VTnl'R BRANDS. Hnuimi. James. Arlington. Or.: horse branded I JH on left shoulder: cattle the same, also nnee While yon a.eep yonx subscription paid np yen waddle. Hange in Morrow and Uiiliam counties. , .k,l!iifuin(Sfin owpnKns, Y. A., naromHD, ur- nun do oo cankeep yourbrandmfreeor onarge. riBht stifle: ctds horizontal L on the rinht elite Allvn. T. J., lone. Or. Homes (Hi on left Stevenson, Mrs A. J ., Heppner. Or. Cattle, rj honlders cattle same on left hip, nnder bit on on riarht hij : ewsllow-rorlr. in left ear, right ear, and npper bit on the left; range. Mor row county. Armstrong, J. C Alpine, Or. T with bar un der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Allison, 0. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand, ODon left hip and homes same brand on right shoulder. Itange, Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA oon net,d on Inft flnnk; cattle, sameon lft hin. Biird. D. W aid son. Horsm braidd D B on the left hin; on tie the same on loft fi ink. crop off rig t ear, nndercrop in the left. Kange in Morrow County. flartholaraew, A. ft., Alpine. Or. Horses branded 7 E un either shouldor. Range in Mor oountv rmnnistnr, J. W., Hard man, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear, Brenner, Peter, Gooseberry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on right side. Hnrke, M Ht 0, Long ;reek. Or On cattle, MAY connected on loft hip. ciop off left ear, un der half orop oS right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow CBrosrnan, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side, Left ear half crop nd right ear nnner slope. Barton, Win.. Hnppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in Brown! Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row oounty. Brown, J. C, Hoppner. Or. Horses, circle U with not m ee' tor on ion. nip; cruris, same, -ARE YOU- MAKING the MOST OF YOURSELF? There Is one magazine which will help you to Hwmfimrt. O. W.. Heppner. Or. Horses. U on left shouldm : cattle, M on left hip. Hperry, E. O.. Ilanoner, Ur. C attle w u on left hip. crop off right and underhit in left year, dewlap; horses W C on left slionlder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on left shniiloV-r: cattle. 2 on left shoulder. Tiinets.H.T..hnterpriue.Ur. ilorsee. C-on left HUl CtED by teaching you to know and an Shoulder. . . nrerlale vonr elf. The Phnnnlnniil '1,. It W MnnrT,a. llf.Kma aaortital T I ' " . toft shonld'er. horses; cattle' same on left liip Journal i a wide-awake up-to-date exponent with split, in hoth ears. of Human Nature. Thornton. H. M.. lone. Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. VamlerDool. H. r.. Ijena. Or: Horses H V con nected on right shoulder ;cut tie, same on right hio Walbnilge. YVro.. Heppner. Or. Horses, U. La. on the left, shouldor; cattle same on right hip. crop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, Jonn O,, ealem or Heppner, Or. Horses branded Jo on the left shoulder. Range Morrow connty. Warren. W H. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter circle over it, on left side, split in right ear. Horses same braud on left shoulder. Range in Grant comity. Wade. Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wolflnner. John. John Day City. Or On horses three rmrnlle! harR on left shonlder: 7 on sheen. bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Malhner We also publish a long list of helpful books. GERMANY MOVES FOK SILVER. Are you using THOUGHT and TACT in Bringing up Your Children? The Child Culture Department helps mothers nd teachers to study the characteristics of each child as a guide to Its proper development. Send ten cents for sample copy of the Phreno logical Journal. FOWLER & WELL3 CO., Publishers. 27 East 21st St., New York. con Titles. Woodward. John, Heppner, Or. Horses, Ur connectMi on left shoulder. Welkins. Lishe. Heuoner. Or. Horses branded UK connected on left stifle. Wallace, Charles, nppner. Or. Cattle, W on 330-39. t-,n w t Tamu Orecrnti Uor.ua w har tiffht thiiHi. hole in left ear: horBes. W on right over It. on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left shoulder sonu same on left, shoulder. h!P. Whittier Bros., nnnuugion. Maker i;o ur. Hoyer, W. u., Heppner, ur. norses, do brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in onnh Mir. Borg, P. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shonlder: cattlo. same on left hin. Brownlee, W. J., Kox.Or Cattle, JB oonneoted m loft aide' nron on left ear and two snlitaand middle piece ont out on right ear; on horses same nrann on tne urn uiigu, uaugn iu iiu vonuj, Grant oounty, r,nmnar Warren. Wagner. Or. Horses brand ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three bam) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in llron unH Hnmiff COIintinfl. Cain.E.. Caleb.Or. Y D on horses on left stifle' T1 urith nnarter circle over it. on left shoulder and on left stifle on all oolts under B years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All ranm. In Grunt nonnt.V. Cate, Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shouliler; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla nounties. Corrigall. M M. Oalloway. Or Cattle crop ont of f.ach ear and undertiit, wattle in rorohRd horses half oirclo C on left stifle, Itange Mor. nvnnit FI mat i lla conn t ies. Onrl, T. H., John Uav, Or. Double oross on onnh hin on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Itange in Grunt oonnty. On shoop, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Ear markoii ewes, crop on lert ear punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop m right and under half orop in left ear. All ranga in Grant oonntv. Cook. A. J..Lena.Or. Horses, fltlon rightshonl der. Cattle, same on right hip; ear mark square crop off left and split in right. Currin. R. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, t on left atifln. Cox Ed. 8., nnrdmBn, Or. Cattle, C with t in center; horses. CE on left ni 0. f'onhran. II. E.. Monument. Grant Co . Or, Horses branded oirole with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark nmlor alone hoth ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded Oonriulit. hlo. f lattle branded the same. Also brands CI on horses right thigh; ca t'e susin brand on right shoulder, and out off end of riifht. anr D.mirlass. W. M . Galloway. Or. flattie. It 1) on riglit side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, It D on left hip. Kl. Bros.. TVinglaa. Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle lame on leflhip, hole in right ear. Emery, (!. H., Hardman, Or. Horses hranded reversed (1 wit h tail) on loft shoulder; eat. tie same on right hip. Range in Morrow county. Klorenne. L. A.. Ilaunnnr, Or. Cattle. LK on right hip; horses V with bar under on right shoulder. Klorenne. H. V. Heppner. ir Horses, r on riuht. shim Men cattle. V on right hip or thigh p'rennh. George. Heppner. Or Cattle branded WE, with bar over it. on leftside; orop off left ear. Horsiw, same brand on left hip. Gnnirv. Klmer. Echo. Or. Horses branded H H. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Range in Morrow and Uinatillaconntio. Hiutt A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top with quarter circle under It on the right hip, KM in Morrow and Dtnatillaeoiinties. Hi n ton A Jnnk. Hamilton. Or Cattle, two his on either hip; crop In right ear and split in left. Horses I on right Ihign. Itange in i tram oounty Hughes, Matnnel, Wagner, Or-.J- (T K L rnniiix'U'iDnn riglit shoulder on horos; on cattle. on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack district, Morwiw nonntv Hide, Milton, Wagner, Or. Horses hrandml -II-(cattle with parallel ransi on in siioiininr Cattle sains on left hip also large circle on left aide. Howard J L, 'Ulloway, Or. Monies (cross with h ir above I') on right shoulder; nattleaains on lft side, lUllgj Hi Morrow and UuiHtilla comities Hall, Edwin, John Oav, Or. Cattle E Hon right hip; horn a same oil right shoulder. Range ill (Iriiit comity. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, r. Hormw, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Itatiire Morrow (lo. Hdnsaker, II A, Wagner. Or, -llorsaa, V on left hooldor: naltlrt, 9 on left hip Hiimphrnvs, J M Uardiiian, Or. Horses, II nt, lefi Hank llnion. Lnlher, Eight Mile, Or. Horse II on the left hoiil dr anil hoirt on the left stitla Cat. U same on left hip. Itange In Morrow eMinty Jones, lUrrv. Ilipnr. tlr-llonwa liran l'l II J on (he left shoulder; re' tie bra iibol J on right hip, also underhit Hi loft ear. Range In Morrow comity. J mi km. H. M., Heppner, Or -Horses, horse. sh,w J on left shiHililor, Call Is. the sainl. lUng "-''I Mile. Johns -n, Kolis, l,n. Or - llormia. eireUTon left title; palile, aaine on right tup, under half crop in rih and stilil n lefl ear Kenny, M ike, Heppner, lr. Ilorasa hranded KNY on Uft hip cattle same and crop off left ar; nnder slotM ihi tha rlgtit Kirk J. T., Heppner, Or.-Horses All an Irfl honldor; cattle, rel on left hip. Kirk. Jesse. Henimw. Or.i horss II on Irft sL'Olliler ; cat lis saius on light side, Ulldorlilt on f igtil saf. KnmlHirland.W.O,. Mieint Vernon. Or. I I, on collie u rigid and left sides. swallow fork in 1 ft per and nnder mop lis tight ear. Horses sums brand on left shoulder, lUngs In Grant rtMinif . Iifieti. Hteonen. tin. Or.-H I, ou left lot on rstiis. crop and split on right ear. Horse sin brand oa left hiHthlnr, lUng ttrant eoitnlv. 1 .10.,, lion, John W,, l.-rl-if"1" tr,-llor. nrsndnl half-itcls J I, eotinarted on left shoid dor. I nle. smr on Ufl hli, Itaiigs, near lr Ins on lhey, J W ltr.t, nr Or - Horses branded I, and on lft houldori rHIls ssins on l-f hip, asilla " right )e. Hires si us in right Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder Williams. Vasco. Hamilton. Or. Onarter otr- cle over three bars on loft hip, both cattle and horses. Range Grant county. Wil hams. J O. lying Creek. Or Horses, ouar ter oircle over three bars on left hip; cattle same and slit in each ear. Itange in Grant oonnty Wren. A. A.. Hennner, Or. Horses runningA A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young. J. H.. Gooseberry. Or. Horses brander THon the rifirht shfinlno" OPENS JUNE 1, 1895, OCO. SCHONCWALD, MANAGts. ALL WHO CULTIVATE FLOWERS VEGETABLES For Pleasure or Profit, Should see that the Journal they subscribe to is me oest una most reiiao.e authority obtainable. STANDS FOREMOST IN THE LIST. Itdealapractlcally with frultsand vegetables, iiccf,, aiiruus ami nowers, una covers tne field of horticulture systematically und thoroughly. It illustrates uud describes methods of cultiva tion, improved varieties and labor-savinif devices. It In, without doubt, The Paperforthe Peopls! $1.00 a Trar (21 number). Specimen copy and riO-pape catalogue oi hoiticuiturul bonks Httt on upplietUion. American Gardoniii";, 170 Fulton St., N.Y. TAVERN OF L Castle Crags or Luxury, Good Cheer, Hospitality, h liglitful and Healthful Pastimes, Matchless Mountain Scenery. SWEET BRIER CAMP. Established last year in a roman tlwl.,11 nt H,aU.n,amanlnranun just below and in full view of grand1 old Hhasta It was a great hit and promises still more encouraging re suits for the present year. T J Loftuh, atCastulla, is still in charge anu win answer an inquiries. A new candidate for public favor in id year 19 SHASTA VICIN0 CAMP, Also in the Hhasta region, about mile and a half from fjunsiniilr. is a genuine paradise for hunters, tinners and seekers of health and pleasure. Kimy to reach (near the railroad), signtiy, ana an me ne ceBHitles of camp life easily procur able. All inquiries about Hhasta Vlclno Camp, if addressed to W. C. Gray, Itox 4, Diuisinuir, Cal., will receive prompt attention. II! Si'rst. Jf?i "iSK. L,K,,tea1' Simplest. i(tjJljSy Easiest Strongest, tj'tittJ Workln' Solid ri"4iMMo T"P ViTS'&lix Accur"u Receiver. Compact, Camping in The SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS Alma, Wrights, Laurel, Glenwood, fcnon. Hen uimoiid, lloulder Creek. Reduced Rates During the Camping season will be made by tne mm pacific co. Kor full particulars address E. I', KOUEKrJ, A8t. (iep. Pass. Agt., Portland, Oukiion. July ai. Or any 8. P. Co. Agent. Most Modern and progressive K'r I'Mhilogiie or Inforniatlott write to rim marlin nun ARM5 CO., New Haven, Conn. AND 1 r mm MONEY K ': it 13 LOCAL MAKKKT REl'OKT. WhpHt. bu 8 36(340 lFlt.nr.bbl 2 40 lit'evt'H.oows & two-yeur-olilB.owt. I 25 " three " 2 W Khi'ep, nnittiitiB, bcHil.... 1 50 ( 1 75 " itonk 1 UO W 1 00 Flo";, 011 font, cwt 3 00 I loK, dri'HHed 4 00 Wool 5 8 HorncH, rIhw lule. ISuttKr, roll 25ca40 Kk'U, 1 iz 8 Ohickt'tiH. do. 2 003 00 Tiirknyii I'otatoeii, per owt 40 OAI.IFOHNIA MAKKKT. Whent.fwt 8 K7".' f !I7,i 1 1 3 AE30LU ii'S rt r . rinl, tfl for ..I 111 J I mm & Alt iunr I! 1 r- m Ur,, lloraa. Il"ppn h,-llonaa hrandnit d,Hil,ls II crt riM'ta rVimatiiiM mllml ama II. on U't hiHililr, Minor, lU.'ar. nipti"r ir - faitla, M I) i rirfM hin. htirM M on tnft shnil,ltr. Miirawi, W N. Hv.i.r. Iir.-1l.wwia, M) tm ltt shoil,t rattu mui on ln hip Witi l.-ll H-r lona, or.-ItorM, j im riahl him rwlila 1? on rtht ai'M. M Mm, II ll . hr..nlll H. Il.tre, Wrm s.hi 1,011 1. Imt. rii. l J hlri M,4iirr, frank. n. lr - M iU ili t.w co'k on raiila oa til s I nndar If mf'S Mr, hora Main branl n loft sitri, tl. lUi... , ttamii.-n. Or. m ti' nh half .irrla ,l" m Ml shool Ur.iMi 1 a"' f mr Im's imii,it i.,p ihi tha riahl aid ltnm 111 llranl I Mthtv. Nl Andr. I" It-irl IV - HifM A 1 a- a'-t in, lft l,Mhtr ', rati la mntm a rah hli. H ,, il-ri.H ir.-lloraa, rirrls I lati o,,a, M'lla Mo rn ltri hut. init-i J,, 1 anfMi t hi. i" - Mm rtn ra tft ,ii fa hwram. aaina t.n Irft tliian, Itaiurr la ll'attl AHitilt a si ior. I'arrt, lilna'i. (r,-r O on bi.'t. nip ll-rT.a, r.si'ia Cilr. .- 1.1' rtitMv'lr.l .a lft nipt honal ihi an t aanla a a IIkm in ilraol If, 'aaoa, lllasa ' Mila. lit, - It .iwa. ,pir Irr ri.ria t.iwi.l ma trt H,aii,f and 9 l-a hip, I an la, 'IS la M" aa 'lal.1 n'l, 8 Ufl I n, H-,. ,m I ll,l ,l.. I'a'iar a lilam, Haxt-uaa IH,- Mora IP m l-r, ah,M t. I'm., I a I. ltl' i.Fn. - llor-aa trait a . 1 1. rtN.r.art-1 mu l-'l aktatlitrt I ralllr a mm.m rts'-i hip lvi. tl.a-ro r,Htcs. I i,. J II , l-tl".M.. Hi ll. taa. J ar! trft ar.mi.lrf, ral (la, tm Irft kip ! I,i In -a- ' aav ll, A I , li,r, Ibr : Koran rtlamw, a,r,i, rfila. J l J roai'-lr t itti ' , j l-f- lop, , i la Irft an an I in il . llll. I U..I In It l aa l - ll,ara. inan rf,, ii, ,.- .f-l,,r ,1 t, iri a. ll ,.,- l i,r,a, ll -, r. If , l..fa I tin U i .. H !, H- r II ri ' 0 tlorM l-l Nl . ! O r-fllr. I tm ll,a 'ff Sip rl u'l ti a, t l',at a rrrk. Haliaa ti It .?, a,d a I" r.,"ltr. i .-mt ItL.t lr. .,!, lar.ll.a-an k 4 t .m riM Im,i lf. l iari , , , - l.rad milia MM fiat, I I- h- f "- ll .tar, Ww II i.,on:l lr llllrawa ' ' r r. ! nt t.p ra ,n ri I r,, 1 r .,. -1 IM aaf a t a,,'l la rl, M aa-a W- l ,r U --. Itana la H r. !. ar I ,. a I'ra. J ta lli i", f " tt-iraaa, Jll ra t't viirr. I aoia na rltl ki. . W r ll-.'.. ! . M aaa f l-l . . I (, Wi liMvu l (.,. a l. .., o U't. a, ,. f a , l. ,, II rfara, H A 1' ! fc. ,, '1 ..a l-'l ! a. ., J a r l . i rrir-r -a k--l - , I"i- a' a. aa ' r,l l i. ll . a-4 Ira Ml is lr aa,r. lla la oa I a - t a,illl..r a-.r.. a I . I Ir tk. aV aayaMI ras TIC Ctl Of It DIULI nn rait aril you ma rhlnaa fliraprr liian ou ra ft rl wliara. 1 ha MiV IKI1H It our baial. Iiulwsmakstbrsprr Mnrr, aurte Ilia LI1A, an I Pihrr lllclt Arm Full NlrU. I I'l I KkwIhK riarlilnra tor $ 1 &.00 auJ : ( all n our scant or write ua. a- va hi.: 1 our trade, anal II prlcra, lT,i a anal siiuaradraltiia will w lii.w a v. I I liar II. Wo rhallrnga Ilia wm'i 4 u n .ijjras iiirrri u t&u.ou unanir i ariiln lor 30.t0, or a l.rtt.rr 'i, ulnrr narhlnalur I'iO.IIO Iha.l .1 mi bur Iniui a a, or our An" nl I iia - M n.rt.,. Haaa. l'i , a ) . . i. -tii. if I "i i. a. ii' aa4iaioisi ii- n.aa,ia ron tkC ar Klotir, bbl li.f Vl'S, Htnll fin) Miittims, ot IIiiith, cwt Wool Knsti'rn Ori'Kon,. linttor, III Kukh, ilois I'litHtoea nrw, per ct.. . old, " ... riiiokeiia, ilor. 'i'lirkeya, Di 2 rxi to 3 50 4 50 (r 5 IHI 6 (HI dt 8 IK) 4 50 it, 5 25 7 f. H1 fl t.u 1,1 I'iC 15 titlKtj 85 :ttr 75 3 on tt con 11 of 15 l-OHTI.ANII MAIIKkT. Wheal, bu Flour, lilil Hi'i'Vrs, oat " llri'Hri'il Millions, live alieareil ., " ilrossi'il, Oi lli'K. on fisit " ilreaaeil. III WimiI - Kaeli-rti t r n ti... Hitltor Kuw, l" Clin ki'iia. ilnt Turkeya, Bulrrsaril. 52 M 511 1 HI Ufl 2 :5 2 25 t. 3 M 5 (K) ot 0 50 1 25 cf 2 75 04 t 04' 3 60 to 3 7 5 04' 05 it 07' 7,' M 15 ltl II 8 IX) tir 3 75 12 TATTOOED ROYALTY. Id line with the movement ot Ger many for silver aa indicated in tbeae columns (ram time to time, the Prussian Diet has agreed to count Von Mirbach's motion (or the inauguration of a mon etary conference to secure the remone tization of silver, says tbe Salt Lake Tribune. The vote was decisive 10 to 4. We presume the nest step will be the report of tbis committee to the Diet and the agreement o( that body to tbe report; then the movement will be fully launched. It is said that tbe German Emperor Lbs thrown himeeK with his ustomary enthusiasm into the study of the silver question ; that be talks silver all tbe day and dreams of it by ninbt; and that he is rapidly forming the opinion that the agricultural interests of ermany, and the interests of the Ger man working men, demand tbe remone tization o( silver; and the probabilities are that this young autocrat will soon be one of the most pronounced "silver unatios" in the world. We oan see with joy the consummation of this excellent prospeot. The Prussian move ment for silver is, as we have hitherto hown, deep seated and extensive. It priogs from the necessities of Industrial Germany, (or more money to transact tbe business of the country. In Ger many, as in America, it is found that gold alone does not afford enough standard money to meit the demands of ommeroe and manufactures. Conse- uently the demand for restoration of ilver. But there as here the backers and usurers are standing out for tbe Bingle eold standard; there is plenty of money for their uses; they want dear money and cheap products, and gold monometallism is exactly to their mind. But the in lications are that in Germany as in tbe United States, the producers and tbe artisans are pulling tbe publio sentiment tbeir way, and the dawn of the day of relief appears. That it may spread into the open sunlight of re' newed prosperity, and that Germany may push the movement to a glorious fruition, is is our fervent hope. Baker City Demoorat. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller, of Canajobarie, N. Y says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Disooyery in the hou6e and his family have always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dyke man, Druggist, Catskill, N. says that Dr. King's New Disoovery is undoubted ly the best oottgh remedy; that he bus used it in bis family (or eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claim ed for it. Why not try a remedy go long tried and tPHted. Trial bottles free nt T. W. Ayers. Jr., Drugstore. Regular size 5()o. and 81. That Sort of Adornment Favored by Prlnooa. and Now and Then by a Frincees. Grand Duke Alexis of Russia, broth er of Alexander III., enjoys the dis tinction of being the most magnifi cently and elaborately tattooed prince of the blood in Europe. His powerful right arm is adorned with a superb dragon, which covers it almost entirely from halfway between the wrist and the elbow to the shoulder. It was done in Japan, at Nagasaki, where the grand duke spent some time serving as lieu tenant on board the flagship of the Muscovite squadron in China waters. Alexis is by no means the only member of the reigning family who is thus in delibly marked. Princess Waldermar of Denmark, wife of the sailor son of King Christian, has a beautiful anchor and a crown tattooed on her arm half way between her shoulder and her elbow, which of course is conspicuous when she wears a low dress. Her hus band, likewise, has naval emblems tat tooed on his arm, and so, too, has King Oscar of Sweden, who served for many years in the navy before ascending the throne. His sons followed his example. Queen Victoria's second son, the new duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, is tattooed much in the same way as his brother-in-law, the Grand Duke Alexis, while his nephew, the duke of York and future king of England, has a couple of crossed flags upon his forearm. The tattooing was done during his cruise as a midshipsman and led to no end of rumpus, for some busybody either wrote or cabled home from Australia that Prince George and his elder brother, the late duke of Clarence, had had the "straight arrow" the mark used to denote government property worked with the needles upon their royal noses. The idea of a sovereign having his most conspicuous feature adorned with an emblem which figures upon the garments of every convict and penitentiary inmate was one that struck terror into the hearts of the worthy people of England. Questions were addressed to the government in the house of commons by members who were forced to take the step by their constituents, and so widespread and serious was the popular indignation over the affair that the London news papers received an official communica tion, which each published in large type on the editorial page, assuring the people that, after due investiga tion, it had been ascertained that the noses of both the prince of Wales' sons were absolutely free from any such disfigurement as that which had been reported. King George, of Greece, his second son, and his nephew, the czarowitz, are each of them tattooed, it having been done in both the latter cases in Japan. Jsesiues these there are among the tattooed princes Queen Marguerite of Italy's brother, the duke of Genoa; Archduke Stephen, of Austria, and Prince Henry of Prussia, brother of Emperor William. WAS IT M ORDER. Jumps O. Kldwfll Thinks his Father Was Murdered. From the W. W. Htatesman. In conversation with James G. Kid- well, sun of James Kidwell, who is sup posed to have committed suicide at Baker City last week by taking poison, he seems to have doubts about his father committing the deed. It is learned, be stated, that the r id man had consider able money on bis person the evening before bis death, and when found had but a two-bit piece in tits pocket. He advances the theory that bis father was dope) and robbed by someone und from tlia effects of the drag ilind. lie does not know bow to explain tbe letter found on the body but thinks it was a decoy, written by oromina who knows thf family, to throw pIT suspicion. Tbe matter is to be thoroughly investigated ami if sufficient evidenca is adduced to indicate murder, steps will be taken to bring to justice the guilty party or parties. James Kidwrll was m ell known Id Heppner, ami lived for a short time in this neighborhnod. Kt Tlif Ni llnrir Srwir Mjrliiif Co. 257 Matkrd Hi. San Francisrxi, Cal. Tin l'attrraon Pull. Co , bavo ai onrad tha Satnicy of Ids (hrarvnt bicycle fftr Morrow ami Grant counties, ami will shortly hava aotna inschmi a for aula at nry low llajtirra. Lihuiiiik a uri-acaoi brfora tuiying. tf. 'SCSOPARCELSCrMAiL'irm v.1 v 'Oa 10 I fill a I knspi V M V -a lilia ital IHttl' I '" aVjl 1 . , Ml I'llH t 'lt j0 1 lk4M litltifM USM -. 411 lrr Pmi( .a4.s Ihrrr- rallla, V t f Irfl .1,1.1 'iy - rli I t I, wi. .l. -ll (-.I, O-l .l 1.1. M I., lot ai"t lori" --ir tin i.i.l a.M" I" l'l I a a -.it roar !., I-- k i ii,. ir i -'o tr J a i.,.,r, -r ,a ' - . 17,. ll. l. I r. S I , atllr " I r ,aa I r 'i i 1W hi na..la I rnoli.li' i ''S a l.i. a, t t" aMa I'arrrla t i fa M' Hi-- -' iri T !.;.!."..,. I,. -i ) a- -aV .'.J .. I ...Oiail ' 4 .H"- aT l'lllli IK ikr1nliY it su, II" frai.sloi.l and i.lrard A.. 11,,'at.l It-ia I'a v COPY MIGHTS. -V rj t itii iMTMTt ra fr. .J a'..- a" -i aa I'i at'lr 1 N I llaMII,aillliliill'l a.aa' a a .... h I - a ".i a aVa. I a.a ,aa ,-.......,.. I a lla.4U.afc In. I -a f 4.i, -a r,.., l,alt.a a. I a a.a I atraia a- I I a l i - a aa an aaaaaaiaa "ft. atl I.a.a "a kfa-a Ora, fraalaa aa .aa a.rf. ,. aa. .all. Saaartl'aa, t4 a a ! . . baf taiaa f-i afc. rrt a l I -a 'ai t, i a, , ,.-.! I a,, ! I aaa-ftt. . w ' a n'SHrail fcaa I f l. i' U' aS . n an ,. . l aa all araa, aa, . a f a aaa a I,, It,. I m . ,,',', an,., a " a a I .-.av,a-,.aaaft.. I ' l a- I a ' a -j u MUD DATHS. f ha Nnvrl Tra-aliiiaait nilrrona bf In- aallila In Hal. Ttii-rr U nntliiiivf jiiit ticiil.irly rntii'- In if In tin wmtul of 'inn. I littia.-ami t lur' hii bin c tricl I iu'fM nl l,.iiiVi'r; an, t otticr p' i i l,.i,! tli' iii it. t (.'ri', Hi'la B I )l't ,l In a- . Ili'W a i r ''',, in inliN llli V llin I I' ll. til altlll. nl t lll i t atnil tin- pr.a i'.a ia aimplr tluit of pour- Itilf ttiU.I lilt ii.lic'a bat'i, l ilt at aiinia It.iliini Imtli-a to III. Ii i;,i' f.,.!ii..inl,y aia-H lira' liirt'io-'. trin. h r, w Ho li.m tiiki li t'irlil till la lli.it II. ry lire a i i : a- ihiTi n nt Tlio iiui.l. Iii a ii'H li"t ami llllliaal alrv (."fill. Itltll'll 'f tliP I'tallalal. i !. i f I ru U I'lnv. I at'til i- l l"'nlv ! III. -a- Mtl.. t tin- laaly llii lt arr af faatail I !if llt ll til Ilea t B utMW ta il, i.ll will, ll la placet a .lici t 1 I r atti'ii.tntit liatlnif aaaaralni'l tlirmf- fclltilf pal la, iliinl Ilia III lo Ilia- till, k lla .a i.f H li't .il Ilia Ill's U Itll t'u- llcl. I I he iiiMili.i. a'ata Ii .1 w ltd all. 'I ali'it . r 1 1 i ' !. I.. f, r l.ia If t.ii I...,.r. r ap,i ii y fii'i ) v I !i. it i-a t a tr I. a a In t .ill ( our I itii, la t't r.ii"!ily iV'tia I, ro! '-.! t',r , 4ii. ti tcrna I. a I l a' 1 1 I, i I ' a .iro i .). i Iii ra- I In- a r pit.i',l.'H . - iii i.a f r an hoir ir . I i 'it. IIOO Reward fHNI The roMileia of this pspnr will be please. 1 In learn that there i at Irasl one ilrcailfil illansae that agianoa has born able to cura in all V alaiffa and Ibal ia Catarib. Hall' Catarrh Cure m I In- only positive rnra now known to nirdirat fraternity. Catarrh be in if a oonstitillloual uiaraas rrquirea a eoo stitutioiml Irratuirot. Hall's Catarrh Cura ia takrn Ititritoally, actum dirrctly Upon ttir bliioil and tnucona turfaora nl Ida ayatt'in. Iherrliy drstroy .titf tha f.nindation of tha disrasa, and atrin tha pstirtil atrrnutb by bnilduiK up h coiiatittiliou and assist init tialnra in l.unn tta work, Tha propriflora bava ao mtK'ti ftith in ta rnrativ pnarra, thai thrjr I'ffi-r Una llilu.lrril Iollara for an that It fm! to r ura. Mon.l for lis of testimonials. Adlrr... r. J. CHI'S EY A CO T"lr.n, O. ttaf.Hol.l br DntUkTi'-. "1 enita. rttt kik nit.ru tuiNAt.r. of tbe State Board of Horticulture or tbe duly commissioned quarantine guar dian can determine whether the said trees, plants, cuttings, grafts, buds or oions are free from live injurious insect pests or their egfs, larvae or pupae, or fungous diseases . before they oan be offered for sale, gift, distribution or transportation. All persons or com panies are hereby proniotiea rrom carrying any trees, plants, onttings, grafts, buds or oions from without tbe state to any point within tbe state beyond the nearest point on its line or oonrse to tbe quarantine station in the dis'riot of ultimate destination, or from any point within tbe state to any other point therein, nutil such trees, plants, cuttings, grafts, buds or cions have been duly inspected, and it required disin fected as hereinbefore provided, and all suoh shipments must be accompanied by the proper certificates of the inspeot tDg officer. Provided, however, that after such persons or company has given the proper officer four days' notioe, he or they shall not be required to hold suoh shipments further, without directi ons from such officer. Rule 3 All peach, neotarine, aprioot. plum or almond trees, and all other tiees budded or grafted upon peaob stook or roots, all peaob or other pits, and all peaob, neotarine, apricot, plum or almond cuttings, buds, or cions, raised or grown in a district where tbe "peach yellows" or the "peaoh rosette" are known to exist, are hereby prohibited from being imported into or planted or offered for sale, gift or distribution within tbe state of Oregon. Rule 4 All trees, plants, outtings, grafts, buds, cions, seeds or pits arriving from any foreign oonntry found infested with inseot pests or tbeir eggs, larvae or pupae, or with fungi, or other diseases heretofore unknown in tbis state, are hereby prohibited from landing. Rule 5 Fruit of any kind grown in any foreign country, or in any of the United States or territories, found in tested with any insects, or with any fungi, blight, or other disease or diseases injurious to fruit or fruit trees,' or to other trees or plants is hereby pro hibited from being offered for sale, gift or distribution within the stats. Rule 6 Any boxes, packages, packing material and the like intested by any in Beo tor insects, or their eggs, larvae or pnpae, or by any (ungi, blight, or other disease or diseases known to be injurious to fruit or fruit trees, or to other trees or plants, and liable to spread contagion, are hereby prohibited from being offered (or sale, gift, distribution, or transpor tation until said matetial has been dis infected by dipping it in boiling water and allowing it to remain in said boiling water no) less than two minutes; such boiling water used as snob disinfectant to contain in solution one pound of concentrated potash to each and every ten gallons of water. Rule 11 Animals known as flying fox, Australian or English wild rabbit, or other animals or birds detrimental to fruit or fruit trees, plants, etc, are pro hibited from being brought or landed in tbis state and if landed shall be de stroyed. Rule 12 Quarantine stations: For tbe Fourth district, comprising tbe oonnties of Morrow, Wasco, Gilliam, Crook and Sherman, shall be Tbe Dalles. Emile Sobanno quarantine officer, or any member of the board or tbe secre tary thereof. Rule 13 Importers or owners of nursery stock, trees, or cuttings, grafts, buds, or oions, desiring to have such nursery stock, trees, plants, cuttings, grafts, buds or cions inspected at points other than regular quarantine stations may have suoh inspeotion done where required, provided, however, that suoh importers shall pay all charges of in speotion. Such obarges and expenses to be paid before a certificate is granted. Transportation companies, or persona and consignees or agents shall deliver and caused to be detained all nursery stock, trees, plajts and fruit at one or other ot the quarantine stations, tor In speotion, as provided by the rules and regulations ot the board. Details as to quarantine stations, officers, fees of inspeotion, reoipes for disinfection, and all desired information may be obtained on Replication to the secretary or any member of the board, or by reference to tbe pamphlet circu lated. Passed at a meeting of tbe State Board of Horticulture at Portland, Or., April 3, 189). J. R. Cardwbll, Pres. Attest: Geo. I. Sargknt, Secy. THE "DEVIL'S DAGGER." A Young- Herdsman Meats nil Death by Falling: sn a actus riant. A sinuular death is reported to have occurred recently at Glorietta, N. M. A young herdsman on the ranch of St. James left his home a few days since to track a band of mountain wolves which had been committing depredations on the herds under his cure, but expected to return by nip-lit. A day or two, however, passed without bringing news of him. His wife, becoming uneasy, a ptirtv of his fellow-ranchmen started out to look for hun. This M-areh was for some time unsuc cewaful until a lariro flock of buzzards were wen hovering above some object in the little valley of a small local ar- rovo. Hiding to this it was discovered to lie the body of the unfortunate Del gado. The remains were badly tlecom. posed, but the manner of his death was evident. lie had evidently ben thrown from hit horac upon a cactus plant with such violence aa to drive the long, keen thorn of one branch into bis. heart. Another also penetrated his stomach and would, in itiH-if, have proved fatal had not the other given him a more sudden death-blow. These thorna Jus tify the name ln-stowed upon them by the natives of "devil s dagger," inoaa- uring ofu-n seven and right inches and aa sharp as a needle's point and toughened almost t" lwl by age. A Dark Mrs tarry. Good Little Hoy Dor majority rule In this country? Father Indeed It dora. Uood Little Hoy Then how doee It happen that one bad little boy ran get all oa good little boys Intoao much mla- chirf? tiood lSewe. lla t aed llalr-OII. Jennie Hut, pa, why do you object to my rrvclving call from Mr. Mcrk hair? Her Father Irecauar I can't afford to have the parlor paprrod ererr thrre month. ltwoklyn Eagle The regular subscription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Any one subscribing for tbe Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions (or one year in advanoe will be entitled to the same. TH5 OWEN ELECTRIC BELTS AND APPLIANCES INSURE TO THE SICK THESE GREAT POINTS OP ADVANTAGE OVER ALL IMITATORS .. . .MlJteOt2!W' Mlr Ml, tmijn current In a moiiinnt. Booth In to lliWltjJ'i moaf aruaillvr. Thoflf rfifttifcfiS M U,,s thousands ot oasea slrBnirtli.rfthiamirrantlsi&J'W . .. Arr' ot IttlrUlllSlllin, under tbo couiplite con trol of ttia vrarrr, so muib sothata cliilrl may he triatl ami cured by tbe sauia nownr of Belt itKcensary fur tba strong est wan. ihronle lliaeaara and Nrrvona Ail. inrnta In man and woman (from any cause) where long ooutluufHl medical treatmemfallvd to cure. NO MEDICINES ARB NECESSARY. vold all cheap (so-called) Electrlo Belts and fraudulent imitations of our Electric Belts and Appliances, as these are an Imposition, upon tha lutfering. THE OWE EI.ECTIMC TRISS la (he noil retentive and curative Truss made lor tlie radical cura of Uupture. Inclose bIz cents and send for onr tare Illnalrntel Catalotne In F.nellsh, German, Kwedldh or Norweitlan lianRus-ifiis ; onutalnlnit medical fools, sworn statements of cures uiada and descriptloua of Bella and AppUauces. Address THE OWEN ELECTRIC. BELT AND APPLIANCE CO, 303 to ait State Street, Chicago. a. a ti. a,l ii ll Ufia- !-., Jvl Ii. . a.T. Wai 'r I I'i ii i f f iri" a I I lla l.., Us l M t- I. o. of statu- al borne. IM'e, Maty .ieiJiea. I Iii . t' ' "II ! t ra I a i'a A n'n.. at, a. i I' .1 '1 t t l-nil lai r. .! i a. Bio I i . i ' v ill.' t' a 1 la. i. t i It u . . S i . i , . .10 a ' t I i l .li'if U' t fit a' i I B f- I'a a . ' ' II the I- s ' ', , .i t t i i ilia i ; i, i in. nl an t r' I t - aU f -r a-ta-ral ar til 1 m!, . f t ..iii :t a!.iur aitrr t'Mil tviillla- t f t- ... lla.M Of INUREST. Tin at sra. fa ar (!. rtrr asvli around bt.ii :iiit trwa. I m. iii.mtU in Japan ere H.Jlth aaati.tiU it, ! .f straw. 1 Hint t inin- In the t"ail fU'rt rln trie l.a.m"li. Tha I ..-rata llliania aa Im-lala aa4 'niaa la I aaa Ika laaaa altnaally. Ciiti AOi, May 31 Tba Irra eilvar ili tinx-fats n( Illiuma tstll H I nl.ly a.l i,. an ntiliniile.l ailvrr caiinana ilatforra al Ilia alata r.Otrrtilt.n at H.iii(fl. M ball wk, bul ill aanj forth a tusmorlal a.t.lra-es l.i lha Iraa atlrrr drroocrata of Ilia rontilry rallmij fur a national lUimt rralie mobrlary eonrttua In tas brlj iltirtng the romttisT antntna dale .t hrfraftrf f.lrd f t N.,farti(a of lb tnrtul.ru of tie tattont alata fouiiiitt-l.a. Tli idea of f .t.iiti op lha atata c .tiif tili.-o by a natiotial ninnrtary cin ; frirui la a e bill Ilia .Uta rf Ilia siitsr ntofrnient In !,i,uta ita abaailr Inrlu.i'd It la tba h.fi an.tna, and will a the tal tt ion n us me illk'tea Id lha national ronfar aura. Ilia tftMed la aaUol 4t Js (atra fft.ru Illinois, tee frnt aaob f 0 reaai rtal disirict, and fur al large, Tha turm itlal Id be a l.if ) by Iba atata f.i.tli.e III '.! Ibal all etalee ras ta. m ling tat ll pall abatt aa.l tape. ttaise la Iba aaine ll..i. Via. r I Iklf I ( ' ( .f a r . li II r ,la, W. Afia, J. 1. II V tt ('l.allnaaa(a, . a ' Ii .l.'a il ... aai I I a.a,' II III t. Si frmavilf a.ta-a.1 aaaifia I n.f aaa I " J.ala, llf I I a l.,,,a I nee ia faala. hj T. AliKIl I'l.Tt ItAL yl' A KAMINK Kri.l LA TltiNM. Al a tpclal tntiiif of lb Oregon (ilale lliarJ nf ll irtioollnra, bald In Portland April 2, 11 all icen.Uis prraanl, lha lullnalbg rrgillatincs eie a-lnpti il. In eooordance ith the las reitnlattng soch mailer, and are. lbre fure, litutl naT aMta all partona. Tba ragalailntie are t lake rlTi and be In fairea from and after May 4. 1.5: Ilale 1 All c.itniktoea. aganle or other paraona, aball, nblo Iw-nty fonr baiiira, o.ittfy Ibe quarantine (Tifra of Iba Htate lnar.l of 11 irtlcoitura, or ilnly (Minoiisaiora 1 qtiaranlina.! goarJian of Ibe arrival of any I rex, pUnta, bo.ls or nou al Iba ijtterentine talinrt. la Ida Jistrtd of final Jeaitnall'.b. Utile 2 -All Irara, p.aota, eotm, grafts, lin ts nr eiatoe. ltBp ria.I ot troiiajlil tut. i iba elate from any foreign eai'iuif), rr In. in any of ll.e I'utirJ HuiM or terrila.na-a. are bhy ra. H'ilra.1 I t tta tiniaai le, njH.e arrlral al the rinaratillua atii..o in Ibe Jistr icI of fioal ilaattealioa, aol if any inch aoraery et rk, lre, lania, fulttaara. gfafta bit I or ei-Hi are foea l tat t free i f Insael pea's an. fttngaone iliaaaasea, the M.I qisraatiaa rfSeef of ill If rxttM miaahiat4 (jnataatiae g'Jia aball tea tie t t""rt"ata In Ibal rfTi-rl. Aol fnrt her mra. If any nf aal.l Iraaaa, plants, eni'ttaja, bn I or rum are f.-nn l nr..taa aith iuM l-aa'e. fit at. blight of fh-t aliaaa aea lljirt.ita M frail ( !! flt I Iraaaaj, fr alh Iraaaa of lanls, lb a iai bai iti.iLf-a rl an J rtmaie la , a iaraatioa aatil Ibe a,a,aribl.ae eUWf OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must sell it. Tiik Patterson Pui.lishing Co. m -.WITH F1IISS : BIFIl VouiHi BOUND to Tnko Leaves No Constipation,- t Carre II, aa aU aa k'l ll'illnnanaea, Cir, ll.atsrt.a ar J Malatia. TI.e tf ft ur atian ill to Ita a-oflH. t,ia by all rtrare'eia r ar.l , mall no raraapt ,4 pri-, M aate pef boi. I .FMi Mri'ICAl. 411 Cai.fisrala llfaal Ha a rfarra. at. Tin. Lancashire Insukanck Co. a ... .. .-si J i . A , MAVrilKMIKN, ICNI AMI 1 W. riTTlL.V, riLM. .rvUir. Mr- .- vrM,