Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 04, 1895, Image 2

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M lhcS
-zmawfo Liffht
tgpfl for NEVffl
Oscau Wilde bas been sen
tenced to two years at hard labor
in an English piison.
Rev. J. L. Parrish, who died a
few days ago in Salem, was one.of
Oregon's oldest pioneers.
was marked. The demonetization
of 6ilver, making the standard
money dearer, is the cause for this
yearly loss to the bone and 6inew
of the country, and this continued
appreciation of gold is as ruinous
today as ever.
The goldbugs of this country
most of them claim to be bimetal-
lists. The "sound currency
catechism, now being Bent over
the country, says in answer to the
question, "Does bimetallism con
sist in the use of both gold and
silver?" that "it consists, so far as
the law goes, in the free coinage of
both metals, and so far as the fact
goes in the simultaneous and con
current circulation of gold and
silver, with the free coinage of
both, and goes on to say that
"bimetallism" exists nowhere.
This explodes the Oregonian's
claims to being an advocate of
bimetallism. That "catechism"
will convert the hardest goldbug
in the land to genuine bimetallism.
Chairman Carter, of tbe
National committee of republicans,
is an out an out silver man.
We are under obligations to the
University of Oregon, of Eugene,
for a copy of the 1894-95 catalogue.
Hon. Jas. Lotan, formerly col
lector of customs, has been found
guilty of opium smuggling and the
illegal admission of Chinese.
Coin's Financial School and
Trilby are dividing honors for
notoriety one exposes the Daked
feet, and the other the naked truth.
Tbe National Surgical Institute,
Pacifio Brunch, 319 Bush Street, Sao
Francisco, successfully treats all cases
of Orthopedic Surgery, Diseases of the
Spine, Hip and Knee Joints, Paralysis,
Piles, Fistula, Nasal Catarrh, Bow lees,
Knock Knees, all Deformities and
Chronic Diseases. Their encceps in
treating these cases is shown by thou
sands of references from trustworthy
people all over the country.
Persons haviDg afflicted children or
friends should convince themselves of
the exoellent results of the system of
treatment by this Institute. One or
more of the burgeons will be at the
Palace Hotel, Heppner, Tuesday June
11, one day to examine cases. Send for
circular. Reference made be had to J.
0. Hayes, Heppner, Hon. Thos. L.
Davidson, Salem, A. H. Windsor, Lex
ington, Governor E. P. Ferry, Olympia,
and hundreds of others. 41-2.
The undersigned having been restored
to health by simple means, after suffer
Ing for several years with a severe lung
allttotion, and that dread disease, Con
sumption, is noxious to make known to
his fellow sufferers the means of cure,
To those who desire it. he will cheerful'
ly send, free of charge, a copy of the pre
soription used, which they will find a
sure onre for Consumption, Asthma, Oh
tarrb, Bronchitis and all throat and lung
maladies. He hopes all sufferers will
use his remedv as it is invaluable. Those
desiring the prescription, which will oost
them nothing, and may prove a blessing,
will please address, lie v. EDWARD A
WILSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. junll-w.
The democratic party is torn
asunder in the East over the money
question, and the Gazette believes
that the free coinage men will
Colorado'h republican club
delegates met the other day and
adopted straight-out, 1G to 1 silver
resolutions, but sat down on the
minority who advised bolting if
the silver men did not meet with
success in the Cleveland conven
tion. The majority were right.
The Egan receivership for the
Oregon Shoit Line and Utah
Northern railways has been con
firmed by Judge Hanboru. This
now deal is of immense value to
Oregon and the Northwest, as both
will now bo operated independent
of tho Union l'acific.
liiii'klen'x Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Dicers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, letter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions
B'id positively cures riles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
riPoe 25 cents per box. For sale by
T. W. Ayers. Jr.
President William
Mexican National railroad,
Q. Riioul, of the
. rr .;i. n.
T is an ill wind that blows no
good, and although the play
ful pranks ot Old Boreas exposes
this fond couple to temporary em
barrassment, the situation greatly
amuses the spectators.
Since it has become
Generally known that
Likewise the situation at
irr,, I ONE
a pur1 iiiwe;
Which he sells at Bed Rock Prices.
Farmers of Eight Mile, Davidson, Gooseberry, Douglas, Jordan
Fork and lone sections can do no better than make their purchases of
Joe. He carries a full line of Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Groceries, and in fact a complete stock of general merchandise. 1 aw,
M mm
.nrniPTinv run HlfPPVFR A
in r. it iii i ii ,1 i' wit iil.1 i nuu
I zv time may be expected at Ben
Hunsaker's, followed by a regular
cyclone of low prices that will
sweep all opposition before it
Showers of purchasers will follow,
succeeded by a general clearing
Besides a general line of grocer
ies, Hunsaker carries Tinware,
Wood and Willow Ware, Glass
ware and Crockery, Cigars, Tobac
cos, Confectionaries, Etc.
Old Blackman Stand
(Successor to Jerry Cohn.)
The production ot gold in the
United States shows a decided
docreaso for last year. It in too
scarce, too dear, measured in those
things Uncd to buy money, to
repnwMit viilnon. The unit dollar
of gold is not tho honest unit that
tho silver dollar was before its
d Mnonetizition, and which tdmuld
bo put back into its old place.
Wheat in not advancing in
Liverpool. If anything, it is two
cent lower than it was a week ago,
Btnl tho claim of tho Oregonian
that silver is railing while wheat
H going tip is uutuio. Tho
fictitious, gambling prion of wheat
hero in Aiiiitich ('4111101 bo taken ns
a standard by which to judg till
tho prico in Liverpool advances to
meet it.
Tme Arlington llooord, publish
m by our neighbor, J. M. lohns,
thinks Hint tho 1 ortUutl con
Vfiition of republican el 11 1 is settled
tho silver ipit'Htioii in thin state.
Yes, it nettled tho fact that re.
gardlt'HS of trickery tho nlver tnou
inadon magtiitictMit showing, nil of
whom wt nt homo more euthusi
Kstio iu tho can ho than ever. '1 ho
BcntiiufMit of tho majority of tho
republican voters iu thia utato is
with them.
Kead "Coin's" publioutians.
Carlos L'oyd, agent.
The Weekly Sun and the Qazette $2 75
per year, both stnotly in advance.
Of course you have noticed that L,
Blumauthal is out for business this
spring. His $8 50 suits are attracting
attention. tf.
Green Mathews for shaving, hair
cutting, shampooing and all other work
in that line. Baths at any time during
business hours.
Meadows & Sonvner, the blacksmiths.
horseshoers and wood butchers, at the
old Gunn stand, Main street, Heppner
Call on tue uoys.
T. It. Howard makes a specialty i
supplying stockmen with all needed
articles, besides carrying a general line
See his new ad. tf .
Mathews Bros., City hotel barber sho'
toDsorial artists. Uairoutting, shaving,
shampooing, etc., done scieutilioally.
Baths at 25 cents apiece.
G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, enn
he found at his parlors, Matlock corner,
where he will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, hairouts, etc.
Stage leaves for Echo Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays, returning on
lueadnya, Thursdays ami Saturdays.
II. Wade, Prop. T. W. AversJr.. airont.
Head "Coin's Financial School." and
then take up his other publications.
They are all oijl vincing, interesting.
Dun Carlos Boyd, agent. See him.
Any inventor in EuHtnrn Oregon who
(Wires (he services of an attorney in
Washington, I ). C , will lind it to his
advantago to call ou or address this pa
per. 5tf
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
ilny except Monday and leaving every
day except Sunday. Shortest ami cheap
est route to the interior. P. Colin,
Huhprilwrs to the Weekly Sun, the
coining paper or Oregon, (l per year,
With the (laz'tte, bulb in advance,
l 10 per year. A good comminution.
Two of tlio people's piiprr" at one price.
S iliaenlm al Ihn Gazette olllee.
Now is the time to get the Weekly
Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of
the vVet. Willi the Gz-tle. both strict
ly In advance, for one )er, 1. No better
combination of newspapers call be made
in llie slute. Ili'sid'-s wa will give as a
premium an additional journal, Hie Web-
foot Planter, an auriciiltr.ral paper,
Come in now and aulworllm.
is in the
city on his way to New York, whence he
sails to Europe on Wednesday, says an
Atlanta, Ga., speoial to tbe New York
Sun. In an interview today he said :
"When I met the English directors
of the Mexican National railroad I will
have to emphasize the points made in
my last annnal report, in which, ac
counting for the dividends paid when
so many American roads had failed to
earn them, I attributed it to the impetus
given to the business of the country by
the use of silver for money. For four
years successively, during whiob time
American roads have failed to pay
dividends, in thefuoe of an exchange ot
two to one to meet our fixed foreign
charges, the Mexican National has
netted a profit over 8300,00(1 each year,
"The issue of the silver dollar has
stimulated every industry, and there is
continued movement of prosperity in
that country. The charge made in
some American papers that 60 cents
worth of silver oannot be exchanged
into SI of coined money comes with
poor graoe from those who actually
exohange away 40 per cent of the value
ot the silver dollar, or, to put it in
another form, from those who exchange
for it the gold dollar to a value of $ 1.80.
If legislation cau do the one thing, it can
do the other."
Means Half-Moon, Doesn't It
UT WHETHER there's a man in the moon who burned brush on Sun
day, or did any other evil, wrongful act, or whether the moon is
made of green cheese, concerns not the trade who want first class
bicycles with all the modern Improvements at prices within the reach of ail.
The Crescent is made by
And is for sale by
Agents for Morrow and Orant Counties.
See the Crescent before purchasing.
Lt, Strayed nr Hiulra.
A bay mare, kii yearn old. branded
wah h key, h a yming Coll Wm last
e-en between lli-epiixr and llardmm.
Five dullara reward will be pid for her
mm lo h J. Kkknkv.
4I-tf. Ilei'pner. Oirgnu,
There is more catarrh In this fe .tiin
of the oountry thau all other disesses
put together, and until tbe last few
years was supposed to be incurable.
For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed
local remedies, an I by constantly (ailing
to cure with local treatment, pronoutiord
it inourablH. (Science has proven catarib
to be a constitutional disease, and there-
ore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Oure manufactured by
.1. Chenev it Co., Toledo, Ohio, la the
only constitutional cure on the market.
It is taken internally in doses from 10
.Imp to a teaapi ouf'il. It acts directly
on the blood and minions surfaces of
the system. They olTer one hundred
olliirs for any case it fails to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials.
F. J. Oil ENKY CO., Toledo, O.
; "ir'Sold by lb'iiggittH, 75 cents.
rnnnruu mw o mnr
A.t 8 P. M.
Millie the Quadroon,
H Iik'hI talent for the benefit of the Epworth League.
Kinz of Bicycles.
Four Models-$85 and S100.
Monarch Cycle Co.
Factory and Main Office; Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL,
BRANCHES :-New York, San Prancbco, Salt Lake City. Denver, Memphis, Detroit. Toronto.
A. W. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Jleppner, uregon.
'I'll K Ohio rrulilicniirt declare
for McKiuloy for roi.leiit,
i'oriiker for Ncnntor tun! iioiuinnti
JtiiKlmell for governor. Joint Slier
nmn reM.e, uver tlit convention
mill in 11 hmcIi reiterated liia old
nrtruinenU on tit money itiition,
followed ly tint ndoiitioti (,f n
1'lutf.Tiii il 't'larin for i?ol mi l
Kllver H4 llit ft ill I ir, I money of
tin 1 country. It in n alniddle
wliirli nieinn tli it tint rcpiililit'iiim
of Ohio arc content itli t heboid
I'll K t'UVoliUn d. fends it lie.
fiMlM of f.t'ol lector l,otn, lm.
. a
cant.' 11 iiniiKit utai iduiiiM tin -
ii'i"i te, t'liiiioiiy mh imt
UlllUt'iellt to coni, l, Imt nil In that
litaii i and nln)n a h imMnU'r
of "tlirt Mitchell Hint;" of tho re
llliticall J.aitv, lofiii ther- l'y, it
IN Of i'silne,, to t toe It f uriiif
ill tlm luitter, lNcmii tln j
Ore.nidu j ier thii l.tit n
mi nt r of Mitchell. I lm Ori. ' rmi In.W.t
t'oniaii l rik'ht, III thi OaiT-ttea .ur)
opinion, thit no tied man i lUutii I , ,
kltiill.lAKlliiltti. to iMOTIct H ll.r-U.l.ll..t.-... 1,,,
rej liUl.. Clll n. j ,.u . IV lrtrv tmnnniU, itl...iun
I lb Mfc-tt'ii U 11 U 4-1.1 y !i ii r
l i..u UTiii. Ik,i i'U.Hi( i-i"'Uti..n r-r ; I.. m
I'r. J. II. Mi'I.omi'ii Strengtliriiing
( nrdliil iinil llliiml 1'iirill .r l ,lnirnl,ly
lHtrl In tiink " littln lienltb gel
lung .' I la ciimtivK ihiwer !
Iitrgnly RllrlliiitHlili) i iia t iiuulntit
I'Hiic mid initriliTM iimerrliee, by aliteb
nil ikv nf tlit. onii-iu u n onnli d
It ie iifiiHn In I lix iHnte.eiwily tnirtm un
Hie eliinmeli mid linrinte under ro-
.iiik'. iiii. I'rinx 1 Hi per linille.
II KrMl.Ml TryHif.
Jiiile Mtii. .f tbe N,.rth I nmliim
U'lii'li. in-i.liiif over m Irinl w liieli
Im.l Urn r.t mete. I till ini.liii;;M. nu,
n ri'iiiiiriiei, rvi r lly n lire.l.
The I'lniiitilT t.in i r o tl.lrrv.iii
llir Jury, mi.l MeMnilv nai.l: "t,, nil,.,
liieli. I w HI tell ) mi nit 1111. " In.
talitlv the Jii.l.-e, the jury kii.l tlui fVw
HMliil..r were nil tteution, n t
l.m i.r hik mi n.lmirntile Murjr teller.
Itut Oil time bv T.n.-i ,le. to tell nnu
ft t ! 1I11II1 t. T. -.le-l mi. I Hunt hint
le J.ilttn .ll le. liver) lly l.mUe.l
H4ih.iiitc.. Jn.le. leninii
iv r. mi 1. 1 In un UMiii't.iU.ilil.. t..ii, i,(
ih.i.).it nn-lit : "t nn I ? lie otittt
! ll. il J. Ue " "Nrlthi r .l.i I." r, i.n, ,
i Hie witty r.nitiM-l. "Imt y .e.r li.Mi..r
' l.il'l It t't me I'll uiir w ay ilnw n In re,
en. I, I th, mlit tho lack 'f uppri em-
t..n lioi't It .tue I., mv .Mil, nr.., I
to fc-o lb Joko trial ly
AnlniaU Tliut I. In llornmut Iturluit th
ll.-Hli'.l Term.
When the h-:tt of a tropical or M ini
triipieiil Hummer ilries up every pool
nuil piirelieH the rdiiiul to Kiieh nil ex
tent that It i- ilillleiill fur unimuU lint
en, lnu eil witli reut HiverH of Iih'oiiio-
1 1011 tonlitain liter, they eoiiiprniiiiM'
w ith imtiire by sleepintf nil the seiihoti
of bent mill scureity. The winter
hleeiiers, kijh the liriNiklyn Kiijfle, ure
pretty well known, but, owinir to the
summer t.lcc per Ix'iin; for the inoht
mrt inhiibitntitH of tropical countries,
far removed from the path of trnined
observer, we nre less iu'uiiiuteil w ith
the specie prm-t icliiLf that ineitn of
cseapitiir the heat ntnt ilroue;ht of sum
tner. Imleeil, nt present only one
mammal, the tenec, a beilehoj-like
lu iist of Mmlmriiscnr, U known to ilu
o. In South America mul Africa va'
rimis reptiles estiviite. In the phiiim
of Vi'invmln the alligator, the laml
mul fresh w ater tortoisi. the boa con
st rit tor mill several sort of the smaller
Uimls of serH'tit lie motionless ilurliiif
the ho'te- t eri,sl of the troplenl mini
.irr. ion 1 i. ir i. rui.iii v i'. nol so
iH'i fei t us that i f some hiU-rnutorik In
lirnil. Aiistrnlia mul fnv Colony lit.
ar.ls, fro;--. .irt.,M ninl ltls-et puss
111. oil lis nl the rainless season Iiii'IomhI
Iu hard earth, mid in India many sv
eies of II .In s lne ilurmtr tin hot season
in a torpid condition, viiiU'ddeil In tho
hardened i liiy.
KKKU il(o KK, A Uih tor
(WCAR I)A II.I.K, A SiuiliiTii I'Uiiter
FORD, A shiTlll
PKKIHHK, Mllllr'a Son
HADOKK, Imvillr twtrutlieil
I'lll.M II.I.A. Tli Dis lor'tOlil Mul.! Hl.tiT
II A KKI KT, A M ulUto
OVI. A lve
....H. T. BAGLEY
rrlKllla'i prrwnL Millie In
Co ki is detm-r in
miy other prt of
i lieiipesl Iu hma.
At s l-l 1 court
word Isssller" l iiun
lm aliest , ls (.f thiees."
South Africa than
ACT I. Millie ml I'rlat 111 Fred 1 rrtum from tli Houih.
(ir ill hrr ns ret.
ACT II. Millie tin! Frl. Ni Irom Cliarlla. Fred'i idmtMlnn of lov OTrherd bf Millie
(lyp. suh. Arrival ol Charlie tint lwlor. Hayden and Oacar bavllla. Charlie and Prlerilla.
Welcome mrrllng. Chai lie meeta hie old love. Hie Interview with Millie. Tbe teeret. Davlll.
laadiire ilola (iyp ami Slh. The brmkilown. "Eat die quirk."
ACT 111.-C ini 1. leailore and te-ar plot. Millie Pavllle'i property llarrtrt'i arnln
Tin-Una. Fred liiiiml w ith Isadore. Charlie plra.li with Millie. Millie alone. Davllle e threat.
Clurlle to the reaeue. Pavllle ihiit.
Hsi1 char..- appeal to Millie. "Farewell my darlliiK." (iyp retiree. Fled returns.
laa.lore vow, Millie tilde her home farewell.
tii. Fred and laadore, i.-ri'li tor Millie. Davlll found by Slab. Devllle 1 tory ot
the hooting. Millie letter te (Iyp.
ACT IV.- H Ml I. Lapee of eeven year Psvllle't enugratulallona I aa dor faints, fred
and PavtUe. Hulcr Afiiee. Charlie Ilayden'i return. The tneeUiic. I'rlnllla Id the reeeu.
Not on word, t" "
.tal. The tell tale letter. Dav tile oMcre.1 fiom the honae, Nathan overhear the eon
verMlloii. "I am it ere I'rteHHa
ACT V.- I. Wall a mistake. Fred and Afnee. !.!, ire. Harriet dauibler. lavlnre
1I1 rest. I'll ilia untrtunt. AMuetlou nf sitter Aitira. (lyp and nuh on hand.
suit laillle ami Millie, Fred lo the hlpplnf piwC lari rerelve the blowa. Oypto
the rrei iii..
Kim I, Theeeeap. Patltle tlnde hla irraaure. Fred and Frlarllla on hand. laadnre
Mapr. nrse you I 11 he the.li-atb ol you. WHIIenrKltl. charll rerelve the (hot Fred
(malten. The atoiirnienl at but.
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
Airs. Tom Bradley, Prop.
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warranted inferior to any Bicycle built in tbe world, regard leu of price.
Do not be Induced to pay more money for an Inferior W-I. Inititou
having the Waverley. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Hleycle Co., a
million dollar concern, w hnee bond t n good aa gold .
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $76.
C....o,u ire. INDl NA BICYCLE CO..
IICMER H. IIALLOCK, lxmAXAroLia, I.hd., C. g. A.
(ien. Agent for Eauteru Oregon, Pendleton, Or.
Now Socucry Iim 1h'i itocurinl for tli oocanion tnl will l r-jHTatenl by
the world, it l I ad fatrioiiciHi ktMKf iiniiil. ItcAutiful Ulilcrtux. Lxcrlleut music
i. .Mined thei .jjfjfj ssHKV: ChiUwi, rc; General, Joe; lieserved
the very
St'nts, crnt.i.
j&j. .'--' Jftt
Bill's Pills
Bol thr ara hu ml red a of reliable
brand of par rfrng. and tba t rum pel
nvr priKlsimed more welcome rewa lo
the poMio. I'ure drot mean that 00
baJ retull follow treatment by tibial,
SiMfpu Drug Go
Our ltcputntion for
t5iuait3 Dealing!
b -fl aJ.'uaiu
I'llllv CHUN, Prop.
i.ir o
IMtiK a im tor
t Uf , V) i , 1-..
II It Ml
l l AT III I I'M K,
Hox Sheet at T. W. Avers Drug Store.
cut il l n n AYi'tnrt t, f,,) j r;
year f r rtery lnU.rer, Mini Ii.
rnllllj fr.HII lh Cotiaiia tl.nl Hie
cr iSJV' li'K'f'a, tho )ia
am itinta t 1 f Hi(H,(li) jHr yrar
l ine la fr. un Um aamti alalcmefit
f nf.i 'UU tin l r i.'illi, Ati'l Hi.iiiH
A iliileelMi 1 11 ill III i -1 lime mIii".
i.i elunuUlu al, ilint'a thl
t'criol, yt Ui faUti g eff io ;ti
two linn,! n- I and l.fty )nr K 4
j ware lm r -" ,. lit jrmue -r..t. t.c
U,aiid I.I the l..wrl eotinty it t !i
alat' 1 1. ri nr tr .it imn t i,i , ; J
li ir U'l a 1 i" i U r it le At .1 ! y i f 1 1 lie.
, 'I l.e 'i i. la Irue f f.i.1 1 I l ie
'm hit I rl mi h re e m.i .. , an. I
lie trt.l ir'ln4 xlllu Iim.. . .Ih
'I) n- 1 . . I ,-,i V i I mil 11. a ! I 1
-' 1 u.l pi!i. re i n lh' AiUiit...
1 1 .1 k.i t iI liW a'.utwt L.i,
ri i"i ri an I anilbj
i.....i v w r ru A M
i..... 1 1,. 1 11. 1 i
V4 i ..fi t f 1 ;m' a
Wi i .g f r ii." .! 1 .. uy
i..m 1 t V Minna. I", M.
Hows Your Liver?
An aral l tatadr aM Knrri Tvn
AmI I e liriaoe art' I e a L KMlhk
aiw .iMi 1 .-. hti ! lie.
If A Tin v-1 "- e m rrm
tet It t
u Uw 'aAxti4 jieai a. 1
An, it , iffiiml
This question is asked daily. If dormant
you need exercise- need it badly.
The Bicycle offers a remedy, and if you do
I not own one, call at
Ike Hnnis Bicycle Livery,
Power l-loifco.
:: v n
1 l .
1 J f 9
AUR COMPETITORS are doin- their
y best to reach our mark but they can't do
it nil they adopt our principle of selling only
First Class Goods at Honest Prices. We
don't claim to be the cheapest house on earth
but we do try to deal honestly with all.
I l.ea, B.,,U HU ,l. ar nt I;y , ti, a, , ,lr .,
Ul tl.At tl luoury ,; tuy. l04i-t U,rg, t ,u lWt,
1. O. TllOXIlaSOrc COMP'Y.