Mm a- VVVI s 4 -gb?Searcfi Light for NEVffi Thursday last the Gazette "re ceived a sample of the supplements that are being sent out to such newspapers as will use them, by the "Sound Currency Committee," 52 William Street, New York. The holders of cold in London and their agents in the United Status, aided and abetted by others who are their willing tools, have organ ized this so-called "Sound Cur rency Committee," backed by mill ions of dollars to flood the country with literature opposing the re moDetization of silver. They have viewed with alarm the growing sentiment iu favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver, pro fessing that gold will be made dearer if we broaden the base of the financial foundation aiid admit silver to free coinage the Bame as gold. What wonderful sacrifices some people will make for the "dear people!" It was not formerly so, and what has gotten into the goldbugs, is something hard to understand. At the close of Bu chanan's administration, Uncle Sam was held up and forced to pay dearly for a little money to run the ship of state till new hands would assume the responsibility. These "patriots," during the war, locked up every cent of gold and forced the government to pet through the bt?Bt it could with promises to pay. They cared less for the credit of the government than for their own selfiuh interests, becauHe law aftor law was pauHod to help the bondholder and gold broker cinch the people, culminat ing in the disgraceful and unpatri otic demonetization act of 1873, whereby half the money of ulti mate redumption was stricken down, appreciating the value of the other half, forcing down tho piice of cereals, lauds and rentals, and making debts harder to pay. This leihluted premium that money bears cannot bo avoided, for the creditor cares not that it takes $1.12 worth or even a larger value of products to buy a dollar to pay the debt owed. Tim following is tho appeal that tho aliy locks tnako to tho country proMH: "Mitnpio or. sound currency broadudeit sent freo of chargo MprwtHRg prepaid to nownpapers that will use them as supplements They will lie) printed on one or two sides ami of live, six or sevou-rol. umit size. Tho word "Supple ment totlin" (name of paper tilled in, also dato if denirod) will le printed At tho tp of tho page. Similar matter is funiiHiied, in pinto form, through the Ainencau 1 rt'h Aaaociation ami it various briuu'lieM, freo of alt picept ex plena charges, to nil tiewnpapcm deitiring it. This is much the nine convenient and rlTeetivo form for all nownpApeu that ran find room for it" Tho principal tucking of thi "Hound Currency CommUte" come from Mrituli gold, and one ran fttmoot itnaint that thn white heet U printed in tl.O Mood i our revolutionary father, and that thn oi l worn-out godttu argtt inent are the recital of tho txvuwi of Uning, cning children wluwe condition i duo to the grrej pM;f thff father or brother who fotniuiU ciiuiefl through js.yerl) of tho history of the ix..r outcast h U forced to m II her honor foi bread. Tho Oaxetto want Hone them. HIE lisrrltai orneiat pu tU 1 1 understand why the gold tut r proding thousands of dollars in ppoiog lua runouetU Mlion of tilver if it will tnak their tf"11 dearer and larder to ThU atrrak of twlf-derjial for tlm Unofit i.f "thn tuaasta," Hit great ff-ll that they M utt(ti2 f 'till a-iiiM llolr own iut-ret, leads one to become suspicious. The fact is, the siugle standard men are laboring for just the oppo site of what they claim, and are humbugging the people worse than Barnum ever did when any por tion of them swallow such trash as they are putting out in their "sound money" supplements, sent without cost to newspapers that will use them. The Gazette would not accept them &a a gift; would not use them if it were paid $20 for every word that is contained in their misleading, deceiving litera ture. When you find the holders of gold worrying Lecauie the peo ple are about to make them richer, juet Bize up the situation and don't be deceived. The silver men won a signal victory in the National Republican League convention Thursday. It was reported that the convention would attempt to reaffirm the plat form of 1892, though it was well 1 Al- - ' 11 i , Known inas mis couia not oe ac complished without a stiff fight with the silver men on the floor of the convention, for they intended to contest every inch of ground, and did not propose to be "bun coed" off the floor as had been done in the Oregon convention Some silver men had been lulled into silence and to the support of the ring in Oregon by the asser lions inai ine convention naa no right to make platforms, which was intended to deceive, as it is now well known that it was intended to adopt the financial platform of 1892. However, when it came to a test the goldbugs saw that they were treading on dangerous ground and readily consented to the adop tion of the resolution which ap pears elsewhere. The Oregonian says, in referring to the conven tion, "silver waB ignored," but the Sun, which is as good authority as any papor in the Northwest, rank ing higher in the estimation of the masses than its contemporary, says mt "the Bilver men gain the fight." .'he Sun is right, for the adoption of the resolution reported by the committee on resolutions was a part of the program of the silver men. It is estimated that the pur chasing power of gold increases 12 per cent every three years. That is a debt contracted in 1S92 re quires measured in tnose lings used to buy money, to pur chase every dollar required. Thia added to bonus and interest be comes a burden that is almost im- KiHsiblo to carry unless one owns a gold mine. Home people are like a woman and will have the last word, fact or no facts. Thisremiuds the Ga zette of that peculiar tendency bo ully developed in our neighbor, the Arlington Record. In all jus- tico to the little paper, it is always nil of news and Arlington can well bo proud of it. It deserves tetter aupiort than it gets. A. V. 11 KNYDEli'rt paper, The Valley Transcript, has been moved to McMiunville, and will hereafter io puoiiHiieu aeiui-weekiy. Hie tfii ii mi (lazt'tta wishes Mr. Suyder succes u the new field that is, new to the VrauHcript, for we believe Mr. Snyder is an old resident of Yam- ill. Home Walla Walla physician arc eMrimenting ou tho liiuocu. atiou of uiiri'U with some con. tagious diHease, with tho view of ridding tho country with the pent Thft (iazotto lias often ugeited that this plan might work well, TlIB opening of thrt tJerman canal between the Ualticand North sen wan celebrated Thurmlav. Four l S. battle) nhips took part in thn deuioiiatratiotm. J. 1'IUNK 1HH, Collector Ktackiuau's chief clerk, lias sent in hi renignatiou to tale cfT.H't July 1. Mr. J. R Mullay will auccml Mr. lati. The majority of foutitiea in .Missouri luve iiettiainici a Ui'tmt. r rat ic ailver convention. It will douhtleM l0 called. Cmim is in the) American inaikeU for ' HI teal of liver with winch to pay Japan UiM tuiletiiliity. ft.ll-M ll, l'rM whn tnt'it to alurk tt blton (I'll will In l. know thai (r.-rni i ri,rr way xm lr ikm ritii.hrlin's IVI. 1'tn-Ufs n. I licit lOuirilr. It nx IIt n !) lm .U. I up it nmn i Hi kiiM i my l- rtirr. . li lug Hit rmlf m . Tdi .v-.. I K. .11 1. a I,, a ..u k . w : . Paine's Celery Compound. Charles MacDonald.a Prominent Chicago Business Man, Is Restored to Health. Within a few steps of the intersection of two of the busiest thoroughfares io Chicago, if not in the entire oountry, is a store through the portal of which more people pass in the course of a day than enter and depart from any other estab lishment of its. size in the West. Men and women whose taoes bear the stamp of itelligence and culture; women who lead in society, art Bnd letters; men who are prominent in the professions; law yers, physicians, artists, judges, and journalists. The exterior of the plaoe gives immediate evidence of its charac ter, which is that of a center of ourrent news and information. It is the news and periodical depot of Charles Mho- Donald at C! Washington street, who writes the following letter: Chicaoo. Feb. 20. 1895. Messrs. Wells, KirbardHim & (Jo., Burlington, Vt. Gentlemen: It is clearly the duty if every person to acknowledge a service rendered, no matter what its nature. When, however, the character of the benefit bestowed is such that it lightens the daily burdens of our lives, and oliHiitfes our uiubis from dreary watches to periods of tranquil and refreshing re MUSIC TO BANISH INSOMNIA. A I-unilon I'hyiilrliiii'a InKcnloul 110 for llHiilnlilnir Mliliil(lit Tiirlur. Music as a curative agvnt has been known and valued ainco the earliest ages, and the recently fstablished guild of St. (Veiliii, in I.otiilun, whonu profed object Is to lipply the NHith ing influence of melody to patients in hoapttnla and elsewhere, is only carry ing out the prescriptions of pliyhiciun! who llonrislieil two tliousuud years ago. 1 lie Athenian iloctora "lianishcd fever by a song." Tlmlcs found inuaia most I'flleueliiua in the olague, ami Au lua (ielliim even went ho turns to main tain that it produced lienefleiulefTeet in caws of bitoa and Htinga. I a their work on "IVvehologieol Medieine" Urn. Itueknill and TnUe remark that muhle Is the first r eonled remedy employed for the relief of inuduct. A novel, and possibly a useful, iu,'stioii Io the Mime direction Is nii-nt ioncd Lv Pr. J. U. lilucUmuit In the latest nnm tier of the Irfindoii Medieul Mniraiin. Hi that' Ihix, wiirkttd by an eleetrle motor, might Ih udvuntageous- ly employed in cases of iiisomii Suite rare, no doubt, would have to be exercised to mh that the ineehanisia worked properly beforu it was starteil. na notliuii' would lc nmro like v to Irive sleep in'riuuTiently away than a nuntcal box out of tune or liuhle to un accountable nnd uliuoriual spurt of energy. It would also W trying to a nrrvoua patient in th stilly nlfit If the rleetrlC4Mirrent were turned oft al together and the ln l.ecame suddenly silent. It I p..slde that a burglar in one bedroom nilglit ls Nithed and Induced to surreii.ler tils booty by tli nneH'et'd slr.ims of "Home, vcrt Home," but It Is also silde that bo might not. t'ne or two Interesting In Manors are reet.r le.l in tho article of th tTlirlit which has resulted In hos pitaU frsmi llm musical treatment, and tlm sleepless soul might do worse than try th prescript Km eontalnod In It NtlD OF IMC POET. Tb ! ml I a Ml4 Msk III M lat frtwl f It I imrs-si'de f. rt.K n to livr in th vornl without iss-try of om aort or dhrr If they ratoe.t iret the best llirywill get koiiifl kii'tUtuti f'r It, and thus sfrm to verify "ml Augt due klur (hat II I w tic or ilctils. sav Jaitira Uu. II Lowell In Ontury Ihr min i t-'iin l dwn t. to what Is practical .ither tsreomea Inetl or rvvrnge Itself by rushing Irt.ith wilderness .( m The Io sjnernty of our rt luatlon has d rustsl fc'Hi fersons.t much that they hav tous'til rrl.ijr In Indmn wigwam ami f..un I irfrr.Knitit In taking a aealp now and thrn Namr In t al. ;l tlonir p-a balaur. Mi onlrivr to tuiitin a harmony I e Iswn lh tnalrtial and npirltwal, a r allow th r-t rum an pai'n at th ot of th rerrV'.luin If th rhracW. f r rsampl. n en on i l into rrlt"U i,tims am. It not un lisly to e".'trl .p fi lie ol'orar-un' trrsi vt worldly pru ,ri TM IK nhasrrand th t-rtaii ar h.'id f.T tUifl, ao l agsiiM r at aiw( pose, the duty resolves itself into a pleasure. A few months Bgo, owing to the confining nature of my business. I began to feel at first a sort of languor and listlessness, to disguise wbion I was compelled to bring into play all the strength of will I could command. The feeling grew upon me, however, snd in a snort time it took suob possession of me that it affected my appetite and caused insomnia. I approached my meals with a feeling amounting almost to nausea, and mv bed with horror at the restless night I was nearly certain was before me. It was only by the strongest efforts that I was enabled to hide the obange from people who came into my pinoe or business, but my intimate ac- quainttnoes were quicker to notice it. I had arrived at a point where I could no louger keep silent upon the eobjeot, and speaking of it to one of my friends one day be suggested that I try Fame s eel' ery compound. 1 purchased a bottle, and hclore I had taken a dozen doses I knew that the sunuestion was a good one, tor I felt an improvement. loon uoiieci to use it and feel entirely re stored. My appetite is good, I sleep well, and instead of an irksome erind. ray hnsines has again become a pleasure to me. ion inav put me down as stronir advocate of Paine's oelery ootri' pound. l'onrs respectfully, CIU8. MACDONALD. tho worbt nianngers. Ihrough all changes of condition and experience man continues to be a citisen of the world of idea an well as the world of fact, and the tax gatherer of both ar punctual. There Is as much poetry as ever in the world if we only know how to find it out, and as much imagination, per haps, only that it takes a more prosaic direction. Every man who meet with misfortune, who is stripped of material prosperity, finds that he baa a little outlying mountain farm of imagina tion, which did not appear In th schedule of his cfTecU. on which hi spirit is able to keep iuclf alive, though he never thought of it while he mi fortunate. Job turns out to be a great poet as on a hi flock aod hard ar taken away from him. UNCLE SAM'S BIG FLEET. It It Hrattere.l All Ovrr th Earth fro- trc'ln Amrlr lnlral. At no time within recent year ha the t'nlted Mate government been so well represented in foreign water by an armed naval force, nor ao poorly provided for In ahlpa at home, aa at present. Three big cruiser are at IUo Janeiro, two more are on their wy there, and this nutnlier will be In creased to six by the monitor Mian tonomoh. The punlmat Yorktown I at fallao. Pern, and the rorvetW Al liauce has sailed to Join her. from I.a I.ils-rtad. The old Yantlc I stationed permanently at the mouth of the II in de la I'lata, charged w ith th duty of attending to American Interest in adjacent territory. The Hanger, which sailed from I.a I.ibcrtad rpernlly for Corinto, Slcara' gua, I assigned to the west coast of Central America, where revolutionary outbreaks are o freiirnt, while the corvette Kersarge, how en rout from New York to rn ISuulngo to afford protect ton to American life and prop erty In the thrraiened uprising there, will rruls about the West Indies, and. until relieved by the cruiser San Kran c. sco. along the east rsst of Central America. The I'hiladclphl anl th Adams are at Honolulu. The Asiatic or ( hiua station, w hich ha trcnm so lmsirtant through the hostile filling of the t hiue tow aril Americans over the rsflustott law, has all Vessels at tached to It, and It Is ,, peeled that th Mai hi as, now at Iirookly n, will halt sn to Join thrm, The N..rth At'antieor hom station has nominally fle. t-ut actually only one es I In eommission to Its rrvdil, f r the han I rancise.t Is on her way to !, the Krarsarye is Ismtnl f'r hn IVmiirif iwhlch ran hardly W railed a "home" port, although within the line of the station), and th Marhtaa Is .ltmr.1 (..r thina 1 h diram U emisrr Vesuvius I therefor likely li ts th oh war sse left f.f service on th esstrra ent of th t alt4 ! Mate, and th prmetkaUlity of th : Yesiivlua a aa tffeetiv batt'eahlp la I I riou doubt. At th ta-yyard at Mar Island. ( al , th wl.l Mohican la i Citing f- srrvl.e, ifvsumaitr In ! Ili ts.ntb l aciTe. 11 r-at wl XlwhUrv) i . at lar taiand. CRIME IN GREAT BRITAIN. It la Decreasing, Bat the Debtor last Ara Larfely iDcreaalng-. There are some encouraging features in the report of the commissioners of prisons in England and Wales which has just been printed in London. The statistics and diagrams which exhibit the fluctuations of crime duriug a long series of years demonstrate that "their general course and tendency for many years past has been in the direction of diminution;" "thatthis diminution has taken place particularly in those classes of crime which are committed by habitual criminals, viz: Offenses against property with violence, forg ery, and offenses against the currency, and offenses against property without violence (which comprise the great bulk of crimes committed); also that this diminution was concurrent in point of time with the development of various measures intended to bring it about and that it occurred in spite of the great increase in population, which might have reasonably accounted for an increase of crime." It is also pointed out that the number of first convictions has fallen gradually from mo Q1A in 1 flfi'-l Ia Q1 lion in 1 Q' nrhitVi shows that the criminal ranks are not being filled up by fresh recruits. It is further shown that the diminution in the younger part of the prison popula tion is four and five times as great as in the older portion, which proves that the younger part of the community is not supplying criminals to take the place of the older and more incorrigi ble. It is also demonstrated that there is no such coincidence between the variations in the amount of crime and in the amount of drunkenness as to establish that connection between the two which some temperance advo cates too hastily assert. The com missioners point out, however, that, while crime has thus decreased and the criminal population of the prisons has diminished, the debtors have in creased largely and continuously; the number committed in 1878-'79 was6,- 964, and in 1892-'93 it had gradually risen till it reached 10,031. THREE VERY LUCKY CHILDREN. How the Little Imperial Prlncea of Ger many Pass Their Time. Of the daily life of the three eldest imperial princes the Berlin correspon dent of the London News w ites: "The princes, as is verj wneralh mown, are very simply and strictly brought up. Every day, suminer and inter, tbey get up at 7 o clo.t ir. vud morning and have breakfast at 7:45 o'clock, con sisting of tea and rolls. The meal never lasts longer than a quarter of an hour. Punctually at 8 o'clock their lessons begin. The crown prince, as well as Princes Fritz and Adelbert, are each taught separately, but for some hours the crown prince and Prince Fritz are taught together. The crown prince, who is most zealous, arm takes all his lessons in earnest, is much further ad vanced than his two brotners. Tue play hours during the morning are filled up with gymnastics, games of ball, dig ging, etc., in the playground, near the right wing of tho new palace. At 9:45 they take luncheon sand wiches, claret and natural mineral water, which beverage is much drunk at the imperial table. After lunch they again have lessons for a short time, and then take their riding lessons, either In the riding school in bad weather or in fine weather out of doors. The crown prince, who is an excellent rider, with a firm seat, has lately begun to ride. II is white horse, Abdul, which he received ou his birth day from the emperor, la a handsome, large Arabian, with a long tail and thick mane, of faultless build, proud bearing, and a most graceful step. Aiier ineir ruung lesson they some times take a ride in the neighborhood of the new palace, accompanied by the crown princes military governor. Maj. von Kalkcnhayn. Princes Fritz and Adelbert aosimpany .he crown prince on their ponies, and it la a pretty aight to see the younger oni trying to keep up with theii eider " her. They very often take a drive in their pony carriage, the crown prince driving. This little basket carriago la drawn by a white pony, hung all over with silver bulla, and it name It Seehund." MISSING LINKS. T South Amfhicaxs get brandy from watermelon juice. Tiitax never was such a person at rope Joan, the ao-called feuial pon tiff. Tin worth of a ton of diamonds at the present day I estimated at 933, 000.000. Tin mountaineer of West Virginia have a superstition that to ae a milk whit deer I th unfailing sign of a speedy death. CittHat.i county. Wash., ha 80,000,- 000 fort of standing timber, th largest amount of any county la that heavily timbered Hate. Ix th poorhous of Cat connty, Mich., a man wa received th other day. II wa given a bath and said it had been his first In thirty years. t'rsTBAL rtaa. New York, contain Mlaerea; I'hornic park, Dublin, 1,700 acres; Hyde park, London, 400 acre; 1 etlow.ton national park, 1,40,000 acre. pallaa-l hear that Jm proposal to M Is Testy last night and got a refusal? Callous -Well, aa to that, ah didn't bluntlv refuse we; ah would n t wound my filing by doing that, yet th In- fereiire of her remark was plain enough. Dallas-What reply did ah make to jour prral? Callow-Sh said If I was th last man on rarth ) bight Consider It Ikstton Courier, That staaaas! rsa. Well Drss.t llentteman (Vo tlrket sailer at rtevalr.1 station) -la making rharif. will " to k nl enoua-h to f w ro S ropper real InaUad tf tU 111. keif TWket tiriier-Hurrah! llr an other wealthy Nw Yorker 'Inff to eoiitrtlntl to th Urant monument Th bo for th t rihl or-r therw. sr . Tessa ti'tf. aSstsSt - "-V im. VlltfrO .III T , l , T . An '"" trs"ea a4 KrvVf Tosrv it tMf,sntarl rrs L C 4tdUst ksw, ar IrssV An Open Great Reduction Q PI CrOCkei V, GlaSSWaTe, ' ' Ware, Writing Tablets, Notions, Etc. A full line of Fire Crackers Old Blackman Stand (Successor to Jerry Cohn.) Yon Should Pppp For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY ! Popular Prices ! Mrs. Tom Bradley, Prop. At. J? LIST ! Mr. Columbus were alive to day and called at Mat Lichten- thal's be might make a Dew discov ery quite as memorable as that of li'Jl Chi is was a creat discoverer io his day. Fie would at this time discover the finest stock of Shoes ever showo io Heppner, and the cheapest as well. What more does mortal man want ? The Old, Original Shoe Mrrthanl. M. LICI1TKNTIIA.L, Main Htreet, Heppner, Oregon. Custom Work a Specialty. Jl Intra Gear and Steel Tubular. P. C. THOMPSON CO., iitrrNEn Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for V-ash Unly. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AHD FlES ALWAYS 0H HAHD. it: Kceley Uule -OF- Is MlfKAll notary PUBLIC illlllMIU CONVEYANCER ANCASiiiRi: Invurance Co. Secret ! It ia an open secret that i Sells high grade goods at lower prioes than any of his competi tors. That's because be knows how, when, what and where to buy and is satisfied with small profits. Ben oarries a full line of Groeenea, Canned Goods, Candies, Cigars, Tobac co, Etc. Wood and Willow and Fourth of July Goods. B.JL HUNSAKER, Prop. HOTEL Comfortable Rooms ! 4 tl 6, $65.00 5IL 6H $67.50 $70.00 5 Ptr CtDt Dis co... for SPOT CASH. OREGON. i'or tho Curo o Liquor. Opium isi Tobacco Habits It it lorttsM ftl IsiUm. Arc.. oil; ,B.i,,ua. Tfswtmw.1 an.It.aa nr orriCH mum for 30 Days r m a " .... . 1 r.niLJ IkLM. 2nsuiis!i3cnt it ttss Yvn M t. rM. 41 aM4M