TIME TABLE. Btage lor Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, IJohH Da; and Canyon City, leaves aa follows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. A rrivea every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the Interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phill Cohn, Agent. You can get the best beer 4 in Heppner at G. rowe's,5 cents per glass, B. Ted- If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc., call at Ted's City Hotel Bar! Here and There. Millions ride tbe Kambler. Ike Ennis has bicyoles to rent. A oool resort. Boyd & McDowell's. Wm. Brown came in from Condon Friday last. Ay era guarantees bis poison. Only $2.50 per dozen. tf. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, Vv alia Walla. Wash. A. P. Bradbury, the oracker man, Sundayed in Heppner. Cbas. E. Fell made proof on bis bomp stead today before Clerk Morrow. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. 8, 0. Smitb, salesman, Ueopner. Born To tbe wife of Jake Pearson, on the 14 tb insl., on Batter creek, a boy. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is tbe stuff to do it with. tf Try Ayers' baying any dozen. eqairrel poison before otner. Unly $2oU per tf, In tbe spring, tbe ho man body needs BgHiRlauoe to throw off tbe stagnation produoed by winter diet. As tbe temperature rises under the growing heat tbe sun's rays we feel tired, half eiok and low in spirits, because the blood is sluggish and full of imparities. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengtbing Cordial aiid Blood Purifier is a reliable spring remedy to invigorate tbe body and give toue to tbe digestion. Prioe $1 per bottle. Sunday last Sullivan k Co., repre sented by Mr. Mahoney, manager, out fitted for their long Bheep drive to Wyo ming. Albert Bea, Ed. Driskell and Nick Willinghame will go along with tbe outfit. They all pulled out yesterday morning, and will soon have tbe 7,000 slowly moving towards their destination. Frank Bbepardson. an engineer on tbe Southern Paoifio Ry., who resides at Los Angeles, Gal., was troubled with rheumatism for a long time. He was treated by several physicians, also visited tbe Hot Springs, but received no permanent relief until housed Chamber lain's Pain Balm. He says it is tbe best medicine in tbe world for rheumatism. For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co Sheriff Geo. Harrington got back Saturday from Salem. Marshal John s'. o, tbe unfortunate young man whom he acoompanied to tbe asylum, went down without trouble, though be is badly demented. Justice Freeland, who went along with Mr. Harrington, will Yisit relatives at Halsey before his re turn. Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably adapted to make "a little health go a long way." Its curative power is largely attributable to its stimulant, tonic and nutritive properties, by which tbe energy of tbe system is reoruited. It is pleasant to the taste.easily borne on tbe stomach and harmless under pro longed use. Prioe $1.00 per bottle. Died In Heppner, 8aturday, June 15 1895, tbe infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Tilden, aged about 6 months, Nellie Forwood is up from The Dalles . ... , , .. . . ... u 1- 1 una vuns Ailuci visiung uer relatives iu iu iimguuor- Th(J ohnd hftd ben jn or gome tjme Bnd its death was not unexpected. The in I Am Glad To tell what Hood's Sarsaparllla has dons lor me. I had the grip and its ill effects settled all over me. I had cramps In my legs and frequently I had to get up at night and walk to relax the mus cles. I also had stomach troub- les. I then took Sj Hood's Barsaoa- ISaOS rilla. One bottle and another has helped my stom ach trouble greatly. I have taken 8 bottles and use Hood's Pills which are the best I evei took." H. A. Melvin, Bisters, uregon. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In the public eye today. HwwI'e DM1 c ertotaT eaiytoUke, 1 luuu J a eaty la effect. 24c IN ILL WIND ! T is an ill wind that blows no good, and although the play ful pranks ot Old Boreas exposes this fond couple to temporary em barrassment, the situation greatly amuses the spectators. I Likewise the situation at 1 O IV 13 Joe WOOLERY PULL, LIXE Since it has become Generally known that CARRIES A. OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE Which he sells at Bed Bock Prices. Farmers of Eight lie, DavidsoD, Gooseberry, Douglas, Jordan Fork and lone sections can do no better than make their purchases of Joe. He carries a full line of Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, and in fact a complete stock of general merchandise. 1 aw. hood. For Sale A lot of household furni ture and an organ. Call at the M. parsonage. tf. Wanted Laundry work by Mrs. C. Nelson, old Mountain House. Mending neatly done. Osoar Minor was unfortunate in los ing a fine, thoroughbred Shorthorn bull last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Andrews and daugh ter, Mies Minnie, were in from Alpine yesterday and today. Lost A 38 cal. pistol. Finder will be rewarded by returning the same to Leslie Matlock, Heppner. 2t Towards tbe mountains last Friday and Saturday Digbts frost did considera ble damage to gardens. If you want to rent a bioycle or get re. pairs for same, call on Ike Ennis at bis bicycle livery, power bouse. Wm. Farrer got in from Dayyille Sst urkay with a big baod of oattle whiob were shipped at this point W. R. Mellick. of Cutbank, Montana, arrived last week to receive the big shipment of cattle Sunday When irrigation is at its height up tbe nreek, tbe mill flume goes dry, not leav log enough water tor sprinkling pur poses. Billy Robbins, formerly of Long Creek, is traveling with a phonograph and is entertaining Heppner people this week. Oilhousen Bros., will soon go to tbe inner country to be absent until tbe latter part of this month. Await tbeir return. ltf. The Parrisb oreek road matter should not be allowed to die. It should be completed in time tor next season's trade. Have yon read "Coin's Financial School" and bis other books? It not tod should see Don Carlos Boyd and get them. Clarence Noble fell off a borse, out at bis father's MrKiooev creek ranch, Sat urday last, breaking one bone of bis left arm near tbe wrist. Mr. Walker, the well-known storkbny er, was severely kicked in tbe bead few days ago down at Portland, and it is thought he oannot live. Tom Crow made bnndred mile ride Saturday niabt and Sunday to get tooth pulled, oomlng from the (Middle Fork of tbe John Ly. Miss Aooa Balsiger. school inpenn tendeot, will be abseot from her office for tbe neit two weeks vititing tbe schools in tbe mountain distriots. James Maloosy was badly Injured in the Monumental tunnel, near Susan ilia, last week, one leg beiog so badly broken as to neoessitate amputation T. W. Ayers. Jr., left on yaatsrday'a train for Portland, and will represent Heppner Lodge No. CJ, A. F. A A. M., at their graod lodge meeting I bis weei. New stock of working gloves io sheep. goat, boek and calf. Jail received and for sale br P. C. Thorn peon Compaov. Prides from 40 ceoU per pair upward. 2t For sale A One, Nhort Horn grade bull, foor years old. Prioe, Or ill trade for other rattle. Add Harrison Cbapio, UarJman, Or. 2-lm. Hhilob's Care, lb great Conirh and Croup Cure, Is Id great demand. Pocket iks contains la-only Ave doees only 1. Children love it. Hold by T. W. Ayers Jr. A. M Crsa starlet bis drive of 5,f0 sheep Wvoojlnteid yoalorday. lis will pick op a lew bnnebee along tbe road, Disking la ail a bunch of 7,fKJ head. Old Hall's mensKerle Is mlonee black bear cub, It having climbed onl of tbe enclosure and made its -apaona day leatwttk. No doubt tbe filler would be liberally regarded. Coutaia Hweeeef. V. 8. A . RaO DiKO. Cal. eaya : "Hbiloh's Cata'rb ltned la the firat modioin I bave r fnnnJ the! would do me any giwo." I rn-e &. T. W. Ayers. Jr. Twenty nine carloads ol eatiU were sb'ppl out of lUp(ut Monday, 4stie atiuo Montana Tbeewi wre nade up of il Oilltam nod (Irani manly cattle, terment ooourred Sunday in the Hepp ner cemetery. Tbe sympathy of all is extended to tbe bereaved. Tbe Oazette in its last issue forgot to say that theyoang peopleof theEpwortb League cleared about $20, as the result of the entertainment given by tbem. The play was most successfully repeated on Tuesday evening ot last week, in many respeots more suooesBfully than the first night. Ike Ennis has a stock of bicycle repairs and will fix your wheel up at reasonable rates. It is his intention to make a specialty in this line, and as tbe number of wheels is rapidly increasing, this will certainly be pleasing news to those who are so fortunate as to own a bike. tf. Qeo. Ely is up from Douglas with bis cousin, m. JS. JMy wbo, wbiie onmbing out of a well yesterday down at Mr. C. J. Wilson's, near Douglas, fell some ten feet, cuttiug bis bead badly. Dr. Mo- Swords took a few stitches in the wound and he will doubtless get well soon. The readers of tbe Gazette will see that Heppner merchants are out for business. Tbey ought to be patronized by our home people, to tbe exolusion ot those who pay no taxes and do nothing towards helping build up tbe com munity. Rev. J. M. Denison returned Friday last from tbe Hood River conference He will take a plaoe in the valley confer ence for tbe coming year, ms many friends regret that Heppner must lose tbe presence of himself and charming family. Harry Bsgley, wbo is completing John Unroors Claris canyon school, will complete his labors next Saturday, at tbe olose ot which be will visit fur a short season with bis relatives and friends at Hillsboro. On July 2, 8 and 4 the O. R. & N. will sell tickets to any point within 800 miles one fare for round trip. Tickets expire at midnight of tbe tith prox Tbia is a splendid opportunity to travel on bini nets or pleasure. tf. Boone Mnlkey arrived bere from Ihe John Day country about a week so, aod ha ben oonQned to bis room, down at the Central bnuse, with dropny ever since. Yesterday be left lor rortiaua for treatment. B. F. Swaggart is prepared to furnish bis "Sore Hbot" squirrel poison in wholesale lots. He baa already received a large order from Washington and Idaho. Every where it bas beoo used, it bas not failed to exterminate the little pests. tf. President Conser. of tbe Heppner board of trade, wishes the members aod all interested to meet tomorrow evening at the oouncil chambers to settle up lbs Parish creok road matter, aod to coo aider new business. All coma out Tbe Dalles Taper: Mr. and Mrs. W A. Jobnston. wbo bave been residing at Heppner for tbe laat few years, removed to Tbe Dalle dnring tbe week, where Mr. Johnston will eon age in business. Hon. J. B. Huntington pa., through lleppoer last week oo bis way to eltn. He will return in a few day. a ooro pa nt. I by bis daughter, who bas been at tending school down there. A. Heard aod Mr. Pareoo. aeeompa- Died by Myron Harnard and others, cams la Friday with a big lot of cattle for sbipmeot to Montana. Tbey nors in splendid eooditma. Tbe ). A. lb will bats a graod ramp. Ore and reunion at Lei tog ton on tbe 3rd and 4tb of J 11. I I sm n I . Ii- vi led to attend. Coma prepared to camp on f round. If. John Hays earns in from II In Rock sheep raneb last week. He baa on en plated bis shearing and baa 1,1s band in tbe mountain for the summer. Ice o ream. Boyd & McDowell. Mr. Jas. Talbert is ill out on Six Dollar. J. O. Williams is over from the John Day oountry. Qreen Mathews' infant boy is not e peoted to live. Yaoe Hinton leaves today for tbe John Day with freight. The buyer ought to look over Ben Hunsaker's new ad. Frank Hale oame over from the John Day one day last week. Johnny Ayers sold his wool yesterday tor 1 cents per pound. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Coon Boon, of Lexington, is ill. Ioe cream and cake 15o at Boyd & McDowell's ice oream parlors. Delioious temperance drinks, ice cold, for tbe thirsty at Boyd & McDowell's. P. Cohn returned on Wednesday of last week from a brief sojourn below. W. J. Brownlee and Loften Bros, ar rived from Fox with Joe Edob' wool clip Sunday. Mr. Crank, brother ot Wm. Crank, of Bitter, accompanied by his family are in Heppner. Geo. F. Roberts, representing Zan Bros., was among our business men Friday last. IOISTE, OEEGON. - The- Kcclcy Instituto -OF- For the Cure Ox Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It is located at Salem, Oregon, The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast Gall at the Gazetts office for particulars, Strictly confidential. Treatment private and sure cure. arms 3vlajv HAS STRUCK BOTTOM That is what our competitors bave to say of Minor & Co. That there is nothing left to out on that tbey have reaohed the bottom,, on everything. copvhiohtcd mE CLAIM to carry the largest and best selected stock to be found in this city. No Cheap-John goods kept in stock, you can find them elsewhere. We boast on the quantity and quality we handle, but as to our own honesty we have nothing to say ; we are like the rest of the human race, born to cheat, misrepresentation and fraud. MINOM & OO. It Leads Them All. The "Cyclone" Thresher. If you buy a new Thresher, Engine, HORSE POWER OR SAW MILL You of course want the best. Write for Catalogue and Prices. leas sis a f m aaS Cbas. J. Johnson left Monday morn- hR MaSSI Oil tuPIM CL InrEStlBrUQ. bound for Wyoming. Erby L. Kirk bas been operated on for appendicitis, down at Portland, and is doing exceedingly well. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McElligott have a new boy out at their home, born on tbe 8tb Inst. Weight 11 pounds. Tbe Heppner so h onl distnot deolared for bonds yesterday, 29 for, none against Tbe issue will be (or (G.UUO. Call on Boyd St McDowell for ice oream, oboioe coofeotionery, oigars and tobaocos. iruits in season. Tbe M. C. L. & T. Oo. think that they will tnrn out a thousand bales more ot wool before tbe season closes. Mrs. Price Florenoe went through tbe seoond operation down at Portland Hun day and is reported as doing well, J. D. Uickey will leave this week for the Austin station country where bis sheep are ranging for tbe summer. Nick Willinghame wss unfortunate In getting bie buggy broken on the road down to tbe Monday sobool convention last Friday. Dave llerren bas twoty-flve varieties of tlower in one little boi. ibis be bought in tortiand recently aod Is a veritable happy family. Green Mathews for shaving, hair cutting, bimp(Miing and all other work in that lion, llaths at any tune during bumness boars, When thirsty.or when yon wish a pleas sol oigar, choioa confectionery or a de- licion diah of lee cream and oaks for 15o, drop into Boyd A MoDowell's. 1U porta bave it that Chas. Penoe bas moved to pant 11 re freaher and greener. Peno did not make any demonstrations to bis creditors on the eve of his departure. Pell Himison came in laat week from tbe Jobn Day, and found tbe mountain dryer this eaou than for msoy years past, particularly at Ibis time of the year. Karl a Clover IVwt will purify your Blioi'l. titer y.tar 0mplntos, regulate your bowel and make your bead clear a a bell. XV, W)c., and II. bold by T. W. Avers Jr Ileory Heppner save that up to Thursday let 1.177 l.al' S of wool bad been shipped Iron) bis Heppner "are- houe tiiw eafn on areouni of frank hm. Frank is evidently doing boat- oeaa. PORTLAND, OREQON. LOCAL MARKET REPOllT. Wheat, bu 3640 Flour.bbl 2 40 Beeves, cows ot two-year-olds, owt 2 25 " three " " a 50 Sheep, muttons, bead....l 50 1 75 " stock 1 DO Q 1 ou Flogs, ou foot, cwt 3 00 Hogs, dressed 4 IKl Wool 5 8 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 2540 Eggs, doz , 8 Chickens, doz 2 0003 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per owt 40 OAMFORN1A MARKET. Wheat, cwt 87! 97 Flour.bbl 2 60 to 8 60 Beeves, stall fed 4 60 (4 B 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 (tf8 00 Hogs, owt 4 60 5 25 Here are THREE POINTS Which we wish you to Remember : First: We Keep HARDWARE Second: We offer it CHEAP Third: We sell FOR CASH We are enabled to give more for a dollar than the usual "Dollar's worth." -w r V A 1ST OlLLlAlVl I & BISBEE Main Street, Heppner, Or jfSli awl IlfBt Re-Opened! 1U Has been re-opened by Mrs. J. B. Sperry who will conduct It In a etrlntly flrat-claR manner, with the view ol pleasing the trade In ifeueral. a -.E l. . People from Country Districts will be made to feci at home. Sunday Dinners a Specialty ! Poplar Prices ! Free 'Bus for Customers to and from all trains. MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee. Attorneys fit Icvvv, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. Wool Eastern Oregon. Butter, tt Fggs, doz Potatoes new, per ot.. old. " .. fliiokeDS, doz Turkeys, Si 7 ( A0t4 13 15 K6 75 8 00 it 600 11 (Hi 15 PORTLAND MARSIT. Wheat, bo $ 62 (a 53 Flour, bhl 1H0285 Beeves, cwt. " drewed Muttons, live sheared... dreseed. D Hogs, on foot dreseed, B Wool Eastern Oregon.. Butter F:gga, dos .h likens, dnz Turkeys, Tbdrveeed , rilml Ml'! M klag I'iIm. hymplotns MoMtare; loltnat itehing sud slinging; uol at night; aorae by arraUMrig. If allui to eoblinue tonior foros. blch ofloa tll and ulrerat. brromlng Vry Kir, Hwstm S OnrrMKr stnp lb Itrlung and bld in if, Lal ulertia, and la mpt ea remove lb tom'if. At draggi!, nr by mail. fr 60 et la. Ir. Ml Hod, riiilallphla. Rerkla's aniira Sl The bet salva In tbe world for pals, TtrnlM, Mure, L'li-r, hall llhrum. Kr Hrh I rlirt. t'bitd llauil,: 1,'bilblaiu. Ot.rti. ao l all alio eruption and pMiiily cur IMm, or ao pay rl'iirI. II ta ganll In pMt aaliafwIloQ nr wionvV r'nil l. ril'rm 'Xi PtI (r b"'I. V Sal by T. w. Ayr. it. mar, il yr M l, A ly irar. il r t., brasded ah b ky. I'M a ynuiig ll Wa at iwg bii lli'iiir atid Ilariltnaa Kn d'-llar frt will paid fur br ftoroto K.JKstST, 41 if. Ilrpptior, Orgon 2 25 (t, 8 60 6 00 (t fi AO 2 ' t 2 75 04 it 04 3 60 (rC 8 75 04 W or. h w lo e it 8 00 8 75 12 I Tat. All owners of dogs should vail on Ilia recorder aad settle tbeir tsiea for the fiscal year, and also provide their dogs with collars, each bearing tba Dumber of tax receipt. Tin dogs on whub tales are not paid will go tba osual note. A. A. RmuaTN, 2 4 Marshal. $1800.00 OIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. it v soever month aiven awav to any one who an. pliei through in (or tlx moat memonout patent during the month picedinr. Hi aerur me onipitenuiorimrcuriu and the oliject of thit offer u to ancouraije invenMra lo keen track of their bright Meat. At Ihe tain WM w with to imprest upon the public the tact that IT'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, twh at the "car-window" which can be eauly tli1 up and dow wuhoul bfeakinf the paueneeta back, "tauoa pan,' collar-button," "nut-lock, "bottle. atooDet. and a thouaand other Kttle thinn that sunt any one can nnd a way ol improving ; anaineactunpia invention! are the one that brine, largnt returut to th 1 ry to think of aomcthuig tu invent IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patent! taken out thraueh tit receive inerial notice ia the" N.uotial Kecotder.' tmblithed at Wathiniion, U. C, which a the oeat newtpatMnr publitlied in Amenca aa Ihe inleretta of inventor. We fumith a yeai't aub - i..n- f.AA vtf an all A... rli.nl. we aiM adveni.liee ol cow. ine uivennun iwn anomn which wint our $150 pnie, an4 humlrcilt of thousands of copies of the "National Recorder," conianunf a ketch of the winner, and a detriiptioa of hi! inventus), snll be scatteted thrnuihout the Uuiied Stales amone capualisu and snsnufacturers, thus Uuitui( lo luaar (Uenuoa the merit! 01 the invention. co-iotinttfiriTtrcz y JOHN WCDDrRBL'RN & CO., totkltor 4 Amertcen and ore! (a CaUnta, 618 11 Street. N.W.. Box Washington, D. C. laf Mthmrt Klitrr rfli.il WttuJtrrmT HEPPNER, OREGON l-ar-V aZ rVWJL Vv9 Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES ALWAYS ON HAND. On 1 1:: Scale ! W. L. Douclas S3 SHOE t.lrtT or LKItKIW. I Ktir.M ADVUBl InKD AT IIKI PNICR, mj in.. J uii u, ifc l.irrt W f ra Mary lloliletman !! lt li.ll Jsn.re Wh.n ralllti lot thrmm rttr t.l-ea say e.lierllee.1. , r.iu.li,l'.. stmc arsr. rir rots a kino. 3. CORDOVAN. rstMcttaiMAMiuso cAtr. 4,3MflCALflKANCAR0a 3. V POLICE. 3 SOLCS. .ylZ.WORKINCKrt, BUSINESS conJucte.1 on a liig Hcalo fur cnnli reilucfB Ihe IirojKirtiou of exponno ftnd iucrpas es the eurn of rccnijita. It eimbles one to buy clicap and hoII cheap. Tlmt accountri for t ho manner ia - jsy-y T -j WLlCIl IV. tJ. ill COllUUClrl UIN IIO OttVHTT. s -M- THE BEST GOODS For Tho Lowest Possible Prices. If? lira Anvt'tru... Km . - 1 .. ini..wiwAiia I . Jr LADica Wood Wanted. voTirr. it MitsrhY i.ivr.s that t it it it a h.a InH ill Utflr Nil I. Iletitmer, . Will tle l.l. la luf the delivery nf Bit y I'tij Mints uf w1 at tho SiI.ikiI if snlae at I ll.i. tiuer. same lo m 01 no uh July in, , m.mA to m Arii no of liifs t, I. !' The ur4 reswtto Ui right to rvri any or ail hl.la. y Oai-i or tms sWssb. All.,1 J J Moaaats. ! Ul-I. Iletdi.sr.ur J iikIi, M4S. W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Ad our shoes arc equally Mtlsfactory Lately inovinl from LfxinKtnn and at prfHont located ia tho llerrea huiltltni;, May atreot. HKITNWt. OUF.OUN he sawl sMSIasa an Is) stylo and Ikelr stennf Mil are onswr sss. Hilly r.arroU rttadayM la lUtpnr. lit bp ar ftosr ap ta Its BS'iaoiaia uii sunxitor l.rntlght la !' laat k. Tb lai nn slip is about all in, but ' if.nsii1el. amil I IKStx ta f'nm ! Ih sti'he ly Jhn Artihftav aodntbots j Vuliiey Mctlalsr rry l ysotsMa ram In witb Mr. AotbrM's oi'P yew tor- ' rri'irtnt frfto Uamiltoa sad Uft oa II. day, BtiJ rtlir aro oa lbs rl. Ta rllrt - U lb Orotic City t'badian'ia IS' t-otwr rifls auil 1 1-4 a O, It. S. Iia C r f' tr,,"s l''rl4. 23 tala tt roaa l trip; Orr' City. 5 atls. Orln l IatWroe am4 tmm Tor la t lt vif. Bslnt'-I ty tits if.. ar soe.twts. Jr . bmn at n-l at l etr. oa tb-ir return tnm aa ti nll tint M rli- la la-ttssa. f io.il J.tirtil: I. M. lf t rml f"nt Af tus'-.a r lh'-Uf t- IU'I 4 rMef. Sfi't 4. ft Os-iM Ut Arif itft tBatii si ep t IUpass Issle,! .f (I ' . l. a b b.l UmrmA lhr a a LniaflTMIM o4 lb roaW is) tbs i siauoa. aflrtioa tro o. a Unas rwtas, rra sjbn ' lgo In) allarli c.f bl I km rvilwi will bs pie J lo know ll,t (rocspi rl f ay r tl ty ib.s t'batailssf laia f.ilM. I'tKiUr al liarrt Httl;. If ar qirkly a4 taa iai b ito$tl4 p- a. laraan) rao I ho allarl nay b peetetle.l l,f i .ms tl.t rmty as orwiaj h (Ji.l ie).i.ii., .f r it :, i , 3:, 4 fl r.l b.til f..r by hi.qro Jui.t s-ia Iffn' t'.i. IrKarUot !r"st.il Vm, wl l fay k f t . Mruvy, biiew t4 Ts Wari.-I wai-l ti bay 'kmI, (satKi Isam bf about I."") i-osd bre. Also a ' ooa l boJ K'lii aa I barrw ai l a et,tl s. pnay. list ) f1, yat bnrt. I.nro bttil t"t !; ati flu pniltry an J for baUhirjtf. Tuk first rU oa my call! u fual at Hi' fa f ImI yoar. Call at lbs J. Q Wi!.a l-r aUiM lln tef. N. C. ' Not kf oStoc hhotdert' Mett Ing. X'fiTKK l liritrsr .IVrf THAT A i m.tln uf tl.e ,. a holder Iho !''' Ilirfei i nmisnr will Urn ..nl In U.s 4irlns nf Milt.i.t.l in l..iif Mt.. n. no xsluflsr. t.e let i4 Ium, loruS p as . f sl4 4sf II. e ..i.e i.f t',i.tl'i m.fta'il li-l tie la iik.wi linn !" t'ie rntli a af lans ma fetnae-'S. J N tfi.aa-.w u.f evrarr l w- Notkt of Final Stttlemtnt. N" 37-&I. Nov la IU ! to t tba W.lf O'efiBtan, tba 'foot appef of if, Wei. U Mb ib(.ais.t-ti . ly la a1r.r,f'.f a f, t. bftf r tr-1,1 a if aoe-t-e a I ma-e) ia it ststei, teoi.s ai l ! a a lrwintsi aa al 'iHitisJ j-irdil.tlo Wb llsoiof, a atr'trnlttfal pt-t. rrt a t iirsrsy .tvr that twe ii.H. -I the syl"li'ist'sine ins eststenl li.de M'i'rsii nr. nas i, hs ru1'l Sii'l eeite-t lif sett ewient Siii f i tils a'! ist, ss i.t, ailrile'rtii. WMH lli ! rmli e.i'i.1 nl ihe en.mie nl H-.tfiO. ss nf soil I' ! stn4sr 'iff I 'r ! uw.iii.il e SI1 4ar hfi I f ii s, I r aslif ! In HHI n I tune! so as. I owal 4 sett.sfc.siil , M. sffiiA Aitiamutifsbif. ks five the seel sjsia in I he money. I fit, rpoi I he peicvo oro oifrtwi.oawirie4 on aol. Prwsa Si lo f I ssved over Mher istekee. I ti jvw iewi bsunv. myy j yvu wwvn. rwi irj PoaUr bos nam will slmrllv sp tioar bora. Aifeut waiill. Ally at cinrr Notico of Intention. t ash firri it at i i.HAsnr., ni'.K.'is I i Mas n ln Nutli e Is l.i ti t v tl.e fi.liiiwln ltsllii-1 ulll.f li.l fi.el f.ntlieiil hi. Int. nil"'! I" "' ru sl .ti. In a n .M nf tliialia an I tt.st sal'l t i- l will U li.sli U luteJ M sl.ifii.w -.'.'it V ( lets, at II' net. tire utl, fill J'ltie m, v.i. ( Jiilll ,l11Al,l, in i 'iS'i inr u.s rs r . ti-. "r. r . aa i Ti t . k t. f He t.en.e lt,e ".h.m. wtirtiiveie in ..i.e Me e.ii.ilii-i.,'ta feel-lain 111111 asri'l cut Itatinii lf Sei'l !S.. vt. I i; Ism '. T A V 'lfe, J.n.io H'nOtl I H Nsiter, nf ll'. n", lire a r. ii .. si.ter. IS(( TSt CSlllte 1 M' LOAN CD. "fr ... I ri'l'if Hee'- .1 I fae-oson oeeoU saU sal ow Ikoaa. a Cwaa U a aasl tkUorlbss ONtf .... i . i St. ,.'. .. f..'.'. l.iS I r ee-i uh ..i e.i.e at s nu nt i...el H'4 l.i .i. i sS'-rM, .'r-es e. i e. U Si Ml .Al.mt 9 M ban to A H'vs e'e-i f I klM aO'irs SsMf Ut, Hot let of Intention. AMiorrti f. at tiir tti t r. nartfti, Sle It. Ik 1'itl e le (,.. v Jei, thsl tl.e fi...nh. r.mM et;r t.se f e. ii.illieil lite i.tn'iiii In it.ees S'sl f In e'-i-iirt ' Kts els . Sti4 t st ssM i"". i;i I nis.te li'.ea $ sln.rnw in riei. at M-l'l"-'. tr'ia. in r I" wll I lX U "IT. ,, II W , ii, i . ', ' - '5mL I was. ' TaiKingTHiougti Bis Hal! Tli man ht talk thrmtuh bi bat ia vi rwtii-r In .i.eiir-ery ilijwlto abl .i'iir it ia, tim, Id tnnl . lb man ( luti llient cr bis craii utQ a lib tiiie of '- T. It. JIOWAHirS flno ara bat, ahi' b la in H!f a ia of )riority atJ Imis. IU also bay bis gr.irf(, gotil' loi Dialiiliaf, sIih kmu' M, el, at T. R. HOWARD'S. Mr. Miiar1 makr a sniali In tlia tbings rf)tiirol by slfop aud cHluio. HemmUr lb plpMso. HIPPNIR BLOCK, Main St., f.itir it.mr a. nih i( I'.oi: ly b'lt 114 ' If i n i i , .. i, nt i4 i, - -e-ett. f.-'l .e tl.e t f ft-. i.-.l S i t,. t . . i. r .' 'S. V I s.ef . Oil t It' i. at ... Fur svs s. j LEGAL BLANKS. Plenty of them at tho Gazette Office