Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 11, 1895, Image 4

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While 70a ep yonr tubacr ipton paid np yon
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses G(i on left
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, nnder bit on
right ear, and tipper bit on the left; range. Mor
row oountj.
Armstrong. J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on left hip.
AlliBon, O. D., Eiht Mile, Or. Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and homes same brand on right
shoulder. Range, Eight Mile.
Adkins, J. J .1 Heppner, Or. Horses, J A con-
neten on left ninn, oaiTie, nam on imi inu.
Blird. D. W. and sin. Horsei brandd D H
onthelott hip; 0 tie the same on left fUnk.
crop off rig 't ear. nndercrop in the left. Itange
in Morrow County.
Bartholaraew, A. O., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor-
Hamiister, J. W., Hardman. Or. battle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, (Tonseberry Oregon Horses
branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on
nfJnrke.eM St 0, Long Creek. Or On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, oiop off left ear, nn.
der half crop off right. HorseB, same brand on
letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow
Brosinari, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; oattle B on the left side.
Left ear half orop nd right ear oncer slope
Barton, Win.. Hppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in
Brown'. Ibb, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range. Mor
row county. .
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, mrcle
C with dot in nei ter on left hip; cattle, same.
nrnwn w jr.. Iana. Oregon. Horses W. bar
over It, on the left shoalder. Cattle same on left
hirloyer, W. (i., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on righ' hip cattle, same, wun spin in
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; nattlo. same on lerr nin.
n.,i.. w .T Fm.Or Cattle. JB oonneoted
on left side; orop on left ear and two split and
middle piece cnt out on right, ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Range in Dox valley,
11 . ,..,,
Carsner Warren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand
ed O on right stme ; cattle unree tmni m
right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Range in
l I anil Hnrrns nntintinfl.
Cain.E.. Caleb.Or. Y D on horses onleft stifle'
tt milk nnurtxi-nirnle over it. on left shoulder
and on left stifle on all colts tnrlnr 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 0 years. All
In U.unt nnnnfv.
Cate, Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; name same ou riguv uip,
ij M,,p.n and mat Ilia nounties.
Corrigall. M M. Oallowiy. Or (battle crop ont
Of each ear and underhit. wattle in forehad;
horses half circle C on left stifle. Range Mor
owand Umalilla oonnties.
Curl, T. H.. John liay, Or. Double cross on
eaoh hip on oattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
oonniy. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, orop on left ear
nnnched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
In 'leant -inntlt.v
Cook, A. jLena,Or. Horses, 90on rightshonl
der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
Horses, ti on
Squires, James. Arlington, Or,; horses branded
J8 on left shoulder: cattle the same, alBO nose-
waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam counties. !
Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses HS oo 1
right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right sitle
btevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. Cattle, ti
on right hir; swallow-fork in left ear.
Hwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, U od
left Bhouldw ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Hperry, E. G.. Heppner. Or. Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underhit in left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, I on
left shoulder: cattle. 2 on left shoulder.
Tipnets.8.T.,Ecierprie.Or. Uorsee. C-on left
shoulder. .
Inrnep R. W. Hennner. Or. Small capital T
left shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip
ith split in both ears.
Tr.rr,t,n H M .. Innn. Or. Horses branded
HT connected on left stifle: sheen same brand.
Vanderpool. H. T.. , Or: Horses H V con
nected on right shoalder ;oattle, same on right
Walbridge, Win.. Heppner. Or. Horses. V. L.
on the left shoulder; cuttle same on right hip.
crop off left ear and right ear lojiped.
Wilson, John u rjaiem or neppner, irr.
Horses branded Jq on the left shoulder. Range
Morrow connty.
Warren, W H. ( 'aleo, or attie w witn quarter
circle over it, on left side, split in right ear.
Horses Bame brand on left shoulder. Range m
Grant connty.
Wade. Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses branded
ace of spailoB on left shoulder and left hip
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
Wolflnger, John, John Day City, lit-un noma,
three parallel hare on left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malhner
counties. rt
Woodward. John, Heppner. ur. Morses, vr
connectod on left shoulder.
Watkins, Lishe. H oppner, Ur. Horses Dranaeo
TJE oonnected on left stifle.
Wallace. Charles, Heppner, Or. Cattle, W od
nghtthigJi, holt in left ear; borees, W on right
shoulder eoni. same on loft, shoulder.
Whittier riros., nuntiogton. Baker Co.. Or.
Hornes branded W B connected on left shoulder
Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Range Grant conn ty.
Williams, J O. Long Creek. Or Elorses, quar
ter oircle over three bars on left hip; cattle same
and slit in each ear. Range in Grant connty
Wten, A. A., Heppner, Or. Morses running A A
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hii.
Young, J. H., Gooseberry, Or. Hon ee branded
THnn the right nhou Ide"
$1 50.00 every month gi ven away to any one who ap
plies through us for the most meritorious patent duhnf
the month preceding.
We secure the bent patents for onr client,
and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to
keep track of their bright ideas. At the same tunc w
wish to impress upon die public the tact that
TIUNS. At a Bpeoial meeting- of the Oregon
State Board of Horticulture, held in
Portland April 2, 1S93, all membtrs
present, the following regulations were
adopted, iu aooordanoe with tbe laws
regulating iuob matters, and are, there
fore, binding npon all persons. Tbe
regulations are to take effeot and be in
force from and after May 4, 1895:
Rale 1 All consignees, ageuts or
such as the "car-window" which can be easily slid op
and down without breaking the passenger's back,
"sauce-pan," "collar-button," "nut-lock," "bottle-
-. ' ' ..1 . ,Lml,..nJ ...1. I;..'. .Ui..... .In. mn.
any one can fiiid a wjy of improving; and these simple Other persons, Bball, Within twenty-four
invenuons are the ones that bring largest returns to the ,... .,;i- tlla ntTinora nf
author. Try to thinV of something to invent nours, notify the quarantine otuoers or
IT IS NOT S'3 HARD AS IT SEEMS. the State boBrd ot Horticulture, or a
Patents taken out through us receivespecial notice in duly comm.Bsioned quarantined guardian
.., K-iinnnl Recorder, published at Washirtetttn. u r i . I 1 1
Nauonal Recorder, published at Washington, nf the arrival nf anv trpea. nlnnts. buds
r published in America I rf ' r
e luriush a years sub
scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients.
D. C, which is the D est newspaper
in the interests of inventors. We
L Castle Crass
pnncnea upper on in usii .
right and under half orop m left ear. All rangs
in Grant oonntv.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 80
der: Cattle, sameon righthip: eai
orop off left and split in right.
Currin. It. X., Currinsville, Or,
left stifle. ... r,
Cox Ed. 8.. Hardman, Oraitle,
tin oenter; horses. (,!!, on lernio.
Coohran, H. E.. Monnment, Grant Co , (Jr.
Horses branded oircle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; oattle same brand on both hips, mark
nnder slope both ears and dewlap.
',,,;,, H . Hunlnmn. Or. Horses branded
O on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also
brands CI on horses right thigh; catie saaie
brand on right shoulder, anu cut on enu oi
rin'.LI'.. W M .Gallowav. Or. Cattle. R Don
right side, swailuw-fork in each ear; horses, 11 D
""Jil'Sip'rSi.. Donulas. Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hole
in right ear. , . .
lfmopu IV H.. nardman. Or. Horses branded
alreversedtlwilhtailjonleft shoulder; nat.
esame on right hip. Itange in Morrow county.
H hint n ha. I.. A.. Ileuuner. Or. Cattle. LV on
right hip; horses V with bar nnder on right
Florence. B. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F on
;,,), Ixiivlilnri cattle. Eon right hip or thigh.
T.'r.,nl. (iunrirn. Ileininer. Or. Cattle brauiled
WF, with bar ovet it. on left side; orop off loft
ear. Horses, same hraim on Ion nip.
n.nir. k'.iniar. Knho. Or. Ilorws brsnded H
H. with a quarter circle over it, on left stllle.
iunuin Miirrowand UmatillanouiitiHs.
Hiuii. A. It.. Ilidne. Or. Cattle, ronnd-tin K
with quarter circle umlnr it on the right hip.
ii,iiu in Murriiw and IJnmtillaiioiiiitiea.
Hinton Junks, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bsis
on either hip; crop In right ear and split in left.
Horses J ou right lliign. uangein iirniii couiity
Hughes, Hamnel, Wagner, Or-- (T F L
run iiih-ted 1 nn right shoulder on horses; on cattle,
on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
right ear ami slit m mtu nanga iu iiaystaci
diirlnt.Mo"nw punntw
Mule, Milton, Warner, t)r. Horses hranded
-O- (enllle with Jiarallel tails) on left shoulder
Cutt le name on left hip also large circle ou left
Howard J li, Oslloway. Or. Horses T (cross
Willi bir above In on riglil aboiildnr; cattl"SHin
on left sidii. IliHim in Morrow and Umatilla
counties .
Hull, Edwin, John Day, Or. Cattle K II on
right hip; Imrs s sa'iinon right shuuldor. Iluiige
in tlrsnt comity.
Hughes, Mat, llepiinar, Or. Morse, shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Ilange Morrow Co.
Ilunsaker, M A. Wagner. Or. -Horses, V on left
houlder: rial lie. mi left hip.
Humphreys, J ti Uanluian, Or. Horse, li on
lf' Hsiik
llnsioti. I.n'her, Eight Mile. Or.-Home H on
the left ahonlderand heart on the left stills Cat.
tie saine on left hip. Hinge In Morrow noiinty
Jiiiim, Htrrv. Ileppn-r, Or tlorana tirandml
II J on the left siMiulilerj cb'II.i lira mI'iI J on
right hip. also iinderlnt iu left ear. Iluiige iu
Jim row coiiiitr.
J nn k ill. H. M., Heppner, Or Morse, horse,
shun J on lfl shoulder. Cattle, th sains.
Itange lm 't,t Mile.
Johns in, Klis. 1,-na, tVr Hore. elrelsTon
left suite; cattle, same on right hip, nnder half
rii In ri'' end snlit n left ear
Kennr. Mike, Menpner, Or. Monw branded
KSY on lefl hip cattle nam and orop oil lsft
art nnder !' nn the right
Kirk. i. T., Heppner. Or. -Horses At An left
slimil.ler: rattle, mi n Ufi hip.
Kirk. Jmw. Hennner. Or.i hora II on left
ekonlilari oattle sain on tight side, Ohderlnt on
right ear.
kuiiilierlsnil W it Mmint Vemnn. Or.-I I, on
eat 1 1 on rmul and left side, swallow fork in It ft
sir and ntider cinp In tight ear. Morses saint
brand on left shoulder. lUnge In Oraut conntv,
lofien, Hie,nn, foi.tir.-H I, on loft hip
hi mill, eroti and srlil on right ear. II
same liraiul on bft sliouliler. Itaiig titant
l.immllan, John W., l,lain- Or.-MonM
branded half-citcl J I, eonnctet nn left hmil
rier. Caul, same on left hit.. lUtig. near 11
Ueihey. J W Mepimer Or lliirtw branded
t.aml k ot left shoulder; eettt pain on lefl
hip, waillutr tisht , tbre sin in r glit
IiM. Oeorga. Heppner Or.-IIoim branded
rVeilil II ixh Hee l, xomeliniiai callwl
win II. on lefl shiMlliler.
Minor, nvinr ir.-Iitu, M II on
right hip; hiirei M on left slimildef.
M-iran, H N . Ilvii.r, Ur - Mora, M )
m Ufl ttiMihU rattl saiue nn tnfl tup.
Milvheil. Ilwar. I'Hi. or.-lliirM. II no right
hip: rain. I? on right sol.
Mel Mim, II. It., Hmwiisvlll. Or.- Hot
fi.ir I on nark tl Ider. raMla. Mine bin
M.ilirr, frank. VUr, Or - Mulasho
ith ii.eiik on pi)l rils sa l nmler In
SW'S ear; horse brand n letl still.
M.-Hil ., . u. , ., i(iii.in. Or - mi liot
Wllh l,ll 'it '! mi. let ihi l"'l li.HI I, l"f . on al
f.eir Itrm p.,..n "e-l on lop on th right side
Itarigp in li'il Cminlf.
N.ol Andi-w Um li.trk Or - llorae A 1 ti),
Rp. tn.1 on left h.ml.lot . P'ile aain on both hit,
S..r-li ,Hiton r. HotMS.eirrta lost
left Hugh pa'tl earn on left hi,
tlli.M J,m,H I aimtn I Hi Or A I nn call
n left top on hwrtMw, m iis on left thigh, llanm
in Oraitl celnty
Dller. I'wri, ltllilNI, (H.-I U HI lefl
nin Mr'nn. 1'iairl Clly, Or. -On celt I, O
l.l P.metl o left Ittpt lt.irM II lefl tllls
and wrlon ni ltsne in tliant p.Hinty,
'aion. I KiM Mil. I r. - M .ir. niwf
tr pirl l.n.l. I on lft linild-r and ill on leri
,i. I alii, fork la I"'' xl. 'Iijt rrol (l. iH
l,n lft hltv ll,inii liM Mil.
rikr ij inwn, Hi I nan.Of,- Hopaastl'o
r.f ..m l-f.
'Hh. I a I. lili gion.Or. Mor-e bran l
r. il. y eaeotrlli mii I 1 IhhiI.IpI ; pttie
nTaiMt ig' t hip hang H.irrow p.-int,
l i.-t.J. H . l-tl' loe, M"t. Jf P"l
a..p. ih lfi '..ii,r, raitl. sain on Uft hip.
i.,x lm la a-ti "r
'pl. A I . !"", IH I l"'"l dUmoMl ' i mi
. . lMet..Hi r,Hl. J II J p.linelP'l. In
rr Liu. y.,i-i l..t la lft tail aad iu in Her
It ..I ; !. Il.r l i.aa Or - 1 1. . s.nai
y,,,.! ,,.,ir -i 1 in it ot lri siiCm
I 1,1 !. M"t Ol. II'ITMS, I III
lll ! !.
h H" , Hi i ', Of - !! brand"! J
Pn II. .. f . m'"l. 1 "a th Ml nip
r. .. ..tl n I ! il ' rte k. llM.g tl
kl ,.! 1 -oo.t p, mi lie
IImi.i ll i ltio' H. Or Ho ass
..,, tl A H o tia'.l !. ,eiidt, sent .n'
, ,,tt l....l. all MIO rigid top
Iv V II Ixi.ftlU, Or till p.-
. t . .,.,iff n'- i i,v ihi eiuon r,.i ti
ad '! t 't ' I ! ". H.
! I i't --I t-t. Ii4. la Inn.!
I,H J W , H.if. Or ll.rtfM. JO ul
Ml Stxrl IM, I tfll. II ) tllH klSH
Sw..il W. r,lllte If - l.l aled
I H Wl (,ae Ill" left I.IJi, il.,
I... k lb r x' txl.il in I "
ix, i IV, IU,.i.-.", ll., 4 1 we
pi l,t. i-a'ii- k w Ufi h'l .
H.M J . .s. l - S' p,p n
k.MMB t -ll l,U, P'l-, O tig kll
-,. ..1 !' i -.4 ue W tui ia W aat, Kaaa
OPENS JUNE 1, 1895.
Luxury, Good Cheer, Hospitality, Dc
lilitful and Healthful PastLnes,
ilatcliless MouDtaiu Scenery.
Kstsbllshed last year In a roman
tic dell of the HacnMiicnto Canyon.
Inst below and In full view of grand
old Hhasta It was a great lilt and
proiiiisns still more ciicourHgiiiK ro-
sinis ior tne iircseui. yi'Hr. i j.
Iiftuh, atCastella, Is still lti charge
and will answer all Inquiries.
A i ew candidate for public favor
this year is
Also In the Phasta region, about
a mile and a half from Duiisiiiulr.
It is a genuine pHrmllsc for hunters,
fl-hers and seekers of health and
pleasure. Kasy to reach (neiir the
rail road), sightly, and nil the lie
(u'ssitle of camp life easily procur
able. All inquiries about Simula
Vlcliin Cainp, If addressed to W. C.
tirny, Box 4, Iliinsuiuir, Cul will
receive prompt attention.
Camping In The
Alma, Wrights, laurel, (ilenwood,
FelKin. Hen Lomond,
Houlder Creek.
furnish a year's tub- or cions at the quarantine station, in tbe
ist. to all our clients.
We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month district Ot rjDal destination.
Bale 2 All trees, plants, cuttings,
which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands
of copies of the " National Recorder," containing a
sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention,
will be scattered throughout the United States among
capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their
attention the merits of the invention.
All communicauons regarded strictly contiaenuai.
Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents,
618 F Street, N. W.,
Box 385. Washington, D. C,
grafts, bnds or cions, imported or
brought into tbe state from any fortign
country, or from any of the United
States or territories, are hereby re
quired to be inspected upon arrival at tbe
quarantine station in tbe district of &dh
destination, aud if any tuoh nursery
(2) Iiitsi , ilo
Rtcretue editor cthis paper. VrittJ0rtmr stock, trees, tlants, Cuttings, grafts,
co-tarc 4am6hUt. FREE. . . . .
J " l.,i ,1 a wa l 1 .t trt Ka f.oa or
insect pests and fungnous diseases, tbe
said quarantine offioer or duly com
missioned quarantine guardian shall
issue a certificate to tbat effeot. And
furthermore, if any of said trees, plants,
outtings, grafts, buds or cions are found
infested with insect pests, fungi, blight
or other diseases injurious to fruit or
to fruit trees, or other trees or plants,
tbey shall be disinfected and remain in
quarantine until tbe quarantine officer
of tbe State Board of Horticulture or
tbe duly commissioned quarantine guar
dian oan determine whether the said
trees, plants, outtings, grafts, buds or
oions are free from live injurious inseot
pests or their eggs, larvae or pupae, or
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
From the Irish World.
One ot (he hvpoorisies praotioed by
tbe gold moDometallista ii to pretend
tbat tbey are in favor of silver if there
can be an international understanding
on tbe question ot bimetallism. With
them this is merely an exouse to put off
the question of bimetallism until tbe
Qreek Kalends. Tbey know well
enough that England will never be a
party to such an international agree
ment, and with tbe great creditor nation
of the world holding out, it is not likely
tbat the other nations will come to any
mutual understanding in regard to bimetallism.
Tbat the nation which is more inter
ested in maintaining tbe gold standard
will not oonsent to the remonetization
of the white metal is abundantly shown
by the following oable dispatch:
London, May 28. Sir William Vernon
Harcourt, Chancellor of the Exchequer,
bas formally replied to tbe memorial for
warded by influential bankers and finan
ciers, in terms emphasizing bis previous
strong remarks in favor of the gold
standard. Hia reply conclades thus:
"You may rely upon it tbat Her Ma
jssty's Government will give no counte
nance to any change in the fundamen
tal piinctples ot our monetary system,
nor, in any disoussions in which tbey
may be oalled upon to take part, will
tbey admit any doubt as to their inten
tion firmly to adhere to the single gold
This leaves no doubt as to the position
of the British government in reference
to bimetallism. England believes tbat
ber interests as a creditor transoend her
other interests, and so long as sbe ad
heres to this belief sbe will not do any
thing which will endaDger tbe gold
So far as an international agreement
in regard to silver is concerned, England
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Denver
fungous diseases before tbey oan be ia mistress of tbe situation. Let this
offered for sale, gift, distribution or faot be recognized once for all. Let it
transportation. All persons or com- also be recognized that, so long as this
panies are hereby prohibited from faot exists, talk about an international
oarrying any trees, plants, outtings, agreement is talk whioh means nothing.
grafts, buds or oions from without the "
at In nnv nnint within th atatJ Tw0 L,VeS SaVed'
hnvnnrl thnnpnrp.l nninl on itB Hnfl or Mrs. Phoebe ThomBH, of JunOtion
r Til i.lJL.. I J k -U-UJ
oourse to tbe quarantine station in the ,ly. 8ioia "J- neruociorn BUO una
That the RAMBLER
Is one of the very best wheels ever made is an Indisputable fact. It stands in the
front rank with all high grade machines, and If you buy one you will make no mistake.
Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE If you want to be happy, for should your wheel te
punctured, It can be mended by you In live minutes, as u is m"' "
renowned G. & J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rims.
Sold in all sizes for ladles or gentlemen at f 100 each.
Tandems for two men or man and woman, f!50 each.
tub- d Aim cil r R ia the fastest. Hehtest and strongest wheel in the market.
1 For style, flnlBh and durability it is unsurpassed, as it is constructed on strict mechan- M
1 Chicago Ideals f
1 For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 inch wheels, at $B5. 155, f BPct- ft
M ively. are splendid medium grade wheels, with Q. & J. high-grade double locking edge
S3 clincher tires and are fully warranted, W
Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call f
on our numerous ageutB. Rambler Rustlers Wanted in every town in Oregon, V ashing- j
ton and Idaho. t merrLL cycle C0MPANY
W Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeffery Manf. Co's "Rambler Bicycles." Main &
y Store. :7 Washtnirton H . Portland, Or. Mai E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent and W
m lecturer. uTIS PATTERSON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon.
die'riot of ultimate destination, or from consumption and that there was no hope
any point within the state to any other f' ber but two bottles of Dr. King's
W ' T I 1 1 J I
point therein, until such trees, plants, w discovery completely cureu uer
nnttinos. .raft. hndn or cions have been Says Bavea ner me. lur. Alios.
duly inspeoted, and if required disin- Ker8, Ida i) lonaa di., oan rrancisoo,
feoted as hereinbefore provided, and all "offered from a dreadful cold, approach
such shipments must be accompanied 'DK consumption, tried without result
I I 1 A I I LI - 1 111..
Cf Po.,1 Fnnrnr fi'f,, by the proper oert.floa.es of the inspeot- eyeryimug eine men uougin . uun.n
Ot. I ClUl IvdnSClS VltV J , t, i j u . . . of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two
Actnoao v.iwy lngoffloeri Pr0Vlded, however, tbat week8 WMKcared. He isnatuaally tbauk-
arter such persons or company has given fui. It is such results, of which thes
thp nrnner nfTiner fnnr dava' notice, he are sumoles, that prove the wonderful
. ii.n. u.u u ..ir. kM Ufflcaoy of this mdioine in oougbs and
'"r""" r. "Z 4 u colds. Free trial bottle at T. W Ayers.
Biiuu BuiptueuiB lunuer, wuuoui uiiouu- Jf ( dra(f Btore Regular size 50o. and
oiib irom suon omaer. l.
Utile 3 All peach, neotarine, aprioot,
plum or almond trees, and all other tiees
budded or grafted upon peaoh stook or
ol Imitation trida
nark and label.
is the whole stoiy
Reduced Rates
During the ('aiiiplng whsoii will be
mtulu by llio
For full purllruliirB nddresH
K. I'. ROtiKliH, Arnit. lii-r. !'. A lrt.,
I'llllll.ANII, tlllKliON.
July I'd. Or any H. I1. Co. Agent.
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland rootB al, peB0h or otLer pit9( 6nd a
pcaob, neotariDe, apricot, plum or
almond outtings, buds, or oionB, raised
r J M
Mi J
'X 3
Every 5 Days For
QAM FRANOIQOO or grown in a district where the "peacb
OM1M raMlllOIOOUi yellows" or tbe "peach rosette" are
For full details call on O. It. & N.
Agi tit at Heppner, cr address
Gen. 1'iihh. Agt.
yellows' or the "peacn
known to exist, are hereby prohibited
from being imported into or planted or
offered for sale, gift or distribution within
the state of Oregon.
Hule 4 All trees, plants, outtings,
grafts, buds, cions, seeds or pits arriving
from any loreign country found infested
with insect pests or their eggs, larvae or
pupae, or witb fungi, or other diseases
heretofore unknown in tliid state, are
The Far-East Town That Was th Seem
of Recent International Episode.
Eastport, the scene of the recent
seizure of American fishing boats by a
dominion cruiser, is not, as is popularly
supposed, the most easterly town in
the United states, as a part ol iuoec
extends about a mile farther toward
the sunrise, but it is far enough east to
be commonly known as "the juraping-
off place," and it is an old and interest-
intr town. Eastport, says tne jsew lorn
Sun, occupies the whole of Moose
Island, which is connected with the
mainland by a bridge twelve hundred
foot in lonpth and sopnratcd from the
oucen'a dominions by picturesque Pra-
sumuquiKldy bay. Moose lsiunu is aooui
two miles wulo by nvo miles long, ana
Eastport villuce is situated at its south
Th thumb Is an titifnlllnir Irrlri
f In mirr. 1 In- riiiwri 1 , h- In
dimti-a iri'liu: lil. I'trnt fiuiL'V
anil Brintii-". I om-I sihiil i llir
hiiBlillHli'd 'I'Mi d'' llinllitiot lliorl
of ailisni ril lilisn Slid till, mi r
ki.iIIiv It. .ill f,f llir'i M 1m Ih Iiiiiv
tn the tniy man or niniiini; and
Itriiiiirrnt Family Mailin pin
nn r-.,rrl;illy l"t Hull pimi'lia
kiiiiik vnliiine of tn w liiciia. con
di'tia. d In a 'mail rimi-, n 'lint thr
rt-nml of th nhiilri voriil'a Hulk
fur a ninnth niar Ik riail In hnf an
lionr. 'I'he t'omral 1 l' h iliiati'i
n ilnrmi'iii. cull nr. . mil a Ion' "I
Inn-H". lm, iri-, ami ft tn-n A H-ri
IUi tin li' nf Itinmli mil tlmr,
nullity nijiiy lln- IHi rnr alum limn
of ii'tiinri--l a M.'t'H?iii. I tir Ar
Itrl r Til IiiiiiliIi li' "I
In antv and wlili h will mm rnrt
nli a.nrii in tin marii Hi i tit nil i n I
j iirr i'i iii-i'p, in.j . nn i" -, i. ,i
A rlim d tn.in tin' ui'k-ilial m in in.'
' M' lnii'iii'. Hi ' iinl ii ,i lirntiil i if
VI litiii rtiixir iiiiii-i. i'li h tll
, I fcMcn in riitv mli-ir U-r lo
I' murral'a Ma arlnr fur I hi. Tli"
rmi of tui inturti niitk ul an u
.V4lill; and Hi lritt-ilnrili'n
laiitmt Im iiii ni'tii-hiil finiii Hi'
or wtnal. Ill mii Una. an niiil'
i.l, ur walrr-ii'liir nlmr I I UIn
Ii.IuiI Ini arti iitinilirnf ilu Muta.
rnir, and Hi an i ! ari- m 'uw
fii-iU anil mjirllnv t lilratid tliat
thr Mainr lli! S, In Mult, I' ll
f.iilu nf art mi'i-a of llm l,i.lnt
niili r 1 l i' I'l lniii Mr I M1"'
thumb of Ih I'lllikif anil Inn Hint
lif t.l ln l'l I1 ilii' Intrr-r-inl
In Ihiii ili'rlnnl iiiimtli ,f
III llinmriala M.'.l. in ln(
tinn nf iu iinnii-iiiii ili (lannipi t.
h ill rmrr lli rnurr am-lir nil
U't lirti Ailil. I lirnt,ii Hi if riry
Nil. fai'rv. and Nil nf Ih'
In iii'-r. a I iii-v a l-rir.it
J m 'I Maiailm". i il Ii ' a.o
r'i iinl V "' "" Wm 'h
hrii.l In l"nr an'-! r'nttnti. II
t i win Mi". d i"i 'H tixe
aiinr.li Vlmai'in1 In unr. Aililir-e
l .ftokio.. ! l!'Mtt. INilill hrt,
1 la I IIUI Html. S.w ilk.
'I timirri I'm a faliinn n-wfli'lir Its
. 'f . i N'tiinti ia'i alul u all ii r
im Nmili an ' iliiinialii Inaliir- old
1m. i f itirr.lii! li liill In (lti
..a.i l y. niti It T'l I'f
"1 n .uiti n i h In. li all In llaaln I
a alrlnlnl ra. . ft III, ' J
m,itl, Imiliilwl lie. In'" tlH
i,l, lw,,-t'4 .,! tlal v In tli
nl,r art i n i.f inn hn d nt nn In
I. nn. ri 'r a, 'i'!. If il i nl a. ijua nint l'
I i,,i i, -.i.l l,.l ai nn. n "I" )
a i .!! il I' M a. i'i ll.i- 1 1 I !
n in Ih a ul ' if rnn! r, il l ir in i"-
l. .... r.'h nj ui iiii Iu lil'ii a-, i a m
latin' Nuiny.
hereby prohibited from lnnding,
Kale 5 Fruit of any kind grown in eustcrn extremity upon a harbor which
any foreign country, or in any of the is opon the year round, never having
Cuited (States or territories, fonnd in- Ucn closed by ice. Eastport has auf-
V 1 P. .1 f . ..-..ai. fX VinTC
.. ;.l .. :.u l iercu mure irum m-itiuuui men "
And all poinu In California, vim u.. Mt. NmH "" "J r ...u u7 havinff been
fungi, blight, or other disease or diseaeea prctioll lly wip4,d out tirce timo8 withln
lin,iihnrn Un! f i Pa injiirmus io irun or iruiv irwn, ur i the past hulf century, in ISoUtne DUhl'
other treea or plants M hereby pro- ncss section was swept away by the
rh-rrMt hihwr thmnah falifornin to all LibileJ from beintf ofTured for sale, mft flames, and this waa repeated in 1804,
lKiinurjw'aii.1 mmi n. tiranii rwnin ..nut L,,,..,,:!,.,!,,,. .hi,:- n,,,,,.. when two hundred ana nity tnou&ana
, . . . , . dollar' wo nn oi property
Rule C-Any boxes, packagea, packing . , ., i; t in th tnwn
Attarhwl toiiir trnin. rinnlin animnor i.i,.i -.i ti.. i.i,. ..! k. .n. I . . " ' . .,.!..
.miiii.HUU.inaforo..iid-!lii)ii-ngr.. I """- '" ".", was VlMWa oy a conuaga""" which
For it. tii kot. ahxiiins car rrvtlona, inseotor Innectn, or their eg.rs, larvae or di'stroyed one hundn'd ana atxty-two
Uuu. t. P. AKt., rortland, Oregon
rknK nS.'rr' K. p. Ro ; k rh. AM, pni.He,orbyanTfungi, blight, or other
disease or diseases known to be injurious
to fruit or fruit trees, or to other tree or
plantH, and linble to spread oontagioti,
are hereby pruhililted from being offered
tor stile, gift, dint ribut ioa , or transpor
tation until saiil niatenal baa been din-
infected by dipping it in boiling water
aud allowing it to rem lio io aaid boiling
"T ...
Mmplrat, CaE1"
Mronge.1, lffifCTnffl Wf king .
5nlld I ii Uf! J-Uiv I Moat
buildinira. causinif a loaa of eight hun
dred thousand dollars. The people,
however, soon rebuilt their town, thii
tinio in a more substantial manner than
In-fore, when nearly all the building
wor of wrvxL Eastport la to-lay
handsome town of aomethinir over flvo
thousand inhabitanU, the greater part
f whom are connected in oro w7 ot
.mother with the fishing Industry, and
all of whom teem to prosper belter than
4 f"kpir"k(fn Costs no more than other package soda never spoils
111 pdvlytlvbi flour universally acknowledged purest In die worlda
A Maae only by CHURCH fc CO.. Rew York. Sold by grocers evetTrThere.
M Write for Arm and Hammer Book of valuable Recipes FREE,
King of Bicycles.
Compel t,
Moat Modern and progrraalv
Cur rialiHfii vr liifiimiattna rlir H
Nrw ttn. Conn.
, l tr b !
1 1 f r- . .. , A 1 1 mlltwtik !
f .... r ! M...11 I'hUhii a , . m I .
I t ' ax l ft r vl ft lVi
I ti.-.i i..t o ... ' t A (V
0 ' 't . , ( witHr 4 me i . 4
1 1 M 9 t W l I J
h . t .i ..a - l t i ' f-t ,
tMHi-l mm, r 'I ilMlr.t fe J f l '
Ur H ' 4 i f t t. l tu- 9 tl Um
H, t f f i ,-tLt-.-i.tf f t f
l-i flaji'l !! ttf
T r.tonipirtlvttutofthtttwocarl
la knewa to dimI pcrtont.
Thar llluairal that rair quantity la
Not atr nioal la tM alii.
Tha taidt tipraa th bnadtll uU
4atmparJ wllh any prvtaulrknwa
l'M'l IM CI VU
Ot 4f 91 by mmtU
irtt cnt mic it CO., t o imk it., a f
ati.rnolr thao two tiiliiotm; aueh thc ttTcrngo of mankind. Thla la the
boiling ati'r naiJ aa uch diainfeotant (troat crutor of thut Intrroating indua
to Ooutain ia olulion ona pound of try whoac product la "little Ulu' bilfd
comwilratf.! polaah to raoh and
..ii . .
lt.il khiiiiii in aa-ri. , ,, , , , , ,
.1,1 milli'U, ainwu aim i'iavr,v iu v- .-.
Kuie u-Atumaia anown aa ny.ng ,. . MMml -n with .rtl..ic
f.n, Aoatraliao or Englinh wild rabbit, 1 Kna h luariptiona-and they are Just
orolhr-r animala or bird Uftriinpntal to &a mkm um any aaruinra, if you only
fruit or fruil trpi. Dlnnta. etc.. am rro- want to think . and ninrty nlna pco-
Inhitud troro Mug brought or Undn.1 io pl Io on hundred l.m t know me an-
Ihi.atat. and it Uodnd .hall b. d f'"- ''Mit Ffrt
up and aniil like little herring t.atport
,',r,,)',, would mmn tie as rich a New York.
Utile li-0'iranlina itatiooa: For r,e whole ulao iwi'm di-algned by
the Fourth dmlficl, Oomprieinf the nature fjr a iiimrarr rraidence. and
poiiiilii-e of Morrow, Wao. Oilliatn, wliuntlen. llutler wa down there he
iv-ii i i. .l..liK-Ti.-n.ll... .Wlan-tl that it the people who uum
., u . ' m . liar lUrbor could hae aeetl t:ajtirt
Kmile Hi-hann.. quaraDiit. officer, or lh lhe Dabn,
aay member of Ih board or the aeore- Wou, have wen l.wnte.l at Taawima-
tary thereof. quvnldy luatead of on I'rrni'htuau'a bay
ltl. l.t-Imporer. or owoer. of y "
otiraery aliM'k. treee, or cutting, raM, "
biiila. or ch'tia. iliairing to have aui b Txt about women Mng flighty!
nora-iv .l,.,.k. trwa. tdanta. eultiair. Lo'W: t hank eaahler.
i)rafl..t,...l...rei,tiiiiiai-ollat Muola A tJTltJI Jaw diwa not alwayt five
Four Models 885 and 8100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office Lake and Halsted Sts.. CHICAGO. ILL,
BRANCHES i Nrw York. Sao FraocUco, Salt Laka City. Denver. MamphU, Detroit, Toronto.
A. W. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon,
OF . . .
It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri
fice. You need it in your business, and as a
matter of business vc must sell it.
The Patterson Publishing Co.
other than renular quarantine atatlon
may have iieli iotpeetii-n done where
rtijii re.1, provided, fcoweer, tbat orb
Import. ahall pay all rharKea of Iu
Hwliin. Htii'b chafge and eipnr
t'i l alt Im for a rett fli'ala I granted
Ttii!iii Ulioo cumiianif , nf raon
aint Cud tir or ageut atiait dr-lifer
' atnl eane. to m detained all barter?
j l li, tree, pla.il and trait at on or
j oilier of th qiurantiu atation. fiir In
apeeiion, a pmvlile.l by th mlo and
Ulfht tu the cmititrnarii-e.
TAKCrareof the poor Indian ami
the poor Indian wilt take hair of you.
A Dhlo irlrl haa four eye. Iler crtt-
li-lain. on bonnet ar aald U be worth
In aotte of their rroerbial alow-
nraa. t. lrirraph meenirer g about
with a 'rrt deal uf dUNttt-h.
Till maw that cheera, but nt In
eWlatea, may handy at political
tuvrtiii' to take the other fvllo
hum Tet Mftln.
e t ' i
"i n V I .'.
Ll .l I-..'.. I "
"V hr on earth ito ha iw!
lelila a io unaranim ''". joti irw-td nf p. au.i. Va-aocr
f..f il . ni to taiaed on ar plicat.oa t. It. -'k an4
..m . ..lla lie. If.-.. W4t nna ir iaa avail a -
Him iwi.; W, Mi.a, at, at Ml .,s-. ilr. iimif lll.ili rami
' f. fc'tilalt.'iia i.f Ih board
Th triiiilar piihaiTn timi rrifai if Hi
rt-nii Vetkty liai lie I f.' ,'J aud the I'ffl ", fe o' lnpeeila, reUee rorj ' Iwnia my tuf Mee ia an toad
m ul.r urine l ih Werkle Orr.onlaa li-tufrOlMo. and all dir-I lnf..mttoa e I .x iil.lB I f M ber W Lb any
UII Ml. Any on anlwriMef
(lai'll and ii iii. fur on
alf.n.eian .t l.lli Ih tl.ieil and ' pn.'h!el tire.i-
... , i . . - . .1.. a , a ii ii l.
! nrrin urimiiai hi i. ah oil mir . . ... ... . ' . ...
- , rae. at a nieelinj of .lie Wlal n i ari wrn. aim i ,iw iw
Wittl p)lr-t H eir i.l.e.ri.tl..n for i,, f rUMir , ',.fl.e l. Df , ' Htn4-Wh.i make, y.m think o
Vai.tl-ria; at fatier .etrtf Will . year in aJao aillb tntitle.! I j Apr il 3. l-'.n. J It. I aantttiu, I'ree. Wif-lti U. eMfurubla-J. Y,
lti aani. " 1 Attrat: ( I. inuT, trtf, leefclt
A I fani !.
Wife (Urrtt'eritif l-flu b
: mm : Fill. !
Vom-o BOUND to Take Km.
Lcnvcs No Constipntion,
Cn . !! Il lllntine )irk Ha.taet and Malaria. Tb rrt
d nr. at it pill n th orld. H.ld by all nre( t r.f M f,- n .. '
r-r't rrf t.riee. 2S feel pft bot. I KEMlft.i MEI'ICaL CO .
411 1'aMi mie Pirt ha t race ia-o. Cal.