TO0K BRANDS. While you aeep yonr antwoription pud up yen can keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Home GH on left shonlder; oattle same on left hip, nnder bit on riirht ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row ooanty. Armstrong, J. C. Alpine, Or. T with bar nn der it on left ehonlder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eiuht Mile. Or. Cattle brand, O D on left hip ami horww same brand on right shoulder. Kange, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heopner, Or. Horses, JA con .nantart nn '"ft flunk: ca'fl". atn on lft hio. Biird. D. W aid sin, Horse brand-d D B on the Mr hio; on tie the aane on left fl ink. crop off ri t ear. nndercrop in the left. Range in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 1 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor--ow oountv tiannister, J. W., Harrlman, Or. Cattle brand ed R on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, 1ooaeWry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on right side. Hnrke. M 8t 0, Long tJreek. Or On cattle, MAY connected nn left hie. otop off left ear, nn. der half orop off right. Horses, sums brand on letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow 0Hrmrnan, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left eiir half crop nd right oar nnper slope. Barton, Win.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thiga, cattle same on right hip; split in each ear. Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row O'Hinty. Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, cirole C with dot in te ter on left hip: cattle, name. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Homes W bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on righ hip oattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg, P. 0 Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left ehonlder; cattle, same on left hin. Brnwnlee. W. J., Fox,Or-Cattle, JB oonneoted on left side; orop on left ear and two splits and middle piece ont out on right ear; on horseB same brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley, Grant oountv, Carsner Warren, Wagner, Or. Horse brand edOon right stifle; cattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Range in Grant and Morrow oonnties. Catn.E., Caleb.Or.-Y D on horses onleft stifle' V with qnarter cirole over it, on left shoulder and on left stifle on all oolta udor B years; on left shoulder only on all horses over fi years. All range in Grant oonnt.v. Gate, Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties. Corrlgall. M M. Oallowny. Or Cattle crop ont of faoh ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead; horses half circle f! on left stifle. Range Mor ow and Umatilla oonnties. Curl, T. H John l)av, Or. Rouble oross on each hip on oattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant conmy. u sheep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Kar markoii ewes, orop on left ear pntiched upper bit in right. Wethers, orop in right and under haf orop in left ear. All ranga in Grant oonntv. Cook, A. J..Ijena,Or. Horses, KOon rlghtahonl der. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square orop off left and snlit in right. Can-in, K. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, oo on left stifle. Cox Ed. H Hardman, Or Cattle, C with gin center: horses CK on loft Mo. Cochran, K. K., Monnment, Grant Co , Or. Horses btandd circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chaiiin, H.. Hardman. Or. Horses branded Oon right hip. I 'at tie branded the same. Ala., brands CI on horiea right thigh; c t e smie brand on right shouldor, and cut off end of right ear Douglass, W. M .Gallowa. Or. Cattle, R l.'on right, side, swadow-fork in each ear: horses, It D on left hio. Ely. Brs Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hole in right ear. Emery. C. H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded f) raverael C with taill on left shou'der ; cat-tli-sameou right hio. Ilange in Morrow county. Kloninne, L. A., Ilepiifier, Or. Cattle, LK on right hip; horsee K with bar under on right ho-itder. Horonns, 8. P. Hnpnner. Or Horses, V on right. hoildu cattle. K on right hip or thigh. Krencti, George, HeppriMr. Or. Cattle branded WK, with bar over it., on left, side; orop off Inft ear. Horss. same brand o-i loft hip. Gentry, Elmer, tiutm, Or -Huraea branded H. H. with a quarter rtimla over it, on left stifle, Range in Morrow and Um-itillaoounties. tliatt A. H Itidne, Or.-llattln. round-top 4. with quarter nirele under it nn the right hip. Ita-igM in Morrow and Umatilla eonnties, llinton .Llenka, Hamilton. Or t'attlo. two hats nn either hip; crop In right ear and split in loft, HorsMi J on right thigh. Range in Grant county Hughe, Hamnel. Wagner. Or- J" CP K L CoiinofU'dl on right ahonlditron htiri.a; on nettle, on right hip ami on loft sido, swallow fork in right ear and slit in Inft Range in Haystack dlKlrtrtt. Morrow c.nntv Hid", Milton, Warner. Or. Horses branded -O- (cattle wtli pirallel tails) on loft shiiuldnr CmMIh name on lefthip also large om)U cm left side. Howard J L. OOlowar, Or. Ureses T (oros with h ir a'tovii I1 1 -in right aVi ilder; naltl . same on l"ft side. Rang lu Morrow and Umatilla OiM titles HsM. Klwin, John Dav, Or.-Catt'e E Hon rMit hin; hors sua neon rijlit allonl.kir. Hhiiko In llrnlit rai'ility. Iliigtifa, Mat, Hnpimer, Or. Horses, aluvlml heart on the loft shoulder. Range Morrow Co. Hunaaker, II t, Wagner, Or. -Horses, V on left ho'lldor. pal lift. (I on loft hip. Humphreys, I M Usrdiuati, Or. Horses, II im le' Hank llii.-otl. Lnther, Eight Mile. Or.-Horaa II no the loft ah. I'll I'-ra-l I h-vt on the loft all Ma Cat U ee-na n left tun. Hvig In Morrow county J iia. H irrv. II nun r Or Moree hran lad II J on t'-o loft a-oiii'dor; ra'tls bra .d.l J on right hip. alao lu loft Mir. Itantfti iu ftl row poti ity. Junkiu. rl. l., Iloppner, Or Horses, horn sIhm J on loft aliioildor. (alt la. Uim saius. Itaoge Vile. .I'ltioa -n, Felix L-na. fir H.ireaa, elroleT la'l aultei oatiln. aam on right hip, nnder half or to in ri.- and aolit n loft ear Kotinr. Mtk-, Hopp-ier, Or. Iloraes bran I RNY tin U'f hip naltl aame and orop off left ri tinder ehine .in the right Kirk J T Hapitner Or.-lloraisi IW en left St,.,il l-r, raillU. on left hli. Kirk Jeaea, Hxpt.ner. Or.: horaa It nn left skoiiidari mills sains oo tight side, nnderbil on right sat. knmlMrland.W.II..Miinnl Vernon. Or. I Lon Pallia i. n right and left sidm, swallow fork in bft ar and nndor nop In right ear. Horses sains brand on lo't h. oil, lor. Range In Omni ismntv. iiftan, Ml option, Poi. Or. H I. on loft hip nn cattle, crop and split on right ear, Horses same brand on left shimliler. Hang ttrant eotmlv. I. ienallen, John W., L!-- Or.-Horso braii'lol half circle J I, eoniisdial nn left ah on I. der. Cattle, miiis on left liiu. Kangs, naar In (ton lhoy. J W Hoppnor Or lloraos brsndo.t Land o-l lot! ahouldor; roll la Mini no loft hii, nail la "tor nlit e, tdroa slits in rghl ear. lor-1, Oaorge. Ilot-pnav Or.-Iloraaa brands I rfieilils II cirt.nei-1 Ninetlllies eaUatl "I II nn lo ah.Hihlor la M C . Hoppnor, Or -Cattle bran.UI riti-' n rttftil hip; l,.i'a sains ll right, slllle. Ila'.ge in M -r us "ii'iiy. Minn, n-air, na.,ii. r -i-altla, M I) on rigtit tup, h-raa M on tofl ahouldof, M !, n N , 0 -nj..i.-v. Or M.iiM, M ) on loll ahioild-! rani earns nn left hip, Miii-hoil. )wr l-ow, or.-llntM, II im right Bin. eallia 17 on right al.a. Ma, .i. I). I., Hrnwnavtlla Or,-llorass, ig-ioa ,m "a-ll ahioildor enula, M J n" hin M- ilirv. r"ta-k Co VaH-t. Or. M il. ah. WiiH i, a ett k on eatita ie r,t aa-l n--lac lo sa- h -ar, reiraos aa-ita brand n lofi stilt. M'tKI,M a ,. na Mlit-i-1. 1 b --Pa tloraaa, a With half jir -la a-'lo n loft ab.Mil or,Mi i nio, (Mir liars o-.,in"'l on Uip m ins riahl aid liango In Oranl t'loinlv. ra-l a . '- I, .... H.o-k Of - llin-aae 4 N onv "-.I n U.1 a'.-l lor pallia na -m roh Mini, V.r-t.ka ..,HU,nrt0 or.-HonMS.ein-hi lua lo't ii.i oa-iU aa a on hin, lli I a-iion i it; l ! - a 1 nn rail s hi Ut- i, 1 1, Q K iraaa, sa ns un left thigh, IUim IS trS'. o-1llf Oil-. arr. Utlngitwi. o.-r II Ml M Hp Hornaan, fiaiHa I'lli, Or,. On rat-!., I I. I' .-Miti-o I .mi M'l hip, horM na Uh atil an ! wanle on a ra M"a in ieii o.M.,(t, -r.n. Illaaa P M Mr t ,,,nr (or rl. -la .l'.l nn t1 .1, an I II ,h kip I a"la, I ,t le l" 'lM propa L 14 vn Ufl Kin lta--in r Uil M-i. I- a-ko s Glaa..n. Ila l i.aa ltT. II'. a) .toil l. 'n I a I. r ll.if -oa bran I .1. r..-.,a.n.. .. ..l at,m,l.M ( ptr e..rti ta Mango trr-iw phio I11.4, J H , !.' ... tl. I..n. i o-o -'-I l-t .'.-til, rai'U, a.aa lT1 Kip n- I i- In '4'a a ! If 1 -.M-aoa dia-nnd I'm at. ii l' .a-'lo, J 'I J r. ii i, .' ,mi lw lt .i.. uci.M slop l Ufl snraal any In lu n-1. II, . tn-1r, lUv-l-tian In l.j. sia.r r- .IK ...rtf -r, U tl no Lfl aHM ll i mii, l-l r Hi. I H ) Ipli .I... .I m, M iH Una Itrf. no. IK II m bran l-l M IK ... .K..l l oat t la I .Ml IK lofi nip ) .ol oa an t ! ! k. S. tUSMt ll at,. a i. a.n,g obi. K,., -,l I l. .,, Or -Noma 11 H rtM sh.oil.taS, a.ea '"a hal oaxtM bum w rig I.I k.p Ha 'a 11 ..o.s o-i' If II- ., , a H laietHkllt-tlllNaia. s.a na t irl i.. .-o oat.aoj, rt-,t k. ...iini a.. I at. t i I.H. ll I 'n Wl av- ll alia ia ojr.. l.a-. I .aa oo.. a. M t t . H Or-H. o.'t Ir I ati.o i..a fl.l Kl. n.-a - i W r . it . . -, .. it r. 1 a ..a l-t H, i.ri Ki a sha lor a . . -a 'a . - i i . i t h, . . I . II....... t t. ii .M, V A t os t K (. a '1 n a ..a i i. a, r . i. . . .aw- M I'M. a. r ... n . ..Kt K.l rV tMi sa nwal sM las) all saft aasa, f ' j in irant ooanty. Smith Broa Hnsanville, Or, Horse, branded H. Z. onshonlder: cattle, aimeon left ahoolder. Hquims, James. Arlington, Or.; horses branded JH on left shoulder: cattle the same, also nose waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam co inties. Stephens, V. A., Herdman. Or-; horses HBoo right stifle; cattle horizontal L tin the right side Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Cattle, rj on right hit : swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on left stiouldo' : cattle. 44 on loft hip. Rnerry. E. G.. Heopner, Or. Cattle W C on loft hip. crop off right and nnderbit in left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shonlder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on left ahould.'r: cattle. 2 on left shoulder, Tipnet.8.T.,Enierprise,Or. Horses. C-on left ehonlder. Turner R. W.. Heppner, Or. Small capital T left shonlder. horses; cattle same on left hip with split, in botti eers. Thornton, H. M.. lone, Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle; sheop same brand, Vanderpool. H. T.. Lena, Or: Horses H V con necteil on right shonlder;cattle, same on right hip Walbridge, Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses. TJ. L. on the loft shoulder; cattle same on right hip. orop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, Jonn 0 Salem or TTeppner, Or. Horsos branded Jo on the left ehonlder. Rang Morrow oonnty. Warren. W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with qnartei cirole over it, on loft side, split in right, ear. Horses same brand on left shonlder. Range if Grant oonnty. Wade. Henry, Heppner. Or. HorBee branded ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left side and left hip, Wolflnger, John, John bay City. Or On horse throo parallel bars on left shonlder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malhner nonntiee. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or, Horses, OF connectvl on left shoulder. Watkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded UE oonneoteo on left stifle. Wallaia, Charles, H .ppner. Or. Cattle, W ob right thigh, holt- in left ear: horses, W on righ' ahoulner sonn same on left shoulder. Whittier nrtis., nuniioguin. Baker Co., Or. -Horses branded W B oonneoted on left shoulder Williams, Vasoo, Hamilton. Or. Qnarter oir ole over three bars on left hip, both cattle anr horses. Range Grant oonnty. Williams, J O, bong Creek. Or Horses, quar ter circle over three bars on left hip: oattle samr and slit in each ear. Range in Grant oonnty Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses running A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young, J. S Gooseberry, Or. Horses brands TUnn the Huht.ho.iM.- TAVERN OF ill i o OPENS JUNE 1, 1895 GtO. 8CH0N CWALO, MANAQES. Luxury, Good Cheer, Hospitality. De Try lightM and HaltliM Pastimes, Matchless Mountain Scenery. SWEET BRIER CAMP. Established last year In a roman tic del I of the Sueremeiitn Canyon, JiikI In-low and In full view of umnd old HIiMHta It whs a great hit and prom Ihi-h still more encoii raging re sults lor the present vear T J LoKTUH. at Cnstella, is still In charge and wiil answer all inquiries. A l ew candidate for public favor this year Is SHASTA VI CI NO CAMP, Also In the Hhasta region, about smile anil a half from Iiniisiiiulr It is h gen nine paradise (or hunters, fl lu-rs slid seekers of health and I Gr pleasure r.asy. to reach (near the railroad) sightly, and nil the ne ccssitlK" of camp life easily procur able. All liiqiiirl.-a shout rlhas's Vlelno ( amp. If addressed to W C Gray, Box 4, Duiismiitr, Cal., will receive prompt attention. Camping In Th SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS Ima, " r'ghts, Laurel, (ilonwood, Fcl on. Hen l.oiniinil, BiiulUt-r Creek. Reduced Rates Uurlim the (tamping season will be TT uihiIu by I he or full partli-nlnrs a.ldri-ss K. I', HOUEKM, At line, "h. Agt., I'.IKTHNII, (lllklKIN. July 'Jtl. Or any 8. P. Co. Agent. ThuWbTells. Th tt-nmb 1 in ntifnlllrp 1ni rf rtit Hitrr. 1 lu hqiutrr 'I tr in dxMht t wh iitf rn ei i'tM titl flniiin'--, i liwU tuitd if llit hi'tulifd T)p tin- ilit' oi tliirM or iii cii hit aiifl bupttir' tvullty. U- ih of lhrt t h Im Uui In ilia b titin or wkiukh; aim .tritiiirr-rii l aiitlly tt lit (tie Inn- ( (fill f"t .. (xr. ti hnl tolUMii" of tllW liU'Vt. run tl ! d hi ir4w, m- HmI Ihi f tofil itf ih tttxilr iti.r. .iflk tor t ptofitb n.y It fed lit ha f an inf, ( otiiiat 1 li.iluatn rr(liioirtii, fulntrf, and a of Bin'tr, m- irv, and flrtli.n A prrwo ltd tlm of It.ntiih lh ihof. ott-hit rii)v I In Iitf rut atit4 iMMtt of Is-itHiff-i a Wmhi. 1 ti Ar li-t-r T? lii.iMwlta a ) ul h in if and rtt M, h will Atxl mrt k-Mirflt in lltf mavitiflMtti tul iit- rtt of li.U mrrli Murk ol art aa fVsllut' at 4 tU tr-fif. w ilofl I W mt ntrot'ttid from th or t' U .it (h , an it(n oil .r ti r-t'oiof ini4 ! i ui. loin d In t m h HMti K r f Ihr U '!., and hm a 1 1 ar- (m,. fioi U a d i--f t I, ) liitratid ll.kt 0 llat'in i, lo frt uy, a f.t.. vf at il.a t-f it l l.r'l nxtrf 1 I n I'M). hi ,r t i h ln li.-tM.b of iha I' M.k. r at d ln Mot il l. If tih-l t 1 l Hr f li trf. trd In Ih'tr drtUfrd it.m.fli f tn inirta Ww-i-i)., in w of iia t"ttri.nt tiv i -a otttr t. d r h rnrf tK rft-t inuhf a' 4 l tiflt- B--ld hn.iitt vf t, ry f'l. Urwr, aiul fd nf lh iJf tm ri a la a n- rif. Y to ir V;iimr, 4 d lot an f- hid f -Mli KI f1" ! In )-'r atiWr i0). It !) H n ( . 1 1 a d Jo WlM ! a itofa-n sli.i' in atf! H Jt.... ... ... T ht n ri Hiti M.t. sw Y-tt. h t h r- a f i.i.m n ua p- f f husfi a.'r ai d "tutW tin f itttiMf ao dnri h tnattt t ti fcw -f .- tl-( r h :at Im th I- t. f it a Kr.-i.-i. T 4 1 - a u m uh H In att m ttaamad a . iid. -i r, ft t rl, a 4 h, fy'tit ; tip. tl a Ira t i.u h lrt i ' lit- in i ha ani'-HT rrir'h r n al.ti'd ltitW i , . iroi M i f tn r it l a la i' it i Mill afiiin f i ftvr,, a4 a ii al'i"i tKi t ir 1 ft I M u ha In i.. mt t-f H.a f I t a A -4 in I . r u au'f luiai a.a 4 Ha I , COPYKIGHTS. rf niTij nnUf r '"it a ,of . ( n .. .. . . . l I a A I ll , a . i ... .a a-M.t ' . t....' .. -, , , a ,.... A l..rfl...i, ,4 f . m 'Nfri a,.. , m l a . a a. ' A m mi.,.mJ i - -a .a .. t Cn, .4n..l Inlntr ia.i , mm. a 4 ll oa a-a I ... a . ., , ... " ia I. i .1. . 1 1 h t '-. - t . .-.a. . 'a. L. ! : aif.fa-.. .a. 4 la ... il. a la la ). I III -' - . ;to- ' t a . 4 a o L, . t.-. .. ..4 f a -a .- ' .- il a , i . . ,.... h . s a ssaM(ais sVakaaUsasauMtl. j mm in p J lirv ir mm( a, I Wl itirln , tr tn. I 'A dturd fiutn llii riMnal (ttr by I - ' A In Uni;'iiif ih iiMt c i Mmti-U of IrVv V (iwrr palnlrra, ln h l I ' Hi l 'rr lr,lrt lo I I A I iir'i Ma.-ih for m5 Tha 1 , wr I w. I iintt "in tj m E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO Til 12 EAST GIVES TUB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN Ky. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full detdils call on 0. R. & N. Am nt at Heppner, c r address W. H. BURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obhqon. Q UlOIt TI3VE33 ! San. Franolsoo Vnd all point in ('Hlifomis, via the Mt. Shasta route of the Southern Pacific Co. t'ha groat hihway throiiKh California to all points Kast and South. (Iranrl Hoenio Route of Hio l'aniflo Coast, Pullman Hnffet Hlaorxira. Haooml-fllass Hlenpers Attaoharl to express trains, affording snponor iflcoinirjodntions for sonond-class passensBrs. For mtss, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, ifo. call njion or address KOKHI.KK, MiuiHKor, E. P. ROGERS, Asst ion. t. A V. Atct.. I'nrtland, (irt-KOU imZm Most Modern and progressive Fur csisloirue or liifonnstlon writs to TIIU MARLIN riRU ARAS CO., New Haven, Cnnn. Thscompsratlvsvslusofthtsstwseardt la known te most parsons. Thsjr llluatrst that frtstsr quantity la Not always most to be deslrsd. .'. These eaids express the beneficial qual ity or RlpansTnbutes 4s compared with tny previously knows DVSPKPSIA CURB Ripens Tsbulee i Price, 30 cente bee. Of drugf lets, ar by mail. .'. IIFsKS CHEMICal CO., 10 lfce II..H.T. tia- inr ( 'i anal. is ho m ps 1,i I ' ,. ' It iaa I. . ti rn. '. .t I r 1 . 'a il. -. t 11. i" t h " i t I nn. a mil t sf-, i, la f" r 'a . Ha4, ,0 ps fl' ', I I nt - a , I a. (" l-lu.naae, V' Im r n atii.'t... . r urn tali. 1 m f li.e tt t f . : j 1 aita. I"'ri-r(;rwrie In t le ratp. In4 I -t.a Ihi e i tta.j.irui )! tl . ' a. 'fa ui,. iisaii.iie ri'H.i...i ! 1. -if., airah . '.are T'lns In 14 ! . ka. t rl f 01 I bin. ifea ft. .11 , .11 la-. I I j' . v.-' t-' ' "t q . (.). fvar V--1 n er.U aafwf a. I a. ,n at . 'm ti . la it (a la .. 1 I, ( i) v .a.. p' SMinaal a .. I e- 1. , Urn al la tuilai bf I iaai.1 11.1 li. 1, 1 t.a t . w ii. vaa rna.4. v lal Is, at ne -J I stnra. ti MaUel la.lilala ll la 1 si a I k a... ! arf p a. t I, l.-.l I a '. a. k. letlall ar. .,..a -r.. a t on,, 1 t..l IS : ihM . Ml ,.,a l ran N.f l. 1. ,, , 1 1 , , .... t r,,, fcl (w lt 1,1 l- a-l - a-. a- . I I t t 11 . I I. . . , a . s 'nasi atMl.tate -II I'll si. laaim S., Js4SBasl eiai ., taekt A b-UaO faa iaaanajswaa 4s. Simplest, 4!,4li.pKE,,-',l"t MronKe.t.ff,'rt4 Working, Solid I lO Xr J, Vvff Most Tup ViTl3!f Accurals, Kecrlvcr. Ji2l' Compact, ' y ' t f. f i tv a 1 V ' "! 4 1 v , , -,f i m l I Si i'i ii AGKlCCbTCKAL, QTARANIINE fiEtil'LA- TIONS. At a f oeoial meetinc of tba Ore nn State Board of Hortioaltnre, held in Portland April 2, 1895, all members present, the followiDg regulations were adopted, iu aooordanoe with the laws regulating snob matters, and are, there fore, bindiDg npon all persons. The regulations are to take effect and be in foroe from and after May 4, 1895: Rale 1 AH consignees, agents or other persons, shall, within twenty-four hours, notify the quarantine officers of the State board of Horticulture, or a duly commissioned quarantined guardian of the arrival of any trees, plants, buds or cinns at the quarantine station, in the district of filial destination. Rule 2 All trees, plants, cuttings, grafts, bnds or eions, imported or brought into the state from any foreign oounlry, or from any of the United States or territories, are hereby re quired to be inspected upon arrival at the quarantine station in tbe district of fioal destination, and if any mob. nursery stock, trees, flante, cuttings, grafts, buds or 010ns are found to be free of insect pests and funguons diseases, tbe said quarantine officer or duly com missioned quarantine guardian shall issue a certtQoate to that effect. And furthermore, if any of said trees, plants, oattings, grafts, buds or oions are found infested with insect pests, fungi, blight or other diseases injurious to fruit or to fruit trees, or otber trees or plants, tbey shall be disinfected and remain in quarantine until tbe quarantine officer of the State Board of Horticulture or tbe duly commissioned quarantine guar dian oan determine whether the said trees, plants, cuttings, grafts, buds or oions are tree from live injurious inseot pests or tbeir eggs, larvae or pupae, or fungous diseases before tbey oan be offered for sale, gift, distribution or transportation. All persons or com panies are hereby prohibited from carrying any trees, plants, oottings, grafts, buds or oions from without tbe state to any point within the state beyond the nearest point on its line or course to the quarantine station in the dis'riot of ultimate destination, or from any point within tbe state to any otber point therein, until such trees, plants, cuttings, grafts, buds 01- cions have been duly inspeoted, snd if required disin fected as hereinbefore provided, and all suoh shipments must be accompanied by tbe proper certificates of tbe inspect ing officer. Provided, however, that after such persons or company has given the proper officer four days' notioe, he or tbey shall not be required to bold suoh shipments further, without directi ons from suoh officer. IJule 3 All peach, nectarine, aprioot. plum or almond trees, and all other trees budded or grafted upon peaob stock or roots, all peach or other pits, and all L - , , . . peaon, neotarine, apricot, plum or almond outtings, buds, or cions, raised or grown in a district where tbe "peacb yellows" or tbe "pesoh rosette" are known to exist, are hereby prohibited from being imported into or planted or offered for sale, gift or distribution within the stale of Oregon, Rule 4 Alt trees, plants, outtings, grafts, buds, cions, seeds or pit arriving from any (oreign oonntry found infested with inseot penis or tbeir eggs, larvae or pupae, or with fungi, or other disease heretofore unknown in this state, are hereby prohibited from landing. Rule 5 Fruit of any kind grown in any foreign country, or in any of the Doited States or territories, fonml in- ii-amu wiiq any insect, or witu any fungi, blight, or other disease or disease injurious to fruit or fruit tree, or to oilier tree or plant l hereby pro hibited from tM-lng offered for sale, gift or distribution withiu the state. Rule 6 Any boxes, package, packing material and the like Intesled by any insector insect, or thfir eggs, larva or pnpae, or by any fungi, blight, or other liHfse or diseases, known to be injurious to fruit or fruit trees, or to other tree or plants, and liabln to spren.l ooolaglon, are hereby prohibited from being offered fur nle, gift, distribution, or transpor tation nntil said tnateiial La been ilis- iiifiH-tetl by dipping it In boiling water and allowing il to remain in said builiog ater do) lee than two minute-; stmb boiling tenter need a eoeb disinfectant tt contain io solution one pound of flunienlrnted potash to each nj every ten gallon of water. Ktile 11 Animate known at Hying fm, Auslraliao or Kngliali wild rabbit, or ul her animal or bird detrimental to fruit ur frntt trees, plant, elc, are pro. diluted from ting brotigM or lstnle.1 io -hi state and It landoj shall bed stride J. Hill IJ -(JttaratiUne etallnne: For tli Fourib district, romprtring the emiotli-e f Marrow, Wasvn, (lillism, t'na k and Sherman, shall be The Dal Ire. Ktuil Mchaniio quarantine rffl.vr, or ay tnrtubrr ot lb board or the eecrs- lary Iheremf. l('il 1.1-Importer- or owner of nursery eUark, lra, or rutting, grafle, tin, t, or clou, drairiog to have sat b aaraery etock, trees, plant, cuttings, Kraft, bud or rimi ioepHtetl at prnot iH-herttian regular qjeretiline sIiIm-d msy tier such loeitaMitin d-oe where 'ni'iire.1, pritvUeal, bo ever, that eorb ni..irtte etie.ll pay all rbar.-en of In. all..O Milib Cbergr an, elpenee li l-e pal 1 h f..t oetliflfale ie f fan led Trtiiirtalioa rmtils), or ti.l rne gneet) or ngeol ehall deliver and ran: a,! in ba delainej all Btreery ata 1, trv, pUjl and frntt at on tr uther of the 4Hfntlue elallone, f.if la spxtlii.a, M protl l. by lb tllleaj and f-ulali..iia of thn txM. Wlail tt quarantine elslloti, ofr,r, nf lnapetion, rerti f f iliainl.elK, and all daelre l lnfe mtti.-n may b pl.taieed on at plical.on lit the "rater 7 r ny member t lie Wnrl. r hr refarenre Id Ibei pntnphlel rtre 1 I. 'aa. a a (netting ef Ih Mll tt, ar.l ll.imenili.fe nt l""U.. Of , i,.iill-j. i iu t .rtiu rr, Atwaji: Ub Ltuioor, EIGHT MILE NOTES. Our effioient postmaster, A. S. Haines, issoffering from rheumatism. John B. Evans took his departure for Walla Walla a few days ago. Miss Dell Fuqua has arrived home from a pleasant visit with relatives and friends at Lexington. J. H. Ingrabam is Buffering with a carbuncle over tbe radios, near the wrist bones. A very nn pleasant visitor it is. A good many people who burned tbeir straw stacks this spring will doubtless realize that it is not a very profitable season for tbe same. A band of cattle passed through this vioinity yesterday. They cumbered 2,000 bead and were destined for Mon tana via Wallula by rail. Range is getting rather short ana un less it rains soon will not exist long. The crops, though, are standing tbe dry weather remarkably well, and with a rain soon will oome ont all right. Hograising is attracting considerable attention here of late. The farmers have increased their herds wonderfully in tbe past year and the writer is nnder the impression that it will not be many years hence until tbia oonntry will at tract the attention of tbe markets ot the world as a hograising country. The farmers are busy hauling tbeir winter's wood and a better time could not have beeu selected. Tbe roads are in good condition and the mountains present a picturesque appearance to the wood hauler; besides all this, he par takes of tbe pure cold water that flows from tht'Se salubrious mountain pprings that God has given to mankind for an iuvigorator. Tbe pesky little squirrels have tbe best of the gardens and are taking no particular pains to spare the wheat crops. It looks as though it were get ting about time that the people were putting a stop to their career. I think it a good idea toinnooalatean infections iii ease of some kind ami eg them Such an experiment might be tried and found a snocess, used to a good advantage, and save hundred of dollBra worth of products. Tbe pesky imps have de stroyed so many gardens, wheat fielda etc., I think it about time to wage war 00 tbem. J, D. Eight Mils, Or., Jnne 20, 1895. "We take pleasure in recommending Chamberlait's Cough Remedy beoause it is praised by all who try it," says J W. Oox & Son, druggists, Marshfleld, Oregon. Me one afflicted with a throat or lung tronole can use this remedy without praising it. It always gives prompt relief. It is especially valuable for oolds as it relieves the lungs, mkes breathing easier and aids expeotnration. A cold will never result in pneumonia when this remedy is taen and reason able oare exeroised. For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drng Oo. LONO CHEEK. Culled from the Eagle. Mr. Gray, of Heppner, arrived in this city Wednesday. Henry Blackwell has gona over to Pendleton, from which plaoe be will ship several carload of beet cattle to eastern markets. Ye editor returned yesterday, accom panied by bis wife and ion, who have been visiting daring the past six montba in the stale. , N. Crockett returned Sunday even iog from attendaooe on tbe grand lodge of Maanns held at Portland last week. Tbe gentleman was accompanied oo bi return from Pendleton by bi sister, Mr. A. A. Roller, of Dloomville, Ohio, who wilt ba the guest ot Mr. and Mr. Crockett during a few week' visit io Ihi city. Their drive from Pendleton wa oot without incident, Oo of Mr. Crookett's horse became foundered Id Pendleton and when a few mile oat of that city m unable to travel farther. Another horse wm procured. SCHOOLBOY PHILOSOPHY. Answer foe Keery Question tbe Teneber C Ask. The schoolboy ha queer Idea some times, any the Great Divide, a I ilr-ttiiinatrati-tl by the following answer given to U-ei hrr in nearvh of informa tion: A poor boy w a naked: "What la irentlomanr' "A fellow that has a wall h ami chain." he replied, adding, whi-n he saw that hi answer wa nut perfectly Mtiafartory, "and love Jeaua." -Medieval I a wicked man who baa been tcmplo!." "A demn pogue i veaavl containing brer ami othrr liquid." "Titm, Uae a kvntrni-e) with rraponalbility In It." Tom naUl: "When one nusprtider button I gone there I a great ileal of responaiUllty on the othrr one." "What I a la-ir Inquired the teacher. A very nmnll girl answered; "A thing for courting with." "Wive, the) future of drink." "Prearnt, he drinks; future, he will tw drunk." "Th plum! for pillow." "Ikil.ter " tuinpnr lit." ' Ill, wore. .Irnl." This rernll the answer of the boy who an Id: "Maacullne. man; feminine, womnn: fteutr. corp." "Whi wan the flrt man?" aal.l a Unrher. "Washington," promptly anwr4 the young American. "..t." Mid the tmi-hrr, "Adam wa the drat man." "th. well. supp yon nr right." replied the un.Uuute.l patriot, "it you refer to furrlner " "How til. I thai tlo on your ropy .k. Kmr "I think it la a Irnr, Miaa Waltae." "ow fonld War I Hack, fanm?" "It tnnsi have Wen a colored Uy who ilrped It." sag gee tea the rrflrvttee f am vie I. "What made the tower t I'ls leanT" "The famine la the land " I'm r, Mu Mt t tin knm .(-htn j lilTrrrnt Unrni Ul thn tnt f ba 1 lr t.; lo apr or rr1 Ul nejr om i of Ihrrtt, n. ranau!rnbl atimbar IB i fel l. U Iran trftljr Tr.artlaf.. rn-vC.i.t. rnr. It tfrl.r; It a C'traAai.) , r) rlr f,f Mrm a, (Irani !, tti.J , U'i'f ..rna B.-I..t. f . !! , Corm. ttatBiM C(rvnl rWor kt,M. t sal Tht the RAMBLER Is one o( the very beat wheels ever made Iront rank with all high grade machines, Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you punctured, It can be mended by you In renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims. Sold In all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at $100 each. Tandems for two men or man aud woman, $150 each. THE RAMBLER'S the fastest, For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan- leal and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals For men. women, boys and srirls. with 28. 26 and 24 lneh wheels, at. tm. ass. ta rosn.t. ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. it J. high-grade double locking edge clincher tires and are fully warranted. Before you buy a bicycle, write for cta''ogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call 01 our numerous agentB. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing-! ton aud Idaho. j FRED T. MERRILL Northwest representatives Gormully & Store. 327 Washington .-t , Portland, Or. i.u'ti, ..a ..iiuiiuvK, ifii .v. How's Your Liver? This question is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise- need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one, call at Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery, Power House. acaAl King- . mill, iikuiu, W7Si . SPEEDY, HANDSOHE. HS, SCIENTIFtC ' ''' W0RKMANSHlP' Four Model3rB85 and 8100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory and Main Office; Lfke and Halsted St., CHICAGO, ILL. BiiANcIll 3:-Nw Yorl;, San Fmncl.'-. lt ai -dtv. 1V0 .-. 'tpir.rhln. Dttroit, Tnronto. WEBB SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, rOUTLAND, OREGON. A. H". rATTEHSOX, Agent for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon. iT v 1 v Jr ' - y kr 1 - It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business vc must sell it. Tin; Patterson Puiilishing Co. : WITH I1II3 : BIFII : PILLS ! Youro DOUND to Tako 'Em, Leaves No Constipation, r-m Tna.. II. n. n! Il lt,. ., ,..4 "n,nal. Mr.-nt.kti ri't it- i.i. h l4 .ti M. J .,,'Jrr.rl,, UU 1 ,iLNI'W H'rAL Co. 2a5' Is an Indisputable fact. It stands In the j and If you buy one you will make no mistake. want to be happy, for should your wheel bef five minutes, as It is equipped with the world lightest and strongest wheel in the market. CYCLE COMPANY, Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main 1 Maj E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and i .uu.iiiT vu , xieiJuuer, lruguu. of Uicycles. FINEST MATERIAL. OUR STOCK OF . . . j SPACE IS 1 :, TOO HEAVY J :' AXTF. TT7 flil tt ;VARE WILLING TO UNLOAD j '..avsa fT.Wl!aiiSsaass. nn .Mill'" v if E