TIME TABLE. 8tire for Hard man, Monument, Low? Creek, John Day and Canyon City, leaves aa follow : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. A rrivei every day at 6 p. m except Monday, The cheapest, quickest and beat line to or from the Interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. I'hill Cohn. Agent. You can get the best beer In Heppner at Q. B. Ted rowe's, cents per glass, - If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc., call at Ted's City Hotel Bar! Here and There. He deeply loved the learned editreBs To whom his pretty verses he diiected ; But then she blighted all his ha Dryness, For both his suit and verses she rejected ! Millions ride the Rambler. Ike Ennis has bicyoles to rent. Fireworks at Boyd & McDowell's, bis poison. Only tf, tf. squirrel poison before other. Only $2 50 per tf. his Ayers guarantees $2.50 per dozen. Tbe baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Roberts is quite ill, The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, (V alia Walla, Wash. Geo. A. Brown was down from Park er's mill last Wednesday, Geo. Gray got in Wednesday evening from a visit to Long creek A Colorado man is said to have a free silver family 16 boys and 1 girl. O. T. Dour as and Robt. Sayers were up from Douglas yesterday. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman, tteopner Harry Bagley left today for Hillsboro to spend a brief vacation with home folks. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do it with. Try Ayers' baying any dozen. For Sale A lot of household fnrni ture and an organ. Call at the M. E parsonage. tf. Prof. Fanburg, the optioian, still in Heppner at tbe City hotel. Be will re main over Sunday. J. W. Morrow and family were rjass engers on Wednesday's down train bonnd for Portland. Wanted Plain or fanoy sewing. Will go to tbe house or take sewing at home. Mrs. Mary Henderson. Frank Morelnnd of Hardman will have ohnree of J. A. Woolery's store at lone during bis absence. Mrs. Kate Sperry gave up the Palace hotel last Tuesday and it is now being oonduoted by Chris Borohers If yon want to rent a bicycle or get re pairs for same, call on Ike &nnis at bicycle livery, power house. Jerry Cohn returned to HeppnerTue day evening. Jerry will probably go in business again at this place. Mark M. Boyd arrived from Spokane Saturday last, and now has a position in the Gazette othoe as compositor. Heppner will be almost entirely de serted ou tbe Fourth, as nearly everyone is planning a trip for that occasion. Mrs. Gens Noble departed Tuesday for tbe valley, where una expects to spend the Fourth with home folks. Sheriff Harrington left recently on a business trip to Portland, and while be low ia enjoying a tew dayi at the races. Fred Sherman and family departed yesterday tor The Dalles where they ex pect to spend the remainder of tbe sum mer. Gilhousen Bros., will soon go to the inner country to be absent nntu latter part of this month return. Tbe Rambler bicycle which waa raffled off last evening by Boyd k McDowell was woo by S. M. Horner, the winning number being 89. Green Mathews for shaving, bair cotting, shampooing and all other work in that lioe. Baths at any time daring business boars. It is reported that D. L. Zacharr, of Shatter Flat, who reocntly met with tbe terrible aooideot near Arlington, cannot possibly recover. Wa learn that B. F. 8waggrt's Oen oral Ooxey and Hoory Blackmao'e Champaigns will b entered in the raoea at Fusstl next week. John Horner has given op hi pnailinn in tbe City hotel and ia contemplating visit to tbe mine over on tbe middle Fork of the John Day. Clan le Sloan returned hnraa Tuesday evening from Monmouth, wbera he bus pent the past year in school. Claoda is getting to ba quite a man. F.d Hala returned from Portland Wed Deodar, having b.n called bnroe by tha serious illoeas ot bis baby. Ed says ba aw eoma good raoea whila Uilow. foraale-A Una. Hbort Horn grade bull, foar years old. Price, $.'. Or will trade for other callle. Addraa Harrison Cbapin, Hardman, Or. 21m. Ilia oooeeeaaary to stale that tbe paat ia data faavj b.u extremely warm. Huch warm wind aa wa bav. boos hav ing will eoo play bevoe witn ma erope. Bbllo'eCore ia eold on goerenlee tt mm inami.nt ConaorflplioO. It U tba beat (iugbCuranly nn.e.nledo. 25 eta.. Wets, anj ii. ooia uy . . Ayera, it. n u is it ill have a grand camp Bra and renown at Lailogton oo th8rd eods'bol July- A'l are viud to attend. Coma camp oo ground. Aa otbuUtiO alitor writ.: betile la now op-u tbe Await their lit. Fossil Journal: Ed Putnam and Ru- fas King, members of the Fossil Stock Protective Union, went to. Tbe Dalles last week, having reason to believe that two young men who started a short time ago from this county for the Valley with horses, took along Beveral that did not belong to them. Ed learned enough at The Dulles to warrant bis proceeding to Portland, wbitber be went on tbe oars, with tbe expectation of intercepting tbe supposed thieves before they reaohed their destination. Mr. King has re turned home. In tbe spring, the human body needs assistance to throw off tbe stagnation produoed by winter diet. As tbe temperature rises under the growing heat the sun's ravs we feel tired, half siok and low in spirits, because tbe blood is sluggish and full of impurities. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengtbing Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable spring remedy to invignrat9 the body and give toue to the digestion. Price $1 per bottle. Tom Keeney and son arrived in Hepp ner last Tuesday night from California where they had been attending tbe races sinoe last fall. Tom brought back with bim Pin Eur, Miss Dudley end Tmpn, and while these horses are all good run ners, we learn be has not been as tortu nate as be hoped. Crank Shepardson, an engineer on the Southern Paoifio Ry.. who resides at Los Anweles. Cal.. was troubled with rheumatism for a long time. He was treated by several physicians, also visited the Ht Springs, but received no permanent relief until he used Chamber Iniu's Pain Balm. He says it is the best medicine in tbe world for rheumatism. For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. Heppner Light sod Water Co. are buying large quantities of oord wood of our home produoers this season. This move on tbe part of the company will keep a larire amount of oaBh at home which has hitherto been paid to parties down tbe railroad. We are pleased to note this change. Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably adapted to ranks "a little health go a long way." Its curative power is largely attributable to its stimulant, tonic aod nutritive properties, oy wnion enerurv of the system is recruited. It is pleasant to the taste.easily borne on the stomach and harmless under pro longed use. Prioe $1 00 per bottle. Died. Of lagrippe, yesterday morning, the little babv girl of Mr. and Mrs. Fre mont Sprowls, ot Galloway, Oregon. Tbe interment occurred this morning at lOo'olouk at the cemetery in this city. Services were ootiduoted at the grave by Rev. Frank Adkins of this city. Don't foriret that delioious ice cream in you can get tomorrow evening ror io cents a diet); also those strawberries with oream aud cake, for tbesame price, The Dlaoe is in the little building oo Main street, next door to Leezer Bros.' grocery. Tbe O. R. & N. Co., always alert to the welfare ot their patrons, have placed on sale at prinoipal stations, a 1000 mile ticket at tbe rate of three oeuts per mile, good one vear from date of sale and good for passage over tbe rail and water lines of their system tw, John Williams who has been troubled greatly with rheumatism for tbe past two years, returned recently from a three week's stav over at MoDuffia springs. He oomea borne completely recovered, aod it ia unnecessary to say.quite happy. Ike Ennis has a stock of bicycle repairs and will fix your wheel up at reasonable rates. It is bis intention to make a specialty in this line, and as tbe Dumber of wheels ie rapidly increasing, this will oertHinly be pleasing news to ttioee who are so fortunate as to own a bike. tf. Exobange: A little boy who was tip at the court house the other day. anid to bis father on bis retnrn: 'Taps, do law. yers tell the truth?" "Uertaioly, my boy, they will do anything to win the case." B. F. Swaggart is prepared to furnish bla "dure Shot" squirrel poison in wholesale lots. He has already received a large order from Washington and Idaho. Every where it has been need, it baa not failed to exterminate the little peat. From the Fossil Journal we l.arn that Tom Rhea bought 1000 head of mutton aheep in the Trail Fork and Lone Rook country last week, paying 11.50 per head. This band will go to Portland markets. A. O. Bartholomew, C. C. Boon and It J. Mill were among tba G. A. 11- com md.a io thia citv vealerilay. Al. report arrangements completed for a glorious Knur Hi at Lexiuuton. They expect a large crowd. Karl's Clover Root, tha great Blood Duritler. gives freahneas aod olearneea to the Complexion aod core Onatipntion, 25 eta., 60 ots., ti. Hold by T. W. Ayera, Jr. A large drove of fine cattle pard tbrouah ileuotier aerlv Tuesday morn ing eo route to Umatilla lor atnproew w Montana via the Northern Pacific. Tha band numbered about 200 bead. Hon. A. 8. Bennett, of Tha Dalles. baa been appointed a reg.ot of tba mat Normal sobiiol at Monraootfi ty ujv. Lord. This ts an ne.ll.ot appointment and will give general saliafactloo. V. K.tt-bom. representing the Colon Meat ts arrived on loeaday lino evenings train. 11 ipcte to bip (X)0 beal rf aheep from Ibi point at eooo aa they a' five. Pboud of His Record. Hugh Med lock, the slippery horse thief who was chased all ovtr Gilliam, Morrow and Umatilla counties last winter, but who Was recently caught and convioted over in Umatilla county, ia apparently proud of his record as a horse thief, aooording to the following which recently ap peared in the E. O.: "Sheriff Honser was on the west-bound tram June 15, on his wav from Pendleton to Salem with to prisoners for the penitentiary. They were James Smith, convicted of watoh stealing, and Hugh Medlock, a horse thief. The former is young and does not look like a bad man. Medlock is tough and seems to be proud of his record as a ounniog horse tbief. Much amusement was afforded the passengers by the oon. versation between these two oriminals Medlock, with great gusto, told of the different animals he hud appropriated and ridden, how some of them had bucked him off and how some were no good while others proved to be floe roadsters. He told Houser that he had great diffioulty in dodging him many times, and on several occasions he was close on his (Medlock s heels. At one stage in the conversation Smith grew serious and said he never meant to steal the man's watoh. 'Sure; you wouldn't steal anything you couldn't pack,' said Medlock. 'No, but you would,' replied Smith, and everybody in tbe car roared. Along about 12 p. m. tbe conversation lagged, and soon after the blighted outoasts were sleeping in their seats, their destinies and their hands bound together with a obnin of iron." A Great Blessing My wife and I hava found in Hood's Sarsaparillai fche had rheumatism very severely, with ankles and legi badly swollen, and hardly able to get up and down stairs without help. Many other remedies failed, but Hood's Sarsa- parllla entirely c cured her. It was "t only shortly after that I was taken with the same complaint, affect ing my limbs and hips, so I just tried the same medicine with the same result. My wife and chil dren take Hood's Sarsaparilla whenever they feel the need of a medicine and it im mediately makea them leel better. Hood's Sarsaparilla Saves me doctor's hills. I am an engineer. and well known In this locality." Q. W, WTATT, White Bead 1X11, inaian Ter. UnnA'a DMIc easy to buy, easy to take, a & easy in esecu 25e. It Leads Them All. The "Cyclone" Thresher. Here are THREE POINTS Which we wish you to Kem ember : First: We Keep HARDWARE Second: We offer it CHEAP Third: We sell FOR CASH We are enabled to give more for a dollar than the usual "Dollar's worth." If GOODS GILLIAM & BISBEE Main Street, Heppner, Or $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that soienoe has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia the only positive cure now known to t,e medioal fraternity. (Jatarrn being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Core is taken internally, acting direotly upon the blood and muoous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tbe foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tbe constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith m its curative powers, tbai thpy offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it rials to cure. Sond for list ot testimonials, Address. tf. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. )gT"8old by Druggists, 75 oents. If you buy a new Thresher, Engine, v HORSE POWER "QR SAW MILL You of course want the best. Write for Catalogue and Prices. I The Massillon Engine & Thresher Oo. PORTLAND, OREQON. LI8T OF LETTERS. LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNER Or., June 24, 1895, Carrick, William, (2) McCarey, Margaret L. When calling lor these letter please say advertised. J. r. william. r. M. LOCAL MARKET BEPORT. A Gbm. We find the following going the rounds ot tbe press, without oredit, which is well worth publishing: "Re member this young man. Be careful what you say about a woman's charac ter. Tbink bow many years she has been building it, of tbe toils and priva tions endured, of wounds reoeived, and let no suspicion follow her aotions. Tbe purity ot the women is the salvation of the race, the bope of greatness and the redemption of man. Wipeont her purity aod the man sinks beneath the wave of despair, without a star to guide bis life into tbe rhaniit l ot safety. Think then before you speak, and remember that any bog can root up the fairest flower that ever grew; so the vilest mat can ruin tbe purest woman's character. WheBt. bu 9 8640 Flour.bbl 2 40 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt To three " " 50 Sheep, muttons, head .... 1 50 1 75 " stock 1 oo 1 oo Hogs, ou foot, owt 3 00 Hogs, dressed 4 00 Wool 0 0 o Horses, slow aale. Butter, roll 2540 Eggs, doz o Chickens, doz 2 003 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per owt 40 CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 87 Marvflona ltmulta. From a letter written bv Itev. J Qunderman, ot Dimondale, Mcb., we are permitted to make tbisextract: "I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, aa the results were almost marvelom in the oaeeof my wife While was pastor of the Baptist ohuroh at ltiv -a .Juuolioo aha waa brought down lib l'neniuoiiia succeeding La Grippe Terrible paroxysoi ot coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed aa it she could not survive them. A friend reoommended Dr. King's New Discovery ; it waa quick in ita work au.i liigt.lv satisfactory in reaiiUe." Trial bottlea free at T. W Ayera, Jr. drug store, ltegolar sire 50c. and (1. flour, bbl Beeves, stall fed Muttons, owt Hogs, owt Wool bastero Oregon.. Butter, lb hggs. doz Potatoes new, per ot... old, " ... Cbiokens, doz Turkeys, tt) 97 2 50 ti 3 60 4 60 (it 5 00 6 00 ( 8 00 i 50 6 25 7 ft 8L, 0 fit 13 Vlti 15 60 85 30i 75 3 00 ti 6 00 11 OS 15 PORTLAND MARK IT. Wheal, bu f2 f 53 Flour.bbl 180285 Beeves, cwt 2 25 M 8 60 dressed.. Muttons, live sheared... dressed, & Hogs, on foot dreeaed, n Wool Eaatero Oregon Butter Eggs, do Chickens, doz Turkeys, Didreeasd 5 0(1 (d 6 50 2 25 Ul 2 75 04 04Vg 3 60 tt 3 7 ) 04' 05 ti 07 VA tt 15 10 tt 11 8 00 at 8 75 12 Arriving Daily :A.T mwm iMERCANTILE COMPANY'S We Sell as Low or Lower than Any of Our Competitors. We keep a complete line of everything. Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings. CALL The National Bank AND SEE US. Building .... HepDner, 'Oregon B ID I Storage and Forwarding. Pays all Charges on W, Mraaiita, Etc. w ..4 i'-TZ :-"! Don't Pass It By DO, never pan a good thing. Alwayi take advantage of legitimate opportunltiei to make the moit out of everything, which w appliei to the purchaae of druga, medl clnei, etc.. down atT. W. Ayer' DrugStoie. JiiBt opened for the inspection of the public one of the finest lines of toilet article!, perfum ery notions, and the like, ever leenin Heiipner. Avert nai anytning ana everyming in enaieas proluilon. rreaenpuona niieu nay aim uigm. Heppntr Building, next door to T. R. Howard': T. W. AYE ItS, Jr.. Heppner, Oregon. Notice of Intention. Wool baled and oonsigned. BDeoial attention paid to wool that it may be under cover and in good condition for inspection ot buyers. Remember the Upper Warehouse. HENRY HEPPNER, Heppner, Ore. Proprietor. Attorneys at Iraw, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Foblic and Oollectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, OREGON Land Omcs at Tin Dalles, Orkoon, June , iss. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named aettler haa Hied notice of hit Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that aalil proof will lie made iH'In'eJ. w. Morrow, county Ulera.at neppner, Oregon, on Aug. Ill, lH'jri, via : IIESRY l'OWEI.L, Hd. E. No. 37!H, for the H'j HE'.', NE1 HEJ4 and HKta NKU !'. AS. To. I N. K K. W. M. He namca the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi aaid land via : K. K. Hvnd, John A. Thompson. Robert Tur ner, I. L. Van Winkle, all of Heppner, Oregon JAM. . MIX IKK, 48 68 Register. lliaiNKHa Ciiasoks During tba paat wet-k a on ruber of bootless changes hare been made in Ileppoer, Ueoe Campbell baa boagbt ba'f Interact io the May street grocery, which will Boon ba rooted to tha atora room formerly oo cupled by Jerry Cohn, nut door to tba poetoOlce. Dob Willi, Iba May street merohaat, bought oat IWn Unoiaker laat Tuesday, and aborlly afterward eo trd into a partnership wlib K J. Hlo- cura. TbcaegHollvmro riprot to remora tha partition which waa temporarily placed in tha building formerly octn pied by Henry IlUt irnao, thus tbrowiog it bark into one room, and making apace ! enough for Iba Wills, llaoeaker and Hloooin lock. Tba new firm will ba o aa Hloonro & Wit, aod will doiibtlraa roaka tvery fT.rl to swore their portion of tba trade. Bark lea's Arnica aalre. Tba best salve in tba world for cote, P.riiiaee, Hores, Clrara, Malt Khmim, Fever Horea, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Ouroa. and all akin eruptions and positively cores Til, or no pay required. It ia gneanteed to viva po'lrot aatmraction or money rernnaea. rilVx 'a reuta per bos. Fur aale by T. W. Ayera. Jr. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Notice of Intention. rANI) OFFICE AT LA OttANDE, OREGON, J NaT 'ti. IH'.i'i. Notice la lierel.y given that the following named sell ler haa tiled notice of hla Intention to make final proof In support of ha claim, and that sold proof will lie made helore J. W. Morrow, County Cleric, at Heppner, Oregon, on June , 1' via: JOHN OOTTWALD, Ifd.No. Mnl for the HE NF.',, V'i NEand NK.ia NWi Hen. Yi. Tti it, K E. YV. M. He names tha following wlttiewi to provs his rxntliiuona reluenc upon and rul Ivattnn of said land, via: William hannera, T. A. Moore, James Drown, I. B. halter, of Heppner, (ire. B. T. WIIJW1N. 38-49. Register Notice of Intention. publications, Iod cordially It tirrparaJ to tf Tha Bat. alaa, tba lo- Ulliat eompoaitnr epeiii omm wito an o" aod now tha utile ta rer roo with visitors. Oo July 3. 8 aoJ 4 tba O. It. A S. will tall tirsete to any p"1"' w ,B,, ooafaraf if mon l trip. Tick Ipira at mhlnifht of tha 6ll pru Thia ia epUndid opportunity to tfavl on boai chi or pUaaar. Joomal: M K Uarpr. of Hrf"' la l.inlf Whiakaf IVt. Whm h foorfl aa a a..ke down sad lla bt In tba oil lify afat.l. and ba '"kl on bin watil 1" l""ka a g" J"1 like raea bora. Jo WooUsry waa nt f' I day. A"ipanr 4 by bia family t will Uav today t t ba wk a i-it -Mb hi ralatitw aH friea la al Anatia. M i. II baa bM U '" J" M ,h eli bomia,l and m lil iU doobl b a ffj aoybl aa. Mra. T. . Hakia. rt.aHaao"ta. ii Hid Toa Krer Tklak Tbal you cannot m well nola yoa bava pnr, rich blood? If yoa ar weak, tired, languid aod all run down, II ia ba raoa )our blmxl la lupirlhed and lack vitality. Tb troob'ra may b isisflma bv llond'a Haraaiiarilla b Caoae Ho-d'i Hsraaparilla mk pure, nrh bl.Kid. Il ta. ia truth the great blood purifier. Howl's IMIa enra lir ill. 4Kinafip. tlon, billiouaeras, jtnodtce, sick beat acba, iodigtalicin. A Piamra. riaita'. A baa. tifol pbanmfia waa wilra,l by many p(la 1 TnM'Uy eniag, aod tt la aafa to aay allraeM a gral d-al of atleatiin r;br. Tb planet Venua appar4 wilb ' b'llliaaey very Pt iba tcooo In Ita fi'at fl iww, an I for qqita alill waa wnbio ii, eirc!, al n,.l bidden from aihl by tba Ictrveo tmn of II tn. Wedaeaday tvetilng Iba I'lasel waa am d.alaoe from Iba aH a4 wiihln a wk lby will widely aeparats-l. Tb ia aa4 to ftt aboil ry f -nt but Ibal fal O-aae II wot. IL la bting A by LmI. lray4 at aa Bar, ail 'II, T- . ... ahilnb'a Vilalilr i - t (.. is K.t r m 1 1 t wall 1 fcf . baa a tti ' . ...i.. I mitt w .' h' II a fe al 9n J.anahdi llVf n kt.lit e.tt' i f ! 4-tlar feaa' I ba4l lalft. Ill tm pli f.if tor IUad "CoioV' Carlos litiyd, ageob lion Htmaaker for the prase ot will pay 10 cents to trade for egga. a. Tba Weekly Hno and lhnagetta 273 per year, both atnolly In advauo. M'Farlaod Mercantile Co. will pay flaati for wheat, barley, bide and pelta. Farruer thou Id call and aa them. a Ma toa A Hcrivner, tba btarkatnitba. bnrUt and wcmh! bntuhem, at lb old (loon aland, Main atrnet, Heppner, Call no tbe boi. " T. It Howard makea a enialty in supplying alorkniaa with all ae-led artH la, Immim carrying a gorai lioa. rb bla new ad. If. Mai hew lima., CUy botel harbor ebop, tonaorial art lata. Ilatreultibg, ahavleg, haintxMileg, don aclaotiQeally. Hatha at Tt oeote apica. O. 11. Halt, tba tonaorial artist, can ba found al bla parlor, Matlock c.roer, brra ba will dipna at popular prtrwa, Uva, harnKH, haircut, ale. Msg leaves fr lbo Moo.lava, WHday. and Fridaya, returbiag on Tuea.la. Tburwlava and Patardaye II. vad,rr'P. T. w, yrJr., agtii. lUad "Giln't Financial He Ik I," and ll.n lake np bla other publtcatinaa, Tby arw ail e-iivincing, iniaeMimg, loa Carbi ttoyd, agent. r bliu. Aay invaatnr la rtrn Oregrrn who rteire ih swrvicr t.f a attorney ta W ai,iri(ln. I;. C . Will find II ! bis advanUg li call on or adJrtw tbia pa par. OH Walt. Thompson mm ! Itwn Heppner aad Monom-tit. arriving ery ,l. mrmtA M,,o,l and leaving rv I deair 14 Ibf f'O lb pl of H p- , J,- ,M., f-uodar. HlKKlaal and l-ap. i ar ii. l II. era ia aa vt i aaoe agaitiat eot rooi l the launor. 1. tt a, UbaOnag .f 6'rrai kfa, b-.tt.ba, ti, j 't. i wubia Ih aity limit, aal Ibal aai4 or- j T. W. Ayara. Jr, U aking ..ilrrl d a.ee will - aafor-L i " k f"U' . N k'" "2 7.. a A U aaara. Marshal. I PV, aad n II al 35 ala pr n. . " ' . m . ai m - - - ' . r . j wi for i 9i; ji iw "" -"' " atrpl aal try It, tf. Tb. I-alUr-a IV.(V, . baa f .,,.4 bn.cbar it,. .w, ..f it. L'.t l .rja f r tftm ,.,,,, hM .p, , u.m M etnw ard CJraal .rtil, ai d Will tm (,a Ws'l.sas bo'eh ali.p, .ii. k.M a. . ixvh.iilr at te.tt.w.il a-v paMl I) It.. T ANIlOFfh F. AT THE PAIXF.il, ORF.OOS Ii May tl, Notlee la nerehy given I Ilia followliia named aettler haa tiled liollei hla liitrntliiii Io mall, final proof In anpport ol his rlalm. and that aald proof will I made hrfor J. W. Morrow, ( o. clerk, at Heppner Oregon, on July a. via: W 1 1.14 AM 0. BCOTT, IM. No. tact, forth W4 KWI4 and WHWit lw. ii, Tp I a k n r. w. m. Ha name, the following wltneMe In prnv hla rniiiliuioiis riwldeiii a upon and cultivation ol aalo land, vis lirnrtu W . Hrnllh. Frank amllti, Thnmae Mar Belt, tdgar I. I'almer, all ol Islington, nr. J. t, M'X'UF., Register, Wood Wanted. J 4a wr a.vaiMV. IN ILL WD ! I T ia an ill wind that blows no good, and although the play ful pranks ot Old Boreas ei poses this fond couple to temporary em barrassment, the situation greatly amuses the spectators. Likewise the situation at IOXB Since it has become Generally known that CAHHIUH A. VUV,Ts Joe WOOLE11Y I IV 15 OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE Wblob ba anile at Bed Rock 1'rioe. Farmers of Eicht Mile. Davidsori. Gooseberry. Douglas, Jordan turk and lone spctiona can do no better than make their purchases of Ice. He carries ft full line of turnishinr Goods, Uoots and bhoes, Groceries, and in fact a complete stock of general merchandise. 1 aw. io:ni ORKGON. Tka Vala uf a rra4. CottntLU, La "For v.r ait y.ara I waa reaiy Iroolilwi with Conatipatloa and llilimtna, and waa iftn nnabl to work At Ilia oa-gtl o ol a fri.nd I lrii tit)mon Lu.r Itgqlalor, and am now Ire of tbei Irooblr Harrt. oo Tafl.t m. Your droiraiat lla it In pnwdr or li,H'l; lb. powder la b taken dry or roaJa into a lea. Taaat WArio.-I waul Io boy a g'nl, genua iui of about !.i'J pound boraea. At m g. aeooodbaod wagon and barn and fnll aal lia pooy. Ila om g'd, fantg brl born bulla f .r al; aim fin poultry and gga for l.alohitig. Took fl't "ill no tty ratll" and fowla at Kt faif ll .... ... aa a y.ar. tall at lit i. W va uoa ytm alma Hpt nr. N. C.alaia. 37 il. XOTIC IH HfRFRY filVF.!a THAT Til i InMil iMMird of IMstrli I No I, lleppnrr, tr . will rwrlva Id, Is lor Ih. drllverv of ttlt IVnrunla of wood al Ih arhool pr mlare al llepimef. am Io I opened on July In, I"',. wraM In I ilellrd on nr lM-frwN I I, l '. 1 h hoard rwrvea th right to rrri any or all bid. hv oapra or tni noaan. Attest j g gliSIMi. Clerk Pid, Heppner, ir., ion IA, wV U',. Notice of Final Settlement. NmM t. ta iirhirtY Mvrf that twr undo'slmM. Il admlMatiaiof of Ih Mtaleol Morran. d".. Iota rndrd and p"l, I'd for mm. ml and lixl his goal awiniii, as amii aominis raoir. won in roiilitf eooft of il,e e4Mihtr of M"f fow. of ln-t,,n. and llisl Mundar Hi Is) dr of Julr. ln. al Mi u rlo. a a m . or al'l nsv na rn dnif appolMd ! aald rourl lor Hi hrin of oi.Miion. to aaid axounl and a alt.mul thcrwil M. R t'iH(tA!. 7 IA Ad.nlnltialor, Treatunr'u Notice. NOTpr. ia iifarsv f.ivt that ail M .rrn Coiii arrant, frg'suied l1" to and Irwlndlr, F ! I i.l N I4ii nn fiwnlaii'iii al h ItweiNi a nr.a Intafa I nm allr Ih 4a. of In rKAK I.IMIlV. Tfnff ol K "trow i tailed. Ilppir. Iir. ili. iviM l I'-. ri'vi Talking Tfirouon His Hat ! Tha man who talk through bla bat is everywhere In .videnea vary objection able evidence it ia, too, in moat ea a. Tba man of lnt.lllg.net oov.ra bit craoiom with one ot T. U. HOWARD'S flna r bat, which ia in lta.lt a tigo of prosperity and g'l laate. II. alao boy bla yroc.riea, g.nla' for Diahitiga, im koiau'a aopplie, eta., al T. R. HOWARD'S. Mr. Howard mak. a p.clalty In Iho thing rrquirel by ahoap aod catllam.n. Hemamliar Iba plar . MPPNtR BLOCK, Main St., Poor duora eootb of the O ty boteL Aur i niurn ai... rewMr rv MONEY lOi on ln pt.,1 ad -wear i "fr t. iiriri I., ii0olet rl rrrrtase ttM'n tnprovl farma In r)roo, w 111. .asim al a ri'd nir' t,.rf I,. M Vi V r rant l ll.ti'im 'lj.rt rnea, li.al lta l-f otl,f ...in- n, AddrM . Mh up M'KVI sailMt. aar ( Ut. "!': tpaatie aid bonl Now ie lb lim logttb Wkl Or.goaian, lb ''.t .ppr of th VTwI. Wllb lb.Oil..botb firl y In advaac.fornoa ar, 1 1. Mo blr iblnatoit of aa.fpaper a b made la th .'at. Ileal I w will glv aa a . prvtnixaa a al tiUonal jtrl.ifca Weh f . 1a(.r, aa e-rnllt.rel pl. t'oB la 1 loitlh. lwf lataUig't VJf 4 40 Arc tho Highest of nil High Grndcs. vfeat)H tiilor toriy lrri W.',t la th wot',4. rfrd f prp o not I idr4 to pay aor y p.r a a Interior be.l. Insist aa fcavli-f lh Ws,.rr killt ttid .sranie.4 ty Ih Indiana Bkryci t , a n.liil'.a dollar rmm, ho Umd la a -l as I'.U tCORCH RtOS. 32tb. LAOI ' $T6. INDIANA l'.lL.ILt tU, lirvta If HAllK K. It.tar'l.ia, la., t. a Atl lor fra fHrn, rd''nB, f. a. A Plenty of them at GaZt.tto Offico, tho i i Metal. 1'r.e e-ala. IJ I f T w. A,j'. ruu I: I Kavavr. llfier, Ort . .r 1-iW Cir. .IB!U. a 'l . r ') bM tM"l- xt- "HWiiiJi,