I - .... v- . I kni1 I 1.1 1 1 - LJ L 1 1 i UH' VVIIKI,!! ARE YOU XiilJ.lAVJJ.iii xxxiJ ' . TOUA BRANDS While yoa suep fonr subscription paid up yen can keep your brat A in free of charge. AUyn. T. J.. lone. 0. Horses GO on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on rittht ear, and upper bit on Jhe left; range, Mor row county. Armstrong J. C Alpine. Or.-T with bar nn der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D Eight MiU,. Or.-attle brand, O D on left hip and hormw same brand on right shoulder. Range, Eight M .le. Adkins, J. J., Henpner, Or. Horses, J A con- nBri: w and ho'ti. brand'd D B Hff t, par. undercnp in the left. Kange i M.irrnw County. Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or.-Horses L ''ij if oiihor ahnnl-ler. Range in Mor- DrHll'iwn , u " "Mater. J. W., Hardman. Or:-Cattle brand. Brenner, Peter. Itnoseherry Oregon-Horses branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on Hnrke M Bt C, Long Oreek, Or-On cattle, MAY conneoted on left hip. ciop off left ear, nn dnr naif crop off right. Horses, same brand on i.,i,Ln Kanim in Grant and Morrow 1BLLL BUUUlu'i ..---r,- Connty. , , n Hr., VirllTiHf.lt 7 on ehoffir callle B on the loft side. Left ear half crop nd right ear rmner slope Barton Wm.. Happner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigl" cattle same on right hip; split in 6 Brown; lea, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the ' right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor- rBnmntyj. C Heppner. Or.-Horses, circle 0 with dot in w tor on left hip; cattle, Bame. Brown. W. J., ljna, wregon. ni over it, on the felt shoulder. Cattle same on left Tl'oyer, W. G., Heppner. Or.-Horses box brand on righ' hip cattle, same, with Bpht in eaBofgrp.O Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left shonlder: cattle, same on left hip. nouuini , rwrttl .TH nonnnnted lirowuiee, ... "," flnlit. nd S, die p on right ear; on horses same niniti o i't i,;h. Hututa in Fox valley. hrftna on r, Tarsner Warren. Wagner, Or.-Horses brand. J() on right stifle; cattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. nan go in TJ with qimiw circle uvnr ii, .... .......... and mi left stifle on all colte mdnr 5 years; on ? 'l ' .t horses over 5 years. All 101 I. nil, fin, ?'Vrr ii v .nn or Lena. Or. Horses W O on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip f? " . ...1 ll,nlllu nimrihnn. Jiange mom;" Pr.u ron out J'"IT: V'a'ndnmierbiu'wat.le in fnrel,d; horses half circle (1 on left stifle, llange Mor ow anil im'"'l'',n; ,, , i, .i t..u li..., ria.Tlniihla cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bi in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Gran county. n hep. inverted A and spear point " J. v. murium ewes, crop on left ear Zn he upper bit in right Wethers crop in R iii,W half crop in left ear. All raugs in Grant county. . ... h,ltll rtV rattle, sameon right hip; ear mark scuiare crop off left and split in right, (iirrin. R. V., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on lert stine. ..,.-. Or.-Oaitle, C with u... Knn lnft Sin. ' VchmnV . 'Monument; Grant Vo , Or. l.oonran, iv. ., , l t(l ,n i.,.t rhffl?:'"Sm-bmi on both hips, mark under s ope noin ,". ." '."" ,,. hrn,, Chapin, n., " ;. V " ,. i Oonngnt up. i .m.uo "i "" brand" CI on horses, right thigh; at t. sa..e right ear ,. Or.-Cattl. Uongiass, m . - right side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, onn TJ I -nonglas. Or.-Horses branded on left shoulder, oattle name on leftlup. ,rKmry:.'H.,n.irdinan. Or.-Horses branded '1 (revrHd(iwithtJiilon left shoulder; cat. i.!- 1 -: .i.. i.:.. IIixiua in ninrriiw minnfv. tlnsame on rigni " i' " i t . Klorence, L. A., Heppner, Or.- attle, U i n him horses If with bar under on right -I Klorence. H. P. Heppner. Or -Horses V on W ".'!.-' V,. T!Z &d r renrn, itwiiiK", " , ' , . r tl -.il. hur ovnr it. on left side; crop otl left ear Horse., mmMlM. Hmilry, r.imer, im","i V ;: .;, H with nimrlnr cin la ovr it, on left stifle, n. Wil li n i i 1 1 ,n..i 1 .nut iim llH'igelll morniw niiii n.uit A H.. Ridge. )r.-:atfle. round-top A with nnart.ir circle nnihir It on the right hip, ltni In M irniw ani iitiHtiiii"i""". l .. , . . l i.,l. I our ttiul mill! in liifl. ?i".-J"j..n right thigh. lUngeiiiGrwiilcoiiiily Hughes, Hnmiiel. Wagner, Or-F (T K L roniMN teiDon right .houhl.-ron hnrwws on mirle, , .. li.. ...,i .... iri anlii bwhI hiw fnrk in nV,tmrZl .i.tin lfU Range m llay.lmk distrlot.M.irniw e-nnlv Mm ii, Milton, vtmm-r, "r,-ii..n ) - (entile with parallel tails) on left shoulilnr Cutt le biih on lelt hip also large circle ou left Howard J It, 'Itlloway, Or. Ilorniw - (cms. with h.r alHive in on right shoulder; eBltli.me in left side. llaiigJ hi Morrow and Umatilla ""MHll.'Kdwin. John Day. Or. - 'stile K Hon righl hip; li" same oil right shoulder, llange in tltsnl county. ii. llughiw. Mai, Heppner, llf.-llnnw, shailwl heart ..n the left sh.Mil.lw. It"" M-rrow ... HuMsaker, It A. Wagner. Or. -Horma. V on left t ,r raMl. Hon l"ft hlP. Il.iii.hn.rs, J M Uarilinaii, Or.- Ilorww. II m l"l'II."i. l-nther. Kiahl MiU. Or.- Il.inw II on II, lefl li.Mil'l .rsii.l liHrt mi the M Uewne.mUfl ton. Rt" in Morrow e.m.,. . . i j ........ II, ttrMii l'n ,IMtH, MirrT. ii-i-i"" " " , ' , II J mi Mi ni.i.Mfr; OH'tl tra nll J on (.I.I liltl itlwti ninletlMl III left liuoge iu HI, i. row remit. j,.,.i.,i, m M.. llMinHier. tr -llorsea. h Ihm J on left te.iild.H'. Cattle, the Sam. Km !, .. Mlln. . . . . is. II. . Il.. elrelaTue JmIiiis l, rem. i,-,., " V ; ' . . ,. left iille; rain. Mineiin right hip, under hall ar.M m n-' sidn n l" . . . . m.l. ii. ..... li. - lliiffwi. timnilm netiiiir, i.iR-, ii.'....-. - - H,Y on Uft hip run " Mil crop oil lnft r' imder !.-. ll right Kirk, J.T., Heppner. Or.-llorse n left alti.nl.ier; eai.. . , ii it, kuMi II tin lefl lti.iil.Wi wtttle "tine "B "hl side, undnrhlt on rig'ii . ., . i i .... Knmtwrlan W.U.. nmsi rnmni.-T.-i ntiilttiiu ngi.l and left wllw fn'k tn It n twr mill ""I" " H"'""' . . ,..t. .i..u.l.lr It.,, lii Hrmitl .etltll litae.i ii w,,,.,... ..- w- - - U.fimi, Hieimen. n.r.-H I. on lefl !u nn mid rmi M on right war, ll..r- Mm. I.tii. . left .ii.Htl.Ww. Itaiig t.mtil iViimllMl, J..I.W W., .-.n-e. Or Jtm-l,.i..l-l half eltele J I. cmito'lol tm U-fl .leeil ,.v n, m ii mi M Mo. liangK. liMT 111 '"iCHh.-r. J W le,.t,.ier Or - M..r li..i.det ui,, l i.i le.l.l', eHll" twma on l-"l l.'llt. walila uter italtl . " h'e '' I'nllkl .. . . . ,. . rt. . hnMoa Kntniied Bquires, james f """'"",-- n JBoniert enouHier; came .no t:ZT waddle. Range in Bomwuw oui"""""" HthaT,. V. A.. Hartlman. Or-; horses BSon right stifle; cattle horizontal L on Jhe right si.le Stevenson, airs n.. j., nwra.v.. - on right hii ; swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart.G. W.. Heppner, Or.-Uorses, 44 on left shoulde. ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Hoerry. E. W., Hepuner, left hip, crop off right and nndertnt m left year, dewlap; horses W 0 on left shonlder. Thompson, J . A., neppner. . o left shoulder: cattle. IJ on left shoulder. Tipneto,8.T.,EEierprise.Or.-Horees. C-on left shoulder. c,..n !.i t Turner R. W., Heppner, wr.-.-mo ""f"-"! ' left shonlder. horses; cattle same on left hip with split in both ears. Thornton. H. M., lone, Or.-Horses branded HT connected on left stifle: sheer, same brand. Vanoerpooi. n . t .. - . - nected on right Bhoulder;cattle, same on right "Walhridge, Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses, TJ. It. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. crop oft left ear ana ngnt ear mpimi. W ilson, j "iiu i,, ur, ..- Horses branded 3q on the left shoulder. Range Warren, W H.'Caleb, Or-Cattle W with quarter circle over it, ou left side, split m right ear Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range m Grant comity. . , , Waile. Henry, Heppner, Or-Horses branded ana nf BliMi lHM OH left shoulder end fort nip Cattle branded same on left side and icti nip. Wolfinger, John, John nay i,n.y,wr vu n...n three parallel bars on left shonlder; 7 on sheep, bit in both eare. Range m Grant and Malhuer Counties. t, Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, ir oonnni'ted on loft shoulder. Watkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or Horses branded TJK connected on left stifio. Wallace, Charles, Heppner. Or.-Cattle, W on right thigh, hole in loft ear; horses, W on right slionhior sonif same on left shoulder. Whittier nros., niintiugion, Baker t,p t)r. -HorBes branded W B connected on left s.ioulder Williams, Vasoo, flnimlton, Or. Qnartor cir cle over three bars on left, hip, both cattle and I Hna IFiint nnntltv. " , ,1 I I b- (lrHrao nnar WUliains, O u, wiuin'i.". ;-- ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same and slit in each ear. Range in Grant connty Wren, A. A., Heppner, Ur. Horses runnings a on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Voung, J. H Gooseberry, Or. Horses brandef THnTithe right liillK" MAKING the MOST OF YOURSELF? There is one magazine which will help you to SUCCEED by teaching you to know and ap preciate your elf. The Phrenological Journal h a wide-awake up-to-date exponent of Human Nature. Are you using THOUGHT and TACT in Bringing up Your Children? The Child Culture Department helps mothers nd teachers to study the characteristics of each child as a guide to its proper development. Send ten cents for sample copy of the Phreno logical Journal. FOWLKR, & WELLS CO., Publishers. 27 East 21st St., New York. We also publish a long list of helpful books. Sir Henry Bessemer and His Proc ess of Making SteeL ALL WHO CULTIVATE S VEGETABLES For Pleasure or Profit, Should see that the Journal they subscribe to 13 Hie nesi uuu imul tei.au.w authority obtainable. m1- STANDS FOREMOST IN THE LIST. It denlsnrnctlcally with fruits and vegetables, ..I l. nn.l nnl ,.f,u,.ry th tr.'.'M, lll UU 1, U,m6lO, ww. .....w neiu oi noriicutiuro BysicinuLit.i. und thoroughly, it illustrates ana dfs. ribes methods o cultiva tion, improved varieties and labor-saving device, It i, without doubt, :S The Paperforthe People! p. hole $1.00 a Tear (31 ttwmber). Bpeclmcn copy and 50-pnKe catalogue of horticultural books FREE on application. American Gardening, 170 Fulton St., N.Y. At rirst Thought by Scientists to Bo VU lonary and Iropnctlcble, Bat Ulti mately Troved to Be a Splen . did SnooeiMi. Thp man who inaugurated the reign ol steel by so vastly increasing its uses, and invented a method oi manuiacmic which makes the product even lower in cost than the Kind oi mewti m rWtinRd so lareelv to replace, ranns among the world's greatest inventors, though, says llarper s Monimy, uc not reach his goal unaided by the skill and genius ot colaborers. The pneu matic process of making steel by which Sir llonrv TIp.sRomer added more to the wealth of the world than any man of furnished curious ex ample of what Tyndall called the sci entific use of the imagination, oco and Thomas, who share with him the honors of modern TAVERN OF iL Castle Crags o I D OPENS JUNE 1, 1895 GEO. SCHONEWALD, MsNAOER Luxury, Good Cheer, Hospitality, De lijfhttul and llealtlilul fastimcs, Matchless Mountain Scenery. SWEET BRIER CAMP. Established last year In aroman just below and in full vfewofurand old Shasta It was a great hit and promises still more encouraging re suits lor me present jrm. i LoKTits, atCaBtella, is still in charge and will answer all inquiries. These sharks, however, are sluggish, , , . , ml - lazy ana ao not Diie peopie. meu-gill-rakers are on the whale model. When entangled in a net they fre quently suffocate, as the net restricts the gills. California fishermen do not consider five-foot sharks of much account when from San Diego wharves black sea bass are caught six to eight feet long, weighing three hundred to five hundred pounds Such fish are common. Thev are taken on shark twuVL-a arA plnt.hpRlines. When hooked the fish is allowed to swim about the bay towing a two-inch plank. When he is exhausted the line is hauled in and the fish killed with an ax. AUKICCLTCKAL quarantine kkuola- A HOST IN HIMSELF. n. n V. Tlnrlliii I I1T11TI BOrt OK Pluribus Cnnm Fellow- It would be well if all jokes were as innocent as one played by a railroad con ductor upon a commercial traveler, and related by the traveler nmiMui iu the Yankee Blade. He had left the train at a little station, a junction, on a .nnc.1-a.T, "KQTinli rnarl. whprfi he was to share with mm me uuuum v muuciu . . , iron metallurgy, was not a practical wait several hours for a tram going in . . . i i. i;i, tViorr, Lwi, lirpftinn. There was no one wWKer in xne meuii: , , v,t i. he was absolutely ignorant of aught in sight, and he was looking about in - . . , 1.1 T ,.1U ooliinn nrhpn thd COntlUC- V,pvnnff Kiinprticial Chemical KUOWieuKc. auuiucoitu .. - At a speoial meeting of the Oregon State Board ot Hortioultnre, neia in Portland April 2, 139, all members present, the following regulation were adopted, iu sooordanoe with tue laws regulRtiDg snob matters, and are. there fore, binding upon all persons. The ,,lalmnD D rP tn tftkfi tfftJOt Bud bfi in force from and after May 4, 1895: Rule 1 All oonsignees, ageats or other persons, shall, within twenty-four hours, notify the quarantine offioers of the State board of Horticulture, or a dnly commissioned quarantined guardian nf the. arrival ot any trees, plants, DUQb or oiona at the quarantine station, in the district of final destination. Rule 2 All trees, plants, cuttings, grafts, buds or eioos, imported or brought into the state from any foreign country, or from any of the United States or territories, are hereby re quired to be inspected upon arrival at the quarantine station in the distnot oi nnai destination, and if any fuob nursery grafts, When he grasped the conception oi burning out the impurities of pig metal by the oxidizing power ui and thus reducing the excessively car- . ,1X.1 burized material to ine maiieauic state, he knew nothing of the tradi tions and science of the problem he was daring enough to attack. Had he been an adept it is more than prODaDie that he would have been so imprisoned they?" . i 1 tnv,.- frr e-nrdrp tn him. "Dull place, ain't it?" said the con ductor. "Rather," answered the commercial traveler, "especially if you've got to stay here four hours." "Oh, well, you won t De wiuiou com pany." "Kiit I don't Bee anv. Who are with insect pests or their eBgs, larvae or up or aith funei. or other diseases heretofore unknown in tbid state, ar hereby prohibited from landing. Rule 5-Fruit of any Kino. gruwU . any foreign country, or in any of tho United States or territories, found la tested with any inseots, or with Bny fungi, blight, or other disease or diseases injurious to fruit or fruit trees, or to other trees or plants is hereby pro Ki'Kifoii from hinc offered for sale, gift or distribution within the state. Rule 6 Any boxes, paokages, pacKing material and the like intested by any ineeotor insects, or their eggs, larvaa or puoae, or by any fungi, blight, or otner disease or diseases known to be injurious to fruit or fruit trees, or to other trees or plants, and linble to spread oontagion, are hereby prohibited from being offered for sale, gift, distribution, or transpor tation until said matetial has been dis infected by dipping it in boiling water and allowing it to remain in said boiling! water no less ttmn two minutes; suou boiling water used as such disinfeotant i ;n anlntinn one pound oE IP M1ITIII7I UUlllUI 0 A i.ew candidate for public favor thiB year Is SHASTA VICINO CAMP, Also In the Shasta region, about a mile and a half from Dnnsmiilr. 1 1 is a genuine paradise for h miters, i...ra attrl r,lfrH nf health atld pleasure. Easy to reaeh (near the railroad), sightly, ana an me ne cessities of camp life easily procur able. All Inquiries about Shasta Vlcino Camp, If addressed to W. C. Gray, Box 4, Dunsniulr, Cal., will receive prompt attention. Camping in The SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS Vlma, Wrights, Laurel, Olenwood, Felion. Ben Uimond, Boulder Creek. Reduced Rates During the Camping season will be made by the IN PACIFIC Kor full particulars address K. I . rtWUE.K"i ASBl. urr. i nn. ori l'OKTI.AND, UHKUOW. July 20. Or any S. P. Co. Agent. Simplest. MX pir Accuru' HBt-Sg Compact, Strongest, 5olid Top krc.lvcr. Most Mmlern and progressiva Kor ist.ili.gim or Information writs to TIIU MARLIN riRII ARMS CO. New Haven. Conn. THE OWEH ELECTRICS BELT mm? Trtds Mirk-Or. A. Owtn FOR MEN AND WOMEN st. as never to have reached out so daringly into the unknown. He began his experiments secretly in a small way, after having visited nn merous iron works to make himself acquainted with existing processes. It was not till the end of eighteen months that the fundamental princi ple of his great future success oeuauie perfectly clear to him that of render ing cast iron malleable by a powerful air blast blown throughout the charge, and not merely on the top, as in the old finery and puddling furnace. The heat developed was so great as to keep oir.in wrnncrVit, iron fused, and the hap py inventor found by and by that he had succeeded in making iron in small titipn. Tt. cannot be related here how he fought through the early diffi culties of his work, and how the iron masters of the age were alike aston ished and delighted at his primary re sults. The shock ot trie inventor was scarcely less great when he discovered that in making iron in large quantities h!a nrnmsB did not answer all his an ticipations. Ilis earlier successes had been with pig iron smelted from high grade ores, comparatively free from sulphur or phosphorus. The attempt to work the process commercially in volved the, use of the common pig, which made up the bulk of the smelt ing material. The intense neat oi tne furnace burned out the carbon and the silicon, but left the phosphorus and sul- .phur untouched, lias mignt nave itou "remedied bv usinsr cure niirs containing but traces of these elements; but a irmvur ilofoct attended the process. In many of the operations the ingot had no consistency; it crumbled under me hammeror in the rolls. In the language of the Hhop, it was rotten. The pro cess, which, witHm a month of its first ruiltlifi nnnniin(pmelit at the Chelten ham meeting of the Hritish association in 18.10, had brought to its discoverer the sum of twenty-seven thousand pounds sterling in advance license fees, u-nu Tw.w nolo lomni'd bv scientists and practical men a a visionury scheme. "Wp.n." said the conductor, speaking slowly, as if he were reckoning them up by a process of recollection, "there's the telegraph operator, the booking clerk, the cloak-room clerk, the signal man, the storekeeper, the accident in surance agent, the postmaster, and one or two other officials. You'll find 'em inside the station." Tii at. isn't, so bad." the traveler thought, and as the train started he en tered the door. The station was dimly lifrVitofl with no one in siirht but a sandy-haired man at the telegraph in strument, "wtioro nrp the others?" asked the tt.fi valor "What others?" answered the tele graph operator. "Whv. the r.loak-room man. the book' ing clerk, the postmaster and the rest." Thn man heran to erin. "Oh, it is that conductor again," he said. "Well, where are they?" repeated the traveler, with some asperity. .... . , , , The sandy-haired man tapped mm self on the chest. "Them's me," he said, "Come in and tlf xrif b 11 u o ow . 1 l And the traveler, appreciating the ! . joke a sort oi e piuriuus unum re versed, accepted the invitation, and found -himself in pretty good company. stock, trees, plants, cutt.ngs, grans, i , j nota8Q to eaoh and every u.-Aa ,n,Q ara frtiinH tn he free oil ' " the ten gallons of water. mseot pesis auu iuuhuuuh , said quarantine officer or duly com missioned quarantine guardian shall :a a nart.iRnaia tn that effeot. And 1DDUD Oi viuun-" w fnrtharmnra. if anv of said trees, plants, outtings, grafts, buds or oiona are found infested with insect pests, fungi, Diigni or other diseases injurious to fruit or tn fruit trees, or other trees or plants, they shall be disinfected and remain in quarantine until the quarantine offloer of the State Board of Horticulture or the duly commissioned qunrontine guar dian nan determine whether the said trees, plants, cuttings, grafts, buds or oions are free from live injurious inseot pesta or their eegs, larvae or pupae, or f ononnn diseases before they can be Rule 11 Animals known as nying fox, Australian or English wild rabbit, or other animals or birds detrimental to fruit or fruit treee, plants, etc., are pro hibited from being brought or landed in this state and it landed shall be de stroyed. Kule 12 Quarantine statious: For the Fourth district, comprising the oounties of Morrow, Wasco, Gilliam, I Crook and Sherman, shall be The Dalles. n:i- ui,,,r, niiomn tinn officer, or CjUlllD JULDUiiu I1" any member ot the board or the secre tary thereof. Kule 13 Importers or owners of nursery stock, trees, or cuttings, grafts, hnrlo nr ninns. desiring to have such plants, cuttings, WHY THEY STRUCK. offered for sale, gift, distribution or - - - . n . , t Dointa transportation. All persons or com- - ' panies are hereby y haw .n;h D.,tiu do., oarry.ng any trees, plants, onttinw, h() tbftt BUoh grafts, buds or oions from without the f ' ; P of ,n. state to any point withm the state 8Dd pen8ea beyond the nearest point on .ts hue or P nuid before a oertittoate is granted. course to the quarantine station m tne ' c0mDani,8. or persons district of ult.mate destination, or irom - . . , any point within the state to any other u M point therein, untu suon trees, . treeB, piajt8 and fruit at one or outtings, grafts, buds or cons have been P duly inspected, snd I required dis.n- M roviJed by tiie rule9 and feoted as hereinbefore provided, and all spec io , ' such shipments must be accompamed ime 8Utions, bv the proper oertmoates oi tne lUHi ru.- - - . fnr " ... .. . Lffinan fan of insDeotion. reotpes ror ing officer. Provtded. however, that ; , de8ired jn(ormBtiou after such persona or company has ,ven J .nfc . the proper onicer ioac uaw ,,,juo ' mntt ,i fl imur(i F . i. L...i nwn ftr? or any member or the uonru. 1 1 n ta van 11 1 mil r.n lllllll or iiicy oumi ' m' w -An AMO f saveU y ) i . IT 13 1IIC Utwt kach;:; WK ril oi'lIDKAI.tni rain H .... ... .. i,l..a ,hiirr llian toll rttl rtrlMWhara. IhaWKW . . u,a Mba rkrinrr ktlllH U.. WW., .... - . . . ... mil. Ili:l. nun ii, w - - - - - ... v..ii Nlrkrl IMni.nt PI II-. P " rm . " ---- ------ i..,i m.rlilnra lor 1 1 &. ib4 n; , .. ... .nl nr write u . i 1 ....J.. mmA If i.rlr..lrri.i hpi .Una will ln,i' ,. i . a .h.ii.nm w". ,.. ..nJra IIKTTI H li". i'ii I, I no n.r 5.'t,r m Hrllrr tnu i Ing Ma. Mm lr iO.OlMbt.i tl biif lr Ma, r etir Aijriil .. ti .L. ii, .u ...... In f..t oititMfiil ii an tirmlil(lnaf I fain ii iti nuit iii'i r' "' I , " 1 k, ''rrntof Kk-rtrK-ity, for lio cura of dlMt'iifto, that ran bo rt-atlUy felt til rou- j torniy jmrtof llio iMly . Ilciitl worn fctuy WILL POSITIVELY CURE ... ltllFI"lTIin PCrA l K Kit L ADMIRE OUR PIAZZAS. Which tht ItKniLITV " V tllll lM KI.K M,l l. UKtKJiESS I'll'OIItV KIIIM.V IilM'.ASE " WITHOUT MEDICINE i ..i l., li", Hffi" .-M .l.,l.i II ft l'l ..IIM II. ' I''' ll.Mll.l". niii l.i., li..' M " Mil,l"r. , ll h.ml.lM rlll p.H .m n him. M ... I.-II I tmf ,-ll.r. ii luW il.; mllia. II mitm U lttH Il.. M-ii.rr. trnih "-. ' l-l tw- a,D, l. rk m Mill- " .f '-l-f l , h Ihii Mill t.Mi-l lfl tim. M.l.l.,, i m ..lit'". " n.wnm ill, I .1 .,, l.'t.W .m Ml l,.ll t- l. r.mnmi a !! iM 4,..s ,.n. II. ark l II 1 ...I . fl ,..! ! . M N....l, .H.I,-... Mr. - M.-.rllr. 1 1 lt l,,tfl ri !. ,m,M,M.pi.. m. I,,u H Mw I '. ! 111,,.. 'M I. ll. ". Vt.-T O N4 ut ,. ,. Ilrn i..a '.,, IH B Ml. I bl .hi rut', Uri wil ....I ull.Mll.l. IU' in ii'. l .. .. ill... a' I M.irn IN II mm, ,.,l" l. . , I .1 . I I II M l 11 "il W I ., I m 10 M' ti-i ,l t v, U,.- ' ' ,,, ! I ..aW't IU"! ,ll I I, I ,, In, I t - I, ll '.. I . I r.. '- l . I'' .i." , rU . t' I ! " - ' I., - J M I-.' " ' 7 ,l ,. 1. t .. . ,1 1 MiM.Mi.mWii.ii' I - I,.' i, . . !,,,, I 1 .-, , I - 'f " , .. In 1 , m . - ton BAkC F.lwlrlrUy, T'mp"r'f PI,H". Uklnf ll,..'U...f ilnijiif ir all S'irTOii. llliuiimtl. hl.lni'V ami I limn 1 riiii'iii, aim "i run In m.mliiKlf hnl.-i raaol wnrery oth. r kiHiwn tiiKaua has flll. Alif alilKlh( M or UI.1 organ waj t.y (lilaj i.i.'.uii i rtMiMxl III tiealtlir actlvltj U'ImihIi Lliilil". 1 .,iii,j in irai inin 11 on an 1 rarommsuu ui Owen tU'U III tl.fir l.rai Hi's, OUR LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE rmitalna f iiIImI liifcwmiilun rrllnal Iha inr c.l ariitw. timiiUi ami iirrTnm n i'n' 11 I lew . l.r.. r, In KiiKlian. i.rrman, nw.i..M . . . .,11 I ... 1 1 n, 1 ,.,tftl an.l ..rwciau muni. ii'-, w,,. .-w ai..iltllun. lo anjf a.lJreM for emu iiaia. The Owes Electric Belt and Appllanct Co. Ill orni a aao oauv r.T..., Iha 0a Claclnc Belt RI4f.. 201 1 211 SUIa llrt. CHICAaO. lt.L. !.! LtrOMl tUlW Ball tiUW'th"at mmr9m im wmwww Msiki-I Ht, Han Fraiifiarii, Cal. MM'AI. MAKKKT KH'Oltr. SWOPABCELSCrMAil'imS A v . ,,u',.',0 V5.1"! ,k.'..f" t, C i v. . i - f . y i txiinl .ii , '... '"4 r 1 f.'. . ......i...-. i aa i i -... I - - --- -rf I , ,1 ll. , .ll'.ll I l.l.-l I' -.1.11 IXINII 1. ,,i,t S A I, .. , .. l.i. I Whi at. m Fli.wr.M'l lr.ra,iHia Jk laro ymr nl,l.Ct. 'J .' lirr - i M Slir-pp. itmtl.ma. tir..... 1 Ml it 1 "A " lurk t KI It I M H.itfa, mi l.x.t. ra)t 3 ll.'ita. ilrra.! 0 II f sal. Iluilpr, mil i I'Wifa, (..g H 'liii kilia. dot 2 MM W Tnh- ... I'olat.w. l'f f I.... ., ,mi Amarlean Inatlliition of Knullah Approva. The modern pin ..a is one of the few Ami-rii'un Institutions uon which a llriliishiT L'iinU'M'fiuU t hMik with fa vi.r. An Kiiglishnuin who has Ix-ell traveling in tin' I'riitoil StaU-s and vis iting a iiiihiImt of w t ll-npwinU.il sum hut lion., where the art of comfort hn tain Bttiiiiii-il to a high ilfgn e. said toftwritiT In the llootnn Iloralil that hi- mlmiri'il our iB.win jiartkuilarly. This sort of mit.l.ior room la peculiar to Aim-rU-an hoUM'. aiul It otrui'k him m U-ing muht drlightful. Not that "vT mitlmi" were unknown, by ny inrsna, in oilu r partu of the world, but In ring land people only had gardens or U-f nu-n. whi-ri thi'V It-sorted III wann wrnlhiT. Tha t.roftd plazi so corn- mon Ui the H'aaule anl country rei-di-iH'e Ihtu, and wliUh Is fuminhi'd M fUilmruti ly an any mom in the home, s uiiiiiu'. "You know, we lmdon era are content with a hit of innlvn with imr Inmai-a." "And ery lovely il.i.vir.' i.Ki " lulTiMM'd an auditor. "Yea. ao they a re. with the Ivii-d wslla ami the old trees And hrul'. We who j are lui ky to he 'ardeua live In them in warm weather. Lut it la oiu-n uanip. don't you know, on the if round. There are all aorta of deUea in wicker fur niture to ua from rheumatism, and there Are arU'r. Imt 1 would like to huy one 1 f your pia and a-l it up at home! They are a cliArmiiitf 'taati- tutton,' a too Americana aay." Workman Who Objected to Sitting Around anil Doing Nothing. It has been customary lor many peo ple to consider the southern laborer as ,lov, lazy and fehiftless, yet a writer in Entfineerinir Magazine says that no itraiiffer could enter one of the mills or pass a day in the pine-timber woods without being surprised by the vigor with which work is performed. Work has become an Instinct; the laborer knows but four conditions eating, sleeping, working and, after pay day, a carousal, or absolute Idle ness. A curious story of a strike is told at one of the mills. The hours of labor are long from dawn to twilight. In the winter the hours are fewer, but tn summer the wiws are buzzing and the uholo emnmunitv alive and at work before the sun has touched the tree tops. A northern foreman of philanthropic principles took charge of a certain mill, and sorrowed within his heart for the poor fellows weuringout their lives with the cunt-hiMik and anw. So he de creed that from (.even o'clock In the morning to six in the afternoon should constitute the tubor of a day. There was a murmur In the camp, ai.d In two days there was a general striU... lulled unon for reasons, the spokesman stated the case of the men: 1 "We all Jus' doan like dis yar gwinc ter wuk at sels n o'clock. Wha'a dc use oh sittin'aroun'fer two hours In the iimwnin"frgwine to wuk? We Ju' ain' gwinc to stan' it, dat's all." So the strike waa declared off by the superintendent agreeing to allow all hands to go to work at duwn and keep at It aa long H i they couhl see. Btiob Bbipmeuts further, without direoti ona from Bnch officer. Kule 3 -All peach, neotarine, aprioot. plum or almond trees, and all other tiees budded or crafted upon peuob stock or roots, all peBoh or other pits, and all peaob, neotarine, apricot, plum or utmnnrl nnttinos. budu. or oiona, raised or by reference to the pamphlet circu lated. PBBied at a meeting of tbe State Board of Hortioultnre at 1'ortlund, Or., April 3, 189 . J. K. ahdweix, 1'rea. AttL-st: Gko. I. Harqbnt, Hecy. Tbe reenlar subscription price of tbe or grown in a district where tbe "peacb Semi-Weekly OazMte is S2.50 and the yellows" or the "peaoh rosette" are regular price 01 me vieeaiy v.cKwu. known to exist, are hereby prohibited in $1.50. Anyone .ubecribiug for the from being imported into or planted or Gazette Bnd paying for one year m offered for ialo, gift or distribution within advance can get both the Gazette Bnd tbe state of Oregon. Weekly Oregonian for 83. All old iub- r,..i iii t,.a tilnnta. onttinffs. gcribers oayiua their subscno'ions for grafta, bods, ciona, seeds or pits arrivioB one year in advanoe will be entitled to from any foreign country found infested tbe same. OUR STOCK BLUE-EYED INDIANS. Are Kbowb MAN-EATERS Of THE PACIFIC. t,. ? ...,...i : ii ;,. ..,,i .... mmi "i 1 ,v"',"' r::-:.7;-.r..r."-. are 1 even f..t men. J w 4a. iW ""HI1 So H" " ' I a I f IH , Lit, IM hrt l'UV tl. 1 I 41. a 1 1 ;li. i-iiriiiu mT U'l.a.l r,l I ?' r lour, lbl... . ...... IWrw, alall fel Mutton, fat. . I,.k.a, r , , , W ... - I'ml.-M) tfeg'n,. Il.iltef, 8 r'tfifa. 4. .... I'. iat'M-iii., r el. . 1.1.1. - . tt t'7, 2 f.i ti 8 M 4 ,VI ,.1 ft 10 fl mi ,. f m mi tt ft 7 ' f. 1 it t.'.t r hark Tliat Af tr4 t h Catl fnrala I l.harmaa. ti,. ima n.anater shark a taken rn tt-e raeifle r.t la known only aa nmneater. The shovet n-seil sharks n4 sharks, t.s.cowanlly toattacK vi-How d.. The thlrtv four shark. captur-d f some fl.hcr. of the tme man-eaier varieiy i.-mr. l,r,.l.,i. ear. harl1. aeenieil brat oii.iti.'h and aataire enough to attack anUliing within Its reach TM m.n ater sm.uith was wide, the teeth long and sharp, with an Inward Incline, The at.mia. h would h4 t lull grown man eaatlr and A g.t deal tl.lea. The fih W m entangled In A tu t "IT I-..H.I Unit. T atta. Ue. th l. i.Hia. n-aturv and tinally u.-.w-l. d in niii, hiitg an lr.-n Intu M itU TU Tbf Lin la MU aad Clrli-S'ta, In a mountain village, perhaps A day'a ride from Mexico t ity. lives A tribe"! excluive. aritralij Indians called "los tirlegoa," the tireeks. says the Chicago Tribune. They are light complcxloned and the majority have blue eyes ami light hair. I ney uresa priiicitstlly In two shades ol blue and their el.itltihif is irissl. well made and generally embroidered ith the Wad and siik embroldrry n! which Indiuiis are mi f.md. Their houses are U-tter built and furnl hed than la umibI among luiiians. Many have plsna and other iuutcal liiiruinenta upon which the iday with conaldcrable skill. These ' tirieg.w" have no com mercial or a; let eonneellotia with other trtVs. holding al.s.f from even th.M,1 wlm live at the ! t! the 111. hi 11 f mil on M hlc h their village Is sit uated, Thry rat their own !sa. il.i their oh maiiufstturlng. have their .n a, hi sit a. ilmri hr end smlat tnati- OF ... SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD 'It to Advertisers at a great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a J matter of business we must sell it. The Patterson Publishing Co. m A "WITH. V a 1 - H-I ! tm-, I-1 t H '- 9 .- I I " . a a - ' H . ta (' ,,b4 w . 1- la . a.- I . . S -,' ' li , tutions, and seldom or never marry out- hflf RfM M sh'ei.l their .mntrit There is ald UU PlJM'l V V toW another tnl ol blue-wed lair- 11 Jj II yQ I haired Indiana, w ho have the apnrar- 1 1 Mil - IH l 1 .. 1 I-, .1 in M" II laaaa la II -t' I a - ,a.,t "-)" li I W li., , . I -aa. III aa .'i a xlt. ' . ii" W t . ft.i i w ' t' aSal1 a ... it a- a ' I Si,.. aa. I . ... .V s. U' ' 1 .,. , nf.. ' -. Mrs n ., if.. - lM M-'M " I, ,M . 1 , aa - - ' a ,. ..A -, a. a.4. t 1 -1 Mailt . '.i ... 14 ia ... 1 . . -. I 4 laa-ho.a . I ! 1 a a k 1 1 i--i 1 1 f hm.iii . m . a - 4 !, I - I ... ta.au. a a, ,-4 4. p. a- 1 f . . ' a a, - a. a la is a -, f a ' a , MilM.it.a, lla sl.rafasl ., il.iw.l, H,... Itn a. iH f.a.t , , ...,, I ,l.raait f i . , U .. I t iif,i'. ll-IIVf ........ t .. .1 II .. tela d. ......... . Tke. I" dfiad. 'J i.'i i t 1 T5 ! till I'll I .'all. 1 : j I ' 'l it tt but a hi ,t t'i 11 3:1 1.' L - . 4 - 14 , f . a ,j tnit. 11, t... liH, ti, t.a a-ewe t 1 i,r ,f II, a I'laicil l l..i eli a f.J it. r . . ai l tlianl .,.li.a. a. I anil atxwilt ! a- ma Mart.it-a f eata al ,,i,g has t7vn rep-srled Wl f0) li. '.. The nstttrs are l 1 1 live In f,r , f t1...a(.it r.h.hu h aire It hat ' t;. tc..l..f hatliiifeali n sis men it Wti h t frvi wnUy Tl water I al. wl It haata-rnd ol.fdv.tht'. l J Vat t'e r-,rk at.'.i live the I ''f I ,,ars ia a f.r-. i.ii aa the man eater, i l,. aiilma ahatk J.reeaats la the ' t.v a),.. k tt is taken wa.rira" ! fUfern f Wif feet lnrH. The .V n ! tMrtv l f-t I mtf la at ' s ,t r 1 t'ttivers'tf fAmiv t ' r. ; ' .r. I ).t Van K T j ,. n,f tn.ffl r,tr-.'n-l f"'' ' v ... 1 , at.ai'a l.ir t-r .'ij..-.! ( an.v of liermatis ,iUirf tn the MrfTA Ma-Ire tut.unta.iis lu tbe stale nt tu- rai a A Kraals l But o! Ae HBttl lie la taiatitv ai A tka frtn ia ol the altraetiona at l ar. a -r. Me. Tut thread of a sUkwnrw la H.OOVth of an Inch thick 111FI1 : PIS ! Voim HOUND to Tiiko'Kni. Leaves No Constipation,- A H-a.Sa4 Treaaar IX W. fnllef. of Ctl"hr, N T ., MtilM km a!a aee It. K Me- Ihaisitarr la tbe Bb4 tt famitv have aleaji fina4 the Wt raii!l f .ll.i Ma aae, It at It uel t B t h lheait il. If lwnbl, , A. Iaaa HSK, It t til', h I'm ai IBM Ki Itaetrv la aa i .ate,i. I ha taa.1 eaB rei.a.lf I Itat he k aa. It In B fairilf ? 'h tare, asd I ta rv la.ltl la da Bi lUal as f U- 4.H . B.l t' a .ma,l a tr t k4 Iral. t T"l ''' rra H. aa aa all tS'llinen, reB Haadsehe and Malaria. The rtlf v atr.Tlil PlH ll ! "vld. Hold tr " t"a ft at, ,v mail on ee...t . f rnee. s eeata tHi. 1'llF.MlMt Mrt'lCAli it. Ill fahlofKlA Street "aa rai rtw. t al. ni n.ii,...- NOTARY PUSLIC UllS l iUtmOn CONVEYANCER OAlala lll'I'IOH The Lancashikk Insukance Co. AMI .aaa a.1 ja, fw ( t tt at Bf Bat. I!MII V, I I f,(,r -aa ir 1 ir i al I Will in , tai I . f gnra l.tsqotit I lraH l T W. 1 I tt, i a ,., I... ,4 a" I tf lilt . , -hi.- 1 .-I B4 li- 0 A i '.) av t awWr. ' 1 I"