Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 07, 1895, Image 2

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    1 ggl for NEyq
The Corbett-Fitzsimmons
will come off in Texas.
Senator David 13. Hill iB
an independent bimetallist.
Pythias comes to hand again
with plenty of fraternal notes.
Some say that the gold standard
is the money standard of civiliza
tion. The faro bank and "thimble
ng" are also products of civiliza
tion. If the currency had the two
legs of bimetallism instead of one,
it would not have to borrow a
crutch from ltothschilds to stand
ou. Ontario News,
The Oregonian heads its con
vention notes from Springfield,
Ills., "Democrats of Ohio." The
head writer probably got mixed on
the Springfields. Just the same,
the Ohio democrats will follow suit.
The democracy of Illinois have
declared unqunlifiedly for free and
unlimited coinage of silver without
a dissenting vote of a total num
berof 850. Where's Cleveland?
The Illinois democrats go still
further and ask for a natioual con
TflE Oregonian tells the exact
truth when it says that the O. It. fc
N. is much better off under sepa
rate management, and not tied up
to any other corporation. It is
better for Oregon, too. The road
is paying and will soon be out of
the hands of the rocoiver.
TnE hot wave in the Mast Inst
week caused many deaths. In
New York alone twouty-live suc
cumbed to the effects of Buustroke.
And yet the thermometer did not
go above 97. Oregon has no sun
strokes, even when the thermom
eter goes up far above 100.
In M Alton of this year we bought
$1,418,800 more goods than we
sold; in March of lust year w
sold $5,151,875 more than we
bought. That's the difference.
That is how the foreign market is
being opened up to the American
producer. Kansas City Journal,
Apiil 20, 1H05.
I'. P. Coi'DKHT, the legal repre.
nentntivo ttf Franco in the UniUd
States, Hays that Kuropo must
recognize silver oi Ioho tho entire,
liiisinoHH of the Western continent
They cannot get along without tho
United States and sister republics,
but these countries can do very
well without Europe.
We Ml'HT urge tho necessity of
Heppuer keeping pace with tho
timiH. Telephone connections
with Portland, Spokane and inter
mediate txiintrt should be made ns
wmui hh tNiHsible. If our business
men Hill take bold of the matter
there Hill be no difficulty in sectir-
ing the extension of the liuu into
The weather is very hot and
dry iu tin Kast, and though failure
of the h heat crop is predicted, that
cereal openeil h enk for futures
Saturday in Chicago, Tho Liver
Pool market hhows no advance, but
foral riee on the coast remain
altout the name. In the tiaette's
opinion, now is a good time to sell
wheat, though it may go higher.
A in imiMioi' Kknmck, .f St.
Iotlis, has been i1i'ximsI y papal
authority, lie in nearly '.Ml venr
of age, and is mentally liicnpnei.
taled to carry on the allaira of his
irtico. Itesiden he had li.in
little rrgard for tho head of the
church wlicii utrong in mind by
protecting agnitmt dogma ,f
papal infallibility and immaculate
TllE unveiluig uf the Confed
erate monument at Chicago, May
.'nth, wan attended by lending
general mi ,tli m., t,f the "late
Ul plen.nutlM i.il." S tlloltali,
Confederate dead were Intrust hi
Onaix ceiii-t.'iy rtt Chicago,
tietl. Wadu IUlll ton's Ppeecll oil
thin ixdiMoo wan a patriotic niii,
fcbdfthowg that wi are truly a
united natiou of HHipe.
The Oregoninn talk about the
wonderful increnne of th world
lridi.rt of nilver. In the rmrly
bUtory i.f nur com. try and f,r
teat the ailvi r output inui li
real the mhi r output much
latter lliaii tin l.i,I I ,n l li'ls.l.
tinn U-iiij (.Tent-r II. 'tn at ant suK
xpient ih rp
I. lit Hll lliireill r. K in. i.astir ef ILe K.oiil. l !
rr M liiues
a lUUi'il IIIr a
.ou, Lul Iv inert rt II !)
as mucn 6Uver as gold, it is
strange indeed that the commer
cial ratio varied but little from
1792 up to 1873, while since that
period there has been a greater
divergence, gold getting clearer
daily. Just as well admit that the
desirability of silver as a money
metal has been legislated away for
the convenience of the gold barons.
No use haggling over facts that
are apparent.
In 1873 an ounce of silver would
buy about a bushel and a quarter
of wheat. Today a bushel of
wheat will buy a large fraction
over an ounce of silver, says the
Telegram. Comparing the aver
age price of wheat and silver for
1893 with the average price of
wheat and silver for 1895 and the
relation of the cereal to the metal
in bullion is about the same.
Wheat has advanced in America
for local reanons, and for similar
reasous is falling, the Liverpool
market not warranting the gam
bling price set up at Chicago. J he
gold-bugs don't go below the skin
in their search for facts and often
find themselves up a stump, just
as the Telegram is every day of
its existence.
Morrow county, as values are
now tor range lands and sheep,
offers the best opportunities in the
West for making money. Its
those who have paid double what
lands and sheep are now worth wh
are feeling the effects of the scaling
down. Wages are low, supplies
are very cheap, and now is the
time to invest, for soon the rising
market will make one money ou
the original investment, besides
the natural increase.
The Oregonian in a recent issue
publishes a letter from the pen of
V. W. Smead in reference to sheep
ana wool raising in Morrow county
and the figures show up well.
With half of the investment re
quired two or throe years ago.
there is big money in sheep, and
now is the time to buy.
Like a Steve.
Tbe chifif fo notion of tbe kidneys is
to separate from tbe blood, id its parage
tnrotiKb tbura, or certain impurities and
watery iiartiolen wbioh make their final
exit through the bladder. Tbe retention
"f these, in oontieqtienoe of inactivity of
r lie knineys, m productive of Bnuht a
disease, dropsy, diabetes, albuminuria
and other maladies with a fatal tendency
llostetter's Ktomach Hitters, a highly
sanctioned diuretic and blood depnreut
impels tun kidneys when inactive to
renew their sifting ftinetions, and strain
from the vital current impurities which
intent it and threaten their own eiiet
enoe lis organs of the body. Cataarh o
the bladder, gravel and retention of the
uriiio am hiho nmiauies arrested or
averted by thin benign promoter and
restorative of organic action. Malaria,
rheumatism, constipation, biliousness
mid dyspepsia also yield to the bitters,
which is aleo speedily benefloial to tbe
weak and nervous.
Aftkh tiir IUpm. -Henna, raoefraok.
Discovered, four or five wheelmeu, m-
oluding editor with fast wheel, and
country cyclist on heavy, old fashioned
machine. Boys scorch;" editor fol
lows. County ryollat plodi along even
paoo. Kditor rushes matters, boys lead,
and o. o. mime old lick. Editor strikes
wet wagon track, wheel lurohes, editor
etrikes terra firms on left ear and right
knee; ear full of dirt, knee scalped and
wheel ou top of mesa, ', f, ,
, , .mill." Country 0. reaches the
goal with tha rest -of those riding -conies
back cool as cucumber to pick
up the remains. Heeuelf. Amioa bot
tle in background; solicitous relatives
in front; editor on couch nursing knee;
wheel in tha woodshed. Kong: "After
the raoe is over, when the wheel is
( I UK Kelt niUTI.KIi nill.lilu.N.
The National Surgical Institute,
Pacitlo Branch, IHH Hush Htrwl, Hhu
Franmmo, successfully treats all canes
of Orthopedic Surgery, IWase of thn
Hpine, ip Rue Joints, Paralysis,
I'lles, Fislill. Nasal Catarrh, How legs,
Ktuxk Knees, all I K-for unties knd
Chronic Diseases. Their suoees in
ormmg ini'se cases is shown !y thou
sands ef reference from trustworthy
pMpIn all over the country.
IVntona having sill n ted children or
frlel.ds fdloiild Convince themselve of
thi ptcclli'iil n suits of Hie )teni of
treatment ,y lia !ntdiite. Onir
tlior ef tlm iirt;, iiiis u I at I be
1'aUi' Motel, lleppner, Tiienl y June
II, mi iluy In rtHiiiine east's. Send for
t ireiiUr. .'lefi rniif mode l had to J.
0 Hayes, lleppner, ll n. Tho. L.
1'avidx.n, Halein, A. II. Windsor, I -lugton,
tiovernor K. I'. Ferry, (Hynipu,
lid hundreds of other. 41 'J.
i it ..i . t ..
owner in (logs snoiiui tall on tlii
i order and eltl Ihnr tsie for tho
fWsl year, and l.i prm.U their dog
lib ellr, each tearing tbe nnnitwr of
t ieecit t. Hmhm d gs on whi. li
tale ar tint paid will go t,o u,,u
r t. A. A. Itotitara,
'i Msr.hsl.
Win ii onr heart pana .mi an t un
lim, I ,l,iutl.n im frr. ieiil, .(,. m
.lill. t. loi luiirs , ..,..,. ,,
lrtli and low pints ),,, ti tsurT-rMig
from a di.fd. r.-l n.ln f ,. nrf,
ilitfrattoti is mipcrfret an. ti..i i, ,.
on top pi niiai'ii i ailoar.l l.i rnoam
i no ironni am nitituali lv r-mrh Hie
lidiirt and twH'ono- ilangi-rmis t.i lil.
Mi 4i tlooil I tw taken l.t star tl fit-
grea on lb aiali i.f II Aral
. . I . . a . . A
PTiiil o.iu., i t i, aioiaii s Mrf
and Kidney UI,ii la rafrrially a l te.l
n.t nip.i.p'n hi 11,11 m. I. rnl -r
Mtssiao -on Jm, x at lb
real lne of th f..m. U,.w Uieg
i t,. . nrto.l it,. i,,.r...... ..I M. n.-
I ! - an. I Mta Hrali I' Jan.. II...
ILjitb at tliai.aa L.ll. flUi.iu - Tk.
(1at Mi1 ort!ttt
Paine's Celery Compund
Made Us Well!
Be Prepared for the Danger Keaaon of BprlnK-
AKKrfHHive ChriHtianity in Powiilile
With Uealth-l'axtorH of all Beets
Preach it Eaitt and West.
Practical work distinguishes the pulpit.
Dootrinal sermons today are at a dis
count. Ministers of tbe gospel, as if by
a well-concerted plan, are now putting
tremendous energy into tbe cause of
good government and public health.
Aggressive Christianity seems to be tbe
pride of every denomination.
Flat-chested, sallow-oheeked, weak-
legged, watery-eyed clergymen are
scaroe; strong vigorous, clear-headed,
manly fellows are entering the semi
naries. That a well man is a better man than
a sick one is no longer heresy.
Public batbs, fresh air ezoursions,
open parks, sunlight, pbysioal training
and proper medicines for the siok are
all contributing to tbe work of borne
All sects appear to be entering with
unusual activity into a praotioal reforms
tion. Last week in Boston one of tbe
greatest of its pulpit orators preaohed
upon clean streets: in New York tbe
churches have been breaking up politi
oal corruption. Money from tbe con
tribution boxes is going into hospitals.
Many a young clergyman today takes a
year or more, not in a trip to Europe to
bear musio and study cathedral arohi
teoture, and "round out bis eduoation,"
but in a plain, matter-of faot medical
school to learn anatomy and hygene.
Most progressive ministers in every
denomination today are recommending
to their people the great remedy that
makes people well, earnestly indorsing
the work of Dartmouth college's
generous scientist, and frankly lending
their influence to that of the best
physicians advising generally the use
of Paine's celery oompound now that the
"danger season of spring" is near.
The proprietors of this best of
remedies now furnish a great quantity of
testimonials from clergymen in every
state, and almost every oity and town in
tbe country, from which the following
are taken at random:
Ktv. Charles 0. Brnre.
From Homerville. Mass . iioston's
wealthy suburb, Charles Cromber Bruce,
one of the ablest young pastors in 'be
state writes:
"I am nearly 1)8 years of age and
weiL-h normallv 158 Dounds. at Dresent
my weight is HHj.j. My sickness took
nie down to l,i4'B, so that you can sen
that I am getting back to myself, and
God willing, shall soon be there,
I have been a very siok man, but
owing to the goodnor-s ot the supreme
powers I am now on tbe royal road
hose end is perfect health.
'After 20 years of excesaive labor in
studying and preaching, I was eleoted
to a pnmlion in a high school in lioston,
but the work told ou me and I grew ill
The illness lasted for about a year and
a half. lint now I am so that I oan
see the cud, and a more thankful man
you Lever saw. A gentleman who lived
near me began to use Paine's celery
oompound and it built him tip. I
thought of this and Moon I was led to
use it, and it Is brought me out all
HI. Themsa's Arailrmy.
Mother Theresa, wriiiug from Ht
Theresa' academy, near I'eoria, 111.,
ays, that they have given Paine's oeiery
compound thorough trial, and found
it to be l that is olaimed for it. She
add: "We shall continue it use and
also recoiuineud it to our frieuds."
Itey. T. F. rllanffer.
The following testimonial from man
so wiJelr known and beloved at lWr.
T. F. StaiitTer, pastor of the Faith
Informed cliuroh of Lincoln, Neb., I
moet positive proof of tli wonderful
inediiMlial power of 1'aine' celery com
pound and it great upt'riority over
ordinary siirsnpirillaa. touios, and
'Fur nearly a tear past I bav felt
imsrir running down. My nervous
s) stein was gr lually growing wotae;
had slight t uiptonis of rheumatism. Slid
a troubled good ileal at time with
iiisi tniiia. I fell that something must
he done, and concluded to ns Paine'
ri lery OoiiiiM.iiiul. Af'er tho rjrst Hire
da)' u I Iw'gan to improve., and I am
Very mili'li briter How. Indued. I feel
lik in) sell one morn. All )mpti'ms or
rheumatism ar disappearing. I ran
lero well, tut nervous )lru i rapidly
iniprovt lig. a ml I tli a radical rnr
la being effected, I'ailie' celery emu
iHiiiud I a splendid remedy, ami I ran
isiiisi'ieiiliinisly eoiiiuieii.l it to the
Silllerieg In Ilk cae. I further !
Ilrt thai if ltd niedioili were taken in
lime tt wold v ruanr heavy d.wtol's
bill. I bav never e. I a remedy of
any kind thai met II eronusr o Well
sod t readily ."
fililur ef lb l.rorala Hilisl
lie, w. J Mole, 1 1. ii, editor or lb
liMiitfi lUptisl, : "My wit a In
lN.r braliti. I thiLk it "tl of general
IrHlnr wliii'li raiianl arei attack ofi
heart iat.'aiii Mi waa (avoralil
luii.ri a. , anti Paine' fi lrfjr smianind
and l'foriirv.1 I' at inr hli feU Iwim-
flle. If. tu tln (lra Inillle, all I I SW
dm i lr I iii r. f mrtil whii h t a"''
lug. U e lia a-krn I I tins mdiilne
lo artrisl frlriil", and ectrral ba
alrralv u. d ii non niir rrooiiiiiif o-
lUvlu f taaea. Na.al,l
IU T. K. Marlm. !. .r f Hi Anne'
fhilfih at Naahllll. fjle hi e.e
CiM'tldern Hi ll tf'eal ruralll mwer
ot Pain' t"f fS'inp-'Mnd. II ..
Iloriii h lnl aa.n Uat tear,
hh'li, iu aivoM of mnliiirdefMi,
la tf y le ir- and ltni ! i let.
man, I Ik. '.ina a-i fin daa Dial
taarl woiil I a l Iw at' t I "Id mil
I i IK en I. Ilafii't! r-n a.-'.'. iinl of
Hi !!ua. i f Pa'ne rl-1 r-M p. ui I
In iitnUr fara. I cmo'I'i In I t.t lr It
t Wat " drIUtita I It B'd thai It fat
'r'i W
bottle, I wai enabled to get through the
most laborious part oi tbe season, in
cluding Holy Week and Easteraay, with
euue and comfort. 1 attribute my relief
to fame's celery oomuouud. i keep a
bottle of it on ba.d and whenever I
have return of the feeling of exhaustion
from unusual labor 1 take a few doses,
always with a pleas ut sensation ot
The Upper Iowa Conference.
Among tbe many very able ministers
in the upper Iowa conference none is
better beloved by bis oburon than itev.
B. J)'. Berry, liead of the great gooa
that Paine's celery oompound did him.
p or three years 1 have eutlerea irom
indigestion, constipation and biliousness.
I have taken three bottles of Paine's
celery compound and find myself wonder
fullv haloed. I feel rested now mora
ines, and no lontrer have Bny tired and
stupid feelings. Therefore I take great
delight in reoommeuding Maine's oeiery
comuound to all Battering from these
The Venerable William A. Smith.
Rev. William A. Smith, of Groton,
Coun.. after years of work, is still well
and active, lie writes:
In my early days, by great and pro
longed mental snfferinir. I broke down
lu healtli and beoume a dyspeptic, Deing
obliged at oua time to give up my work
in the ministry on aooount or in neaon.
I am now 83 years of age, and during
ruv loner life bBve Buttered greatly irom
dvBDeosia. toroid liver, constipation and
insomnia, at timts thinking IsLould die
for tne want of balmy sleep, and it is a
wonder to me that I am alive today
with all that I have been through.
I bave tried an endless amount of
medicine, but lately I have been taking
Paine s celery oompound, and have an
faith in its merits as adapted to my case
Bv the use of several bottles 1 bo lar
recovered my health as to consider my
self a weh man for my age. It regu
lates tbe liver, stomach and bowels
without any Question. My appetite is
now eood. my sleep is refreshing, my
liver active and bowels regular, and my
crutches not needed, as I walk without
a staff. I am daily increasing in
strength and improving geuerally, and
hope that my youth will soon be re
newed so that I can work as in by-gone
day-i. People are surprised at my im
proved appearauoe and activity.
New York, City Clernymea.
Interviewed by a reporter in that city
tbe other day, a large number of clergy
men expressed the heartiest indorse
ment of Paine's oeiery oompound. Tbe
interviews was published in tbe World.
Here are a few of them:
Rev. H, L. Qranlienard, pastor of the
French Presbyterian ohuroh, who lives
at 143 West 16th St., said: "1 have
frequently brfen relieved of nervous
affections by tbe use of Paine's celery
oompound. I think it most reliable
remedy and shall recommend it wher
ever I bave an opportunity."
"Rev. R. D. Winn, pastor or tbe
Abyssinian ohurch said: "My career
as a minister of the gospel
has beeu hampered by the fact
that for years I have suffered from
nervousness. I ooosulted several
specialists, who treated my oase for
months, but I must say that during tbe
past few weeks I have received more
beuefit from one bottle of Paine's oeiery
ompouud than from all tbe other
medicines taken."
X uu reumJii iu
remedy by Kev
I'la Mtiai.l in.lnnumAnlfl 11 thn irepat.
Pfirav kv r0o Kr. a. Ouellet. Itev. Mr.
Laird and other prominent divines have
Laird and other prominent
so recently been published that they are
lr8u ,n ,tie Puono mmu-
Hev. G. A. Emery
Itev. O. A. Emery, of Fittsfield, Vt.,
writes: . . . -
"Paine's celery compound is the bef I
medioiue to be found and I very cheer
fully recommend it to all who are in a
ran down or exhausted condition. 1
bave twice used it with moat satief iotory
results. For fiv years my work bat
been very heavy, especially ao during
tha laist two years. My oouvictton was
that unless I found tometbiog to help
me I must give up my work as a minister,
but I took Fame's oeiery oompound and
last year came out all right, without a
vacation ot ao nuioh as one Sunday. I
recommend it to alias awooderful nerve
. Hev. B. 8. Crosby
Hev. 15. S. Crosby ot llrushton, N. Y ,
'It give in great pleasure to add
my testimony to thn elTeot ot Paine
celery oompound. tor eight years J
hav sullered great pain in my back
Laid April I was to weak and uervons
that I arrauged to go to Montreal for
treatment, but three days before
elpeeted to go a friend of mine urged
me to taka Paine' celery compound
I went that day and bought bottle and
commenced to take it, aJ before I bad
taken tbe Ural bottle I waa free from
pain in my tmok aud could sleep sound.
i.d am able to preach every Munday
I will gladly answer any on who
may writ to me about it. 1 trust your
btiHiiies will continue to prosper until
Ine atllii'te I ones of to eutir nation
shall take Fame's celery Compound and
be revitalised."
Was Taased by Grip
Hev. Dr. 3. V. Uall, of Mountvill U
one or in tn-et kuown nnnitter lo
n southeastern Ohio. Mr. Hall, who
life wa despaired of, was restored to
health by Paiue's celery compound
Mb write:
"The gup made a wreck of my natural
good health. 1 tnfTrred from continual
beadat'tic, which nothing rrfirved, anj
from iiervoiisiiee whioli prevented sleep
nd caiiMsl me li Lav a pitatloo ot
Ih heart when ttartled by any ntiei
peeled Hols or oilud. 1 hal ilistrtasing
pains in my tck and side, i cm-
lipated. billon, and sallow eomplel-
liined. My puis Wat Very chDgeabl
ometimm ouiek and at oilier aeareely
preceptib!, appetite pmir, with a feeling
of languor aud weakness al lime almoat
overeotniiig ine. It seemed as if eery
organ in my Imdy a dlaeased, and i
waa In il.apair nl ever being well again
I cii'tnerr dwwrili ray terrible sufferings
and il would bave been a great relief lo
liav richangetl worlds, but ltd every
rnuttier, I would 11 upon my baby
In.y and fling In life.
"Not having ranch faith In advertised
medicines, n was wilb raluclanc that
t began to us Paine's relry rvmi pound
but after lb 6ral duM I slept Wall. My
Improvement wai rapid; I took i
tNittleaand game-1 l-teen and 'ii
jviiiiids in Wright, and Bow I am Uah
ruddy rliM-ked and elear f OJl lrlionad
Hi wonder of a'l my friend. I do m
! n w-ik and aail m biland Into
1 latn-r a a minister of tha m, 1
alaat. t.ll lire tick I sulVrirg what
i iii k'faii l 0.TD11.OIII I ha ilon lor toe.
Ir all atrr
He. Perejr T. Pnn, rel.f ! HI
Ji'l n' at lUkiiilon, S i , writ.a:
Il a ? tt real lleaaar hi im
Bleu. I th naa.if I'. De'aerUrT riruiim J
! .l ba atxi am tutl-e nt tnxa
lieftoiia Irnalil b uffaravl (or
twit yea' with 6foa fri-airallop,
lriits'ht ft) f nvelWolk 1 li aalte
lnd, and ditni tl.it tm bad tried
Itmtal eW,.f la lb t4 Bll
rtbe, tmi a tlnf trai. b a !
eat (eialial In erooa diaaaaa, I al
II Inf hf ltw. le ttn'll I a4 I'aiBe
rele rori-ii..l. Iloe rrtn.l haa
til (fail l -iianl a Hi, ai' t I .hail
lajv-TOti.en.l II li a.l af!ear"
I Lata. ( la, 'in, i celery 'tinrt I
mIa (i. Try II
ryt HE Chronological Recapitulation of events
( I of much Interest to the student of
J history. At a glance he can see the dates
of principal events, and saves much time and
For a similar reason a recapitulation of
articles of merchandise is made so that tha
customer can find what he wants at low flgurw
at E. J. Slocum's, without spending hours te
"looking around." It saves time, and "time Is
money," besides the way-down redut)ii on
prices ot Articles which all receive at W plfvw
See This !
A big line of summer wash
goods, including satteens
and other lines in great de
mand. Stick a Pin
In here, and don't forget
the nice line of laces being
sold at very low figures.
Ladies "Wanting
The nicest, neatest and
cheapest underwear Bhould
not pass that department,
else they may regret it.
You Must
Have shirts, men, and prices
from 25 cents to $3 are
found. You can get what
you want.
'Tis "Warm
To travel dow, but those
who must go should not fail
to provide themselves with
a trunk and valise of latest
make. Sold very cheap.
Now Idea"
Patterns, at the very low
price of 10 cents; latast
styles, and equal to Butter
ick's or any other standard
line of patterns.
Tho Feet
buould be encased la com
fortable shor. Slocum's
line is extensive and de
nerves inspection. A new
line of Eastern goods ex
pected shortly.
Seo tho Lino
Of latest tylei in gloves.
Tbe best is to be found in
this department Call fo;
pt ices and don't fail to see
Prices and
Are upecial features of Hlo-
oum's store, and in this col
utun be proptairs to keep you
poeteJ on what be keeps.
I .lixpoct.
To meet competition io any
lint kept ly me, and invito
an early iDctioQ of stock
OU lllsckmso Httfid,
hi:iini:h. oitr.aoN
jt, .. .
Yon Should ?wp
Foe a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
Mrs. 101X1 Bradles?- Prop.
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted mperlor to any Bicycle built In the world, regardless of price.
Do not be Induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel. Insist on
having the Waverlcy. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co., a
million dollar concern, whose bond is is good as gold.
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75.
Catalogue free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO.,
HOMER H. HALLOCK, Indianapolis, Ind., U. 8. A.
Gen. Agent for Eastern Oregon, Pendleton, Or.
Storage and Forwarding.
Pays all Charges on
Wool baled and ooneiifned. Speoial attention paid to
wool that it may be under cover sod in good condition
for ioapeotion of boyeri.
Remember the Upper Warehouse.
Heppner, Ore. Proprietor.
Have succeeded A.
ISusinpae and are
A Walton Shop run In ronnactlon. Katl.fartlnn iiraiitsl.
on them at tha old Ounn .hop,
ST ..J a Kl
I Iorsc ?
All tbene can bo procured at Thoraroo A Dino, Lower Maio Street.
Heppner, Oregon.
Tfcaa tatit:a ar ..II ari'ialnl4 Hh firant llarnar. rrr, fi Warn and Mh.a a..ii
and . aa.a m..i.a, a... Um, tn oiadhie tha aa. i.,.it , ttt. iralfiii, ; iin. eonmtae,
I'Mraa In a lil aliri lh lltn.a.
How's Your Liver?
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise -need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
not own one. call at
Ike Ennis Bicycle Livery,
Power House.
Ofe PaltaD
IM Prism !
zy time may be expected at Ben
Hunsaker's, followed by a regular
cyclone of low prices that will
sweep all opposition before it.
Showers of purchasers will follow,
succeeded by a general clearing
Besides a general line of grocer
ies, Hunsaker carries Tinware,
Wood and Willow Ware, Glass
ware and Crockery, Cigars, Tobac
cos, Confectionaries, Etc.
Old Blackman Stand
(Successor to Jerry Cohn.)
fcl, Merchandise, Etc.
M. Gann in the Hlscksmithitig
prepared to do all kinda of
law. ,
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
III 1 IJL11 I. III1 r