OFFICIAL SVV PAPER II Mil rtn 44 I MM HI I 'Mi lltMIIWII MAWIMM 5 i i t 2 a MY SUCCESS H owing to my liberality in ad-1 i Vertising Robert Bonner, ! 1 - : as " iMiMtll I II I Mill I Mill 1 1 III I ft HUM lillllllli ll I li numiffl rMTiiiritiMiiMiMiimaMitiiimiiii I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT Advertising brought me all I i own. A. T. Stewart. t m i .... Ijwmh i i i hm i Ktirritii'MmtMnfiirmiiiriPiii iim THIRTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1895. WEEKLY WO. 641.1 SEMI-WEEKLY NO.S43. SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. Tuesdays and Fridays BY "?HE PATTERSON PUBLISHING C0MPAX1. OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON, . - . Editor Business Manager At $2.59 per year, $1.25 for biz months, 75 cte. lor three mourns. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. . The " EAO-ZiB, " of Long Creek, Grant rjounty, Oregon, Is published by the fame com (pany every Friday morning. Subscription price, $2 per year. For advertising rates, address OSaiST Xi. PATTBESOU, Editor and Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette," Ueppner, Oregon. THIS PAPER iB kept on tile at E. C. Dake'B Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merchants Exchange, Ban Francisoo, California, where cou raots for advertising can be made for it. Union Pacfic Railway-local card. No. 9, mixed, leaves Heppner 3:30 p. m. daily except Sunday. Arrives at Willows Junction 6:20 p. ra. No. 10, mixed, lesveB WillowB Junction 7:15 . m. Arrives at Heppner 10 p. m. daily except u n day. East bound, main line arrives at Willows Junction l:4ti a. m. West bound, main line, leaves i illows Junc tion 12:15 a. m. West bound Portland fast freight with pas senger coach leaves Willows Junction 6:38 p. m. and arrives at The Dalles at 12:01a. m. Here passengers from the branch lay over till 3:15 a. in. and take the fast mall west bound which ar rives at Portland 7:45 a. m. The Dalles and Portland passenger leaves The Dalles daily at 2:15 p. m. and arrives -it Portland 6:30 p.m. Leaves Portland 8:00 a. m. daily and arrives at The Dalles 12:15 p. m. This connects with the east bound way freight with passenger coach which leaves l'ho Dalles at 1:30 p. m., arriving it Willows Junction 6:58 p. m. OFFICIAL BISECTXr. United States OUlclals. President G rover Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson Beoretary of Htate Richard 8. Olney Secretary of Treasury John Q. Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith Secretary of War Daniel 8. burnout rWrelaryof Navy Hilary A. Herbert Postmastar-tieneral William L. Wi son Attorney-tf onernl J udwon H urimin Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton State of Oregon. Governor Hocmtnry of State , Treasurer Sunt. PulUio Instruction. . Attorney General Senators Congressmen Printer.... feiprttms Judge W. P. Lord H. H. Kinniitl Phil. letnhan li. M Irwin 0. M. Idlemau ( (4. W. MeHricie " J. li. Mitchell 1 Hinaer Hermann " ( W. R. Ellis . w. n. ieeiis 8. Bn, , A. Moore, E. Wolverlon Seventh Jndlelal District. iT!lrfit Judge W. L. Rradshaw fcVoftecutiug Attorney A. A. Jayne . Morrow Connty Official. 'lolnt Senator A. W. Oowan J. B. Boothby Julius Keithly . J.R. Howard 'ItetinMientHtive i'i unity Judgs.... ' (Jotnmlssionert. J. M. ilaker. " Clerk " Sheriff " Trnaimrer AiuwMor Hnrveyor... " ttchool Sup't... " Coroner , .T. W. Morrow ..G. W. Hnrnnirton Frank Uillism J. r. Willis (ie. I.nrd Anna Halsiger T.W.Ayers. Jr DCPPNIB Town ornoKR. "ay or Thou. Mnriran C Mtnciltnen O. E. Farnsworth. M. I.ichtenthal, (His Pattermm, T. W. Ayara.Jr., H. 8. Horner, E. J. Blocara. Hss.nler T. J. rlsltnrk IVwiiiror.. E. L. F'-lsnd Marshsl A. A. Huberts FreeinctOfflcere. Justine nf the Pntoe K. L. Frealsnd Constable N. 8. WhsUtone I'alted States Land Olrleere. TBI DALLES), OB. J, F. Moore UUtf A. 8. Biggs lUcwver LA 0 BANDS, OB. B. F, Witson II:l-ter J. II. Kobtiins Kecelvsr obsszt locimra. KAWLINS IWf, NO. H. . A. K. Maet at Islington, Or., tha Iwt (Utorday of -set. month. All varans ere lnvltd to Join. l. C. lw.. Ueo. W. Hjiith. Ailintant, tf UHiinclr, L U M li E It ! WE HAVE FOR HALF ALL KINDS OF CM draw it Lutntier, Istuilasol Ueppucr, at what U kunwo a Uie SOOTT BA-WMZLiXi. HI 1,000 FCET. Rol'oH, " ' CL1AK, 110 00 17 Ml t F tF!4VKRKI IS HFPPMFR, WILL ADD A. t-,uu pr i.iaju iwi ae.iu.oiisi. L HAMILTON, Prop. D.A, national t o( imx WM. Pl'XLANIl, M. R RIMIIOP. THIMICTj A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLKCTIONM EXCHANGE HUlGHl i SOLD n pits Kit. tf imnoos. g 1 K E) t C I fiOO " ' k-v-tv Saw Frlrf - ILI t. tM,- ai(. li.iri a-1 r-ttfta y 'l hi Ml It S t 'f MAM, ; (lultr f htt U( .! "-. J IA"I ritl in M.K t"- fi (. I. TZ 4Wt '""' t . litres CUTT;S. ra itl TMtKfsYTORIslUllCaLtCHOCO.Ej ln-rt T' I it O . 5 t casjvsaaist wanvio. r3 WiUJiliUilliunlum'!;!;;Ji "Who has not suffered this misery caused by bile in the stomach which an inactive or sluggish liver failed to carry off. THE PREVENTION AMD CURE IS liquid or powder, which gives quick action to the liver and carries off the bile by a mild move ment of the bowels. It is no pur gative or griping medicine, but purely vegetable. Many people take pills more take Simmons Liver Regulator. "I have been a victim to Biliousness for years, and niter trying various remedies my only success was in the use of Sim mons Liver Hegulator, which never failed to relievo me. I spenlt not of uivself, alone, but my whole family." J. M. Eili MAN, Sclma, Ala. S-EVERT PACKAGE'S Has otir Z Stamp in red on wrapper. J. li. & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. , ,t 1. etra- ariUtn.Ty Ki Juvtui ior ia tho most V'OTr'f rfnl di'ov iy cf tho a,'0. It Imr b e't cri ('ors-'.l bvtim IC'tdil.yi'ricn. ti:io i. eu of Kuropit ailii Amerjco. H:.ari Is purely vegu- tl.b. Hii(!yni stn;s PfSOlsUfRCSS of tl'O dlM m H) Ja.'s. nroa Const! patlcn, Fulling .Seu satif!ni:,Nf rv- oi:9twitel:lng of the evc and otb'or paits. Strengthens, In vigoratca and tones Die en'lrc'kttin. hurfran cum Deb 111 ty, Nervousness, JbmiflRionR, end develop) mid ri'xtom wenk i igana. Fiiu in the back, lotsci cyfliy or it'uttofped i-y-.x. i.rv !? q.i'.c'rtlv. Ovpr 2,ViO prfvnte endo'sements. I'ri:iuattin!iis ir u lmnoti'in y lu ilio flrnt stu-o. It a ymp pm of w nii"l weakness a id buiTcnni'M. it cua be tiojipcd lu go days tv Iho useof iludyan, Thoi c oi'covety wi trnide by thePeclab Ifihof the old ff.imi:., Hu.ison Medical Institute. H Is I'm rt renr ct Tlia.iwr made. It is very powerful, hut bu mh Hold for t.1.00 a puck !reerii uwka,ii'i in: Sl.C0(; ln'n eled tmxeF). v r 'ten ciiiir.Mitc ;veii jors euro. Ifyoubtiy Ms tioxea nn. I arc lot cntlnl cured, sis mora Mill ln-nl Uj von ir ooiall isrpi n. H-f'l fir rf u nnn 1 ti-.tiniir,lil. AtonM ll('lH( Ml DJOAt, INSTITUTE, Jiriirllou Fitrkluii,.lurkrtk 1.111 Mta. t'runclxu. Cal. THE Mas pi Pfirnm UbLI Trsdt Mtrk-Or. A 0 FOR MEN AND WOMEN Th lnlct nl rmlf sck'ntlfla and frscllrsl tlii m.i'k', li,r F' tiMtl ur. pto luring SK'Miuliio ritrrvnt of EllrMitr, for lh rur of dlu), ilmt ran I f...ilr felt an 1 rn. ltylU,iu l'iqMii(.lr ni l i-iwrr, snd appilixl losny jrt of iliBllr. It n lx wnrn l any Umdurin( wuiking houisur lwp, aud WILL POSITIVELY CURE J "Ml L HEIllLITY vm no V 1' i llll IM VI fc. " 'A mm it i;ikmi rj: iioii.m w VITHOUT MEDICINE ElHrlrH. f.tnt"-f'T l'l'1 to fH luklrtf Id" 'l.r d'u. f r all Nrrvoos, lilmimiln, hl'Im-T n l I iln .1 Tt'i'i' !. snij ul tSrl etif in m"oIiibif birl" iwi hittry oilir r known I.Mfai'K'l. A"i Hu. ?l.(, i c!!k1 nrttn may tr llil iwm I riUKf l Ut brallliir tlTitr tfof II l Li'!itir !- II' .1 f n n sod Itrncimiiiil tba Ovu Ik a lu l icit liiu tl'. OUR URGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE C MiUIn f i1lt Information fji'linf I1, r-it of I'iiui, i tir tiloan-l ,riT,.ni i miti, (.f 't h'fli I' f. I i I irloii. ...,.. ll frl VWt!fif) Uhl'Kin, i!t l- .iir't, tifn , pi' U..U, l. .. l .it ft -(.'. fau,. Til Cieo Eie:t(ic E:lt r,l l;plii:ci C3. i i m. a n i.i. ttrtM. TimO Miri lit. 2ol li ?SlttU Ifm. Cmi;j:, ill. 1.4 Urf4 llvl'it Cnl CUbMIMFita tF.9l4 m ta.f tvM'y buts. -rK TlienRIEM f f S J . V.- V- Jr V ' e - - , -J - -J ; M.MillH,n riTsllKsl -v-7rtCu .r'M'ee's.f at n-... tf-MM ' Wm I'm Wj 'A mm sr nMfc-TT- if, UMii, r-'--( I fy 0 n... tone 'I r--3 M." S'f HI"'L i. ,..!- 'p .-"" I r-.-- I -;... i,. i 11 .ni l... -..wvJ J " ',r2 I OB1TLHRY. Died Jane 1st. Bert, the baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carsner, near Warner, aged 5 years. Bert was a bright little fellow, beloved by all who knew him, and hia oirrle of friends were large. The family have tbe sympathy of all. ONE NEVER KNOWS. (To the memory of the absent one.) One never knows what will happen Before the day is done, Before the night ia ended, Or the morrow has begun. One never knows of a heartache, Or a sorrow known as death, Is waiting to olaim our loved onea And eaves as alone bereft. If we should know ooul. 1 take a glimpse Ul thintrs as they will be, . And nee our life before us stretoh, A picture for to see; Then turn a page, and see tbe grief, And sorrow written there, I'm sure we would not want to bide, And all our troubles bear. One never knows how soon our smiles Will all be changed to tears, As swift and silently the days Are gliding into years. One never knows and well it is That we should never know What is before ua ere our life Is ended here below. -S. I. 8. When your heart pains you and un usual palpitation is frequent, accom panied sometimes with sbotners of breath and low spirits you are tsuffering from a disordered state of he liver, digestion is imperfect and there is wind on the stomaoh. It allowed to remain the trouble will ultimately reach tbe kidneB aDd becomes dangerous to life. Steps should be taken to stay its pro gress oo tbe appearance of the first symptoms. Dr. J. H. Mo Lean's Liver and Kidney Balm is enpeoially adapted for disorders of this kind. Price $1 per bottle. EIGHT MILE NO i E9. Uarland and Cbas. Stanton took tbeir departure for Walla Walla a few days Emigrants line the road daily going to California. They oome from tbe Spokane country. Messrs, George Gray and Joe Hays viHlttd our prosperous vicinity this week. The Eight Mile people weloome them home ngnin. Elbert Stanton and Miss Lena Bey- mer were eleoted as delegates to the County Sunday Sohnol convention, to be held at Pattys' grove the 13th of this mouth. If tbe oold weather continues garden ing will be in operation for many days, nenoe it would oe mnoQ oelter if we had some one that oould stop tbe winds ibnt visit this neighborhood. The people ought to poison the pesky little squirrels until they would cy out "What shall I do to be caved?" If they do not they will get the farmer iu tbe notion of it before many years. I aee that E. M. C. accuse me of mak ing some mistakes in regard to the offJ- o-rs of the W. O. T. U. I will say that I conferred with the secretary that day, but we were laboring under difficulties, and tbe secretary did not have tbe Dames arranged in alphabetical order, but said tbat abe would look them over and arrange them later, ao therefore I gut tbe naniea as nearly correct as I oould from the secretary's bok that day. I have not seed the minutes aiuce they have been revised. I am oo ter obliga tion to ay that I am not able to reotify tbe Mine, but do uol take noeptions to our report, aa it was tbe intention to publish tbe list correctly. Last Friday morning occurred tbe death of Mie Belle Sawyer. She waa aick a little over one week, but no obe thought that tbe dnsth angel waa hov ering around ao near uotil aha bad passed to the world beyond, where trou bles are a thing of the past, and one rest with tbe Infinite One. Thefuneral eertHHi took place at the Jeukina arhool bouse, lUv. liranablet (ifFJjiatitig, Hstor iJy tb num!r of pplr atten ling the funeral, It ia evident that ahe Lal a liosl of friends. The parents of the deceased bave the ay in pat by of the whole rominiioity, J. I). EioiiT SI i La, Or., June 0, K. Hsrklee's Arslrs Halve. Th best eslve In the world for rota. Utilises, H-irea, Ulcers, hhlt lUieutn, t'Ver rWes, letter. ( hst- llsluls CliilliUiti. Corns, and a'l skin eraptimis positively enrs Tiles, or ao psy riq'iirr.l. It Is vnS'snlel In tlve p-liTl slifrlmn f m iiieir fefquited. "Ten 23 ends bil. Vnt ale by T. W. A,eis. Jr. 11.1 C TO l.tIK Tbe lslr (?) abo yeslerdsy railed the sli'titi-io f su'ittir to our pir, ! b' wbriat tltry I. . Ill lqtfhe. S' J h'li!j. s li f iitii' f Hist a le7 p f will j be nclie I ahi- liff ! I's bill Is ' seiiit.l. I. m ig dt tiili a year, i ' f liiti'l 4FtMel trlnler'alrps Irrfi fIi ly lnl it are jingling noitey di ns. Tell your husband to ! netaodollaFa m4 va tl,a rr-t i.f a lews-M. We t4 aeoiher pair of paiU Iti.l lie r'.aur prise. Ik- r.- f 's .s a elk nf b.eyrle .,.! . ..,1 fji ,..,f op ai r. .,t.s,.I r'a. t I I, is ti.l'tilioa i ms a i-e aly l. lbs .i... si, I aa the .f a l.l is r i ll iixna n', .. . ... . i .i " M.ia will erlni'y r $l!eg nas to sree-i wlg om a bis a. if. PHYSICIANS NOW ORDER IT. Paine's Celery Compound the One Spring Reme dy That Physicians Prescribe It, erence to Anything Else in the Spring, Blood, Feeds the Brain, and Strengthens Paine'a celery oomponnd ia not a patent medioine. No clues of professional men are more conservative, more careful of giving ad vioe, or more painstaking in finding ont tbe real fact of a oase than physicians. Their recommendation In matters with whiob they are oooversant ia trustworthy. When physician of knowo repute not only prescribe and aee, but also bring borne Paine' oelery compound for their own families, there can be oo doubt of ita high atanding in tbe eyea of medical men in general. This ia what busy, aaroeasf al prac titioner are doing tbeae spring day all over tbe oountry. Paine' oelery oomponnd ia prepared, aa they all well know, from the formula of the foremost physician ol this oentury , Prof. Edward E. Pbelpa, M. D., LL. I)., of Dartmouth medical enhool. Aining medical men there ia an absolute certainty aa to Just what Palae's oelery oompoaod ia oapabl of doing. Tbe careful reoord of tbe Vast Dumber of raae where It ba made people well baa beo published io tbe medical jxuoal of tbe oontitry. Peine' celery eomponod slaods today aa the one thoroughly aulbeotuated reme1y for weakness and debility due to malaalntioa of tbe tervnu tystwu and Impure blKl. Thia bard working, earnest etas of professional men bsve never been slow Id accepting Paine'a oelery r rirnponnd. They declare that It give lbs tired body ever possible chance to get back to a bsalthy condition. It cures nervous weakness, heart palpitation, general laek of strength, and ell furros l weekoeae; rests and restore the jaded, falignej brslo and nerve, tn-osnse it peovidee fur tbe ahoiifrnsl wsU of these parts by ao ooososlly prompt tnpply of si pro priate beive fnoi. It purifl" theblottd ae nothing ! ran d i. If every in so and womso plsgued wiib a Mt rru at w.k r Mar fram U fowl! Jvutnal ! L. M . Lsewy, if Portland, arrived la 1 a,s, U'.daelay, ae..mpanled by Wm L,l,. wl.n bsl U.n .t..wa to Tbe Dalles Mr, Lseey waa In pst of iiiettoa sheep for Lerey llr, fir sbipmeat loCbio(t, ' ""Fl-" " " I'sllee ll M"t ly an Iwillsl. panolbrf f ro.e ( trat.t Iff r J i.e .i I., , ff u,t. j,mw ,pn,.,, if. I4,e.y w , , , . fc . Thn'l tiif b-e. ! )sf ' r ' bea from IHle k 1stWr..nst (H 'il aed ate.nt llftfroro A. O. O.Hv.s Makes People Use It, and Advise People to Take It in Pref freqnent beadsches, and every business man made at x ions by pain at the base of the brsin and nenraluia twinm-s. would take Paine'a celery ooinpoiiud, the orld would be Hgbtened of a vast !eal of misery tbat nngbt never to be borne. Tbe most adyanced medinal thought of the bitter quarter of the ltlih century ba prepared Paine'a oelery compound to meet and overcome these trouble that are due to ill-fed, ill-regulated nervea, and poor, thin blood. N. N. Leaueartl, M. D , of Charles town, Mhhs., whose portrait appeara above, one of tbe ablest physicians in the Buxton district, a man of oharacter and influence, aay: "After using Paine'a celery compound for four or flye year in my general practice, I can cheerfully recommend It. For catarrh of bead ur alomacb, for instance, it acta like a charm. For women in many case it i a blessing, j Fr cbrooin rheumatism it does give relief. Torpid liver, general dibilily, oonatlpation, pain in the stomiich arid oaa of appetite il relieve, and la the beat of remedies in general nervous pruetration. I reflnmntend it to many of my patient, believing, aa I do, in It real merit. I believe il a public bless log to Invalid, and, aa yet, not fully epprecietwl.'' J. C. Minn. M. I) , a well known Mihi Isq pb)lrisn, ta Lot oneof Imndreils who prescribe Paioe'a elry nomMiin,i borauae II etiree. Wriliiig Ifiin Warr'O In that alate ba aay; 'I ns.-l Ihe Palna'a celery romponnd freely In my practice a a nerve ionic, blood pnrifier aai general tonic In all (Muliisted c"ii dilions of the system. I fin l it fine thing for patient reoovering from the grip, eepe lslly old o,laM Ir. J. II li.iiaf -f.l. of lsdiiig, M.s , wboen writing io the lions, hold, U-aUb and Hume, ami other joilrnala if national circulation bar en i-r d him to tbtiaiids, Bays: 'l bvt on. I al fl N, Mr. I.acey i,r .ime. nsthsl iu.lit...,...i... li...,. f '"V t I t ' ar M a f 'V at W M BJ !-( II HI" aa ... -K....L ...I... ,r .. - r- nfflU'llieA Pt Ur aoli'l 'l,.ra, wbldi ere sheared wek abesd of Mf. OgllVie', Ihey WIS) d'lt to Oral-la Inalesd of Arlington, as a -oa"iiou d bear the latter pise kllle t svfal bQndrsd bep as Week, Tl mskeolt a I'aln Io d al tl'si Mr. I, I a 11 .al i f ll.era In i. si ! !( dsle If loq want Io i.l a In i.r t'! r pair lor o., t il i,u k I.i.i.i a' li')9 n I. f), r-iSif L"M, Well. Because It Purifies the the Nerves. rv (UN fVM:vi Paine's oelery compound personally with much benefit I prescribed it with excellent results. " J. II. Tbomsa, M. D., 320 Liberty street, Pittsburg, Penn., say: "For several month I bad been Buffering from rhennutiim. I had taken all tbe nsnal remeiliea with no real benefit. I look one bottle of Paine' oelery com pound and found mjaelf much Im proved. The (eoond bottle is nearly gone and I flonsiiler myself cured " W. W. Ilihbard, M. I)., of Poultnev. Vt., writes: "I wa run down from re pnated attack of the grip, and my stomach, bowel, and kidneys were out of order. I bad no atrength, energy or ambition to think or act, and waa ex cessively nervous and irritable. After Using the first bottle of Paine's celery compound I felt better. The third bottle restored me to my usual health iiinl strength, and feel 11 year younger than Iwfore." I)r. William Ilrowo of Fredonia, Kan.: "It Iihb wonderfully improved my general health." W. Allen Hnbhanl, M. I), Boston, Mses wrilee: "I bave prescribed the remedy in a number of esse where Ihe blood wee impoverished and Ihe nervea weakened. The result bave been Bo salisfwtory that I do not hesitate to einlor Ps inn's oelery omponnd." Himilar testimonials literally by Sllll'lreils niltfht tie qil'iled. The high scii-nliftc atlairtmeiit of A. Livrtey, A M., M. I), of Vdeiy, Pens., bave made his iMtemetite anthonly on ma ter per- Isining Io lieslth. He give) Lis personal eiM-rienre, bow he wa rurx of alrwp Iriwiirsa. J. W. Fertruson, M. I), of Tlyer, Kan , tells low ba oured blrn nf il)ir(,.ia. elf , etfl. Ttie sum total f Hie Ixaluri'ifiy of sni'h ini-n a these, as .. as i.f Ihe mora celebrated pl,)sicisrs wlioaa leltora bsve mi, .f Vionv pntiliatieil In these Columns IS Ibal pslnit's celery lolnpooud Oiakes peopl-4 well. ",", Nick.l, e, i-.r of h Jackson V.ll- T,, baa s ll'Ml IiIh-I it on ! a , , ., , " mpathy la j a ,in i ,,. Ili.cit of all in Lcavcsing i ti. i i ii m mw w- a mm GROWN IN WHHINGTO. Clover five feet high. Cornstalks fourteen feet high. A bekt weighing1 thirty pounds. Timothy seven feet eight inches high. A cabbage weighing fifty-thre pounds. A bunch of grapes weighing six pounds. A pumpkin weighing ninety-three pounds. Alfalfa from a yield of twelve tons per acre. Uops from a yield of 9,502 pounds por acre. One strawberry ten inches in circum ference. A watermelon weighing alxty-four pounds. An onion weighing four pounds and one ounce. An apple weighing two pounds and four ounces. A potato weighing eight pounds four ounces. A rarihii weighing nine and one- half pounds. A hill of potatoes that yielded forty- three pounds. A SQUAsn weighing one hundred and twenty pounds. Wheat from a yield of sixty-eight bushels per acre. Sixtv-keven pounds of potatoes from two pounds planted. Oats from a yield of one hundred and twenty-five bushels per acre. A BLACKBEimv bush showing twenty one feet growth this year. A branch from a prune tree thirty three inches long with forty-six pounds of fruit on it. A plank fifty inches wide, thirty inches thick, thirty-two feet long, and not a knot in it. IN CKUvvutw wniNA. Thk tao, or knife coins, of China, made current It. C. 2,458, were of iron, in the shape of daggers. Chinese burglars wear not a scrap of clothing and artfully braid their pig tails full of fish hooks for obvious rea sons. In China a boy begins his schooling at five years of age and is at his study nearly twelve hours a day, seven days in the week. Is China white is the color of mourn ing; in Egypt, yellow; in Turkey, vio let; in Ethiopia, brown; in Europe, during the middle ages, white. A curio dealer at Amoy, China, owns a group of figures carved from gnarled tea roots, which stands nine feet high, weighs .V.IO pounds and is valued at $130. The Chinese doctor's lot is not whol ly a happy one. Four members of tho Imperial College of Physicians at Pekln failed recently to make a proper diag nosis of tho emperor's indisposition and were punished by being fined a year's, salary. . , The favorite heiidilress for a lady In China is tho figure of a bird composed of copper, silver or gold. The wings arc imulo to droop over the temples, the tuil covers tho back of tho head, the head and breust plumage are Just above tho brow. Kkiiohkne oil is rapidly growing in favor as a cheiip llliiminunt In China. The consumption, which was 8,2511,000 gallons in Ihsj, bad risen to 411,848,000 in 1 Hi) 1 Of this amount HO per cent, was Imported from America and 20 per cent, from liussla. HOUSEKtHHi.-lo SIMPLIFIED. Uhf. washing mmIsi in toiling water to rcmovo green atuiua from your brick walk. Moist ta leaves will stain a wry llgbt-colon'd carpet; uso them only on durk colors. A Maink womnn, when alio wishes to shell IicutiH, runs thcin through the clothes wringer. Nrw tins kIioh'i! bo act over tlw fire filled with water, for aomo houra be fore using them. Coiiks which have tieen steeped In vaseline are sniit to lie an excellent Sllb'.tillite fur ghuta fctoiNrs. (' m ill In the Im-hI disinfectant known. It not only destroys foul odors but u1m all germs of iII mm'. Is "trying out" ir tdurifying butter it Is done when the froth U-gWia to rise. Sliim, strain, store in a cool place and keep WI II covered. To fiKT a g"nl polish on mshognny easily, init tine purl of boiled linneed oil with two pnrta of alcoholic sliell.Mi varnish. Shtike wrjl lefore using. Apply In small (iuintitiet, with a cloth, an. I rub the work vigorously until the ili sircil xilish is secured. LOVCRS AS OTHERS SEE THEM. Till! clergyman wastes bis breath who t.ilI.H of tlic b.ipmesa of the world to come to a ynit li w ho baa just received bin lirst lovo I tl r.-Cupe Cl Item. hiiK (trust ini'tyV-"Am I tlie only girl youevrr loved, Jui U7"JcU " by yea certainly, mv dear that Is to any the onlv girl I ever loved as I love you, my d irlui,r."-Situ' rvil;ie Journal. I'LNf iwr- " I !i. r. ia one thing atrtt us, J.icU. iliat 1 li'.e. We om sensible lovr. Wn don't us that Idiotic baby taSk." Jacl. ''No. A it t we never will, ell'irr, vi; w V Prnelop'- "Nopey."- Ilurpi r's l! irr rnr-"lnn afri ! lb U he',1 ringing means another inUr " lie (implor Irij'lv) " Von know lb-re la m li a tiling aa your not U mg al liome. hlt "Ve; and tbrr is aurh a thing m my being engngeil." Uniklyn Life. Tower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report asking !t man av e-ss