TIME TABLE. Btage for Hardman, Monument, Long; Creek, loha Day and Canyon City, leaves as follow! : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The che&peat, quickest and beat line to or Irora the Interior country. WALT. THOMPSON. Prop. Phill Cohn. Agent You can get the best beer a In Heppner at G. rowe's, 5 cents per glass. B. Ted- If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc., call at Ted's City Hotel Bar! Here and There. Only tf. Millions ride the liambler. Ike Ennis has bicycles to rent. Lee Kil bourne is in town tbis week to sell bia wool. Ayers guarantees his poison $2.50 per dozen. Banker Ednaiston has been couvioted op at North Yakima. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, Vvaiia WBiia, wash. Messrs. Johnson & Sons have shipped tbeir clip to Boston. P. O. Borg is down to Portland to take in grand lodge doings. Dr. MoSwords informs us that Mrs. Wyland is improving. Boru To the wife of Green Mathews, in Heppner, June 12, 18lJ5, a boy. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ure. o. O. Smith, salesman, Heopner. Miss Tillard, sister of the Tillard Bros., is over (rum Pendleton on a visit DranK vv nets tone is biilea to spar some local featherweight over at rerjdle too. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and Swaggart's "Hure Shot" is the stuff to do it with. tf. Try Ayers' baying any dozen. squirrel poison before other. Only $2 50 per tf. Ohas. Beyme r, who was shot reoently, is able to get around again without crutches. Wednesday considerable wool changed bands at prioes raugiog from 5 to 7 cents per pound. J. C. Kirk has taken his son, Erbie L. Kirk, to Portland to be operated on (or appendicitis. E. A. Haokett, representing the North ern Paoifio, was in Heppner Wednesday and yesterday. Born To the wife of James L. Hall, of Ridge, Or., on Friday, the 7th Inst., aa 11 pound boy. Lost A 38 cal. pistol. Finder will be rewarded by returning the same to Leslie Matlock, Heppner. 2t W A. Fraser, speoial agent of the Fire Insurance Association, of Philadelphia, was in Heppner Tuesday last. If you want to rent a bioycle or get re pairs for same, call on Ike Ennis at bis bicycle livery, power bouse. 0. D. Bubinson and wife, and Miss Tilda Brown, of the Lone Book oouotry, are stopping at the Oity hotel. 0. B. Catea, mother and sister, are np from the valley visiting One, and family out at tbeir borne near Bidge.. Alex Livingstone, representing Denny, Rioe & Oo., wool commission merchants of Boston, was in Heppner thin week Zeet Mathews, bis wife and Mrs. Hiok Mathews, departed yesterday for Port land and Centralis, Wash., on a visit. Hugh Medlock. the borsethief, has been sentenced to three and one-halt years in the "pen" from Umatilla oounty.' Gilbousen Bros., will soon go to the inner country to be absent until the latter part of this month. Await their return. lit. Have yon read "Coin's Financial Sobool" and bis other books? If not you should lee Don Carlos Boyd and get them. Peter Beeler, brother of Johnny Beeler, who lives near here, tell out of a livery stable loft up at Weston and was fatally injured. Loin Creek oor.E.O.: Wm. McDoflee, the discoverer of His hot springs at Kilter, tbat bear bil name, died last week ot paralysis. Mrs. Wm. Scrivner and brother, Ed. Meek, of Oondon, departed yesterday for tbe MoUnflie ipriogi wbern tbey ex pect to spend tbe oeit month. The Cretoent bioycle requires no Maoohauaen etorirs to elevate it into popularity. It speaks for Itself. Call at tbe Gazette office for prices. Tbe KUmatb-Ager stage was held np on the lOtb by a Ion highwayman. Tbis is the regulation holdup which oocors oo tbat line about onos mootn. For sale A fins, Hbnrt Horn grade bull, foor years old. Price, tZS. Or will, trade for other cattle. Addrea Harrison Cbaplo, Uardmao, Or. 2-lm. T. W. Ayers, Jr.. left on yesterday's Iraio for Portland, and will reprut Heppner Lodge So, C.I. A. F. A A. M., at their grand ludge meeting this week. Karl's Clover Hoot, tbe great Blood bonder, site (realm aod oleamea to the Complexion aod cnr fotpUon, 25 ct. Wets., II. Bold by T.W. Ayers, Jr. Tbe verdict io tbe PoppMoo Nickel suit wes for SI damage. This ts nl mnat annal In ao aeauitlal. aa it or t show tbat PoppletuO VM Hot injured touch. Khlln'a Cnro is sold on ineretiWa, It onraa itiftitiifnt Cnnsaroptioo. It t the best Congo Cure nnly noeeentndo 25ct..50eis.,auJli. bold by T. W Ay era. Jr. J. W. C. traveling paaotfr and f rtgbt egot tnt tbe Chieeg. Milwanw k ht Paul road, was to nppnrine nr of the week Idling nftwf tun lotrt of tbat lioe. TatroniM borne people. Our mer chant U at tt loet eaab pna and yon can do oo br any wbr. A d illar tot t b" ,ullw lays at boo. Heppner hA qol'e flnrry ' 'K, tbl . Prio. however. hw not bu ae tnttA m frmrly. O. K. faro worlb.J. W. M.fow aad Nat Webb re arontig tb who sold. Oao, Aiko and Billy Cowln are bar! Ifom tbe I,fiMi ree Tby did fairly well win tli v. Oorw winning oo rare an I eig oot a.c Is eontb'. b'" ' C In tbe spring, tbe boman body needs assistance to throw off tbe stagnation rrodnoed by winter diet. As tbe temperature rises under the growing eat tbe sun s ravs we feel tired, bait siok and low in spirits, beonuse tbe blood is sluggish and full of impurities. Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthing Cordial Bnd Blood Purifier is a reliable spring remedy to invigorate tbe body and give toue to the digestion. Price $1 per bottle. Long Creek cor. E. 0.: J. M. Herman, superintendent of the famous Blaofe Butte mine, owned by. John Uagen, or Pendleton, is bnisy making arrange ments for the reception ot some new machinery soon to be put on the mine. It ib currently reported tnat a new Crawford mill is toredooetheoresof the Black Butte in the future. Frank Shepardson, an engineer on the Southern Pacific By., who resides nt Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with rheumatism for a long time. He was treated by several physicians, also visited the Hot Springs, but received no permanent relief until he used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. He says it is tbe best medicine in tbe world for rheumatism. For sale by Slocum-Jobnson Drug Co. Marshal Johnson, son-in-law of Wm. Gilliam, was adjudged insane Wednes day, and yesterday Sheriff Harrington and Judge Freeland left with tbe patient for Salem. Mr. Johnson is "off" on religion and is dangerous beoanse he thinks he is under tbe command ot a higher power, and does just what be im agines he is bid to do. Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably adapted to mnke "a little health go a long way." Its curative power is largely attributable to its stimulant, tonic and nutritive properties, by whiob the energy ot the system is recruited. It is pleasant to the taste,easily borne on the stomach and harmless under pro longed use. Prioe $1.00 per bottle. W. E. Hiatt. of Ridge, oame in Tues day last. The Engle sawmill near his plaoe is being gone over preparatory for the spring run, adding some new ma chinery, including a new boiler, and in the near future will put in a planer. Crops are looking fairly well up about Ridge. Roland Yeeod was fatally burned in a Walla Walla fire, June 11th. He was manager of a warehouse which took fire. His children were playing in the upper story, but be saved tbem, and in en deavoring to save the company's books and close tbe safe, received his in juries. Grant oounty teams will soon begin to arrive with wool. There is an excellent dip in that locality this year, a large portion of whiob will be marketed at Pendleton, says the E. O. Grant county wool has been rolling into Heppner for the past month. Heppner still holds her wool trade, Tired Women MuBt have strength or they will be In the suffering despair of nervous prostration. The true way to win vigorous health is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla which will build up strength by making pure, rich blood; thus it will also teed the nerves upon their proper nourishment, create an appetite, tone the stomach invigorate every organ. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is what tired women need the one True Blood Purifier prominent in the public eye. Hood's Pills & harmoniously Hood's SarsapuUla. with Sto. 1 GOODS Arriving Daily :.A.T McMLM MILE (1 PAIS We Sell as Low or Lower than Any of Our Competitors. We keep a complete line of everything. Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings. CALL AND The National Bank Building SEE . US. - - Heppner, Oregon Inckndiarihm. Early Monday morn ing, Chas. Cunningham's Birch and Butter creek ranohes were visited by an incendiary, or inoendiaries, destroying considerable property. On Birch oreek tbe dwelling bouse, granary, two big barns, half a dozen sheds and other out buildings, grain, hay, harness, grocer ies, provisions and Implements went up in smoke. On Batter creek the loss in cludes a big sheep barn, big horse barn, granary and storehouse, store and im plement house, bay, grain, implements and 1600 thoroughbred Merino bucks. Tuesday morning at tbe tiirch oreek ranob ocourred another fire, taking tbe last ot the improvements oo that ranob, aod destroying 240,000 pounds of wool. At the very time tbat tbe building and wool were fired, Mr. Cunningham and some wool haulers were camped near by watching the wool, and were to have oommeooed hauling the wool to Pendle ton Tuesday. About daylight the meo, worn out from loss of sleep, dozed off, and then the work of destruction was in augurated. Judging from the traoke, two meo set out tbe fire, bat they ooald not be traoked very far. There is a ohance for some loom man to do some good detective work. LOCAL MARKET REPORT. Wheat, bu 8 8640 Flour.bbl 2 40 Beeves, oowg & two-year-olds, owt. 2 25 " " three " " 2 50 Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 50 1 75 " stook 1 00 1 50 Hogs, ou foot, cwt.... S00 Hogs, dressed 4 00 Wool 5 8 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 2540 Eggs, doz 8 Chickens, doz 2 003 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per owt 40 Ike Ennis has a stock of bioycle repairs and will fix your wbeel up at reasonable rates. It is bis intention to make a specialty in tbis line, and as tbe number ot wheels is rapidly increasing, tbis will oertainly be pleasing news to those who are so fortunate as to own a bike. tf. Long Creek cor, E. O : Thos. On aid arrived from Heppner yesterdav for tbe purpose of buying a band ot 6000 bead of ewes. Tbev will be piohed op from the various sheepmen in this seotion. and as a natural result a few dollars will be put in circulation. Tbe ladies' aid sooiety of tbe Christian ohuroh will serve loe cream and cake to the Heppner publio on Saturday even ing next at 10c per dish, in the Heppner building on May street, formerly oo- enpied byO. Rnhl as a grocery store. Give them a call. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says "Shilob'a Vitalizer 'saved my life.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever need For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it exnels. 1'rioe 70 oects. Hold by 1 W. Ayers, Jr. On July 2. 8 and 4 tbe O. R. A N. will sell tickets to any point within 300 miles one fare for round trip. Tickets expire at midnight of the 6tb prox Tbis is a splendid opportunity to travel on bnsi Dees or pleasure. tf. Lost Between the depot and town, last Saturday, ladles' gold watch, with fob obain. Tbe watob Is blue enameled on both lids of case. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returniLg same to Miss Cora Hart at depot. B. F. Swaggart is prepared to furnish bis "Sore Hbot" equirrel poison in bnleaale lota. He has already received a large order from Washington and Idaho. Every where it baa been naed, it has not failed to exterminate the little pests. tf Mr. French. oonmpanied by ber detwbters who are stopping at bnme and Oven French, departed yesterday for McDnffls spring. Mrs. French is ill with rheumatism aod is seekiug re lief. The G. A. It. will have grand camp Ore and reunion at Lexington on the 3rd eod4ibol J ii. I 1 1 h . i vi ted to attend. Coma prepared to camp oo ground. tf. The pMsoogers oo yesterday's stage were W. Ii Johnson, the joiio uy atorkrnan, Erneet Oilbonaen, bo joins Ins brother at Long Cre-k. and Win Gordon, who go to McDnflls but prtogs for rheumatism. Nervous People And those who aie all tired out and have tbat tired feeliug or sick headaobe oan be relieved of all these symptoms by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which gives nerve, mental and bodily streDgtb and thoroughly pn rifles the blood. It also oreates a good appetite, onres indiges tion, heartburn and dyspepsia. Hoods Pills are easy to take, easy in action and sure in effeot. 253. CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt $ 87 97 Flour, bbl Z DO eg U 60 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 (B 5 00 Muttons, owt 6 00 800 Hogs, owt 4 50 & 5 25 Wool -Eastern Oregon.. 7 & Butter, n o J3 Eggs, doz 12 15 Potatoes new, per ot... 60 85 old, " ... 30 75 Chiokens, doz 3 00 600 Turkeys, lb 11 15 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, bu ' ( 52 53 Flour.bbl 180235 Beeves, owt 2 25 (3 3 50 " dreseed 5 00(3650 Muttons, live sheared... 2 25 2 75 " dressed, tt) 04 0 04 Hogs, on foot 3 50 3 75 ' dressed, lb 04 Wool Eastern Oregon... 05 07J Butter 15 Eggs, doz 10 11 Chickens, doz 3 00 3 75 Tnrkeys, lb dressed 12 THIS AJLAJV. HAS STRUCK BOTTOM That is what our competitors have to say ot Minor & Co. That there is nothing left to out on tbat they have reached tbe bottom,, on everything. corvniOMTBti E CLAIM to the larp-est and best VV I r. v . I .A I VI tn rsrrv III J VAX cplprfprl stork tn hp fniinrl in this rtr No Cheap-John goods kept in stock, you can find them elsewhere. We boast on the quantity and quality we handle, but as to our own honesty we have nothing to say ; we are like the rest of the human race, born to cheat, misrepresentation and fraud. MIJOIS & CO. Evidently a Suioidb Olhe Comp- ten's dead body was discovered io his cabin in tbe mountains, near Parker's mill early yesterday morning, by bis grandfather. Deoeased had a ballet bole in bis bead and a hasty examination of the remains led the old gentleman to conclude that the young man bad sui cided. An alarm was given and E. J. Merrill came down to town to get tbe proper officer to go out and bold an in quest. Coroner Ayers Is absent and Judge Freelaud was on the eve of de parture for Portland and ooull not go, so Judge Tom Carl consented to go oat and conduct the inqnest. He was ao- 0 impanled by Constable Whetstone. Compton was 23 or 21 years old, and un married. A boat two years ago be was afflicted with scrotals bat got better Lately be had been sintering from ao attaok of grip, but was out to Sunday school last Sunday morning and seemed in fair health. Late Wednesday even ing be was at Juhn Howell's, and this was tbe Wst seen of him till found dead. Temporary Insanity was probably tbe oauae. t. t. .Me. t. j,t. W W W W 'i? W W Whits House Brocery h m: win 'Kn iM mu &- . " - Simita Dinners a Soccialtf! Re-Opened! Backlen's Arnica Salve. Tbe best salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Hores, Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chilblains, Corns, Bnd all skin eruptions and positively onres Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to eive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. riPoe 25 cents per box. For sale by T. W. Ayers. Jr. Hon. J. A. Wright, of Sparta, Union oounty, has been appoiottd aide-de oamp, with the raok of lieutenant col onel, on tbe governor s stall, as oom-mauder-in-chief of the Oregon National guard. Joe is worthy of tbe bonor. -18 READY- To Male Things lively! IN THE GROCERY TRADE And offer tbeir new invnioe of Teas and Coffees at prioes tbat will make a sensa tion. Tbe Wbite House Urncerv oarries Fanoy and Staple Groceries, Wood and Willnwware, Glassware and Crockery and Tinware. PALACE HOTE L Hasbeen re-opened by Mm. J. B. Rporry who will conduct It in a strictly firnt-clann matyier, with the view of ileHBlng the trade in general. from Country Districts will be made to feel at home. Popular Prices! Free 'Bus for Customers to and from all trains. MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee. Highest prioes paid for country pro duce in exchange for goods. New goods aniviog daily. Call and examine to see for yourself. Next door to tbe City hotel, Heppner, Oregon. BEPPNER, D Tax. All owners' of dogs should call oo tbe recorder and settle tbeir taxes for tbe fiscal year, and also provide tbeir dogs with collars, eaoh bearing tbe nnmber of tax receipt. Those dogs oo which taxes are not paid will go the osual r ote. A. A. Bohkbth, 2-4 Marshal. LlrJT Ot IETTERB ADVKKT1HED j dr., June io, I '.!.'. LK ITERS. AT ItKf'PNF.R, oiiklin. Mrs Orpha (irtMim. jMl I nr h burr, rnarlra Viailarc, Win W When ralllnc fur thwi Wtor tilraae MI edvcrtlwd. J. F. Wiixua.. I'. M. Rilloaa Colin. Persons who are sol ieot to attacks of bilious colic will be pli-aedtoti,ow tbat prompt rrlirf may tie bad by taking Chamberlain's Colin, Cbolnra and Diarrbi H-niedy. It arts qaw-kly aod eao ala)a be depended op"U. Io many caees tbe attack may be prevented by taking tbis remedy m mxta as tbe first lodioatioo of the disease appear. Z') and U) eent boitla (or sale by Bloc o m -Jobnsoo Drag Co. (,oo4 llrallh And a good appetite go band io band. With lbs Imm of appetlUl the system eaooot long sustain ltelf. Thus tba fortifieetoo of gwd bralth are brokeo down aod tbe systrm is liable to attack of diseaee. It U io such ea tbat tbe medicinal powers of IIhmU liarstperllla toaiify to He great mrila as a panOrof lb blood. It powers to rector ai d sbarrwo the aiput ami promote a liallby aoli'in of lb digoeliv cgr Tba it la. But what y but ttbat Hood's Haraerll doS that 111 tb kiry and etiiiiiaia tbe etrotigMt f- eommi'Ulioo that rao be arl lot any melieln. Why Dot take Hood's Hartsparilla on? Tiam wrir.-I want in bay fi"d. gentle trn of alwai l.i'i pound bora. AIo t'xxl, eiod band a'in aod hfha and a gotl Sl It poay. Hate om ckmI, ynnng Pbnrt bora bull for al; elao Cm poultry and it fr hatehing . Twk firat prlt oo my rattle aod fol at Hut) fair lat yar. Call M tbe J. g Wil..o tlx above UfppO'f. X. C. HI -Ml ToitmM. Toiltt for July, whwh is found oo all newsdealer's ooautera, I attracting monb a.roirtioo owing to t's beautifully lithographed eovar. For some m inth PmI it ' been the prso- tiee of it pullilir to dooorale lb e-iVfr with Moral daaigQ io kffpiug wllb tbe sraa.,0. lb July lame cou- talu a boO't'l"! of Ola I ml a, which for daiotiot of dmlgo or Coloring caimol be sarpaa.! by batare berwlf. A ao mer girl, attired in a dream of a lnnl Boatum by o eelcbrald Parisiao mo diste, cwpM tbi plvaamg picture Witblo ib bik la gthri a rirb va nity of arliatM dw draign for city mountain or mm ar abico are Uraely d rib.l is ry parlicqUr of tbeir tn a k-op, n Ut the quantity of maurial r tirJ for pr in of n'liaia t: ft illustration locl.id dr for alt g, from ! baby upear I, and arerafffolly drawn an I wtll .rinld Mbr faahi'io tliagatine afford i fi"b fat of lb Vfy bt and latxt t;l a ToiUlt. I'lir 91 tmU, at all a....ai.r. OrrsaviLLs, V "fur Cfin I 0 great ifTrf from I))ppais, ant notbirig r !,?. I ti on'il I trod M mrnona IT.r IkguUtoe. TliMlalli rv,lon. Mrs M J Holiiian. i A 1 hiMiiin. MIm Rarah Vt llllamt, Frwl Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. XOTlrK H NF.KKHV OtVEM THAT A 1 oirvtlns ol thr Im kliaUli-n ol Ilia I'alarr llolfl nmHtnr lll In li'li In Hi xirlir ol aalil holi'l, In lif .(.iirr. (irrfun, on halunUr, tap 'i day of j inn, alio Horn f m , oi mki ear, lor tti nirHi of irtnwu tln Important bniinra in counwiion wim me rnmiaii)r a ai fan. (ma I'ATTsaMiN, 1. W. Moaaow, Vliofrra. enretary. , i. Vl Vrt Notice of Final Settlement. tm r. tt RFRFHY ilVK THAT THR unlrrlari.. th a.mliilatraUir of tint nialol Mnrmn. iWmmkI, hu rrn.lr,.! and prvaaiilril for Mtltlrnirfit an Hlvl til Anal ai-rount, aa irh a.lmtiilairalor, wtlh Ilia ft,itv rir1 of ih miiiily nl Morrow, atati fit f(i,n, ani Mnnaajr ma oaf oi J'ny, l at I" o Iin k a m.. nt aaM day ha tin-n il'ilr aif,lnlxl tr aal'l annrt lor th hMifln ol ni.jx u.Mia I., aall aorounl and a aril,nianl Ihcraol. M. R. MOK'iAX. 7 1.1 A4iiliiltialor. Here are THREE POINTS Wbich we wish yoa to Ileuaember : First: We Kepp HARDWARE Second: We oflVr it CHEAP Tnino: We m FOR CASH We are enabled to give more for a dollar than tho uhuhI "Dollnr'a wurth." rwi- Don't Pas It Ik ! rr, ww are if,f..rmwd. reaJiiing 4lt I . w , mm.l, lb -wp b'" '" I ' Now la Ibw time to gt tbe Ukl A. Ithea iiPP'l Me wnol SUP (Mmmtmn. Ihw ffwataat r.tf or ttilb th (.HU..Ib 'f.r afi,f ''r )', M JlobwtUf ell down toward "lb "' turniii'iiie i -prr"' w ' lown at tbw U i'.L T. Co. war- ia tu state. It4w will a ! Tn-Ir.I 5 balwf 'r pf.ri.inn an a-1 !Htl J"nfl,U liro-t ont "f an old elw Jkn II. f '' f.i piaalef, an arilitfaj l-t n,,A. in It,, world Ian, now , Yn- T" ,' " L a? HHI.i..po-l.r io - .n dry. or "" -'4r-Z' ,. L, 1 ... .n...walT a t.f GILLIAM cS: HISHEE Main Strfi't, Hoppnor, Or Notice of Intention. IAXtmrrii r, at tiir dai.i fx. oRr.oni 4 Mar II, Ih S'rm I hrrrhf ltn Ilia lh lollolii h.M tl, haa niit Iii.IIoM hla iiUntloi, lo in.k. Snal f.r.tf In aiitirl ol hlariaitn, ami llial aal l i r'.l am m mi ll.ir i W M.nt... I . rlrrk, al ll"'liu' unson, on iuiy a, ti WILLIAM O a"iTT, H I. So f..r wi u aii'l W'aW Ha nam, Hi I'.ll .i.r wltnraaa Io t,ri hla rvtnflii'i.tiia rti.riH mm,i, an. riiilMalM ul aal'l lai.'l. li i,,rra amtih, rratik aoih, Triomaa Ba kali, r. la( I' I a. mf, all of u.i..ii i -r I t. M'liMC, lUflalrf L Vofc of Intention. A Mi nrrt' It AT I A f.MAH'F. r,ir('i Ma 11. !. N..li I hl Attorneys tit Inw, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Pobhc aud Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HANK BUILDING. OREGON Leeer Bros. s the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES ALWAYS ON HAND. tV ptirr rataa Jff -fy 'J On i Big Seals ! BUSINESS conductod on a big IB Bcalo for chhIi roducon tho proportion of expotmn and iticroHH ps the aam of receipt. It enables one to buy chenp and Hell cheap. That accounts for tho manner ia which II C. Will conduct hi Mercantile IhtHinetM. -m- THE BEST GOODS For The Lowest Possible Prices. Lately moved from Fiexington and at preaent located iu tho llerrea building, May street. UEIPNKIt. OKKOON Iff i i rl al.i.ti II, al t,a f.i.i.. Io lia".1 lt,f l.at fl.l ..ill'...! hla M.Hi !' fl.i. S'-al f..'f In a'it-"rt .l hariaim a" I n.al al I . . a-li li.,. i W M'ff", ...,i.if I ivta.al ll-i'ioiar, Oraffoa, on J a, I.. l Jolll I.MttWAl.tl. jr.. tf' tl. r.4 r t, .r'ia'i't a4.--u t Hr w H H laM..- II. f"ii"Htf Mf.a U. .Oia hia M,tii-..a Miai umn ail t 'it l.atl'in Of al I land ! la i i.m NH1.I.H, T a w-mra, ini rio.ao, I H Na'i.r, i.( lli.tiir, Ora f. tSIIA-l. tnavle loUj a tan. A Hay , an '! I, IxsaM wab i ky. ha a y ii aa.ll a lat j t4 a ll.fiar aM llar lmaa, I fi,. 4 Hare r' I will p I f.f tif ( iarn It I. I kT. 1 41 ll. liefrpw-, Ufon. $ .al I. Iha ..ai 11. A lha f'i ll n. ,4 Iha SiM H'.-a .4 fc a'U- La 9tf fr.i.M ...1 ll.. ...I ..ila H.H...I a ...a i.a ai-ru.ii. i IM-1 la !, I ,i4Urt.a 'H aa r . T. W. AYKIW, .fr llefiptMif, Orra- '.-'i' -. f'ret Vsf.l ' .- ' 1. - ' i ff'n. ntf n tftU t rUul !. hMblft'Mlf"hl $f fliM it0 t,nwt ttt I! lskM f.f Mt.M ' Ul.r A l l' ' .(. ftMff City. Of ! ii it i Talking Titrougii fiis Hal! Tli man wbn talk tlirn'itfti til lint is evi-r whim In -i-np wa-rjr l jwtluii able el'li lir it la, Ion, in luo. oaar. Ilia man id Inti'lliKi-cirn eotprs bin eraii'nm witli oil of T. It. I()VAIM)S fin raw l,aU, whl. h la in llalf s sign fit pmapenty and K'"l laaie, II alwi lint lii Ki'wprii.a, tfafita' lr 6111111, etn kiuon'l snpplia( . If., at - T. R. HOWARD'S. Mr. Ilriward rtiaki- a s4ila!iy In Hi" llillHI rr'l'lirnl tit liri and cattlrtuaO. lUUimlir lli ilr.Mak HEPPNIR BLOCK, Main St., finir li'mr '.iith i.f t' t! ly btl, .Lhii.lL I) LMh. Plenty of them at tho Gaz.ttc Office pr. in V ivme na , r.. lm aaw ai.l aaSawrlb. is aonehlerwl prwtly tt "