Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 25, 1895, Image 1

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' 3
I Is owing to my liberality in ad-1
i vertising. Robert Bonner.
Advertising brought me all I ;
own, A. T. Stewart. i
III III I I i n i in , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i can 1 1 1 1 L i
fr.t it uiMnaniw i miinii mitiwuMiiiM Minicr
I 1
Tuesdays and Fridays
The regular subscription price of the
Semi-Weekly Uazette is 82.50 and tbe
regular price of the Weekly Orpgoniae
is $1.50. Any one subscribing for the
Gazette and paying for one year iD
advance can get both tbe Gazette and
Weekly Oregocian for $3. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions for
one year in advaaoe will be entitled to
the same.
A. W.
Business Manager
At $2.50 per year, $1.26 for en months, 75 ots.
tor three morions.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THI8 PAPER is kept on file at E. 0. Dake's
Advertising Agency, M and 65 Merchants
Kxohangs, Ban Francisoo, California, where oou
racts tor advertising can be made for it.
UNioN Pacfic Railway-Local card.
No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 3:30 p. m. daily
except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction
6:20 p. m.
No. 10, mixed, leaves Willows Junction 7:15
g. m. Arrives at Heppner 10 p. m. daily except
nEasty'bound, main line arrives at Willows
Junction 1:46 a. m.
West bound, main line, leaves Willows Junc
tion 12:15 a. m.
West bound Portland fast freight with pas
senger coach leaves WIIIowb Junction 6:3 p. m.
and arrives at The Dalles at 12:01a m. Here
passengers from the branch lay over till 3:15 a.
m. and take the fast mall west bound which ar
rives at Portland 7:45 a. m. The Dalles and
Portland passenger leaves The Dalles daily at
2:15 p. m. and arrives it Portland 6:30 p.m.
Leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and arrives at
The Dalles 12:15 p. m. This connects with the
east bound way freight with passenger coach
which leaves The Dalles at 1:30 p. m., arriving
at Willows Junction 6:58 p. m.
United States Officials.
President Grovsr Cleveland
Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson
Monrotarv nf Hmt Kiohanl 8. Olney
Secretary of Treasury John G. Carlisle
Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith
Monroiuro nf War Daniel 8. Lumont
Seoretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
Postmaster-General William L. Wi'son
Attorney-General Jndann Harmon
Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton
State of Oregon.
ftrwarnnr i W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. B. Kincaid
Treasurer Phil. Metsohan
Snnt. Publio Instruction G. M Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
i G. W. McBride
Senators jj, H. Mitohnll
J Hinger Hermann
Congressmen 1 W. ft. EUis
Printer W. H. Leeds
( R. 8. Hsan
Supreme Judge
Trade Mark Dr. A. Owen
The latest and nnlv itclenttfln and nrnnHpnl
Eieelrlo lioit inude, for general use, producing
a genuine current of Electricity, for the cure
of diHease, that can be readily felt and rcgu-
mieu uoiu in qunuuiy anu power, ana applied
to any part of the body. It cun be worn at any
time during working hours or sleep, and
Electricity, nronerlv annlled. la fast taklnir
the place of drugs for all Nervous, Rheumatic,
Kidney ana urinal Troubles, and will effect
(R. 8.
, F. A.
(0. K.
Seventh Judicial District.
rimnit Jnd W. L. Brarishaw
ProBeoutinar Attorney A. A. Jam
' Morrow County Officials.
, A. W. Gowan
,. J. 8. Booth by
.Julius Kelthl
..J. B.Howar
Joint Ben a tor -.
I'ounty Judge.
11 Commissioners..
J. M. Baker.
" Clerk
" Hheriff
" Trawinrar
J. W. Morrow
.G. W. Harnnirton
.... Frank Gilliam
.J. r". Willi
Hnrrnvnr. Geo. lord
Bohool Bup't Anna BaUigjr
Coroner T. W. Avers. J r
Wavor Thos. Morgan
n V. Varnawnrth.
Uerttenthal, Otis Pstterson, T. W. Aysrs, Jr.,
8. 8. Horner, E. J. Blooum. . .
Recorder ,.F. J . H al ock
Tpunnr k. L. Finland
Uarahal A. A. Roberta
Precinct OfHeere.
Jnatina nf tha Paaoa E. L. Freeland
Constable. N. 8. Whetstone
United Suites Land Officer.
J. F. Moore IWister
A. B. Hicos Haoaiver
B.F. Wilson Ra)ter
J. H. Kobthns Receiver
O. A. R.
Maate t Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
ech month. All vetaran are Invited to Join.
C. Boon. Geo. W. Hmith
AdJntant, tf Commaniler,
V dnawd Lumbar, II miles ol Heppner, at
what 1 known as Uis
FIR 1.000 F IT. ROUGH,
" " " CLEAR,
I 00
17 M
A a.w per i.uuu last, aoiliuoiuai.
The above aaolaUoDi are strictly for Cash.
L HAMILTON, 1'rop.
Hauonai Bank
Presides t, Caekler.
Made oo Favorable Ternia.
if you use the PetalnmS
Incubators Brooden.
Make money while
others are wasting
time by old processes.
Catalogtells all about
it, and describes every
article needed for the.
poultry business.
48 Page5 II
Illustrated I I
Catalogue ILVj
mm mm
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
,wneei. rreiucstmuuci.
We are PaciOe Coast
Agents. Bicvcle cata-
ftilldescrlotlon , TiHces. etc., agents 'wanted.
rLlALUMA IHUUH 1 UK lU., re a
Branch House, 231 S Main &t., X,os Angeles, (j
"Who has not suffered thia misery
caused by bile in the stomach
which an inactive or sluggish
liver failed to carry off.
liquid or powder, which gives
quick action to the liver and
carries off the bile by a mild move
ment of the bowels. It is no pur
gative or griping medicine, but
purely vegetable. Many people
take pills more take Simmons
Liver Eegulator.
"I have been a victim to Biliousness for
years, and after trying various remedies
my only success was In the use Of Sim
mons Liver Regulator, which never failed
to relieve me. 1 speak not of myself,
alone, bin my whole fumily." J. M. FiLly
ham, Selma, Ala.
Has onr Z Rtamp in red on wrapper.
J. H. ZEILJN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa,
cures In seemingly hopeless cases where every
uuiiT nuuwn mean ntis xuiieu.
Any Bluggisb, weak or diseased organ may
by this means be roused to healthy activity
before it Is too late.
Leading medical men use and recommend the
Owen Belt lu Uielr practice.
Contains fullest Information regarding the cure
01 acute, enronic ana nervous diseases, prices,
and how to order, in English. German. Swedish
and Norwegian languages, will be maflad, trpon
application, 10 any auuress lor a cents postage.
The Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co.
The Owsn Electric Dell Dldtj., 201 to 211 Stale Street,
Tlie Largest Electric Bell Establishment In the World
A Lawyer Mistaken for One and Fired
Upon at Rangoon.
The excitement among the English
in Birmah over the robbers and mur
derers they call dacoits may be inv
agined from the following, says .the
itangoon Times:
A Mr. Birch, an advocate, was going
in the evening In a sampan with a
Eurasian clerk. Suddenly another boat
with natives in it drew near and hailed.
Neither Mr. Birch nor his clerk nor
the boatman, who was from Chitta-
gong, could understand much Burmese.
and, fearing dacoity, he made signs to
His boatman to pull as fast as he could
. The other boat immediately opened
nre ana Mr. liirch was hit in the thigh.
Mr. mrcn, being armed with a Der
ringer, returned the shot and a pretty
sharp duel began. A police boat
eventually arrived and the thing was
stopped. It turned out that the na
tives were not dacoits, but an anti
dacoit patrol, who "opened fire on Mr.
Birch s party Irceause their challenge
was not duly answered. The Kangoon
Times questions whether, in the pres
ent unsettled state of feeling, the at
tack ou a European was purely a mistake.
Hundred's of Bogna Pennle?tiHajtd. 8nr
poaedly Made by Italian CouuteeMMrs. '
From time to time references are
seen in the daily papers, referring to
the difficulty experienced by the ferry
companies, car lines, etc., in disposing
of enormous accumulations of ordinary
copper cents. The reader is very apt
to remember this, particularly if in
exchange for a dollar bill he is re
turned ninety-five one-cent pieces by
a conductor. As a matter of fact, says
the New York Herald, there is no ex
cuse for the item, much less for a car
conductor or change-taker in unload
ing his weight of copper upon the al
ways more or less abused passenger.
The United States subtreasury, at
Wall and Nassau streets, makes, and
has made it a practice for years, of ex
changing minor coin for United States
money of large denomination, and it
has many regular customers who are
so served. There are a number of cu
rious things about cents as they come
to the sub-treasury. In the first
place, they are quite extensively coun
terfeited. This may seem strange, as
the profit in a counterfeit cent is neces
sarily small. It is true, however, nev
ertheless, and is supposed to be the
work of Italians, who, more largely
than any other nationality, seem to
favor the imitation of our minor and
subsidiary coin. The Brooklyn and
New Jersey ferry companies, the ele
vated railroads of both New Vork and
Brooklyn and the various slot-machine
companies are regular customers for
the exchange of cents for other money
at the sub-treasury. At' times they
turn in enormous quantities, the slot
companies alone ranging between one
hundred ind twenty-five and Beven
hundred dollars a day. As might be
expected, all sorts of oddities in
the way of coin come in with ,the
quantity taken in the machines. In
addition to the counterfeits are scores
of "not one cents" of war times, metal
discs and foreign copper, Austrian
money predominating. As the copper
cent is simply a token, no matter what
its condition is, it is redeemed at par
if it can in any way be identified as
Uuited States money The popularity
of the slot machine a year or so
ago brought about a curious condi
tion of affairs in the country. This
was nothing short of a "cent famine."
The headquarters of the company is in
New York, and all agents sent their
cents here for redemption, which
drained the country of its supply and
overstocked the minor coin vaults of
the subtreasury here with cents.
A CLtv-a luivk UIKL.
I yrJ FACTS ' ;
i AK,t "
I jf FACTS ! ! ij
J OU CAS BUY 15.00 worth of dry goods and groceilos and then have
V J enough left out of fluO 00 to purchase a No. 1 CrtHwent Bicycle. This Is
! first-class machine. Why then pay 1100.00 for a bicycle that will give
I CRESCENT "Hcorrher," weight 30 pounds, only I O.
ladles' and Ornts' madate'i all the way from I'O to 175.
I I "Boys' Junior," only I with pneumatic lire good max blue. , i
1 "Our special," Men's l'0; Ladles', IV).
or at.Ji
Heppner, Orrg.m. fOyrfS
-! TIIK-
Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West
Anj Has the Largest Circulation.
esut 111 111 111 in it) ill 111 in ill III- i
aK C I nOOw"" ' Ma.ic -3.
r 1 U t"1' eoaaianag 'A m1r -Z7 1
ft: " ' W it Mwak ul u 1
ir M(tiiwi kniWat an bmni ar-roiw 4 ;
"'. "t mi ar t ri".vul. J
aw an bvmI ur ---pit, fcv -Z
fc: ftitt'l '. raw!
5 tttt, 4
1 aaaataa aa a.a taa m
TMf ttwroRiauticutCMO CO.:
lraaav TlMm Ktlf Mt-iOy, .
Cllllltt KlSTID. t
rttttlt at i t 11 i;i 11 ni 1.1 Mtttia
DAILY (without Sundgy) $6.00 per tr
DAILY (with Sundri $.oo per year
The Weekly Inter Ocean tci .00
a m
IMf l 0 fA Imm al lite flMS la mn
Ma'lsg ALL I MM
The Weekly Inter Ocean
!( oi f4 'C"' Fieawflal
rVL.l" en I bi rth h- If "t
ehnaUl I) Crlot V4 nl
fl lb aa.
It . -ml.l9t " laMb await. a IW l.mit. I"
IIIUU HAK ILtllliUsntattwbi 1
iHJTICAl IV IT I irl H M ICA. m4 gM Ns rH4.ii IW .mi ml IM
iMtoVkohuJ"" M " M ' th,m ,Mb rtcr
Tir f"Tr ocrAj n m i inrt is Chicago, tnr sri inn coitrciAt
H Ml 14 l A I I ' t .,' I 111 t I . II S till N N A I . I I I , I if
A .! It f 1HI. Mllil l' lilu rt.UflL Of MIAl a.ll'' IHAH
h ta la K I IW. ratli al lit Wm ta Mita eaj I Kar.
Bak K ft a as IU Imm ,Ma a qi u-tl frit
UfLMLA. aj,.m THE 1NT1:K 0CEAN chlcego
Brew a Chicago Hackman Vaa Paralysed
by Her Financial Operations.
The Chicago hackman is supposed to
be endowed with a full allowance of
the smartness peculiar to men in his
profession, but a Boston girl is cred
ited with irettin the best of him. The
hackman himself tells the story, says
the Cincinnati Commercial (Jazette.
His name is Johnson, and his business
during the summer has been mainly in
the service of the guests in the dormi
tories of the Chicago university.
Johnson has run daily excursions for
them through a twenty-five mile drive
for one dollar,
Within two days after her arrival
Johnson took the Boston young woman
out as one of his morning party. She
occupied the s-at with him and plied
him with questions. On the following
day when he called for passengers
Johnson noticed this Boston girl flying
around in a lively way. 800 n she
came to him and wanted to know how
much he would charge to take forty
persons up to' the center of town and
back fur an evening reception. He gave
hia figures, ami then she went shopping.
The next day she told Johnson she
could get the work done for twenty-
eight dollars, and that he 'might ai
well take the Job at that figure. She
preferred hi rigs, she said, because
they looked nicer than any she
had aim elsewhere. Johnson took
the job, and on the evening appolnti-d
the young woman marshaled out her
forty people. They were In cvetilng
drt-faand full of gayety. Suddenly the
I to tun young woman apoke out: "We
may not all get together when e come
Imck and may be very tired. Suppose
I collect the fares now and be doue
with ur
She did no, and each person paid her
one dollar fur the evening's transpor
tation. She quickly counted out
twenty-eight dollars and gave it to
Johnson, and plsx-lng twelve dollars In
hrrotvn pure rod to the evening's
reception with a wtifli.l smile and a
nvwt charming affability. Three dav
Ut.-r she did the same thing over
gain. As she put the twelve dollar In
her ptirMt JohiiMin arruU hd his head
and uyi be muttered. "Well, 1 11 lie
The nt time he proposed a ill
vUion of the apolla. She eyed him for
minute, kw that he in earnest.
gave him fuurdollaraoutof the twelve,
and after that tliry did buiitiv on
this baala. She got up aightMiiijf
parties Inalde the fair, tlieatrirsl
t.arlli-a, lecture nartlea, mad r
of friends, and at every move
aremed to add to ber purv. So
Well did she attrrred that she had t
rnoiitha at the fair and wrbl lioin.
with one hun lred dollar la hi r
Johnson aey he has travelrd about
a gool bit, hia lat gcnrion of luiior-
lane lfig trip to ttio rarla aa pr
altloti, but U never aa a rnri bo
eiin'id "do up ' I hleag'i lia kui.O
that Ikiatiin rirl did.
AN AGE 0rON0tR3.
aWeMfkaMe tklags That ! nm
Uraal TSk t vaalrf la.
This la wop.lrrful tf a we are liv
ing In-a isi.i.ilMful air, end this I a
ondrrfnl eotiiitr It I d.mbtful If
The remarkable feature of the case is
that this particular quality of coal
emits no smoke when burned. Ac
cording to the report, you could build
a fire of this coal in the center of your
parlor floor and be unable to find a
particle of smoke in the room. In tha
words of Col. Mulberry Sellers,
"there's millions in it."
But this truly strange case is per
haps outdone by one which is alleged
to have recently occurred in the salu
brious climate of California. The ve
racious chronicle states that some
thirty years ago one John Bahler, then
residing in Wisconsin, lost his eyesight
and subsequently had both eyeballs
taken out, the end of the optic nerve
being left as a stub in each case. Right
here is where the wonder comes in.
Don't miss it. About a year ago. at
his home in Fresno, Mr. Bahler sud
denly saw the light of a lamp placed
opposite to him on the other side of
the room, and the examination showed
that new eyeballs were growing on the
ends of the optic nerves.
Since that time his sight has grad
ually improved, until now he can shoot
a rifle with considerable accuracy, and
hopes soon to be able to see how the
foreigners pay the tariff tax.
Indeed, this is a great country, and
isn't anywhere near developed yet.
Carp milk cows and steal chickens and
green corn right here in Pennsylvania,
but the boundless west contains still
greater possibilities than the enst, and
if old Europo can produce any such
wonders or special newspaper corre
spondents let her trot, 'em out.
Odd Superstitions of the Peasantry About
Ills Manners and Customs.
In the legendary lore of Canada the
devil plays a prominent part, lie does
not appear as the strong angel, who
fell through pride, the enemy of God,
but as the medieval devil of monk
ish legend, the petty persecutor of
man, says a writer in Popular Science
Monthly. In the rural districts of
Canada Satan is supposed to bo very
active. His company may be looked
for on all occasions. The accidental
appearance of a little child in the room
often betrays the presence of the evil
spirit, as the poor innocent is sure to
bewail itself vigorously. The l'riuee
of Darkness may be met at a ball n
the guise of a handsome young man
who excels all the rustic gallants in
appearance, lie wears gloves to con
ceal his claws, and disregards the
trammelsof conventionality by keeping
his hat on his head to hide his horns.
He selects tho prettiest girl in the
room as his partner, but his choice is
Usually the village coquette, whose
vanity or levity has exposed her to the
evil influence. In the midst of the
gayety a piercing cry is heard.
strong odor of brimstone becomes per
ceptiblc, and the attractive clival i
is wafted out of the window, currying
with him some useful domestic utensil
as, for Instance, a stovu or the frying
pan. The girl may escupe with a sharp
scratch of a claw, particularly if she
should happen to have a cross or
Canadian rustics never answer "En
trez" when a knock is heard at the
door; they invariably respond
Olive." This is founded upon the
old legend of a young woman who re
plied "Entrez" to such a summon,
when the devil came in and carried her
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The National Gathering Deeine That It Had
o ltlKht to Blake Platforms anil Leaves
That to the National Convention of 1896.
Tbe following ie the resolution adopted
at Cleveland, Ohio, by the national con
vention of republican olube:
"Whereas, Seotioo 16 of the constitu
tion of the Republican League of tbe
United Statee eayB: 'This League shall
not in any manner endeavor to influence
any national, state, county or munioipnl
convention.' The delegates of the Re
publican Leaaue of the United States, in
convention assembled, do hereby renew
their alleginuoe to the principles of tbe
republican party and pledge their best
efforts for the success of the candidates
of that party, believing that this conven
tion has no instructions from the repub
licans of the United States, or jurlsd'O
tion under our constitution, to frame
psrty platforms, we hereby refer all
resolutions in referenoe to publio ques
tions to the Rxpublioun National con
vention of 1890, with entire confidence
that its action will redound to the pros
perity of our people and the oontinned
klory and advancement of the oonutrv "
Geo, E. A. MoAipin, nf New York, was
ohoeen as president of tbe League for
be coming year.
New Time Card on O. It. & N. Which Affects
the Heppner Branch.
The new schedule which went into
effrtot Sunday, June 23, is as follows:
Train No. 2, esstbouud, will leave
Portland at 8:45 p. m. and arrive in
Pendleton at 6:20 a. m., ai d leave at
6:40 a. m. The Spokane train leaves at
6:55 a. rn. The train from Spokane in
the eveuing, also No. 1 cn main line
arrive at tbe same time, and No. 1 leaves
for Portland at tbe ssme time ns at pres.
ent. It reaches Portland at 7:20 a. m.,
five minutes earlier than the present
The Dalles local train No. 8, leaves
Portland at 8:00 a. m., and arrives at 12
o'clock noon. No. 7 leaves The Dalles
at 1:45 p.m., and reaches Portland at
6:00 p. m , 30 minutes earlier.
There is some little change in the
Heppner train. It leaves Heppner at
1 :45 p. m and gets back to Heppner at
9:00 p m.
Trains Nos. 1 snd 2 meet at Grants at
2:00 p. m on tbe new oard.
When yonr heart pains you and an-
nsiiHl palpitation is frequent, aconm
pstiied sometimes with sbotntFH l
hrenth and low spirits yon nre tsufferintf
from a disordered Btato of he liver,
digestion is imperfeot and there is winri
on tlu stomaoh. If allowed to remain
the trouble will ultimately reach the
kidnei s and becomes dangerous to life.
Sttps should be taken to stay its pro
iress on the appearance of tha first
-ymptnms. Dr. J. H. MoLeau's Live'
and Kidney Balm is especially adapted
for disorders of this kind. Price $1 per
Piles! I'llcsl itching pile,
bymptoms Moisture; intense ltohing
nnd stitiiiing; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form, wbioh often bleed and
ulcerate, hemming very sore. ISwayneb
Ointment stops the itching and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and in most oaseg
removes Ibe tumors. At druggists, or
by mail, for 50oeuts. Dr.8wsyue& Hon,
Bvr Oril.nl Imposed t pun Oii of the
Offlrera or Ilia llraKoon fiuarila.
The other day, an y the London Dally
New, Kinperor William hnd the sec
ond regiment of dragoon guards called
out suddenly on to the Ti'iiiM-lhof
common, lie then culled an otlleer,
Count von Wcdel, known to be a good
rider, and handed him a mesMige for
the king of Saxony with tin- order to
ride at once to Dresden and give it to
him. Count von Wedel set out Imme
diately, attended by a acrgeimt, and
arrived after a twenty-two hours' ride
at Drewlen.
The ride took tut long a time, firstly,
on account of the wviw cold ami the
lipM-ry state of the romla, and. sec
ondly. Itrcnuse Count Von Wedel wax
not allowed to ride on the high ron. I
from Berlin to Drcwd-n, Lot had to tunc
roundabout ways, the supposition l.e
ing that a hostile army had occupied
the territory between the two capitals,
and that the rider hail to puss unno
ticed through the enemy's lines. Count
von Wedel arrived In a very elunisted
state at the royal castle, and. Immedi
ately after the audience with the king,
fainted away. He was taken into an
adjoining apartment, where he aooti
recovered. Ill hor was also very
fatigued, though the attending ser
geant and hi animal were riot much
worse for the ride. At the king's re
quest Count voti Wedel ditl not return
to Berlin on horsehuck, but by rail.
He I Mr. a l-saa-iaralma.
I beard an amusing story from a
New York Journalist the other day,
av writer In lo'tittewoiuan. In
til youth he had Imm-ii combined edit
and staff of a pii r Hint pro i.l.-. u w
for one of the w ildcM and m-i' t Inu li s
aettlemelit III I he Cock ii-s. Mr. -
a klltniir In to i.lU.c. and a wild
looking j roti aas shovt 11 in, w ho .i.d:
'Sir, I have culled to i r you Willi r.-
grl to a ili-turlatice I toil took pa
at one of tde bar la-t iilM. I l.ii'l
row wiHi a mnii U-t n i-i.t. ,. riled im
and I got rv t' d and shot l.in. an I I
regret to say Hi it In Hie f l' ft 1. i.l of
the moment I s.Ih-. him: mi I
called on you. air, to request that oi
will aee that ho rai'ciated rejiorl t
this fitijs llawar Into your newspaper "
Why preaet.er should sing d.ffer
ently from other t-op I a mystery,
oyoftbe eff.f old world dyea.ll.. ' I"1 ! ,U- !- ry one w 1,0 ,a
r.u prod,. rh (.Mr. t-tvleriBr 00 h'H r'err sing snow that thr,.
iw ( j- f iwiiiy wmrij, irie ricri I
ol when ovd In ali.gmg II, at l ran
Furnished by W. D. Harlan, Land
md Mining Attorney. Washington, D. 0.
The timber and stone sot of June 3,
lHXS, authorizing entry of lands "ubioh
have not been offered at public sale ao
nording to law," innludea lamia tkit, at
he date of the pa'sagn of said net, had
not been frred at public auotion at the
price then filed by law,
The validity of a pre emptor's resi
lenoe ia nut sflVoted by the fact that hia
ife refuses to live on the land.
An amended survey ami republication
dl be required where II a found that
'he land embraced within the applica
tion, a eel forth id the ofTIm! survey
and published notice, ia luoorrectly de
Preliminary proof for mineral patent
must ehow tbe claim valid at application.
A mineral notice must give the oourse
and length of a line connecting the olaim
wild a corner of the publio survey or
with a mineral monument.
Badly Injchkd Few people experi
ence snoh a shocking sroident ss befell
Mr. D. L Zachary, of Hohniler Flat, and
live to tell about it. While driving
home from Arlington Inst Tuesday
evening, and while at Dnve Mason's
plaoe, he dismounted iu order to open
and olnaa the gate. Just as be wag
olimbing over the wheel, prepaiatory lo
taking his seat on the wsgon, the bridle
on one of the horses slipped down 1 ver
It head, which frightened him, the team
liecnine iitiiiimiHgcnlile Mid ran away.
Mr. Ziohary, being on (he wheel, wag
thrown directly under it, as well as re
ceiving a cut frcm a hoof on the fore
head l i h laid It open. 'I lie wheels
passed over him, leaving Ihiu wilh his
left arm broken near the wrist, his left leg
below ili knee a oommiuuted fracture,
hi right leg fiaotured near Ihe hip, and
several litis broken. Dr. (b isendoifer
attended him and has Impn of bis re
covery. Mr. Ziehary ia past middle life
and tint Very robust, and it will seem al-
nn at a miracle if be recovers. Arling
ton lb-cord.
Foar big aaereaaes.
Having the needed merit In more than
make good all tha advertising claimed
for thera, the following four remedies
have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr.
Kiug'e New Discovery, fur consumption,
oongh and colds, each b ill le guaranteed
- Electric Ibllera, Ihe great remedy for
Liver. Hlomiieb and Kidneys. Ilnrkleii'a
trnlea Halve; tbn deal in Ihe world, and
I r king e ISew lirn rills, which area
lierleet pill. All thee remedies are
triiaraiileed to do jnsl what la claimed
'or them and the dealer whose tame la
attached herewith will be glad to tell
von mure of them. Mold at T. W, Ayets,
Jr , drng atera.
Marvelous Kmulls.
From a letter written bv Rev. J.
GiliidermHii, of Dimomlale, Mrh , we are
iermitled lo make Ihiaettraet; "I have
no heitslion in recommending Dr King's
New Discovery, he the rmiil'a were
alninel marvelous in the esse of my wife.
M hile I was pastor of the ltapti.1 elmieli
at liiv a Junction she Wns bomghl ioo
with I'lieuiiioiila succeeding I, O'ippe,
Terrible parol) em of eoiighing w.-uld
laat hour with lillle liderrnptmn slid
It seemed if she could not survive
them. A friend reri ninn ndi d Dr.
King's New Discovery ; l was quick 10
Its wink and highly eatisfanlory lo
reaulls." Tual hollies free at T. W.
Ayera, Jr, drug store. Regular sire
fKS and l.
While driving In Heppner laat Wei.
neadaV WHIi a load of hay It. J. W liken
had an upset near Tom Marlall'a plane,
throwing hull to he ground with such
force I lint lit hip was ilisloca'ed and
back severely at rami d. However, Poll
geta around now with the Use of a
Only COc. Read Thi3 All Through.?
Sf.WMlt !W:,K. p..r".-l I'no.rt..
t'4 l."ll- l. an.1 i l... .Ii ii s.erli I . ..i.,'i oa
4-li-n S.rfo i . aiih si, I llmum I j-i W iS
) aMLl-iIlr I lmlnio .J a or . Il..i -o.fi. . I, ;,li,n
I srfa pi. II-- I I l'i ' I' ii I - -l e. it. .
ami. of ell kiii-la liniiifili ,.. 1 ,.i,..,.i J,,,,. l
f .r Da ,,i,...n A tsisasi. tissa ksaaahai p?' 'or f
ai sue. a ar.
TIi Ct'tb'i!t. K.C.II Ei::r fiV.tm
tltskllt4 Ta..tH. Y..H.
T"e ey ifcliili t-n eao. 9 i a- . r-" T -
eMl4 all rt I'l lrt H',...,! 1 m U : I t ..r r ,
ill .1uil,litill'Hl I ..M f. M I., km I. ,t, 1. A Cr.M a
Ut H l i-i ill tit-.t -ll-i.l-i iMIa hl.r i.J ilttia.
wri nf, r ri,.;.Irniei'iOiinf, .ti 'II.. a,f li r- si 11,7
I 01' It Sl'lt'I ALT Y " '-'I win f a e..n.j vi. f 4 H,n
: " ' 1 ,, ' " ' lnu p, i no ( . ) ,., f. . 1,, ,1
I A 1 - ih ., , 1 11. A.i I-. a e.Mi.riil, ..-i I. i.a - - ir ( n o ii. a , f 1 Jt
I sl.ir. U etc., U, laa aerue wid be ko I.UM4 l v' 4 Li. i'-uIl-Isi
the tjiratiloti. a are bewriing t.
Bmii evertty neenrrer.ee lb thia land
of the free, say the Trie flerald.
A few day a-" t he j.re.a rli HtcS.a
nrtminr)! that atiine f" low out In
!ja.rt,rl bad di"-r d eoal. There
w r.oihiiv r-rnsrl1 ia ltil the
fw i U.a4 eJ tvl t 11 (Uetena-vL
pr In r
bate nil- (
1 heeM ae amon irr. a. t,. r aii-1
very old mr-mlier w',
rS.ur. I s.i I .-, r I ', ,t (
the .f. if ') t loli-v I'l'-ioi ri 1. . .
b'd i ihik h In at'.)" In l ,i ,
tlon that a pe In r l.ev.-f fa.ia I., i,
tr'educB, aMl uteve ljawxi "tu bwvur Ui
Is. .
r..t r
II . I .. 1. 1
ti. . I. II I.l.
lb. nll!ilf
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aey !" nf la f.,..lna i.s-1..1 I- .... 1 Is
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h S Pi a l..ra. iliil.tw. .. 1.1 ant -sf t . I li. t i t. . .
' ' ' " I .!' I ft. IS- .fit4 f.Kt)il,MSM' - 1 l
.lis. if ilaati a a..ifli as t I . ii.r s J C s. k
I i.f 1 1, boo. J .Ul. IKK latl'l n II Uml Ul..
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