Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 21, 1895, Image 2

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and greater than her most sanguine
expectations could have depicted
when she wrote "Uncle Tom's
Senator Mitchell feels badly
no doubt The Telegram, of demo-republico-populo-Oregonio-t
a i 1 o
leanings, begun a fight on him-
Some newspapers as well as some
people make asses of themselves
without seeming to know it.
Twenty days ago wheat was a
little over 80 cents per bushel in
Chicago, but now it is down to 73
cents. During the past month
No. 1 California in Liverpool has
held its own at 5s 8d to 5s lOd per
cental. All through the flurry in
the gambling Chicago markets it
showed no tendency to go up
higher in Liverpool. Silver has
been steady all the time, however,
advancing only as the price of
wheat advanced in Liverpool.
Wheat dropped d per cental in
Liverpool on the 17th inst., and it
is noticeable that bar silver fell
cent per ounce. The superficial
goldbug papers that have been
making some noise about the wheat
flurry in Chicago, and who have
sought to make a point in their
favor, have not looked beyond the
end of their noses. No person
who has made any pretense to
study the finaucial question will
attempt to deny that the fall of
silver really means an apprecia
tion of gold, and that it must take
less gold to buy the amount of sil
ver necessary for the Liverpool
merchant to buy a bushel of wheat
or a pound of cotton. The Amer
ican producer, taking his pay in
gold, must necessarily get Iohs of
it, while the Indian and Argen
tine farinor gets the name for his
product as he ever did. The de
pression in silver then caunot
mean anything else but lower
prices and dearer debts. Any
. thing that the American farmer
must export, to sell, must also obey
this natural decline with that of
silver. Local products in local
demand may not do this.
Then if wheat, cotton and other
cereals aud products, which seek
sale abroad, follow the decline in
silver, (which means tlio name as
the appreciation of gold), then
Inudu must also follow. All tlioHe
things are junt as natural as water
flowing down hill, or the tendeucy
of the American woman to apo the
uterner sex aud go crazy over hi
Tin: Alliance Herald lias ehang
oil I roia a lour page, i col. paper
to k twelve page 1 col. sheet It
has improved much in many ro-
Jacob 8. Coxey'a paper, Hound
Money, has reached the Gazette'
editorial ilettk. It is well priutei
and from a populist's standpoint,
would bo called well edited.
I'l.IJ Ail Smith ban dilated the
FUrbuok innnngemeiit of thoOreg
ou Improvement Co., and wil
dotuiuata tlx) niovemeuU of the
corjKirntion the coming year.
TliK Portland Telcgrnm Ima
turned democratic again. No our
in lice e rioiuly (ho opinions of
itHr that tint and turns will
every ebb aud ll.tw of the tide.
The Cleveland convention is in
session and the issue before it is
that of silver. It is a significant
fact that in electing a chairman of
the committee on resolutions, the
contest was between Congressman
Robinson, of Pennsylvania, a gold
standard man, and Congressman
Tawney, of Minnesota, a silver
man. The first vote stood a tie,
but on the second ballot Robinson
was cliosen. Inougu it was
claimed that the convention was
not a platform-making affair, yet
the committee on resolutions wil
recommend the adoption of the
national republican platform o
1892. The minority will present
a silver plank, however, and though
they may be defeated, as the ma
chinery of the club is and has
been in the hands of the gold
men, the silver men will make a
grand showing. ,
The mikado has instituted an "Im-
Tierial Order of the Kite," to be a sort
of Japanese equivalent of the British
Victoria cross.
The Japanese jrovernnient, instead of
presenting medals toatbe soldiers who
participated in the war against, cnina,
is to give them excellent Swiss watches.
One conseo.uer.ee of the battle ol the
Yalu is the proposal made in Europe of
establishing a naval Red Cross society,
whose vessels, painted in some distinct
ive color, shall accompany hostile fleets
and pick up the crews of vessels sunk
in action.
Tub terror inspired by the Japanese
armies in the east is greatly enhanced
by the fact that they make no noise.
They march with no bands, no drums
beat reveille or tatoo, and in action the
Japanese utter no cheers. The officers
have a code of signals by whistling tnat
serves to direct the movements of the
The Texas Central has the fine
track and roadbed in the Lone Star
An effort will now be made to dig
out the Silverton railroad in California.
It is buried under snow.
Service stripes are to be worn by the
conductors and porters in the employ
of the Wagner I'alaceCar company.
The wives of railroad men and oth
ers interested in the Brotherhood of
Railway Trainmen are about to organ'
ize a ladies' auxiliary to the brother
hood, similar to the ladies', auxiliary of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive hn-gineers.
On the Philadelphia division of the
Pennsylvania railroad, boxes of tools,
chiefly for the benefit of locomotive en
gineers who may have to disconnect
the side rods of their engines, have
been placed at a number of signal tow
ers along tht road.
Editor Gazette:
As I was writing a few letters I
tbonght I would not overlook you, be
cause some of the Heppner folks might
want to know how we are getting along
on the trail.
Bud "Shobe" sits in bis saddle like a
general, giving his orders to hia oom
mand. He rides a horse that requires s
step-bidder to get onto. Bud is now at
Boise, however, which place we will
reach in four or five days.
Ed. Long is still doing the cooking,
composed mostly of sour bread and
beans, and growls some when he is
ailed in the morning, and onoe in
while says some strong tbings about
the country and sheep driving in general.
Ed. Sheldon, one of our boys, is night-
herder, which place he fills acceptably.
Mr. Forsber is talking of going home
after we get to Boise.
Tours truly,
H. T. Vandebpool.
Emmettville, Idaho, June 6, '95.
P. 8. After finishing my letter, we
ran across Tbos. Cannon who used to
live at Heppner. He is one of Frosher's
crew. H. V.
The undersigned having been restored
to health by simple means, after suffer
Ing for several years with a savere lung
HfTrtotion, and that dread disease, Oon
sumption, is anxious to mnke known to
his fellow sufferers the means of cure
To those who desire it, be will cheerful.
ly send, free of oharge, a copy of the pre
scription used, which thev will find a
sure Oiue for Consumption, Asthma, Ca
tarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung
maladies. He hopes all sufferers will
use his remedy as it is invaluable. Those
desiring the prescription, whioh will oost
them nothing, and may prove a blessing,
will plpnse address, llnv. EDWARD A.
WILSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. junll-w.
When your heart pains you and un
usual palpitation is frequent, acoom
panied sometimes with sbotnees of
breath and low spirits yon are tsuffering
from a disordered state of he liver,
digestion is imperfect and there is wind
on the stomaoh. If allowed to remain
the trouble will ultimately reach the
kidneys and becomes dangerous to life.
Hteps should be taken to stay its pro
uress on the appearance of the nrst
symptoms. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver
and Kidney Balm is especially adapted
for disorders ot this kind. Price $1 per
rom the Balcm Journal.
After all the raving of the Oreg
onian and the Dolphites over this
great victory in the state republic
an club convention, one fact as to
one public man in Oregon still re
mains Chan. W. Fulton of Astoria
as pursued a straight aud consist
eut coursn.
While he said nothing and was
in court trying a case during the
whole gathering, and was not called
on to make a speech, he was couut-
1 with his friends and has made
no compromises or alliances with
the ring as against the people of
this state, lie has more friends
today in Oregon than ever before
his life. There are other
straight men in Oregon and the
people know whero to find them
nit there is none straighter than
'harles Fulton.
THE Oregon Uti pven admit the
-1 ' . a
imimuuihv oi liter iteing mine
ilht in tli nilveritea yet Tl
Oregoi tan' barometer evidettly
caught a few ailyer l-reezea that it
had Hot looked for.
W hy Nut Yon?
When thousands of people ara taking
Hood's Hantapanlla to overcome the
weakness and languor which are so
cmntunn at thin acaaiiti, why are you not
loiiig IIih HHint'T When yon know Hint
Hood's HaraHparllla lias power to cure
henmatiHin, dyaiiepma and all diaeaae
flamed by Impure blood, why do yon
rant I mm lo tuliurr Hood cures others.
why not you?
Huod'i Pills are prompt and eflloient.
HE Chronological Recapitulation of events
of much Interest to the student of
history. At a glance he can see the dates
of principal events, and saves much time and
For a Blmllar reason a recapitulation of
articles of merchandise is made so- that the
customer can find what he wants at low figures
at E. J. Slocum's, without spending hours in
looking around." It saves time, and "time is
money," besides the way-down reaucnon on
prices of articles which all receive at his place.
Bilious Colic.
Persons who are subject to attacks of
bilious colio will be pleased to know that
prompt relief may be bad by taking
Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. It acts quickly and
osn always be depended upon. In many
cases the attack may be prevented by
Hking this remedy as soon as the hrst
ndicntion of the disease appears. 25
nnd 50 oent, bottles for sale by Slooum-
Johnson Drug Co.
An Open Secret!
See This !
A big line of summer wash
goods, including satteens
and other lines in great de
Stick a Pin
In here, and don't forget
the nice line of laces being
sold at very low figures.
Ladies "Wanting
The nicest, neatest
cheapest underwear should
not pass that department.
else they may regret it,
They Shed Their ltlnod Not Only on the
Held of Honor.
The following extract from a letter
written by Dr. Hush, of Philadelphia,
published in New York, April 13, 17U5
is reminiscent of the Spartan treatment
to which our ailing ancestors submitted
themselves, in the primitive days o
American medicine: "A disease called
the pleurisy bus proved fatal to many
people in Philadelphia. It appears to
be a continuation of the bilious remit
tent fever of lust autumn, accoin panic
only with pleuritic symptoms, whic
symptoms are by no means universal
It requires not only very copious bleed
ing, but daily purges with calomel and
julop to subdue it. Ily means of these
remedies I have, out of upward of one
hundred cases, lost only two pntients,
nnd they were in tho last stages of the
disorder when I saw them. I have in
one case been forced to take one hun
dred nnd twenty ounces of blood at
thirteen bleedings in fight days before
the disease yielded, and lu another
enso I have taken thirty ounces of
blood at four bleedings in seventeen
hours. The pulse in tho last case was
so low as scarcely to be perceptible. It
rose in the most wnsible manner after
each bleeding. The patient, a delicate
lady, Is now out of danger. From ol
servatioii I havt; long ago made, nnd
which experience has lately continued,
I am satisfied that when physicians are
not almost uniformly successful In cur
ing febrile discuses, they ore under the
iutluence of erroneous theories, or, If
their theories be true, their pructlco is
loo fertile to overcome the disease."
Have shirts, men, and prices
from 25 cents to $3 ar
found. You can get what
you want.
Col. J. W. Redington finds the follow
ing in the Gazette. Perhaps some of our
readers did not see it, and nnder the
circumstances it is to be hoped that the
paper will be excused from the unpardon
able crime of reprinting it. The Col.
Btarts out like this :
"The Only Heppner Grazet says :
"Ever since the early explorers orossed
the mnddy Missouri and climbed over
the Rocky mountains, the enterprising
fowl called the American skunk has kept
up with the procession of pioneers, until
he is now found in plentiful profusion
as a regular institution in several local
ities of the far west. While be keeps -r "ATil fcif
over the township line and don't get too
neighborly, he is a pretty bird to gaze
on, with his tail standing straight up
like the big black bearskin hat on a
regimental drum-major. The latter is
also sometimes called the regimental fool.
But when a skunk gets Into a fellows
cabin perfumery pops. Out in the Wall
creek country the other night a Heppner
herder was peacefully sleeping on his
fragrant birch-bough bed in a cabin.
Suddenly the dogs on the outside en
gaged in quite a snarl with something,
and after considerable snapping the
herder became aware that they Imd
driven a good, big healthy American
skunk onto the root and through the
hole whioh served as a flue. 1 he skunk
went rattling around thronub the cook
Ing nttmaila, and every time the herder
would yell at him to get ont, he would
let lly a dose of the only kind ot ammu
nition he hail. As be was injuring the
our dough and flour for the tat lei ot any
visit rs who might come to the onmp,
nnd as he positively rnfusi d to evaounte
the cabin, the herder whs reluctantly
compelled to shoot Li in right among tua
tin cup and fry-pans. The sknnk died
with all II ik'" flying or rather with all
guns shootiug. The herder didn't anller
very much. Principally beeaiiaa be baa
had the catarrh very bad (or a long
Mum Mv"
It is an open seoret that
Sells high grade goods at lower
prices thau any of his competi
tors. That's beoause be knows
hnw when, what and where to
buy and is satisfied with small
Ben curries a full line of Grooenes,
Canned Goods, Candies, Cigars, Tobac
cos, Etc. ,
for 30 Days
. . . . 1 1 1 ' 1 1
On Crockery, Glassware, Wood and vviuow
Ware, Writing Tablets, Notions, Etc.
A full line of Fire Crackers and Fourth of July Goods.
Old Blackman Stand
(Successor to Jerry Cohn.)
Yon Should Pwp
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices! Comfortable Rooms I
Mrs. Toni Bradley, Prop.
5Tis "Warm
To travel now, but those
who must go should not fail
to provide themselves with
a trunk and valise of latest
make. Sold very cheap.
Are the Highest of fill High Grades.
Warranted mpcrlnr to any Bicycle built in tho world, regardlesi of price.
Do not bo Induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on
hnviiiK the Wiiverlcy. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a
million dollar concern, whose bond Is s good aB gold.
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75.
Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO.,
IICMER H. IIAI.LOCK, Indianafous, Ind., U. S. A.
Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, I'endleton, Or.
Firo work at Boyd McDowell'
1 Ooho baa "My IVt." Call (or it.
Wm. Crank ia over from tho Hitler
Ilenrr HUniwell rama in yentenlar
(rom Fm valley.
Mrria Abrama ia iu town Interviewing
our biimoma mm.
Frank J. men got bark leiterday from
iiler Vabitiftn.
V. II. Kulilman, of llar.lman. a aa ia
the eity rlerdr.
h. tl. Sloan relnrnel home from a
to iortland Wednesday evening.
Time. Q'lahl got bock M n.Ur from
(Irani entity. He brniitflil back bo
liiei, aa ieul did mil X'iu d.-ir.m
ol eolling.
K'nile Mf, the gen ml reitrei)Utie
f Mart , Jitrgnnten.nf 1'nrll mi.l, callrtl
it hi frtKiiila an, I eunlxiueralo thta oitf
The IWtlnnJ mail how arrivea ever
oi hi-r lUy via F.chu, ttute enaMittg our
leiie to get tlinr mail tweha uoura
earlirr I lino furmerl;.
Ilit.Urey Utiiiuenlhal arrhml fmttt
r.iMUnl We.ttiee.Uf night ati.l will
ihmiiI ma tiuimr vaeii.n wild lit
fattier, M. lUuuiriilhal, uf I tua city.
Itrf Wilaoii, if J.ihn Jiaf, a.'enroi a
h lr. I iv lit tu .li ef, amir... Ir. m Ilia la
Irtl -r n.. unify )r.lrHy. Mra ilaa
I on tirr way In l.er I uirru home.
Wm ll'tithra la the r-nlhl if
l-mmful fawn, Irnni (Irani K.n.le
lli-f. Hartley Mii-rt litoti.hl It
er an I ma le Ailham a ri t.l t.f i,
I'r.'f. J, M ra'.L'I'g. Ilia aiMi-i I f,
lleian, r 1 )f alii atfraf, r .(. I i
now al Ihe rily liuM wfiate be w.lr j
niain unt'i nu nhhimiii, h )ur
eea at a.T ! I In any raannrt el al
e htm. Mamlnali .n ftae ff charge,
Olaeee filte.1 at relie. prtcea.
The regular nWrifi.i i.f IK
Hmt Weily (iaialte I i:.'i an. I lb
ragnler rh- I I he Wprkly lrrgrtia
la tl Ml, Anytif nlxwtl.ltig f .f l,a
tlxrile an. I 'nrg f.r y raf In
lan.- ran gal l-'Hi ! (i.frlia at.. I
. Wn-aly Ofgniaa f .f 1 1 All nil eit
HiMiy lAtnij, tin Tortlni)
liaiiliT, liaa Imtii iu lu lc. fur re
f tiMiii( to pvo Hie aM'.ir feci
rrlitmtf to II;. i iiini nlTtira of 111
tank, a tho law routftiiplatfa n
aliall do ou di'inntid uf tlid prop
Til Koiut, puUialiod at I'uion
On .iii, ia p'tlitii out ftniun finely
illuntral.xl litini a. Jmii a Un.
Lav lately keanriatisl tlietnai lt
mtli Ilia ill pullielit r, Mr. Chan,
rej, and am ridtntly practical
BeaepaNr tni'ti.
llinrirr 1'ir. iirn Hror ia ll.
Ins at tlt lipn . ao t.f t I. Mi
Laa a-i-n t.rt at (haiyia uruittl.t In l,',p "'na
the I mtM bUUa inu'Ji grit J'f ,,,,,
IliMI Urwanl IHNI.
The rmiilora of thia paper .will bo
ploRMeil to learn that there ia at leant one
dreaded Jiaeaaa that aoienca baa been
able lo cure In all ita atagea ami thai ia
Catarrh. Haifa Catarrh Care ia tha
only punitive pure now known to the
meilinal fraternity. Catarrh he in if a
oonatitutioual Jii'He, require a eon
atitntional treatment. Haifa Catarrh
Cur ia taken internally, arting direetly
upon the blooil ami mnooua aurfaoeaof
tha ayatem, theretiy dealroying the
fminilHtion of the illm-aae, ami giving
the patient afrenglb by Imihling lip the
roneiitiition anil aeamting nature in
lining ita work. The pmprietora bate an
mili'b faith hi Ita rnraltve iHiwera, that
they olTer due lliunlreil llollara fur any
raae that It fiiila to cure. Hmnl for llat
of tiiniiirjil.
A.l lreea. r. J. C11KNEY CO.,
.aT".Hnl,l by IHnggiata, ..') eenta.
Taut nit- arid waa (lot ratracttsl b;
S hfi le. in 170.
Omnia the Juiraof tha unripe cap-
aiilra of the poppy.
IIiiommk a ilixiiverrtl b lUlUra,
of M.mtprlit'r, in l.'n.
I'liiiarilnltl a iliMiiverrd In ('9
by Hran.lt. if llauiburg.
I'litiiiMlc Bi'Ll m llrl rmploynl a a
raiintU' I'jf lftmllta, of irnua.
hi I I'lit Hh ami intrti' a. wrra
kn.in n to (K-U-r, the al ht'iiiUt, lu tha
rik' lit ti century.
(ariic Maa dia"iTerrl In li0by
lleii lirlil a. h, taho ratrtx'trtt it from
the ur t.f h.I.
Viii4h ia nientliir. in the fk'vrf
lian rH-. r.! aa a mr.li. aie In the tenth
rmitiry l
l'i.tuw. thebadaof many rnratl
rlnra, .tisf nl lu l'7 y fir
lliiuiphn y ty.
Alt iii. -i an flrt divtlngniUhed aa
an rleiiMiitry anltanre by Albu. aia,
In Ilia twi ifili is niury
New Idea"
Patterus, at the very low
price of 10 cents; latest
styles, aud equal to Uutter
ick's or any other standard
line of patterns.
Knl(lil of the MarraWa.
The Htnte Coiumander writea na from I'll!) Tee t
Lincoln, Neb., aa follow : "After trying
other medicine for what aeenied to be a
very obetiuate oongh in our two children,
we tried Dr. King' New Diecovery and
at the end of two daya the onngh entire
ly left them. We will not tie without it
hereafter, aa onr eifierience prove that
it will cure where all other remediea fail
Signed. F. W. Utevena, Htate Com.
W hy not give tine great medicine a trial,
aa II i guaranteed and trial Itottlea are
free at the drug atore of T. W . A) era, Jr,
Mioukl bo encasea m com
fortable shoes, slocum's
lino is extensive and de
serves inspection. A new
Hue of Eastern goods ex
pected shortly.
Practical Painter, Paperhanger
and Decorator.'
When You Want Work in this Line Give
'I he vitality of the Mnall horaefly
after tlcctipttiitiun la aa remarkable a
that of the aiiake that haa iniili ri.nc
the wiine prHV. Ho ilnet not Um hia
v intra. If the Whradinir haa been dune
neatly, an aa nut to injure him other
Im', but Mulka about. atipiili Hour
and then fur a "dry wnli," rut. Ling hi
b'k'a t.yrllu r and clenuini biaMinga.
If tutii'hi'd. he will aiile off. If l.lun
iixm he ill rlintf titrhtly to arul.l t-
lug carried away Thia performance
be will cuuUuue for anuurtvr of an
hour or .
Inhaler M llkad hf la la.
Capt. Anbury Adama, who baa Ix-cn
conncctrd w ith the I'nltcd State Halt
rommUalon for a numln-r f yrapa. and
bna had a l.iriro rxcrlcnce in hutching
iiit-p aca tivh at Ten I'oiin.l l!nd and
WiiihI a Hole, gave a talk n (Wil hit. h'
lug lu forv ttie IttikiiK'M Men anwaM.
t inn the other evening, aay m (.l.in.va-
ti-r iMa ) iii'ii h ti the H.a.t,in Her
ald. He aalil that lat year Die work uf
liatt hing l.dti r w tn nn at Trn
Pound Uland. and tuie hnn-'r. . luilHon
oung ..tt"r were t.ns tu I and
hU riiti.t Ho he bad a.-i n i-ria
! k r.-k- from lot-aii r in an attarltim
and he Imd lv..me -intinifH that the
gr, at r j art ,.f ,.l.trr itt ia de
al rt i d in t hi ii.aniii r
See the Line
Of latent tylos in gloves.
The lieat is to ho found in
this department. Lull r
pt ices and don't fail to see
A r special ft atures ot Slo
etim's store, and in thia col
uniQ he propoees to keep you
(oatetl on hat he kee.
iWivi' ) on t ou rant a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All these can bo procured at Thompson fc llinns, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, Urej,'on.
Thru- tenllrinrn ara well ariinalttteil with firant. Ilarni-T. rrwik. fillllam anil ntli i.nnnilna
ami ean aa niuiii-r a .. I lline Mi making lhe-e t- II.mii w lib traveilm men.
rrlim III kpaiilnt Willi I lio llmra.
L 1
Have atuveedi'd A. M. Onnn in tho lliu'katnithiti
liuttifieaa nnd are prepared to do all kinds of
A WnH'in eln
up tun In rntinr. tlr.tt. Nillila. II. hi tuaratilrvd.
nn llirm at Ilia i.i.t (jumi h,
MAIN STKr.KT. law.
Tua litit woman In the ?M.
M.a laat-rl'a Pindar, if the liahamaa.
I on a viail l.i her bnhr, tn. AW
fayer, rf Kev tt, f.a, Pha la HI
yaara t.id, M lm hea hfh, and weigha
M p-nind.
I. li.t Tlfoi ".( r,arat'.. Ind ,
la a litlia in. r ll.an .ar .f ik'r,
and wrk-iia l;i nm.la. He mraaurra t
I f. r t ii . l.i a in l,f ijrtit. and mraaitrr
in. Ii at.itid t) a it. Illakt a
ah.tr aNtt the U tik'h .f a N.v I W f.t
b. iii. and b Tar a nan bat ('
In tf.
I 1 -a- -.imm.i
1 Jad
llllt Mmi ariaranl a I ttr .
' ll ci a i v p.-il .M.iwt .a
tu4Mth tat tmti ar,4 Crwuf i. wra,
f t ' t j J, w, ;!. if IT i..t
To met cotntK'titioo in any
lint kept I y rue, and invite
an early incti'n of atck.
Old IMarkmao Stand,
ui:rrNi:a. ouix.on
fllS ESElfiy III! illll S ,-,1lJ,,rArium liaobactTHabits
i ll U lialr. al l-alrm, Otraon,
77.e ,Vu.f lUauiiul Tuvn on thi Oxuf .
"-a. nr-ta apa-a -xai , ' fa)l at la ( .r.Tta f,.r trHrlan.
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Tin: Lanc.51uki: Insukanck Co.
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