TIME TABLE. Ptape for Hardman, Monument. Lone Creek, lohn Day and Canyon Citv, leaven as followi : Every day at S a. m.. except Snndav. Arrive every day at 6 p. m., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and beat line to or rom the interior ennnfry. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phlll Conn, Aueut. on c can get the best beer in Heppner at Q. rowe'a, 5 cents per gliss, B. Ted- If you want the finest liquorB, cigars, etc., call at Ted's City Hotel Bar ! Here and There. Milliooa ride the Rambler. Try Morean's creamery butter. tf. Don't overlook Johnny Hager for good meat. Try Spray's Lama and bacon, the best in town. P. Cohn got back home from Portland Saturday. A. W. Bateiger was np from lone Saturday last. Gilliam & Bisbee have sheep shears plenty of them. tf. opray s pressed peer, someluing new fine for lunches. will Only tf. return to Don Marble Works, over from Ridge Avers guarantees his poison $2.50 per dozen. Photographer Dowe Heppner in July. Read "Coin's" publications. Carlos Boyd, agent. The Niles-Vinson, Walla Walla, Wash. W. E. Hiatt oame' Saturday on business, The Rambler is a high grade wheel. Otis Patterson, agent. E. Minor and William Ayers are over in the CamaB oountry fishing. B. F. SwHggart left yesterday for Colfax and adjoining sections. For fine millinery and cheap, see Mrs, Le B .llistster at the Oity bote). 2t. Jack Lake and Cbas. McDowell were passengers on Saturday's up train. Bill Starratt, Marion Rounds and Tip Williams got in Sunday with wool. The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $275 per year, both strictly in advanoe. Bob Wills, the Lexington merchant, was seen on our streets Saturday last. La Grande Marble Works, Li Grande Ore. S, 0. Smith, salesman, Heppner. Those who want a good wheel at moderate price should see the Cresoent. Miss Elsie Farmer, of Eight Mile, has secured a eohool over in Grant oounty. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and Swaggart's "H ure Shot" is the stuff to do it with. tf The ohanoe to get fine millinery cheap, will last but one week. Call at City hotel at onoe. 21, Mrs. J. V. Crawford aod her daughters. Mrs L. G. Atherton and Miss Gertrude Crawford, accompanied by Jamie Ather ton. arrived overland Saturday from WaitsbUrg. Wash., to visit W. V. Craw ford and family of this place. Mr. L. G. Atherton, who is Mr. Crawford's brother inlaw, Mr. Roland Kribbs, formerly of this place and employed io the tlonring mill as miller, and Mr. Grant Burkhart are on their way from Dayton, WaRh , on bioyoles and are expected here today. In the spring, the human body needs aseintanoe to throw off the stagnation i roduoed by winter diet. As the temperature rises under the growing heat the sun's ravs we feel tired, half sick and low in spirits, because the blood is singgisn and full of impurities. Dr. J. 11. McLean's Strengthlng Cordial and Blood Purifier is a reliable spring remedy to invigorate the body and give tone to the digestion. Price $1 per bottle. Pilot Rook Record : Married At the residence of A. H. Henderson, near Pilot Rook, on May 4th, 1895, W. W. Hale and Miss Emma Waldron, Justioe Henderson offioiatiog. Both are well known io Pilot Rook, and their muov friends wish them a happy and prosper ous voyage over life's troubled sea. The Record extends congratulations. (Mr. Bale is a eon of Mrs. Fred Sherman, of Heppner. May their venture be b happy one. Ed.) Jot Herren. who ie working for J.- M. Hager, oame into Dr. MuSworda' offioe Sunday night with his right ear split open, caused by sudden and violent contact with a sharp-edged rook, no doubt. His trouble was of a private nature, and as it oaused no arrests, there is a lingering doubt in the minds of some as to whether or not the young man whs to blame t'rank Shepardson, an engineer on the Southern Pacific Ry.. who resides at Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with rheamatinm for a long time. He was treated by several pbysiciaus, also visited the Hot Springs, but received no permanent relief uutil he used Chamber linn's Pain Balm. He says it is the best medicine in the world for rheumatism. For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. We learn that the branding oil sold by us this spring is not working satis factorily, it not being as represented to u Oibouseo Bros, are making a special out on largs fumily groups; call and get their prices. tf Pierre Soharff oame np from Arlington Saturday, aud will shortly leave for his borne in Grant couoty. A. W. Patterson baa secured the agency for the Monarch, a light, easy running high grade maohine. Improve your fowls and don hi a yonr production of egns. W. W, Smead can tell you bow it is dune. Information free. tf, Rev. J. W. Jenkins, the Christian minister, accompanied by his two little daughters, came op from The Dalles Saturday. Have yon seen the Rambler? Otis Patterson will have a samp e here this we It. It it a very popular, high grade machine. Have yon read ''Coin's Financial HoIum)!" ami his other books? If not yon should see Duo Carlos Boyd and get them. Johnny Hornor is over at Pendleton to spend a week's vacation. Harry Bagley ia teaohiog bia school daring bis abaeuoe. Oreeo Mathews for ahavlng, bair cottiug, ebaupooiog and all other work in that line. Uathi at any time during business hours. Rev. Frauk Adkin and wife and Mint Kiimh Lney and Maggie Adkins are over io IVnilletun attending M. L South conference. Meadows & Hcnvne r, the blacksmith. horhiKrf; an 1 wood butchers, at the old Guun Mind, Main street, Heppner. Call oo the boys. Mat hut t Bros.. City hotel harbor shop. tonm.ri.il artists. lUtreuttii.tr. shaving, , ,( ,vr(,l(,. SliainpOOintf, lie, U"UB uirutiuui.il. Hatha at 26 ceota apiece. Wm. A. Imes and W. L. Itsrtlett are here in to tnlereal of the Maccabees, a reputable beneficiary society, and inteud to urgautze Friday night licit. The G. A. II , of Lexington, will bold a row ting io Heppner week from text Saturday. All teleraoe who are members are lev ited to be prevent A. W. and Olie Petlerano g bark from Portland Hainrday with fair bealtb rtgardleea of sudden, though riot un expected, cootaut with a "gold brie." Aoy mveotor In Eastern Orgon who d'nir the eervtce of an attorney to Washington, 1. O, will find It to his advantage to call oo or addreaa this pa per. Wf The eiajimUoat. Norma, has been taken from lltntttngtoo It iwietiio and will lly Hoake river hereafter The navi gation of the upper river proved failure. Found A revolver eo road beiweeo Heppner aoi C. F. Levde'e reoeb. (letter ean have eame by railing no Mr. Leyd". proving toe property aod p i"g for tbie aotiee. & Wil Itfnck e'rived from Uker City pWtnr lay nlnM. j .mii.tf hie wife who waa formerly Mi Klhr Kb'- He will r-malu a few days to viait Mrs. Brock' relative. II P. Kwaggsrt la prerre. to firntb bia "More Mm" ''iirre poiaon In b'le.tl lota. He baa already received a lat. nr.ler rrom w i.ir i"a ami Although we did not guarantee the oil, we do not wish oor customers to lose through our mistakes, so if those who bought It and weredisappoiuted will oall we will cheerfully refund the money. P. 0. Thompson Co. 2t Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood PurifW is admirably adapted to mke "a little bealth go a long way." Its curative power is largely attributable to its stimulant, tonic and nutritive properties, by which the energy of the system is recruited. It is pleasant to the taBte.easily borne on the stomach and harmless under pro longed use. Prioe $1.00 per bottle. Mrs, M. Le tiallistster, a milliner of many years experience, baa arrived from The Danes and is looated for one week only at the City hotel parlors, where she has an elegant die, play of fine mi'linery, consisting of ba's, bonnet ribbons, etc. SL'e is disposing of this stock very cheap. Call before it is all gone. 2t. Dr. E. A. Vanghan, the rew dentist, will soon leave and we would advise those who are desirous of fine work to come in at onoe. Full sets without plates, bridge and crown work and the most dillicult cases in dentiotry attended to with satisfactory results. Everything guaranteed. tf Ike Ennis has a stock of bioycle repairs and will fix your wheel up at reasonable rates. It is his intention to make a specialty in this line, and as the number of wheels is rapidly increasing, this will certainly be pleasing news to those who are bo fortunate as to own bike. tf, Eagle: Robert T. Ilynd, a prominent young elieepraiter, has accepted the position of secretary aud manager for the M. C. L. & T Co., vice Geo. D. Fell The latter gentleman will bny wool tor the Judd it Root firm of Hartford, Conn. Subscribers to the Weekly Bun, the coming paper of Oregon, i per year. With the (laz tte, both in advance, 2 75 per year. A good combination. Two of the people's papers at one price. Subscribe at the Gazette oftine. Pole Thompson's four-borse team ran away early this morning, scatter ing sheepHhearers' traps considerably, but really doing little damage. Pole held to the airings till the refractories were gotten under control. Broderick Boyd, son of Dr. J. M. Itoyd. of Spokane, and brother of Don Carli lloyil. of (lis place, arrived last evening from Spokane and leaves to morrow for I.oiig Ctet-k to accept a place on the Enle. Fred Bock, an experienced butcher from Portland, has accepted a pnaiMon ill Hates St Mathews bit'Cher shop. here he will erv (lie piihllu in the het of ettle. Freab meats aud hotiet BAFFLES COUNTERFEITERS. The Cnlacky Opal Defle. the Imitative Skill or the Moderns. One kind of orial, the hydropane of Mexico, loses its beauty and becomes dull and colorless when exposed to water The same stone, says the West minister Review, it is said, can be re stored to its color and beauty by sub jecting1 it to a certain degree of heat. A writer on the subject says that the opal is always much more brill" mt on a wirm day, and that a sharp dealer will always hold one in his hand a short time before showing it to a pur chaser. In ancient times the opal was most successfully imitated by a glass paste, which could only be distin guished from the real gem by the most careful exports. The art has been en tirely lo.st, for the best counterfeiters fail to produce a stone that in the least battles the connoisseur. The finest opal of modern times, says King, was cue which belonged to Empress Josephine, and which was called the "Burning of Troy," because of the in numerable red flames blazing upon its surface, while the reverse was perfect ly opaque. In the troublous times that followed the Napoleonic period the gem was lost sight of, and there is left no trace of it. There are two wonderful opals among the French crown jewels, one of which is set in the clasp of the imperial cloak. Em press"Eugenie is said to have a most superstitious dread of them and would not wear an opal fof any persuasion. Queen Victoria does not share this feel ing with her. She, on the contrary, admires the gem very much, and has given to each of her daughters, or their marriage day, various pieces oi jewelry set with the iridescent gem. There are many varieties of opals, coming from almost as many quarteri of the globe. The opal found in Hun gary was thought to be harder am more durable than those found in Mex ico and South America, but since the better development of the mines in those places stones have been found quite the equal of Hungarian gems. IN CEMENT. Are Very De- On Frictions!- PREDICTION FOR HEPPNER : A bree- zy time may be expected at Ben Hunsaker's, followed by a regular cyclone of low prices that will Bweep all opposition before it. Showers of purchasers will follow, succeeded by a general clearing term. Besides a general line of grocer ies, Hunsaker carries Tinware, Wood and Willow Ware, Glass ware and Crockery, Cigars, Tobac cos, Confectionaries, Etc. Old Blackman Stand (Successor to Jerry Cohn.) B. A. HUNSAKER, Prop. SALT WATER The Sulphates of the Sea Btructlve. In the opinion of Dr. Michaelis, of Berlin, the greatest enemies to the per manency of the Portland cement used in marine structures are the sulphates contained in sea water. If there is any great quantity of alumina tnd ferric oxide in the cement the structure breaks up sooner than otherwise. This is accounted for by the fact that the sulphate forms, with the aluminate and ferrate of lime, a number of crystalline compounds, such as bassic sulphate of lime, alummo-sulphate and ferro-sul-phate of lime. These compounds take up a large quantity of water of crystal lization, so that the total volume is much increased. Hence the weakness and disintegration of the cement struc ture. Dr. Michaelis considers that the separation of hydrate of magnesia is quite innocuous, for it is only displaced from its solution in the form of a floc- culent, slimy hydrate, which, if any thing, is useful in stopping up the pores. His general recommendation to users of concrete for marine work is to choose a cement rich in silica and ntt poor as possible in alumina and ferric oxide, and to envelop the structure with an impenetrable mixture com posed of one part of cement with two to two and one-half parts of sand of mixed grain, of which at least one-third 1 should be very fine wind, and to this the requisite amount of ballast should be added. THIS MAIV HAS STRUCK BOTTOM That is what our competitors have to Bay of Minor &lCo. That there is nothing left to out on that they have readied the bottom on everything. 77 TE CLAIM to carry the largest and best vJvA. cplprfprl ctnrlr tn Vip fnnnri in tn No Cheap-John goods kept in stock, you can find them elsewhere. We boast on the quantity and quality we handle, but as to our own honesty we have nothing to say ; we are like the rest of the human race, born to cheat, misrepresentation and fraud. Tiie RAMBLER Ib one of the very best wheels ever made Is an Indisputable fact. It stands in the front rank with all high grade machines, and if you buy one you will make no mistake. Ride a RAMBLER BICYCLE if you want to be happy, for should yonr wheel be m j3 punctured, it can be mended by you in Ave minutes, as It is equipped with the world tftj renowned u. & J. cuncner ores wun wooa rims or copper-piaiea sieei rims. Sold in all sizes for ladieB or gentlemen at $100 each. Tandems for two men or man and woman, (160 each. THE RAM BLER is the faBtest, lightest and strongest wheel in the market For style, finish and durability It is unsurpassed, as it is constructed ou strict mechan ical and scientific principles. Chicago Ideals ffl For men, women, boys and girls, with 28, 26 and 24 inch wheels, at A5, f!i5, 45 respect- gj ivelv, are splendid medium grade wheels, with G. St J. high-grade double locking edge 55 Before you buy a bicycle, write for catalogue, circulars, terms and discounts, or call : Kammer Hustlers anted m every town in Oregon, naalilug- on our numerous agents. ton ana Idaho. FRED Northwest representatives Gormully A Jeflery Manf. Co't "Rambler Bicycles." Main i Store, :W7 Washington ht , Portland, Or. MaJ E. A. Weed, Gen. Traveling Agent audi lecturer. una rAi ltitBUM, Agt. lor Morrow uo., tieppuer, uregon. T. MERRILL CYCLE COMPANY, HBIBi Re-Opened! HOTEL Has been re-opened by Mrs. J. B. Bperry who will conduct it in a strictly flrst-claps maimer, with the view of pleasing the trade In general. People from Country Districts will be made to feel at home. Sunday a Specialty ! Popular Prices ! . Free 'Bus for Customers to and from all trains. MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee. CASTE FOLLOWS THE NOSE. Tell the AN ILL WIND ! Attorneys cit Inxv, I T is au ill wind that blows no good, and although the play ful pranks ot Old Boreas exposes this fond couplo to temporary em- barrasstnent, the situation greatly amuses the spectators. All business attended to in prompt and sntiafaotory manner, Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL DANK Likewise the situation at Ii... 1 ONI: Joe W00LE11Y rince it has become Generally known that CAHHIKN A. IM Jl,Iv IIrVIC GENERAL MERCHANDISE Which he aella at Bed Ilock l'rioea. OF Tli eclclirati-d Kentucky J nek, Eil, w.ll ataii'l the i-tn at Willi Hlrwarl'a llfrry Ubl. IVrin are rei" onlile and will mtrle known on application. Ho Tan Hlmu or With htcwart. tf. Cba. U. Crane ia back lrro California aid will rrloro o "t'b a car loa.l of borwa. Tbry will tw driven to A fling t tn today, to I tbii pd from l bat pom l, destination Santa K , T. W. Ayra, Jr., i rnkir o,'ilrrel pnltno tbat b a-Uamm. Nn kill no ami nrlla It Tl PnU tM Can. ft e a for tl &i; f per doxna. it a am til and try It. tf. Tli. A. K will hava a grand camp Or and f 'in ton at LMtnutim on Hi 3"1 and 4.b d Jnly. A I are cordially ti vitrd It a'lrnd. Corne prrparrd to ramp no fronn I. If. lt-al "Oiin'a Financial Hcbmd," and ll, n take np bla othir pnblipatinoa Thry ar aM ccvinama. intrMlii. l)oo Carba lt-')d, agent. blm. Mai.' Iratra fr lbo Moedara, UfHt'oaday. and Friday, rftnmina- n Tnrlaa, Tbnd and Hatorday. It. W l. Prop, T. W. A yrraJr,, aa-.nl (1. B IUtl, lb tonaorial a'ti't. Can h f'tord at b parlura, Mtck ornr, ; itirra b will ilin at popnlar pfl'"-, 1 sli, liaiu("'a, Laifouta. tic. ()ilbnno V"-. will (I 'i a toh rf ntk at thir llptr ifallrry op to June ll. f'r which lbf will tb ll'y f"' a tiin. 5 7 T. IL Iltwarl inak a aifcialif in AuthropuloRlata Hiiy lh None Culture or Villi. Anthropoliipy, wiidSir William Flow er, in becoming of the highest impor tance in politics. If we tnkc a wrlcs iif castes in llencal, Ufliar or the northwestern provincra und nrrunjfe them in the order of the nvcrnife niisul index, so tbnt the euste with the finest nose hlmll be ut the top. Mini that with the eourscst at te bottom of the list, It will lc found that this order ruIk Ktantiully corresponds with the accepted order of social precedence. The ciihteles tribes who have not yet entered the Iirtihmunictil system oc cupy the lowest place in both aeries. The fisher castes are a trifle higher In the aculc; the pnstoral. the cultivatinir, and a pronp of ci.nute custea from whose lunula a l.rulinian may take water-follow in due order; and from I armers of Kipjlit Mile, Davidson, Gooseberry, Douglas, Jordan them we pu to the trading and the Fork and lone sections can do no bettor than make their purchases of inn. h. . iiiitrciusaeaaua the upper cruat jon jle carries a full lino of Furnishing Goods, Ikx.ts and fslioes, i. iiiii.iii r" ... I. ... IhU'i it Is icaicrly a para down ii.ii 1..W ..f the caste organization in Kasteru lii.lia Unit a nian'a social statu vnrirs in Inverse ratio to the width of bis Hose. A topical Koii'f three thousand years old was sung it. a comic opera lately product d in Austrnliu l y a trureliiig ChiiieM" roinpnnv. '1 'be bi't ry of tills vt ntnil le 1 1. Ilii. I l- uutbt'iitii'iitt'd ty the aniruiutioll of the chief comedian of the troupe, ho avi r tinit the at.ng bus la't'M M'l' on the h!t."se atH;f Mtli I he t tiii.al wor-u i.i. I miit.it' sinee P:.i Ii. t'. A Melto.iinie tlitk MIV the lie.'i'liinint it. if melmly "eon- misled partly "I a ' hiiife eliopplng Wood, .l;rll. i f Mlioill r I I'll st'.nl liloW Ing a hull 1" ru win le.riii'lc Intens ity of i u. rt. w,,' :.r l"f a curioiia slrini(tl lii-lruiiH ill, wl.i.h uiakca a tiolse like an infant crying In the tiighl." TaM WamriiD.-I want to buy go-id, Keotl team of about l-M pound bora. Alao a food, eeod-bDl waa-on and hrn and a g-nlle sa-ldl boil. liar otn ao'xl, ynuctf Pbort BEPPNER, : BUILDINO. OREGON L0 ftW dox to lay Groceries, and in fact a ctiraplete sUx k of general merchandise. 1 aw. IOMS, - - OREGON. Our Heputation for pstiuai-o Ut'almy;: X ft rJt'aS'littt 4m v t r anaiiMsa U a r rt c 0 f- C3 of bJ) 3 i m ii 1 1 y r. -av . mm TalKing THrougn His Hal! Tha man who talks through hi bat ii everywhere io evidence Tery objection able evidence it is, too, io most oases. The man of intelligence, ooveri bis eraninm witb one of T. it. nowAiurs fine straw bat, which ia in itself a sign of prosperity and good taste, lie also bny hi groneries, gents' fur nishings, sloi knimi's snpplitHi, eta,, at T. R. HOWARD'S. Mr. Howard makes a apeelaliy in those things required by sheep and cattlemen . V Remember the plane hs HEPPNER BLOCK, Main St., Poor d. Hire south of the Udy hotel. The Kentucky Jack, 4 J ; 0' UR COMPETITORS arc do!nK their best to reach our mark hut they can't do i..f P..i a .-..., "--a . lit 1 1 C II 1 borobnll. for .ale; al.o fin. poul.ry t till tllCV a(i()J)t OUT principle 01 Se 1 1 1 H IT Oil V and ttf fr batebing. 1ik flrat pna ( J I 1 I r J ;.,r7W at Honest Prices. We don t claim to be the cheapest house on earth but we do try to deal honestly with all. s I IIS Jack, formerly the property of C. S. Kirk & Sons, will stand the Season at His Stewarts Sialic, Heppner. abnva lioppoer. N. 0. Mt. 37-M. el' k .i, Notice of Intention. i Mi'-rri' f at i RNt'K. ohr'.o I Uho. Ky where it baa l-n fd. d t,,l' t i.liiio wHb all awld it baa aol failed to titermioet Iba lull peat. Uia Iva Miteb-'.l ilaogbUf "f CWar MiU-l.ll. earn up halorJay ffoni Tbe Ia'.i wbr b ba Ueo aitfe ! in aefc.ir.t. hia ieiTd a painful lajary lo br nabt arts reatif wbiea prie. br fr paftaiM b'f atodiee lor lb prwat. a ..... . 1 I . . rtti 1I l rarrin' a "ort una. Mm bi new a I. If. Nw Ilmn ao 1 fl fbff n.i ot irg maei.tii l e.t I f eb. U nl "hag f Inu'-f Mae,m frn. U op. AUfN. A. Ua-b, Lf "f Urn. Oftom. 'f. U.nM-lAai.dry work by V C. It.f n.ninl arl f Si"! t".l'" ntl.,1, t., r . S"l .f-it In . ii i.tl i I, .. ri.im aM ltil Mi't .".f ' mtvl. h.ln. t M-rtn. '-"'iii't ' ,r. .1 ll (..f Oof-iii, n . I'. l,l I k lnvl'Htl 114 In M' l l .t !i. a mr A a 4 W'i !r m . Tf "'Fa' r w I II. ,,am. M,m ! ;. ! o ' ' . , tarn.Oiti.m. tfiAma. UIM.B a ld c litll at0 I X. ('nf r. Cheap jfala are dear at any triri, aid orjr teaa ar th leat that the money will buy. lWt forget tha .aco. c. 'riio;viraSox comimv Notice of final Settlement. u4 Mi l tan. l fi A lUftM A.I a.f,n. fr.l Wrt!l. "IP h ata,if .1 i4 U'yp'it. M'.ff." to. a. r ):' I KKfts by t.tVtt Tit AT Tl It a'"l p1mtm'1A l"f mmiU t ...4 0,. fir a"-r,i,t.t. a. .rtt a'lm.u-at..r. aoa tt.a ..(... n1 ihat Moniar t .t .f "t Jn.f. t., iiKoiwlt n . nf a.al af kti la f iu.tm4 M tH trt ht t, hHflh. M Notice Of Dissolution. NoTirr, i iimr-AY i.tvri that thr F1nr.hti I t'''-fa .st.it.t ltti M P H't'lM H t. , '' laa hana M M'."- a a - . tf.'l.mn A m H.i..lthnl r.-, ati rr..i tw a It .'r" !, II tmf MH (liM'.I.M l-t m-it'.ftl r',...t. II f W.fr.a Mt-f Terms made known on application. J. R. SIMONS. Is the Place for Fresh Groceries, Cheap for Cash Only. fPCSH BREAD, CAMS AND PUS At WAYS ON HAND. lor lb prwet. I N a.. nM M 'u.fin II ' M-n I lONtf LONtO, " ,,...( I i.t,.4 ..t i. . i, t. ...t t r n, m.- t ? ' I ' '' I " '" ' ' Tff rql ! p-.i.-tt - . n-l,.. ' ' .. . , . . . J.M. ..i. .. .. ,.i ... .. o,. ,. , ...., , 1f t 111 Dl ..I. . f iL. 'm at tho