Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 25, 1895, Image 3

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Stage (or Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leave aa follow :
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
A rtlves every day at 6 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and beat line to or
rom the interior country.
Phill Cohn, Agent.
You can get the beat beer
in Heppner at G.
rowe's, 5 cent per glass,
B. Ted-
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.,
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
Here and There.
Millions ride the Rambler.
Ike Ennia has bicyolea to rent.
Fireworks at Boyd & McDowell's.
Geo. D. Fell visited Pendleton last
Ayera guarantees
82.50 per dozen.
his poison.
John Royse and son were down from
Hardman yesterday.
The Nilea-Vinson, Marble Works,
Walla Walla. Wash.
Joe Beok, the well known John Day
etookman, is in town.
Joe Tamer departed yesterday after
noon for Casoade Looks.
E. Minor returned from a visit to
Hood River last evening.
H. A. Cupper came over from Monu
ment the latter part of last week.
La Grande Marble Worka, La Qrande
Ore. S. O- Hmith. Hrtlflsmnn. Hammer.
Now is the time to kill squirrels; and
Swaggart'a "Sure Shot" ia the stuff to do
it with. tf.
Try Ayera
buying any
squirrel poison before
other. Only $2.50 per
Joe Woolery, one of the lone mer
chants, was registered at the Ferkins
last week.
For Sale A lot of household furni
ture and an organ. Call at the M. E
parsonage. tt.
E. 6. Moore, a oommeroial man of Ra
cine, Wis., was registered at the City
over Sunday.
Just reoeived Boyd & McDowell have
just reoeived a fresh line of oboioe con
fectionery and oigars.
Wanted Plain or fanoy sewing. Will
go to the house or take sewing at home.
Mra. Mary Henderson.
It you want to rent a bioycle or get re
pairs for same, call 00 Ike Ennia at his
bicycle livery, power house.
Lige Hendriz, an ' old-timer of the
Heppner section, surprised his friends
by dropping into town Uatarday.
Mra. Ed Smith came up from the
.lower part of the Heopner branob tbe
last of thia week, to remain a few days.
Gilbouaen Bros., will soon go to tbe
inner oountry to be absent nntil the
latter cart of this month. Await tbeir
return. ltt
Misa Oarrie St. John came up from
Tbe Dalle recently and ia now living
witb ber sister, Mrs. Tom Durham, of
thia oity.
Preparations have all been made and
a special train will run from Heppner to
Lexington and return on next Thursday
tbe Fourth.
Prof. Rork, formerly of Oregon, ia
now bowling populism in tbe wilda of
Kentuoky. Oregon haa much to be
thankful for.
Geo. W. Martin, of tbe O. R. A N.
Go.' bridge builders' foroe, ia in Hepp
ner to do some work on the turn table
Dear the depot.
Green Mathews tor ahavlng, hair
catting, abbmpooiog and all other work
in that line. Batha at any time daring
business boars.
L. R. Fairobild, the commercial man
well known to Heppnerites, waa in
Heppner over Sunday, representing a
New York firm.
John Rab leaves on today'a train for
Yellowstone Park, where be baa secured
position and where he will probably
remain for sometime.
According to tbe change of time on
tbe O. R. A N., aa published elsewhere
in thia issue, tbe tram leave Heppner at
1:45 p. m., and returns at V p. m-
The atand formerly oocapied by Jerry
Cobo, next door to the poetofBoe, is be
ing fitted op for tbe May street grooery
man who will aoea occupy the tame.
Are yon going to oelebratef It so, re
member thai Lexington ia making ex
teoaive preparations and tbat a special
train will ran down on that ocoaaion.
For sale A fine. Short Horo grade
bull, foar yean old. i'rioe, liV Or
will trade for other cattle. Addre
Harrison Cbaplo, Hardman, Or. 2-lm.
Rev. J. W. Jenkins, of The Dallr,
ill fill hit reanlar appointment at
HuDDner on Burnley. Preaching both
morning and evening at tbe opera liouae,
fthtloh'a Care, tbe great Congh and
OroQD Cure, la in great demand. Pocket
size oootaina twenty 0v doe only 25c
Children love it. Hold by T. W. Ayera
Tbe G. A. 11 will have a grand camp
fir and reunion at Lexlogton on lb 3rd
.mi 4th of Jo . A'l ar cordially 11
vi led to attend. Coo prepared 10
camp on yroand.
Mnrna fallows who mak their living
off of ofofttioeU women mad tbetreo-
pea'anoe f davs ago ana wr or
drd oat of low l one. ury ten
daylight lb next moroiog.
VA firtfi.jf. a II known in tbi auction
ml taw omtim Dt commercial
haa ami lb rn I for lb pre
eat od e.ird position oUrk to tb
iloltoD boo, lo I'artlanO.
i. Jit. 9. 1 and 4 tb O, HAS
Mil ticket to aoy point wiibio 9W bi
on far fm rooed trip. Tie k pi'
at midnight of tb 6tb pri Tbi a
aplendid opportunity to lrl oo b.ti
DM or plor. tl.
"Henry Ward tWober- Hmltb. repre
senting CM, Uon k Co.. of Portland,
and W.J. Clarke, repreaa-oling Honey
man, IMlart A Co . of Portland, w.r
In U.pnr ir Haoday departing oo
teeUrday't down train.
11 u T4tnwa writ no frota Port-
lend that ft blg
i.liB th r f-
. .n th winning b'r
ally, o will n" h bom
rloa ntiWi bt lark benld rbaog.
r.Hte. f th o"d d'tret.
lf.llt.hnr Wedae-day.
1'rol. J It. Hler,!y. IHUIM tb d.y
The E 0. says that a bicyclist in try
ing lo stiok a tire on his wheel, at Day
ton, Wash., witb the aid of a defective
flue set fire to a flouring mill and it
burned to the eroaod. Tbe name of the
man is Kribs, tbe miller, and the name
of tbe mill, The Phoenix. With a name
of thia kind it sboald not be long befoie
tbe mill will rise again from its ashes.
Tbis must refer to our friend Roland
Kribs. He was in Heppner not long ago
on bis wheel, having come all tbe way
from Dayton.
In tbe spring, tbe human body needs
assistance to throw off tbe stagnation
produced by winter diet. As the
temperature rises under the growing
heat the sun's ravs we feel tired, half
siok and low in spirits, because the
blood is sluggisb aad full of impurities.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengtbing Cordial
and Blood Purifier is a reliable spring
remedy to invigorate tbe body end give
toue to tbe digestion. Price $1 per
Pendleton Tribune: A party of In
dians appropriated a cow and two 2-year
olds, sold them to a meat firm for $25,
and after olosiog tbe deal, beat a hasty
retreat. Tbe oattle were put in the
slaughter yard and in all probability
would bave been killed bad not a party
reoogoized tbe owner's bran 1 and noti
fied the purchasers. Tbe firm is unable
to identify tbe Indians and consequently
must b-'ar tbe loss.
Arliogtoton Record: Mrs. J. M.
Johns met with quite a mishap last
TueBday. By making a misstep she
threw one of the small bones of her
right knee out of plnoe. Dr. Geisen
dor'er was immediately called, but owing
to the intrioacy of the hurt oould not do
muob at present. Tbe burt has de
prived Mrs. Johns of walking for the
present and is quite painful.
Frank Sbepardson, an engineer on the
Southern Paoifio Ry.. who resides at
Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled witb
rheumatism for a long time. He was
treated by several physicians, also
visited the Hot Spring, but received no
permanent relief until be used Chamber
lttiu's Pain Balm. He Bays it is tbe beet
mediome in tbe world for rheumatism.
For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co.
The reliable T.-M . of The Dalles, re
ports that some parties are looking over
tbat field witb the view of extending a
telephone line into tbe interior to take
in all tbe principal points, and to extend
as far south as Canyon City. Our peo
ple should wake up to the importance of
teleohoue connections with toe main
line and with points south ot here.
Dr. J. H. MoLean'a Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably
adapted to muke "a little health go a
long way." Its curative power ia
largely attributable to its stimulant,
tonic aud nutritive properties, Dy wnion
tbe energy of tbe system is recruited.
It is pleasant to the taste.easily borne on
tbe stomach and harmless under pro
longed nse. Prioe $1 00 per bottle.
Fossil Journal: Mr. Geo. A. Beavia,
salesman tor Brandenstein & Co., tea
importers, ot Sun Francisco, is now
making his annual tour in Entern Ore
Kn. He oalledon Steiwer, Carpenter
& Co- Weduesday and aold them a fresh
lot of oboice teas. The gentleman ia ac
complishing tbis trip on a Rambler bicy-ole.
On Saturday from 5 to 10 p. m., at the
little building next door to Leezer Bros,
grocery, tbe ladies' aid sooiety ot tbe
Christian obnroh will aerve ice cream
and oake at 10 cent a dish ; strawberries
and cream, 10 cents a diet). You pays
your money and taken your choice. The
ice cream will be good come and try it.
Hon. W. R. Ellis and wife attended the
commencement exercises at Pacifio uni
versity at Fcreet Grove last week. At
the banquet Mr. Ellis responded elo
quently 10 "Good eduoation as neces
sary for tbe beet citizenship," wbioh waa
received witb hearty and prolonged ap
The O. R. & N. Co.. always alert to
the welfare ot their patrons, bave placed
on aale at prinoipai atationa, a 1000 mile
tioket at tb rata or tnree oenia per mue,
good one year from date of aale and
good for passage over the rail and water
lines of their system 4 tw
Along in the dead watobea of tbe
night, a few oigbta ago, om of our
visitor! indalaed in "scrapping" fight
ing it would be called now a days. One
of the participants got a map ot Nica
ragua cut on bis raoe ana tne otuer got
910, and tbu it ended.
Ike Ennia ha a stock ot bioycle
repairs and will fix your wbeel up at
reasonable rate. It ia bia iutentioo to
mak a apeoialty in this line, and a th
number of wheels is rapidly increasing,
tbia will oertainly be pleasing news to
tbos wbo ar ao fortunate aa to own a
bike. f.
Children' Day xereie wer beld at
tbe Baptist ctmrob last Sunday. Ib
room wa tastefully decorated witb bo
nnets and flower. Tb Heroine wer
- , , ,
beautiful, appropriate ana wen reoarreu,
tb little folk all acquitting tbemaelves
B F. Swaggart ia prepared to furoiah
hi "rinr Hbol" squirrel poison in
wholesale lota. Ha baa already received
a larva order rom eanintiiuo ami
Idaho. Every where it be b-en need,
it has not failed to exterminate th little
peels. 11
T. W. Ayer'a. Jr., and wif returned
from Portland on Friday night train.
Tbey report Mr. Florenr a getting
along very Dinely and tbink It only a mat
terof lima uutil b will bav folly re
Karl' Clover Root will parity yoor
Blood, clrer y or Omplrxioa. regolat
yonr bowel and mak ynnr bead clear
a a hell. 'iV. Wo., and II rx.ld by
T. W. Aver Jr.
Focbth at Lexington. Extensive
preparations bave been made tor the
Fourth of July celebration and Soldier'a
Reunion to be held at Lexington on
July 3d and 4th. An appropriate pro
gram for the osmpfire ot the evening of
the 3d ba? been prepared and a jolly
good time may be expeoted. Every one
wbo oan should be present on tbis oc
casion. Ao elaborate program has also
been prepared for the following day.
Addresses will be delivered in tbe morn
ing by J. N. Brown and A. W. Patterson,
of tbis city. Music will be furnished by
quartettes from Gooseberry and Hepp
ner and a ohorus ot Lexington singers.
Son kb, recitations, etc., will be on the
program for tbe afternoon. A bioycle
race for girls, sack raoe, plug uglies,
etc, will also be some of tbe features ot
tbe day. Good martial muaio has also
been provided. In all none oan afford
to miss tbe Lexington celebration. A
special train will run between Heppner
and Lexington on that oooasion, leaving
here on the morning of the 4th and re
turning in tbe evening. Make arrange
ments to join in celebrating that holi
day of holidays, onr nation's birthday,
the Fourth of July.
Pure Blood
Is the secret of the restoration to health
which Hood's Sarsaparilla gives.
"it givea m
pleasure to recom
mend Hood's Sarsa
parilla. It has cured
me ot many com
plaints, and puri
fied my blood. I
was troubled with
my liver, had hip
disease and . other
troubles, with swell-
ing of my ankles.
For a long time I
had ta vrclk with a
X'tWW cane. For several
WfWji yer I was gradual-
breaking down. I had the grip in a
severe form. I procured six bottles of
Hood's Sareaparilla and it built me op.
My recovery I owe to Hood's Sarsaparilla.
All my ills have gone and I feel like a
new person. I sleep wellandeatheartily."
Mrs. Charlotte Kelly, Haywaids, CaL
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the only true blood purifier prominent
ly in the public eye today. Try it.
1 jjl
u . r;n cure habitual constjpa
rlOOU S rlHS uoa. price 25c, per box.
The undersigned having been restored
to health by simple means, after suffer
ing tor several years with a severe lung
affection, and tbat dread disease, Con
sumption, is anxious to make known to
bia fellow sufferers tbe means ot cure.
To those who desire it. he will cheerful
ly send, free of obarge, a copy of tbe pre
scription used, whioh they will find a
sure oure for Consumption, Aetbma, Ca
tarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung
maladies. He bopee all sufferers will
nse his remedv as it is invaluable. Those
desiring the prescription, whioh will oost
them nothing, and may prove a blessing,
will please address, Rev. EDWARD A.
WILSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. junll-w.
It Leads Them All.
The "Cyclone" Thresher.
Here are
Which we wish yon to
Remember :
First: We Keep
Second: We offer it
Third: We sell
We are enabled to give more
for a dollar than the usual
"Dollar's worth."
Main Street, Heppner, Or
W.L. Douglas
Tbam Wanted. I want to buy a
good, gentle team of about 1200 pound
borses. Also a good, aeoond-bana
wagon and harness and a gentle saddle
pony. Haye some good, young Short
horn bulls for sale; also fine poultry
and eggs for hatching. Took first prize
on my cattle and fowls at State fair last
year. Call at the J. Q- Wilson place
above Heppner. N. C. Mabib.
If you buy a new
Thresher, Engine,
You of course want tbe best.
VM "Jar
1 M:M'mirW
'4.3.SJ Fine Calf&Kangaroi
3.P POLICE, 3 soles.
Write for Catalogue and Prices.
The Massillon Engine & Thresher Co.
On i Si; He !
BUSINESS conducted on a big
scale for cash reduces the
proportion of expense and increas
es the sura of receipts. It enables
one to buy cheap and sell cheap.
That accounts for the manner in
which R. C. Wills conducts his
Mercantile Business. "
He Offers s
For The Lowest Possible Prices. -
Lately moved from Lexington and at present
located in the Herren building, May street.
? crtun rno c at At nrtrr
Over One Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
Thk Optician. Prof. Jamea M. Fan
burg, tbe German eye appcialist, wbo
has been stopping at the City hotel in
this oity for tbe past few days, bas de-
oided to remain until next Saturday at
l:45o'olook. r. Fanburg has proven
himself an excellent workman, and has
given general satisfaction in every in
stance. Call on him while you bave an
Wheat, bu S 8640
Flour.bbl 2 40
Beeves, oowa & two-year-olds, owt. 1 25
" tdree " 2 50
Sheep, muttons, bead.... 1 50 1 75
" stock 1 ou 1 DU
Hogs, ou foot, cwt 3 00
Hogs, dressed 4 00
Wool 5 8
Horses, Blow sale.
Butter, roll 2540
Eggs, doz 8
Chickens, doz 2 003 00
Potatoes, per owt 40
Otis Patterson, of the Gazette staff,
left for Long Creek ou this morning s
ataire for a brief business trip to tbe in
terior oountry.
Cautain Swemiey, U. 8. A., San Dieuo,
Cal. s.iys: "Huiloh'a Catarrh Itemedy is
the first mediome I have ever found tbat
would do me any good." Price 50c
T. W. Ayera, Jr.
Prof. Jas. M. Fanbnrg, the optioian
who came to Heppner recently, is still
with ua having met witb tnixib better
success than be anticipated. He ia atill
located at the City hotel.
1 ney give the beat value for the money.
I tit.
The price are uniform, stamped on sole.
They equal custom Shoe In style and i
Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
From Si to $.1 saved over other makes.
I If your dealer cannot supply you we can, Sold by
Dealer whose name will Bhortly ap
pearbere. Agentwanted. Apply at once
$150.00 every month given away to any one who ap
plies through us (or the most mehtoriouspatent during
the month preceding.
We aeeura the best natents for onr clients.
and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to
keep track of their bright ideas. Al the same tune
wish to impress upon the public the fact that
CALIFORNIA MARKET. mA the "car.window" which can be easilv slid tm
Wheat, CWt S 87V 97J and down without breaking the passenger's back,
l.,. Khl 9 fill 6rt S fifl 1 "sauce-pan," "collar.button," "nut-lock, "bottle-
lOUr, DDI ..... t DU (CD 8 OU f, . un. . Ain A,
Ril k mi I ri T . - r. . .
Beeves, stall fed 4
Muttons, owt 6 00UU
4 50 e$ 5 25
7 ( 8
6 ($ 13
12(3 15
6() 85
30(rti 75
3 00 tf$ 6 00
11 15
Hobs. owt.
Wool Eastern Oregon..
Butter, tb '.
Eggs, doz
Potatoes new, per ot..
old, " ..
Chiokens, doz
Turkeys, lb...
8uA BrnsaiDi Mr. Oaa Hloao,
Long Creek's popular eity marshal, and
Misl Hulls Damaide, one of thle Oily'e
obarmiog young ladi, were Jnind Id
boly wedlock Uat H mday at ibe rl
doofte of Mr. and Mra. E O. W.hhWII.
Onlr the rlatif of b bride aod
groom were prtxwot at tbe ceremony.
Jnatiee ot tbe IWe 1111 111 tb matri
monial knot. Tbe newly mrril
couple were lb recipient of bMy o tv
grtu!l"t)i from tbtir many fr tod IB
tbi city. KgU.
la V.er m4
Is tb of that lirJ, langni l fi l
ing which affl cte yoa at thi fn
Tb blood impor and La bim
tbio and p"t. Tbat why yod bave
no stroegib. at ppliU. rvnnnl lp.
Furtfy toor til4 with lluod trp
nlle, bub will gi yHi et'tiiu,
km yoor torn' n, end lif "f' your
no4 lill r y v. ylo
art ii and latfffl.
Uwt. liinH
A ty Vmrm, ! yr ! I, ld-l
a, .... - I 1 1 . I
th eoBiri ?""r: : . r... d..u.r. ,.m w.n - t .t br
Mr. u nr.. v.-. - j v
j at u. rrw "s""
Read "Coin's"
Carlo Boyd, agent.
Ben Ilnnsaker for the present will pay
10 cents in trade for eggs. a.
Tbe Weekly 8nu and Ibe Oacette $2.75
per year, both strictly in advance.
McFarland Mercantile (Jo. will pay
cash for wheat, barley, bide and pelt
Farmer should call and ee tnem
Meadow A Scrivoer, tbe blacksmith,
boraosboer and wood butober, at the
old Ounn stand. Main itreet, lieppner.
Call oo tb boy. "
T. R. Howard make apeoialty in
utiplvino tockmeo witb all Demlvd
articlx, beaide carrying general lie.
Mee bia new ad. tf.
Matbewa Bros., City hotel barber shop.
tooaorial artist, ilairouttiog, (having,
bninp(M)ing, etc., doo cieutlD0Hlly.
Uatb al 25 oeot apiffl.
G. B. Uatt, tb tonorial artist, on
be found at hi parlor, Matlock ooroer,
where be will diaprnee at popular pric,
bave, abarapoo, balrouta, etc,
Htag leave for Echo Moodaya,
Wediireday. and rridayi, returning oo
Tuesday, Thnrlav and hatarclay.
a. Wad, Prop, T. W. AyerJr.,g'Ot. '
lUad "Coin' Financial Hcliool and
tliu tak op bi other pnbliratinn.
Tbt-y arw all Cocvincing, mterMting
Ion Carlo Boyd, agent. biin.
Any inveotor In Etrn Oregon wbo
dmirx lb aervK'ea of o attorney to
Washington. I). C , will find it to bi
advantage ta rail oo or addr thi pa
per, oil
Wlt. Tbompon run tg blwo
Heuptief aed Mnniimont, arriving every
day eifept Monday and leaving every
day eieepl Sunday. Hliorleal and Cheap-
sat mat to lb iounor. V. Oro
HnUrlUri to th Weekly Hno. tb
enmlng paper of tlrs-g-)). II per yar
Wilh lb Oat tie, both In advanr
1173 per year. A r onmbmatb
To if Hi peopU'e papers al on pn
Huliarrlb al tb tlltt otne.
T. W. Ayer. Jr, i making e-ilrrel
txilsoD Dial b sjaaranleea, No kill Bo
par, aad aH II X" Cents per can.
oai.t for II Cm; tlM pr doteo. (
am pi and try It. tf-
Pr4 IWk, ao Itrierired bolrber
from Portland, ba anepil piMo
IB llaye A Mall.ews t,iirl,er shop
herabawill fe t, fuhlie lo It
,f style. Freeb tiieat aud boti-al
weight to fverjow.
Wheat, bu
Flour, bbl
Beeves, owt
" dreaeed
Muttons, live sheared...
" dreesed, lb
Hogs, on foot
" dressed, II)
Wool Eastern Oregon...
Eggs, doz
Chickens, dos
Turkeys, Ibdreeeed
52( 53
1 80 & 2 36
2 25 (ii 8 5(1
5 00 (i 50
2 25 (3 2 75
04 it M
3 50 0 3 75
05 1 mi
7H 15
1(U 11
8 00 d$ 3 75
any one can find a way of improving ; and these simple
inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the
author. 1 ry to think ot somethuig tu invent
Patents taken out through us receive special notice In
the " National Recorder, published at Washington,
p. C, which is the best newspaper published in America
in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub
scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients.
We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month
which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands
of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a
sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention,
will be scsttered throughout the United States among
capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing lo then
attention the merits of the invention.
All communications regarded strictly confidential.
Solicitor el American and I'orelgn Patents,
61S F Street, N. W.,
Box 385. Washington, D. C.
tT Riftrtncttdittvefthiipaptr. Wriutm
Has been re-opened by Mrs. J. B. Sperry who will
conduct It in a strictly Hrst-claKB manner, with the
view ol pleasing (he trade in general.
s'5s iT;jaf-?iE.Vt5,.V- '
People from Country Districts will b
made to feel at home.
Sunday Dinners a Specialty ! Popular Prices
Free 'Bus for Customers to and
from all trains.
MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee.
Vttorn.ojrs. at Itixv
All businpBS attended to in a prompt nnJ entisfactory
manDer. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Hnrklra's Arnica Salve.
Tbe best salva in tb world (or cot,
Praises, Sores, Ulcer, Malt Itbsnm,
Fever More. I'etter, Chapped Hand,
Chilblains, Corns, and all tkio eruption
and ponitively oare Pile, or do pay
required. It i gna'anteed to eive
Drfeot natiHraction or mooer reinnaea,
Pee 25 cent per
T. W. Ayer. Jr.
bos. For le by
Notice of Intention.
J Mkv tl. Ik'.i'.. Notlcn Is licn-hv kIvpii that
the followinit naincil n'tller has lllcil nullciMil
his Inti'iilliin til make tlunl proof In iiiHirtof
hs claim, slid that sulil uriHif will he iiihiIi
before J. W. Morrow, County t'lera.at llcppncr,
Oregon, ou June , K., vu:
John uottwald,
Hd. No. MOI for the SK4 NK'. N'4 NK'and
N KH NW( Hi'C. 12. Tp. 4 H, K W K. M.
Ha iisim-s the fiillnwliig wttiii'uii'S lo prove
his continuous rcililmro 11 1 1 11 ami ciiI IvhUuii
Of mid land, vU:
Wlllisin Hauni'rs, 1, a. MiMire, Jami-i urown,
J. 11. Natter, ot Heppner, Ore.
b. r. iijm,
H9. Urglstcr.
iN ILL m !
T is an ill wind that blows no
good, and although the play
ful pranks ot Old Boreas exposes
this fond couple to temporary em
barrassment, the situation greatly
amuscB the spectators.
Likewirie the situation at
1 o :v 10
Rineo it has become
Generally known that
Wblch ba ell at Bed Itork Price.
M-ar. ntTi' fc
I daalr I lof irea tb p-0 of llpp
r iht tbr I f J aglnat
lb firlftf of 0rrrartr, bmsb. t,
itbi It. ily IidIU, d lhal all or.
diaacc ill I fiKri
7 A. A. li.MT. Mrbl.
Th mak Ipwh of rUpaatut
A well-known Scotch profeor wa
noted for bia hot temper and vehement
candor, aa well aa for hla profound
At the opening of a college term the
boy obaenred that he waa unusually
irritable and harsh. The applicant
for aamlMilon ran (fed tbemavlrea for
examination lo a Ho below hi dealt.
"Khow your paper!" he ordered.
One lad hi-Id hla paper up awkwardly
In bia Iff t hand.
Mold it up property. 'r- n 7wr
rljrhl hand'." commanded th maater.
Th new pupil muttered aoiuclhlni
but kept hla left hand ralaett
The rlirht hand, y loonr tnonaerea
the prof easmr.
Thb"T. rrowlnir ry pa', iirwo ni
rlifhtarm. It waa a burned atump. Th
band waa f one.
Tb boy burat into Indlrnant bia.
but the pmfiMsv.r had leaped down from
th platform and had thrown hla arm
about th buy 'boulder.
MKh. laddie, "iirjfl Prl'd.
breaklntr InWt broat Kwitch, aa h al
ways did when rreatly eiflted. "I
dldoa ken! Hut," turnlna; Wi the claaa.
with amlmmlna y: "I thank Ood II
haa f tven m (runtlemen to trh who
can ca' ma to aeeount when I go
"Afwr that day." wrote on of tb
boy, year afterward, "ery man
ther waa blanrm friend nd liegeman.
II bad won m all by that on frank
Th chanr which fifty year ha
mad In th relation between tarhr
and taught baa been ery gTt- Tb
, r.f the laat eentarr lookel up to
bia maotJir with th tr of th wait
Ing laah. Ulow all other emotion or
Tb t tearher of to-day I wll d
rr;b.l lo tb word of a great fierman
edoraUtr, a on "who lake th posi
tion of an older kinsman to hi pupil;
ellmblng tb aaro ladder aa tbey. but a
lltU higher Up."
Itut U. boy wbo troaU hi teacher aa
th tmt of gentlemen I I a am ing
from him omlblag better than UUn
and braek. Trmth'a Companion.
Notice of Intention.
J Mir 'It, li'i. Notli r Is luTi'hy a;l v.-n lhal
Ihe followliiK nanieil wttli'r Ims IIUmI iiuIIcp i f
hla Intciitlnii lo make final proof In supHirt of
hla elalin, anil that antd proof Kill I made
blora 1. W. Morrow, l o. rlcrk, al Hi'ppiH'r,
O ri-Ki 1 11, on July , l'A vis:
IM. No . snti, fur the Wu ami Vt HWa,
ev i. Id 1 h it 1; k. w. M.
Mr names Ilia foll iwlna wllncaaes In prove
Ills roiitlinioiia rrsl'li'tii e iihi an l vultlvallou
Ol asm laii'l, vl
limn. W. Kinllh, Franli Hinltli, Thomaa liar
tii-ll, t'Uar It. rainier, all ol liliivinii. nr.
i. r, M'MiltK,
3M1. Kealaler.
Farmers of Eight Mile, Davidson, Gooseberry, Douglas, Jordan
'ork and lone sections cau do no better than make their purchases of
00. lie carries a full line of Furnishing Goods, Hoots and Blioes,
Groceries, and in fact a complete stock of general merchandise. 1 aw.
Wood Wanted.
70TUF. H HV.hHiV ill VKN THAT 1 II t.
1 a. Ii.xil Imanl nf Iilstrli l No I, llr; iini-r
Or , Mill reri-lva til'ls fur Ihe 1 1 .-rjr of lilt y
f'li) t'orils of iiihmI at loe si-Iiim,I pr tulara al
llfppiirr, saiiir In Imi imih-'I on July 10, I
miuA lo li rt,-lln-ri on or I Hi,r Hi I I, I
The Ixx nl rcat rvi'S Hi rlshl tu n Ji I anjr r all
llr OKiita or tmk Bo an.
J.J Honrsis. (')eik.
)alrl, ll'ppiivr, or., Juiia l'i, I 3l
Notice of Final Settlement.
x'rrifK i iiritmy oivrx that tmk
a iiii.fi.iii'i."l. ilia atmiltrtnr of Hi
rata' nl .Iii Murvan. ih. ,.wi. has tmwl
ami tirratnu fur artllrinplil ami fl nl hla final
a'iitiiit. aa siich a'tnilnla ralor, Willi lh
rfiuhl nirl ol Oi- rrnitilf ol Mf rn. allt ol
ir, fntl. ami that Moliilay tl." lal rtaf nl J'lly
I 'i,. at In i i I'm k a in . of af'l flay liaa Im'i
rtnly ac-ln'l lt aal'l eourt lur lhi- ln-rti of
i,l toins to aal'l SM.iMint aii'l a ail.eiiiiit
M. K M'lK'Uf.
7 A'liiilul'iiator
Treaturer'i Notice.
oti: is iirMitr .ivri tiut ai
Hmioa ( i ir afra'i r r'i' ""l p'li
! anil ln I wl I xar ri i ! l-'i mil m i i i
I l.fraMlaMi,!! at It.- 1 r-aa ifrst1tt lutifrfal
! ail.. I 11, a (tat lif It. la m,t!' r.
mtH 1,11 t I AM
Traaiifr uf M-ri'i ' '"inty.
Ialil. Ileppiw-f. Oi'S'Oi, Jiin,
La ioVf " TW
Talking TW l Hal!
Tbe man who talk through hi bat i
everywhere In eiilenne ery objeelion
able evidence it is, loo, in moat case.
Tb man nf Intelligence oover Li
cranium aitb one ot
"- T. It. HOWARD'S
One sra luita, whirh i in ttimlf a sign
of prosperity and good tate.
lie also buy hi grocerix. gnnla' for
nihiiig, Im knien'a aupplin, etc, at
Mr. Howard make a peinliy in lima
thing required by alieep aud cattlemen.
Itememtier lb plane assaa.
Four door oub of th Oiy bo(iL
ONtV LOANED. rt "'Vv-a
mi i,irii,.i ri'm I in i'i Trr. ,
. M v ar prrir-d t-i l,-ifit iat tfl
iiirirar- iiiiii mirml lam-, lo
(rayon, l'h aairn .arM. at a atl i,irml
l,H loaif! a -r riil ,r aotiiim Hiifli-i
lri .- ll.al hai l"il US-ii I.T olhrr ri,ni.
141 la A'l'llwa I H e'ali.p
' MmviM aaiiiT.
Haarr I Itf, llfgmi.
aa aatiare be Mi4
I... Tl.ta la
We'hlf ton enoely, d h M U
mptaaasJ witb tJo.
The I'altare'-a In. Co . b eeirav
Ibe .ry of ll.e C'"et.l l.ie for
M ffw aal flraiil e.itiBtta, e 4 w ll
elnarf iy bat m-wh ti' f !
rt w figar. Aiattub a 0-el
tattV blg.
Mr. f Htyl-IWlyo think tar.
Uoaaal preltyT
Mr I Mylav-Y. tbey r vil.ht.
and airy, and delirate. and o apt-a st
ive ff tiature in lu t.nat.ne tmrity. 1
tLiLk lby ar bvely-bul tbey r di f,
y-n-irrlv r haw S V tteaWiy
N'i la It titu to g- ih We.aly
(rtegonian, Ih greelt eepper f
tl,e Weal. Vt'Hh the f l-lM. te.h firl
ly in alvanre.fur oi.e er, 1 Nn b.ll. r
"tl-lil'iatMi of e pa ra eafi he a l
in tl 'tale. b-e wi l rlv. aa a
pretumm aa a I liiional j-i'i 1.tt
I I'.aiiter, am r'oll(,al pi".
n r
Arc the Highest of nil High Crndcs. .
tairstill 'iMir toany bl'-t'-l trnllt In lh wnrM. raaM s ol frlre.
Im tint li.1'uat t f atnie leoiiey fur an lnlrrlr hl. Iinlaloa
ha.,iitl.a Vtaxiley, hiilll aii'l iarall I f the Iri'llaiia III rls t , a
toiiiMi h toUar rnmern, aboasi liit la s. "-I aa -S-l
211b SCORCH RS5. 22lb. LADI V $75.
-'- ' INDIANA r.lCKIb 10..
Ill Mitt II IUIU4K. Jai.MSaiwia. Ia, f. 1 A
(ire asm! Ii.r Caaiern Or:in, fnnl'.rii.ii. or
fjocu in ft" atid ibsesiibw,
Plenty of them at tho
GwZ.ttc Office