Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 11, 1895, Image 3

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    flME TABLE.
. ttage for Rardman, Monument, Long Creek,
Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday.
Arrive every day at 6 n.
The cheapest, quickest and beat line to or
.., v . WALT- THOMPSON, Prop.
PhlU Cohn, Agent. r
You can get the beat beer 4
in Heppner at G. B. Te&
rowe's, 5 cent per glass,
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.
call at Ted'
City Hotel Bar!
Here and There.
Millions ride the Rambler.
Ike EnniB has bicyoles to rent.
"Millie, the Quadroon," tonight.
Phill Cohn left Friday for Portland.
Mrs. Jas. Wyland ia reported as bet
ter. Tom Barnett was up from Lexington
T. A. Rhea got home from Portland
Friday last.
Mrs. Tom Durham ia ill at her borne
in Heppner.
Crocket Kirk's son is threatened with
Ed. Coz made the Gazette office a
visit last week.
Ayers guarantees his poison. Only
$2.50 per dozen. tf.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
vValla Walla, Wash.
T. L. Banoroffc, of The Dalles, is stop
ping at the City hotel,
Mrs. Fannie Brown, who is sick at the
City hotel, is getting better.
Commissioner Swiok, of Grant oounty,
is in Heppner on business.
Mrs. Howell, lately from Red Bluff,
Calif., is ill at the Palace hotel.
The "Ajax" wheel, put up by E. G.
Sloouin, was won by W. W. Smead.
Come out to see "Millie, the Quad
roon,'' tonight. Admission, 25 oents.
La Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. 8. C. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
J.N. Thompson has bis sheep in the
Bitter neighborhood tor the summer.
Joe Hayes has aooepted a plaoe with
Ben Hunsaker, in the Red Front grocery.
License to wed has been issued to
Frank Goble and Mrs. A.E. Hollenbeok.
Now is the time to kill squirrels; and
Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with. tf.
Try Ayers' squirrel poison before
buying any other. Only $250 per
dozen. tf.
Dell Leyde and Mrs. Annie Reggen
were married Saturday evening lust in
Mr. Johnson, the John Day sheep
man, is in town looking after bis wool
Warren Carsner and wife arrived Bun
day from Haystack and will remain a
few days.
Chas. Tilden's baby has been ill for
Beveral weeks and at last accounts was
do better.
Wanted Lanndry work by Mrs. C.
Nelson, old Mountain House. Mending
neatly done.
Geo. T. Ward, the Long Creek hotel
man, was in town late last wetk buying
a bill of goods. -
The Gazette aDDreoiatea anv heln that
its friends may give in the matter of
news gatnenng.
Rev. Frank Adkios will Drench nart
Sunday morning and evening at the M.
cnuron, loutu.
Judd Hart has given op his position
as telagrapn messenger. Willie Smith
baa taken the plaoe.
Wm. Rasmus is preparing to pat
on the drsmn, "Damon and Pythias,"
aown at lue bailee.
W. A. Johnston and family leave to
morrow for The Dalles whero they will
make their future boma.
Mr. Boardman went through town
yesterday on his way to Fox valley to
receive a lot ot beef oattle.
Mrs. Crawford and children, sooompa
nied by Reed Atberton, left last week
for their Washington homes.
0. O. MoGonagill dropped in to see as
for few brief moments Tuesday while
over from Hitter on business.
Hon. J. II. IUley and E. L. Mima,
deputy ool lector of internal revenue, ar
rived Sunday overlaud from Pendleton.
8. R. Horner Is casting the cbaraoters
for "Uncle Tom's Cabin," to be pot oo
the biairionio boards some time in July.
Our outside pages will hereafter ooo
taio some local news, instead of being
made np ot miscellaneous reading mat
ter. D. C. Cohos and son got in Bnnday
from Monument. Tbey will dispose ot
their wool clip and bay applies wbils
Mrs. Ed Day, who Is ill at her father's,
Mr. H. 0. Hart, though not dangerooaly
so, baa Dot improved much since last
Uilhotiswo Uroa , will aooo go to tba
inner ooiiulry to U absent until I be
latter part ot this month. Awail ihir
return. ltf.
IUltb and Gertrude Hiibop have r
turned from their viait to their grand-
? areata, Mr. and Mrs. 1). B. Itisbop, of
Mr. Wm. Dana and family, Miss
Bella OBrieo and Miaa Anna Ilrowo
retoroed lt evening from a visit to
Halem and I'ortiaod.
Meeting with surb marked snecoas last
Batorday averting, "Millie, the (jnad
rooo," will b reproduced ibis evening
to give all a cbaaoe lo see it.
Tba Crescent birvrle requires oo
Maorhaoaro stories to elevate It Into
popularity. It epek fur Itaelf. Call
at tba Uatetta ofiiee for price.
Allboowb Cattle Lav breoshli ped oat
of the maotry la large namtirr ,m
pfiet. there peems tt he so difficult;
fuf buyer to get wbsl they want
T. W. Aver. Jr., left oo MterJat's
traio f r Portland, and will rprrnt
Ile.pnrr lMf x Ci, A. K. A A. M , at
their grand ldge meeting this wae.
fat sale A On, Hbort Horn grat
bull, foor years nld. I'rtee, $Z Or
ill trad fur olhef rallle. Ad Iraa
llarrieoo Cbapis, llar.lman, Of. 2-loa.
Ceptaio Hwexiey, t. H. A , Has lJU.o,
Cal. aav : "HMIb'e (ata'rb lUtnedv la
the drill mrdimpa I ,ave evr found thai
twill me aiy gwd." VrUn ttc
T. VV. Ayera. Jr. j
The OetMe nn'. advie a'lttae
"Mdlle, lleg.a.1r..."t..l-bl. It to;
vry ere.hial.le pff,rmor and llx
pete of admieatna is low 3 eot to j
an pan h toe aouea,
Fossil Jnnrnnl hf. Tu i t
. vwuu A AVU J OO
and son, of Morrow oounty, are here vie
wing bis brother-in-law, George Met
teer. Mr Royse is a oouain of Cbas.
Royse who taught school in this oounty.
He is also crop-weather reporter from
Morr w couoty to the agricultural de
partment at Washington, and informs us
that his May report, compiled from re
ports of reliable Correspondent through
out his oounty, gives only a 40 per oent
prospect for a crop.
In the spring, the human body needs
assistance to throw off the stagnation
(iroduoed by winter diet. As the
temperature rises under the growing
heat the sun's rays we feel tired, half
siok and low in spirits, because the
blood ia sluggish aad full of impurities.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthing Cordial
and Blood Purifier is a reliable spring
remedy to invigorate the body and give
tone to the digestion. Prioe $1 per
E. O.: Chas. Newell, editor of the
Harney Items, and J. E. Roberts, form
erly an editor or Harney county, were
each tried on a charge of oriminal libel
at the late term of oironit oourt at
Burns, Mr. Newell's jury recommended
him to the meroy of the oourt, and he
was fined $100. Roberts pleaded guilty
and was fined $250, besides the penaltv
of a $150 talk from Judge Clifford.
Frank Shepardson, an engineer on the
Southern Paoiflo Ry., who resides at
Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with
rheumatism for a long time. He was
treated by several physicians, also
visited the Hot Springs, but received no
permanent relief until he used Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. He says it is the best
medioine in the world for rheumatism.
For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co.
Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strencthenincr
Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably
adapted to make "a little health go a
long way." Its curative power is
largely attributable to its stimulant,
tonic and nutritive properties, bv which
the energy of the system is reoruited.
It is pleasant to the taste.easily borne od
tne stomacb and harmless under pro
longed use. Prioe $1.00 per bottle.
A recant visit of the Gnzstte staff to
the locks at Cascades proves oonolns
ively that Day Bros, are the right people
to handle big contracts. Tbey expeot
to have the looks ready for boats by
Jan. 1st. No one can realize the im
mensity of the works at Cascades with
out making a thorough examination ot
them. The big Bteel gates, part of them
already in position, are wonders.
Mr. Gilhonsen, brother of Ernest and
Chas. Gilbousen, acoompanind by his
wife and ohild, arrived from The Dalles
yesterday. Cbas. and wife unfortunate
ly left yesterday morning for the Long
Creek oountry, thus disappointing the
visitors who were expeoted last week,
but not arriving, It was supposed they
bad given np the idea of coming at
Jerry Cohn has looated in the grooery
business np at the new mining town,
Ventura, Wash. Rev. Gray and family
and Wm. Rnark are also up there. The
snow at the mines is from fonr to seven
feet deep, How ia that for June ? Re
ports are that times are quiet up there at
present, but prospeots are good for a
lively season.
Chief Engineer Kennedv, of the O. R.
& ., accompanied by railroad oommis
sioners, Col. J. B. Eddy, Hon. I. A.
Macrum and Gen. H. B. Oompson, with
their clerk, Mr. Lydell Bakr, came up
last evening on a special just ahead of
the regular passenger. They left shortly
after their arrival for the main line.
Mr. I. W. Dav, in company with Mr.
Brooks, of The Dalles steamer line, anl
Hon. W. R. Ellis, visited the dalles of
the Columbia and Celilo rapids recently.
Mr. Day thinks (hit a canal there will
not cost over $2 000,000, whioh is half
tbe sum estimated to oomplete the pro
posed boat railway.
The ladies' aid aooiety of the Christian
churoh will serve ioe'oream and cake to
tbe Heppner publio on Saturday even
ing next at lOi; per dish, in the Heppner
build ing on May street, formerly oo
on pied by C. Rnhl aa a grooery store.
Give tbem a call.
Heppoer Cor. to Sun : Heppner sup
ports three barber shops and a menag
erie in connection with eaob oue. O e
has two cub bears and a coyote; another
baa two ooyote. Tbe third support a
wildnat. This breiks the reoord as
heard from yet.
Sinoe Jan. 1 there bava been shipped
from Arlington '2tA nara. pnntuinina 1.V1-
CoO bnxhels ot wheat; from Douglas ata
(ion, : cars or 4.NK) bushels; from
Ioue. 217 cars, of 134 (ttrt hntl. and
from Lexington, 51 oars ot 81,620 bush
el .
Lost Between the depot and town,
last Saturday, a ladies' gold watch, with
fob obain. The watch ia blue enameled
on both lids ot caee. Finder will be
liberally rewarded by returoitg same to
Miss Cora Hart at depot.
Hon. I bil Metschan. state treasurer
of Oregon, airived from Canyon City
Haturday in time to catch the branch
train. He a aooompanied by Mr.
Parkhurat, of Tbs Mtatn Ins. Co., who
bad been over to Dayville to adjual a
B F. Swaggart is prepared to furnish
bin "Sure Shot" squirrel poison in
boleeala lota. He baa already received
a large order from Washington and
Idaho. Every where it baa been need.
it bae out failed to exterminate the little
Pe- If.
Pilot Roek Record : O. E. Fell, an-
eotupaulrd by hi little gramlenn, hbil
don, paeaed Ibfonub Pilot llork Monday,
returning to his borne In tieppuer after
a few werk Vint lo Pendleton.
Tbe O.x-lte baa it from Geo. Dnran
tbat greboppers are "raising caln"
with erue am oo Olaok Ilnrae. The
peels are also reported ae doing damage
lo olber parte of tbe county.
Tbe eivtl anit. Mr. Jane fLiver .
Walt Itichartlwin, paroe before Jed
Krewlend laat wk. A Jar trial rwnin-
ed In Mrs. iViyer's favor. The amount
lovolv.d was mall.
Tbe (i. A. It will have a erat.d oamn
Are and reun'oo at Lexington oo the 3rd
end 4tb of J u, II ,,. n.
tiled to attend. Come prepared X
camp oo frontal. if,
F.J. Hallork and wife anl A'thnr
Minor aad wife (pent Huadsy on iMcb
r'k, ramping at Dave llrrti plaee.
Tbey bad fairly go4 look ralebiog
Shlloh' Car. Ibe great Cotiirh and
Croup t'ure, la la greet demand. I'oeaet
sine etflUm wtity 0e dowe o. XV.
Cbildreo love It. fold by I. W. Ayers
We take lear in reomrnxadirg
Chambrrlali ' C-.u.h lUmedy twatie
II I prate.! by all a bo ry it." av J
W. 1.1 A K"fl. d'ill. Maral.fl.1,1
Jt't 0 . e one amirHM Willi ll.r.iel
or ting tr-.qti'e rao naa ibis remedy 1
Itbout faiaifig it ale)S (IVm:
pen i.pl rif. t la MpreUII? valuable
re e.i la ae M relwvra ib tjt(,
breatlnbs' ealr sod ita I rli..a. I
A rol l a, t-r fMnit ia i.oru ,.ia
bea Una retne.y ia latea aid r'
ahle ea'e etrid. Vut eale by
Klortjin-Jobaenei Drag Co.
Is Your
Blood Pure
If It Is, you will be strong, vigorous,
full ot life and ambition you will have a
good appetite and good digestion
strong nerves, sweet sleep.
But how few can say that their blood
is pure! How many people are suffering
daily from the consequences ot impure
blood, scrofula, salt rheum, rheumatism,
catarrh, nervousness, sleeplessness, and
That Tired Feeling.
Hood's Bareaparilla purines, vitalizes
and enriches the blood. Therefore, it is
the medicine for you.
It will give you pure, rich, red blood
and strong nerves.
It will overcome that tired feeling,
create an appetite, give refreshing sleep
and make you strong.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently ia the public eye today.
Hofd'5 PiU the fter-dlnner p' l and
1 1UUU S rillS tamlly catlmrti0. 25c
Fob Morhow and Gilliam Tbe rain
was of great benefit to tbe grain croo.
There is a large aoreage ot spring and
volunteer grain this year, especially in
Gilliam and Morrow counties; more than
tbe usual grain of this kinl is in Wasco.
Sherman and Umatilla; spring and vol
unteer grain requires frequent and
timely rain to make a crop; the past
rains have betn very benefioial; but
more will be required during this
month to make good yields. The orei-
ent oondition is good, but farmers are
nervous over possible hot, dry winds
this month. Fall-sown or summer-fal
low grain was never more promising; it
nas stooled well and has a good stand.
It ia now beading rapidly. Rye is
beading and will soon be ready to be
out. The bay crop has been greatly
benefited by the rains, and like in the
western portion of the state, a heavy hav
crop will be seoured. Grasshoppers are
unusually plentiful in portions of Gil
liam and Morrow counties. Ranae
grass is good and the oattle Dreeeot an
excellent appearance. They are fat and
in prime condition. Every correspon
dent, exoept a few in Morrow and Gil
liam counties, reports excellent pros
peots for large yields of all crops.
Pague's Weather Report.
Billons Colic.
Persons who are suhjeot to attaoks of
bilious colio will be pleased lo know that
prompt relief may be bad by taking
Cbatuherlain's Colio, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. It acts quickly and
oan always be depended upon. In many
cases the attack may be prevented by
taking this remedy as soon as the first
indication of tba disease appears. 25
and 50 oent bottlps for sale by Slooum
Jobnson Drug Co.
Chakqb op Bcsinshs . H. A. Emer
son and Johnny Hager, both well known
in this oity, have purchased tbe entire
interest and good will of 3. F. Spray in
tbe butcher business, formerly conducted
in Heppner. These gentlemen will con
tinue business at tbe old Liberty Meat
Market, west side lower Main street,
where they respectfully solioit the patro
nage ot all, and where will at all times
be kept a fresh supply of meats,
sausage, corn beef, lard.fisb.eto. 41 43.
Tun Maocabksh The Maooabeea, re
cently organized here, start in with a
membership of 28. Tbe officers are:
Past commander, J. C. Kirk: oom-
mander, W. L, Haling; lieutenant oom-
mander, W. W. Smead; R. K., 8. J.
Leezer; F. K., E. J. Sloctim; chaplain,
W. M. Dennisou; sergeant, James Hart;
M. of A., Q. W Swaggart; first M. of O.,
M. L. Cantwell; aeoooJ M. of G , Roy
Glasaoock; sentinel, Reuben Hperry.
Team Wanted.-I want to buy a
good, gentle team of about 1200 nod
horses. Also a good, seoond-baod
wagon and harness and a gentle saddle
pony. Have some good, young Short
horn bulls for sale; also fine poultry
and egg for batobing. Took first Drize
on my cattle and fowla at State fair last
year. Call at tbe J. Q Wilson place
above Heppner. N. C. Mama.
Knmiits' Elkction. At regular
convention of Irio Lodge laat Tuesday
evening, the following were elected
lo eerve for the remaining balf year:
C. tt. E. L. Freelaod; V. O, W. W.
Rtneed; prelate. W. V. Crawford; K. of
It. and S , E. 11 Swinburne; M of F..
J. J. Robert; M. of W John Ungbee;
M. at A, 8. 8. Ilorneej I. O., II. F.
Vanghao ; O. G , Tuorua Q uid.
The brsaiee Merit
f )f ll.wt'a U. ...... .,11. .i t.
herrvor II I Uirl At tut riiilal I at lai.l
To have rrfrct health, yon tnmt have
pure blood, and Ibe Im way to bava
pur blood la to lake llood'a Haraapa-
fllla ll.a I.l.wl ... I ...
builder. Iteiil ail taint o -rofula,
salt rhan and all oilr bumora, end al
tbe tame lime build op the ayttem.
Uond't fill are prompt and m ierU
23 venta.
Tte Oregnntaa aorreepobdrnt I aq
Iborlte for Ibe alaternebl that fi.Uli
t.ag of wool ware a dd at lirppner ia
Obe Wrek BtK.ol lha M 'l It. mouth at
prtra rr.lng Irinj () . e, rfit pr
pound. 'rie of wxd are falling eae.
Kar Clover Ror.l will purify yonr
M'exl, rltar y mr 0-mplii.i, regulate
your bowels and make your b I el-ar
aebl. a.V, lM and II Mil by
T. W. Aver Jr.
I f at
Allowoereof d-g about J i all on It.
re.t,rdf aad settle their Ui f..r tbe
flal y.ar, and als-i pr., ih-ir 4e
lib o.llara, each Uaiieg lb aaraber ,(
let reoeipl. tt..-e d mi e,i.b
tete are Hot pail will r, (ia
' A. A. It- pit,
tee '.n rad 'C.o'i f.t.aoi.l
Heb.e'1" anl tie .tbe r-i f k,.
oetel see ! C'arlu llod and
I tbeea. e
Ho Offers N
For The Lowest Possible Prices.
Lately moved from Lexington and at present
located in the Herren building, May street.
IF Mr. Columbus were alive to
day and called at Mat Lichten
thal's he might make a new disnnv.
ery quite as memorable as that of
1492. Chris was a great discoverer
in his'dav. He would at thin timo
discover the finest stock of Shoes
ever shown in ; Heppner, and the
cheapest as well. What more does
j. . i . t
moriai man want r
The Old, Original Shoe Merchant,
Main Street. Heuonur. Oreiron.
Custom Work a Specialty.
Generally known that Joe WOOLERY
Which he sells at Bed Rock Prioea.
Farmers of Eight Mile, Davidson, Gooseberry, Douglas, Jordan
tork and lone sections can do no better than make their purchases of
Joe. lie carries a full line of Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes
Groceries, and in fact a complete stock of general merchandise. 1 aw
P It O G It A M M E
ee vmc
fUctro Ccunly Sunday School
Petteys' Grove, Thursday, dure 13, 1595.
10 r-t)evotlonal utrvlrMi, led by Fav. J, it. Denlaon.
10 a-prealdMU A1i1reaa, 1. 1. Adklnt, lirppner.
in :3V. Rrpnrl -Hn-rrUry and Tfrainrrr.
in ak-Temp,ranra Har, by Mr. W. R. Kill, Bepptir.
10:4V-F.iiloy on our lal Vir Prrablent, by A. O. Barlhulomew.
11 n-Th HiifM-rtntnletit; III Uuly, by W. L. Halln. Ilrppncr
II Par-Hr. Volbwliol Tia lili.g, by MU Id rll, Neppnor.
II iV- Hx iiHl'in.
Mua-Bwkst Lilnorr.
I ao-Hev.rtl.mal anrvlrea, lad by Rav. t. C. Adklm, lirppner.
I iWHIrelloo o( Offlrcr.
1 u-ifl..rln.
2 OV onfrrriira-lnirrmwtlaleand Primary Worker. rtrndurM by Mr. Lillian A
ma n, U I nUin. and M r. M . f u ua, t In lit M 1 1
1 - Prrparallno ot the Tra bar, by Mr. C. W. Onry, lirppner.
I iV-Th Sunday Mr b. an A miliary lo lha Cliurrh, by M. I). I. rm h. Iln.pi.ar
I r-etirial hall hour.
I .O-A'ljournmeiil and prnrdlriton.
Notlct of Intention.
IAIMirrti K AT Til TAI.I r ItHr.'tOH,
t Mv 11. !. Sfilii la hi. ).... ii...
lha nanuil arillrr haa Blr.1 iw.llra ,
hi Inb-tiiion In maia anal .-.f In '..i.,fi
blarlalm. and tl.al aald pf.-,l t
t-lora I, W Mrtm I n rl.lk. al l...if.
rr(r.n, ua Jul? . A, u
ii.i jaw mttrr,
ltd. Ko Kri.fnriha u H a..d" HWla.
err I, tp I a H M K M M
IIiiiknm lha Iii..h oltttMar li prnve
Mamitiinu.ma r,,.ur, ,,, ,ltlJ
ot aald land. l
u,tf aanlth. Prank emlih, Tiimaa Bar
ant, leaf . I aim.r, .n at U.i, ,fi.. Ilr
J. r.H'-iKr.
" "r ei.irr.
Notict of Intention.
IAHti trru K at I oaAi.r, Mtr.,n
S t 11. k.rfl.ala h.r, tu.n II,. I
li.a i,am arllirf haa (1 .. ..)!' .(
hta It. I.., II., n I., n,aaa r.'.l I . -.fl .,1
ht'laim a' 1 ll.al al. .... , .a.t
lirf.a J , W'rr, a ,,,t,i. i i..a .
ilrf 'in, on 1-mm m, ., ii, ' '
ii MrTTWAllt.
Ilr han. lha ...n.ali. anii.aaia l.i twn m
j h MH.iinnfnia raaHartc ufili ai.'l tmiiaua
( H rail land. !
i n lam aanrr. y 4 Mnwa, iamrS Rrtiaa.
! I haiie. fl llrpparr, M.
i nr. hi'..
i " It-tl.l'f,
MONfV LOANCD. nVi." u..,.,.,'
.... j , j.. .. (,,,,,,, A
I ' 'l., ,., , . , f,
' .,-... I,...f, l.,m, in
f i. .., nil, . .... f., irii.aal a airf ..una4
M Wi I'M t rfii. mt unim HM'r.a
u,l fca-a taa.i. I, iHhrr
m Ad4 ana rr (.
. Ml at an.T
I fuaar My, lftf..
k i b Scale !
BUSINESS conducted on a big
scale for cash reduces the
proportion of expense and increas
es the sum of receipts. It enables
one to buy cheap and sell cheap.
That accounts for the manner in
which E. C. Wills conducts his
Mercantile Business.
T is an ill wind that blowa nn
good, and although the nlav.
. . . r '
tui pranks ot Did Boreas exposes
this fond couple to temporary em
barrassment, the situation greatly
amuses the spectators.
Likewise the situation at
Hero are
Which wo wie.li you to
IU'ine'tnlror :
Fumt: Wa Kwp
Kr.a.sii: Wfl'oiT-r it
Tniitb: U' all
tor cash
V kin inab!cl tr (jivo mot
fur ft dollar than Hit tiauul
"MUt't ..rlh.M
Min Htrwl, tteppurr, Or
Thai is what our competitors have to
av nf
Minor & Co.
That there is nothing left toonton that
mey nave reaoned tne bottom on
77E CLAIM to carry the largest and best
selected stock to be found in this city.
No Cheap-John goods kept in stock, vou can
find them elsewhere.
We boast on the
handle, but as to our own honesty we have
nothing to say ; we are like the rest of the human
race, born to cheat, misrepresentation and fraud.
j View
. 'M-tfS
T I TaT r Tl a jaaam iU U
w made to feci at homo.
Sunday Dinners a Specialty ! Poplar Pre!
Free 'Bus for Customers to and
from all trains.
Attorneys tit Iqw,
All business attended to
manner. Notaries
Leezer Bros,
Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for
Cash Only.
m Kcelsy Institute
I II r ar
W till l'I.VrfrU 0W m '11
IL'Cll III WW Plenty of them nt tho
IJLH.IIJ HU.iniWl. Gaz.tl
Otis Patterson
' nraJ' '
quantity and aualitv we
" h.m vis
Ha been re-opened by Mrs. J. B. Sperry who will
conduct It In a strictly flrBt-claim mknu.'r . i.h ..
ot pleasing the trade lu general.
P'e Jrom Country Districts will be
B. SPERRY, Lessee.
in a prompt and satisfactory
Public and Collectors.
Bill's Pills
uT ,,nn,,r", "( reliable
bran.la of pars dnis, and tba triimr!
never proclaimed mora welcome news to
the public I'ure drnKs mnan that no
sroGum-Jonnslon Drug Co.,
1 Miliary COHN. 1 r..
For tho Curo o
Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits
It I liralv at Kalrtn, ()rrg.,ii.
Tin Stunt lJeiutiul Town on theCoiut,
,h.. ,,iTT lor trllrtil.r.
eura 1 rt' ""
Tatting TUnngH lis Hal!
Tli man who talk through hi hat la
vrrvwhrra In vi.ltip-rrjr ol jis iinn
ahla eviilriica It la, lo luo.t Oaai .
Tha man of InulliKanra eors his
cranium with una of
T. It. H()WAinr.S
Bna straw ,t, whh b ia in '.f a aifa
Of iraiirrit ami .! laat.
Il alMi bat his gr.rrma, f,' fur
bialilnna, t(M kmru'a ni (.lira,
Mr. Ilr makaa a lclall In tlmaa
lliliik-a r"'iirr. ti alirrp and faltlnutn.
Iirinrnilf lha plar.aaMa.
four d.Kit aniitU cif tl, M h ilrl.
lo Office.
. .