IFYOOAREIN AflOLC Uncle Sam has the silver to sap ply China's demand, and no other nation has. Let John send iu his orders. Pbof. Robk is lecturing in Ken tucky, and his friend Oscar Wilde is running a treadmill in London. Salem Post (pop.) Will m you cot THE GLORIOUS FOURTH. Before another issue of the Ga zette has reached its readers, the citizens of this grand common wealth will have celebrated that holiday of holidays, the 119th birthday of the independence of our country. Another Fourth of July is approaching. The speed ing years bring around this great anniversary of brave deeds and brave resulta so rapidly that the music of one celebration scarcely dies away in the distance until we begin it all over again. Yet, it is just, honorable and right, for this is the brightest, the sunniest and the saddest day of our calendar. The saddest when we think of the treasure of life that our national independence cost, and the bright est and the sunniest when we con template the proud position that our republic has achieved, and the encouragement it has afforded those seekiug liberty from every quarter of the globe. Next Thursday is the Fourth of July; the ly when American pa. triotism should be at its highest pitch; when the American people will with one common impulse band themselves together in al most every city, village and hamlet to pay honor and tribute to thone patriotic men who laid the fouuda tiou fir the greatewt, grandest and strongest nation on the facn of the earth. While it in taio that om condition today is not what it hnB been iu years past, yet, compared with other nations we have no cause for regret So, on next Thursday let all who possibly can, join in appropriately celebrating our nation's birthday, and let the heart of every true American swell with duo pride that we are still under tlitnlmilow of that grand old emblem, the stars and stripes, the Hag of an united republic, whose difl'erent sections are animated by a coinmou hope, a common inspi ration and a common destiny. WORSE THAN POVERTY In this Cleveland and Carlisle campaign for popularity, one often wonders what has become of Adlai E. Stevenson. Is he still living? San Francisco was visited by a 2,000,000 tire last Thursday night which destroyed a creat deal of property in the lumber district in the lower part of the city. Poor Blood and Nerves Out of Order Take Paine's Cel- Compound. ery Gen. Weaver has been read out of tlm poi ulist pm-tv, but the Washington l'ot thinks "he can easily talk himself in again." The General is noted for his double action socket jointed jaw. A JJEnver preacner na come out against bicycles. He says that "ten thousand people are goiug to hell on bicycles," which leads an exchange to remark that the num ber is not so I urge as it had thought. A Chicago papnr iia po 'mated that during "the past twenty-five j ears of peace" Europe has spent twenty-five thu3-itnl millions in preparations for war. Peace, it would seem, is among the dearest commodities on the market over there. P. J. Sorta, the great tobacco manufacturer, has long aspired to prominence in the political arena, and is now making a strong effort to secure the democratic nomina tion for governor of Ohio. But the Inter-Ocean evidently does not have much faith in his chances as it sarcastically advises him to stop buying New York real estate and build a cyclone cellar bt fore the I convention mee'e. POSING AT THE PIANO. Paderewski Thlnki That Pianists Should Look Effective While Playing. v When Paderewski was in New York he was calling at a prominent Wall street man's home in Fifth avenue when the broker told him he would like to have his opinion of his daugh ter's playing, says the jfew York Jour nal. The great pianist courteously re plied that nothing would give him greater pleasure. After the young lady had dashed off several selections Paderewski said: "To set the greatest enjoyment from the piano the music must not only be heard but the performer should be seen. The performer should therefore be careful of his or her position at the instrument. "I will be frank with you ana say that I nref erred to see rather than hear vour daughter play. I might better sav that, I looked more than I listened. SV, held herself correctly. There is nothing I hate more than a listless, careless posture of the body while playing. "Then there was life in her touch. Her fingers fairly sparkled as they ran over the board and touched the keys, rebounding from them with a snap that was exhilarating to behold. Her manner of using her hands and her el bowing, if I may so call it, showed proper training also. . "I will therefore add that my sense of hearing would have been equally de lighted, doubtless, if my 6ense of sight had not been so completely monopo lized. I complimented the young lady on her accomplishment. "There is wisdom in that," said the broker, in repeating the conversation, "Teachers of the piano should give far more attention to this matter than they now do." A fishermen's railroad to Iludson bay is the unique project of a Quebec engineer. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your 1 earn r Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompson & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. These gentlemen are well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Gilliam and other counties, and can save money and time iu making these sections with traveling men. Prices in keeping with the times. Thompson & Bnsnsrs. ZjI-VBJaTTiEiT, SEPP1TEB, .HU. rr ... . Among all the structures that make up the human body, the nerves have been until recently the least understood. Tbe role of the nerves in the digestion and assimilation of food is a highly im portant oDe. The question whether tbe food shall nourish or beooine a mere The following are some of the ,)Hd upon the system is a question of leading men of the state who have nerve foroe. been invited to assist in Fourth of Neglect to satisfy tbe demnnds made by the nervous system carries heavy nsnoltiai U'lipn thin nnrvons force is i -i ii i i points: uov. ljora win tie presi- PxhRUBlpj the dit-eutive processes are dent of the day at Portland; Con- obstructed, the body is wtakenedand gressman Kllis speaks at Elgin; pains of neuralgia, indigestion, rheuma- lons. T. H. Tougue at Halem; C. '". dvbJ 118 Part- i,urlD rePae lH,... f Mu,if.-,1. a a the nerves Mnd great nerve centers teea ' I iinnn Hia nnfri-itlVA mftiPfinl ihftt 18 fttorfiQ it a ii'ii m m "i .i " k"m .oweii hi nnuon; i. . ueer nt . ., d BD1, tism,eg It ig wben Woodburn; 11. O. Smith at Wood- this snpply of nouriHhment is prompt e; J. 11. Eddy nt 15urns and and abundant that the oervons system itor John Midiell at The Dallas. b'e reon Derate, bat wben the sys I . I V .. 4.... (a nnritnnriata l in twm it uuiiuua iiiui tuui tin w. vil are republicans. THE NAME OREOOX. Ur TO dato llu'ic are nine re publican candidates actually in the Held for the presidential iiomina tion next year. They are: Benja min HairiHon, William McKinley, Tiomas It. Heed, Governor Mor ton, Chauncey M. Depew, Gov ernor Hastings, Senators Allison, U. S. Senator Mitchell from Oro gon recently gave the National Geographical Society the following bit of history about the name Ore gon: There aro various theories as to the oritrin Btid derivation of the imino "Oregon." Some writers do clare that it is deiived ft on) the Spanish, signifying "wild thyme," so called ou account of the ahuml ruco of that herb found by early explore. Others insist it is nu Indian word, in uho about the heat waters of tlie Columbia to denig nate the waloiB that river ain meaning tho "great river of the nest," and obtained from them by Jonathan Carver, native of Con tiecticut, iu 17G-(W, who upen two years among tho Indians on the w aters of tho upper MisHisttippi now the state of Wisconsin. Car ver'a aoeounts, however, in refer pneo to iimny matter, nrecoutrary and unreliable, though u refer once to this !) was quite lilel) riulit. It is more than probabl that nu artielo published fi.'t yeai ngo, in 1812, iu "Hunter MBga r.ine," and produced by tho liintor inn itrowu iu his political hintry of Oieg iu prenenU Hio correct so lution of tho qui'ntiou. Speakim; of Oreg 'U t-riitory nnd tho di rovery f tho I'o'unibin river I Cptiin Umy, thi urliclo n) "Th territory watered ly this river Biul it trihutarie la nimv" that i, iucothodiiOovery of tho . livi-r "lu'ou called tho Oregon ttritry from a tradition aid to Lrvo prevntlfd Biuong tho Indiana nar Lko Superior, of tlA piit of michty rivrr ri-iua Iu tho tloitiity BU'l Muptjing it WBter luto th rcifi Btid which u mipixwd to lo tho Columbia." IWt. in lUceh brl "I hati.! ; t.oix, inn i n ' i tl. i .In id. pi ttv.T iki tl.e t'r . . n; fuifflclnnt nourihnient anil the nerves loo slinky to get the rest they need, that bent of all blood purifiers, nerve foods, and nerve reiilHtors, Paine's celery compound, should be g yea at once Paine's oelery compound has brought health, strength, and freedom from ner vims weakneHR tn thousands of tired women, "rnn down" men and sickly children. It makes them able to sleep toundly, to ditfesl their food perftotly and to win back health and strength The tired brain and nerves are rebuilt 4Dil their wasted parts repaired daring Cameron and Davis. Tho number will probably be doubled before the ,eeP( nUd where nervousness, irritabil- nio for the meeting of the Kepub- ty and inHde.niate nntritionof the nerve ican National Convention. Next ear's republican convention prom ises to tie tue most interesting in the history of tho party. The republican statesmen have settled lown to the convicti hi that they oenters do not permit sufficient sleep, nervoos prostration, lassitude and de pendency are sure to follow, raine'a celery compound guards againat all this by promptly feeding the exhausted nerves and making the blood pure, abundant and nourishing. It onres neuralgia, rheumatism, dyspepsia, all forms of nervous weakness, despond ency, Bkin diseases and affections of tbe heart, liver and kidneys. It sends pure, vitalized blood to every organ, and thus makes people well. Paine's celery com pound bus found its way originally through prescriptions by physicians, into every , city and smallest village in the oonniry I It would be very difficult tn find man or woman of matnre fife who Las Dot either been helped by this remarkable remedy or 1ms beard of its marvelous properties at first-hand from some en tbuiBHtio friend or relative. I'aiue's oelery oompnund is the only great popnlar remedy that physicians of every schoi 1 prescribe for disorders of the blond and nervec SHys Mrs. Kate Manuel, 2l0?i 3d Bve., Yinneapolii, whose picture is above: 'I have been greatly benefited bj Paine's oelery com pound. I have taken six bottles of the wonderful remedy, and reoommend it to all who are filictod as I was. For years I have suflVred from indigestion, and know not bow to :ive due thanks for the relief that I Lave re ceived while taking Paine'a celery com pound. My son-in-Uw has taken two bottles for a similar trouble and it has made Lira welL" W.L Douglas 69 CUftIT 13 THE BEST. iP WilVli TIT FOR A KINS. a. cordovan; 43.sp FineCalf&Kangarou 3.9 POLICE, 3 soles. 42?- " """tNs "EXTRA FINE- 2.l.7?BQYS'SCH00LSH0Ei LADIES' Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best valuo tor the money. ana lit, massed The prices are uniform, stamped on sole. Yoit Should Pppp For a ( big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the HOTEL CITY Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. 66 At. 99 HT LUST! Thev euual oustom Shoes In stvle and their wearing qualities aro unsurpassed From $i to S.t saved over other makes. , If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by Dealer whose name will shortly Bp pear here. Agent wanted. Apply at once . P Mr. ColumbuB were alive to day and called at Mat Licbteu- thal's he initjht makn a new discov ery quitrt as tnemoiable as that f lirz. turns was a great discoverer in his day. He would at this- time discover the fiuest stock of Shoes ever shown in Heppner, and the cheapest as well. What more does mortal man want t The Old, Original Shoe Merchant, M. L1CHTENTHAL, Muln Street, Heppner, Oregon. Custom Work a Specialty. E FRIGE : He Home Grccery L1P- miT wm 'IlliW CASH Enclosed Gear and Steel Hilar. su.i . - nboat a week ago, when he began sink inn. He rallied Wednesday and hope revived araontf his friends, but Fri day bis illness took a (atal turn, and at shout 2p.ru be died, llro. Mattnea. as be waa familiarly are going to Iihvo a walkover at known by many Kuiuhte of I'ythias in the IH-Xt pri'HMi titinl oWlion, ami -very part of the Btate, bad many ao- tlmttho Humiliation willbn racti- h'inlancea and friend, to this city, lie oa.lycnivalontto an olecti.,, b, tlio .,..pl. It iH tins belief that nrMtl cllHm.er HlU on bis recent an- una iiM io tuo aneaiiy largo crop oi ,,! vivit last mntb. Tbe writer wm candidates. intiinstely acquainted with bim and oho sty that II. (1. Matties was a PythUn . , . . l. i TO I'ONSliMPTIVrX I nlIH 10 every wins ui iu -'". friendship, charity aod beoet ilenoe lie- Tbe nndersigned bavintf been restored I bis predominant traits anil the Cor fu health by almple means, alter sulTxr- liK fur several years with a a,ver I itn u H(T"Clin, and lliat dread disease, Con iiniitinn, i antioiia to niaka known to bis fellow sufferers the means of rnr To those who desire it, be a ill cheerful ly send, free of rharne, a copy of the pre- eriplton naed, which ttiev will Olid a nre cine (or Cunsnmplioii, Asthma, Cm tarrb, Itrouchitis and all throat and In nil niitladlea. IU hnpea all n(Trr-ra will n hia remedy sail Is invalilslile. Tlnm. d Slrlntf tho prrsortptliin, wind) will Coal itiftn noihinir. an. I iimy provn lirirtf till ilran s.l Ire... K v V.IWAUIA Vl)N, Itr.w.kUn, N. Y. junll-w. ner stonca of hia every auooeaa. Io this hour of trial the heartfelt aympathtea of the writer are eiteiided to the allluted fsinil), Mrs. 11. O. Mslbiea aud daiitfb-ter. While in Stoi kton, Cal., sometime aui. Tlios. K. Lanuan, f Ios Hsiiks, that tti, waa taken very eeveroly wi b rr itnpa and iliarrh ea. Ha rhunred to niefl Mr. U. M farter, who wsaaiunlarly illlcted. H : "I tld liim l Clismlrlain'a Cube. Oholura and Iir- 'liora Kemedr, and w wrrut l III Mul len l'rntf Hi- re and procnrwl a IwlHa t It a Mr tarter prompl rrliel ai -I I pan vouch f.r it havinar enrrd m" Vat tale by Hlocum Ji-bnaou 1'iuu io. PAT'a Accident Pat Quaid waa aeen on our atreeta lat Friday evening witb a badly difl-nred face which Le bad well wrapped and poulticed. On in tiniry be informed our reporter that it waa tba result of attempting to oatcb a borse io a oorral at E. A. llrundatfe's place last Thursday. Ha bad tbe ani mal cornered wbeo it attempted to pass bira witb a suddeo lunse, and in ao do lug Pat waa either kicked or atinck by pole from tba fence, just which ba doesn't know aa it waa several minutes before be regained ronrcionenesa, Pat is "playing out of Inok" this apring. II bad just aboot recovered from a montVi siega of la grippe when ba met witb tbia accident. However, wa bnpa aoon to lee bis face aesorue normal proportlona. KARL'S KWfrr I: mi" FaAtCNKAL Klu th IV.rian TempV N' i , II 8., held Ihrlr regular eleolM-n last Kridav Bight Willi the following ! nil: M. K. I'.. MaMie Kmeal; 1- H., Hlrlla 11 lrl.; K. J , Mary ttnuti; M. f T , I'snlin Qixid; M. el HA V , t.lllia dim; M. nf F, tlruiua V.rti; P. .( T, Jennie Hargftit; . of O. T , Una LtcMetitbel. Tni'tia: Pauline tit g'aud lotl,e, lrOII tit' II. 0 MiTIIlM Ta Well Kanwa V.l'r Mae l.l.i.T or lk l')ilUa Juatl, I at. 11.(1. Mathies, tditor of the Orrg I Knight, a I') Iinnn Jonrual, and .f the N'.,il,rl hpurlftiian, died at bis bon In Portland lt Frldy aftrrnuon, af'et a lew week' illliraa, with llngM'sdis, He a memlier I li e 1HV 1 I g lal lj trpreeuUtl I luti en 1 the uirgnn 1 1 A- ciaiion. I chn. 8 uptime au lis ad onipnie. (tie I ! nllve eomimltew l the aciatnn. of rilst Tileal f lirile hieli ba wm a tmmWr. t Newport, to rtmpt..na-M..iIUre; laUnea ttchifg , , and stinging; moat al night ; worw ! make arrst gementa for II. animal lueel L... if .l.w c, nt.O i. Ing u' It a Prraa Assorlatioii on July ! inm.. t..rm, Inch 4-ften l l-.l ai d 'iiiii f g.H-i" j i'i n'. h ..mli'g vf KH i. . .i. .. i ... t .. 1,1. .1 II- l .i i , iimr p ti - it ' ' ' M n 'ti t 1 1 1 of. i g t in- ! ! An arnwwMa laiatlrw ami Krm Tofta RolJ I f inm'iior ecrt Irwa.L &oMa and fl.ou r m"Uw Iran. f W lllurlbaVicUian4lJiwin,Mii r. r lr I') 1. W. Atrea, it., I.,tm l 5 Per Cent Dis cooDt for SPOT -13 READY- To Make Things Lively ! IN TUE GROCERY TRADE And offer tbeir new invoice of Teas and Coffees at prioea that will make a aensa- tioo. P. C. THOMPSON CO, HEITNER, - ... OREGON. Tba White House Orncer carries Faney and Htaple Oroeeries. Wood and Willnwwar. (Haas ware and Crockeiy aod linwtre. Higheat prioea paid for country pro duce in exchange for goods. New goods arriving daily. Call aod examine to see for yourself. Next door to the City bole!. Heppner, Oregon. Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Lash Only. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND FIES ALWAYS ON HAND. o o o o o o o I6 -OF- M ONCV LOANED. ' vl W mrm -fi.(.aff. I.. i,rtf..lii. Sit ti',-ftfa HI-..H m ,.,r. rrn f, Ofrf.in, Hh .If1 .lll lil .ilr l n.'l l. r. i' r..l -f aMit.ufi M.rigtf r, ii .r.l tiiai li I oihr .mv tilr. -.lrM "h jy k H .WiMT, H.kvr I !l l'tt -tv, I .- IT -I., I hi li In I .1 , i .l III hi e- ... II - .I,,,..-,,.! , "Wbi'irtr.i'.iatttt'fei.li, m.tl liiii a ,i, J 1 1 ,,a U d. bit faff -a n ti.ail. . t fVJovota, U A r. u, Uu asMiwd a4a lU wau Jiliia."Ji itv aaauUM a himk M,t utu. A WS"t' Aa-1ol. When "5arm1eo waa a atudent at Brt enna ba lipM-nrd to b aUrd by one of the examiner tba foUowin ia- j lion: ,niiiaina' .t er In an In I vrtNltrtn thrriruN HH rvatl"n, i lmw v.m! Jon S iji'!v Jiir !f i!h rr,,!.i,ns"'" I'ri-i r. r'H-mr." rt I 1 V v'i nuil t-tif.prji nn. thi :n, r i I ' I the etamirt- ' tlut I'.n' l ',-. -i Lmu walat4 tur Pox t't. j Uaar iMKHaa;. UsT $1800.00 0IVEN AWAVTOm'ESTORS. ti. aim wwl t1 ear ! fk ikmagk aa Utt awal ajiiannaMi pataat 4m amatli t .lm V M wor. ih knl paiaau fee amr ellawla, IM M n o4 IhM rVf w la kuvi m kf k al la kl U At Uw wai nat Ml UKfMW HMI IM ftitmtt UN HK1 tiut IT'S THE SIMPLE. TRIVIAL tS DT10NS THAT tlLLD TORRNES, act M e "cm vukW caa W aV ".! wm m4 mwm amHii dx aiii . kack, "MM Ma." "iJ.um,m -a-k. "Wak i ai.., a4 a !! .4 mM Vilit tmg M amt i ait mmt al a w "pMi i aarf ikM ai lamiiaii an UM uM iwh( MtM marat at ika simKk, try k that ai wamawf k m.iat FT IS NOT SOrUROAStT SfXHS. fiUM CWmtll a awial aaftca It For the Curo Oa Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits It is lortt at Palem, Oregon, The Mvit Urautiful Tovn on tht Coait. Call at th Oaiarra offlra for partlrnlari. Slrlrll; cnnfl.lf ntUI. 1 real maul itrlf at aud sura i cur. li liter NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER a a OALb AT OflMCH How's Your Liver? V mt I mt aw t lrl, -a ml f-aa, an ad cWwak lMlV..MniI.IMBmHMH. luraua a vaal I . a. k tatlalM W. "" al ml tiwa f mm ".'wti jiwii. ai " ..ani n a W mwl im-.,m ia t aw4 Mai laai w.a) a.4 .--tks avv a. akaa A a ft wM amurf aaaijaaual :ots v rrnrRr.t PN a cn.. tmAHmn ml A.-. ..a m4 I mf.(t fatmU, N aihlntfl. p. C. This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise -need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Powur I-Iouse.