the follnwine witnesses to prove his continuous resniuiive upon aim cultivation ol. said land vis : K. K. Hynd. John A. Thompson Robert Tur ner, I, L. ail n Inklu, all ul Heppner, Oregon JAM. . MOOKK. M Register. Notice of Intention. TAND OKrif'E AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, J Mav 'U. ItS', Notlee la hrrrhr elven that the following limned settler hss filed notice nf his Intention to make nnal proof In support nf hs claim, and that said proof will I made before J. W. Morrow, ( oiintr C'lars. at llennner. Oregon, on june t, im . vis: JOHN tlOTTWALD, ltd. No. MOI for the HK4 NK'i, N'4 NEUand NEW NWU Hee U. Tn 4 a. R E. VV M. He names the follnwlin wllnewa to nrnvs niscnniinuous resilience upon aim cunivatimi of said land. vl: William Handera, T. A. Moore, James Brown, U. alUr, ol lleppurr, ura. ft. r. WltON, Notice of Intention. IANDorrii r. at the dai.i.E4,oreoon, J Msr 'i. I"". Notice Is herrl, alten that (he following named settler has file,) mil lea rf his Intention lo inska Cnal prnif ii support of his claim, aud that said prmd will l- made lielor I. W Morrow, 10. clerk, at Heppner, ureffju, on uiy a. vis: WILLIAM O. af OTT, 111. No TI for Ihe WU NWU and Wu SWU. see i,lp I n H V, V.. W M. lie namea ma loll ,wiuf wilneMea In prove his oniittniMnit reside ins uin and cultivation 01 asm laim, ris tiiri Smith, frank Smith, Thomas Rar Belt, Kilgar V. i'almer, all ul UiIiiioi, nr. I. r. H'xmr., S!I. Register. Wood Wanted. N'OTtrg ts a h'il Ie4 HEHERY f.lVEN THAT THE ltd ot IHsIrP t n I. Heppner, or , will rwriira i,i.s for the drllsry of rift I Vn foiccta of wieat at the a IumI pr mlars st Heppner. same In Ij omukI on July 1 mi Ui he rtsilnenHl on or ltoro l I. w' The tioanl reaertse the right U rejei I any w all biia. Rr Oatis or tug Hosan. Attest J i RoassTa. Clerk lwtal, H-.pii.r, or., June l i, si6. It'iS. Aofc of final Settlement. rrtu ts iirsraY nivrt tht te V un'lei.lg , hs .1 oli,IHrsl'r t Ids esisla ttt Jsn,ea 4 Hreedllig. dereseed. Wl'l n.sSs So. I atilemenl ol Mi .re,iiot a llh sld esiaia aa sx a a-l'nlMiairsmr. at Ilia na I leria r ihaevitiMif i.Htrtol Morrna cmimiv at lletiv t.ef tn ha hol'l.n al tha nn,ri ho,, as In said rooritf. ee the td day of M,i(ri a It s. A, J. riersfilHii, WW Adml.'Ulrabir. Treaiurer'e Notice. If GOODS : A.T McFARLAND MERCANTILE COMPANY'S We Sell as Low or Lower than Any of Our Competitors. - We keep a complete line of everything. Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings. CALL AND SEE US. The National Bank Building;, .... HepDner, Oregon im dee's tan Storage and Forwarding. Pays all Charges on Wool, Wool baled and oonsiirned. Sneoial attention paid to wool tbat it may be under cover and in good condition for inspection ot bnvers. Remember the Upper Warehouse. HENRY HEPPNER, Heppner, Ore. Proprietor. Attorneys All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, Since it has become Generally known that OAHHIBH A. rgrte' aoeraiaMTaa OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE Which be sells at Bed Bock Prices. Farmers of Eight Mile, Davidson, Gooseberry, Douclas. Jordan Fork and lone section can d' no Ioe. He carries a full line of Furnishing Qooda, Hoots and Shoes. Groceries, and in fact a complete loitsni -s leeeoec s Tmi '- - wis v ivv an rt4n hi 4 Arc tho Highest of nil High Grades. W.ir.nlfd d'til'r tosr ? Illrt'le tutll In the world, regardless nf ertr. Iki hot le li doied In 11 ' e etej for an I' tailor wheel. Ihslalew h.liih. wavitley. Until end fnaranieed hy the Indiana Bwysletw ,a Billllf.n dollar rnnrern, whoee bond Is as f-d ss gold 21lb SCORCH R$05. 22lk. LAOI 8' $T6. ...u, ,e INDIANA BICYCLE CO. II' wm It HAl lx I, lahua.eoi.ia, las, r. 1 A. Gen, Af ehl M yaaiere Orvfoe, Nedleioe, lir. . , . ,., . , LI k ,11 I I .1 I 111 i"" ie'lJaJ tlVKJe Arriving Daily..!... ! iat Ivaw, OREGON IN ILL WW. r is an ill wind tbat blow no good, and ft though tbe play. fnl pranks ot Old Boreas exposes this fond couple to temporary em barrnssment, the situation greatly amuses tbe spectators. Likewise the situation at IONB Joe WOOLERY better than make their Dun-bases of stock of general merchandise. 1 aw. OREGON. TalKIng Tnrouga His Hat! The man who talks through bis bat Is everywhere in evidence very objection.' able evldeuoe it is, Inn, io most oases. Tbe man of Intelligence oovers bis cranium witb one of T. It. HOWARD'S One straw bale, which la in Itself sign ot prosperity and good laate. lie aleo buys bis groceries, gents' fur nishings, stot-ktneu's suppliee, etc, al T. R. HOWARD'S. Mr. Howard makes specially lo those things required by sheep aud oaltlemeo. Retnemlier tbe plaoe aaaw HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St., Four doors south of the U'ty boteL ICYCLES Gwiz.Uu QiUzu rank Etc n r