TIME TABLE. In the sprier, the hamuli body needs . , . . I assistance to throw off the staanation Mtafte for Hardman, Monument. Lone Creek i . . , , .. John I)av and Canyon City leaves aTfulloW-' rt0da0ed by wlnter (llet- As the Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. " temperature rises under the growing Arrives every day at 6 pni..oept Monday. heat the BUu's ravs we feel tired, half .. -,uu UCM lme n, or t . , SUfi CLAIMS A MINE. Bandit from the interior country. WALT. THOMPSON PhlU Conn. Agent. Prop. Youcan get the best beer in Heppner at G. rowe's, 5 cents per glass, B. Ted- If you want the finst liquors, call at Ted's cigars, etc., Evans' Daughter Eva Again Be fore the Public. City Hotel Bar! Here and There. Millions ride the Rambler. Ike Ennis has bicyoles to rent. Try Morgan's oreatnery butter, tf. Walter Gentry is over from Fox valley. Hick Mathews got back from Portland Friday night. Bill Biddle and N. E. MoVay were in Saturday last. T. W. Ayer, Jr., got home from Port land Saturday. Ayers guarantees his poison. Only $2.50 per dozen. tf. Mrs. Melinda Matthews is visiting her sons in Heppner. Johnny Masters has given bonds and is at liberty again. W. 0. Atherton OHme in yesterday from Grant county. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, vYalU Walla, Wash. Geo. Hayward is over from Monument ty dispose of bis wool Messrs. Boyd & Baling have enlarged tueir toe cream parlors. Tom Boothby and sister came up Sat urday from Lexington. The Pioneer Association of Oregon will meet in Portland June Uth. The Sunday sohool picnio last Satur day in Jones' grove was a suocess. Rev. E. R. Beaoh, of Lexington, will preach in Heppner in the near future. La Grnnde Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman, Heopner. Philip Blahm. brother of Heury Blahm, arrived from Russell, Kans., last week. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do it with. tf. Try Avers' squirrel poison before buying any other. Ouly 82 50 per dozen. tf. The Heppner Mitchell road matter should be kept alive and pushed to com pletion. Miss Anna Hill and Chas. Jnht son were callers at the Gazette office last Saturday. Sunday Frank Wilmortb, Harry War ren and John McOarty left for the mines up in Okanogan. A break on the Gazette's press last Tuesday and today Las interfered with getting out on time, Al Emerson went down to Portland Saturday last with two car loads of Morrow county sheep. If you waut to rent a bicycle or tret re pairs for same, cull on Ike Eunis at bis bicycle livery, power house. Heppner Tent of Macobees war orga nized last Friday evening by Deputy Supreme Commanders Imes and Burnett, W. L. Bartlett left for Pendleton yesterdav, but Mr. Imes will remain a few days in the interest of the Maooa- bees. Chan. Johnson and John Mahoney, two Wyoming sheepbiyers, oame in yesterday and desire to make a shipment East. Gilhousen Bros., will soon go to the inner country to be absent nntil the latter part of this month. Await their return. 1 tf . Misses Ivy and Elbry Swaggart came np yesterday from their home at Tub springs to visit relatives and friends in lieppuer. Press Creiswell made us happy yester day by leaving bis measure ttt onr valuable journal. Our booki are Dot full yet. Oar Heppner merchants are out for business this year and deserve patron age. Bny at borne and keep your money ai home. J. E. Jones and John Jenkins were in from Eight Mile yesterday. These gen tlemen do not seem to be disoonraged over crop prospects. Hon. W. R. Ellis, Miss Elizabeth Matlock, Mr W. 0. Brock and wile and Miss Ada Rhea were passenger on yesterday's down train. 0. 0. Sargent went down to The Dalles Friday to visit bis parents and other relatives, returning last night. He was accompanied by bit little son. E. Minor and Win. Ayers returned Friday from a week' fishing trip to the Cama country. Tbey were very enc cessfnl, though the rain interfered some. fjbiloh'a Cnre, tbe great Con?h and Croup Cure, is in great demand. lVwket ize o ititHins twenty Ave duss only'iV. Children love it. Soldi by T. W. Ayers Jr. Dave CampMi lias beeo appointed chief of the lire depart mmt of Portland. Dave worked bis way op from the very bottom of tbe Udder aud deerves much oredit. Dra B. F. and E. A. Vanghao leave next Monday fr the interior country, and those nd.ng wora snomu ciim iu at once. All work gnaraoteed to b f tbe tiurst quality. T. W. Ayers, Jr.. i waking fpilrnd polftoo that be guarantee. N kill 00 par, and dla It a 'A" cents per ean.B cat. for II 60; tlM p" J""111- ample and try It. Mr. Lwi Rood, of UilUborA arrive.! Saturdav on a vi-il Ida broihrra An drwandF. I. Mr. KmuI la one of olid men of WanhlngtoD outmiy auJ a Burnt estimable eitn-n. Frank Natter and Ernest (i.ll.ousen. of Heppner, went down to Islington 00 their wbwU-nioe ruilln 8. nnntit- last Hatorda. and HoVI Tb J returned in 43 niiuuira. a 0f. Ely "P .mod'.t DongUs. HI ro'thT rvntly -' iar lo Iowa oil v.l r-laliva "I frl-nda. and during i.-r a ,n (Mf it rubiiibg a bachelor' raw b. K. II. Clark, eep'in)pri I ' ti-pb.w. Ht'rv lUynor, cam la Mtif day fiotn IVo '. Mr CU'ke that wool I t-lllng at ab.-il th n, prl at I'-n l'tt'iu a al ll-ppoef . J.lnW.krr caue In Hiturt.y front ,,. ,... U.I above mo'itti 1....... in snirits. because the blood is elnggish and full of impurities. Dr. J. H. McLean's Streugtbing Cordial Bnd Blood Purifier is a reliable spring remedy to invigorate the body and give toue to the dicestion. Price SI per bottle. Mrs. V. A. Stephens, of Hardman. is very ill with a cancer. Some time ago she went down to Portland hoping for reiier, Dut was pronounoed incuiabie, and siuce her return has been stopping in Heppuer, attended by her bnsbuDd. Mr. Stephens, informs our suribbler that she has been confined to her bed for the past six months. KrBnk BheDardson. an engineer on the Southern Pacific Ry., who resides at Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with rheumatism for a long time. He was treated by several physicians, also visited the Hot Springs, but received no permanent relief until he used Chamber lain's Pain Balm. He says it is tbe best medioine in the world for rheumatism. For sale by Slocum-JohoBon Drug Co. Ben Hnosaker got in Friday last from a trip to PortlBnd. While below he had his maimed shoulder examined by a competent physician who said nothing onuld be done surgically, that in time it would get better. Ben whs hurt last winter by being thrown off his stage, while owner of the Heppner-Monument line. Ike Ennis has a stock of bioycle repairs and will fix your wheel up at reasonable rates. It is his intention to make a specialty iu this line, and as the number of wheels is rtipidl.v increasing, this will oertainly be pleasing news to those who Bre so fortunate as to own a bike. tf. From what the Gazette can learn, the fact that tbe Long Creek-Pendleton road cannot be paBaed over without paying toll is wnrkiog sgainst Pendleton. The Heppner Long Creek road is tbe shorter, is in good oondition and costs not a cent to travel over it. E. O.: Rev. Frank C. Adkins. of Heppner, acoompanied by Mrs. Adkins. Miss Adkins and Miss Lacy, are in tbe city to attend the district oonferenoe of the South M. E. cuiiroh. John Horner, of Heppner, is a la(o)y delegate who is in tbe city. Lost Between the depot and town. last Saturday, a ladies' gold watcb, with fobahain. The watoh is blue enameled on both lids of case. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning same to Mit-H Cora Hurt at depot. Mr. John Brown and wife, and nephew, A. VV. Moore, and wife, eocompanied by Miss Mollie Moore, came oyer yesterday from Lone Rock, and Mr. Moore, wife and sister leave today for the East where they will remain. B F. Swaggart is prepared to furnish his "Sure Shot" squirrel poison in wholesale lots. He bus already received a large order from Washington and LI 11 ho. Every where it has been used, it has not failed to exterminate the little pests. tf. The celebrated Kentucky Jaok, Eagle, will stand the season at Willis Stewart's livery stable. Terms are reasonable and will he made known on application See Pap Simons or Willis Stewart. tf. Ka'ls Clover Root will purify your Blood, cleBr y.mr Complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead clear as a bell. 25c, 50c, and $1. Sold by T. W. Avers Jr. Vane Hinton and Vince Kellv arrived Friday frrm Long Creek with wool Tbey bad been on tbe road some twelve or fifteen days and bad a very bard, dis agreeable trip. The G. A. R. will have a grand camp fire and reunion at Lexington on tbe 3rd and 4th of J it. VI vs ill il- vited to attend. Come prepared to camp on ground, tf, Jay Devius met with a runaway last week while bitchiug his team to a back and sustained three broken ribs before be could get matters straight aga.n. Our citizens should encourage the ex tension of lbs "long distance" telephone into Heppner. Without it we are be bind our neighbors. l,et Heppner wake up and make an effort to gft telephone connections with the main line, extending from Portland to Spokane. Mr. Landslale, the operator at Willow Junction, accompanied by bis wife, speut Sunday with Wm. Dunn and family. L G. Atherton and Roland Krilibs pulled out for ll.iyton, no their wheels, early yesterday morning, E. O.: Mr. Jt-rry Colin, of neppnr, s lister of Mrs. Mark V, John, is visit ing in Pendleton. Wauted Laundry work by Mra. C, Nelson, old Mountain I louse. Mending neatly done. J as. McUaley and wife have movcU to their John Day possession for tbe samrur. I). R. Atherton arrived Ha'utday from Dayton, coning tbe entire distance by sgnu. From the Examiner. Eva Evans, daughter of the Fresno bandit, baa brought a suit to reoover an interest in a mine iu the Fresno moun tains whioh was owned by John Sontag, the partner of her father. The suit is brought on the around that she was a widow of Sontag, aud thus entitled to the interest of her husband, who was killed while being bunted down in tbe memorable chase two years ago. Miss Evans married an actor, John Ellis, who played iu the thrilling drama, "Evans-and Sontag," iu which the Evans family blossomed forth some time after Chris bad been taken to tbe Folsom penitentiary. Ellis, by the way, played the role of John Sontag. Tbe couple lived iu Oakland, 1213 Eleventh avenue, for a time, but they recently moved to Visalia, where tbey now dwell. The fact that Eva claims to have been Sou tag's widow is made a further bit of news in the fnot that she married a namesake, Frank Evans, just before she beoame a member of the dramatic company. She was subsequently divoreed from him, however, and then contracted the next alliance with Ellis. O21 11 Big Seals ! BUSINESS conducted on a big scale for cash reduces the proportion of expense and increas es the sum of receipts. It enables one to buy cheap and sell cheap. That accounts fof the manner in which K C. Wills conducts his Mercantile Business. He Offers" n m- THE BEST GOODS For The Lowest Possible Prices. MtTniOHTIO THIS MAN HAS STRUCK BOTTOM ! That is what our competitors have to say of Minor &Co. That tbere is nothing left to out on tbat they have reaohed tbe bottom on everything. "We take pleasure in reoommending Chamberlait's Cough Remedy because it is praised by all wbo try it," says J W. Cox & Son, druggists, Marsbfield, Oregon. No oue afflicted with a throat or lung trou Die can use this remedy without praising it. It always gives prompt relief. It is especially valuable for ooldB as it relieves the lungs, mikes breathing easier and aids expeotoration. A cold will never result in pneumonia when this remedy is taken and reason able oare exeroised. For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Oo. Lately moved from Lexington and at present located in the Harreh building, May street HEPPNER. OREGON EIGHT MILE MATTERS. We are rejoicing over a good rain. La grippe is no respecter of persoos on Eight Mile. School is progressing finely. Mrs. M. C. Fuqua, teacher. The frost a few days ago injured tender plants to some extent. Sunday sohool every Sunday at 3 o'olook and prayer meeting right after Sunday school. Some of tbe men wbo were in the mountains cutting wood were compelled to leave on account of rain. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Conrter will please aooept our best wishes for their welfare, and may their lives be happy and prr. sperous. One of your oarrespnndents, "J. D.," made some mistakes in regard to tbe officers of tbe W. 0. T. U. After con- fering with the seoretary, corrections will be made in the near future. Had we not better call an extra session of legislature to ascertain wbo owns tbe laud, (be farmers or the squirrels? Tbe question is, wbi.t shall be done with the squirrels? They are getting very numerous, notwithstanding a great deal of poison baa been used. E M. U Eight Milk, Or., May 27, 1895. 2 77 TE CLAIM to carry the largest and best VAJL cplprfprl crnrlr fn Vp fnnnrl in rirv No Cheap-John goods kept in stock, you can find them elsewhere. We boast on the quantity and quality we handle, but as to our own honesty we have nothing to say ; we ae like the rest of the human race, born to cheat, misrepresentation and fraud. MINOR & OO. Bilionn folic. Persons wbo are subject to attsoks of bilious colio will bs pleased to know that prompt relief may be bad by takitig Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and UiarrLoaa Remedy. It acts quickly and oan always be depended upn. In many cases tbe attack may be prevented by takiug this remedy a soon as tbe first indication of the disease appear. 25 and 50 oent bottles for sale by Slouum Johnson Drug Co. TJii0 RAMBLER In one of the very beat wheel! ever made it an Indinpntable fact. It (lands In the; front rank with all high grade machine", and If you buy one you will make no mistake. : Ridea RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should your wheel be: punctured, it can be mended by you in five minutes, as it is equipped with the world renowned G. 4 J. clincher tires with wood rims or copper-plated steel rlins. 2j Bold in all sizes for ladies or gentlemen at 100 each. $1 Tandems for two men or man and woman, $150 each. y int. nHMDLLn 1B mBreDn iignicoi v,,,b. n..,. ... ...u ; r or style, nnisn ana auraouiiy it unsurpassed, aa 11 is cuuniruci:u on uric, meciiau & ical and scientific principles. fe I Chicago Ideals g W TV.. mn wr.mnn hnvi B.i.1 crlrlfl with 9ft. Qt fLT.fl 1 Inch W.ippIh. fit Jtl.V t.'i.V llf. rmwt. Ivalv ATM nlpnd.il miMlhini umde whi'tjli. with G. & J. hliili-irruMo (IouIiIh lorkluic ml ire 5 r Re-Opened! vr.: I'l I It' 111,4 S li Sunday Dinners a Specialty ! THE PALACE HOTEL Has been re-opened by Mrs. J. B. Sperry who will conduct it in a strictly flrst-clars manner, with the view of pleasing the trade in general. People from Country Districts will be made to feci at home. Popular Prices! 3 clincher tires and are fully warranted Before vou buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and our numerous agents. Rambler Rustlers anted in every fi on our 'Aj tan mid Idaho. FRED T. Northwest representatives Gormully & Jeftery Manf, discounts, or call 1 town In Oregon, Washing- : MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, Go's "Rambler Rlcycles." Main : M Wore, 'ftS! Washington Ht , Portland, Or. Ma). E. A. Weed, (leu. Traveling Agent and d St! lecturer. o'l'lS t'ATTERHON, Agt. for Morrow Co., Heppner, Oregon. li PT PI f Wbeo ynnr heart pains yon. and no usual pah' it ii Hon ia frequent, ercom- pHtiird s.,niellllje Willi h(itf l breath and low spirits yon arx tufjcrng from dior Icr-I aula of h liver, dlrfrntiott i linpcrfTt ami there ia "litd oo tbe sioroaoli. If allowed to r-tuHiti the trouble will tiltitiMttly r'arh he kldlie'S and bom- danifrnua to; H!ft.aahoul l b" taken t IV lU pro- ur on the apiwuraii ,f IU first rnit'lma. I. J. It Mcl ti'a I.ivcr and Kidm-y Halm ia nially aiUptrd for di ifdr of H.ia kind. I'rii e l r b-dtlH. CaM.I T TohTLAMJ. !le. W. K. roliiie. ret tor ,f tbe Church nf Hit Hedremor, hM l-en eitended by tbe etry of Ht, park's IV lUft F.pi!. I 1, of Portland, nnatiimoue rail to that p-riti. H Mark' prr, by Rrf. V. U MeKn, tlmM drat b no curr'l r-wnily. Mr. I'otwlne Iim not jit i.rf.mlly holltld hla C'lHr-'galMiti d biwo e ing tb-rall rnimdera. tioo I I t'Trral Ur M. J-ra' la t), 1 seoii, rl.urrb In and wraith among I f o'--t"',l I'iae-opal tliirrli id liirt!o4 -K RgorLAB Council Mektino. Council met 10 tegular ressioo last eveniug, all oouncilmen present and Mayor Morgan presiding Minutes of tbe last regular meeting read and approved ....Report of recorder aud treasurer read, n furred to committee on Qnauoe, to report at next meeting Ribs allowed : Thompson k Bums, laid over; A. A. Roberts, $UK); r J. Ilallork, :i3.33; A. T. Moay 87.50, red need 8-'..r.O; R. A. Kord. fl; Heppner Light & Water Co., 5140; Heppner Transfer Co., 84 2.1, $1 laid over Marahul re- porta l.',0.(K)0 gatlona tf watir lu large reservoir on the first each ot tbe mouths of May and June Ordinance licensing Chinese laoodrira, read (bird time and paserd nnaninioualy Ordinance No. CI, on olioitra, rtferrtd to tbe ooiiilnitieeiin ordinances Tbe matter f an additional pubbo waterlng-liougb refem d to tbe com mitted oo streets and public properly. Tbe ruHtfrof draining lie strwt at tbe iuiiCiiuo of Main aud Willow street was referred to I hi at r ret miaainner Oo ni' tlou, lb marshal as iiitlrni'ird to k'p lrir)rl -r idrra i IT the aidvwalk dui cil a ljouttivJ. F Mr. Columbus were alive to day and cnlled at Mat Licbteu- thal'a he might make a new discov ery quite as memorable a that f H'.) ('hi is was a great diHcoverer ia his day. He would at this time discover the fiuent stock of Shoes ever showo iu Heppner, aud the cheapest as well. What more does mortal man want ? Tht Old, Original Ssix .WVrran(. M. IICIITKNTIIAU Main Ktreet, Heppner, Oregon. CuBtom Work a Specialty. Free 'Bus for Customers to and from all trains. MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee. Attorneys tit Hrft'w. All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HANK BDILDINO. HEPPNER, OREGON Notice of Stockholders' Meeting. VOTKK M Mr.KK.HY OlVf.S THAT A 1 1 merlins: of (he alK-khnlli-ra of tha I'alacr Hnlcl CiiTMpanr 111 I" lirld In thn parlors of aid hotel, In Hrppiirr, Orraon, on piurdav, Ihr IM risy of Jour, at t o'clock p.m. of salil rtar. lor Ilia prpoM of troiMrtlng inHirtanl linallli-M III colllirclloll w ith tlir rolllM)t al lairs. OTI I'.Tlia-oN, i. W. Moaaow. Vlco-'nt, iw relary. 4l-4 Treasurer's Notice. Nonrr. ts ttr.KrHY oivr.M ihkt all Mnrrow roomy arr"U rrlsirrrt prior lo and Inclodlng Nor. II. l-'ii will I Mid on prr-nttloii l llm Trrwiiirrr a oltica. InUrrsI c-wl alt-f III data of this notii KKASK (illllAM. Trraxirrrul Morro miniy. iMIct, llrppnrr, Orrfon, J una 4, lit. Notice of Final Settlement. X'OTI' K. It il iiii'lcrtivtic'l. Pllrs! Pile.! Ill Nlag I'llra. bymploma Moiatiire; iiilrnan iloliir g and annging; mnl at nlgbt; ora by rralrtilng. It allowed lo coMiona liioiora form, alilnb oflea bbwd and lllreral, b-Tomilig Very .,. HT OtoTMliT einpe Ilia itohirig and blwl Ibtr. brala iilr-rllh, and in moat eaam reiuuvM I be inmra. At draggtta, or l mail. f,r V'ortil. lr. HeayueA tioo, Pl.iladwlpi.ii. Ciunog .r Ilraiia II. A. Kmer- IIKKKHY lIVr.J HI AT THK Ilia 'l"iliil-lrai,,r nf lh OolO y "''" " U Mortan. nr. raMl, has rn'rMl I tlHI prraa10"l l"r ap,,rn,-, "t Iii.ail I as irb aduilMiairaliir, Mh II. i foiiiilt ronrl ol llirmonlr of Morro. "I lir. ..ii. and llal Monday ! 11 daf of J 1 r . I'l, al Kinrlia a. m . of Mid da baa iii I -1 1 T I'l-ri 11 lr aal'l a-Mirt Ihr hrarln of ll. ,, to said an-uunl and a ariLaioriil llorfwif, H. H M'iHlA. 7 I', Ad,lol-lraUir. Notice of Intention. I AM frrtf It AT l. OHAM'K. fiKn.'iM. i M ;. Noli la lirwi.T alrn thai Ihr loiio Inf hamrd wtllrrl.aa Bird aolliri.! l.la iMlrnllon l mass foal pt... In ,i ,il id hs.lalio and 11,-1 Said l-f alll I Rivlr lal..iJ. M Mofn.B, I -mi 1.1 I ixt.al lli .i.rf, liin, mi Jmir J, "". l J(1 MiT1WAl.ll. Ill N.i .i lof lt. rt '. N't N,Uatil I '4 M U Tp I . K . It W The Cresoent bicycle requires not Mancbausen alorii-a to elevate it into popula'ltr. It apeak for itaell. Cull at I ha Oanetle oflice for pricra. Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. FRESH BREAD, CAKES AND PIES ALWAYS ON HAND. The Kentucky Jack, W.L.Doucla S3 SHOE s If THC acsr. rn ron a kino. . CORDOVAfsT. ratHCM lNMCUtO CAAir. 43P FlM CM IKAJKMoa 3.WP0UCE,3SOLt3. 2.l7BflY5'SCH33lSHCl i.Anics1 jrioroatATAipcut 'WLDOUOLAa- - !! - r. SHIS Jack, formerly the property of C. S Kirk & Sons, will stand the Season at ttMOC K TUMaMJift A W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All ourahoea arc equally satisfactory 1MI ina Ml a li. lha buhx tNjr ajual aHaloos im la anal ilr arln( alitic era snrpwH4 I ara anllufm. l-wn4 al IS Scwiiil s Slanle, Heppner. ta J a.y give in awai valve hit lha suiMr, I aaalas aiM la !! anal III. llMSfkn rr ll la 1 1 aav.4 r Wh aaalif a. ( 11 iimi israki uaival Mcflr ac4. ri.Ul.y Dealer mlioaa name ill aho'tlr ap pvarliere. Atfrnt atilfl. Appl at oiica Terms made known on application. J. K. SIMONS. a . la... . .. ,a... ri.l I. .11.... I ul .! I iai. H ; Vt ,iam i'l". T A V.r, iainr hroaa, i It Nallrf. M ll'l-l f. !' I nr. tui'i Kiats I a-a I K. H. C'lilT .I I, Nf C-l. Wi, j tfoobi".. itb l.enralrfiaaii l ibmmali-m, ,,a s'.,iiianh aiii"fdfi. Iiialit'f i aff-c d t aUrB.mg drgf"1. anlii j f, aa;. afid he aa lrrit.ly rKiir. h ' H-ali and 'rrr.i.'li I hr Uitllr of 1 t lr,f,e ll.HrfS rqf'l bi n. I V. !"! Kti.t hrr I, ll.fflalmfg. Ilia, if Piittamua on lh N 'f'li r ".',"'; ! bd a roi.MMI ' " ' ""' ln in nine tmne '!, fM'": , ' I ' t "U 1 " " " '" ' Igl.ltrO da)i run. Hits K'lld IS UfJ M f Mrit P.Mr-a an I a.imH. Ii'. lll- lulr,. n' ArtucaSU". andblsl'sT M'H from I'milani. I- P-l - n ''V-'nr.0 n,t' lVV.b..l -rv- t- V0.ll, in U aM;wi,,s!,,.,..M. nc k.-.. i. .i.i.i. t'...i. .i.Jbi.l,AI,is.ltMir'l Urn lir.. Moll Igbl to everjone, A far ffH.y !" J,i(-r!i.n M.io t'l ailf' I ''' rr.. l-t ! ,1m f"l ' t fl,n,, .., rr arii"" ! n andJi.blioy llaatrr, Uilli rl kimaa , ' h. it. ( aiiir an... ---a in ,. Inlbiaeily, bat. piirrbaaid lb rntiie ititrri-al and g tud "l l of J. V. rpfay In tli.biiti l.rr b'iinr,(iirtiir!f entilurtl iu llHtr. Tl grrnlt-ftaill Villi roo lii.ne lni.tn. al li. i l l l.HMy Mat Markrl, arat e "'t Main alrxt, lre Ibey r.aprrif ully adiwillb. patrw Hi i f all, an I al.rf. ,il at all t.ni-a be kpt ff-.ll i 1-1 f rn-ala, aanaago, n.fn tmf, kid, Bb,la. 1141, .w.rl ol m ffia't. by T W. A". Jr. hita h.l, birfh ".iad. tart." Ue L' tootcg t y laagib. ('I I-. n i a ( ,. a,.., ' ik. r.'.i r-. '. wonl t d" IP ei.J X. W, Atf. Jr. . I . K . H.n l n I. I a'a'ili I !..-lt ! I !, ' I .if li.al Tram NArru-I aaiit li buy g'rl, gift' le - nf ab mt 'Jfi "iiid iHir.-a. Atn I'm I, I hall I t. .a ari l lit'i.ra i I gntl a l lie liy. Hare itn g young Hbirt horn bulla for !; a'o fin .ntify I ' lialehliia, T-k fi'M -fi it j ratllo ai,, f.i, a fa f lt . ( all al lli J. y il.a plao t , ppiir. N. C. .. sr :.l j Notlct of Inttntlon. IAitiorrt- r, at th fi i r. i.rro'ii. t Xar l. I"'s "llr la !.-! Ih.l O, ',i,l l l,.n,a an 1 1 Sa-i tiM.f lll-,1i',it Inmil. .! l-i'- I" i , hia-iai.-,. .i, It, aat't ...- 91,1 1. W .,,. in ,.i. al ll.fr'!', i i'i.(. on Jul? A ii I WII.UA at O 'UTT. 114 a. f.,f ih. u i iwl W i ii Iim iir.i th'..- Ih. I . ,, .! alt-ifl l In fia m,ti'i,,.-ta r-a law. . a(tM f ailoit vl l I la' I. lf (.,. n,ch f i I n l Hi T'i" Bar Awil. Maar U ra.if, a.t M lii-'- Jr. XI X 0 f-'t aif , aM i l-t nal Cn' ti'rial r',, '-l" t. I ia r,lt, ht f t U.aa. i 4 r-! t r r ni"T sfy..s p f- t !-' I V- (J I'll ff n 9 i.j, m ri i '.f l i fr 9 -mt i- I ' " " ' . 4 ii,4 mi if .!. ' Hre nr THRHK POINTS Wllldl W Wa JOII to Iriuvr; W Keiit HARDWARE 8f (iM: W r-fTi-r it CI I MAP TitlM Wo aill FOR CASH Wti fn it)atilil ti t'iii fiioin fur ft il illar lliau tl(e tisnnl "Ifi.lUr'i wi.rlL- i vf '' ri (mi. GILI.IA.M ,V lilSIJMM SIaio b!rl, lJst' fir, Or I J W I ' . ItA A. I I M - am. 11. I TL' J I I fWF LEGAL BLM TiltlggWill lis mi! Tba man wb'i talk Ibrnogli hi. bat ta evi-f)liira In rvnlrrire-Vrry lit Jwlliiu- abU ni li tier it la, lii, in uin't ca. lb man of iitl. II gi-mr eovrr bit eran urn wilb una f t. u. nowAKirs fin. alia I, at.. !.! h I in lla!f a gn iif , rn.pl nl ai.l f"l laale. Il a'ai bi. gf.M'fifira, g.rila' fur- tlll.il'g, dh klliro'a .ii'l,li', fid., at - T. R. HOWARD'S. Mr. Huoaiil itiakra a fiatly In tlne llillig. M'j lift I I,; ahrrii an, I C'tll.UifO. !c(l,n.lf 1 1, a p'.cr aMsaaaa, MPPNIR BLOCK. a!tt St., I'onr d r.i. .i.utb 1 1 ti e C If Lot.l. Plenty of them at tho Gazctto Offico