Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 21, 1895, Image 4

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While yon aaep jronr subscription paid up yen
can keep your brand in free of charge.
AHyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses GO on .left
shoulder; oattle same on left hip, nnder bit on
riKht ear. and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine Or.-T with bar un
der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, 0. D., Einht Mile. Or.-Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horsns same brand on right
shoulder. Range, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or.-Horses. J A con
nected on lftflnk: cattle, sameon left hu.
flird D. W and sin. Horsei bran1d D B
onthelett hip; 01 tie the sama on left flink.
crop off riu t ear, nndercrop m the left. Kange
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 1 E un either shoulder. Range in Mor-
Ban'nistflr, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner. Peter, lnoseberry Oregon-Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
llnrke. M 8t 0, Long Creek. Or-On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip. oiop off left ear, un
der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder. Range m Grant and Morrow
Brnan, Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half orop nd right ear noper slope.
Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; oattle same on right hip; split in
Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; oattle same on right hip; range. Mor
row county. .
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Hotbos, circle
f! with dot in nei ter on left hip; oattle, same.
nr T Tnno ftroann Unnuii W hftr
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
' nr l n.nnn Or TTnmM. hny
nttyttr, n. -- ----- V,
brand on rigm nip oaiuo, oum, mw om, w
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shonlder; camn. same on itiiiiit.
t. i w .1 frr,Rttln. .IB oonneoted
on left side; orop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cnt out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Range m Fox valley,
Grant county, ,
. ii' Waimav fir R nrttfv. rirnnn
i.yariiwr ,inmi, ., , - ------
ed O on right stifle ; cattle : (three bare) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in
.. H Mrtrrnir nnnntins.
Cain.E., Caleb.Or. Y D on horses on left stifle'
TJ with aimrter circle oynr u,uu ra.
and on left stifle on all colts uder 5 years; on
lnf t shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
nA 1 ftrant finnnt.v.
('ate Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H (! on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Ctnalllla counties.
Corrigall. M M. Oallnway. Or Cattle crop out
of f.ac.h ear ano iintim-tin,, it- m hm-h-
horses hnlf circle f! on left stifle. Hnnge Mor.
..... n.a Ilmatilln nnnnties.
Carl, T. II.. John Dav, Or. Double ornss on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
county. On snoop, inverted and spear point
on shoulder. War markou ewes, crop on mri ear
.,..i..l or hit. in riirht. Wethers, crop in
right and nnder half orop in left ear. All rangs
la Grant oon"tv. .
r'..i. k .1 l,n.Or. Horses. flOon nghtshonl
der. Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square
crop off lort and split in num.
Currin. R. K., CurrinBVille, Or. -Horses, on
Cnx Hd. H.. Hnnlman, Or. Cattle, C with
;.. hnraea CK (in left Si I).
Cochran, R. K.. Monnment. (irant Co, Or.
Horans branded circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark
I..- al,..,a Kt.lh aura unit dewlnn.
UII'I"! " "'I'" - . -
. i 11 Ll.nlmnn lr IfnrsAa nrnnnMI
O on right hip. rattle branded the same. AU.i
brands CI on horses right thigh; ca tie sasie
brand on right shouldor, and out off end of
''I'LTu-. W M Oallowav. Or. Cattle. R Don
right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, R D
"".i". lir,,.' T)nnilna. Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, cattle same on left lap. hole
IP right ear. . .
Emory. C. H., nardman, Or. Horses branded
f) Ireversei) ! wit h taill on loft shouldor ; oat.
i.....m hin. litmus in Morrow comity.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horses F with bar under on right
Florence, B. P. Hepnner. Or Horses, F on
.;..!. .h,, hint! nsttle. V on right hip or thigh.
V h liaiirie Heniiner. Or. Cuttle branded
WF. with bar over it. on left side; crop oil luft
esr. Horses, same brand on Inn nip.
iinir. K.ltner. Koho. Or. -Horses brsndad H
H. with a tmarUir oinle over it, on left stllle.
Range in Morrow and Utnatillaeonnties.
11. ..it A It Ui.Un. Or. battle, round-ton
with iiartr oirole uniler It on the right hip.
Range In Tlnrrow ano iitnsuiin"uini.
li,t,,n A.lnnka. Iliiinillnn. Or Cattle, two ban
on either hip; crop In right ear and split in left.
Horses J on right thigh. RuiigeinHrentPonuty
Hughes, Hamnnl, Wagner, Or 3- (T F L
coiiiiwtt'iDon right hniililertin horses; on nsttle,
on right hip and on Inn sine, swallow tors in
right esr and slit In left. Range in Haystack
ilisi riot., Morrow conntv
HmIb, Milton, 'Vanner, Or. Horses hrsndsd
-O-(cattle with parallel (nils) on left shoulder
(Entile same on left hip also large oirole on left
Howard J L, Galloway. Or. Horses (cross
with tiir stiove 1 on rigid h inhler; nattl'sMtne
mi left. side. Rang' 111 Morrow and Umatilla
Hall, E lwin, John Osv, Or. Cattle E II on
right hip: hors s sa ne nil right shoulder. Range
111 (.rent noenty.
Hughes. Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded
heart on thn left shonliler. Range Morrow i'n.
Ittittsaknr, II A. Wagner, Or. -Horses, V on left
boulder; ret tie. V on left hip.
Humphreys, i M. Uardman, Or. Horses, II 00
Uf rlsnk
llnaton, Lnther, Kight Mile. Or. Horse H on
the left shotil'loralid heart ou the left tins Cat.
tie asms on left hip. Hangs in Morrow county.
J'ttina. lUrrr. Ileppn . Or llomiw brsndial
II Jon the left ateeilder; rattle loei'l'vl J on
nuht hip. slao iinderlnt in left Mr. Range In
Mot row rtitintv.
Jtinkin, H. M., Heppner, Or Horses, hors
him J 011 left "h. miller. Caltle, the satus,
Rsi.n Ki r"ltil Mils.
J. .Iii.a ,n. fells. I.na. tr.- Ilonves. elrelaTon
la 'l atiltn; ranis, aatiiann right hip, under half
Or hi in n"1' sett aunt n leri ear
Keniir. M ika. Hniipner. Or.- Ilorsss branded
KNY on left l,i p rat tie asms and crop off left
r-. under aioiaion iris rigni
Kirk J. T , Heppner. Or. - Horses (Ml en left
Imtltder: estlle. IW on left hip.
Kirk Jeaae. Helinnor. Or. t ho rase II nn left
kirnldef 1 rattla asms on right side, Oliderhll on
rigid ear.
fc unil-Mlaiid. W, G. Mount Vernon. Or. -I I, on
mills us right and left sides, swallow fork In It ft
Mr ami nnder nop n rigid ear. Horses asms
brand nn left nh.nil.ler. Rang in Grant nnintv.
Lnftati, Htephen, lot. Or.- H I. OU left hip
nn Mitls. cmp and split on right Mr, ilonaea
Mine brand 11a Irft slnMil.ter. Rang tttstil
Lienstlen, John W., Inliri (Hr.-lloraM
hnodn hsIf-elirU Jl.eotinecteil on ft ahtml
iter. I aula, asilir tin left liln. Kangs, iimt li
lhrr, J W Heppner Or - Horees lirsndetl
t.tnl on lelt ahotilderi rMti asms tin lefl
lup, wattle oef right -(e. Uitea slits In r.gi.t
leir.1, llaotga. Ileppnsr, Or. Ilorsaa branded
dteilds II rti.ne.'l rvmietimes Mlleil
wttta II. 11a lefl ahtethler.
Minor, tlr, iaamar or -litl, M l ih
rigtil lop, h.irae M on leflahmildef ,
Motsan . M . H"ipi,r. Or. - llonas, M )
Of) Ml afHltde Mills aMiHStei left top.
Mitchell llaeajr I me. nr. - Hnraea, j un rigid
htIM Mills, 11 on right aula.
Ur4 larm, l tl . Hniwnavllle Of,-lln
Fiaora l,mei h at hies. Mtlle, Mine ktn
M -tlirt. Ita-k. fin Vsllet, Or. Mnlaarios
Willi l,a etek tm Mttla nn fdai and ndr In
aay H ai hotaes Mine loan. I on left aim.
Mi Halo. . .. ne nut m. e? H Hon
Wilh l,ll i it.-la a'.-t-r tin left al.iml Im.ihi I atlia
I hit liars P-Minerlral HQ lop OA th light Sills
llaea in llraiil I '.Mini.
N-l 4sdtw lrma ll-"-k Of - llirrara A l eon
Hav.4M (4t ti a.eitderi Mills asms iHI larth hl,
4.ltks '.. Hiiverl. or.- HoMss.mnti Ji
m' llngl ra'Ha Hms left top,
Oh.f J. evil, I anion Cut, Or A Ion rail I
mt left lup ti boraes, asms us lefl thigh. lUu,e
In i"ni rH,ni
Oiler, I'atfi, Idling1., nr.-t O oa left
oil, llermsa. iiairis Cllr. r.-4 Mills, I
1,1 e.tn.tr, q kft hip: InrtaM I Ml left SIlSs
kl,-l Wattle oa R.aa liai se la 4rnt e,eilitf
I'M'e. Olara r..gM Mile. Or, - ll a, unar
let rl'-'ie rtotd H left ah'Slides Slid li in left
l,.. I aula. I 1 Uf' Mr. 'UI.I ,r,i...
.... l-ft I..,, Il, on I ,M M la.
'..k k li.aaa.oi. Hat I nan.Ot . - ll.itaaa 1 1' lis
el I.
1'iia.t, I l. Il' tii. Or, Hitra hrati l
K I.I " wt"l Ml alum . let 1 mi
1 ,., m.'i 111, liana M.er.,w .., '1.
I iiwr. J II . l-O-sl mi Or lliersas, J en. I
a. e, e lefl i Iw , mIIIa, aaioa tm lefl bii.
ft, -I- hf le ea rr
I'aUt I . I Of ! k.a) dlaworeil oa
- V-I 1. att !, $ II J r..fit 'r t iei IHa
.ei 1,1 1,. i i-i . lit Mfl mi it! siiv in Ins
tin dew. lUf l naa Of . - HoraM. a jtMra
ftm .11, .(,,-i . ., te trtef it , lefl elS
l,. , t t t.r ,. II. 1 i Or. Hwaasl Hi
r' .1 . ,1 l-
U ..h Mi. lll.te, II-imbs lrfne.la.1 1
an t '. i f'-' at..i f-aitta I 11 the U't Sin
,.; fl m a, I l lap f.a S. liaiwla i
.. l ., . Ir-i.nrt e, 0Mofej
V. I h le nM al,.l lt, a,l ,a'
e. ia lit la- I rail( ea-r-e iaa ftg'd k.p
Hs-.') mt.
I.ra, wa H ta.rtllU, Or - It H e.-sti-.-
a. . . K ,,aria r r- Mret I. Mla f' ' t a, I
a I rr. f M Si I Si t la len, II
a. i.i I ki l Ki"t X. liens Is ,
tv,l m-I,.!h tewnlial,
p. . J m -ll ), iO m
left MeeaiiM, I tkllM. O mm f kjM klN
tur.M W R. Il l ' He at-al-l
I H .rtj Mi eauia J lafl kip. iH S)
f.r.s IS -!' le e't.
, i. I h-ia, II if M Maaa, I Ifn
kp ijii.nWi i f,
( r J -t e t .. O - eoe'an) mm
Irinaie f .1.1 I l. r" a. a -a a aj r' I ki
ar.. ; u,i f aa t a kf hl la kafl Mt. .
Bqnires, James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded
J8 on left shoulder: cattle the sums, also nose
waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam oo Tties.
Stephens, V. A., Hardman. Or-; horees 8 8 on
right stifle; cattle horirontal U on the rnht side
Htevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Cattle, H
on right hit : swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or.-Horses, U on
left shoulde-; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hperry. K. G.. Heppner. Or. Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A Heppner, Or.-Horses, Z on
left shoulder: cattle. 2 on left shoulder.
Tipnete.8.T.)Emerpriee.Or. Homes. C-on left
Turner R. W Heppner, Or. Small capital T
left, shonlder. horses; cattle same on left hip
with split, in both ears.
Thornton, H. M lone, Or.-Horses branded
HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Yanderpool. H.T.. Ina, Or: Horses HV oon
nected on right ehoulder;oattle, same on right
Walbridge, Wm.. Hoppner. Or. Horses, TJ. L.
on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
orop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, J onn Q, Halem or Heppner, Or.
Horses branded Jij on the left shonlder. Range
Mrrrrw nnnntv.
Warren, W n, I'aleb, ur I ;atue vv wiin quanor
oirole over it, on left sine, split lu rigni er.
Horses same brand on left Shonlder, iiaugeiu
nranf eonntlt-
Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses branded
ace of spades on leit snouiaer auu inii, uiu
i ntt a hmnnen same on lert siue aim ieit uip.
Wolflnger, John, John Day City. Or On horses
three parallel bars on left shf.nlder; 7 on sneep,
Dit in Doin ears, ruuige in uraui. am uacmuuoi
Wmniward. John. Heppner, Or. Horees, TJP
nnnnanteH on left ehonlder.
Watkins, Liehe, Heppner, or. Horses Dranaeo
DE connected on left stifle.
Welleeo (Ihsrlns. Henoner. Or. Cattle, W on
right thigh, holt in left ear; horses, W on right
shouluer some same on lerr, snouiiiHr,
Whittier nros., nuntingum, Baker Co., Or. -
Horses branded W B connected on loft shoulder
?9 W
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
TIONS. At a soecial meetino' of the Ore on
State Board ot Horticulture, held in
Portland April 2, 1895, all members
prenent, the followins; regnlatioos were
adopted, in aoaordanoe with the laws
regulating snob matters, and are, there
fore, binding upon all persons. The
regalations are to take effect and be in
foroe from and after May 4, 1895:
Rale 1 All consignees, agents or
The state printer has sent out, in ac
cordance with the usual custom ot the
enterprising and not niggardly paid pub
lishing house at which he presides, a
neatly bound pamphlet of some pages,
entitled "General Laws of Eighteenth
Regular Session of the Legislative As
sembly." A strange feeling ot melan
choly comes over the reviewer as he
takes np this work, suggestive for the
mnnt. nnrt nf (,mioritbnwft-hftnn " This
other persons, shall, within twenty-four or exftmp(? might have oon,
hours, notify the quarantine officers of tained ,aw8 Bub8tituting BalarieB for
the State board of Horticulture, or a feea for 8tste offiCers;abolish.ng railroad
duly commissioned quarantined guardian Gommi((Hiori. nnttint, diatrir.t attorneys
of the arrival of any trees, plants, buds
on salaries; eppropriating less money
or cions at the quarantine station, in the for derkg. dQwn allowan0e8 for
district of final destination
disbursements in the oapitol building;
Wiilmms. vnsco. namiiton. Or. Onarter oir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Range Grant oonnty.
Williams. J O. Long Oeeri. Ur Horses, qnar
ter circle over three bars on left hip; oattle same
and slit in each ear. Kange in Grant oonnty
Wren, A. A Heppner, Or. Horses runmnga A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young, J. 8., Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded
THnn the right shonMe
e I
Spokane Denver
Kule 2 All trees, plants, cuttings, .. . . . ,
grafts, buds or cions, imported or I nd oollegeB. for pregerving the salmon
oruuKui mo ice siaio i.uu, indag,ry .. proteoting depositors in sav
country, or irom any oi u.o uuimu . . . nntna the National Guard
States or territories, are hereby re-
and the state university on the same
quired to be inspected upon arrival at the fooHng befcrfl the M of
quarauuue stauuu .u u..., ,., 9tate aid. This volume does not con
demnation, and if any uoh nursery tin special laws, and probably that is
atocs, trees, tiants, cuuiuK8, sraim, u ,., ; j .
buds or oions are found to be free of BmendmeDts to the charter ot the city of
insect pests and fungnous diseases, the portlandt by wbioh the ,a3rpay6r8 0f thin
said quarantine officer or duly com- city would b(J B8yed 8200,000 a year, now
missioned quarantine guardian shall nnripn-.ri, frnm fhom hv hioh.
St Paul KanSaS CltV i88U6 certifioate t0 thB' effe0t-, ADd handed offioiaUsm-Oregonian, June 9.
Di. ram xvaribdb vuy furtherrnore, if any of eald trees, pants ItWMaini,IortIinethSth,,,MtleKiB.
. B ' ' . . ,,. laturewasnot composed of better men
mfested with insect pests, fungi blight thaQ u compo8ed of n trne
or other d.seasefl injurious to fruit or jQgeph gimoa wag That wag g
' . . redeeming feature of the senate. Mr.
tbev shall be disinfected and remain in n . . .. , ,
J I PActnn oao fSnra in the hnnne and nn
quarantine nntil the quarantine officer ,, . . . h,j
. . . there was one upright man in Sodom,
of the State Board of Horticulture or , ... , . .
Mr. rnlliTann whn nlonA in thfi nrA-
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland 'be commissioned quarantine guar- oediDg )egj8latur6) lobbied throagh bils
EVeru 5 DaUS For L , . u a aggregating nearly $500,000, was there,
urviy - ""i l.ropo. rilanlR. nnttinos. crafts, buds or . . ... . '
,r . ' . ..... . but only as a oommitteeclerfc, ana could
o ions are free from live lniurions insect .... ....
SAN p R AN CISCOt pe8t8 or their eKBs' larvBe or pnPae r
inngous aiseases Deiore toey can ue
offtred for sale, gift, distribution or
tra Jrjuui iuiiiuu All uciouud vi uuw i - n l
.luuDi.u.iupi . r mnra .f tlia aturrfv vnomnripv tf Pnpr,
For run details can on u. a. a. ' h- . land Bt)d diBmtere8ted friend8of the peo.
Audit at Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland, Oregon.
OPENS JUNE 1, 1895.
Luxury, Good Cheer, Hospitality, De
lightful anil Healthful Tastiracs,
Matchless Mountaio Scenery.
Kstsbllshed lastyear'ln aroman
Itnilell ol the Sat!ri!niento Oanvon,
liiHt hi'low ami In full view of iirand
oltl HhHsta It was a (treat hit and
iroiulsi's still more eiicouriigliiK re
sults for the nrtBi'iit vesr 1' J.
ljtiKTttH, atCustellH, Isstlll lncharKO I
aim will answer all inquiries,
A i ew candidate lor public favor
tins year is
Also in theshssta region, about nd aU poinU In California, m the Mt. Bhasta feoted as hereinbefore provided, and all
a mile and a half from Ouiisniiiir.
It is a genuine paradise for hunters,
(I-h I'm and seekers of health and
pleasure. Kany to reach (near the
railroad), nightly, ami all the ne
cessities of eainri life enslly procur
able. All Inquiries ahotit Hhasla
Vlelnti CamD. If addressed to W. C.
(tiny, Box 4, Diiiisiuulr, ( ill., will
receive prompt attention.
Camping in Tha
not give the people the benefit of his en
tire time and influeuoe for only $5 a
day. But Harvey Soott and fl. W.
Corbett and Mr. FailiDg and several
oarrying any trees, plants, outtings, . .. H . . wflpR
grafts, buds or cions from w.thout the repre8ented by ,be talented 8eDator
state to any point within the state rf MultDomah countVt that
Deyonu me nearent puiut ou no nue ur , . , , -n u i
mCJu v brilliant cross between a Dounybrook
Irishman and a Hoboken German, and
so all was not lost
The enterprise of Mr. McGinn only
enabled him to use 82150 for engrossing
course to the quarantine station in the
district of ultimate destination, or from
any point within the state to any other
point therein, until such trees, plants,
. miftinrva rrrnfla Voids ni1 rians hnvA hpan I .
San FrOIlOlSOO , . L a a- the senate bills, when the same work
mZ9mm.M.. -- mm-m.m.irmms- ,ll i a nontod and if monirAd diHin-
, --i Anra in tha kfiniii tnr SKIS
lltTha elranna faalintv r,f molann.bnlvt
such shipments must.be accompanied ., . . . , . .
" , . that comes over one is deepened almost
to sadness not only by the "miijht-have- j
route of the
CrM,V,n TcP; Cr, py me proper oerunoaies oi me inspect
That the RAMBLER
Is one of the very best wheelB ever made Is an indisputable fact. It stands in the 1
front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake, fig
Eidea RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel De
punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as it is equipped with the wona g
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
Bold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at 1 100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, 1150 each.
THE RAMBLER is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market.
For style, finish and durability it ii unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
, i For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 inch wheels, at $65, 53, respect-
ig lvely. are Bplenma medium graae wneeiB, witn u. s j. nigu-gmuo uuu,..-. ... o - t
S clincher tires and are fully warranted. f
Before you buy a bicycle, write for otalogue, circulars, termB and discounts, or call
)a on our numerous ageuiB. namuier rvusners imuieu iu cycij iunu. u ,
'n ton and Idaho.
ia xt ...,i,.. -..n x. Tir,,r Mont Cn'i Bn mhlfir Bicvcles." Main
'm 1,111 UlWCRt IClllCrClIlOlllCO UMMIIUIIT M.IV,, j - - ,. - . . ., j t
(1 Store. 827 Washington ft . Portland. Or. Mai. K. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and
$ lecturer. uTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon.
. ....,r.,-,..M.W.
How's Your Liver ?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise -need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
rhs great highway through California to all after
iwiiii" .. hA nrr.nnr
or rno l-anino i;oast. i-iiiiman nimm ... , r-
Hleepers. Beoond-olass Bieepera or they shall not be required to hold
Attached to express trains, atfordinn suparior 8ucn shipments further, without direoti
ancouitnotlatlons for seoontl-oiass passengers. -
For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations, ons irom BH0D oinoer,
n SUITS tinm MnnhlTAI HIO I atn.. nsll mmn nrstltlrnss
OHnm MUi. miu; I nuio a ,kkhT.KR, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asst.
an. K. tk r. Agt., Portland, Oregon
KaonB1' nf tlia laat lACrialafnrA hut hit IbA I
j i , i, reoord made by the men whom the Ore-
rouor uinuor wui umjn uwuo, , .;. kM;r, U. I
and ridioule the "noble thirty." They
are blamed not only for what the legis
lature did do but what it did'nt do.
They were no such men as the talented
Itule 3 All peach, neotarine, apricot.
Alma, Wrights, Laurel, (llptiwood,
Fel'oii. Hen i -tt ii o i u i ,
Itoulilur Creek.
Reduced Rates
During the Camping season will be
niiule by the
For full piirtli'ulnrs adilrcss
K. P. Illllil'.Hri, Ast. lift'. I'ass. Agt.,
lily '.'. Or any 8. I. Co. Agent.
plum or almond trees, and all other trees MoainD( for out o the whole m0Dey
Simplest, tJlSJfX Elst
Stroneest, IVjfjj Working,
Top . tft"Sf3Rjr Accurate,
Receiver. AlRmV1 Compact.
appropriated for clerks, 810,720.00, they
expended only $3,439.59, while the 42!
Dolpbitea, those unselfish enemies ot
"high-handed oflioialism" got away wttb
$13,720.60. The legislature would have
Most Modern and progressive
For rstaliigue or Information write to
New Haven, Conn.
budded or grafted upon peRoh stock or
roots, all peaoh or other pits, and all
peach, neotarine, apricot, plum or
almond outtings, buds, or oions, raised
or grown in a district where the "peach
yellows" or the -peaoh rosette" are Lpr;topritttea ,or derUg iMbe members LIGHT, 5TR0N0.
anuwu iu exist, sis umouj iiiumiui. . , . M. , .
from being imported into or planted or ftpBnniBn nnhnll,a ., q7 oM0 SPEEDY, HANDSOHE.
-l t i r ia:l l : : i. : I "w v T '
ouerea lor sa.e.gmoruiH.r.uuMuu wi.u.u fof olerkgi If haJ beeQ compoged B
the state oi uregon. . m ... Tll. nnnjBmn,1i hv
Kule 4-AH trees, plants, outtings, . nonn,M it ,,, ha iDent only
gra.is, un.i.cioDs,u.urPi. smv ug l0,440 for clerk hire, and that is too
.mm any .ore.gu nouuiry .uuuU .u.ea.eu , ted ,hB ,he now
immortalized committee of One Hun
it i '
Ttm Ituimb la in mtfiiUirp Inili
ff rh ktvltT. Th h((iinr. '( ( hi.
!( t iri'DK win ttrrnt ttip
ftiid flrmnr". i Iom-U IHrd tf lit
ftuiliiv. Iilli of HH-r im- iMliiiiB
In Ihn Man or ihnii; and
lH'iiiort'a Vmin'y Wrtinlne pre
nirt' fr,rr tnllv fr llltl rM ii
M hnlf VitlllHiff tiC fl W Itteii. ftill
(1. tia- In ft plum I i"t . i Imt Un
r-nrd i f Hi" wliotr kttrut'i mh
f .r nmiiit n"T I' "d In hmf an I
lifiiir. lit tui.u.l iidHatitil
rrltiirmnit, cultiiri', and ft Itivv of I
nnt"U'. h ttw, ami nn A tnr'0 I
l(h Una tsH of lliiimh Will tlitf. I
on ;tit rtittiv Un- lilt mt y at I tut hutia I
(if mtlitttrtl Jftni'ntm. Ih At- I
tin.ir Tu tntiHNla a tm oil
iHautf aiid art. Im h will find ran
pit aur In Itir tiiairmilrritl iHl-ptct. I
I iirr or tira, 4 I VI tnt nr, trynu
'A du rtl fimii Ititt ntliiat paittlliiif I't
. tt UMifl't. tro Howl crit hrati-tl of
S. ' V lt in if fliiwrr paiotrra. wlilth UI
VA kI"i i" ty nl nUr to
. I no.rrra Matrarm ff I-. Tha
t'-M .f tut iirto mvik 01 ail aa
f i.40; ai d Un icpf.xim n.-n
lauotrt b nftt.ItrU itmn lh
or h'totl. lirRdii Itt . an ruiuUtta
oil tr watrf h t-lor pit Int I I ult-
1iIm d In t h tiunU r of Ih M ifft
niif. and lit at I art i-itt.
fn-lt Bud iirfltlv lilnxratid Dial
with insect pests or their eggs, larvae or
pupae, or with fungi, or other disease. . , . . . reform bills and
1 ....1 si.:.. -i..4 r--i
urtreiuioro uuhumwu jii iuib 01111.1?, aim
hereby prohibited from landing.
Rule 5 Fruit ot any kind grown in
any foreign country, or in any of the
United States or territories, found in
fested with any insects, or with any
fungi, blight, or other disease or diseases
Injurious to fruit or fruit trees, or to
other trees or plants is hereby pro.
hdiited from being offered for .ale, gift h diH,rjot on , M(,
... I,-I..l...l...n ,ll.i 41, .1.1. I .
'IQf '
mM' King of Bicycles. &f
im nifctriftli ajt A TCni A f
ifSrfVi 5C1ENT1FIC
I n-iJxnlJXr
Four Models-885 and 8100.
Thtrompsrstlvsvslus of these twocsrd.
Is known to most persons.
They Illustrate that freater quantity It
Not slwsys roost to bs desired.
Thtss cards es press tht bensflclat qual
ity of
4s compared with any previously knows
Rlpsos Tabulet i Prlct, 30 cento boj
Of druggists, or ky mall.
tPiNS CHEMICaL CO., 10 Spree It., NT.
it is presumed they were presented by
those noble Portland senator, who were
the esneoial chamnion. of Dolitical chas- EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE.
tity and the .worn foe. of "b.gh-h.nded RlrH.H fXirsi r- fr
oflioialism," Henator. McGinn and Si-1 VI UHMnUn VIVvLL mfJ.
mon. Those reform measure, were pre- eact ar)(j Mfljn office: Lake and Halsted StS., CHICAGO, ILL.
mi . I . tl . "-. I mmmmm.
enteu. iuey .re ne measure. ,u. -YUANCrl(,SNtw York, s.n l-r.nctsco. 5.U Isk, City. Icnv.r. M.mphl.. Detroit, Toronto.
goniuu weeps nut 10 uuu iu iun kuiuu
1 . Tl,.,.. .... ,tu.. litil. Iitl i nut AI l UU ALL V. I f if '1 f 'f 1 A rViintP
mn. mm- m uur.. ..... r" - I U W I 1111 , 1 M I 1 IV I V J V J I V J V J . f- W 1, 1 I LJ a
I 't 1 1 - l'i ""t il ii-i.ih. ; -.,.l-fi .fcrv
1,4 I h..Mt.. tttt... l.f.1 In 4 f.V ffri ViV; oHZl
Iji.- j r.lr.l III ilrtrl.i4 li.iM.lh f fV. . is"'iiJ' T-"m3
L i' " ."i..r. n - 4c i . ; iy , v 1 L 1 1
" J! if i'f ft ii. .im.t..n. ,i...imri i. i v : H "5 J r. W V r
!' J ' '' Hie.ntir, .,,.., .,.,( J u. , B ni-y.'. Lt :S .
r-r.' s.i.itin- ..M ii.ii nt nttj lNV.i I , . . -i V -1 ttbf f L
J. i.. t. (.!.., sad ii oi ih it... A 1 Vri1 v y V'l
l W ca ii t. siil mil Use i v. - .,.. , 4-
iiii i i ! t't-t. tm
i it. mi '.'th lr. h in .(ma,
r-, lrttt. rMi. f1 I- 4
.-! h, MtlM.Ml up. H. it u
tUl MtM IU. r tt' lies
witWf (Mt rvrrv iti r-f tK-!1 wit l tm
.t -'t M.firi.r, If yttni r mi. ) . t. 4
tit svlftt l I, trf ihrMi Tttt VlH hot (Ht
m ,t M.f r ff ! j tHfi lf ft W $ H ih
ta ... - I ' k .. .. II ,Vs ' . I- ssS. . - .
Wm (If 1)1IIS " ltrS I W . ' - P..-T, I
'th 'tiih i tt fnohit.n n !(
."f.-T' fliun ft,-f 'ttt1rt
! fsim'if fti l. h ntur U(
h i.f tit t '.! Ii trt tit lh
t 1 omtim rttTi r
.-.-, 4 inttH m-"i -1 - t.t
Ml A I . - i I .t "t -.'
tSMIitX is) ( t .. , I . . fits' M
. get . .!), A I.N.ltfc "I
f r. .Mw-.. H g r-t gft -I ! N
ltd '"- - A as Ms' -fa v4 HW lift
-.l a Mill I' -,
1 t ) t . t Vl ( Cr Kwttf
.sm i4 .. k r.tHr iMfll.lli, 4
ltk ..t- f f . .a , , tia,
ffMri (. . ffc, , -.. 4 i
tt4 '? t lt4rl V I fW t'
t - if a r ' t i ( i
ii- .4. I r .' wftt
( i I v'sX T rt Wo.
t-iti r i '
L '. it
I.U,ll .4testiM'ri , -
klU vm Iwotw T.
f,?i,i 1 0stlw
1 ; 1 smi.-ii.. '
i i
i cir uisiriitiitiiiD wnniQ iue slain. ii i.:. ..- i. i. . l.n
Kill.. 0-Anyl.oxe., packages, packing L the. adder, that It never ooenrred lo j jr PATTEHSOX. Ancnt for Morrow Count tl. Hnmncr, Oreg
material ami u.e line inteaiea oy "J lbM rnrtow until Henry v M,.(;,nn
in.w)lor iohhci., or their eugs. larvae or no lUDUr,P ,0u diatrict altorne? after
pupae, or by any fungi, blight, or other hii ...n.-nj ,he, men no iol)aer bt to
disease or disra.e. koowo to De injnriou. mot)pu(i,., the criminal bn.lne.s of the
to fruit or fruit tree., or to other tree, or j.,lrlot .Uor0B,', office. They got up
PI...U, ami Haul to .prean contagion, bi o .uu offloef, on a aalarv but
I a i . tl. .rtPl "
are uereny proniniitHi irom using onereo lo ... u WM ,0 dr.wn thai no
f..r .ale, gift, distribution, or tr.n.por-1 fefi w,f ioterfrtKl with but on.
tulion uotil Mid mateiial baa been die- m. it. n ifinr.i.l -hnm (lis
lorerirHi i.y dipping n id oouing "w ,l0(fJ 0IlHor a per.onal attack aod the
aim anowmg it io remain in .a.u iM.,..og fi . . . 0ttttl)t..ma bu kepl U op
aternoilrs. than two miunif; tuoti if pji(Je Anoher reform bill wm to
bulling arnaml a. .ocb disinfectant Kjy ba tj.,rttaiDg n irb
III) cooiaiD ID oiuiiim vnm ismim 'i I , . It lo trno
vuuiit; iv mwmw wv Y
comrntratej potaah to each and every tiOregooian'. rapacioii. maw oow get.
tro gallon of waier. atwol three fourth., but it waoteJ lb.
Kule ll-Aoimi. ioowii a. nyiog . th Anoihur reform bill waa to
f.ti, Australian or Engliah wild rabbit, , b1, ,b, d,y muly ,nJ ,uu UU(ia
ort-IUfratiirualaortird. dMntnentalto Jnl0 W(J bti( fm ty Cotbrtl and
frottor fruit lr,e, pi.nu. ett., ara tro-1 FlliB.ba lb fu eiekoo. of a ra-
niiutw irom img Drmigot or lanuru io nU of limf ,lnpnAo refl,rm .mibl.
ilnaaiaia an l ir laoaej .nan m uc- bw ftnJ ,, , ,b, folor.
iroytM. !iu.r a.l.irm the Oreann aonata
PMlimtf lf
irue,i. tt
JI rn os I
Slt'lot fi. I
rl m u i tf t
a . It
h 1 n rt
i r ii.o
lrt,l,-f .r,.
tl Wl l I,f
lirro ait I
i .-a.
NsSis I
l r.
Ht.H rM0
v 1 1. a , .
Us . I "1
itii tn it.ng
nf Hit etrt
ant' . :tit
11 'a.
Intl. i.lalr
Oil I li llrs lt,e
M4isa i'. ii
I' I. 1 1 1 If,
S' tlitt r r.
s m i s. ti n a
n I Un . .
I ti ..
i-'ssi a
I'.i a hi ii
! its i oi
t.itii tb l J.nl
eOF . . .
l i
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
Utile li-g.taranUna .tati.m.: For cbnUr ibi-ra will b. found tba aulhor. tat(M. -f ,.-r- tniicf Qfll it
tl,. Fourth district. ton.wtn.T tb. uf br- bill(l ,0.orotl,UI 0 tbabfcom- mattCf Oi DUSIIICSS C I11USC SCII 11.
The Patterson Publishing Co.
ci untii ot Morrow, Waero, 1'H'. jng MJ, B morbla portly, with a nubia
i na a ami ninrinao, snail ue in imura. , , , j ... .uu-mnn.blp rr.liog oo
Muil rvuahim .naraoiina itiiiiwr, or ,bif U)lf brommf lo tn,r b.nd. the
any mrtutirr of the board or the ere- L,,,, oniom,, b. wksa BaaoreHi
lary lhr.f. thry tpgfaflfd on the alatuta bKik of
u na i.i-importer, ur owaura ,i ()ff W)4 lt .ob,! p.,,t.
otitanry .i.k, tra, or rutting, gfaru, . f ,natt..ea to rad tba la-
IT, u' V..i . f r - t I aa -!! al B"Ms
II v aiis,MlMl e I M', Mary ll"4aua.
f '..,; v ) . ' 5
ll'.l Owt?'liMri',.t.w,l,
.sl If. iir-. f - irf tl ....- i ll
St.. 11 a t ' f -nt . I m nl-sl MIK
s .. t-sr-rrr.. , i.i U 1 1. rr4 la iikl
.f llrf, nail t i t. .n.
y mi i.t ,ii... - , r' tr t, anMal.
ts u I ha f ' I Cn-T S HWKtMl U.I.I.IS
It i. ftfi-.i i i r t s-i I' f
. 1,1. k.l I . . I -A , It ) a (are.
mrm S rl S5 tl t e, Servt tviraV
i -.tra ....-. t i icr 1 1 roller
os .. sa-l r I-.It c"-I. SvS k
- ' niii,inil...iliiiVr
' rV'trr'. S)r-' t..t,ir,..l. ttt
... -. ... , i.- . .ii , am i4 i.it tk ititi ta.
" ' a M""V .w,. .,i jm.4..,.,i-fc,n.t. Mltsass.
bu.!, or rlttns, iliaiftng to bava aoi b
ntirry stuck, trw., plants, cuttings,
graft, bti.l. or cl..ti inpctJ at puiata
otharthan rgular quarantine atathioa
may tiavaatich lopcliia done wbta
rr.)tiircl, prtni.lrst, bowrter, that aocb
Impiirtfra .ball fay all rbargra of to-
Sl-rtltiD. Htlth Ctiafgr Hi ) tlppnw
to paid brfiira a rattiflcat is grants
TrtiamtUlioa citnttianlra, tt proti
aiid ot'tis gnrea or agtt. shall Jflttsf
atid rana.., (a I detained all narsrry
al si, Iter, plajt and (rait at t li or
oihr-r ot the qttaraotln slati.tns. f it Iu
pction, as proil U I by the rnli-e and
rrgnlsli.in of tba board.
gnd: "ltfholl tba aomta of higb
banded (.racialism," Salem Joutoal.
II May l a lark tut Via
Mr. Ffl Millr, of Irving, III., writ,
that b bad a vrre kidnry Iront.l f if
a aumlHir of yeara, wim vra pain, ta
bit bark and also that bt bla.ldr wa.
!Trtd. It trio! many eo.lld kl l-
n.y rnrtHi bat wiihont an, g.iod ritil
Atmut a yaf ag b legB osa of l'.l0
I'le Il.tur and I'tuti l r-liel at oos
1 Ulr.f ll.tlera la refer tall adfpled lo
Ih tata of all Ki.lny aod I,tvr trouble
a.sj l'Slsilrki let.
aod itf'.n give a!aixl iilnt rlt(. Oo
Ivlail. aa ta qqaraatlna .lalioi,,; (rU mi ,,,u nor Halemebl. rti
r-ffliwa, Immm pf trspetioB, rtl f'' citttf rVVi. f r larg tvntli. It dri) .ttf
disiolflioa. and all dirJ lef ftilia je y, Ajers, Jt.
may b oblaiaad on arphfal oa l lha .
awwiary o any m.it.br of lU bard. . T- r.,.. rrt. h.,a ard
ot by tefef.tt. M lb pamt blrl eitaa- . b (h, we!a Ml
. . (Mt?wad Otaal ."iali, ad Willi
t'Tit ' ir"f i"f .V "Ii. b.llybv. a m. tnarbia fr ..la al
lUianl nf llnrirfatttra al 1'netUM, Of! ' .
A.Mi S, Jf-ti, J It. ( twiu I'rew. (V-ry b'w ra, ti.ra.s. a Cr.l
AIWi Ua, L kuaaaat, fevtay, jULra baitag. It 1
IDRB : I1IFI1 : F11LS !
Vouro BOUND to Tnko 'Km.
Leaves No Constipntion,- . -y
Cara It, aa wait a all B llinnsp, irfc Ifeadaaha aad Malar . n, ..t.
or arv.Taia MH n it. wofi.i. m,i4 t ,u rtfri,t. er, fBkJ.
re-irt ,4 prtr. H fat pr boa. IUHm MtPtCAL Ct
411 C-iiMala Strawi aa rrat.ei.aa, Ctl