TIME TABLE. ettige for Hardman, Monument, Lone Creek, Ion n Day and Canyon City, leaves as followi : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or Irom the interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phil! Cohn. AReut. You can eet the best beer In Heppner at G. B, Ted roue's, 5 cents per glass. If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc., call at Ted's City Hotel Bar! Here and There. "My Pet." Millions ride the Rambler. Ike Ennis has bicyolea to rent. Tbe weather remains remarkably cool for Juue. Frank Menefee has been elected mayor of The Dalles. Ayers guarantees his poison. Only $2.50 per dozen. tf. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walla, Wash. Eorjleman Bros., of lone, were in town Tuesday on business. Thos. Marshall, the traveling man, was in town Wednesday. Mrs. Jerry Oohn and little daughter are over from Pendleton on a visit. Judge Freeland arrived home Wednes dny night from a trip to the valley. O. L. Patterson Bnd family left Wed nesday for their Long Creek home, Hon. P. O. Borg returned from Port land's Masonic dointfs Tuesday last. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande 'Ore. S, 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and Swaggart's "Sure Slot" is the stuff to do it with. tf. Try Ayers' buying any dozen. squirrel poison before other. Only $250 per tt. For Sale A lot of household furni ture and an organ. Call at the M. E parsonage. tf. Collector of Int. Rev., Henry Black man, came in Tuesday uight from below on a business visit. I. Li. Van Winkle's family arrived from Weston Tuesday where they had been visiting relatives. Hon. T. 8. Lang, reoelver of The Dalles land office under Harrison, died at The Dalles Tuesday. If you want to rent a bicycle or eet re pairs for same, call on Ike Ennis at his bicycle livery, power bouse. Died In Heppner, Tuesday, June 18th, 1805, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Green Mathews, aged 6 days. J. W. Osborne, of Douglas, was up Tuesday and says that orop prospects are not tlntteriug in his neighborhood. Wheat declined 3 cents per bushel at Chicago Wednesday. The Liverpool wheat market remains about the same. The people up nt and around Bacon Flat, two miles east of Toll Rock, will celebrate the 4tn. luey promise a nice time. Mrs. Webb, mother of Mrs. W. R E'.lis, returned reoenlly from an extend' ed visit with Portlaud friends and rela tives. Gilhousen Bros , will soon go to the inner country to be absent until the latter part of this month. Await their return. ltf Wednesday Marshal Roberts cornered to a visitor who was both drunk and disorderly. He paid the usual penalty, $5 and trimmings. Greeu Mathews for shaving, hair cutting, shampooing and all other work in that line, liiiths at any time during business hours. New stock ot working glows in sheep, goat, buck and calf. Jut received and for sale by P. C. Thompson Company. Prices from 40 cents per pair upward. 2t For sale A fine, Hbort Horn grade bull, four years old. Price, $!'."). Or will trade for other cattle. Address Harrison Chapio, Uardmau, Or. 2-1 m. Karl's Clover Root, the great Blood purifier, gives freshness and olearnees to the Complexion and cures Constipation, 25 eta., 60 ots., 81. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Chronicle: Congressman W. R. Ellis, of the second district, oatus down from Heppner Inst night and, accompanied by bis family, took the regulator for Port land. W. E- Hteele, recently from Boise City, Idaho, has located in Heppner, where he will follow the buoineaa of painting and tmtierbftDgiug. Bee bia ad. iu another column. 8hilo'a Cnre is sold on a gnarantee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It l the best Ootigb Cure only one cent a doe. i- eta., 50 ota., and f 1. Hoi J by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Mr. Wm. Rasmus waa very stiooeaaful with the play of JJanioo and l'ytliiaa at The Dalles, reproducing ll a aeoond night. The total receipts foot up several hundred dollars. The G. A. IC will have a grand camp Ore and reunion at Islington oo the 3rd and 4tb of July. A 'I are cordially ti nted to attend. Coma prepared to camp oo ground. If- Walter Caverhill, formerly of Eugene, waa st'loneo blind over In Orsot oonntv a few days ag. Wm. Hughes g"t up a B'lburriptioD for htm and ha waa sent below for treatment Mr. J. F. Willis baa been lotJ junior vlce mmroander of that). A. R , at iheir annual meeting at Oregon City. IVI. II. L. Well still at the brad of the Hoot of Veterans. The OatU learn that C. F. Walker, the tockbnrer of Portland, well kn.n In tb'a aeetlou, h' waa ao severely in jure! by helhg kl'kl by a b'-rae recent ly, will now probably roer. John Ilnm waa painfull Injured Op at Hamilton P.n.'aatuill a fw da agi by a I-g striking the ankle which waa benk-'O a few yeara ef. dialoeating . tloweter, be ta at work agaio. On July ?. 3 an I 4 the O. U. A X. will tell tu seta to aay p'", '' : t"11"' pnfrfof Miind trip. Ticket etp ire at n:dtiight of th i.'uprii Ihiatea afletidid npf'M unity to tratel oo bni be nt flewure. tf. Frank A !klr. deira 0 to an tjntine tint there will no ertiiv to the M. K rhorh. mH. n Mindav mtfnipf nwing Ct.iMreo'a ila eterew at Ha IUpiit rhlfru at that tim. hertieea ouJ In niff. Mr. T. H. Tf Wir.e. Cl.e'tan '. Teo . a '"hti.h'e tlUir-f I my I rti"der It it t"l rri- 'r f t a it.bilita1! ai' I f "' ' or djp-p". !' ' ail" t ' HiH. I'not ett. HUby I W. Altra, Jt. In the spring, the human body needs assistance to throw off the stagnation iroduoed by winter diet. As the temperature rises under the growing heat the sou's ravs we feel tired, half sick and low in spirits, beoause the blood is sluggish and full of impurities. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthing Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable spring remedy to invigorate the body and give toue to the digestion. Prioe $1 per bottle. Frank Shepardson, an engineer on the Southern Paciflo Ry., who resides at Los Angeles, Cal., wbs troubled with rheumatism for a long time. He wbs treated by several physicians, also visited the Hut Springs, but received no permauent relief until he used Chamber lwiu's Paiu Balm. He says it is the beet medicine in the world for rheumatism. For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. Heppner oompetes with her neighbors in the prices of supplies. No oue oan sav that things are cheaper in Pendleton than here; iu fact the contrary is assert ed. Willi a good road to the interior, and no toll roads, no wonder that nearly all of the Grant county business comes to Heppner this season. Dr. J. II. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Puriflar is admirubly adapted to mnke "a little health go a long way." Its curative power is largely attributable to its stimulant, tonic and uutritive properties, by which the energy of the system is recruited. It is pleasant to the ta8te,easily borne on the stomach and harmless under pro longed use. Prioe $1 00 per bottle. Tbe O. R. & N. Co., always alert to the welfare of their patrons, have placed on sale at principal etatious, a 1000 mile ticket at the rate of three cents per mile, good one year from date of sale aod good for passage over the rail and water lines of their system. 6-7. Newt. Robinson and Lawrence Sweek pulled out yesterday with supplies, bound for the John Day. Newt, dispos ed of his wool, amounting to 10,000 pounds, at 8V cents. The wool was very fine and clean, the sheen shearing 8 pouuds per bead. I. N. Hughes, accompanied by his family, onine iu from Wagner Monday eve by private conveyance and departed Thursday morning for borne. The Wag ner country is quite prosperous this season, judging from the reports given by Mr. Uuiihes. Ike Ennis has a stock of bioycle repairs nod will fix your wheel up at reasonable rates, It is his intention to make a specialty in this line, and as the number of wheels is rnpidly iucreasiug, this will certainly bo pleasing Dews to those who are bo fortuuate as to own a bike. tf. B. F. Swaggart is prepared to furnish his "Sure Shot" squirrel poison in wholesale lota. He has already received a large order from Washington and Idaho. Every where it has been used, it has not failed to exterminate the little pests. tf. Married At the court bouse yester day, Mr. Waldo Watkins and Miss Lillie Uupple, Rev. Frimk Adkins oliioiating. Waldo is a brother of Lish Watkins who has lived here for years. 8. W. Spenoer left yesterday for Alder orek, iMiGkitat Uo., Wasb., after some horses. Alder creek, or rather Will's destination, is about fifteen miles beyond the Uoinmbia, Tbe report comes over from the Wag ner couutry that the young son of War ren Carsner had a linger shot off re cently while playing with a loaded re volver. Boyd & McDowell will shortly receive a new supply of fine fresh candies, cigars and btbur goods for tbe fourth trade. SILVEB IN MEXICO. Senor Romero, the Mexican minister at Washington, contributes to tbe June number of tbe North American Review an article bearing on the silver question. He disclaims any purpose of comment ing, even by implication, on the mone tary question in the United States, his object being to set forth the advantages and disadvantages produced in Mexico by the silver standard prevailing there. Mr. Rjmoro says that the silver stand ard in MexicD encourages very largely tbe increase of exports ot domestio pro ducts. The cost of producing these is paid for in silver, and compared with their market value, it is considerably les9 than that of similar articles raised in gold standard countries. The silver standard also stimulates the develop ment of home manufactures. The price of foreign commodities being so high that it pays well to make some of them at home. Suoh plants as cotton mills, smelters, etc , are consequently increas ing considerably, and even some manu facturing plants of the Uuited States are beiug taken to Mexico. Nor has the purchasing power of the silver dollar in Mexico deo'iued. It is now, on the whole, as great As it ever was. Mr. Ro mero says that as the low price ot silver abroad makes it unprofitable to export it, the circulation is inoreased, so that there is now an ample supply of money in the banks, which stimulates industry, maintains prices and increases the de mands for labor. As a result of the sil ver standard, many Mexicans with large fixed incomes used to live in Europe and spend their money there; tue higher rate of exchange has oompelled them to return home and spend their inoomes iu Mexico. Mr. Romero suras up as fol lows: "We have more stability sf prioes, wages, rents, etc, Although our wages ar3 low, there has been in recent years a marked tendency to their increase. Our factories are not only in operation, but they are being greatly extended, and new plants aud industries are being es tablished. Instead of dismissing our laborers we find occupation for them all and we need to import them for the work to be done in some localities. And as our laborers find occupation and in creased wages we have no strikes. Our silver mines have not stopped work, aud we find them yet quite profitable. We have more ready money with which to transact our ever increasing business. We offer greater inducements to f reign investors than formerly, and the country is undoubtedly more prosperous than it ever has been, although the silver stand aril is not tue only oause or our pros perity. Oue of the principal causes is undoubtedly tbe building of railroads; but they could not have been so remun erative without the production and coinage of silver," ftlervousness Cannot be permanently cured by the use of opiates SDd sedative compounds. It ia too deeply seated. It is caused by an Impoverished condition ol the blood, upon which the nerves depend for suste nance. This is the true and only natural explanation for nervousness. Purify, en rich and vitalize the blood with lood's Sarsaparilla and nervousness will disappear. Hood's Sarsaparilla will give vitality to the blood and will send it coursing through the veins and arteries charged with the life giving, Btrength building qualities which make Btrong nerves. If you are nervous, try Hood's Sarsaparilla and find the same relief of which hundreds of people are tel ling in their published testimonials. Get Hood's onfy Hood's Because Hood's Sarsaparilla is the only True Blood Purifier prominently in the public eye today. Sold by all druggists. Hood's Pills cure habitual constipa tion. Price Hie. per box. Fecks Bad Isoy. One of our mer chant!!, who in his younger days from his disposition to play innnoent jokes took on the pseudonym of "Peck," got some of bis friends into a mess the other night which, though it looked serious enough for a time, was only a little "job." Our merchant friend called into counsel three others and nu folded a plan to them how they could have a barrel of fun at Marshal Roberta' expense. Tbe latter bad been busy catching unlicensed canines for some days previous, and pending oonvic tion or release was supposed to have a lot of them in the "d g bouse." The scheme was to liberate the prisoners aud give tbe marshal the "horse laugh." The marshal waa taken into the scheme by "Peck." The quartette arrived on tbe aoene of action, and "bang, bang" went a rock ou staples holding the door to the supposed reoeptaole for doga, though in truth there waeu't oue there. The mar ahal was in biding and shouted, "I'll show yon bow to liberate my prisoners,' (be bad a drunk and disorderly in the Jail adj lining), "and if you fellows don' atop I'll shoot" the j ikers flew in every direction, and the marahal'f request only made tUeiu go the faeter. Then Mirahh Roberta began to ahoot ; "Peck" feigne beiug badly hurt and fell aithagroao and a dull thud. The others flew over tbe hill atiJ made the aagehrtinh crack like a stampede of cattle. Pretty auxin it dawned D the joker that they bad been j 'kid, and they cams back to tuD lira. i, duaty and with a firm rreolutioo never to put up another j"ke with a praot cal J iker. It Leads Them All. The "Cyclone" Thresher. If you buy a new Thresher, Engine, v HORSE POWER ""OR SAW MILL You of course want the best. bike a Sieve. Hie cuier amotion ot the kidneys is to separate from the blood, in its passage through them, of certain impurities and water v partioleg winch make their nnal exit through the bladder. Tbe retention of these, in oonseqnenoe of inactivity of the kidneys, is productive i f Briuht s disease, dropsy, diabetes, albuminuria and other iniiladies with a fatal tendency Uostetter's Stomach Bitters, a highly sanctioned diuretic and blood depurent, impels the kidneys when inactive to renew their sifting filtiutions, and strain from the vital current impurities which infest it and threaten their own exist ence as organs of the body. Cataarh of the bladder, gravel and retention of the urine are alio mabtdiea arrested or averted by this benign promoter and restorative of organic action. M Maria, rheumatism, constipation, bilioiisueHk and d)Spepsja also yield to tbe Bitters. which is also epeedily beneficial to the weak and nervous. Write for Catalogue and Prices. he Massilion Engine & Thresher Oo. PORTLAND, OREQON. Here are THREE POINTS Which we wish you to Remember : First: We Keep HARDWARE Second: We offer it CHEAP Third: We sell FOR CASH We are enabled to give more for a dollar than the usual "Dollar's worth." GILLIAM I & BISBEE Main Street, Heppner, Or t. Jl? THB- llllllf orraiOHT.. -1 On i Big Seals ! BUSINESS conducted on a big scale for cash reduces the proportion of expense and increas es the sum of receipts. It enables one to buy cheap and sell cheap. That accounts for the manner in which R. C. Wills conducts his Mercantile Business. He Offers THE BEST GOODS For The Lowest Possible Prices. Lately moved from Lexington and at present located in the Herren building, May street 1st. C WI3L,Iv, HEPPNER, OREGON LOCAL MARKET Rlit'OKX. Wheat, bu $ 36(840 Flour.bbl 2 40 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 25 ttiree " 2 50 Sheep, muttons, bead.... 1 50 1 75 " stock...- 1 00 1 50 Hogs, ou foot, cwt 3 00 Hogs, dressed 4 00 Wool 5 8 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 2540 Eggs, doz 8 Chickens, doz 2 003 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per owt 40 CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 8 87 97 Flour, bbl 2 50 3 50 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (a 5 00 Muttons, owt 600800 Hogs, owt 4 50 5 25 Wool- Eastern Oregon.. 7 (i 854 Butter, lb 6 13 Eggs, doz 12 15 Potatoes new, per ot.. . 6(1 85 old. " ... 30i 75 ChiokeDB, doz 3 00 600 lurkeys, lb 11 15 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, bu f 52 53 Flour.bbl 1 80 2 35 Beeves, owt 2 25 (4 3 60 " drewied 6 00 (it 6 50 Muttons, live sheared ... 2 25 (d 2 75 dressed, lb 04 04 J tiogs. on root 3 oo a 75 " dressed, lb 04 Wool Eastern Oregon... 05 07 Hutter 7J4 it 15 Eggs, doz 10 do H Chu kens, doz 3 00 (a 3 75 Turkeys, lb dressed 12 He kg Grocery 18 READY To Hale Tilings Lively ! IN THE GROCERY TRADE And offer their new invoice of Tesg and Coffees at prices that will make a sensa tion. Tbe White House Orooerv oarries Fanoy and Staple Groceries, Wood and Willowware, Glassware aud Crockery and Tinware. Highest prioes paid for country pro duce in exobange for goods. New goods arriving daily. Call ami examine to see for yourself. Next door to the City hotel, Heppner, Oregon. Cird of Tbsnk. We are indeed thankful to jnr friends and neighbors for their kindness to us during our recent bereavement. Mb. and Miih. Ohkkn Mathkwn. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. publications. Don Head Coin's" Carlos Bo)d, sgenL Hen Hunsaker for tbe present will pay 10 cents iu trade for eggs. a. The Weekly Hno and the Gazette $2.75 per year, both striotly in advauoe. Mi'Farlsml Mercantile Co. will pay rath fur wheat, barley, hide end pells. Farmers should rail and see them. a Meadows A Hcrivner, tbe blacksmiths, h'lraeiihoers and wood bulohere, at the old (luiin Und, Main street, Heppner. Call oo the boys. T. It. Howard makes socially in anpplyirg alockmen with all needed artirle, ). carrying a general line. tVe bis new aJ. tf Msthews linn., City lintnl barber shop, tonnorial artlut. lUl'cutlilig. shaving, hinpHlig, t, dune cietitiQoally, IWilia at 2- cent apiece. O. 11. IIt, (he tonsnrial artit. cm tie 1'iniii at lii pnrlora, Mutlork corner, here he Will dl'penee t popular prices, have, stimnpiMMi, likironis, etc. hlige leaves for Krbo Mondays. Wpd'ela). and Frida)i, returning no Tuedaa, 'Ilnir ! and rtur.U)t. It, V.le.Pr.p. T. W.AyerOr, agent lU-ed "Coin's financial Heho-d," and then take Up l.l o'l.er pubheal inns. Tli-X ere ail rotviticiiig. interesting. him. Hurklra's Arnlra Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Hores, Ulcers, Halt Iiheum, fever Hores, letter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all akin ernptious and positively curea Piles, or do pay required. It la guaranteed to irlve perfect satisfaction or money refunded rilVe 25 cents per box. For sale by I. W. Ayera. Jr. Tiam Wanted. I want to buy good, gentle team of about 1200 pound horses. Also a good, seoood-band wsgou aud harnesa aud gentle saddle pony. Have aomo good, young Short horn bulla for aale; also tine poultry and eggs for hatohiug. Took first prize nu my rattle and fowls at Htata fair last year. Call at the J. O, Wilson place above lleppuer. N. C. Manin 37-51, Now ia the time to get the Weekly Oregonian, the greatest neaepeper of the West. With tbe OuZ-tte.botb strict ly in advance, for on year, ff'l. No better Combination of neaepapera can be made io the elate. Ileaidna we will give aa a premium ao additional journal, tbe Web- foot Planter, an agrirullcral paper, (iuie in now and anheorlba. Wood Wanted. la Hei t'r Ike f ailly. M , (), I have found Hirarnone Livrr lUgulator the l-t 'mily medi cine. I have uI it in lnJiettro and ItilHouxtieea, and found tt to relieve I n- ruedit!y. Alter eatin a hearty sup per, If on g"tn bed I take a il if it, t-er fd any bad etr-eU of the sup-per."-Uld tl. fijarks, Kl -Me) nr. Dn Carl' li-i)l, agent. A small ccl me edge! it wayalor gj Anv inn nt'.r In Pv'-f n Org .u who Main street yeteily aftrriirmn, balling ' d'-i'e I ! i f an attorney in l .ng enough at linft er l;l,ea s lo ! W..I... k-t .n. I, C , w.ll find il 1 1 hi. , . ,, , , , . ., . . a laiitg" rail on or ad le this pa- kti'x-k the glwa i'it f fine i f lh final , .,, I ' do ir. M H, H ifner . standing near ; an I tint watt a rut coll. fur. t..td Uia Wall. lh'.lim Mt Stave l-twe0 N' oinr. h nr.krHT i.ivrs timttiik r,.o UmI'1 M l't1rtf 'i I, H-!'!'"-!, nr . 1)1 rm r 1. 1 -la ..r II, 1. lrr i( niif ",jn.iiii f.i iNi at ini w ii'm,i .r itoa.- Ilr -.lir. Mni ll, m (,tOTil f .11 Jlilf 1l, inI i itpil rft itf, of tnrfht. ir ir. fwiu tli naiil U irjm-t any or hr (innta or tun Bokt. Attat i I K-.n.nT. W'k Pal.-!, Mr i or , J I',, 14 ' Koticr of Stockholders' Meeting. Nm 7I V I IIKHrKV MVr.1 KMT l,,r.lift( r, , hfli'l f.f li l,.'r I o-nt.tv h tl , !t Mir',l o ! I !' I, I'l llr. t,rr II. otl nt',r'U if. 'Ui ol i ii..., t I ' " f nt l ai-l 4r n.r !. iriM i-f in,. lit. l'i.-.i'' l i. ,hiM I:, i. hi i,m linn iii,ti. r.,f. af, ll' llll ltl !( 1 Re-Opened! II Has been re-opened by Mrs. .T. B. Bperry who will conduct It In a striotly first-class manner, with the view of pleasing thu trade in general. a People from Country Districts will be made to feci at home. Sunday Dinners Spceulty Popular Prices Free 'Bus for Customers to and from all trains. MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee. Attorneys nt Iaw, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, OREGON Vl? KiV JiV. Don't" Pis It lit ! O, neter km a (nml tiling. Alr ailvaiiUxn of lr(iilmla iiirtiiiillle Ui mk Ih moat mit ol N-r)thlhU, lil a.!i-a In Hi iir lie ol druirs, mll clnr, etr., iiiii at T. W. Afrr' pnij loi. Jiial oirriit for Ilia lharr-iiiFi if in f.iililli- Oli of Hi IiiimI Hum ol ti.lli l ar'li l ih rlum rr tioiiona, ann ll IIbh. pvrr a.-n In lii.iir Air lia an) liin,( aii'l aii-rjinii.j in inlir proiMaioM I'rr it'lloiia Sll i1r and nlvlit. la T. H li 'tt l i. T. W. AYKUS, ,lr.. Heppner, Oregon. a plro of glass, ril! I'll"! ll' kief I'll, j h) mptitn Miiliire; n,tn, ttel.ing an I rting'i g; rrioal a( fcla-ht; aura ly 1 crat King. If al','.l to r ,nt no : tnni'irs form, ahieli i.ftea .U1 and nh erat, twr .n.ing very r. hatiaea OtTWf et'.p ll. te, ,g add bl'l- In. bl nlrefalmfl, and in ru fae rraoe the lnni'iia Al ijfnggil. t.f t" ni I. f r .Vfcni. I'f H ((I H- n, I'l.i.a-I:,l I . Ui rny4 " ..i.a A iM, :t ! I, t.a-1l i k-. ha !' e-ill 'A !! lirll ll li' li I l lllit.li. I n i- !Un r ' I art t ' I f 'f bf r'r l'j 11 J KrrT. jtl lt. lift paaf, U'i"6. Ile,pf,er ao I M'iriiimeiit, arnni g every day pt Monday and leaving every day ee t k'llilr. H(,ofla an ft. rap. t route t'l the laiernr. 1'. O'l'H. aenl. HnUerilora lo It a WmI Hun, It. eilng ' ,ftf'. II t year. Vni, ll.a U.I tie, U.tlj In aln, it'iif )af. A gl ciit.l.iiiatioa, i Tao i f H e pop'a pir al on" priee, ,1 I I, al lb f.- II r.fT.ea. T, W. At'. Jr. I mk ng Ti;ffl t- t'ia U-al It giarantM. Sr, t tit a, an I 1 H a i ent r en. fi ei a f if ll fi; i i pi il .r-o ii a ku. I an I try I'. tf. t r. I i n ; r't J t -'- rf ff..-f, -, (t;.d. t . p' I a . 'i U hi ilni. A Mc. l. i'i-f al (., t.rr (. m ll ! !!, 'l-,ii III i. l,i.fi(! ib aai U-jt- t i-l a)iru t M-a..w ' ir)r i. I t-t. Notice of Finrtl Settlement. N'ff't Itri'f Niivrf tlfaT 1WR .,t, 1 , -.,.u.nirl..( o( I i. ol litl.m MM.ra-i. d!. Ii-lrfi .. ..., I, .. .Hi. ...ll . I 1. 1. Si al a.o..i.l, ,r, alHiti.ia-r.ior. ana in '"-it'll r-.-i'l -.1 'I. ro-.Mj ol M .fi iat of ". '-! ii.ii h .Mi) ii. i.i -i.T "i i'l r I", al i'i o , ... a a in . of -H i)r li i-n ili mi frtt.t i.f aali ool loi In l..fli of i.i ii-.t u. . I a.'-iM atil a i.'tit i-..t-.l M, a 'ia.1, m A l.ftliuai'anif. Notice of Intention. I AMI tri tt AT I.A fiKAVpr., iKKi.i1 4 "ll .'. !' Not!', la n.r. I.f 1 in. II, al II. folio loy tialninl a-'llirf lia liu-l r.oll,. hta liil.iilloii lo Irak f'al l.o-il In ii.i.rl hlilalm --! II. al .i .i... a; l ma il 11. .r. I M M ifo I I I i.ri al Id -n.H, lla"ili, ou J-ili a, li'. t 111 mm mm ! w Storage and Fonvardin";. ajs all C mrges oa Woo Wool haled and consigned. Hneolal attention paid to wool that it may be under cover and in (rood condition for inspection ot buyers. Remember the Upper Warehouse. HENRY HEPPNER, Heppner, Ore. Proprietor. Arriving mi roan? II Daily --: A.T H mm COMPANY'S We Sell as Low or Lower than Any of Our Competitors. We keep a complete line of everything. Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings. CALL AND SEE US. The National Bank liuillinq:. Hc.iwier, Oregon La is'" W , J'iMI f.'HIWAI.U, 111. Sn '! fof Hi ar.' N'4 M M- a N -a l If I a 1 f M II. r,aoi In f'.iii.Ali.f lti,.ar lii .riia fiia iiioitoiio'. nal'latiia njioii aid r 'iiati'iii III Ml. n ,i HI lam naii'l" T A V Kit. Jaiin lfiH, J H Sa'l. t. 1,1 i.i.ih r, Ki h r. viii .v, H.l.'i f. anil rVofce of Intention. I Aifinrri- r. at tnr. i t M.nnrfini I 4 ONcv LOAN ID, . I . r'". a ' n I- ' '-I '' I tt. ' 'l al Maf . 1". tn.i I !..' I ll.a Ii.m'i ii.g i.,H -l i f la fi-i'l Ma tit.nti'fn lo ri.at fiai i-"l lo a .i. tial-i., ati'l ll. al aat'l i.f p.l i it ll.al ,..l...f l ,...l .,1 e.a-1 ,'. at i .o i, I 1,.- i.t i i. . ' ti Mf'i. .in. . 1,-1... I . .,.!, In t.l it Uli.1. J M ..t... I n i.'iii. e i i r I". ! IIIIA I. t iTT, IU n . I .i ii . . Mai - il 1 1 I a V. i . I i M II. i-a- i lit. I -a I a) l-i ... I I. a t.a. ii.sH 1,(.1, a-, 1 t . Hi Mi l la- I il i.t, : hj, v- - mm av - w k a TaiKing Tfirougri His Hat ! Tli" man li'i talk Ibfutgli bia bat la evi-rtahi i In evidenee - wry il jtfiiou abM avi'li nra it I. too, in iut can Tba fnan of iiilllif"ar Covert bia cranium aa it h one nf T. K. IIOWAKD'aS fin r l.ala, li. Ii fa in ltlf aica of phperily and a ""I lale, II a l'i Inn bia k "'", B'nla' fur maliiiiga, at'H koieii't auppliw, ti, at - T. R. HOWARD'S. Mr. Mm)! I riiaar a elllv In Ihnaa tlilUK ti 'I'lifed III a',-i a'i I r'li nin . Ill li.i Hi' - r 1 1." p i rf . mrrsiti mock. m,i ct , t'bur d ia squill it I, a l 1 L"'i I, i.,...,. ... ih f .a' a I'l-'H f but t HI li I a.i.,f, ., kl I ' I I i. t,H ' I . ats.(r, a, .ai 11 ( I.f I il'M r, !( (.itf, Mitf-n, i