An Open Secret! they please without believing that they are crazy or a set of fools A PICTURE OF HEALTH TODAY. the Gazette has opinions of its own and will express them, and back them, too, if need ba It is an open secret that- i. I When yonr heart pains yon and un usual pal pita tioD is frequeDt, acoom- Mrs. Moore Was SinkingPaine's Celery Com pound Made Her Well. p&Died sometimes with sbotnees of breath and low spirits yon are tsuffenng from a disordered state ot he liver. Sells high grade goods at lower prices tbau any of his competi tors. That's because be knows how, when, what and where to buy and is satisfied with small digestion is imperfeot aDd there is wind on the etomnoh. If allowed to remain the trouble will ultimately reach the kidneys aDd becomes dangerous to life. BtepB should be taken to stay its pro profits. gress on tbe appearance ol the first symptoms. Dr. J. H. MoLean's Liver and Kidney Balm is especially adapted Ben carries a full line of Groceries, Canned Goods, Candies, Cigars, Tobao cos, Eta. v for disorders ot this kind. Price $1 per bottle. M 7 A J AH SUHSAEeB !5 VT Search Liif ht for newi OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON. . . . Editor Business Manager Tbe Gazette is thankful to State Printer Lfleds for a copy of the session laws of 1895. Judge M. D. Clifford, of Can von City, has been elected grand master of the A. F. & A. M., of Oregon. The Gazette is under obligations to tbe Chautauqua people for com plimentary tickets to their gather- in at Oregon Citv. July ID to IS r o ' - 1895. Senatob Carter says: "It is needless to inquire whether the republican party is going to take Tinting of the silver Question. That question is becoming as wide as commerce and absolutely irrepres sible." If the free coiners don't watch out, the good times will overwhelm them before th next election. Sulem Statesman. In that case we will all admit that the Wilson bill has done it and all vote for Cleve land agaiu. School Teachers Chosen. At the called meeting of the school board laBt Saturday, the directors of sobool district No. 1, Heppner, selected the following teachers for the ensuing year: F. M. Overacre, of Illinois, prinoipal; Misses May Bailey, Addie Jones and Addie Oonlee, same positions as held last year; Miss Molntosh, of Pendleton, primary. The principal will reoeive $100 per month and tbe assistants $50 each, term six months. The board authorized tbe sobool clerk, Mr. J. J. Roberts, to adver tise for bids to tarnish 60 oords of wood for tbe coming year, bids to be opened on July 10th, and wood to be delivered on or before Oct. 1, 1895. Tbe janitor's wages were rednoed at this meeting from $25 to $20 per month. Everywhere We Go We find some one who has been oared by Hood's Siirsaparilla, and people on all hands are praising this great medicine for what it has done for them and their friends. Taken in time Hood's Sarsapa- rilla prevents serioas illness by keeping the blood pure and all tbe organs in a healthy condition. It is tbe great blood purifier. Hood's Pills become tbe favorite ca thartic with every one who tries them. 25c per box. Telbphonb Connections. Heppner people should wake up and take some interest in tbe 6'ihi h of the tele phone line into Heppner. If it looks like a good investment, tbe "Long Dis tance" oompany will ooustruot tbe line iuto Heppner. In the event of the com pletion of the line into this plaoe, weoan then talk to all points In Grant county just as easily as Pendleton. To our merobauts it is a business proposition, and as we have allowed Pendleton to I best as in enterprise we should Dot be I slow to grasp this last ohanoe to bold oar own. Will our board ot trade call a TO CONSUMPTIVES. The silver convention at Mem phis adopted ringing resolutions. An effort to bring all bimetallists mfieng t BKitate the building of this into the silver party failed, as the line? It should be done. majority were in favor of making the fight for silver within the liui-s of present party organizations. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, alter sailer ci c, i ,.fT a.,,1 thai rlrAAil iltaauan linn ., in i.: i 1 . UiOgomougHuu luuu liwu uuug- lim)ti(m( , mmon8 to make known to hill, and therefore would atlvmo hj8 few sufferers tbe means of care the inotubers of the respective To those who di'sire it. be will chperftil parties to stay where they are Bud 'y ''"'. fr,ie "f charge, a copy of the pre P , , .. . rii i ....... anription used, which they will find i Hgni it oui. iu i.-y jm. ,m, ij, nurd out for Consumption, Asthma, Ch. now is to surrender to the gold tarrh, Hronchitia and all throat and lung biii ami give them the solid ranks vm&$$f&tfv i&m?:-::-- 0MmWm Gnat Mitai for 30 Days On Crockery, Glassware, Wood and Willow Ware, Writing Tablets, Notions, Etc. A full line of Fire Crackers and Fourth of July Goods. Old Blackman Stand (BuccesBor to Jerry Cohn.) B. A. HUNSAKER, Prop. Yon Should Pppjp For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CITY HOTEL Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Mrs. '.Tom Bradley, Prop. Bill's Pills MAY NOT BE ON SALE ATmi SLOCMIINSTON DRUG CO.'S STORE Bat there are hundreds of reliable brands of pure drugs, and the trumpet never proclttimed more weloome news to the public. Pure drugs mean that no bad results follow treatment by physician. Siocum-JQUnsion Drug Co PHILTv COHJV. Prop. BgniuHta rabble. The Oregon inn hhvb that Idaho ouulit to lie teduced to territorial condition and riiieii witti a noon Tbe people have given their verdict! Every state, county and moat humble maladies. He hope all sufferer will I villnire has bad a voioe in it. nse. hm remedy as it is invaluable. Those TllB.A i. .nn.nimof teatimonv from lt-irliig Hih prmwriptinn, wlnoh will ost t i: i. i lh,.m imlhing, Hixl may .r..v a bluing, D1"1 " ",e " will pl.' MddrKm, EUWAHl) A. rjr compouna is making rick, urea ow, WIl.sON, Brooklyn, N. Y. jnnll-w. I nervous men and wumon well and strong agaio. HrnoAT School Convuntion.-TIio There have lMMn pntilisUed by ttion- of cavalry. The principal reason Sunday school convention, held at IYt- sands in every utate in the country tentu ..I !... Mr..,,,,, i..,. i- Iir,l m. lyi'g'ove, liiHt Friday, tlmngh a moet monials from in every station of W "'v. ,L"reeH.,led,y owing f, the wind and Hf. in those sUte. Mlingof the many, Idaho is that it is a silver state all Bre fr free coinage over there, is a common tiling for Oregon's Lhowx a wnnderful awakening in Hnn lii newspaper to ahuso Idaho am Nevada. Mw some people want to rule the earth! Huch should be given a country and a crown, THE infallible Arlington Ilecord, "a paper" of Kantern Oregon that defeiiils OregoniHiiism, complains u. . Hrv ,,-,. .r,,l Ti.. many oaaes where this grcatesi or all It urnii rum tilt mrriMil nut In i1ilui1 ftml remedies has made people well. The Gazette has pullincl tue nnso- day H.'hcH.l iiuillers iu Morrow oountv. ''cited testimony of well known ana lliedeaib ot IWdent Kly oeonrre,! bighly OTtenied people in Morrow inn Hi mt in j b.t ur. Mr pi I ooaotf who have found lioaitu ami was one of the foremost Hunday M-hool trength in tbe remedy that was Ural orders in Morrow county, and he la preonll by I'n.r. Ivlwar-i ll.eips, m. sadly mied. The attenlanc Friday V , I ' I'artroouin oouege. Mod and womeo ot national regula tion have written thaokful lettersoo tbe AHIUTIONAL LOCAL. .1 . . i. . 1 1 ....... .. ;.. ; .. ing Dial llie pnxiuctiou 01 go, in irloa iwi)d, agenL some subject, which bavs beo paiiliabvi tbe world over, ami have railed forth uoankml for renpnoive letters from equally prominent men and women in other lands. Below is a letter that onmmends itself to every woman in Morrow county. It was voluntarily written to Wells, Rich ardson & Co. by a lady whose portrait, given above. Is BHSurnooe of her bigb character ami honest disposition. Pbe is a picture of womanly health. Rhe Is Mrs. Robert M. Moore, of Laporte, Ind., ami she writes: "ricase aooept my beartf'.lt thanks for the great good I'aine's celery com pound has done me. I do think that there cannot be ton mncb said in its favor. I was completely run dowo t year ago, and bad the advice and at tendance of two of tbe beet physicians io tbe town, who prooouooed my sickness nervous prostration. I was treated by on for two weeks, and then went to an other and fimt be seemed to help mt, but after a while instead ot getting bet ter I went from bad to worse. "At the earnest sol imitation of twoot my children and a dear friend, who was very much interested in my oase, I oom nienced lo take Paine's celery compound aud look seven bottles, and am thankful to say that I am a well woman today. Considering tbe low state of health in which I was, my cure baa been pro nounced wonderful. Yon can nse this communication as you see fit" For recovery frr.m tbe effects of too conittant indoor work, worry, overexer tion of body or mind, and for the gen eral depressed state of health that iao apt to result from sedentary life of bard work and routine, Paine'i oelery compound is the one strictly accurate relief. It refreshes and restores worn out tissnes, disposes tbe body to take on Dew flesh, and rapidly clears tbe system of tbe used-op elements that clog Its healthy working. l)rodging indoor workers who seldom get long breath of fresh air and there are many such, both men and women recover vigor ot the nerves and vital or gans throngh f ie use ot Paine'i oolery oompound. 40 (filGYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted mperlor to any Bicycle built In the world, regardless ot price. Do not be induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on hsvlng the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond Is as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. csiogu, i INDIANA BICYCLE CO., HOMER n. HAIXOCK,, Imd., V. 8. A. Oen. Audit for Esitern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. PRICE ft I oti the decreane, and goes on to htate that the director of the mint nya that iu the ear 1891, fcl.fiOO, (MX) mote gold were mined than in lS'.KI. I he (lii'ftte ani l nothing about the )eai 'H, but had in luiml reliable eetiitixt.-M of the lined )eur tip to .1 tine 1, lH'.l.'t, which ahow a falling dT in gold production. In I"iO the HpuUtitu i'f the I'nited State wiia l.i'Jl.STtt nn.l thatyenr thia country mined fcoO.UMMXH) gold, while in 1VI with a Kipula tioii of over t"i,(kH),(HK) there wete only ;i'.l..riHl,(HH) w..tU of gold mined, taking 1 1, Arlitigtou lbvrd tnau'a tlgurea for it an being cr rtM't, aud we find on investigation that they are, J ear lV.i," will ehow up txpialljr a The Weekly Huo and the (Iscetle 1275 ler )esr, bulb stnolly In advauoe. ' Meadows Horivner, the bWksmilbs, liirnelnMr an I wixtd Imlohera, at the I, Ml, inn sUnd. Main street, Heppner. rail in the Im,s. T. It. Il.iasr.l inskes a speeislly in M'plvi'g sliMkineii llh all nee-lcl ti. .., Imi, carrying a geiiersl hue He hi new ad. If. Mathews ltr... ('My btet ta titer shop, lotisnMal arlils. lUlreiillina', stisvin. Iivmpmiieg, el.'., nn SOU lltltloll) lUltis al i'i oetil apieoe. (I. It. IUII, I lis liinriat ailit, phi lie f.innd al Ins psrlnts, Mli'k (virnn, here hrf will liaviie al p'-ptiUr pliers, Imves, sliaiiikiiM, haircuts, rlc. Hlsge leave f,r nt Mnda. ttnl an. I Krl'ls), rsliiriniitf t lues.l), llmr,ns and hliir,ls)S It. Ws le, Pr-.p. T. W.AversJr , agent Head "('.Hi's Financial Hi'IkiI." and llia.ii Uk nn lila iiltiar ln.lit.eKliftn Assillllillg that the I rii. y sr all ciunettig, lulerestihg. Km t ailos !( .t, agent. tun. Well ill the produdiou of gold a. , nvrnt..rl t.t., l,r, m .1... I l.-irt tl.e smiiv i.f n atn.ine In the year lS'.U, ct our MSipl theii I Viliiiik't..ii, I! , will end it Li hi lli l.n.i. la-lvanUg M Csll in or a l.ltsoa tin a- " ""J I Mf ilea world by the continuation of w. .. ' wall. ltiinit'n rune stage Ikelaeen the ningto atatnlnrd? Now that ll..i r and M-iniinteiit, arnug etery gold iwlliraatu-n it d.-uble wotk ' J?'1,1"!, :"" r. " I ,1-- rieri t oiui.lar. nthiflnl an. I el, ran M A money of ultimate redemption, et f.,uie . Hi iuirtr. I. i.,a. with the amount far ahott 'f that l'1- ..r..!,.,...! ii. W.t) HnWriLr. I. the We-k'r Hna. It. l-sper of Oreg m, t )rr. three) time H large, it ia ln Won-1 m. the il.i ti, U-i ti in i.Ii.hv, der that it Im Ihhmiiih tu.r iu d.w r '' A r--l ..n tnand and ha appreciated iu pur. nl- al ih tUs. n ..nire. cliMing faiwrr. TLU irewitiou T. W. Aef, Jr. Is wiskirg s'ilrrel UM Main that even on. what. .'1 e. f .f f I J M rd.tea. l-t a saiiipU an t try H. tl. ftm.) Kal, an rtee-l from I'lttllai' l. I 'iv l. a -.-.i',..ii In tls M Mstliew ,..tei.t slwp, rret,e ll sris Ilia ul,ilA In the tl i-f t;l. I'rrsb ! aaJ bvil "l.mnev lieln tut It rh (la;.etu woull further itiggeat that the) lb cord triticiaina would be just M weighty if Couched in Inorc rip'tful language. The PERSONAL POINTS. Till klngnf Siani In lib. Mate attire la worth more than I1.ikki.oihi. TikroM t l i r ami Mim Kinma Uo.lit..l. of Wal'iinh. Ind.. have Jt twn marrlrd afu-r an iiiiuterrw'teU courtship of thirty-one jram V. M. Amtiii u. rliU f of the limthrr hisid if -.iniiliv( r.nginrera, hii sailed fur the old .-iiunlry. He will alay six months, and imI his birth-pla.-e In Ntiltand. H U hi llrt vara ti.m In twi iity Ave y.-nr. Annul limit, of I a I'urie, Ind . has viir.l a .livon-o from his tenth wife, who. It trnnnires. as hts flnt bride. AfW-r U-ing ilivoretst ln-r the first time he married right time lrftr he was again rl,li-,l io tier. A so of Mr i;.-U-rt Hall, formerly the astronomer rm 1r Irrlan.l aiul now jirofessor of etr.momv In 'he I nl verslty of Cambridge, U working In the hot of the Imii r.le A Nalil',!e railroad at ImUvllle. A av Im hrnd rrl on the shottl drra .f I'm le Hi'l Saf. ty. s...'rl gardener, of Hirmtnghain, Ata. II X: "I WntUs (e hiie f..',U' grb tt In Mar. h, an' I .t.-ti't my n gar den till Apn!; an" U-n I sr'-l iW e same white f '.as III. ir tlr-t trk'.-lahl. " I'W. Ill'sii mss the oiiiv lii.-ln whu s the IV. larati -n of linle-rwlnlrn.-e. Il'-rn rarw ago a fund to rrevt tiMifiun.rtit t los m.-iw.-rv was started In aliitiMn. Ot.'r I " "-i has taen O'litrtl'Uifl of the f.'O.issl br.Ie.1. M aa Nitut l.T fal r.a gtven up Urr tiotis In l,ttict.,n. Her Marriage t n K vd IVnig'.aws. whl.'h. riol itlnlsti.Tug all (tenia'.. Is ermfl.lenUv rj.1e.t t. take pla-- Will ne..lish!v t vervjnlet. It I nnw thtmghl ttat It will I tralt at Ihe h'-me of h. r brother, t . riil. In Ne ml, WEAPONS INDIANS FEAR. Tfcaf 4(16,. 5 H $67.50 6 II $70.00 5 Ptr Cent Dis count fur SrOT CASH. Iloa't IIS to Vara Talaaeo,! aifbil aa4 Heavy llallata. "Indian aometline fa.-e liirht fire anus with great eonraife. tint they flsrht shy tf the attention of any weapon that M-tnls larife projectile." said Col. F. A. HSake, who has had wide experi ence on the western plain. "The null and arrram of the heavy tuilirt frlfht ens them, and they pref. r lo keep away from their rantfe. To that not unrva ai.nahle prejudice Udue Ihe fact that the tu(Tal. hunter of the early Tn. whit in following their tuine were cmtntly rr-d ti the attack of hontile Indian, were lioletel com paralirrly little by them. The U.ntf. Ii.-avy rale, with It irlreople silits and the ktiowledife of the deadly CT- tauity of the hulTahi hunter a aim. al tii't In arlsli'y rve. to male the red man kr'plils.litati-e.and set hlm tem porarily free from the ti.U.iuf .a!p tiuntinif. 'Hme tuf?ali huntrr the name of Murd.sU. that I knew, was riwpln; ii)m a herd .n the I'Iaih wdra he ple. a tnd of C.wnsi .-tn- l. . !..! imi e iii'au..v 1. 1. l toa fuii ti-u them ft a wartuiia that thry slioul.l not at'oe1' h t near I.e. ln hi warfi.iT. the i hi. la.mted with his hstid I' tlie iliatant herd, th.-n mriti..e. in the Indian lantniaife that the hunlrr sh.iaUl sli.a-l It. Mur-I.s k V,rr,i a the . hlef In .1, l..l and the hut!. f. '.I. The In dian e0 loud 'How' of approval, Wied their hand, turne.1 their potuca and swept on pat the hunter, leavtna' him Id puru h's sio-'ihrf of Iba tJ ffc.a r.nle'ed." Enclosed Gear ar.d Steel Miliar. P. C. IIEtTNEh, "An," said the nmiraiine readier, enn templatinir hi friend' new baby. "Hue child. I it a Napoleon or a TriU-yr inclimatl Tribune. IlK-'Why d.N. Mi Mlddleair persist in alnirltur "My weetheart'a the Manin the M.mnT" Mie "tecau he can't come d.ean and deny it." liar p r's taar. Mam "If Mr, Smith irivra yon a piece f cake lc sure to say 'thank yil.'" yrrKhlie-'-lVhat la that? She never fc'lvrs ym any more." Brook lyn 1.1 fe. CI.VHHI.V idininfc ot "WTiat'a r eti.e of the star boarder?" rVrthbler "Mi! That's me. The old star married the landlady and now eaU la the kiichrn." Jude. Jkmt-'I want my wife to he a w.imaii h think t. fore sh spraka." I'luuk. tt -' Why d.m't yn aay ynw are a cnUrmed Imk hel.r' lHrult Free Pre. "Wiut make Vm rail It. -.ton the IluhT" "1 gi It a oecaofte It attch jfnter t"T whes-l." rrplird the Vttl Ifarian who Ilrowtttnf U m ne --Ws.lnii.-.n Mar. t-unioti" i. ro.,,.t -"Ve. I hat ll'.rj. t'hiji waa croat diacmverer hadc,t,.i.. r9l !er Hei..- 1 d lo j0 Ida daV. 1 1 0 Would at tilts tltUe) fof theUt.4 .toaltheror at on. of the luiffeal di-COVer th finest UK-k of Khoe ,.,a..l(Tt..ln hou,.!,,!!.,,,,.. -l.., Tim. pTrf Heppner, at,d th cheapest a well W hat more does mortal man want ? TV IB I. 0tf,M HK.W Imlwl, M. I.ICIITF.NTIIAU Msi Sire, Nne. ent. Coatom Work ft Hially. THOMPSON CO., OREGON. DISCOVERED flT LEST! i' IV.', C'olonibuii wcro alive, to- day and called at lit Lichteu- that't he micht male a new disco v. ',.w h.. j,.n rew.ved that Wy" qoil M metuotable na that of The ntr nWtipon p'tea of It rWml e.kly lilte aed I ha regular pr tea ol the Uellv (trrffoan 111 Ml. Altera snt-.' tlir f r tie lllsi.Ma and rir ' . nlit r.ii UMh lt I !. sr I It t w m n'sU,,, f a rl I j t" ei f 'f I' All l I - tth.lrf f flern -r . se to Jump f,,,.n .f t tr .lcifle f. ft KHrtii.rf trt.n witla U e...l : .,,.- aJia.a v.Uk at.l,. U jVMtaU.i'i i..lA h Patterson NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER CAM. n ar"-' ' tati ai em Tn fc .il, t, ..iifsst It aak KAkaai n4 $ . .V t 1 1 kr. Sw) tra If A lt -irrntrrrt itU XfcW tw ta t4 fci Lai Tin: Lancasiiiki: Insukanck Co. " ' MANt'MKMTKM, ICM(& ' ANII t t riTTT! -'(A t tT n..n .....-.. . (ja.ll ftllowf llr b thibk Mws aH 14 t'fv Ui aw La. lb IMH, w 1 . at, tt-,