Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 18, 1895, Image 4

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While 70a fcep jronr subscription paid Dp yen
ean keep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses GO on left
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, nnder bit on
riht ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un
der n on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and horses same brand on right
shoulder.. Bangs, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, J A con
nected on loft flank: cattle, sameon left hie
Buird. D. W aid sun. Horse branded D B
on the left hio; 01 tin the sa-uo on Inft flink.
crop off rig t ear, nndercrop in the left. Range
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 1 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor
row oountv
nannistar, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, (gooseberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
"lJnrke,8M 8t C, Long Ureek. Or On oattle,
MAY connected on left hip, oiop off left ear, un
der half orop off right. Horses, same brand on
letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow
Bowman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; oattle B on the left side.
Left ear half orop nd right ear nnper slope.
Barton, Wm.. Hppner, Or. -Horses, J H on
right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in
Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range. Mor
row county. Tr ,
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, oirole
C with dot in w tor on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
hlBoyer, W. G.. Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on righ' hip oattle, same, with split in
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shonlder; oattlo. same on lerr, nin.
n,iu W..1 Pui.Or Cattle. JB connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cnt out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley.
Grant county,
(Wnoi. Warren. Wairner. Or. HorSes brand
ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Range in
rA-nnf .nil Hiirnia enmities.
Cain.E.. Oalab.Or. Y 1) on horses onleft stiflel
TJ with Quarter circle over it, on lert shoulder
and on Inft stifle on all colts mdnr IS years; on
loft shoulder only on all horses over 8 years. All
In rirunt nnnntv.
(!ate. Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
unoa Mnrrnw and Umatilla counties.
(nmiooll M M f)allowiiv. Or Cattle crop ont
of each ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead;
horses half circle u on mil siine. nange jior.
ow and Umatilla counties.
Curl, T. H John Uay, Or. Double oross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
connty. On sheep, inverted A and spoar point
on shoulder. Ear markou awes, crop on left ear
pnuched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half orop in left ear. All rangs
in Grant oonntv.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, OOon nghtshonl
dor; Cattle, sameon right, hip: ear mark square
orop off left Bnd split in right.
Cnrrin. B. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses. on
left stitja. Hanlman, Or. Cattle, C with
B in canter: horses. CE on left "lip.
Cochran, K. E., Mnnnment, (it-ant Co , Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
. shoulder: cat tle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
iit...i u Murititinn fir tlrirsea hranrleri
n on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Aim,
brands CI on horses right thigh; oaj'e ausie
brand ou right shoulder, anu cur, on euu 01
"nluiwis. W. M . Gallowav. Or, Cattle. R D on
right side, awsilow-fork in each ear; horses, R D
on loft hip. , . ,
Kit linia.. Donulas. Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hole
iP right ear.
Emery, (;. n., iiardman, ur.-nnraw nrannnn
Imvnrseil t;witn imiii on leu snouuior ; cau
Raairee. James. Arlington. Or.: horses branded
J8 on left shoulder: cattle the same, also nose
waddle. Range in Horrow and liiiuam oonnties.
Stephens. V. A., Hardman. Or-; horses 8800
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Htevenson. Mrs A. J.. Heppner, Or: Cattle, ti
on right hit ; swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaraart. G. W.. UeDoner. Or. Morses, M 00
left shouldei; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. t attle " u on
left hio. cmn off riirht and underhit in left year.
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
Thompejn, J. A., Heppner, Or Horses, I on
left shoulder: cattle. 2 on left Bhoulder.
TiDoets.8.T..EnierDriee.Or. Horses. U-on lert
Turner R. W., Heppner, Ur. Small capital I
left shonlder, horses; cattle fame on left hip
with split in hotti ears.
Thornton, H. M.. lone, ur. Horses Dranneo
HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanriernool. H. T.. Ima. Or: Hirses 11 V con
necked on right shoulder;cattle, same on right
Walbridge, Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horsee. U. L.
on the Inft shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
orop off left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson. Jonn 0.. Balem or Heppner, Or.
Horsos branded Jq on the left shonlder. Range
Morrow connty.
Warren.W B. Caleb, Or Jattle W with quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear,
Horses same brand on left Bhoulder. Range in
Grant oonuty. t
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horsee branded
ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolflnger, John, John lay t;ity,Or Un horses
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sneep,
bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Maihuer
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, DP
oonnootnd on left shoulder.
Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
TJE connected on left stitie,
Wallace. Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W on
right thigh, hole in left ear: horses, W on right
shoulner snmf same on left shoulder,
Whittier Bros., numingion. Baker Co.. Or.-
Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder
Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter oir.
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Range Grant connty.
Williams, J O. Long Creek, Or Horses, quar
tor oircle over three bars on left hip; cattle same
and slit in each ear. Range in Grant connty
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses runnitigA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young, J. H., Gooseberry, Or. Horses brande
TH on the right BhonlHe-
lie) an
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Of Two Transcontinental
L Castle fas
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
tiuunmn 1111 riirht bin. Itange in Morrow oonnty
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LK on
right hip; horses F with bar under on right
Florence. S. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on
right shouiilei; oattle, K on right hip or thigh.
T.' rur.nl, llnnrira. Hummer. Or. Onttls branded
WK, with bar ovnr it. on loft side; orop oil loft
ear. Horses, same brand on lert, hip.
Uentrv. Elmer. Knhii. Or. -Horses branded H
H. with a quarter circle over it, on left stitie.
Itmiiin Mnrrowand UmHtillsnonnties.
Hialt. A.M., Ridge, Or. rattle, round-topi
with quarter circle nnder It on the right hip,
Kuuirnln Murrow and UinHtillacoiinties.
llinton AJenks, Hami lton. Or Cattle, two bus
on either hip; crop In right ear anil split in lert.
ii,.Mua J nn riirht tliitfli. Kange in Urnnt county
llimhna. Hamnel. Wagner. Or-"T" (T F L
roiinei'U'iDon right, shoulder on horses; on cuttle,
on right hip and on left siile, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in lert. Range ill Haystack
distrlnt, Morrow connlv
lisle, Milton, Wagner, Or. Horses hranded
-O- (cuttle with parallel tails) on left shonlder
Cattle same on lull hip also large oirole on left
Howard J L, fKlliiwsr, Or, Horses (cross
Willi lur shove HI 011 right shoulder; cattlesaitie
on leftside. Rang.) 111 Morrow and Umatilla
counties .
Hall, Edwin, John Day, Or, Cattle K Hon
right hip: hors -s same 011 right sliouldor, Uauge
In Ursnt ooiinty.
Hugliiw. Mat, llepiiner. Or. Hnnmi, shailed
heart nn the left sliMiilder, Range Morrow Co,
llunaaker, II A, Wagner, Or. -Horses, V on left
Shoulder: ml lie. ou Inft hip,
Humphreys, J M Uanliuan, Or. Horses, II on
Inf rWnk
lluaion. I.nther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on
fhe left linn I lur all I heart on the left stilts st
U sauie on left h.p. Ittiige In Morrow county.
,1'oim, INrrv, llppu'r Or Horses branded
II J on tle left MitiHilder; ra'tla bra idml J on
right hip. also uiidnrhit 111 left ar. Range in
Mi.' mw county.
Jnukin, rt. M., Heppner, Or Horses, horas
sliiw J on left shoulder. Caltla, Uis Milts.
Rang ("-hi Mi.
Johns -n, Kelis. I.MlS, Or. Ilnraea. rsrelsTon
left siifle: cattle, snine on right hip, nnder half
orp in rih end snlit n left mr
Kenny, Mik, Heppner, Or. Ilorees branded
RNY on lefthip pants sains and crop oil Uft
sr! under sluttetin Hie rtsht
Kirk J T . lUpi.ner. Or.-Horses M en left
shonliler: rattle, av on left hip,
Kirk. Jewa. Heppner. Or. l hone II on left
slnHililnri rail Is sains on right side, nuderlnt on
rirht ear.
kntntrlanil.W.! . Mount Vernon. Or.-I I, on
cattle on rigiit and left snl. swallow fork in b ft
ear and nnder nop in right ear. Hones sains
brand on left shietlder. liana In Grant neititv.
l.ft..n. Htetmen. Pot.Or.-H I, on left hi d
on pattle. rmp and split on right mr, lloreea
same iirawl vm lrt, steaiiiier. Hangs iirant
1 n . i..k w . I.ln., 1 1 11 .
branded half "iri'le ji I, connected on left shout.
lev. I aula, sams on left hio. Range, near lies
lwhey, J. W Heppner Or - Horses b'snd!
I. ami o l. rl shieilder; retlla eeme on left
hip, sills over nht ', Hire slits in rghl
Iird. ll"rre. Ilet.i.ner Or.-Hors bramlnd
HiHitila II rri rtei'td M,metiiitB railed
SWt'ig II. on left sliielhler.
M.ii.w. lewr, tiet.pner or -Cattle, M I) oa
rigl'l hip: borw M on left loiulder,
Hl..r..i, H H . H-ppwer. Or.-llorass, M)
on left fiiett.lMt rattle eaue ttn btft htu.
Mii.-I.!l l-x-ar Or.-llorM. 11 us right
hip1, eal'ls, 7i on rtgtit side.
M lanm. O. .. MfownsvllU fH.-llu
Fl'ire.Hiea.'h slioolder. raitla. Mjoe hilt
Milirt, Kr. k. foi Vsll-r. Or. MU.h.
1H1 ur rirk o raitle t nla as. I nn.Ur in
sr h eari bieves name brantl ! left stirlA.
M'IUU. - . .. ri ..i.i 'n. Or. m Hon
nh lilt I'lr.'le an.ter on left K.ml l-r.on 1 m
f ir Imis emnrtl lop no the right sols
Ueriee in lira., I t '.Mititv,
S..I U W ,,n. II.-k Or - lliir N
a ,n lrt K.il let. rsttle is'na no rerfh hl.
Norlits f- tiivenw or,H..rB,nrcls !
left tlotft- eAtl Mine im left hio.
11 ir J. I amiei l Hi Or A I on ealtts
ihi left hip on liurwe, sains ua Ml Hugh, Hangs
In Itrant e-wml
Oiler. 1'arri, Lsitngt'ia. Ir.-I' O as 111
OIK Herman. I'tairts Cllr. Or -On eatlla, O
.l e.einH hi lft hlpi horssa no left sriaS
and rtie on ft Hs'e In I rant rtesitty.
'aaron, I 'lata, r tile. Ot - l.a, qner
lr rirle shield in Uft shtetldef and li 00 left
l.ip. ) aula, fork la M' ear. neht ripfl,
ot lft hlli. (Una- ,l Wile.
1'atker )lteHi. Maidii.ae.Or.- H.Kall'os
lrr sn.Hil ir,
I',,., It-. I. I11I' !. Ir Hor- brand
I. t enwirl M Ml atuml.lef 1 Mttlie
t.,ei rig'.t lilp Itauga H.erow r.mi '.
'i,..J II . l-tl' i o. ! H aa, JK m
s. it ,m 1-fi i.anl tx. eaiiU, aaioa ua Uft kip
ar .! to' la ee H
fMit h 1 . lone, it .oms diaamed P
r,Mta, J H J ehe led. tfl IM
1-1 hip, t.-r sb.fs la left ear aa4 slip in tits
K...I tn trw llaebnaa r.- It. s.aars
9t a, it, ...,i .- 1 ovrf 11 tm ltt stie
tt.i' l.rs, ll -i i-ier. Of, - l.MS,t' H rat
vtl i W.
( .., . , llei i.aev. " - H.s tiran.lal I
oa tt. 'ti sh.Mil lr I mi the Ufr hip
, ,. imU mm' I .l .. on KM k. ItatMr
!. ad a t l"S
i . sad'ea !., flr-Hirasi
tanll H rM a.iK tit Hns
rtri la-id. itie sait H dshl bp.
fas . H r-. it.
l.a. M m H IhnrffllU, Or - flM w
oil i-rf e.e-ie l.t irf eaa ft
a l 4 fi" I la r t.
Me l- I 11 w, f . bu IS II wn-w
Oel aed M'
M. J W 11.,., iv -Horses, iO a
rt sanatAar. t aJUa oaa rtM ttiia
HoalaM W f , l;., ,e- f -II msW
I us ! M' I , 11 kip, saatkes
(. is r ae aut,ti la lri.
Sacs I h. Htef. - M irsss, A r aw
SRpTf K. , ae eeea left S'p.
I i !. tte-tsr mmmmMmi na
tf,m,m t M ea'na, " "a tifcf kia.
er-.e !' 1 ear a 4 -,Vf hn in Wl aaf. Macaw
11 - I ei'ill
a a It.. a- 1 t fg It t-a-M.
4 al."l ', sass a Ml wktaT.
OPENS JUNE 1, 1895.
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For full details oall on 0. R. & N.
Agt nt at Heppner, cr address
Luxury, Good Cheer, Hospitality, De
lightful and Healthful Pastimes,
Matchless Mountain Scenery.
Established last year In a roman
tic doll of the Hiiorumi'iito Canyon,
i tint below and in full view of grand
old KhiiHta It was a great hit and
promises still inoreeucournglngre
sults tor the present year. T J.
Lot tun, iitCiistclhi, is still in charge
ana win answer an inquiries.
A t ew candidate for public favor I
this year la
Also In the Hhnsta region, about
a mile and a half from Iiutisuiiilr.
t is a genuine pitrsdlse lor hunters,
fUliers and seekers of health and
pleasure Kasy to reach (near the
rallroHil), sightly, anil nil the ne
cessities of cninp life easily procur-
slilc. All inquiries about Kliasta
Vlelno Cninp, if addressed to W. C,
Gray, Kox 4, Dunsuiulr, ('ill., will
receive prompt attention.
Camping in Tha
iANTA f'ftll7 MOUNTAINS o)mmodations for second-class passengers.
I For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations,
Alma, rights, Laurel, (llenwood, u call npon oradrlress
f eloin. hen uuioiiuf
lloulder Creek.
qaarantine nntil the quarantine offioer
of the State Board o' Hortionltore or
tbe daly commissioned qaarantine guar
dian ean determine whether tbe said
trees, plants, enttings, grafts, bnda or
cioDS are free from live injariona insect
pests or their eggs, larvae or pnpae, or
fangons diseases before they oan be
offered for sale, gift, distribution or
transportation. All persons or com
panies are hereby prohibited from
carrying any trees, plants, Cuttings,
grafts, buds or oions from without the
state to any point within tbe state
beyond the nearest point on its line or
ooarse to tbe quarantine station in the
dis'riot ot ultimate destination, or from
any poiot witbin tbe state to any other
point therein, nntil such trees, plants,
cuttings, grafts, buds or cions have been
duly inspected, and if required disio
feoted as hereinbefore provided, and all
suoh shipments must be accompanied
by tbe proper certificates of tbe inspect
ing offioer. Provided, however, that
after such persons or company has given
the proper officer four days' notioe, he
or they shall not be required to hold
such shipments further, without directi
ons from sii oh offioer.
' Eule 3 All peaob, neotarine, aprioot.
plum or almond trees, and all other trees
budded or grafted npon peach stook or
roots, all peaob or other pits, and all
peaon, nectarine, apricot, plum or
almond outtings, buds, or oions, raised
or grown in a district where tbe "peacb
yellows" or tbe "peaoh rosette" are
known to exist, are hereby prohibited
from being imported into or planted or
offered for sale, gift or distribution witbin
tbe state of Oregon.
Rule 4 All trees, plants, outtings,
grafts, buds, cions, seeds or pits arriviug
from any foreign oonntry found infested
with inseot pests or their eggs, larvae or
pupae, or with fungi, or other diseases
heretofore unknown in tbis state, are
hereby prohibited from landing.
Rule 5 Fruit of any kind grown in
any foreign country, or in any of tbe
United States or territories, found in
tested with any insects, or with any
fungi, blight, or other disease or diseases
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland, Obeoon. injurious to fruit or fruit trees, or to
other trees or plants la hereby pro.
hibited from being offered for sale, gift
or distribution within tbe state.
Rule 6 Any boxes, packages, packing
material Bnd tbe like infested by any
mseotor insects, or their eggs, larvae or
pupae, or by any fungi, blight, or other
disease or diseases known to be injurious
to fruit nr fruit trens. nr to other trees or
Southern Pacific Co. plants, and liable to spread contagion,
great highway through California to .11 hereby prohibited from being offered
inte Kast and South. Grand Hoenio Route for sale, gift, distribution, or tranepor-
tation until said material has been dis-
Sciix Franolsoo
And all points in California, via the Mt, Shasta
route of the
measure of value, Is a dollar that has
oonstant and uniform purchasing power.
The professor presented tbe subject in
a new light when be called it a quarrel
between tbe present and the past. He
illustrated this in several ways. "Sup
posing a man loaned you a table," he
said, "and for its use you agreed to pay
rent At the end of 10 years you return
that table; but, be says, my dear sir, do
you know it only takes bait as much
labor to make a table now aa it did 10
years ago? I want you to return two
tables. You say, my dear sir, you loaned
me a table, and here it is. If tables are
twice as cheap now as they were 10
years ago that is not your affair, bat
mine. You got tbe improvements in tbe
preceding 10 years, I want tbe improve
ments in tbis 10 years."
Tbe lecturer then gave an illustration
by tbe loaning ot money. Concluding
this point, he said: "That man is, in
fact, asking you to surrender up all the
fruits ot industrial progress, tbe pre'
mium of your labor. It is perfectly
true, we participate in tbe progress of
tbe age, in the organization of industry.
We participate in them whether we have
done anything or not. Now I say that
tbe benefit ought to acorue to tbis gen
eration and not to tbe past generation.
If the present generation surrender up to
tbe creditors the premium that comes
from improvements in technique and
improvements in machinery, they are
practically surrendering what aoorues
from their own machinery and their own
As a plea for more money the profes
sor argued that tbe more bands mooey
was required to pass through the more
money it was neoessary to have in circu
lation. To show that money was re
quired to pass through more hands now
than years ago he gave several illustra
tions. "For instance," he said, "a carpen
ter used to make the doors and windows
neoessary for a building himself, whereas
be now goes to the mill. Thus, instead
of paying tbe money in bia possession
directly to bis employes, be pays it to
the mill man, wbo in turn pays it to his
Another good argument in tbis direc
tion was tbe gradual doing away with
tbe credit system, especially in large
oities, and tbe increasing custom of oash
t. ih. v.m b,t ivIippIi Am mule li an Indisputable fact. It stands In the I
front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no miBtake.
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, tor snoum you.
punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as It Is equipped with the world j
renowned G. & 1. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
Sold in all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at J100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, J150 each.
Tur da MB l F B is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the market.
For style, finish and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet
Weepers. Beoond-olasa fjleepers
Attached to express trains, atlording snperiorinffC'ed by dipping it in boiling water
and allowing it to remain in said boiling
water no) less than two minutes; suob
. Reduced Rates
I During the ('sinplng season will be
iniulu by the
For full particulars address
K. I'. KIHiKUH. Ast. tier. ''nss. Ak't.,
Piikti.aSI), OngiiON.
uly vs. or any n. r. to. Agent.
a ri
Ss'rst, YnilW Lllhtest,
Simplest, MlVj,'r Easiest
Strongest, ,tTAyCjTsJ Working,
"P lrT Ti jTvjf Accurate,
Receiver. JSMdSlr Compact,
Most Modern and progressiva
Fur rslalugue or luformstlnn write to
New Hsvcn, Conn.
The thumb Is sn mifalllnir InrVi I
rf rlissi'lrr. Tin' hunan-'I t pr III.
iliraiis s wrung win prist riinyt I
still tHinnr", t In.i'lv sllli it Is llir I
hiialtilstrd Twit. Ilir llinndiof Ihoi
til siltSM'i'il lilisn Slid tiurilns
siuliir. Hoili of Ihoi' Ix bi lonv I
to l lis busy li'sn or ouiati snil
IH-iiiiirmt s runny MSisrine its
iirrs tieciitlly fur snih piTswi s
iiuls vnluins of new blt'tis. con I
d ii d In s miibII stmrs. ro itmt thr I
riTord of ilia nhi'lr oriil oiirk
for a nimiili nisy I r sit in hsd an
luiiir. 'His ( nnii al 1 uw biliratrt
rnliirnit'iit, culiiir.-, snil a lov of
hiii-ir. m trr, slut fit linn. A (H-noo
villi tins lux of tniimii am tnnr
Quality rntiiy lh- Itit-rnry sltrarilnnf
of 111 n.orr-l MuL'af ilic. Hie AT
tl.IT Til tlillllnl'S a In' "I
hi suit siul srt, lit. h alll fltnt rsrs
Miw tr In tin' miiMiinniii on turi-
ur if iii.i i. Ii.tj it lln In s. i.rik
aluird fiom thr origins! isuiilinr h
Itr UuuMirS. Ulr ll"l crlrlirstiil of
iiting Auarr.psinlrrs. hlih alll
i glvsn t" ir nilwrilsrr to
11 ni ir. !' Msi'srms for I The
ro-t d tuts suirrh wotk ot an ass
.v: sia ins rr)iriii imo
rsioitit be ilit niriil'hid fnm tha
or filial. Ilraiilra ill's, SM rB'llll.lt
ml ,r aii-riiliir l. tuts la iul.
Ii.ti a In eai h similar 01 tna at ft
Vttir. Slid Itia Bit h-e sr o
fiiU snil anfriily tiln.trsird that
thr Mai-anun la. In r. n jr. a -.ri.
fotfo of srt amka if Itia hiktia-l
ciriir Th 1'l.th.e.it.litr 1 it ia tha
i iimb of llis It. i k r a mI lin. i lur
tif litr.a, hi alii 1S tlrl V tMrr
rati,! In lh" it--rli'Kd nioniliiy
In 'hi"tial s 1Mafstlir. In 1ry
,.f Ha Sumrr.a ,lrt-ttniri!.
VAstaii'lon AMt- boiling water used as such disinfectant
to contain in solution one pouna oi
concentrated potash to eaoh and every
ten gallons of water.
Rule 11 Animals known as flying
fox, Australian or English wild rabbit,
or other animals or birds detriUental to
fruit or fruit trees, plants, etc., are pro
hibited from being brought or landed in
Ibis state and it landed shall be de
Hale 12 Quarantine stations: For
the Fourth district, oompriniog the
oouoties of Morrow, Wasco, Gilliam,
Crook and Sbermau, shall be The Dalles.
Kmile Hchanuo quarantine officer, or
any member ot the board or the secre
tary thereof.
Utile 13 Importers or owners of
nursery stock, trees, or cuttings, grafts,
buds, or clous, desiring to have such
nursery stook, trees, plants, cuttings,
grafts, buds or cions inspected at points
other than regular quarantine stations
may have such inspection done where
required, provided, however, that such
importers shall pay all charges ot in
spection. Much charges and expenses
to be paid before certificate is granted
Transportation corupHutes, or persons
nd consignees or agents shall deliver
atid caused to be detained all nursery
sliK'k, trees, plajta and frnit at oue or
oilier ot the quarantine stations, for In
spection, as provided by the rule aud
regulations ot the board.
Ietsil as to quarantine stations,
oflWra, fnes ot Inspeotioo, recipe for
disinfection, and all desired Information
tuay be olitaiued on application to the
secretary or any member of the board,
nr by reference to the pamphlet cirou
Passed at meeting of tbe State
Hoard of Horticulture at Portland, Or.,
April 8, W. J. It, I'andwbi l, Tree,
Attest: 11 . I. rUKiiKMT, Hwy.
"We take pleasure in reoommending
Chamberlain's Oounh Remedy beoause
it ia praised by all wbo try it," says J
W. Cox & Son, druggists, Marsbfield,
Oregon. No one afflioted with a throat
or lung trouoTe oan use this remedy
without praising it. It always gives
prompt relief. It is especially valuable
for colds as it relieves tbe lungs, nukes
breathing easier and aids expectoration.
A cold will never result in pneumonia
wben this remedy is tasen and reason
able oare exeroised. For sale by
Slocum-Jobnson Drug Co.
i -j i-i- .rtv on 9A unit 91 tnnh wtipols. at. 155. J45 respect- S3
formen, womtni. ooysaimR...
M lve'y' are splenain medium graue wneeia, mm . u. i. meuv o o-
a ciincner ures ana are iuiiy warrauicu,
(9 Before you buy a bicycle, write for ctaogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call
on our numerouB a gen is. numuitir ivubucib nouwu iuciw; WnU.u v.v6.., 0
I ton and Idaho. fred t m ERR1LL CYCUE C0N1 PANY.
m Northwest representatives Oormully & Jcffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main
M Store. 327 WasnlriBtoii .-t , Portland, Or. Mai E. A. Weed, Cen. Traveling Agent and
m lecturer. 0TI8 PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon.
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise- need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one, call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
3 J
Culled from the Eagle.
Qua Hale came over from Bitter Fri
day on land business. He had UBt com
pleted shearing tbe Ambrose band of
Tbos. Quaid arrived from Heppner last
Friday even ng to buy ebeep. He in
tends purchasing a band of 5,000yearling
J. B. Huntington passed through
Long Creek Wednesday afternoon from
Burns. Mr. Huntington was on bis way
t ) balem. His daughter will acoompany
him on his return home.
B. F. Vanghao end brother, Jean,
deotists of Heppner, passed tbrongb
Long Creek last Tuesday morning on
the stage to Canyon City. Tbe gentle'
men are on professional tour of the in
terior country. Tbe doctors are Dot re
lated.- Eo.
Ths compsrstl vs vslus of thsss twocsrds
Is knows to most parsons.
Thsjr Itlustrsts that grtstsr qusntlty la
Not slwsys most to b dsslrsd.
Thsss csrds ssprsss ths bsosftclal qual
ity of
4s somparsd with any previously know)
Rlpsns TsbuUs t Pries, so tents a bet
Of druggists, or by mall.
UPakl CHlMICaL CO., 1 0 Itrace It., H.T.
I",! ,i:un t iti im in-iii s kii t uri:i'i.a.
h ,1, r....r II . iiMr b.ii.iit si .1 " " 7 "
At a special tneolin" of the Ore on
stale 11 iatil of Uortienltnre, held in
tri.nrlr grid 1 l.r,.nu in. errt
f't. IBtl'T, Still f Vl nf ItlS flSV
.m.r. 8 is S'li'I' y S t.iril
I niH Msrtis, at it Im-ff mo
t U' of lh i.'.lll llB
"' nr " 'w'M presetil, the fnlloaing rrgnlatione wet
W J. i. i. S'.hi.t. I 'nl'ii lr, I ' '
v. i lull Mti.i, Tik. ailnpliil, III acenrdaiiee who ine laws
t.f.,.f..hi..i.4 sM.iBsrtvrvs "egnlating snob wallers, and are, there
l-...i., ti, r.n ti-s regnlaiiona are In take eni ana tie In
I nosnn. am n nia bii in iib bhibii . I f. ai j luikft
siMMtwnm, b.. is'l, s4 I Ijrcsi iriini siiiii muri may a,
;t:;h,i:,:,:r,,:.r rui-ah ....,goee.. ag.0u or
nlVt srs, rm i.f " ma sn.iid But-. MW la I (1 ,r Hrn, shall, wlililo twenty funr
la n.rf la Brx.l I. S B.w c. lr... si-S I nillira, ni'Hiy llir iltllillH' 1 lin i-is vi
.ni um,, iV'1 .!!A"!! iheHute lx.ar.1 .f ll.trtlcottur. or a
in in. mi-pi w- n a
K rorutiiiig to atMif iu uiriai aau 1 , u comtuiaanipivl t)tisrauliual gnarjian
--!...... ..l l. .. I.
I'l B srnrBl IM Bit; lirrw, 'i.Hi.
nr riolii at the n'laraiilins stalicn, in the
dislrirt of final ileal In alion.
Kule 3 -All tree, plants, eollings.
sjrafle, liods or flone. Imported or
broils-lit in li lh stale from any foreign
(smiilry, or from any f lha I'hIishI
Mtat- or lerrlturifS, are berrby re-
qiilrcl .i I h Ihbh Ii.iI no arrival at the
qnaraiiltne slalinn in I tie disiricl rf float
itMitnati o, and if any ineb anrsry
sirrk, IreM, Uni. fulling, graft,
buds or etons are found tvi le frs of
lael pesls and funs' i"u d is ass, tbe
aid qistaotme tt&t or daly rrm
muBslnnsi qitsrsriiiee tuar.lua shall
Issue rerlitleale In that rfT-l. And
fit I nnTMi riTMTI r a
f.. . tB bi.p a I mn ri ,.1 -n 1,1
l I N H A . ( .tr 1 . t srt ..''
..t,,n im li. ,i v.t Scu. I . nMi 1 Ba
roll BIMKral.UiM.
Knlghu of tbe Marrabsss.
Tbe State Commander write as from
Lincoln, Neb , as follows: "After trying
other medicine tor what seemed to be a
very obstinate oongh in our two children
we tried Dr. King' New Discovery and
at the end ot two day tbe onngb entire'
ly left them. We will not be without it
hereafter, a onr rtperienoe prove that
it will oure where all olber remedies fail.'
Higued, F. W. Mevens, Hist Com
W by not give ibis great medicine a trial
aa it i guaranteed and trial bottle are
free at the drug store of T. W. Ayers, Jr.
. v
King of Bicycles. $gP
Four Wodels-885 and 8100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office: Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAOO, ILL.
BRANCHES i-New Vork, Sun Hrsncisco, Salt l ike Citv. ltive'. M-nnhl"., Ditrolt, leronto.
A. W. PATTERSOX, Agent for Morrmo County, Heppner, Oregon,
B Ibr B- I
i.. .. .I a ii moot , i i.u
I'Kl.na I , h.
' Vt BX. liBIB.
iii. i.a ii,,,. .i, i..s a Cw S..IH
His B' t sbi ii r ' v ia.
fl I'M l I i,-i.. 1b b,. t .1 4 ri.,
i,4ii i xu .ii. ii. i-i kulrtui s
Ur. l r m B -m t'l i Br -l B ...b la 1
. llli'W. .' r- r bi lr
H''i i i,a.n.r I itf.r "
S I i I BB'IB. V ... ',!' 4 MS fm
L., ,..l. Mt sn s-4 ,.IB iMf
f ., .1.,. 1
t ,r. B--HI - .'.
fenr srmke ot lb slaolard yard
lira wales Is lit la the Tower of Lna
J.n, sad fmm whiea er are !
fartbrtmrs It any of ul IrswB. flanls, ttm le la lime la tbe wB of
I sotttoi-s, gratis, bn ls or emns are fioed "I't't Oi' iib all eirt ef rx
I'mf. Rusa, prcfrHMnir of econoruics and
flu a tie of MtstifiirJ University, ha bseo
making some stirring lecture dowo al
IVrllstid. The following I wbal the
Portland Hun say alniul on of hi ad
lo owning bia lert tire rrofeesor Rixe
sat.) be did not stand twforehisaudiene
as aa advocate for anything no! a a
I artisso, nul as ebamiiou of ailver,
bill a a Oollsg tirnfeeeor.
"Ky aa IhiiimI bio," baid, "I oodsr
stand aa bns pieaatii of whral; by
an biiet dollar I naderstenJ a J'ist
measure of value. How do yon gl a
j ist tnoasur of valos? U m di you gs
a jnsl mraanrs of rapacity? Il d nl
make any difftrsn' how many perils
Ihsre tre In a basM-A, lit, 4 or X The
Important thing ia that one yna art eo
many pecki In a bushel )t adhere to
tlirm. Ltksaise if we have a Jnsl nisss
nriBnf vain it I nn that I omslsnt
II nitB not eiiarts-e frnm tint lo Itm or
! m 'sj.e I ehsated. Tbe qiesil ia
. - I . " ih. ear. f i tit.).. sod Liter tblew
of Tmar Ta elastdst Ibis point lb , ,B, efl.n glt loslani relief. to
From ths Kals. '
Tbe Long Cresk liuildiog Aeeociatioa
of this rity brooghl suit against the
Mate Ioauraooe Co., of Halrm, last week
for f ISO, Ibe Insurance earnd by Ibat
company on tha Masoolc ball of Ihi
city thai was lt by fir last January.
The case will ctitne op iwfor lb fall
term of eiretilt eoart.
Tbe Lnn Creek building Aeeoeiatioa
pmposee to show lb Mlat Iosnraoce
Co. Ibal Ibey ean't rsfus lo pay a lose
at their pleasure. Tha Eagle predict
that Ihi esse will le the Stale Insur
ance Co. more Ibao they will gala if
tbry win the case. When people pay
for insurance, Ibey want Insurance, aod
waul bo trouble when Ibey meet with aa
bones I loea.
Tbie policy of "Now T"U are insnrd,
aod now vott are tot,M la Dot going lo be
It May Iss as Ms. k fr Y
Mr. rrsnl MilUr. of Irving, III., write
thai be bed a svrr kidney trouble f ir
a tinmUf of years, wlm ser pain ta
bl bark an I also thai bia bladder wa
fft Ud. Ilelrisd many atvealled kid'
ny rnrea bal wtibont eat g.v resqll.
Abal a year r be begaa n ot Cl
Irle Itiiler and found rtil at otr.
C.trtrt llillers ta eoplaliv a t"H1 ki
Vof . . .
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
The Patterson Publishing Co.
Wants l - I'lala or faaey ealt f III
s"i t i IH h nn nr lako wirg at bms.
Nr ..Met; Uavjtft-ja,
InfrslMj with IrwBTt fsli, fongl, bliabt
or eiher dieeaera trjillm In (rati n
id frnit Ires, or nlbsf I free of flaat,
'llbey I'.sUNfli'itif.fH ao rtanB
Iwuie In IsBitre eiaeia'
The esme
trial will mho ont stalotoent I'rtca
enlr Oe. fr larfe but 1 1. At droj inew
of T. VY. ljr.Jt.
Tbe ritorn Puri. Co. be srJ
lh tgmftry i.f the C'eseeal twi'jel fi
. arrow aad Ureal "is lies, at-d will
ll.i...u..ll.ll.. - .t Bk. I.M..
ih rsj Pi'vtirij i wv u. ,i'.ivr, .... . , a .
' r . ... H.wt!y bs snm Bix-ttio f ! al
a In i a primarily and pnoelfally In hw fst9t9, jatriot CWa
fn'JI-Jlf V:IV 4 P.tMl, Jit!be'-ff Hfrrj tt,
Youro BOTJXD to Tnko 9Knu
Lenves No Constipntion,-
Car II. as .: ss a'l II llir.isr,e. a(r lt.,,1,,,,,. y.jifc ,
p. r. ttat i'i 'a It ar.rl.t. rHll tya i r.,g..f. , t fc '
rwpi rie., 3", jef br-i, I J'LMS WnirL CO.