Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 31, 1895, Image 3

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8tae;e for Bardmau, Monument, Long Creek,
Io)ih Day and Canyon City, leaves as follow :
Every day at 6 a. m., except Hunday.
Arrive" every day at 6 p. m except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
Phill Cohn. AKent y
You can get tho best beer
in Heppner at (x. B. Ted
rowe's, 5 cents per glass, 4,
If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc.,
call at Ted's
City Hotel Bar!
Here and There.
Millions ride the Rambler.
Try Morgan's creamery butter, tf.
Fred Sherman is back from a shearing
Don't overlook Johnny Eager for good
Try Spray's hams and bacon, the best
in town.
Thad Armstrong was in from Alpine
W. L. Hill was in from Davidson
Eli Keeney returned from Pendleton
Oilliam & Biebee have sheep shears
plenty of them. tf.
Joe Parr has escaped from the Uma
tilla county jail.
Spray's pressed beef, Bomethin g
fine for luoohes.
Ayers guarantees his poison
$2.D0 per dozen.
Ben HuDswker went below to buy
goods Tuesday.
The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works,
vValla Walla. Wash.
Emile Scbanno. the member of horti.
oultural board from the fifth district.
visited Heppuer tbis week. Mr. Schatino
reminds our reporter of Hon. Phil
Metschan, which means tbat the former
mnst be a mighty good citizen. He is
doing ezcellant work in seeing that the
laws are being enforced in reference
to diseased fruit and fruit trees.
In the spring, the human body Deeds
assistance to throw off the stagnation
produced by winter diet. As the
temperature rises under the crowins
heat the suu's ravs we feel tired, half
siok and low in spirits, because the
blood is sluggisb and full of impurities.
Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthmg Cordial
and Blond Purifier is a reliable sprine
remedy to iDVigorBt9 the body and give
tone to the digestion. Price SI per
Frank Wilkinson, who shot Charlev
Beymer early tbis week, had his exami
nation Tuesday and was held in the sum
of 81,000. A.T.Wilkinson and T. H.
Bisbee beoame sureties for the present
and Mr. Wilkinson was released
Beymer is getting along all right and
will doubtless be himself again in a week
or so.
John M. Brown and Nat Scott, nf Lone
Book, were over the first of the week,
Li Grande Marble Works, La Grande
Ore. S, 0. Smith, salesman, Heppner.
Jerry Brosnan and Thos. Sheridan
dropped iuto town Tuesday from Butter
Now is the time to kill squirrels; and
Swaggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do
it with. tf.
Trv Avers' squirrel poison before
buying any other. Only $250 per
dozen. tf.
Wesley Brannnn, of Eight Mile, and
Geo. Miller, of Douglas, were in Tues
day on business.
Gihonscn Bros, are making a special
out on large family groups; call and
get their prioes. tf
E. O. Warren and T. F. Camming, two
jolly traveling men, came in Wednesday
from a tour of the inner couutry.
Mike Kenny and Jas. Dougherty,
having finished labors witb sheep tbit
spring, rested in town yesterday.
Mrs. I. L. Van Winkle, acootnpanied
by her ch ldren, left overland early this
week for Weston, to visit relatives.
Mao J. Monteith, representing Tbe
Mouteitb Tailoring Agency, of Portland,
spent Wednesday and yesterday in town.
Dr. E. R. Hunlock, of Lone Koek,
accompanied by his wife, arrived here
last evening and will remain a day or
Improve your fowls and double your
production of egns. W. W. Hmesd can
tell yuu bow it is done. Information
free. tf.
Larry Sullivan and U. 8. Pros. Att'y
Dan Murphy got into trouble at the
Trivoli, and Dan's faos was severely
Johnny Beeler, the irrepresnbl e
Johnny who does the fighting for all
upper Willow creek, was down from bis
ranch a few days this week.
Home relatives of I. L. Van Winkle,
whose Damea the Gazette did not learn,
passed through town Ibis week, on their
way from Weston to the mines.
8. I. Htrslton retnrned from Portland
on Wednesday evening's train aud de.
parted yesterday for Wagner where be
is at present engaged in school work.
Karl. Clover Hoot, lbs great Blood
onriller. gives freshness and clearness to
the Complexion aud cores Constipation,
25 ot.., 60 ots., $1. Sold by T. W. Ayers,
Bob SVilpbin earns in Wednesday for
camp snpplie. for Andy Ttllard. Ksng
is short. Bob says, and sheep will hsvr
to rang far over on the other side of the
Blues tins year
T. W. Ayers, Jr., is making squirrel
unison that be guarantees. No kill Dn
pay, and sells it at '25 oente per can. (1
cans for II 60; 8150 per dozen. (et
ample and try it. tf.
It U.Wills Is moving his mammoth
Lexington store into Ibe Uerren build
In ir. and will hereafter do bin In ens at
this point. Mr. Wills line reserved
spare for a oeat ad. Id the Gazette,
Joe Satins' did an eioellent Job of
tree trimming oyer at J. B. Matter's this
week. Trees shonl I b looked alter at
this senson of the year, and all fruit
trees should be sprayed, if found dis
Fred llotk. an eiperienred butcher
from Portland, be aooepled a pomMon
in Hayes A Mathews butcher shop,
where he will rv the public in tlie
best of style. Fresh meats and ttoneet
weight to everjoue.
U F. 8aggrt is prepared to furnish
bis "rtnrw hoot" squirrel poison In
w bolmsle lot. He hue already received
a Urge order from Weabintrtoo and
Idaho. F.very where it baa ln naed.
it has Dot failed tu exterminate the little
Ike F.nrils baa a slork of bleycl.
repairs and will Ct "nr wbel up al
reasonable rate. It Is Lis tnte.ilioo l
make a si-omlty la this line, and ae lbs
number of he.le le rapidly ttirreaeiiig.
this will certainly b pleaamf ts to
tb.iM wbo are eo fortunate aa to owa
(il l Halt baa nail, a menagerie. A
short lime Biro be te.twnt a yonm eoyot
and Hits week b added wr rati be'.
The beppy family are doing well. .!-
111 v Hie mt'-te who tUe with the Iowa
ds J-isl as though hie arieetir f f for
Frank Sbepardson, an engineer on the
Southern Paoifio Ry., who resides at
Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with
rheumatism for a long time. He was
treated by several physicians, also
visited the Hot Springs, but received no
permanent relief until he used Chamber
Inin's Pain Balm. He Bays it is the best
medicine in the world for rheumatism,
For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co.
We learn that the branding oil sold
by us tbis sprine is not working satis
faotorily, it not being as represented to
in. Although we did not guarantee the
oil, we do not wish onr customers to
lose through our mistakes, so if those
who bougbt It and were disappointed
will oall we will cheerfully refund the
money. P. 0. Thompson Co. 2t
W. H. Curry and Frank Thomas re
turned Tuesday eve from a month's trip
overland through Eastern Oregon and
Idaho. Tbey say that Baker City aud
and the Capital oitv of Idaho are dull
very dull, and that Pendleton and Hepp
ner have better times and more money
than any places tbey saw during tbeir
R. H. Kribbs and L. G. Atherton got
in yesterday afternoon from Dayton,
having corae all the way on bicycles.
They and their machines landed in
pretty good repair, considering the
roughness of the roads. The only
difficulty experienced on the way was
with their tires wbioh received a
puncture now and then.
Dr. E. A. Vaughan, the pew dentist,
will Boon leave and we would advise
those who are desirous of fine work to
come in at onoe. Full sets without
plates, bridge and crown work and tbe
most difficult oases in dentistry attended
to with satisfactory results. Everything
guaranteed. tf
Lost Between tbe depot and town,
laRt Saturday, a ladies' gold watch, witb
fob chain. Tbe watoh is blue enameled
on both lids of case. Finder will be
liberally rewarded by returnibg same to
Miss Cora Hart at depot.
The sprinkler wagon is now ready for
business, with Mr. Mitchell to cbarge
Our soribe also notices that the Red
Front grocery and Gilliam & Bisbee's
hardware store have advertisements
thereon. This is enterprise.
The G. A. K. will have a grand camp
fire and reunion at Lexington on the 8rd
and 4th of July. AH are cordially n
vited to attend. Come prepared to
camp on ground. tf.
Gilbousen Bros. , will do a rush of
work at tbeir Heppner gallery up to
June 1st, after wbioh they will oloae
i he gallery for a time. 5 7
For good meat, full weight and cash
prices call on Johnny Uager, the new
butober, next door to the post office.
Wanted Lanndry work by Mrs. C.
Nelson, old Mountain House. Mending
neatly done.
Loin steak, 8 ot. ; ronnd steak, 6 rts.
rib steak, 5 cts., at Hprsya.
Minor & Co. are tbe largest consumers
of home production of any firm in tbe
city. We buy where we buy oheapest;
our customers do likewise. Tbis is tbe
secret of our immense trade. Our busi
ness speaks for itself. We send out no
misrepresentations to deceive tbe public.
Now in regard tothe flour question. We
have often sold as high as a oar in a day
and cannot figure on. tbe old saying,
"Lookout for today; tomorrow will look
out for itself." Our enormous sales com
pels us to buy far in advance; and on
investigating our Heppner mills, we
find there are but 700 barrels of flour in
the mill, at a price of $2 23. Taking
into consideration tbe advance on wheat,
we oiler the miller $2 35 for all he would
sell, but was told he did not think they
would grind any more, and would have
to .distribute what was in the mill
equally, so as to give all a chance, The
following morning they asked $2.40; we
offered $2.50, but still they would not
sell, aud in the face of s rapid advance of
prices, we bought four cars from
distant mill at $2 65, which is 10 cents
less than our competitor can buy it for
today; aud have written for prioes on
four carB more. We expect it to go to
$3 and are buying accordingly.
Any reasonable person oan see at a
glance tbat no one would pay $2.65 for
flonr if they oould get just bs good for
$2.40, as our competitor would have you
to believe.
Minor & Co. shipped in the enormous
sum of 3U0 pounds of bacon last year.
Tbe rest we bought of home farmer
Be not deoeived; God is not mocked;
you can't buy first grade oil for seooud
grade prices.
Yours for business,
Minor & Co.
That is what our competitors have to
say of
Minor & Co.
That there is nothing left to out on that
they have reached tbe bottom on
The daughters of the Midway might have been made more fair it they had
purchased their finery at . BL.U MEN 1 JrlAi-. O. And their hus
bands and male relatives and attendants ought to have each bought one of our
merchant's ALL WOOL 88 50 SUITS.
He is not aooustomed to supplying accoutrements for Commanohes or Hotten
tots, but we dare say tbat tbe daughters and sons ot tne lorest mignt una mucn
to edify them in his store. We would not promise that any of it oame from
Paris or Hong Kong, but as an American store with American ideas, Blumenthal
deals chiefly with the American article.
The fashionable gent or lady will find what they want at BLUMENTHAL a.
There is something for everybody and somebody may have everything, provided
somebody has the prioe. And such suits and dry goods for so little money 1
At the old stand, oorner of May and Main streets,
Core for Headache.
As a remedy for all forms ot Headaobe
Electric Bitters has proved to be the
very best. It effects a permanent cure
and tbe most dreaded habitual siok
headaches vie'd to its mfluence. We
urce all who ara afflicted to procure
bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial.
Il cases of habitual constipation fcleo
trio Bitters cures by giving the needed
tone to tho bowels, and few oases long
resist tbe use nf this medioine. Try
once. Large bottlas only fifty cents at
T. W. Ayers, Jr., drug store.
77 TE CLAIM to carry the largest and best
VW. cpWWI sfork to he ' found ' in this citv.
No Cheap-John goods kept in stock,
find them elsewhere.
We boast on the quantity and quality we
handle, but as to our own honesty we have
nothing to say ; we are like the rest of the human
race, born to cheat, misrepresentation and fraud.
How can she do it? What? Why
serve such dinners. ve win icu you.
Mrs. Sperry has secured tbe services of
Mr. Jean B'-soTch. a fine Frenoh cook,
juet fr'm tbe Hotel Portland, hence the
following, marvelous lull of fare.
Oyster Soup.
Radishes. Green Oi-oiis. Pickled Beets.
Boiled Tongue, piq inote sauoe.
Entrees: Chicken fricassee, HolUnJuise;
Oyster Patties, a la poiiletle;
Veal, a' la atidnlouee.
Prime Roast Beef an J is; Spring Lamb,
Mint Nance.
Vegetable: Green Pesa witb oresto;
String Beans; Mashed Pol atoes.
Desert : Vanilla Ih Cresm ; Strawberries
and Cream; Pies, Lra n.
Assorted Fruits aud Cake.
Mr. Geo. Reynold, Hi" effl'int se-
ad. will have cbariieof tbe dining room
and every one will be waited upoo
returned from Weelon
A soaking rain has reaobed us, but
alas, too late.
Rhea creek was the soeneof a shooting
affair the other day.
Tbe rain has made plowing easy and
farmers are at it again,
Don't forget Children's Day on June
9tb. The loue Sunday school is pre
paring an interesting program. All are
cordially invited.
Tom Woolery has left for the East
with a band of sheep Tom oan now
sing "Tbe girl I left bebiud me."
The obildren of our Sunday school
practiced their patts on Tuesday and
Saturday for the program on June 9th.
The squirrels are more numerous tbis
spring than tbey have been for mauy
years. Unndreds of acres of grain have
been destroyed and in addition to tbe
recent drouth tbe farmers' prospeots
look slim.
An experiment was reoently made by
one of our farmers. Inch board were
et up ou the sides around a garden in
wbioh the squirrels bad destroyed all of
tbe first planting. Openings were let
between the boards and either traps or
poison put there. Tb garden was t
planted and Ibe result is the garden
trnck is growing and tbe squirrels are
keot out. caught or poisoned. It Is
worth trying.
May 2Hth, 1805.
is an
Milk is a true Emulsion, and as milk or cream is
easier to digest and assimilate than butter, so is the
milk or cream of Cod-liver Oil easier to digest and as
similate than raw Oil. This is why Scott's Emulsion is
much more useful and effective than the natural Oil ;
why it accomplishes so much in arresting waste and
building up the body.
But it is much more than ordinary fat food. It has
other constituents that have wonderful healing and
strengthening power, and in addition we add the Hypo
phosphites (or Phosphorus), another most important
element in overcoming decreased vitality or loss of
flesh. These are the reasons why Scott's Emulsion is
benefiting to-dav hundreds of thousands of consump
tives and anaemic persons, as well as being a food and
remedy for sickly, wasting children that is surprising
both to physicians and parents.
Scott & Bowne. New York. All UruKCists. 50c. ana J5i.
Haabeen re-opened by Mrs. J. B. Bperry who will
conduct It in a itrlctly flrnt-clan manner, with the
view ot pleasing tho trade in general.
People from Country Districts will be
made to feci at home.
Sunday Dinners a Specialty! . Popular Prices!
Free 'Bus for Customers to and
from all trains.
MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee.
Attorneys ot Xvw
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
We take plesnnre in recommending
Clismberlsit's Ooiiuh Kemedy beoause
t ia nraised br all who try it." says J
W. Cox A- Hon, druggists, Murshheld,
Oregou. No one alllioled with a throat
or lung Iron rile can use this remedy
without praising it. It always give
prompt relief. It Is especially valuable
for colds as il relieves the Itirnrs. m ikes
breatbinir easier and aula expectoration.
A cold will never result in pneumonia
wben this remedy is taken and reason
able care exerciser!. For ssle by
Slocum-Johnson Prng Co.
I.m,. Mtt,avrh...twhM!li ever maris 1ln IndlmmUtile fni't tt itatidl ill the j
3 front rank with all lilith trade machines, snd It you buy one you will n.ake no mistake. 2
l Hide a RAMHLKIt BlcVCI.IC II you want to Iw happy, lor should your wheel be 4
2 puncturi-d. It rn I mended by you In live minute, a It Is fuulpped wl'h the world 3
... . . ,, 1 I 1 1 A .1.,,. ... r... . I ... P 1. 1 taxi . t.U.1 Pi til
renownea u. ciiiiciiof h w 1,1 wmm v,-,. -
Hold In all site lor Udies or ireiitlemen at lino each.
Taiidurni lor two men or man snd woman, IIIKl cat h.
THE RAMBLER the fastest, II sMr.it snd slrotiKKt
: A.T
'heel In the market
Chicnjjro .IckMil
The lrB'ling lmnkers and
mcrclmnta of Lornl'in, viewing
with alnriii the crowing Beiitiuiput
in favor of liiiiH'talliHm, have orga
nized 11 cold-HUminrci Weine
association. Slmilt' of our fore-
fathf-ra! A aimilar orgnnizntiou
1 1 tut Ikti tM-rfi-ctetl in this) couutry.
We leave our readera, with the
facts well known to all. to draw
their own coticl union.
ror style, finish and durability it U uiisured, It 11 ronsinicieu on aim me. nan- je,
li al aud srlontlllc principle.. 5
f- - M
For men, women. W.ys and lrl. with V. n-1 '' Ineh heels, si t - H re.peet g
Ively are splendid medium araile hela, Willi O. J. IiIkIi grade double l king edK
( Surlier Urea and are fully aarrauled. 4
Before yon buy blryele. write for ealainiun. rlreulara, term, and dlftroutita. or eall ej
on our numerous aiiunta. Hembler kusllnr Wanted In e.rry town In Oregon, Washing 5
tonand.daho. agpmm CYCLE COMPANY, J
... m .. .. . .. li .... I I Bl..t. U.I.
( Nnrthweel repfeaetilatlfe Mormuuy "ni'rjr a.in. mmiiipi m. 1.-, "" 3
m More. n W a.til'ir1on M , rnriiami. nr. r. a neu, . '"""i -m
lecturer. O.ln 1'AVI EKnoN, At lor Moftoa to, Heppner, On '(oil. Jl
1 mi imu imn Ajrma ui ntm
We Sell as Low or Lower than Any of
Our Competitors.
We keep a complete line of everything.
Special Prices on Gents Furnishings.
Wm. Iurao
Saturday last.
Mi Alia lush, of Heppner.
Mrs. 8. K. 8wreter last Week
The rain that bae been much Desle
by the larmer bs ntue in abiltidaiic
and IS still "aoomm .
llieKatd Hollow Miinlav eehod
pfogreewing Meely with Mr. H. W, Tar
ner, as supermtenJent.
Mr. and Mrs Ijoren (letitry and
family were Ibe giiMis of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Gentry last Huoday.
Tb Hnnday srli.Kil ol liUrk H ires ia
prcgrepsing nlivly qnder tbe manage
ment of Mrs. 1-1 H. Iiarao, Hupt.
Mi I.nln It-Kitiiby, one .( the as
mnpli't.ed belle of lntigton, was a
iiel of M's M V. Haeeiaer and Mrs.
K. f . Imuran, Hatarday and Hunday.
Li' a llofcau, ay 27. a'J5.
Rdlua Tolle.
Persons bo are enbjent to altseks of
billons col 10 will Im plea.ed toknow tbat
prumpl relief may be ba-l by Iskioa
Chamberlain's ('lie. Cholera and
Uiarrl.iea Iteruedy. It artaqnukly and
aan alwats be detudei ut' 11. In many
raws the alt ark my le prevented ,y
l.kinn tins remedy a e-xm a the first
indication if tbe disea.e appear., '
and M eent boitlee for sale by Mlootim-
Jolinaoo Dnitf
The National Bank
KuiMintr, .... llcjiuncr, Oregon
Tim Wiirstt.-I want tny a
g'e4, (enOe team of atxint 11 ponnd
borsx-a. Alsxi a stood, seoond-haoij
aK'in and barti and a ffentle sa-l 11
pouy. Have) some n'od, yonna Fbort
bom l.nlle fr sale; alo fine ponttry
and ( for tiateliiiitf. ink firet pniw
on n,v rstll and fowls at Hut fair lt
ear. ( all at Ibe J. tJ Wilenn place
aljove lletititier. N. I. l4aie
Thi$ Spare i Hrrrrcl fur thn
Of It. C. W1U.S, formerly of Issinylun,
v lto it now litmliwj in Hut
llerrcn Iliitlliinj
.V(y Stm l, Jlrj.j.m r, Oregon.
The Hvj Uule
l'or tho Ctntj o
Liquor, 0iium wJ Tobacco Habits
It I 1'naU-d at Salem, Oie(n,
71.4 Mit llniutiul Twn on Iht tVuf .
Call t the Ottsrte or fnf pardrutara.
In. llronnleiituU, Ireaiuienl filial aud
W ten your heart puns von and no-
qnl patptUMoO fre-ient. areorn
I allied f,metime Willi l,i.lr ef
hreaiti and low epiriie yoej are t ti fT-r 'ttaf j hmpl'm-M"itur; irilnw lle1
ff. m a diai.fder. aiata tit be ller, n. .ting ntf, m.iel at night. wor ly
.lij..lion I lmt..rlrt an I It er I liid ! aeralrhieat. If allowed lo eititinn
OF . . .
f y ,'i- x
arai tuna i , sar si naji iiewspyt uoiuiicb1 i - i ... i rja i m a , r r -
' the toroaeq If llowel l.i remain tumor form, bieb of'ea b"' ann r-.t i TZyrM y 1
. MVr-r H,r.r,,nir of 0 rmit H(ttK9 0f 0lMm. UUiXtK K ' : AND WE
Cofiial and Hl-Kt a Hl-r I adwifably M,M-,t,t,,. s, Ui t., ,i.t p,n iorf. b..l. nlrrli... an I is tu-t ee. f nrsrar ..ivy tT t" r ' W A I
aiapiei '- ' " ffwe on the BMaranew I be fir.t i retn-Ve I tnm-r. tt tf nrfgi-i. "t ein .... 1 ... Mrkrily Liye, 1 1I T T It R . i J"" 5W ViX 1 1 I Wflf f I Mr
Ion. li. ...! ':,,....-. lv.J. II MeUan. 1., mad. f.r. Vi e-bi. If ..)-.. rv. ?Z V IVW S , A K I- WILLING
lare-.ly tlHbia.le t.w.l.M. ,,4 K,.lB,f Mm ,, Mp,ir . l.,,..d ; ,,l. .M, l.l . te.ta,. .. Uh ..!-...... w..a ... ; H I. 11 ( Ml r ' w.,, ,..4.. 1... s. 4 S k VI
lt energy wt.n. rpn.-M " l Ul l" ; f b,bs Cure ,. ...I , 'l i ? -"atar; 1 1,; 1.; r- V () UNLOAD
Ilia pleMrlti lb l'.ily te.ne oa I l rufe Ineiplent tt.ampi It Is 1 (t'i "ra.it-. .1 (. .. !.. if .1 .'. M r w.. g x
th l"u' b an I l a'm'eaa wad.f pr- Ciurtai t' 4 N tM T'irin C'dy 1 ti. le tViugb('u'ly er.t a d -". ! ,., ..h.,, i 1 i,,.i iki 1 eiua-n dn .-1 bis . ite u R w ai.. ti..
Ioeo. I'r 11 tf hn-ll th-rm. f the W.lum.o. V.li.v M e Ill rV 1 1 by 1. W. ,.,,,, Zf.ZZi 1 " J.;.!". ' t... It In Afkvrtk(T .it .'l LTC.lt (111.1 IK'l.ll S.1CH-
Adtrwi!l iesj In the r-t-fa ri,.ntniia Aii -a. at Olalei.n- Ayere.Jr. , u ' 4i, wi.ai. .4 , i....... ik. ..h 11 -a u II I" a' l v.1 I lav-1 r ll it mvi...
I . I prooftow (H.lor.Uyl sttsisi, J. f.k t-. uly. pr..eai.e tob. tt, pai..i " ; , r' ti s bwiiii... Hm twi, . . , . . . I
1st. No ia will I- ie b. tusk. .fiiie ev.r wtit.ewet in . e. i-rNr- iniurn I v.,.. at f tk (tHan..f a. '" " o tt.earx. flCC 1 (III llC-CU it 111 VOUF .H.MIH'SS, and AS il
..... i !.. i i..i. m v 1 1 - ipi"ii ,.--" - - --- -p iiiiiiii-r 111 11 111 h vvi iiiiil .1' 1
iiiit.... - .p....... - - - -
the fli' a ffaod neiee ar..! sa j "ijw.l t. ! p,Mi. mil
a 1 "ft .f pleaaqr aid el ) tlii.M li It If ee...flaiK.a lio.a, C.,i.1,m 1. 1 l.
it.ril-a'. Tl tl f SMiieot to he , '.f ! .U, ... !- lov.t.l l i I
f,a-l W!l I f-i-be-i by '' i p'rafit on I'al'i 'Me ly, l'i. Hi
mrtl I',, yd 4 eiaiir g rem ll ; w eli e e... ,t '.t.,,-.r, .'.I
tti.tr .' pa'pof aijd wt l rv fi , .! .li.r
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