Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 28, 1895, Image 4

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While 70a attep yonr subscription paid up yen
Can keep jour brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J.. lone, Or. Home G(i on left
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, nnder bit on
riifht ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. 0.. Alpine, Or. T with bar on.
der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eitrht Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left, hip and homes same brand on right
shoulder, Ilange, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA oon-ne-ted
on loft flank: cattle, same on Uft hit.
IHird. D. W and s'n. Horse brand' d D B
onthelett hio; 01 tie the rnni on Inft flint,
crop off rise' t ear. nndercrop in the left, liange
ill Morrow County.
Bartholomew, A. (i., Alpine. Or. Horses
branded 1 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor--ow
Hannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thiuh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, lioosenerry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
right side,
Bnrke. M 8t 0, Long tJreek. Or On oattle,
MAY connected on left hip. ctop off left ear, un.
der half oroo off right. Horses, same brand on
jotft shoulder. Ilange in (irant and Morrow
Bnmman, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half orop nd right ear nnper slope.
Burton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J Bon
right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in
ea'ih ear.
Brown, Tea, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle sameon right hip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. HorBes, circle
C with dot in w tor on lft hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W bar
over It, on the left shOHlder. Cattle same on left
ioyer, W. Q., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on righ hip cattle, same, with split in
eBBorg,rp. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; cattlo. same on left hip.
Brnwnlee, W. J Fox,Or-Cattle, J B oonneoted
on loft side; crop on left ear and two split and
middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses Bame
brand on the left thigh; Bange in Fox valley,
Grant connty,
Carsner Warren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand
ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Ilange in
Grant and Morrow counties.
Osin.B., Caleb.Or. Y 1) on horses on loft stlflei
TJ with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder
and on loft stifle on all colts ndnr B years; on
left, shoulder only on all horses oyer 5 years. All
range In Grant county.
Cate, Chas. ll Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
llango Morrow and Umatilla counties.
CorrignU. M M. Oa'lowiy. Or Cattle crop out
of f.Htih enr and nndorbit, wattle in foreh"Rl;
horses half circlo 0 on loft htitlo. liange Mor.
ow and Umatilla ooni tios.
Curl, T. H., John iJav, Or. Donhle cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Hange in Grant
connty. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear markoii ewes crop on left ear
ununited upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half orop in left ear. AU rangs
in Grant county, .
Cook, A. J. ,Lena,Or. Horses, OOon nglttshonl
der. Cattlo. SBtneon right hip: ear mark square
orop off left and split in right.
Cnrrin.lt. X., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on on
leftstitje. Hardman, Or. Caitle, C with
r, in nentr: horses. CK on left "tip.
Cochran, K. K., Monnmont, Grant Co, Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on loft
shoulder: oattle same brand 00 both hips, mirk
under slope both oars ami dewlap.
Chapin, II., Hardtnan. Or. Horses branded
O on right hip. t 'at.tle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; ca t'e S'tirto
brand on right shoulder, and cut oil end of
''uoitg'aos, W. M .Galloway. Or. Cattle, It Don
right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, It D
on loft hip.
Ely. Br.. Donglas, Or. Horses branded ELY
on loft shoulder, oattle same on loflltip. hole
in right ear.
Emery, C. H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded
f)-. I reversed Cwilh tail I on loft shoulder; nat
tli.same on right hip. llango in Morrow connty.
Florence, L. A., Hoppiier, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horse F with bar under on right
'Floronno. H. P. Hopttnor. Or Horses, F on
right stii)i.id; cattle, V on right hip or thigh,
knmcli. (Iu run. Iloppner. Or. Cattlo branded
VK. with bar over it. on loft side; crop oil left
ear. Ilorww, same brand on loft hip.
Gentry, Klmor, Kiilm, Or. -Horses brsnded 11.
H. with a quarter cin lo over it, on loft stifle.
Ilange in Morrow and Umatillaoonntios
lliatt A. H., Hidgo, Or. Cattle, rounil-top K
with qimrter circle mid t It on the right hip.
Itiiniru in Morrow and UmHtillHoonnlios.
Ilinton A .lenks, Hamilton. Or Cattle. two his
on either hip; crop In right ear ami split in left,
KorsiHt J on right Hugh. Ilange 111 i(riini county
Hughes, Hamnol, Wagner, Or-J" (T K I.
foil nee led) on right stiouldoron horH.ts; on cattle,
nn right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in loft. Ilange in Haystack
district. Mitrftiv conntv
lliiln, Milton, Wagner, fir. Horses hrandod
-O (cattle witii p'irallol tails) 011 lufl shoiililer
Cnttlo same on Inft hip also large circle on loft
Howard .? li, IHIIoway, Or. Ilorsos d- (cross
wil h b tr attovo I' I 011 right shoitldnr; cattl'sHttte
nn lft side. Hung' lit Morrow and Umatilla
Hall. Edwin, John Diiv, Or. -('utile E Hon
rlnlil lnp;hors s sauiooit right sliuuldor. IIhiikc
in (Irmil oontdy.
Ilughos. Mitt, Iloppner, Or. Horses, haded
heart on the left shoulder. Hange Morrow Co.
Ilitnaker, II A, Wagner. Or. -Horses, V on left
hool I'-r. caitle. M on left hip.
llu'iiiihrHrs, J M Uarduiaii, Or. Horses. II on
left Hank
llusitti, Luther, Kiiilit Mile. Or. Hon II on
(he ..fl l, 11. il l, .ran I l.-irt on the loft stirie Cat
tie svno on loft loll, U'Olgrt in Morrow imtinlf
,,in, , llarrv. Il'iipn ' Or Horse bran ll
II J oi te li.ft in.nl. I. -r; ra'tlc bra hIh J on
riifht lup. iilso ind. tint 111 b'fl ear. Ilange in
Kin row Italy.
Jiiiisiti, rt. M., Iliqipner, Or Horses, horse,
shoe J 011 left shoiililer. Call Is, the saint.
Knits' itn s'l't M II.
John .n, Kelix 1,-na, Or.- Mtwaaa. eircUTon
le't sunn: caiile, ssiiieiin right hip, nailer half
or in ri'. sml .t.lit it left ar
Kmnr, Mik", Iloppner, Or. -Hunwa bran 1d
KSY on left In p nail In ant and orop ofl left
ttr- under slitt on the right
Kirk t T., Hppaar. Or.-llonss M an I ft
(honlder; cattle, Htl on left hip.
Kirk J , Hsppnar. Or.; horss 11 nn left
kottlderi caltl sain on light stile, nniterbil on
right esf .
Knttilrlaud.W.li. Mount Vernon. Or. I I, on
aula n right and loft si l.. awsllow fork in Uft
r ti, timl ctop in right ear, Mre sain
brand on left shoulder. Hange ill Grant "llitf.
laiflon, Hlnpltoii, oi,Or.- H li 011 left hip
im cattle, crop ami split on right ear. HoriMw
am brand a left ahonliler, llntiga tiianl
l.i-islUn, J.tlm W., I. !--- th-.-Hor
bnidl Itslfotcle J I. (NtttltNCtod on left holt.
tor. Cal'l. satti on left lilu. Itang. near U
lwhcy. 3 W Heppner Or -Hors Itratnlit
l.a'id t 01 h'lt sli.Miit.ri Cftll sent tin lft
hit., waul mer right )"', three shls 111 r ghl
lir I. Iltsirg. Ileppttar. Ir.- Iliwaa btmndal
llitfiltl II tsii net't ioiii(glina callwl
tvt.ttf II nn left shtHlhlMr
I, -Is M IV. Heppner, Or -Cattle hrs"d l
rind mi rtuhl hip; lit sent tin right stilt.
Ill K III M .flOW CMHltt.
Minor, ar, Mt.in fH.-fattla, M II
narhl hi l: h.tr M "It lefl slKHlhier,
M. , n N . Ilppu"r, or. -llnrsM, Ml
11a Uft ItiMil.Ut ratlla aama ! left hiu.
Mil. I.ll (-ar !. or.-lloraes, H on right
hit', mitt 71 n right til.
VltH larw, l. If.. Ilr..wntll, lr,-II.
r,,,n s.ah shooldar, mill. Mio hn
M-tnrr. fratik. r"t Vallet, O' - M.l lna
Willi l.a ek .m rattla " nli sa l nnder In
SM.'tt ,r. kiese aant Itrand on lft stttle.
Mi-IUW, " ., ns MMi m. Of . ' "
w.ih l.sif .-if.d andwf t Ml shonl lr,nn at't.
f.Hir br f.,itNi.t oq ,, ini la riaht aol
ILsi,m tn llritl I iMItilt.
N -l 4ir. I, .ti. II k Of - llitrae N e.in.
pwl ..n loft tiietldnr; eMl sain tvK di.
V.r-lis V... aii,Hi nr. iloraaa.rirrla I ua
lfi tiu-t,, c'il .tt ittt Uft hip.
itlivw Jin-t.H. sni.te tit. ni -tt a rn'r
on Uft tup ia hiHa, aaui let Uft llugti, llaiig
la rt, cmtitt
IHUr. rtrt, ttlti"fi, tf.-P O tm left
1 Hp rman. I'tairU City, Of.- On eattla, O
1,1' cOit,.'!.! 1 mi lM hlpl h'rm ihi tn t
aiid asm a a-w lUt.tf k, iirttt (nintt .
I'.'.m llliii ,',l Mll, Hi. II , qllsr
let rtr-U li'-l.l i Ut li.-lld'S' ad I left
Kip. nl, ' IB U'' hi ro.
Uft 1,11, l'..,- on llit Mil
iliwit, lli linaa.Of.-- ILawa ll'iat
left t,.Mil let.
l',i-. . I. Islington, Of ll.ir- loand
r. l, r AttmsHel' at, Uft i.Mtldet i ra.itle
a a. on I IP ll w."W ei 'I
I'MMt.J M . ltl-a- ll-r. e-et
ke .. U't '.I lfi rani. 'a Wt hip
m.i tut In h m
ivpi 4 1 . IW . iliam.w.,1
- li.et! l stlU. J II J riHIM't I a I '
l,,p iifi-f tl.ii- la left naf aal 4ip in IIm
It.-I nd l,r l nsa Of lxe smart
aith ,it.rlMt ..f.l i--t tl m left fn,
It ( t I lots. It- .nt Of, II f . I II is)
let, I lei.
II ,h ttt-m It' - tt.tet t,fan te
M I ha I .' tl..M,t t, , ee' 1 . IM tl, Uft hit
1 1 .i ..a un e -i i .u ,. a, li-,iig it
M a a -d l e t. t -
II e, . It.t. lit - M
rrran t'-l a H tM !. .....t, tii ipsra
rtr. i t-ft Irt.. I. iti a.i wi tigtii atp
It .
tl ., W. H lUlrttilt. Of HH
tita 'i i'e r-tr I f.tet tn ..e ttit.n rt-' t t.i
n I er .l. .a t'tl t I ! 'it la te'l. I.
!., I e. U't .-i lf . IUa la H
.1 . . I I e ...t.e.
H. .... J Ml II ,,,,,.,,. If .11. MM, JO
e'l tl, tl.tat. t till II Ml flgl.t hit.
'. i W, ' . II-
if M ,
J a i-'t l if,
. .' l-
I . u I-' !
f.' S 1 I ! I"
H . H - . II !
, ,..
, i J " r
. "
t e a. I a
,i 1 i lrt
a r
, I-'. i ...
- - 1
in ttrant county.
Hmith Bros.. Hosantille. Or. Horses, branded
H. Z. on shonldor: cattle, iame on lef t shonlder.
Houires. Jamoe. ArJtnirton. Or.: horses branded
J8on left shoulder: cattle the same, also nose
waddle. Range tn Morrow and Gilliam co inties.
mentions. V. A.. Hardman. Or-: homes Boon
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Btevenson. airs A. J., Heppner. nr. cattle, o
on right hii : swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwairirart. G. W.. Heooner. Or. Horses. M on
left, shoulde' ; cattle, 44 on loft bip.
Hrierry, E. G Heppner, Or. I attle W C on
left hiD. croD off right and underhit in left year.
dewlap; horses W C on left shonlder.
Thompson. J. A.. Heppner. nr. nurses, z on
left shoulder: cattle, ii on left shonlder.
TinneU.H.T..fcnlerprise,Or. Horses. C-on left
Tumor R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
left shonlder, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
Thornton, H. M.. lone, Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left stifle: sheep same brand.
Vanderoool. H.T.. Ina. Or: Horses HV con
nected on right shoulder;cattle, same on right
Walhnrfge, Wm . Heppner. Or. Horses, U. L.
on the loft shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
crop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John U,, Halom or Iloppner, Or.
Horses hrandod Jo on the left shoulder. Ilange
Morrow connty.
Warren, W H. Caleb, Or ( .attle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split ia right ear.
Horses same brand ou left shoulder. Range in
Grant connty.
Wade. Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on loft shoulder and left hio
Cattle branded same on loft side and left hip.
Wo buffer. John. John Hay Cttv.Or On horse
three parallel bars on loft shonlder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears, Ilange in Grant and Malhuer
Woodward. John. Heppner. Or. Horses. UP
oonnoofjid on left shoulder.
Wat.kins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
DI oomiecten on left stifle.
Wallace, Charles, H-tppner, Or. Cattle, W on
rightthigh, hole in left ear: horses, W ou right
ehoulaer somi same on left, shoulder.
Whittier ftros., nuntinguin. Baker Co., Or. -Horses
branded w B connected on left shoulder
Williams. Vasoo. Hamilton. Or. Quarter oir
ole over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Range Grant connty.
Williams, J O. Long Crook. Or Horses, quar
tor circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same
ann slit in each ear. liange in Wrant connty
Wren, A. A., Meppner, Or. Horses runningA A
on shoulder: Cattle, same on riffht hiu.
Young, J. 8., Gooseberry, Or. Horses brand
l H on rh rtarht shon 11"
OPENS JUNE 1, 1895.
GEO. .CH0NIW.10, M.x.oi,.
Luxury, Good Cheer, Hospitality. De-
liL'litliil and llealtlilul Pastimes,
Established lust year In a roman
tic dell of the SsrreiiH'iito Canyon,
Just below and In full view of tifand
old Hhiista It whs a iircHt hit and
tiroimsi'S still more ciicnurtt King re
sults nr the iirrsunt year T J.
Liiktiih, at jihU'IIh. Is still in charge
anu win answer an luijuirius.
A i ew candidate for public favor
mis year is
Also In the Shasta region, about
ft mile and a half from Diinsniulr.
It is h genuine imrndlse fur hunters,
IHiers and st'i'kers of lu'iilth and
jili'iisiire. Khhv m reach (near the
ritilnimli. slifhilv, and all the ne
cessities of I'ainii life easily prnciir-
Gr ;
n I 1 1 . All 1 1 lit 1 1 1 r it -a ahniit Hliasia
Virlnii Ciiiiti, If addressed to W. ;.
Iriiv, Hnx 4, Diiiisiiiutr, ( ul., will
receive prompt attention,
Camping In The
lina, r'ghts, l.aiiri'1. (llenwond,
Kcl'oii. Hen uiinoiid,
llimliliT Creek.
J Reduced Rates
I During the Camping seiisnii will be
made by inu
Knr full piirlii'iilars adilrrss
r.. i
K( Mi K US, Assl lief. ''nss. Ant.,
Or any K. I'. (i. Agent.
July Jit.
Th Ommbfi in mifnlllrir Iri
ff i lm nt it. 'I In? hiitmn I im in.
Aiul flnniif. i Utmrh ailinl le llit
hiiaiiilHin. 1 H 1 1 ir tliiiiutiot tlif-!
tit i'lVH Til U M ftflll bliftilli
ftllllMV. Ifl'lll Of I !. tH trrlltlf
to Urn br nan or ftmii; anu
f n-a ri iNliiU f r nU rm it a
wh) iluin of new ufi . run
tl' Um- ti tit A Mllftit J"t. Hi tit I lr
M'tiMl I'f III tiii Word wink
for pi'Mith niy I T ml In ha f an
hour, i tm nfiiraM h? h ilu nt'
r ttnrm.-ttt, iultur . ai.U a lo.r ol
iiiii-tc. ir , aiii A ttoti A ( f. o
Willi tin hi ir lluiiiih will tlM.r.
itf iH iiH.roia M..iii, 'I hr Ar
tt r h twit a l tl
h ail'T M il art, V tm h tll fli l tmtt
IU-itn Ml 11m in.ii. tifl. . lit utl fiirt.
ii tr i'f a. I' 1 j k tn Im . v t-
V I 4lt.; litf, III. mt ft l'fHtll ff
Imtitf Html r i.fitnur. ni'ith will
'Irr Iti
I i ,f tut ' t'il tt M
lAiiiHit (mi ih-l tt; fHt frfii Ih
It. f a - rJ.(lt.tH 1
MI (ntt t il1nOt BwUf tt
. f iirrl-l It ''! tit. thM
.. a.) 1 i 0 rH 'i.ntr ff
tn.' !i ti It hat lit lBni.
' -f, air 'im, IN ft t 4
trfl Hi t W'tHU ftt'HI t I
I n r.t M gm If mi r ! M '! i h
1 l, '4 ft 4lt r- ftr, 4
Im if., v r ! f ii I t A f
rS I onTiii rTiTt r a
a. .. ,4 .... , ,( mn l.-..i i,..i . t4
rwu . t. ,'. ... k.t.M f. ft.
t ........ , ..... , ,1 a lli...h ( I -
I m 'rt I
I i ' '.. - ,.t-.-w4 asasaaM.
, fr. ... i.t 1 .
1 .'p.--,. I.,?. I.., ... n a ch
-.. -" K. tt.lt. t t tr . 4
. M....-M . .. t , I .,! -,.l ,
-.t f- - l. t . . . . .-I A
-. t .!, , , . , ... I . t I
I-' -4 . 4 v , . t IS) l.a
'It , m t,
. it-' ...,..,'.,.-.., 1 .
- ii.
jT: J " tmai. it. ,1.1. . u, .. niiiluii I. ', f-'.r- r peT.H'itsT"")"! 1 " "" fr,,,n range, a dirty little
.!! 7 .,. ..m..,. I. 1 ah. avVlJ2lS;i' I'rem-h town in the department .f
A. if li.htd In rs. h uiniil r of thr M.t- f .. :. 'TT1 , VJTJT iC3.,1 I ,. , ... .,..,
V II ""' ,h " ' " I"" ' t't ,' ri M '-" i1 I ueluae. which waa the rapital of a
' -I f'l -1' S'-.l iii-ii.i I it.. it. 1. d 1 1 at V'ln4 ..V.'!..',,?f jA".! v'.-.i.: I amall imlrtx-mlxnt nrlneliu.Hl v from
li l ot.irr Tn. ft.it. .'! it 1 m- I'll" S (-,. 'vi"i ' t Kit' ' K f I 1 J turiea. Inun It Ulnga the Orange
1.4 1 I'.itttth of II f.ii.k.r sml in,. t.t. -IV i a . -'HV rl T , . . , . . , ,., . .
J.? I ..f in. ., h.t .11 t-a.-.p'v i. i. Jn k-, r Vs., .. V .. :M g houae trat.d Ita deiHrtit. In I.M1 the
.' ,..,'1 in ni,.iVt.i..,.ii i,..iiih i'V A ' t't 'i ' - V 117 lt if tlt.ui tlie.l without lue. Ilia
L ii-d u',?':,t'.?:,!:!''":J""r:! ?"' 'V;'r'v-;'.-;.M. aUter ha I mttrrlel a count i.f Xaaaao.
r-r. H'l'iH' ttU ni,.. 11 if ...ry 1. V'. ' , j ' ' f-s . ',,' '
' f "l, fi ". sml t..l i.f th. iti. ' , - . . vs. t i ''rsi ,
iU I !- ""! a itt., s--'.. -,'J-' . V w''.
... ' i I ti' W in. st tl hi if ; '. , 'v , ' ' " 1 t it d' VV,
"'"J -..iiits iia.ii , -v, .: " i
f tl s tl Vl.,..r. In itf. A.M'.ta ,,,. i'f . Jfjk m. H
J t JSI. . !. T I'lll.t hrr, ' , , jft 'j''rl', A4"-t
I r- li I lt M. M-rt. M 1 t. V t .t.
k.T - ( ! h ..1,1. I . (..l.i. li ti ., M'f. IIS t ' ' k' f '( 'L
r f. it. ' f.-tit... itr ,t tti ft ... I it- -
r f 1 t.ti funii 1 tn tl..it..lu msiurt, li '
J t. . .f .,.,.,l. ,r I, I....1 in th.a '' I- t".- ,.'1
7 .n 1 1 1 o. r-.i. t i-. ..f . i rv j
I l J V ,,i, i ,t, It, .t..in Ii.. , ' ' I ,
I i . .in.. , .fl t si, . ,n ' ' ' I '',T
... I, f .-.'' - , ., I .'' tl.
n m
liiiidim hi nn i rTTarJ"'"""
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
Etst3 "O" 1ES E
St. Paul Kansas City
Every 5
Leaue Portland
Days For
For full detaila oall on 0. K. & N.
Ai nt at HeppDer, c r address
Geu. Pbbb. Agt.
Poetland. Oregon.
Son Franolsoo
A.nd all points In California, via the Mt, Hhasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
I'hs great hiahway throngh California to all
points Kast and South. Brand ncenlc Itoute
Ofttieraoinc coast, full man linnet
Hleeriers. Hecoiid-claas Hleepers
Attached to express trains, affording superior
accommodations for second-class passengers.
Pur rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations,
etc. call npon or address
K. KOEHI.KK, Manager. K, P. ROGERS, Asst.
Qon. r. A V. agt.. Pnrtlaiid, tiregon
Mi st Aloil-'rn and progressive
l or cstslngiio or Information wrlto to
New Mnven, Cenn.
Tht eemparatl vt valus oft has twocirdi
Is known to moat persona.
Thtjr llluatrata that greater quantity la
Not always moat to bo desired.
These cards eipresa tht beneficial qual
ity of
4s compared with any previously know
Ripant Tsbulea : Price, 50 cent boi
Of druiista, or by mall.
IIPINt CHEMICAL CO., 1 0 Spree tl.,N.T.
l rts",i , q,
I 'I inM,
Tt'itl .B
li t. 1... V r.
1 1 it. I., lii
f !.. lire
ao .thef
atf-t. jtjtMt,
title . r.t
et'.l tt.tii ti,
Ne,ta ti .a
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I nsa
Sa'est, j(!$Tii$). Lllhtett
Simplest, Easiest
Strongest, jKfj"SnCji Working,
il,;wliii' .
Receiver. ifjjSJ Compact,
I- 1
tjiutx.isi . fit t. I l lit 1 a,
ia...ai ai 1. .... A a. IIM
las I la.w.1,. I aU
I -v-r - u .
Tka yays art aai . a i La totui al trull aa
Tbs air laden;
As4 la tna lunLmock UtroiurD ih tunny hours
Now area ml uut maiden.
ScmsUmes she with pout or frown awakes
From dreams ambitious
To rrumblr at the noise her mother makes
While washing duo'..
-N. Y. Press.
One Oar's Liberty.
Mr. Neater I wish you wouldn't let
little Dot play with such a dirty rasra
muffin as that boy she is with out there
on the street
Mrs. Neater Why, that's little Dick,
your own son. I've been away all day,
ant? he's been doing as he pleased.
Good News.
Heard on Broadway.
Flopper What's the difference be
tween a bill-board and a board-bill?
Giison Not very much; they are
both inseparable adjuncts of the pro
fession. Life..
now a
Squeamlsli Tourist Was Deceived
on a Steamer.
Some people," said an old sea cap
tain the other day to London Tid-Bits,
are afraid of sea sickness and hesi
tate to tmvel by water because of this
fear. A friend of mine came on board
the steamer Plymouth the other even
ing in a very happy frame of mind.
He had been troubled for a long time
when off Southampton by a feeling of
nausea, but now he was positive that
he had found a way to avoid it by
going to bed as soon as he came on
board and remaining there until he ar
rived at his destination.
"On this occasion he bade me a hur
ried good night, climbed into his berth
and in a few minutes was fast asleep.
He slept like a top until seven o'clock
the next morning, with never a qualm
of mal de mer to disturb hiu slumbers.
Ho arose delighted, satislied that he
had at last found a remedy for the dis
nr'lor whlh hn'l enimn'1 !.i
misery. He went aown into tne ain-ing-room
and ate a hearty meal,
though somewhat surprised that so
few passengers were stirring. Going
on deck with a satisfied look on his
face and a toothpick in his mouth, he
met me.
" 'Say, old man,' he exclaimed, 'that
sleeping racket of mine worked like a
charm. Never had a touch of it all
night.' .
"I smiled.
" 'What i.re you grinning for?' he
asked, in surprise.
" 'Ilocens V I I'.nswred.'tne f lymoutn
lias btji ii lii'd t' hjr dook all night.
She l.as rot moved a fool. There was
something the matter with her ma
chinery and we had to transfer the
passengers. No one suspected that a
man would go to bed at six o'clock, and
so you were overlooked in the trans
fer.' " .
l.hT Or m rMiviuuo r-MivllLY.
Queen WUhelmlna Doomed by Consump
tion A ltepubllo Possible.
Little Wilhelmina, queen of the
Netherlands, is believed to be doomed
to die with consumption, and the men
who rearrange the map of Europe are
already said to be discussing the pos
sibilities, for Wilhelmina, who is but
twelve years old, is tlie last direct rep
resentative of the Nassau-Orange
dynasty. There are some distant rel
atives of the young queen, including
an aunt, who is grand duchess of Saxe
Weimer; but, according to the Roches
ter Herald, no one of them has the
slightest claim to the throne. Apian
for preserving the territory of the
Netherlands will be frnstrated If Wil
helmina dies. Her father, William
III., was grand duke of Luxumbourg.
When lie died Luxumbourg passed un
der the sovereignty of Duke Adolphus,
of the older brunch of tin: Nassau film-
ily. Shortly after the king's death his
daughter's hand was promised to I'rinee
lUuiin, son of the ruler of Luxum
bourg. This prospective miirringe
would have restored Luxumbourg to
the Netherlands, but in the event of
Willicminu'a early death Luxumhourg
wilt become pritetii ally a part of the
tiermiin empire and it will need nil of
the wisdom of llollund'a statesmen to
keep tin whole kingdom from drifting
that way also. To escape from such a
fate the Dulvh might again form a
coalition with llelgium, but this would
be an un papular alliance, a no love is
lost between the two countriea on ac
count of racial ami religious differ
rneea, to which ancient jeulouaiea nuiy
be added.
Ilia more likely that In such an
event lite Matoa general won Id elect a
new liuiiiureh or ponaibly establish a
republic. Token all In all, the houae
of Orange baa a more decent history
than any other tlynusty in Kurope.
Ita men have been brave wnrriora ami
wise ruler; ita women good wives and
liiu'licra. la this) rule, of course,
there are exception, but nut aa many
aa would lie the case were a like oinn
Ion rxpreaacd of other Kurean
dynasties Thia famous fitmily taUra
lima rstal.l.sliinif the Naaaati-Orantre
line. Tbia eoiiiit waa the kitlirr of the
famous llluiiti, tahn waa the founder
of the Netlit rlaiitls. Tbe William vtho
inarria.l Mary, of Kiifland. ami ls
came Uilluiin III .of Ctiftand. ttaean
oilier ilit inuulslie. I prince of I'rarifc'v
The later nirinU r of the family hare
not rsriia;ir tlistliicuislie them
aeKrs. but their typoortuoitie liatf
not Wen creel
("ov.Tr air-T Is th proper puuiahturnt of
aff. flat ion.
l'.aT man believra he farrtea th
lit aty end of th !
Tit rntftV vet makea th .at
noise, but II baa ii..t 1.1 Hi.' in It
Tinhaar to lta la In the way
of the a-;f s.inTltsil Ittan. What Jo
t SI 1. 1 111 la too thin an l t brad la Wat
Uti. a .--Alpltafftta i I l.ittcrpriae.
Tke MrttrlaM st.it ml a lraaHrt
On th ahoreaof Itrittany there I a
rtn .ter...ii rvllc of f..ririttn afea
wlttih r ara the attention of In l
trr',. rv I ar out In the Mnln
-a.-r. a tt hi.'h lVrr,. tel'.a u Arthur
.;. 1 taitt) hit kirt"Ma In pursuit ,.f
the dra.nrir a i.tt! UiareL It
can I rrai'l.ol In a ll fr.tt jl,a
c-ast hly la a calm ara. K !rrt..o
!i.'.l..-r ,aa a a.liiary ht np.i It
it. I (e.-.U a ft alit rp
tl.. -r sit sl.te nfT ttSU h
t,r I r.-n ., i.ir trat. r (,t. U I. mw :f
at the f. t i.f ti e hoi. In ll.e f - f
! Ii It.t Iwi-n t . at atnl a ft at luU
Miss Dells Stevens, of Boston, Mass.,
writes: I have always suffered from
hereditary Scrofula, for which I tried
various remedies, and many reliable
physicians, but none relieved me. After
taking 6 bottles of i i ,
i am now well. I
am very grateful
to you, as I feel
that it saved me
from a life of un
told sgonv. and
shall take pleasure in speaking only
words of praise for the wonderful med
icine, and in recommending it to all.
lommending it to all.
Treatise on
Blood and Skin
Diseases mailed
free to any ad
SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, da.
riel or cave, floored, walled and roofed
by huge flat rocks.
Some archeoologists say that this cav
ern was the work of the worshipers of
the serpent god of lloa a race that has
passed into oblivion.
The learned traveler knows only that
the mysterious cavern antedates all
history; that the rocks of which it is
built came from the mainland, a dis
tance of more than one hundred miles
inland. No rocks like them make any
part of the geological formation of the
Even with our modern engineering
knowledge and machinery it would re
quire vast labor and skill to bring these
enormous blocks of stone and place
them so securely as to defy the wear
and friction of ages.
How were they brought here by men
who had, perhaps, few mechanical ap
pliancesnothing but the strength of
their bodies and their faith in a strange
The race who built the temple are
dust. Even their names ages ago per
ished from the earth. Their religion
is vanished. These stones are the mon
uments of their indomitable resolution.
That defies the flight of years.
AimiivImL WOrtoHIP.
Peculiar Customs and Superstitions of the
Ancient Egyptians.
One -of the most singular customs
among the ancient Egyptians was the
worship of animals. In the light of
modern days their devotion to these
sacred animals displays many absurd
ities. It was considered a capital
crime to kill any of them voluntarily,
the offender being duly tried and im
mediately executed. If an ibis or
hawk was accidentally killed, the un
fortunate cause of its death was very
often put to death by the people with
out the formality of a trial. Should it '
so happen that a man found the carcass
of either of these birds no would fall
upon his knees at its side and loudly
call out that he had found it dead.
Cats were also looked upon as sacred,
and at the death of a tabby every male
inmate of its owner's house cut off his
eyebrows. When a dog was buried
each man shaved his head and body.
They carried their hawks, cats and
dogs in all war expeditions, and those
that died were salted and prepared for
burial at their homes with as much
care as would be taken with a human
In addition to these animals and
birds were sacred bulls, crocodiles and
beetles, the latter being especially re
vered on account of being considered a
type of the sun. These curious people
ithiO entertained peculiar notions re
garding its mode of reproduction, in
which they traced analogies to the
movements of the other heavenly
bodies. One sjiocies was dedicated to
ttie sun, another to the moon and a
third to Thoth or Hermes.
Many plants were also looked upon
as hai red, the principal, as is well
known, being the lotus. In this flower
the Egyptians f nul l an allusion to the
rising of the sun from the ocean, from
the fact that its blossoms are thrown
altove the snrf.ico of the water.
I'fach trees wore sacred to the great
Ilurpocrates, the god of silence a
Icily supposed to be the same as Horus,
the Hon tif lsi. Leeka and onions, the
acacia and the heliotrope were wor
shiped and consecrated to the tun,
ami the laurel won considered the
nobleat of all plant. "
''We lake pleasure in recommending
Cbamberlait'i Cotub llemedy beeaune
it ia praiixd by all who try it," ; J.
V. CS A Son, drnutjiati, MarebfJelJ,
Uretfnn. Ne oue aftliotetl with a throat
or In im troonle can me this remedr
triiuout pfHisiiitf II. it alwaji givea
prompt relief. H ia especially valuable
fur dills aa it relieves tbe Innns. ru tke
breathing easier ami hi. la eipeoinration.
A cold will never reanlt In pneumonia
rno Una reined la laten and rraano
able eare eirreieed. For tale by
niocunwubDaoa Xrng uo.
Th Mas e4 Ilia alnatarb.
Tba chartninir wife of a conirrr'aa
man, note. I fur hla rrrwtle labor In
Ix-half of hla eonatltiirtita ami hla gtn
eral eflii lcnry ami unfalllnif ir.Mal na
ture, la tiuite a nttrl enuk. lien she
la to entertain at dinner, aha la fonJ of
iirtr Uliir ner focal with a tlalntr
diah of lirrown prrparlnjf. "I WlieTe."
aUe aaiil. when aomrutie cmlinicrttel
hrr on her acciimpliahmritta. "that We
rt.iw like what we rat. My hualianj
haa a -iiilitr !iirrthn.aint bail eiaik
Intf rame nrar maUiiva fiend of him
a ti.l a nutnlnc of me. I a t mtarlf Ui
correct thia, anl I flatter mM-If that
I hate, itnver.le.1. lmpr'HTly pre
parr. I fiaal ilrprvaara one, ami ill
traiiftirm nir liulaml Into artn)r
praalmiat In leaa than an hour. 1 really
c.'iiltli-r that hla ixipu'ariiy tn h,ili
trtet ami hla return t riiiB'ri-aa il. in
ui n the f l I if ier him an.t the Inau
rr In hifh n .t "
Saaatvabal afirab
An etrhanife print a attire whl
roar 1 eotiimrnile.l to the at(rntl.n of
all ptil lii' iralrra S hare the lan
Ct r.ni ififl of fltirnry. A y"i(f la
jrr laiarj f.r m-eeral hmira to a Jury
in lnl una. t.t the wrarmeaa of a
nmtwrre olt!i"e. to li't. ti At lat
he aat tl.iwn ami thf oprxwin etunr
a whitr han-il rlrrati. re to rrplr
i.ur h.n.ir." aai.l hi-. ' I wi!l f..l!
t!i e ample of toy y"in frlrn.l h
! 'i1 niilirl. an l aniimil the rae
without anftimi'ftt" H tth that he .
Ma aat ami IS a.ieni-a wa rtpprea-
iff piu-tif) nf ppr (mm t!
" r'ttirin nreorrira Is r!,tv f"ti
i irn i in i.rrniartf 1 h n
i a mmirerfe. all, v
r a nt--. i . i...- i.t, r.nu in. II u
, t.. tl t a;i f .aa Urn a.U. If
i ti h. at ,( yt eania Ua
tiaa l in' -'.ii.
I 5?a
I 1
That the EAMBLER
Is one of the verv best wheels ever made
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THE RAMBLER 'a the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market.
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M Bofnr. tinii Imv a Hpuclo writ fnr nstntnornft. circulars, terms and discounts, or call
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ton and Idaho.
i Northwest representatives Gormully & Jefferv Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main
M Store. 327 Washington .-t , Portland, Or. Ma E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and
ifH lecturer. OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for
Hows Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise -need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
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Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
Four Models
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tt'ttANCHitf :ri' w Vurk, ..'.ti f
jsMLlitru'W 1 1 'n ,ff .itiiri.n-'iai""'"" pj
-ll?''-'l'.1lWrSLJl 4T'T2itr' '! :' ..". XL' Vi
A. W. rATTERSOX, Agent for
It to Advertisers at
ficc. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business we must sell it.
The Patterson Publishing Co.
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Vouro HOUND to Take 9Km.
Leaves No Constipation,-
Cae It, aa aa all II IH.
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' . .
r-..,. r f pitev, 11 ettla fmt
III tiMtl.niiaal
Is an Indisputable fact. It stands In the
If you buy one you will make no mistake. rj
to be happy, for snouw your wneei Dec?
minutes, as it is equipped with the world
and 24 inch wheels, at $fi5, f5, $45 respect- S
ini vj. ot , ui6u 6twJD uvww,- a.
Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- m
Morrow Co., Ileppuer, urcgon.
of Bicycles.
- S85 and 8100.
.. C
-c "t y,
Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon.
OF . . .
great finnncial sacri-
ti.,,,, kirk INa larl a aaJ Valarla. TV. t.
K..I.I I.. .11 .. ..... . . ' '
.-.. - .rt w.m n, ,FT1 fl Inall
IM i. m v.ki autraf, ,