Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 14, 1895, Image 4

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While jou .ep yonr subscription paid up too
Can keep your brand in tree of charge.
Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Hoinee Gtt on left
shoulder; cattle ssme on left hip, under bit on
rUfht ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row county.
Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or.-T with bar on
der it on left shoulder of horsee; cattle aame
on left hip.
Allison, O. D., Eisht Mile. Or.-attle brand,
O D on left hip and horww same brand on right
shoulder. Kange, ragui iuim.
Adkine, J. J.. Heppner, Or. Horses. JA con
nect! on left flank: oarHe. sameon left. hio.
Btircl T) W. and son. Horne branded D B
on the lef r,' hip; oa tie the same on left Jink,
crop off rig't ear, nndercrop in the left, ltange
in Morrow County.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor-
TOrwnnUiBter, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, Itooseberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
"Bnrke'M 8t C, Long Creek. Or-On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip. oiop off left ear, nn.
der half crop off right. Horsee, same brand on
letft shoulder. Kange in Grant and Morrow
Bwman, Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop nd right ear noper slope
Barton, Wm.. Hppner, Or. -Horses, J H on
right thigh; cattle Bame on right hip; split in
Brown', Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor-
'"HrownJ. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, otrcle
r, :u in na far nn left hio: cattle. Bame.
Brown, W. J.. Lena, Oregon. Horses W bar
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
hiR'oyer, W. G., Heppner, Or.-Horses box
brand on righ- hip oattle, same, with split in
U n..-
Born, P.O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
shoulder: oattlo. same on left hit).
Brownlee, W. J., Fox.Or-Catt.le, JB oonnected
i., f :,! nroiwin left ear and two splits and
miildle piece cot out on right ear; (fn horses same
brand on the left thigh; Kange in ox valley,
Grant oonnty, . . ,
(v.o Warron Warmer. Or. Horses brand
ed () on right stifle ; cattle (three bam) on
right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Bange in
Grant anil morrow win mh.
Cain K Calnh.Or.-Y I) on horsoBonleft stifle'
TJ with q'narter circle over it, on left shoulder
and on left stifle on all oolU nder 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All
range in Ornnt oonntv.
dale ('has. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Kange Morrow and Omat.llla nc)unties.
Corrigall, M M. Oalloway, Or Cattle crop out
of ( ach ear and niidorhit, wattle in forehead;
horses half circle C on left stifle. Itango Mor
ow and Umatilla enmities.
(!url,T. H John Day, Or.-Bonhle cross on
each hip on oattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split ill loft ear. Bange in Grant
oonnty. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
..n l,nli1er. Uar nmrkoii ewes, crop on loft ear
hit. in right. Wethers, orop m
right ad under half orop in left ear. All range
lu Grant oonntv. .
Cook A. J. .Lena.Or Horses, OOon nghtshonl
der: Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square
crop off left and split in right.
Currin. B. Y., Curriusville, Or. -Horses, on
left stifle. ' ,
Cox Kd. S., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with
Bin canter: horses. CK on left Sip.
Cochran, It. K.. Monnment, Grant Co, Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on loft
shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
! :.. II Hun man. Or. Horses branded
O on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; ca Vit same
brand oa right shouldur, and cut off eud of
""'nIX'.. W M Oallowav. Or.-ftttle. R Don
right side, swailow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, It D
"Ji".f' ii'.Vl' Tli.nirlna. Or. Horses branded KLY
on left Mlioi'ilder, cattle same on lefthip. hole
in right ear.
Kmory, C. H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded
n Iroversed C with twill on loft shoulder; cat-
tie same on right hip. Kange in morrow oonnty,
ii........... i. A . Hi. miner. Or. Cattle, lie on
right hip; homos V with bar under on right
Florence. H. P. Hopnner, Or -Horsee, V on
right shoulder i cattle, V on right hip or Hugh.
1, -.... h iiiu.rue. Ileiuiner. Or. Cattle branded
WK with bar over it. on loft side; crop oil left
ear. llorw. same tiranil on inn nip.
Kchu. r. - liorsnd brsndnd H
H. with a cpiartor cin le over it, on left stifle,
ltange in Morrow and Umatillaeonntiee.
limit A.M., Ilidge, Or. Cattle, round -top a
with quarter circle miner ir on urn nam nip,
ii.. 1, M,rrow and llmetillanoiiiitios.
II niton A Jnnks, Iliimiltim.Or Ca'tlo.twn hais
on either lilp: crop in ngni ear aim aiun in ion.
Horses J mi right thigh, Itangein Grant county
Hughes, Hamnel. Wagner, Or-- (T K L
con niM't im1) on right shoulder on horees; on cattle,
on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear ami slit in leiu lutiign in .numm
iiirlnl,llornw conniv
iii.. Mill, ,n. Winrner. (tr. Horses bran
-O (cattle with pHrnllel tails) on left shoulder
Hquiree, James. Arlington, Or,; horsee branded
J8oo left shoulder: cattle the same, also now
waddle. Kange in Morrow and Gilliam co inties.
Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horsee 88 on
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, ti
on right hit ; swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horsee, 44 on
left shonldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hperry, K. G Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and onderhit in left year,
dewlap; horses W Con left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on
left shoulder: cattle. 2 on left shonlder.
Tippets.8.T.)Enierprise.Or. Horses, C-on left
shoulder. , ,
Tnmur R. w . HenDner. ur. small caoitai i
left ahnalder, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
Thornton, H. M lone, ur. Horses Dranaea
HT connected on left stifle: sheep same brand.
VRmiemool. H. T.. Lena. Or: Horses H V con
nected on right shonlder;cattle, same on right
tip . . . .... .
Walbnrtge, wm.. ueppner, ur. norses, u.ij.
on the left shouliler; cause same on rigni nip.
orop off left ear aad right ear lopped.
Wilson, John Balem or Heppner, ur.
Horses branded iq on the left shoulder, ltauge
Morrow connty.
Warren. W B. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter
oircle over it, on left side, split io right ear.
Horses same brand on left shoulder, tlangein
Grant conuty.
Wade. Henry, Heppner, Or Horses branded
ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolflnger, John, John Day City. Or Un norses
three namllal bars on left shoulder: 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears, ltange in Grant and Malhuer
Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, ur
oonnected on left shoulder.
Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Ur. Morses Dranaea
TJE connected on left stifle.
Wallace, Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W on
nghtthigh, hole in left ear; horses, W on right
shoulder sonif same on left, shoulder.
Whittier riros., nuntingum. Baker Co., Or. -Horses
branded W B connected on left shoulder
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
E A.
Of Two Transcontinental
Williams, Vasoo, Hamilton, Or. Quarter oir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Kange Grant connty.
Williams, J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar
ter circle over three bars on left hip: cattle same
and slit in each ear. ltange in Grant connty
Wren, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horses runningA A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip.
Young, J. H., Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded
TH on the right shnnlde-
OPENS JUNE 1, 1895
Luxury, Good Cheer, Hospitality, Dc
lilitl'ul and Healthful I'astimes,
Matthlcss Mountain Scenery.
Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
Kstshllshed last year In a roman
tic dell of the riacreniento Canyon,
lust helow and In full view of grand
old Khusta It was a great lilt and
promises still more uncoil raging re
sults for the present year T J.
Loftuh, at Caslelln, Is still in charge
and will answer all inquiries.
A t ew candidate for public favor
this year Is
Also In the Shasta region, about
a mile and a half from Diinsniulr.
It is a genuine paradise for hunters,
fl-liers and seekers of health and
pleasure Kasy to reach (near the
railroad), sightly, and all the no
rvSHitlea of ramp life easily procur
able. All tiiquliiis about Hlmsla
Vli lnn l amp, If addressed to W. C.
Gray, Box 4, IluuHiiiiilr, ( ill., will
receive prompt attention.
For full details call on O. K & N.
Ak nt at Heppner, cr address
Geo. Pries. Agt.
Portland Oregon.
Camping in The
Mum, V riuhts, Laurel, (Kenwood,
Fel'oii, Hen Lomond,
lloulder Creek.
Reduced Rates
Durlnu the Camping season will be
lundu by the
r o
Srin Francisco
nd all poiaU in (California, via the Mt. Bhasta
route ot the
Southern Pacific Co.
fhe great highway through California to all
points lutat and Mouth, drnnn ocenio noun
of the Pacific CoaBt. I'ullman Knftet
Hleepers. Heoond-claus Hleepers
Attached to express trains, affording superior
tccomuiodations for second-class passengers.
For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations)
'Us., call npon or address
K. KOKHLK.K, Manager, E. P. ROGKU8, Asat,
'len. r. A F. Agt., l'ortlaud, Oregon
('nil lit HMitin on nil hip alao large oinile ou lefl Kor full imrtlenliirs address
Ida. K. I'. I Hi KKS. At. tier. I'nss. Airt
llowuril 3 li. (Hlloway. Or. Horses T (nross .. I'oii i l.A N p, (MiKiioN
with fur above it Ion right shoulder; cattlsame July M. Or any H. P. ( o. Agent,
on left side. Itiiiiir.ii in Morrow and Umatilla
Mall. Kdwin, John Day, Or. -Cattle K Hon
right hip: hum Miie oil right shoulder. Kange
In llrant pooety. .... . , ,
Hughe, Mat, llepnner. Or. Ilorami, alisjlml
I,.-... ,.n il.n l.,fl li, Milder. Hangs Morrow Co.
HiiMukr, H A. Wagner. Or. -Horses, V on left
shoulder; naitl. Hon left In p.
Humphreys, J M Uanlinan. Or. Horses, II on
Hus'on. I.nther, Right Miln. Or,-Hore II on
the left sliool'lerati I heart on the left slide ( at.
J ,,. in left hip. Kingo In Miiitiiw nmnly.
.i..m l(rrv ll.iiinnr. Or Hors brandl
II J on Vie left siiimlili'r; rattle bra ideil J on
rixlit hip. also uniletbit in left sir, ltange ill
Morrow county.
J nn k in. rt. M.. HeimnwT. Or Horses, horse.
shoe j no left shoulder. Cat I Is, ths sams.
J..h ,n Valii. l.na. Or. IIiiims. elreleT on
left siltt"; ml tie, sameon right hip, under half
crop in n' nil split n lert er
Knniiv. Mike. Ileiuiner. Or.-Honws branded
KNV on left hip nail In same anil cn.p off left
nr: meter sloiieontlie rlglil
Kirk J T., Ileppniw, Or.-Homes (Id nn lefl
sh'Oll'ler-. cattle. SU nn lefl hip.
Kirs. J". Heppnsf. O'.l horn II on left
sk eil.ler; cattle saiiie on right side, underlet no
right ear.
ktiiiiliortatul.W.O. .Mount Vernon. Or.- I. on
rail le on right and left side, swallow fork in li ft
ear ami under eiep in tight ear. Horn aanie
brand on Ml himliler. lUoge III (Irani r.Miut.
Uifletl, Hlephn, o,l. H li on lefl hip
on miiM. rriip and split " rigid ear, llnn-w
Mum brand oa left shoulder, lUnaw (riant
I.ixiallen, John W., IiIt"- Or.-Honiw
brnn l-l half J-lrcle J 1. ollllO't""! lefl slnnll.
iit ( aula, miiw on lefl lim. Kang, near l-.
Umber. J W ItHi.pnef Or - llnnea lirarnlml
Land oi l"H steniliba-i retlU seine on lefl
l.ip, n! me right e, (hree sliis lu rgld
, Ea.le.t
Most Modern and progressiva
Ker catalogue or lufommtlon write to
New Haven, Conn.
I. ll-.rg. Heppner Or.- IIhths lirande,!
d,Hil,l II r.H.eN-r H, oliel i now calle,! a
Sieg II, on lefl ateHildr.
Minor. lUiar, ii-ppnnr or.-Caltle, M I)
nl.l l,,i,. h.irM M en left ehiaiMef.
M'lrmi, K S, Hppi.". Or.-H.mws. M)
,,n I. .ri ii, eil, Hi inilte sain on ii.n nin.
Mil. hell. (hear. !. r.-Honvw, )) on right
Itlp, rail ie. II nn right sola.
SM lanm, l. t . Hr..wnill. Or,-Hoi
litfnra S . ,i, m,. h shoulder rallla. Mjoe hm
M.iiirr. frai.a. VH, Or Mole shoe
iih Um ot m raiile on rda as I n-nlnr In
Sn, H oar, ttoraes aarlte I, ran, I ii lefl aline,
tl. II. io. .. ... ,i.,iiii.n.Or. oti lion
WHh half f'lf. le n.l on 1(1 alHlldr. imi I nine,
f. nr liara r,Hin-rl iHI I4HJI imi I'M right sola
I.x.m ,,. Iii.,,1 I inl
Vi.ln-w. H' k Hinwes a N e..n-
m- inl ..n lefl h.il,lr. rallle aania il holh hl.
S .,. r ..ailrerion or . - It.riaaa, em la 1
laf ll.itfl-. ra'tla Mm IHI lefl Inu,
llli.M J.i.t, I anion I Hi. Or -K t on ealll
nfi l-'l I I i itl htm. Him on lefl (high, liwul
la lanl eeoilr
i ll let, l'rt. Islington, Or.- I' ) on lefl
Mil. H..r l'iol I'll. Or. -(S) eallla,
II' .-..I...- t.. I on ..fl I. It, h'.raaa IMI Ufl al fi
I ael on s.awi Hi" Hi ilinM esli'll,
lNR.t,e, ll',M I i M.la.Or H..tM..ii
a, , ,,. la I,.b. ,, Utl al,m ." and II oa U-n
I, ,, I (Ilia, Inl ill e'' ll.l rropl.
,.i, lafl I, ii. IU ''l M 'a.
's I ilia., hai l nan Ur. - ll.xaaa ' or
I. ft ta.
I ii I, Inl' iiiiri i". iior-ea i.ian 1
0 :, .! an h 'I alM(.af ranle
S tm on lir' I l,i IU. K'irr"W eisi.'l.
I ii t it . ' . 0 IC taaa. Jr r.m
la w, e itt pl.,.,t lf . raiUta, aania imh lefl ,ip
I . I.i' In aa. I. ar
IVIii I ,!. (' ' " dla-n.e il
I. mid , a" J II J la.iilow e I. im i,i
l,.ft l.,p. ,t.i e -a la lfl ear a4 am In ll
II...I aa lraw. Hal l oan Of - ll -eaaa. a.nr
r,,a -Is, -j-ta.laf ' U lafl al''a
I l.ns. Hi naf . Oi. Moesew. ( lla
lal' ..i l.
H ti looa Hri inir, H (irah la-l 1
a ir.a i.gM a...n. rail, a on Ih !(! top
,.. ,, ,.e aai I ! c on k. laakga II
M ,.r..w . .l ' I"""1'
(la. i. li- l-il'.H, Of - II Hal
I.I It , i.gl I al..., laf, Sai.l . oa.
v.oMi "ta Mh ,ailia aanei tm flgl.l kip
lit -a H i-t i-' r t.
( ,a, m 'I liai'ttllla II It rawnai al
W-'t lairaf ,'.i-!a o.a 1.- oa a-ll.-n
1, ,-. .oi ,,a' -ar a I f Ur la (all tl 'iaaa
I w.ti ,.o , Ihaega la II ari sr
l,.a-l-.4'l '"ll'
ll--..,. J w lli i. Of 11'iraaa, Jll as
al H..,ia. I atlia 1 1 H''l IS
...l W t tl-I . t.-f "f H la
The Ihnmh Is in nnfslllng Indn I
rf rlis s ter. I lie hipisn I - In
h. mi-! s sm ug hl yr. si i-nnp
sml flrinnr. I Iom Ii sllnil Is tilt
hi.alnlalid 1 11"-. Hie llllillili ol Hum
of nil si. roil lil as anil liiisuira
smliir. Itnlli of Ihe-e l le lout I
lo Hie busy msii or nmnsiii soil
li.M...rri rsmiiy jnsiainr pi
puns rspei-lnllv f"r neb pirsi ns si
uimla iniiime of In hli iis. run I
di us. il In s email spare. i. i Imi thr I
r.ini.1 i.f the whole wor'd's nnrkl
for a nmi ih ms he nsil In hs f sn
iimir. 'I lie ( oiiii l 'I pe lulu stci
r mo no oi, riiliure. si d a hoe ol
litii.u (to. Ir , waul lb linn A H-ri.i
Villi this tlpe "f tl'"ll'l' '' thor
imi;;', it rli)., It e llli rMi sllrai limn
of Ikiiion-ls M.igsrm. Hi' Ar
ii.i.r 1m liitiimtis a line ol
hniiir si d srt, wlii h a III fli.'l rsrt
plesmrr in llir nisi'li'fln nt l -I'lrl- I
lira ef io-i S. p. I j t tfl ill! hi", rrptia
llil.nl from tlie (iriKlllal p lUH II.IT h I
la- I . ii : . n. Un- niol ri . nrstnl nt I
T'V lituut fiiiair pslnirta, nin. h mil
A l A I t'Urn lo n.rr iiilornlirr III
I ' ! mortal's !Ms. sUir f"l 11. Ths
I A cteil of litis alialh wink ml srt BS
i , A i'aiiii; si A Ihe n prtsincii..
iai.. .. be ili'l M'hIiihu ironi im
or t insl. IWai.li lies, an l uptime
nil ut wstrr tolor I'l, I nra la ule
lolnil In rs. h iinnilaf of the N .(
rir, aid lli silt hs ste so pio.
fn-itt Si d i. i'l I 'n-irsltil ll.nl
Ilia Ms at lie la. in rra H, a I'otl.
f ' l.i nf art a..ili i f H a I i. Ii' -I
oi.l.f 1 i. I I,U..a.l l.ll I t ! lh
Ih.mib of Hi imi ktr ami inn Hm
trf 1.1, who wlil b dt'' It trh
ritid In lltoae d. trlepitl luoiilh'l
In In in n. il t Vitt'tinr. in rti 'f
in s of lis romt. roil it, jttiniri t.
wh i ti rutrr it, riiore sonta' sml
a-ln iiftr (li:.. i hrnn t Hi rwj
(..t, le , ami ltd of lis t
Ikni ii. s t inf a rii . I
ii i
Thteompsratlvalus of these twecarda
Is known to most persons.
Thty llluitrsts thst grsslcr quantity la
Not always most to bo desired.
Thsss cards sspresa ths beneficial qual
ity of
RI 'pans Tabulcs
4s compared with any previously known
RlpantTabuUst Price, s "
Ot druggisis, or by mail.
UPtkS CNEMICak. CO., 1 0 lrct It. M
AliKK t Ul HAI. yl'AK .HTINIC KrulXA
quarantine not.il the qaarantioe officer
of Ibe State Board of Horticulture or
tbe daly commissioned quarantine guar
dian can determine whether the said
trees, plants, cuttings, grafts, buds or
oiodb are free from live injurious inseot
pests or their eegs, larvae or pupae, or
fungous diseases before they oan be
offered for sale, gift, distribution or
transportation. All persons or com-
panies are hereby prohibited from
carrying Bny trees, plants, cuttings,
grafts, buds or oions from without the
state to any point within the state
beyond the nearest point on its line or
ooorse to tbe quarantine station in tbe
district of ultimate destination, or from
any point within the state to any other
point therein, until saoh trees, plants,
outtings, grafts, buds or cions have been
duly inspected, end it required disin
fected as hereinbefore provided, and all
such shipments must be accompanied
by tbe proper certificates of tbe inspect
ing oflioer. Provided, however, that
after such persons or company has given
the proper officer fonr days' notice, he
or they shall not be required to hold
such shipments further, without directi
ons from snoh officer.
Kule 3 All peach, neotarine, apricot,
plum or almond trees, and all other tiees
budded or grafted upon peaoh stock or
roots, all peaoh or other pits, end all
Deaoh, neotarine, apricot, plum or
almond cuttings, buds, or cions, raised
or grown in a district where the "peach
yellows" or the "peaoh rosette" are
known to exist, are hereby prohibited
from being imported into or planted or
offered for sale, gift or distribution within
the state of Oregon.
Rule 4 All trees, plants, onttings,
grafts, buds, cions, seeds or pits arriving
from any foreign oountry found infested
with inseot pests or their eggs, larvae or
pupae, or with fungi, or other diseases
heretofore unknown in this state, are
hereby prohibited from landing.
Rule 5 Fruit of any kind grown in
any foreign country, or in any of the
United States or territories, fonnd in
fested with any inseots, or with any
fungi, blight, or other disease or diseases
injurious to fruit or fruit trees, or to
other trees or plants is hereby pro.
hibited from being offered for sale, gift
or distribution within tbe state.
Rule 6 Any boxes, packages, paoking
material and tbe like infested by any
lnseotor iosects, or their eggs, larvae or
pupae, or by any fungi, blight, or other
disease or diseases known to be injurious
to fruit or fruit trees, or to other trees or
plants, and linble to spread contagion
are hereby prohibited from being offered
for sale, gift, distribution, or transpor
tation until said tnatenal has been dis
iufeeted by dipping it in boiling water
and allowing it to rem lio in said boiling
water no" less than two minutes; euob
boiling water used as snob disinfectant
to oontain In solution one pound of
concentrated potash to eaoh and every
ten gallons of water.
Rule 11 Animals known as flying
fox, Australian or English wild rabbit,
or other animals or birds detrimental to
fruit or frn.il trees, plants, etc., are pro
hibited from being brought or lauded in
this stute and it landed ahall be de-
Rule 12 Quarantine stations: For
the Fourth district, comprising tbe
oimutit'S of Morrow, Wasco, Gilliam,
Crook and Sherman, shall be The Dalles.
Entile Schanuo quarantine officer, or
any member ot Ihe board or the secre
tary thereof.
Rule lo Importer! or owners ot
nursery stock, trees, or cuttings, grafts,
b'tuls, or cions, desiring to have such
nursery stork, trees, plants, cuttings,
grafts, buda or cions inspected at points
other than regular quarantine stations
may have tuoli inspection done where
required, provided, however, that mob
importers shall pay all charges of in
spection. Hiu-b charges end expenses
to lie paid before certificate U granted
Transportation compaoirn, or person!
and consignees or agents shall deliver
and canned to be detained all nnrsery
tuck, trees, pU-its and trait at one or
other ot the quarantine stations, for In
spection, provided by tbe rutee eud
regulations ot Ihe board.
Petails as to quarantine stations,
ofllvvni, fees of Inspection, reoipee for
diniufi ctiob, end ell desired Information
may be ohlaiued on application to the
secretary or any member of tbe board,
or by reference lo tbe pamphlet circu
.'eased at a ineetiDg of tbe Hlats
Hoard of Horticulture al .irtlsnd, Or.,
April 1 l.U. J. K. ahdwh l. Tree.
Attest: Oka. L Mahokst, Hecy.
to champion obeys.
On February 21, 1878, in the honse of
representatives at Washington, he thus
placed himself on reoord: "According to
my view ot the subject, the conspiracy
which seems to have been formed here
and in Europe to destroy, by legislation
and otherwise, from three-sevenths to
one-halt of tbe metallic money of the
world is tbe most gigantic crime of this
or any other age The struggle now
going on oannot cease, until all the in
terests of tbe country are fully and
finally emancipated from the heartless
domination of syndicates.stook exchanges
and other combinations of money gam
blers in this country and Europe."'
One would suppose that in making
this declaration Carlisle burned tbe
bridges behind him, and that there was
no retreat for him. But in a shameless-
ness almost unparalleled in our political
history this man, at the bidding of
fjrover Cleveland, is today making
speeches in favor of the very policy ht
so vigorously denounced in the words
we have quoted above. He now raises
his voice in behalf of the "gigantic
orime" he held up to the exeoration of
bis oountrymen in 1878. Today he de
votes what ot talent he possesses to tbe
work of helping to crown with success
the conspiracy which, to quote his own
words, "seems to have been formed here
and in Europe to destroy, by legislation
and otherwise, from three-sevenths to
one-half of the metallic money of the
It is a pitiful sight, which stirs one not,
to anger, but to deep commiseration.
Between Arnold and Carlisle lie more
than a hundred years. In both men
something of good is easily discernible,
in both good instincts are discernible,
but tbe natures of both are marred and
maimed by the laok of that moral oour-
age which can resist the allurements of
temptation. In bis fall John G. Car
lisle is only one of the many publio men
whose fair future was never realized be
cause it was their ill luck to be associat
ed with (irover Cleveland.
Is one of the very best wheels ever made 1b an Indisputable fact. It stands In the
from rant with nil hiuh rrreoV manhines. and if vou buy one you will make no mistake.
piiion RAMm.ER Rinvm.K if von want to be happy, for should your wheel bet
punctured, It can be mended by you in five minutes, as it is equipped with the world
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-piaieu blbci nwa.
Sold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at ?100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, f 150 each.
tut a A MR I F R is the fastest, lightest and strongest wheel In the market.
For style, finish and durability It is unsurpassed, as it Is constructed on strict mechan
ical and scientific principles.
Chicago Ideals
For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 inch wheels, at 85. S5, $45 respect
ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. & J. high-grade doubla locking edgt
js clincher tireB and are fully warranted,
bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call H
juts. Kambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, Washing- m
51 Before you buy
Hf on our numerous agents,
5 ton and Idaho. ,
r: FRED T. Wl LKHI LL. irUiii run i , k
S Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeftery Manf. Co'b "Rambler Bicycles." Main m
VTf .. . i -. i..l TJ lVnn flan la val 1 a A 1.1, 11 1 ailO Ml
'M btore, 0-7 uasningion r.i , roniiiuu, ur. muj a. n.. ..ecu, ... .
'4 lecturer. OTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon.
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junotion
City, 111., was told by herdoctors she had
consumption and that there whs no hope
for her but two bottles of Dr. Jung's
New Discovery completely onred her
ai'.d she eays it saved her life. Mr. Tbos.
Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisoo,
suffered from a dreadful cold, approaoh
ing consumption, tried without result
everything else then bought one bottle
of Dr. Kinir's New Disoovery and in two
weeks was cured, lie isnatuaally tnanK
ful. It is such results, of whioh thesi
are samples, that prove tbe wonderful
efficaoy of tbia mdioine in oougbs and
oolds. Free trial bottle at T. W Ay era,
Jr., drug store. Regular size 60c. and
81. t
It ean be changed
from positive to negative
current in a moment.
They have and are cur
ing thousands of cases
of Rhrumstli n,
Chronic IHseanes)
sind Nervoun Ail-
mentn in, man ana
The Electric Cur.
rent can lietnmieill
ately felt, although .
soollilnir to the!
most HOllMillve, The;
strength of the current is I
under tho complete con-
trol of the woarer, so
much sothatachild may J
bo treated and cured by '
the same power of Belt
necessary for the strong
est man.
Avoid all cheap (sc-oalled) Electrio Belts and frauduleut imitations of our Electrio Belts
and Appliances, as these are an impoHitton, npon the suffering.
THE OWEN EI.ECTRIC TRUSS is the most retentive and curative Truss
made lor tbe radical cure of Kupture.
Inolose six cents and send for our I.arre Illustrated Catalorne " ng" sn,
German, fcwedibh or Norwegian languages; containing medical faots, sworn statements oi
cures made ana descriptions oi ceils ana Appliances, ouu
woman (from any cause)
-where long continued
medical treatmentlailed
to cure.
205 to 211 State Street, Chicago.
Culled from the Eagle.
A $1'J7 nugget was pioked up in the
Elk cmek placers during their last
Newt Jones arrived from Heppner
early this week and is busy receiving
his baud of sbeep. He will range them HQtiTV STRONG,
this season io the Ureeoborn.
James Manion returned from a journey SPEEDY, HANDSOnE
through Grant, Harney, Morrow and
Crook oo unties in the interest ot Wad-
hams Go. He was absent over a
. a Tl T-l r
month ana went as iar as uurus. n,. vs.
E. N. Crookett and Orin L. Patterson
will tBke their departure tomorrow for
I'eudleton.botb being en route to Port
land to atteod tbe grand lodge A. F. &
A. M., that oonveoes in that city next
King- of Bicycles. r
Four I.Iodels-885 and 8100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office: Lake rnd Hoisted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
IlKANCHliSt-New York. Son Prnnclio. .'! Doit", rvirmj hl. 0.t.rr"it,Tcrcrfto.
T-T1T k VT T T.-t Vl
r,.r rKliUk.it relieves ths iunu. rn.kei ivhiumv, v..uVai.
breathing easier and Kid -xpeotnration.l W. TATTERSON, Agnil for Morrow Counly, Heppner, Oregon.
A ClHil will lirarr rrruu lu iiicuiiiiiiiia
when this remedy it taxen and ruaaoo-
We take pleasure in recommending
Chaniberlaii'a OhukO Uemedy because
it is praisml by all who try it," says J.
W. Cox & Son, druggists, Marshfleld,
Oregon. N one afllioted with a throat
or lung tronrtle can use this remedy
without Draisinit it. It always give
prompt relief. It la especially valuable
able oare exercised, lot
Hlocum-Johnson Drag Co.
ale by
Al a special meeting of the Oregon
I ,,, , M ..o,a .. .i -..!.. SU(, , , ,lf u.irlicnltnre, kel.l In
.i, i in r ..i-.. mii-it iiia INirtUml April 2, 1 all member
iX. tlj."w' inl.'w.'Vi.ii'as present, the nllning regulation were
v:ru::r' .. .... ,a with the i...
i h-n.-h M"' (iii.in ,'(. iis regulating tucb matter, and are, there-
,!., t rh,.t l.a,-. til atlli a. .... i. n...
,,i.ii,. . . ,i ,i,.,.i n .Hrr. ui fore, binding upon all persona. Ibe
l i f ,.t'-t I' Ifttal lo Ih.aa.
a.. a I a , H.ii.li.a T' I ft
' lii, t . H In a ! III t'alt,.i
... .... a. n I.I. 4
n, ..'h, r'Wlnl lli. lh - ll.'U
.1... h K-r-r, li.i I" IX
ie,l',f art aaf ,.a i( m fill ati'ii'il an't'lla" le
S. iiki'F-1 H ,'S'Hia. If .M1 f IHiail,l.'t'ltl l
la luril ar, .1 l.tf S .i-iHI'ie l' lira., SI 4
i n nl al',i I I' i a..., ll..aa T'l VH "
a.. In Ih.- mmr .. i "'! l l 'n IH
J, .. i a ...r, l, i . Ul aal.-'l II Ill.i.J liU at
sw u.
n f
I. 4 a I e ' . n
I A I . '
a t .n, . ! i t-s ( m - im
t - i-ii) A Mwetk-hi
f f . m i'i ' t ! t t t m
I ' -i ' v4 -
. , I e, tl . . I, w . ft (V MW
.,. 4rl - fvftfltlf. fj Met . t f, 4
I - " i t i" ' f"
r- 4 .. ... 1 t h m 4 4
1 tl'f f y , 'fteite'e.l I
I H ' ll M H il" m Ill i4
I -J-' I Mi m. t -'
A IMTUHI.K Kill Itr.
rnl Ihe Irt.h W.irl.l.
Not since Washington gathered bis
first cabinet around him bae there beeo
a member of any Preaideot'scflloial fam
ily alio bas occaiiied butiiillatiog a
portion aa Clevelan V Hecrelarv of tbe
treasury occupira tod sr. A few year
ago John O.Carlisle nften spo.ro
nf aa a poibU catuli.lste fur the Pre,
idi'ticy. lo an evil bnr for bit p.ilic.l
future be became apsrtof I lie Cleveland
adiiiinl.lrat ino.
In thai p. mil Inn lie hat been tubjecle.1
n.OF . . .
It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
i" r .-a ' . . i i
regiiUliutis are In take efTTt and be lo
f.iree from and afler May ,
Kule I -All emisiiSneet, aifeate or
oil er persona, thai), within teentjr four
hiiiirn, iiniify ttie iHraiitine (ifflceni of
iheHlnte It iar.l nf llnrticnltiire, or a
Inly eotiiMteeiotHvl uusrsntiiie.! gnsrdiso
of the arrival of any tree, .nlt, buds ! tn and fttirntly tulmiitted ti insoils
or cl'-iit al Ih tinaraiiliiie station, io Ihe1 from bit cmcialrblef thai no tell reel-
i ..( tin.l .laaiinaiL.n. Imr ri.b wiinlil haveeoilnreil. Irtaa Ibe'
K,. S-A.I P,.nK e.tt.n,.. j um ..;..-.- l IrealeJ Z It'tUVn'otM
rafts. t-.i U or ei.-nt. itiipoMe.l or , rlerk, wbe bad M f end ..,,., Ih- ,,,1,1.,-a Ili msrl.me
brmia-bl iiiln t'i !' 'rum any forrlun j ab -ee duty wat t.t rec-i ordere and 1 1 ,t, f' w.-rkitia! rt,iy. Keep ywof
ejim.tr. of from an of Ibe Vetted rarrv Hiem out wlthool any qt-et.tilB eye 00 l..ogie.
Hta'et or lerrtturiet, are hereby re- eo tut pari. At mmtr or e ingret
o.nre.1 I.i tie tn.i. ted mie arrival al tbe ' b ba-l l U.-e.! biro. If noer4tviMlly on
.... . i 11. 11 ,.r final It. ai la silver. When, however. Tint
qq.riiiiiiir .i.iii'h ih , ,
tlestiaalwo. and if any .ocb eorery j l.n.v.r l le.e,.r.a .,e ermir,, o. , 'A aha b,f, Bw,
t'ora, Ireet. Unit, euttiBifa, tirarie. tun.i in rsfrm r 1 wnw rereiarT j ,,.lfK. ,,f, mt m- (
lulls of CKM.t are f..nti, t.1 free of of lli Tr"iry oa.efl4 lhal be j .r,ie. - A tlfef m.lieir.e .,. I rii.t
I sll Ibal M
Telegram : From oootereatioDa with
many people io Montana and Idaho the
opinion bae been formed by United
Hlatea Eotrineer Hymona Ibat Ibe tree-
Coinage idee le rapidly loams grouod
io Ibe silver-protlurinu reglnot. lie be- I
lieved oertalo prominent eitver uilnert
heo they told bin that "free coinage
would add nothing lo Ibe Intrinsic value
of liter," although It mutt have beta
apparent to bun that tbey could litt
oolhtug by the adoption of yttero
which would enable them to get 11 231
aa ounce (or tiollioo which le oow no-
talable al fH eeoit ao ooore. Tbe hon
est tnioert Interviewed by Cptin
Srmnns evldebllv Indulrfr-d In their
Uor.lm.i.em.nlof-lufflogateod.r. mattCr Ol l)USinCSS VC UlUSt SCll it.
loot." r - r
Tomahawa: It would be well for tbe Till. PATTERSON PunLISHING Co.
frlendt of Seoalof J. II. MiWbell, while
easting ehool f ir poeible eandidatee
likely lo enter ihe ree agaiotl bla neil
year, lo walcb Tbotoae 11. Tongue. A
1 bt ti I 00 f irmer mcmIou Mr.
IVilpb will otter get ibt plum tgsin, aad
if Mr. Mitchell it betteo it will he by a
new tnao entering IU raei, anj wbo le
more likely to tbso Mr. Tatignef Tbe
eor.iogs of Ihe gathering two weeks
giebeo t t.il 1 a.1 ovee will liMtig tbe
Klerlttt KllUr.
temr. If It beynmitig eo well
1 - - rt;" t '.1' ". rA"..rriC;r;i.,.i:.Va:
t- ' . . L ..,V.,. a,
,, B Iva lla, , I M.fMS, T - j iv j a t,i. Jkl auai aat.
: f, . p a' ( aa wa "a1! y
.ra, J t . II. a.e,aiaH ta
k e ..a ti ', ' '
a. .a .1 , V l a alUl II Wlau, U.
la ' ' .iti.
Ititeel pettt an 1 fungn mi J , the ebmild e mfof in Me flefltl vises In sn I il Is gq.raalee l li d 1 aff Ibat u
ta,J entraatiM offlr or My com- j lbe of b e efSrlal cb.ef. Tb.t XJtf&iS
I qnarantiee goafiliaw nail ir u. .rnsie on-. j rm..ve I'lmi.iee. I ells, Kali Khetim ae,
rliflcste to Ibal fT-el. And . No! tttisflej with lbi tam tabtnlt- ,, ,. atw.H,ria eattsl by linrnrw b! .l
..re. If my ol Mid Ireee, rlanlt, ' ti.o, Omtef Cleveland lre, ar.otl.ei f - Will d've MalaHe fmni Ihe sy.i.isi
,,..fu.b, .orei..M.r.f,.nd ordr, U, wh.eb be bed. b;. Tr-er, j ' X'VvlT.u.
mtl..tit.l qnarant.ee goafdiaw ball J.o U. ' " oneye. j r,m,, i-.m,,, t Nail Khenm ae4
leant a rerliflcsie lo Ibal fT-l. Aod l tttiefled with tbie law taritnit- n ,. ,,.M,.,r,e rtne-l by UnFnfw W .I..I
. . . .. .i.t.. 1 . 11. .1... 1 ij. .t. .... ,
Infiale,! Willi IliseCl fee'e. IllOgl. I'Ogni nnt w i. i. r ' r'- t,.i, er. I lr.,1. lt I.ierlne
Sot elder dieeatee It jiirl.-iit Irt frail of He ti-eerhet In fatnf e g -l l. An I tl t ltM utr '- eiarae'ee,!.
Vt titted -ria'o or ftaeysewlrg Will V. ,f. itg . u,er tree or tlaalt, 1 fcae who, la eoegretsi, bsd deooeed er ae eefn"' I t e 6 aM tl
"".".k i'i.r V...,.... (. it-, wa 10 he bn lake e,ei.g at burnt. d.waftw4 aad r.msJt le tbe pl--y be bae -w bee rwaiiW.!' botue MI-. Aytva, e',i'egt. ,
1 1 aa.i.'., ba, MW Ml e.af. airt . Mfy UtiJir-. ' ' I '
Vouro 130UXI) to Tnko 'Kin.
Leaves No Constipation,
Cfet II, a Well at alt H1.-tlr.aee, a
p. r-l.te I il to eofl l, Hoi
rw. i4 J.flee, i5 ratt af U't.
til Cei.lvfaU Plreel
rk H..,Uel, .,,, Malaria. Tbe only
I by ail rOa.fi.it er earl f .i, '
Fraecieee, tL