TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek, ?oha Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phill Cohn, Agent. you can get the best beer 4 in Heppner at Q. B. Ted rowe'a, 5 cents per glass, If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc., call at Ted's City Hotel Bar! Here and There. tf. 'Millie, the Quadroorj," See K. 0. Wills' new nd. Millions ride the Rambler. Ike Ennia hna bicycles to rent. Try Morgan's creamery butter. See program ot play in this paper. 0. N. Peek visited HeppDer Wednes day. Mrs. Hick Mathews is improving rapidly. Ayers guarantees his poison. Only $2.50 per dozen. tf. Mrs. Howell, of California, is visiting Mrs. Kate Sperry. T. W. Ayers talks buBinesB in a neat single columo ad. Hon. W R. Ellis returned this morn' tag from The Dalles. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walla, Wash. Unas. Jonnson was a passeDcer on 'this morning's train. Thompson & Binns tell the trade Htaat they are here yet. Mat Liohtenthal is out for the trade, Gatvh on to bis new ad. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. mmblet were up from lone the first of the week. A. W. Patterson got in this morning from a business trip to Portland. L. D. Boyd and family left yesterday for their new home near Hood River. La Grande Marble Works, La Qrande Ore. 8, O. Smith, salesman, Hebpner. Mrs. Jas. Wyland is sick with pneu monia out at her home near Hardman. Geo. D. Fell is on the siok list, having been confined to his room for several "days. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do it with. tf. Try Ayers' squirrel poison before buying any other. (July 5fZ5(J per dozen. tf. Read your newspaper and see who are doine business in Heppner. They all Advertise. L. Feldmnnn, of the firm ot Feldmano A Oole, oame in early this week from Portland. Home talent will put on an excellent play, "Milly, the Quadroon," for Satur- day night. N. Markillie, representing Feldmann & "Oole, visited our business men the first t the week. Mr. Fnrlong. of the Hardman section, is ill with an ulcer in cornea (eye), but is getting belter. Frank Adklns, wife and friends, re turned from the district o'.nference at Pendleton Monday. Dr. P. B. McSwords is in receipt of a fine crate ot strawberries from an old friend up at Milton. Next Sunday F. J. Hallnck will have on exhibition a 24 lb. Waverly, high frame. All should see it. If you want to rent a bioycle or get re pairs for same, call on Ike Eunis at his bicycle livery, power house. Mrs. Ed. Day is sick up at the resi- ripnnn other father. R. 0. Hart. At lust report, she was improving. If you read the Gazette, seethe pro gram for the drama, 'Millie, the Quad roon." to be put on oaiuraBy nigni, Boy your tickets early, for "Millie, the Quadroon," and avoid the rush that will be experienced at me ineaire oox tnuue, Lawrence Sweek, M. M. Briarly, Bill Emmett and John lioohler oame in from John Day with the Briarly wool loes day. Gilhoufwn Bros., will soon go to the innnr nnnnlrv to be absent until the latter nart nt this month. Await their return. 1'' Mr. Powell, the Sand Ilollow aheep iman, was in to look after bis wool tbe firet ot the week, lie was tooompanied by bia family. Vintor droshen. who came in tbe flrat nf tha wk from the John Day mines, North Fork, reports fair pay arjd plenty or ground. Tba Oreiomt bicycle requires do Mannhanaen stories to elevate it into nnnnlarilT. It snr-sk for itwlf. Call at the Oazette oftloe tor prices. Cliaa. E. FreeUnd. of Haleey, vial I in a Vita brother Jadue Eocene Free land Ha will remain here several months hoping to Improve bis health, For tale A fine. Hbort Horo grad hull, fnnr taara old. Trine. tX. Or will trad for other rattle. Addree Harrison Chapio, Hardman, Or. '-Mm. Hbilob'a Core, tbe great Conh and Croop Cure. Is io great demand. 1'oekel sir. coot nine twenty-five dose not 25c. Chtldreo love it. Hold by T. W. Ayers Jr. Karl'i Clover Root, tbe jreat Blood purifier, Hive frerbnea and o learn eaa to tha Complexion and cores Constipation, 25 oU., 60 ct.. II. Hold by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Mrs. Fanny Browo look onita 111 not el Jm. Urowo'e Ist week. Kb b beeo brnngbl to lon for treatment. M.a la tha dauabter c.t Mr. od Mrs. U- Wel. Cba. Meliell bae pnrebed W. L. Haliog' lntete.1 lo I tie flrm of Itnyd k Haling, and hereafter tha bns.nees will ba conducted io tb firm nam of Boyd Mottowell, Millo'e Cora t told n guarantee. It cure incipient Consumption. It ia tba boat Ootigb Cur only m.e eenl " ricU..f)cta., and II. Hoi J by T. W. Aver. Jr. EI Mala draw lff tl in rma , tba fir! of lt.a week, wbtl- Fr. j Itngera rot ay nb Monaf h btrypla V'e4oeadr " tba number X Lni ky lioya. T. W. Aera. Jr., i making ri"'l polaos that b gnarsMee. ,V kill pav. and sell tl a 25 ttU ef fan. n nfrf II Ni; per doea. l.-t ample and try II. Fre.1 tik, SO lprtefir4 botrber from Toriland. baa eco-pted posi'lon la lUre Mtbeee bnleher elx-p. brebill rve P"bll I" beat ff etyb. Freah tneata and bol weigbt to eve rynia In the spring, the human body needs BHsistanoe to throw off the stagnation produced by winter diet. As the temperature rises nnder the growing heat the sun's rays we feel tired, half sick and low in spirits, because the blood is sluggish and full of impurities. Dr. J. H. McLean's tjtrengibing Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable spring remedy to invigorate tbe body and give toue to the digestion. Prioe $1 per bottle. Green Mathews, not to be out done by his neighbor barber, Gid Hatt, bought a young wild-oat the first of tbe week from Jeff Jones. It is not unlike an ordinary pussy cat in disposition and is very ounning and playful. Jeff killed the old one, capturing three kittenB but all died except tbe one brought to town. Frank Bbepardson, an engineer on the Southern Psoifio Ry., who resides at Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with rneutnatiBm ior a long time, hie was treated by several physicians, also visited the Hot Springs, but received no permanent relief uutil he used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. He says it is the best medicine in tbe world for rheumatism. For sale by Slocutn-Johnson Drug Co. Children's day will be observed at the M. E. ohurch next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. A good program has been prepared. All are invited. Those bringing birds and boquets are requested to have tbem at the ohurch by 10:30 Sunday morning. Any other flowers, etc, Siiturday, Ike Enui8 has a stock ot bioycle repairs and will fix your wheel up at reasonable rates. It is bis intention to make a specialty in this line, and as the number of wheels is rapidly increasing, this will certainly be pleasing news to those wbo are so fortunate as to own a bike. tf. Lost Between the depot Bnd town, last Saturday, a ladies' gold watch, with fob obaio. Tbe watch is blue enameled on both lids of case. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returnibg Bame to Mihs Cora Hart at depot. The railway conductors expeot to have a big time down at Salem on Sun day, June 9th. It was intended to run an excurmon from Heppner, but th Ga zette is informed by Conductor Dunn that it has bceu given up. Our business men any of them will give you a fair deal, apend your money at hom where prices are low as anywhere in Eastern Oregon. Outside people come here to trade in preference to other points, , Call on MoFarland Mercantile Co. and note their special prices on gents furnish ing goods, hosiery and underware. They keep a complete line and sell tbese lower than they have ever been known in Heppner, Reports are that R. Lieuallen, of Lexington, has been getting into trouble, resulting in his being bound over to the grand jury. Yesterday's Sun prints what pro porta to be the plain facts in the case. B. F. Swaggart is prepared to furnish his "Sure Shot ' squirrel poison m wholesale lots. He bus already received a large order from Washington and Idaho. Every where it has been used, it has not failed to exterminate the little pests. tf The up train on the main line was blooked with sand yesterday, and there v. Mfti v'?. jf-aar THE Hyi Ck A&L) A 1 1 1 mm m J$i4k!$t i JDL White House Urocery BUSINESS conducted on a big scale for cash reduces the proportion of expense and increas es the sum of receipts. It enables one to buy cheap and sell cheap. That accounts for the manner in which B. 0. Wills conducts his Mercantile Business. II3 Offers" THE BEST GOODS For The Lowest Possible Prices. arras axviv . HAS STRUCK BOTTOM That is what our competitors have to say ot Minor Ss Co. That there is nothing left to out on that they have readied the bottom;, on everything. COfVSIQHTID -IS READY- To Mate Things Liv ely ! IN THE GROCERY TRADE And offer their new invoice of Teas and Coffees at prioes that will make a sensation. The While Houhs Grooerv carries Fancy and Staple Groceries, Wood and Willowware, Glassware and Crookery and Tinware. Lately moved from Lexington and at present located in the Herren building, May street. HEPPNER, OREGON WILL YOU MISS IT Highest prioes paid for country pro duce in exchange for goods. New goods arriving daily. Call and examine to see for yourself. Next door to the City hotel, Heppner, Oregon. HEPPNER OPERA HOUSE, mE CLAIM to carry the largest and best selected stock to be found in . this city. No Cheap-John goods kept in stock, you can find them elsewhere. We boast on the quantity and quality we handle, but as to our own honesty we have nothing to say ; we are like the rest of the human race, born to cheat, misrepresentation and fraud. MINOR & CO. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON, IJ May 22, MIA. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hai filed notice of his intention to make flnal proof in support of h i claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Cleric, at Heppner, Oregon, on J une 28, 1H'.I.", viz : JOHN GOTTWALD, Hd. No. 5401 for the 8E14 NE'4, NH NEJand NIS4 NWW Sec. 12. I D. 4 a. K 2 K. W. M. He names the followliiK witnennes to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation 01 sain lana, viz: William Sanders, T. A. Moore, James Brown J. B. Natter, of Heppner, Ore. JJ. I. WILiMIN, 38-49. Register, fore the branch traiu did Dot arrive till o'olook this 1 morning. The sanl storms were terrific induing from re ports. Tbe O. A. It. will have a grand camp fire and reunion at Lexington on the 3rd and 4tn of J 11. I vi 1 t ia vited to attend. Come prepared to camp on ground. tf, Wanted Laundry work by Mrs. C, Nelson, old Mountain House. Mending neatly done. Bprolman Cases. 8. H. Clifford. New Caaaol, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his s'onmob was disordered, bis liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and be was turnhly reduced 111 hVsh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Hitters cured him. Edward Bherlierd. Harriauurg, Ills had a running sore on his leg of eight vears's tandina. Used three bottles of Klectrio Hitters and sevenboxesof 15 11 c It Inn's Arnica Halve, and bis leg is sound and well. John Speaker, CatHwba, O., had live larue fyver sores nn his leg, doc tors said he was incurable. One bottle of Electric Hitter and one box Hucklen's Arnica Halve cured bun entirely, bold by T. W. Aycra, Jr. Frank, gam and Aaron Templeton, of Haystack, drove their flocks out to HanlmsD to shear this year, and have reoently completed their labors np at Joi Hnnnister's Dlace. Jos oame ID yesterday with a load of Ibeir wool. Burklrs's Arnlra Halve. Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. XTOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 1 meeting of the stockholders of the Palace Hotel Company will be held In the parlors of said hotel, In Heppner, Oregon, on eaiurna the 22d dav of June, at 2 o'clock o. m , of sal day, for the purpose of transacting Important business ill connection wnn tne company s ni hil rs. Otis Patterson, J. W. Morrow, Vice-Pres. Secretary. 41-40. SATURDAY, J -wAt 8 1 1 1895, P. M. Millie the Quadroon, Or, OUT OF BONDAGE, A DRAMA IN FIVE ACTS, BY LIZZIE MAY ELVVYN, By local talent for the benefit of the Epworth League. lillll: Re-Opened! L Has been re-opened by Mrs. J. B. Sperry who will conduct It In a strictly first-class manner, with the view of pleasing the trade in general. TBE HI People from Country Districts will be made to feci at home. CAST OF CHARACTERS : FRED GROVER, A Doctor H. T. BAGLEY OLD NATHAN The Doctor's Cousin J AS. HART 08CAR DAVILLE, A Southern Planter K. D. GILHOU8EN FORD, A Sheriff FREDDIE, Millie's Son SIAH, A Slave WILL KELLOGG BISTEK AGNE8 B The Doctor's Wife LILLIAN BIBBEE I8ADORE, Daville's betrothed EVA BRIANS PRISCILLA, The Doctor's Old Maid Bister LENA BKIIME HARRIET, A Mullato MRS. BRIQGS GYP, A Slave MABEL HERREN Sunday Dinners a Specialty ! Popular Prices 1 Free 'Bus for Customers to and from all trains. MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee. MONEY LOAN ou Improved in 1 W ... 1.'.. . tn ITIrat f nrttrncrp arm Property Negotlat- e are prepared to negotlat first mortgages upon Improved farms in Orpnon. with eastern nartles at a rate of Interest not to exceed V per cent, per annum. Mortgages renewed that have been taken by other coin' panics. Address with stamp, Baker City, Oregon. F. 0. Hutobiaon punned through town last week on his bioycle, but did uot slnn loo if. He baa been makina some remarkabley aond time, especially be tween Eugene and Portland 1150 miles in one day. In all he boa traveled 2,000 miles. Itillnos folk. Persons who are snhjent to attacks of bilious colic will be pleased to know that prompt relief may be had by taking Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera nd Dinrrbipft Remedy. It act quickly and . . i . can always be aeliemietl unii. in many cases the attack may be prevented by taking Ibis remedy a soou a the first indication of the disess appears. Z) and fiO oetit bottles for sal by Hlooum- Johnson Drug Co. SYNOPSIS. Fred's return from the South. Prlscllla's present. Millie In ACT I. Millie and Priscllla. fear of her secret. ACT II. Millie and Fred. News from Charlie. Fred's admission of love overheard by Millie Ovd. Slab: Arrival of Charlie ana Isadora Hayden and Oscar Davllle. Charlie ana rriscuia. Welcome meeting. Charlie meets his old love. His Interview with Millie. The secret, Daville and Isadore plot. Gyp and Siah. The breakdown. "Eat dls quick." ACT III. Sc'EMi 1. Isadore and Oscar plot. Millie Daville's property. Harriets warning. The blow. Fred found with Isadora. Charlie pleads with Millie. Millie alone. Daville's threat. Charlie to the rescue. Davllle shot. 8cN 2. Charlie's appeal to Millie. "Farewsll my darling." Gyp retires. Ficd returns. Isadora's vow. Millie bids her home farewell. Si'KHl t. Fred and Isadora. Search (or Millie. Davllle found by Siah. Daville's story of the shooting. Millie's letter to Gyp. ACT IV. -Hi ins 1. Lapse of seven years. Daville's congratulations. Isadore faints. Fred and Davllle. Bister Agnes. Charlie IlsyJen s return. The meeting. Priscllla to the rescue. "Not ons word, go." rk SHl 2. The tell tale letter. Davllls ordered from the house. Nathan overhears the con versation. "I must sea Priscllla." ACT V. ft SNl 1. Blah's mistake. Fr4 and Agnes. Isadore, Harriet's daughter. Isadore's threat Priscllla unfortunate. Abduction of Bister Agnes. Gyp and Blah on hand. Be ens i. Davllle and Millie. Tied to the whipping post. Blah receives the blows. Gyp to the rescue. Be ike 8. The escape. Davllle finds his treasure Fred and Priscllla on hand. Isadore escapes. "Curs you I'll be the death of you." Millie fired at, Charlie receives the shot. Fled forgiven. Tha atonement at last. tit Icrw mittui iivry s jvs- All busines attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO. . HEPPNER, OREGON Arriving 111 U 11 I I II II l w , lllilf UUULIO Daily Skffllil IMIILE COMPANY'S New Scenery has been secured for the occaion and will be operated by an experienced BtaRO hand. Beautiful tableaux. Excellent raunic Ciu!)i or BrHiMEx. II. A. Emer on and Johnny tlager.botn well knowo in this city, have purchased tbe entire Tha best salve In tbe world for cuts, Interest and ru..i win oi t. r. n pray in Itruises, 8res, CUers, Halt Hheuin, tbebutcher biieiuess, formerly oonducted ADMISSION: Children, 15c; General, 2.c; Reserved Seats, oo cents. Fever More, letter. Chapped llsnds. Chilblains. Corns, and all skio eruption and positively our Pi or no psy rea Hired. It is gna'snteed to give Deflect satisfaction or money refnnded. npee '25 cents pr bol. Fr sale by T. W. Ayers, Jr. Iast Friday Andrew Iteaney's boy, aeven vear old. while playing with rayuse was kicked ii the suls and badly hurt in tieppner. Tbese genilemeo will con tinue business at the old Liberty Meat Market, weal side lower Main street, where tbry respectfully solicit tbe patro osge of ell, and ther will at all time be kept a fn-sb supply of nrats, anssae. roro beef, lard, Cli, etc 41 41 Team Wasted.-I want to buy Dr. Hrford sav H was feared g0,Ml K,ntle lem 0f .bom & poood for a lima that hi injune were serious, but now be I Improving raptdly Dr. J. II. McLean Ktrengthrtiltig Cordial and Hbmd Pufillr I a lmirably a. anted to W'.ko " lltll lirallD go l.imr wav. It tnrative pomt Is lamflr attrlbniabl to its stimulant, tonic and DUtntiv proserin, by wbirh ttiaenemv of the )lra t recrilll"l III plMnl to lb t.te.eaeily Ix.nie OD WttStomsrb and i.armies nnorr pro longed as. Prioe tl I' bottle. Th delegate elertnl at the dialrut eonferene of lb M K. church. Koutli, to lb general rotifereiii are: J. H. ClmmlaarUio. of I'matiU! M. It Hanger, of It)tm; J. J. Adkin. of Urppner; Peter Tufker, of VWiisburg. We take i-Umow in re'mnvadifg Cbamlflalt'e U-nh llert.-ly ! It I prale. by all bi try it. aa i W. l4i k N.n, ilftiggl.i. .narai.uei i, l)rrg"D. N" oli licte. Willi a Ibmat or I'ltig ir"Oii!e ran n Hit ftti"ly Ithnill iraialtig it. It kl)S give prompt relief. It Isetpeotally valuable lt f' M II relieve Ida rtn. ltkS lifeatliin lef an I al ls sipeomralioa. A rold will never reel 1 1 la I nrtimoi.l bea Ibis remedy (a taen an I reaa-a- able ea'e frfid. For Sal by Hlornm-Joboeon I"at Co. bnrse. Also a gMl, seond-band airan and hartiea and a gentle sail. II pouy. II save aoin gwl, yonng Pbort born bull for sale; sl.o Qua pnltry and ejus for tiatehiiig. Trmk Orat pri.a on mv rattle and (owl at Hi ale. fair laal - . .... . year, ( all at lb J. U vtiiaoo piao above Heppner. . C. Ma . flleat I'lleat It' Slag I'll. hymptom Moiature; iniena ttebin aad stingitigi mel at night; war by rratrhing. If allowed to eotitinn tumor form. ablcU often le and lib erate. Iht ..tnlt.f very aira, HwTE OlTT atop lb" llrhmg and bleexi llig, b'als tllct-ration, and in moat ease remove lb tumor. At trnggil. or b mad. f r fVleenia. r.HynA Hon, I'Mladelpl.K iWe Sell as Low or Lower than Any Our Competitors. cf Box Sheet at T. W. Ayers Drug Store. We keep a complete line of everything. Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings. ltWWIIMnMIIIMIWialleWIMMtMtMIMHv I ffctf-GotoBOYD & McDOWELL'S Ico Cream Parlors for re- reBhtnenta after the entertainment. CALL AND The National Hank Building. SILK US. llei'Ddcr, Oregon on 1 Fas It Ik ! Ul. Htrf4 ar oW. A bav wr. ait t' H. b'as le-I ' wsta b key. baa a ymng foil Was t (ea U-M'h-f and lla'dniaa. Fit dollar reaar-t will t Pi I fof te retnrato L J M", A ria itat jJ (f lleipaer. Orgne KwMrki MiBD -MrtimwoMIvrj lUa!alnr rarel m of I'ver (..mtieint Mag lesve f.tr IVI.o Um .ea tsys. and Frld). rei Tuea.lat. lbufla nd tat II. Wa le. Pr. p. T. W.AeraJr ,g-at lU al "O-iti Klasoeial H'lxed," mI i I, .ii Us ap hi oit.er polilicahnt,. Tbry all rtvinemg, Mtlereating, !. Cafl m lt"d, glil. r Lim. An tnvrator In t'.aatern Orrgon who deair tba rvioa of aa allofhey ta U aehihiton. I. C . adl Had it to bis a Ivaalaga ll rail oa or ad lis tbl pa r. " Wall. TWi't-e"" rut ! Ilae llet'paef aad Mooum-M. art ivir.J every day 1H M.mHay aad lvtag every ,ar leept ua'Ut. htolt a" I r.p- i r- ttte to it. ieiermr. V. O-ba, Alesjs US Ilira In mUUh m-ll tf. tf ,. IT W ' po.geiMfe. Ada tA lh Si. Ml IftM n l.flit fU IM I""1" . I Y"'K aer ia a "' uroiftg M M i ,thli.. aqMJ 0 .irtnt..a..r.t.- M 4ft. Hero are THREE POINTS Which we wiah you to Ilememher : Fikmt: We Keep HARDWARE HecoMi: We i(Ti-r it CHEAP Til lb IK We all FOR CASH We arn ennhli-.! ti Kivn moio for a dollar than th usual "lh,M' worth." h Seek; UHs -or- Vov tho Cuiij o I .iquor, Ojiium atd Tobacco Habits It Is kiM al Halim, Orrgon, 7i Jfusf Itfiutiul Town on fi Uinut . Call al ttie fUrsrts .fflr lor partlrnlara. Slfl. tlycoiill'lctillal. Iroaiinviit (.rlisUisliO sur cura. i (. rM cii .t. In ll m .f. ion has ah) Ibli. an4 .fjiM. l eMliMa k ... ..I ..I.,., lltppr ll.f'. la f H W. AYKUH. Ilpft, U'egoti. T. .It. Motkt of final Settlement otkk t mtiray f.tvri ti tm GILLIAM & BISI1EE Main Htrt, I Iff .jnr. Or 1 N .tMnt-t I" 1 . . ...m. aa a 4"e4. eeMe4 ,...-1 .'I S.ot dis Sal hutki of Intention. Aiiort k t hie iiir.oaroi Msf eV 'ilt. is li' r ln ' ii.l,.:...l... uMl.tlilN. A'MI fioiM hi iMtt. u. .sa S"al f.fl la S'i.u1 ! K.. ,.im and ha ai1 bo."1 al-l e-1 t.i.rf i I a mil, al M f !'. Of-.a. o l f l"V H ailltsw c at'iTf, it 1 in l ti v' V 1 ! I H -.T- II Vll 11 i fiJX'U ft Talking TUmngu His pal! The man mhn talks llironub bi bat i e vi.ryelifre in evideiice very il jwlioti abl evidt nw It ia, too, in taot raae. Ilia man id lntllih'fMn eraii-oia aitb on f flu vers Li T. U. HOWARD'S fin sir Lata, bi b I in Ulf a ia tif pnperily and if''d tate. Il alao lm l.i g'orerle. geol' lur biablnn. men's supplies, el",, at - T. R. HOWARD'S. Mr. Hoaard tnakra a atrinliy In II oa tliihK rr'l'lired by sbeep and eattletbctl. Jii,eUiUf tba) plaoMMSB MPPNIR BLOCK, Main St., fonr lr south I I' U ly boteU IU1".',,',r, r riT- Heart "l a-d 1- & -Wt.r We,.!, M,a. lb i?:,, u ...... I, Mi... ... i. ' .... a ,.,....-...,. at.il W ul".l'J , Hol.-'l" I tl. r,'bf b... If , t.Tii-r ,,.r. A r l ...al. 'SUi" " . a . y ., LiLUali UWaUUlU tsstltft. ffe iet. .eatl!' I Plenty of them at tho GazUto Office, .