111 f V-L 1 -Scarch Light yi for NEVff "MILLIE. THE QUADROON." The Young People of the Epworth Lea-oe Produce the Flay Successfully l-aturday Eve. To be Repeated Tonight. The Tacoma News waB gotten out by Tacoma ladies on the iJOth ult., and a very creditable edition it is. Attorney Genebal Olney has been made Secretary of State, while Judge Judson Harmon, of Cincinnati, will take Olney's posi tion. Harmon is comparatively unknown, but Cleveland always does the unexplainable. Senator ThurstoD, of Nebraska, is no special authority on anything and especially silver. A year or so ago he was out as a sort of a free - coinage - of - silver - to-the-ex-tent-of-the-American-product ad vocate, but now he is "oat for the stuff." and of course is a red-hot gold-bug. If any person imagines that the agitation on the money question is dying down they are reckoning without tneir nost. in tue revis ion of the tariff for revenue, we would place it where it would do the most good, if the Gazette had any influence in the matter. And yet we would like to see a stable, American money system estab- ter WBS e1ual to lishod in America. Senator Mitchell has called upon the secretary of the interior relative to the order excluding Bhoop from the Cascade Reserva tion, with the result that the order On last Saturday evenintr, a few young people of tbe Epworth League presented at tbe opera bouse tbe drama, "Millie, the Quadroon," to a large bu dietioe. The rendition of the play was excellent, being far above the average of amateurs, lhe drama reminds one very muoh or "Unoie lom a uaDin, ' showing the iniquities of slavery and the ntter degredation to which slaves were often subjected during the period when this was in vogue in the Southern states. Then there whs thevillian in all bis beastly beartleesneBs; tbe comic, the good and tbe bad, tbe dry, oranky old maid, all taking their respective parts amid exoitiog scenes of murder and bloodshed, lovs, peace and happi ness. Tbe good-natured criticism of the Ga zette on the efforts of the various ama teurs in a former play seems to have borne good fruit, for the improvement was marked in Saturday night's enter tainment. Tbe Gazette says "good natured," for it was so meant, at the same time giving each full oredit for any points of excellence Doted. "Fred Grover," a doctor, wan repre sented by H. T. Bagley. Harry ia graceful on the stage, and bis dignified bearing was fully in keeping with the oharaoter. "Cbas. Hayden," who in disguise of gray beard and wig also represented "Old Nathan," was taken by Jas. Hart in a very becoming manner. His acting in tbeBbooting of Daville was very, very good. "Oncer Daville, the Southern planter, a very bad man, too, for tbe character is villainous 10 the extreme, was repre sented by E. D. Gilhousen. Ernest is a suocess in that line, and his Spanish mustache and goatee made bim appear tbe bad man be wanted tbe audience to think be was on this oooasion, at least. Miss Lillian liiBbee took tbe oharaoter of "Millie Grover," and in disguise as "Sister Agnes." Miss Bisbee had a dillioult part, but she was equal to It in every particular. Miss Eva Brians represented the ad ventures1, "Isadore," Daville's be trothed. Miss Brians' oonoeption of her oharaoter was excellent, for in her murderous schemes she aoted as oool and cunning as we are woot to imagine tbe genuine, heartless adventuress. "Prisoilla," Dr. Grover's old maid sis- "Caudle's" wife, only her tongue ran longer and harder. When she thought anything, she spoke "out in meetiu'." Miss Lena Behtne represented this character, and tbe man ager of tne play made do mistake in casting her fur this part. Mrs L. W. Briggs did well in her charaoter of "Harriet," the slave. "Gyp" and "Siiih," negro oharaoters tit ken by Miss Mabel Ilerren and Will was rescinded. The Dalles Chron icle suggests that though all do Kellogg, reHpeotively, brought down the not agree with the senator on the bouse money question, yet he ia to be commended for his method of get ting a great deal of good work done in a short space of time. WHAT IT UK ALLY MEANS. From tlio Portland Hun. A literal interpretation of the finan cial plank adopted in the Ohio conven tion really meaim independent bimetal lism. The Hun does not for a moment claim that the Intention of those framiry tbe resolution wax to declare for Indt pendent bimetallism, a iiiiqntionabl) the plank was drwn with a view of de- Tbe minor characters were "all right," and the scenic eflVots good. Tbe scene shifting was also done well, which ia an important feature. In one of tbe most touching sonnes, Miss Lillian Bisbee was interrupted by aome unnuoeasary merriment on tbe part of aome person who was looking for a chance to be funny . I'liis was uncalled tor and altogether unappreciated, and it By James Judson Martelle. CHAPTER VIII. After Grant Rogers' departure from the Judkins' homestead Mrs. Judkins, Jerry and Mirandy talked over tbe situation, the excellent outlook for a bountiful harvest, tbe upward tendency of the wheat market and the notable revival of prosperity generally, and were very happy in the thought tbat a silver lining emblazoned the dawn of future prosperity for them. The following Saturday af;er Grant's visit to tbe fumily, including Mirandy, tbe vouueer Judkins. and John, the hired man, bundle! into the large farm wagon and started for Heppuer to follow tbe advice of their, to them, Providential adviser, and "do their tradin' with Horner & Rhea." Mirandy all the way to town was constantly thinking and speaking of Grant and wondering if she would see him, forgetting entirely the handsome youDg merchant. Arriving in Heppner the Judkins family and John, the hired man, im mediately proceeded to Horner & Rhea's, where they were tbe recipients of gentle manly courtesies from affable clerks, and were shown and sold goods tbat were amazingly oheap and of tbe best quality. Mirandy, who was examining and pricing some gmubams, suddenly look ing around espied Urant lingers and straightway made a dash for that gentle man, not noticing a handsome young woman who was aiding Grant in post ing his books. "Wby, howde du, Mr. Rogers," said Mirandy, with one of her sweetest smiles, "I most thot as how I wasn't goiu' to git to see you, an' I wanted to bo bad." "My wife, Miss Judkins. MrB. Rogers this is Miss Mirandy Judkins of whe m I spoke to yon about seeing, you will re member, on my reoent visit to tbe oountry." "Laws sake, your wife, you married an' makin luv to me! Yon deceitful thing. I jist hate you, so I do," and with this exolamation Mirandy threw up ber hands in holy horror and burst into tears." "What Is the meaning of all this, Grant," asked Mrs. Rogers. "Well, I hardly know, my dear, the young lady is evidently laboring under a false impression." "No I hain't. Didn't yoa cum to see ns an' didn't you make luv to me? sobbed Mirandy. "I am very sorry indeed" replied Grant, "if you construed my actions other than out of pure friendship, for really I did not mean to lead you to be lieve otherwise." "Oh, deceitful man," replied Mirandy "never more will I trust thee," nod strutted out of the office room with head ereot and colors Hying, determined to go home and aocept the proposal of Bill llnntgrass, which she did on that young gentleman's next courtship visit and they wen duly and happily Joined in the holy bouds of wedlock within fortnight thereafter. CHAPTER IX. Little more remains to be told of ou story of "flow Jeremiah Judkins Became Rich." Falling heir through tbe death UiNcD WELL WITHOUT COST. The Trick by Winch a Moneyless Scamp Swindled a Washington Reatanrateor. An unp rincipled scamp recently played a game upon a Washington restaurateur that for originality and effectiveness ha ot been matched in any of iime-honored stories of Beau Hickman or any other "eatera of dinners, you foot the bills." ne was a well-dressed, gentlemanly-appear ing person any otner wouia not nave secured much attention in the cafe which he worked and he ordered a dinner that proclaimed him an epicure, if a scoundrel. He commenced, says the Post, by tipping the waiter lib erally, which alone would proclaim him one accustomed to secure the best of attention; and as for wines, he would have none but the best vintages, which he picked with the taste of a connoisseur. The dinner was prepared to the king's taste and appeared to please him until the last course. At that.point he uttered an exclamation of horror, and beckoned frantically to the waiter. That functionary not be ing sufficient to vent his wrath upon, he summoned the head waiter, and eventually the proprietor. Then he pointed out the cause of trouble a dead fly in the dessert. Words could not express his well-feigned disgust, or the regret of the proprietor at this unfortunate occurrence. The cook was called up and "roasted" more effect ually than he ever did his meats, and the restaurateur offered every amend In his power. But the guest professed to be almost overcome with nausea, and could not eat any more he had proba bly had all he wanted. Of course the proprietor oould not think of charging for such on unfortunate meal, and was only too thankful that the matter should escape the attention of the other guests. But when the disgusted guest had gone a bystander, who had watched the occurrence, remarked to the proprietor: "Why, didn't you see him put that fly in the dessert?" And the subsequent conversation was unfit for publication. IN THE LARGE CITIES. A Philadelphia Chinaman has thirty gods. Behlw. with 1,815,600 people, haa only 26,800 dwellings. Of the twelve largest cities in the world three are in Japan. Lotdon theater-going is said to have declined to a remarkable extent. Washington is the only city of any size in this country that possesses no factories. During the last ten years the Paris Gas Company has paid into the city treasury 840,000,000. Berlin has just decided that wooden pavements are a failure, while Constan tinople is having the first one put down. The first London directory was printed in 1067 and contained but sixty- four pages, with the names oi i, au per sons and firms. There are upward of fifty hospitals in London. The earliest, St. Bartholo mew's, was founded in 1102, and St. Thomas, in 1552. Chicago expects to complete its new Masonic temple, twenty stories, or 275 feet high, by the first of May, 1802. It will be five feet higher than the tower of the famous Auditorium in the same city. The director of the mint estimates that the United States can rely upon producing at least 833,000,000 per year in gold for several years to come. Rev. A. W. Mann, the pioneer deaf mute preacher, writes: "The ratio of deaf mutes to the hearinff is as 1 to 1,600, bo there are over 40,000 in the United States and about 1,000,000 in the world." A preliminary report of the secre tary of the treasury of the operations of the internal revenue bureau during the fiscal year ended June 30 last, shows that the total collections from all sources were 8146,035,376, an increase of 83,440,680, as compared with the collec tions during the preceding fiscal year. LOCAL MARKET REPOHT. ISS I Ifd Mich 1 PREDICTION FOR HEPPNER: A bree zy time may be f xpected at Ben Huneaker'e, followed by a regular yelone of low prices that will sweep all opposition before it Showers of purchasers will follow, succeeded by a general clearing term. Besides a general line of grocer ies, Hunsaker carries Tinware, Wood and Willow Ware, Glass ware and Orockery, Cigars, Tobac cos, Confectionaries, Etc Old Blackman Stand (Successor to Jerry Conn.) B. A. HUNSAKER, Prop. You Should Pppjp For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the Is to he honed that no such display of urotuer in Australia, to a nng mu li.i.l inuiiiiun will itriAiiP fltia vii i it i at I RUIU Jeremiah whs enabled to pay off ui,l ........... n - - which time the play will be repeated. niortgiige an.l other indebtedness, II... .nrit.l.Ur urnllM anutioit Hint Mid through trading Witt) lUat eDtur- little more oar might be taken in "eiils." Peeing and pmgieeaive mercantile arm Also whon intHrruutioue occur Ihronub ' Horner A Rhea, whose motto u.iilatue the person spenkiug should o W'o eale and email proUte,' jeremiau THE CORAL POLYP. oeiviug the people and ottohing Tote right oo without repetition and take up nd is euabled to save shout 60 per words where applause began. These nt on tbe dollar in tbe porch ase or. me ingestion are gifen with tbe koowl- oeoesaanea of life, and on this day edge tbHt it is easier to criticise then to of May, 18!i5, we find our Jeremiah in a to the required work of aotiog cbarao- prosperous condition, with a snug DauK tr i acoount io ma creuu, one oi iue urwt iuu Tbe prioe for admission to all part of prolific farms to Morrow county. Hi house this evening will Ims 2T. cents. " Mocked, well improved ami uu.ier ami allowing the nominee to, if possible. straddle the question. It declares for bimetallism which, technically apeak lug, means Hie concurrent use ol two metal Imving fixed relative values ai media of exchange, but the platform al demands Urn use of both gold and silver a standard money. It ia claimed b) some oi iue "goiiinea - mat iiiinelnlliam today exists io tbe United Mat fa. Huol an assertion it wholly fnlan. Tbe Uuited Htali'i ia now on a single gold standard. (lold I her ataudard money. NVIill silver ia circulated, atill it haa not equal circulation with gold, hence, ia not ii concurrent ns for the reason that undtr the policy adopted by the aeoretariea of the treasury our government bond and li'gal teudera are mads redeemable it gold, tlmiigh specifically contracted t be paid in coin. No two nietala can br Standard money unless they haverqtial powers at a fixed ratio. OolJ baa un restricted coinage, while our nilnia a' closed to silver. Our silver that is Coined into dollars lias legally full legal lender qualification, though the govern in e nt, by its action, give gold the pre ferenoc ami nobler pnailmu in the pay ment of ila ubligaliona, ll a financial plank in party plat- form waa a eontrect lietween the sue- CfMful Candidal and til people, anil tl waa b-gally Misibi to enforce strictly literal C'lustrnotlon and adherence lo ante, no candidate elected on platform similar to lhe one adopted by the Ohio convention cool I advocate gold mono metallism. That be would I forced to support international bimetallism, and. lo ea of failure lo obtain thai, then llidi'l-eud' hl bimetallism ia Certainly fair conclusion, based oo a strict analy at of the rd.ili.m. Unfortunately, ucli recourse la not open to lhe oplc, bene lhe n-city of favoring Ilia can didal an I party m oat clearly au I nn qiivocally representing III principle they wish loaeegoverumeelally adopted lo all partie l.hlay Waf b foim I true, lyal and able odtocalee nf independent bimetallism. The only olealioil la, bicu party will lect auU men oa Ihfir standard bearers. Tbe indepen dent liliurUllnla, numerically rep re ThrtyVnulld at the ltt or One Inch la Hlx Months. The coral animal can be tamed. I be- ieve 1 am the first person in the world who ever accomplished the result, says George L. Bancroft. Here is a piece I found on a Florida reef. I was anxious to learn how fast the coral grows, so I placed it in water where I conld visit it every week and note the change. When I first visited the specimen the polyps would dart into their cells. After several visits they became so bold as to remain outside, and finally our acquaintance ripened until they would do their work while I remained a watcher. I have stood by the hour watching the little fellows at work. They taught me that the claim of sci entific men that the coral does not frow more than one inch in one hun dred years is the sheerest nonsense. V,y nets buildud an inch in six months. II v lo they work? Well, that is a rahc; difilcult question to answer. The UtUe animal is a sack: that is, his stom ach is the biggest part of him. lie is a compound animal, and increases by germination, young polyps springing from the original polyp. The upper surface is arrayed with tentacles, and Mie body is separated by a number of partitions that extend from the stomach to the outer skin. Jlutween these walla the carbonato of lime is deposited. Is the Henry mountains, in southern Utah, is a mound covered with giant crvstaK Perfect prisms of selinite five feet long are found there. The drinking of salt water is said to be a perfect cure for sea-sickness, though it makes the patient very miserable for a few minutes after he has taken the cure. A suit over the burglary of eleven dollars in the court at Centerville, Pi. Y., bus already cost the county and the several parties in the suit over a hundred times the amount of the orig inal loss. (nk room in the Tenderloin club of New York is papered with six thou sand playing cards, while another is covered with theater ticket, and con tains a cornice of champagne corks right round it. Wheat, bu 8 3640 Flour.bbl 2 40 Beeves, cows & two-year-olda.owt. 2 25 " three " " oo Sheep, muttons, head.... 1 50 1 75 stock 1 UU u i ou Hogs, ou foot, cwt 3 00 Hogs, dressed 4 UU Wool 5 8 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 2540 Eees. doz Chickens, doz 2 003 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per owt 41) CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 8 81 97 Flour.bbl 2 50 3 50 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 5 00 Muttons, owt b00suo Hogs, owt 4 60 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 7 8 Butter, lb 6 13 Eggs, doz 12 15 Potatoes new, per ot... 60 85 old. .. . mm va Chiokens, doz 3 00 600 Turkeys, lb 11 15 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, bu $ 52 B3 Flour.bbl 180 2 35 Beeves, owt 2 25 3 60 dressed o OU ( b 50 Muttons, live sheared ... 2 25 Oi, 2 75 dressed. Ib 04 04 M Hogs, on foot 3 50 0375 dressed. 11) 04 Wool Eastern Oregon... 05 07 Bntter 1 15 Eggs, doz 10 U Chickens, doz 8 00 & 3 75 Turkeys. Ib dressed 12 CITY ! HOTEL. Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Mrs. 1"oin Bradley, Prop. 4 CYCLES Are the Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built In the world, regardless of price. Do not be induced to iwy more money for an inferior wheel. Insist on having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a million dollar concern, whose bond i as good as gold. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. Catalogue free. INDIANA BlCYCLE CO, HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Ind., U, 8. A. Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or. Our Reputation for Square Dealing! X 1 rorTTtefml Lost, Strayed or Stolen. A buy mare, six years old, branded watch key, has a young oolt. Was last seen between Ueppner and Hsrilmsn. Five dollars reward will be pnid for her retnrn to E. J. Keeney, 41-tf. Heppner, Oregon. in u u 4- u rt 4-1 3 cr rt X V t u O 0 f of bo 01 4- 0 ADDITIONAL LOCAL. publications. No one should miss the play for it is in deed creditable performance. KIpiIiIc remedy is lllttrrs. This remedy is becoming so well kuown Kud so popular a to need uo iwctal me lion All who have used Kli'Olric Hitlers nitig the same smitf of iirmso. -A purer medicine does not rxist and It is iftlMranlced to do nil tbat I iilaitned. F.lfOlric llittrra will cure ell cultivation aud growth of luxuriant li-lda of waving grain od nlfalla. Jeremiah is on the high rmd to wealth and Milluetice aud be very rightfully oou- ot'dee the foundation stone ot hl auo ceta end tluam-lal liberty io life to the visit to his home and statement of Grant lingers. Trouble and oare have disap peared from the countenance of Jerry end bis estimable spouse and tbpy look liaHa nf Hot I.lvvr ami Kiilntva. will reruoe I'uni'lee. Holla. Halt Klieuro and J"" younger then wheo tiorilelie.1 Uy tiirr ahVctintiH ran,! by impure blond, heavy debt. It is their pride to enter Will drive Malaria from the aystrm and prrvxiit as well cure ell Malarial 'vera For cure of lUadache, tVitisli- imlioti and ludigMitiiin Irv F.leclric! Millers-F.ntire satiafni'tmn If 'laran'enl, r money reftind'd Fro WM. and fl per bottle at 1'. W. Ayera, Jr., drugstore. Lakh CoxTaw Clsrk J. W. Morrow i busy taking down Die evidence in the Ul oontesl bt weeo tieorge Vinson and Jo. lioriiT. In making application to ptin tiase some railroad land Mr. Vinson got the numbers at tbe wrong half sec tion. Mr. Iiwinr ia contesting the right of Mr, Viosoo to the bait section fur whioh be intended to apply to purchase but did not. Vinson it represented by Frank Kellogg, while J. II. Haley, of t'eodleton, is looking after liter's iu teres! t. TO tONM WrTMM. Tbe undersigned having lren restored to .. allli ly snni'le tueana, alter an IT- r- Intf f r several years with severe lung afT -olioo, end tlial dread diaeaee, IVm siiini'tiiiii, s an 1 1. his t make known lo Ins f.'ll" snlT.Ti'ts the means nf i ore. I'o tltiws ho diwire It, be will i heerlilb l send, fiee nf rhargn, a Copy nf Ilie pre seripiloii u.el, ubii'h they will (Ind aure enie for t'onsiimptlnn, Astlinia, l'a tar iti, Itroin'liilis and ell llimai and lung mala Ilea. He hopes all silfferera will n l.ia remedy as il la inyaliiatde. Those drsirlng Ilie preai'MplinB, winch aill eost ttietn liollnrig, aud may prove abteMirig, III please at dresa. lUy. FDWAUD A. mi.KiN. Itronklyn, H. Y. junll tain their giieata and friendi with open, frank and genial hospitality, never for getting or tiring of relating the story of their nps and downs in life and bo Iheir fhiNiictal deliverance came through the visit of an agent to their home of Horner A liliea, ot Heppner, with whom they have ever since done their trading and advise their friend and acquaint ance o do Ibe sa'ne, wo iid tbey take advantage or low price and superior quality of goods. John, the hired man, is still with Jerry, and "low bow be'll '.I'sj stay with Jerry, so If Jerry brl to jeolion he'd build home fer bieeelf an' Ml Ibxlgos' darter, who !' gaged to," and thai be will buy hi good of Horner k l'.lie. "fer I know at bow they ll eheier'n nnylawly else." Till txi. Don lli'ad "Coin's" Carlos I'oyd, agent. The Weekly Hun and the Gazette fi 75 per year, both strictly in advauoe. Of course you have noticed that L lllnineiitlml ia oat for biiNinese this spring. His f n Mi suits are attracting i attention. tf. Oreen Mathew for ehaytng, bair- cuttiiiif. slii.minMiinB and all other work in that line, lmtlis at any tune during business boar. Meadows A Hcnvner, lhe blacksmiths, hnraeahoer and wood buluher. at lhe old (limn stand. Main street, Heppner. Call on the boy. T. it. Howard make a specialty In uptilvieg stockmen with all needed article. hsi,is carrying a general line. Hoe hi new ad. tt. Mathew Urn., Oily hotel barber shop, touanrial artist. lUirciilttiig, shaving, shaiiitHtning, tic, done cumttUeally, lliitb at ii cents apieo. (). n. Hatt. the totieorlal artist, en tie found at hi parlors, Matlock Corner, where be will dispenae at popular price, have, shampoo, haircuts, etc. IT Wll I. NOT U An SffTWattA TAvotlvn mnA Kwva TnfrTrL Pol J tiy liniuif lt or sent rjy tnalL Ka,6jg man ilw pet iec aire, rarnpios tree. UV itvmw ToeUi aa J UreaUi, Zm. Fur ! I! T. . Ajreri, jr., UiugkUt W. L. Douclas CI CUAf itTMtntar. WW WnVbriTFOS AKINO. . CORDOVAN. rMNca a MAHuue calf. 4.3.M n NC CAXr liKANGAftCa 3.WPOLICE.330LtS. 2.l.7?BOYS'SCH0ttStffil LADIES' vriain rni rTi ftfir '"WWalUrVMia, Ovtf On MIMWmi hHi ttttf thm W. L. Douglas $3 Si $4 Shoes All our hoe arc egually MtUfactory i ay f mi tiiM foe Iks wswry-. Tv Mini OMSlaMi Mm la iu mn4 fit. UR COMPETITORS are doing their best to reach our mark but they can't do it till they adopt our principle of selling only First Class Goods at Honest Prices. We don't claim to be the cheapest house on earth but we do try to deal honestly with all. Cheap goods are dear at any price, and our teas are tbe beet that the money will buy. Don't forget the place. r. c. aAiiOAixsor comp'y. Ming leave lor r-cliO aiomiavs, i nr nj uiiiin uv amanwml, U'l.....l.t. ....I t-'r .Ua retnnOna ,n I ' r ee oorm.a.4 M sot. lues.la;. lbiir.ay ami at U m ay . . Jl r dealer tanool tunplv tuattua. 1 1 . n n n a. . n . n w m rmj r.. iitddl i Piles! I'll-w! Ilala I'llea. hyiiiplotne Moisture; intens Itebing and slitigmg; most at Mglil; wore by .'rli liing. It allowed lo Continue ; titni..r f.itm. wtitrtlt r.ffn I.Ima.1 ftti.l 1 ill. erale, Uroiiilng very .ore. HwA1a l)ivtwsr stop lhe ilching and blel iiitf. heal tilcvralmn, and in mt cmi reiunve the Inmor. At drnggot. r by mail, for V) ceuta. Ir. Hyii A Hon, I'hlla.lelphla, Now 1 tbe lime to get tbe Wet kly Oregonian, tbe g re ales I aeaspaper cf the West. Wilb ll(l.Mi.hntb strict lUd "Coiu'i financial Hchool," and then take up lit other publication. Tbey are all cocvlncing, interesting. lKin Carl.ie lUivd. airenL Sew lilin. Any inventor in I'aetem Oregon who deirf the ervlr. of an attorney in Waehmiiton. H. V , will ttnd it to In advantage Iu call on or alliea tins pa pr, Mf Walt. Thompson run lag tetweert Heppner and Monument, arriving every day rtoept Monday and leaving every ! day eicepl hundav, Hhnrlesl an I C lies p. et mute lo the interior. 1". IVIio, i agent. Hubcnlr lo the Weekly Knn. lb enmmg paper of Oregon. II per year. Willi Hie Uatelte, both in advance. Ii"3 r year. A rMl mnibination. Teo if lhe pmple'e paper at one price. Put rib l the Oaaeite office. T. V. Aver. Jr., I Making piirrel pnlaon that be guarantee. No kill B" pay, and sella II at 25 eeel per ean, 6 ear for II Nil per doten. (M hoUbf lealer whose name will (horlly ap pear here. A-et wanted. Apply at onoe MKT r I.K1THW. I nrH Apmiirt at iiirrNrg, I 1 4 ir . J 'iii 1, I'raitirr I rani J..hnn t P J.., J I lu. har U.a A M Thim-on Mim earah Vrr r:nng ..f hM lriirs lme aay I i. m.m-.. i. r. ikutas. r. m. THE Crescent Means Half-IMoon, Doesn't It ? , lT Wit ETHER there a man In lh tnnon who burned brush on Run- day, or tlt any other evil, wrongful act, or whether th moon U rit o( treen rheete, eonrern not th trad who want Brat clas btryrle with alt th modern Improvement t price wtititn th reach of sit. Th Cresrent Is mad by WESTERN WHEEL WORKS. CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, And I lor sal by THE rATTERSOX rUIJLISIIIXQ CO., Agrnls fur Morrow find Oranl Counfit'i. W Sc. the Creseent .eforw purchadne,. KoUc' of Stockholder' Meeting. 'i.Tt r How's Your Liver? u itratar uwrn TMT A t t lh khn!.lts "I o.e r'ri II -lr I nii.t 1.1 1 h'l l In tt -'l. Mi. I .. i. in tipi.ioivr II.. rt.t l..f II. ,... tin tlii lmfil h.i.ln.aa Iu ...i n... Il.m IIH !! "'" ! Ult tma I'Aiiaa-'. J v l..a w. k M felsrv. 'n, in iiipi. ' I .U ..I J.i.. Iloi i"! P . ! Kotict of fal Settlement. VTt t t nmrar r.tvf tmT ti i nnLxilwI. Ih .l"lnll ' "W l.l... I l.i,. .ft. Art m, h WU'Wrt This tjucstion is asked daily. If dormant you need exercise need it badly. The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do not own one. call at i anting Ibe tnaj irity In every arty, ly In .dv.nce.f.r 'M Sa belter , I. nn I try It. It. !;'T" ,,r i". X i-h ik. rA ;n nifi U.Aim A T e,. hoqldetorga.it themwlve m ln The rattr...n Tub, ('., . have eecnr-,1 m.n.blnate.n ..f nspr fan Uma-le! Krl It., k. an eiprienre. butcher jr-.-..,i r '',7' "Tit, .)"."' I K I I II II IS I ill Vl It I l'Prr force all parl.e. to .! .p ll.eir J-elMBe ' eei.cy of It. Oe.cei.1 bieiel. fr IB,,.le. Il.idee we w.ll give m ' ", l,""U.d. bM c.vp-, ... Ui a- 1 1VV LJllklksJ IVIV Ll JL-rf 1 1 . .. , ., Marrow and Oranl poiieiie. ni.d will . ii . .. i Have A Mathew tm'ehef Ih'P, a' ol -t I ei'i 'h k'in, .4 J J v In their pi,. .,.eleet from .m.,.g um liwl(n , premi-.w .Mill..,,.! JonmaUU Web- b, , f. ll , :,' mil 4 . ,..w., tUirn9tt.h.rtU.lr respeillv. sl.oJ.rd ,ry w ri-afM. ti.mlne Credent f'1 l'1l','r N'IUr.! rl-i rt of style. l reh beat. t64 boneel ,h" n. woao. J.OWC1 X'lOllSCe tt LWore buying. If. Cm In new nd nrMcrihe, 1 weight to everyone. t u AtiM.o.if. - .