lfYflUWELIPR ASS who are not afraid to act in ac cordance with the best interests of our people, free from the slime, corruption and arrogant dictation of the money power of Europe. In its small sphere, the Gazette will continue more earn estly than ever to "speak out in meetin' " on the question at isbue. OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON, . . . Editor Business Manager Geo. P. Hughes, a delegate elected down at Portland, was one of the strong anti-Dolph men last winter. PATKOXJZE HOME INDUSTRY. The battle for the proper recog nition of silver in the ranks of the republican party has just begun Paste this in your hat. The Northwest Sportsman under the management of H. G. Mathies is one of the best periodicals of the kind published in the West. Mathies is "all right." The Gazette does not believe in "begging" any question, but on the contrary contends that a brave man will not "stand from under" when it comes time for action. The Pilot llock Record is the latest advent in the newspaper world. Though the field ia un tried, yet we hope it ' will prove a good one. ThoB. Nelson is the editor and publisher. Summed up in a few words, hns silver fallen in value compared with those things used to buy money, or is it a fact that gold hns enhanced in purchasing power? We deny that the first proposition is true, but insist most emphatically that gold has risen in value, and under the single standard will continue to rise. It is really laughable to see Lyman J. Gage, John It. alsh and J. Lawrence Laughlin, com ing out in the papers and denying that thev attended "Coin's" meet ings, or that they made the re marks that "Coin" said they did, rso man wuo read the book ever supposed for a moment that they did. It is astonishing to think that these men are such infernal chumps. Notwithstanding the positions they occupy, they have shown to the world that they are the three most consummate asses that ever nibbled at a wisp of hay, Salem Independent. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The nndersiffDed having been restored to health by simple means, after suffer ing for several years with a severe lung affeotion, and that dread disease, uon sumption, is anxious to make known to hia fellow eutterers the means or cure. To those who desire it, be will cheerful ly send, free of charge, a copy of the pre- soription used, which they will find a sure cure tor Consumption, Astnma, Uhv tarrb, Bronchitis and all throat and nine maladies. He hopes all sufferers will EIGHT MILE ITEMS. The principle of sending out of the country for articles that are raised cr ruannfitctared at home, is a pernicious one and shonld be discouraged by all who are interested in the prosperity of our own town and oonnty. "In onion there is strength," and if our people would stand by each other, patronizing home industry in preference to sending our money out of the country, the bard times would soon lose its terrors and prr sperity reign supreme. Heppner has a good flouring mill, equipped with the latest and most im proved machinery, and turning out first grade flour, yet some of our business men, under the hallucination common to humanity, that something produced at a distance is better thin can be pro duced at home, are decrying the quality of home-produoed flour, and sending money away for other brands, thus building up rival communities to the manifest detriment of our own, as this money spent'with our own mills would again circulate among our people. There is a well equipped job printing office in our town that pays taxes in Morrow county and has several em ployees who patronize tbe town, yet some of oar business men are sending to other towns for their job work, where tbe money will never return. Our farmers are oapable of furnishing this market with all of the bacon and such farm produce required, and the money paid foreign paoking houses and railroad freights might as well be thrown away, as far as building np home in dustry is ooncerned. However, we have firms like P. 0. Thompson Company, who uphold home industry, giving home production the preference, and such firms should re- nsB his remedv as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost ceive the unqualified support of all who them nothing, and may prove a Musing, ,eBjre tbe prosperity of our own town will niHHNH HtlurtiHH, xfcHv. uLfvianu i. WIUON, Brooklyn, N. Y. junll-w. and country. Miss Eva Brians, of yniir eity, is visit ing friends in this vicinity. Ed. Rood is through shearing aud is having his wool hauled off. W. O. Worden has moved t the mountains to stay this summer. Fanners are still summer-fallowing but the ground is getting rather dry for same. Luther Huston has been Ranting timber culture trees out on his timber oulture this week. Cliff Jones is as busy as ever this spring blacksmitbing. He has had con siderable work to do. Wjll Allison came over from the miues last week. He states that water is getting rather low over there. We had a frost Tuesday night last which played havoc with Bquasb vines and such like, however, not injuring the fruit any. The farmer who sold his wheat for 25 cents a bushel, undoubtedly realizes where he is at by this time, but "there is a good time a ooming, boys." Jim Inskeep bae struok water in the well be has been digging. I suppose he is ready now for some one who would make use of it in the way of cooking. Eight Mile needs a good store, and why don't some good-natured person that has the capital build oner 1 am satisfied that a good trade oould be built up here. Tom Graham & Co., have just fiuished threshing John Alston's wheat, and it was in good condition for same, having been kept over winter. Surely Eight Mile can't be beat. Mr. Alstott did not thresh bis grain last fall on aooount of wheat being bo low in price. As prices have enhauoed this spring he concluded it was best to thresh. J. D. Eight Mile, Or., May 24th, 1895 BOUND TO BOH UP. From the E. O. It was good politics for the republi cans to bave no splits in their ranks at this time on the financial question, as it would have been the "opportunity of a "i always be depended upon, Billons Colic, Persons who are subjeot to attaoks of bilious colic will be pleased to know that prompt relief may be had by taking (JhainbnrlHin'B (Jolio, unoiera ami lliarrbrea Remedy. It acts quickly and In many , . t , , ... i i crtnrn inn nunun uinr un.nun.u vjj lire nine ior m-ir compei.mm wnu are hjg nmeA M B()(m M ,he fi,H, uncertain whioh way the oat is going to Uidiontion of the disease appears. 25 jump and aooordmgly undecided what and 50 oent bottles for sale by Slooum- tndo. The republicans (cted wiselv in Johnson Urug Co. the meetings of their dabs at Portland in not allowing the free silver radioals to secure Any Apparent foothold. It was even the right view for the conservative aiiverites to take And the action of the olubs oil the financial question Is strong evidence that it was so understood and was in no way a victory for any par ticular faction. It the believers in the single gold standard for a minute allow themselves to think that the people are FROM SALEM. It SEEMS that some will insist on establishing relationship be tween Congressman Kllia and the Patterson IJros., of all sorts rang ing from half -lirothor to brothers-in-law. While this is indeed flattering to us, and wo tiust not particularly displeasing to Mr, Ellis, we must insist once for all that there is not a word of truth in this statement, which is commonly believed by many and has Won induHtriously circulated in print No political action of the Tatter noun necessarily represents his wishes, and vice rrrm. The Oregoniau insints that the result of the recent convention of republican clubs at Portland was no vindication of "the thirty." Let ui nee. The convention was packed to down the independent biineUllihts and yet the latter jhjIIihI nearly 400 out 1,050 votes, How many silver men voted with tho majority, believing that it was not tho proper time to discuss the financial question? Wo would put that numW at not less thau 'J00, It is noticeable, too, that the "goldites" put oil their tickets sev rral rank anti-Ilpli men, two whom, Hon. TIiom. II. IVnguo am Dr. J. N. Smith, received renped ively, fur il. leHle-ht-lure mid de cH'iU from tho firat cunresi-ioiia dinttict, 720 and IU votes. If the kiiiejo ntniidnrd men rati get any consolation out Hum lliey ale Inore thnn i1.mii. to it Tilt (iAZettl ft ill continues t . lo it ire innco ai l vull tnsixl on it rilit to a Iv.h'M. itxIetHMidciit lilteUlIiim by the I'nited State, Mono of Mitt iicci hnry jxilitirnl inovei i.f tlm future, the cnuii). nation of which, Mid it ot.lv, will rent. .re to (hit nnti 'ii it fotim r oetity. Other leinlstiotl tut) llttlp, but it will fall .h..ft f the lihjevt a invht 1 atUilied. If thu pilh'V cf this country to d,. riM dtr, and cotmrijnently thoft thills U 1 t buy lh' llu'tiey of ultilllttt redemption, b'VUl-e 111111 el ill Col) lltioll Will llTef-UKIIi C outline Wlier ailtpr buy m much m it rtfr did, tuettu. itig of Court lh riil,neenirt,l f golJ. 0 rt)Ul indeed eo our (stopl l:..J.tef il,i ati-l tlellg taU derr t l rrr difficult to Hemmer ClirlHtlan Endeavor Society Krprf. xrutrd at Sale Ui.-Llvf ly Times at the 0. O. F. SHOOTING AFl'BiY. Frank Wilkennon, or Clark's Canyon, Slioots Charley Beymer Yenterday. Biymer not Serious. y Hurt. Charley Beymer came t) town yester day with a bullet wound in his left hip, seeking medical aid. Dr. Mo-Swords was called and removed the bullet. The wound is not a serious one and the youog man will soou recover, provid ed he takes o.ireof himself aud no nnlooked- for coinplioatiocB arise. The shooting was done at Fiank Wilkenoon's out at his home ia the head of Clark's Canyon. Some trouble had been brewing between Ueymer and Wilkensou for some time, the latter accusing the former of taking some barley. Newt, and 'G?ne Jones and Beytuer were out chasing coyotes, and meeting Wilkeoson the trouble wits renewed. All went down to Wilken son's house to inspect some evidenoes of tbe truth of the charges made against Beymer. Further quarreling eQsued, re sulting in tbeshootiug. The injuredman must have had his back to Wilkenson probably getting away from the weapon at the time bs the ball entered at the back part of tbe bip, striking the femur bone and glancing around to the front, just under the skin where it was re moved. The weapon used was a 38 cal., Smith & Wescon revolver. Wilkenson oame to town and gave himself up to the authorities, and was released for trial tomorrow under $150 bonds. Lateb Trial in progress as we go to press. Shilob's Cure, the great Gondii and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket size ojntains twenty hve doses only 2uc. Children love it. 8 ild by T. VV. Ayers Jr. For good meat, full weight and cash prices call on Johnny Hager, the new butoher, next door to the post office a discovery of the greatest possible benefit to mankind was made in medicine. Physicians universally recog nized its beneficent results and welcomed it as one ot the most valuable remedial agents that has been devel oped in medicine, because it covered such a wide range of usefulness and brought into requisition the most Temarran e Tmn-men erne in cAiiicu. x u.o j Scotrs bin and this wonderful nutrient was Cod-liver Oil, but until it was made available in Scott's Emulsion it was almost useless, but by their process of emulsifying it and making it palatable and easy of assimilation and adding to it the Hypophosphites of Lime and boda, they have given the world a remarkable curative agent in all wasting diseases, both in children and adults. Scott & Bowne, New York. All Drugaists. and 51. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, bait Kheum Fever Sores, letter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all akin eruptions and positively cures Piles, or uo pay required. It is gnii'anteed to stive porfect satisfaction or money refunded, ril'ce 25 ceuts per box. For Bale by T. W. Ayers, Jr. A NEW BIBLE. The female suffragists, finding that the Bible does not favor thir cause, bave determined to get oat a translation for themselves. We do not know bow muob of Paul's writing they will discard, but they must repudiate or amend good deal ot them before they can claim him as a cbnmnion. This action on the part of tho women reminds ,us a good deal of tbe Boys' Debating Society Whenever they wanted to do anything Notice of Intention. rAND OFFICE AT I,A GRANDE, OREGON, j Mhv 'il, ls'.t,). Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of hiB intention to make final proof in support of hs claim, and that said proot win ne mane before J. W. Morrow, County ClerK, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 28, 18'.i"), viz: JOHN GOTTWALD, Hd. No. 5101 for the SEH NEU. N NE and S E NW See. la. Tp. 4 S, K 2S E. M. He names the followiiiK witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culiivation o( snld land, viz: William Sanders, 1. A. Moore, James nrown, It. Natter, of Heppner, Ore. B. F. WILSON, a8-19. Kenister. Under the date of May 17th, Mrs. C M. Charlton writes from Salem regard ing the reoeut doings down there. She says: "We have enjoyed Immensely the C. E. convention. Mother (Mrs. Spray) not largely in sympathy witu free silver Bcted g Ul.lei.tttn fl)r the Heppner O. coinage, aud that the question has been j, t( v ,H(ie nrooer report that the constitution did not permit, men lor some lime in uregon, so lar .i(i i1HVa D,1(,n Ue banner C. E. tbv Bimply suspeuilod lue couatitution as the republicans are oononrned, they fop (iri. Rnii i,,-.,,,..., in numliers. This was a very convenient way i f are reokoning without their boits, to the ,.K , .ittri. or t..mr "nrotliHr getling rouud difficulty, but it would leSNening of their strength and usual rl rk . i, ,.rHrpr. to be callod. was hava been better to hava done away far-sightedness. The free silver lui ve- IireHHI1, .....i BI1llINH(l ,r in all the with the constitution altogether. The meut is bound to bob up again in the L, j , 10nrj ,jIUi j H B fine new Bible however, will doubtless do a republiuan ranks with a much stronger l hi v rv ,,H, nPHt worker in great deal of goo Uy prom (ting a stil ly backing than it developed in the meeting ..1i1.rali., of the million and a half ot tlia old one.-Ex of the republican olubs at l'ortliiud. ,,, , , Hra , th. ,mn ner "For Christ and the Church.'' He When your heart pa-ns you imd un ...l- ..i. . I. nn .n ..i.l ,,un ,., v miuht Mil n- lisilxl pHlpltatlnii IS frequent, acconi ' " I I i,b,lil ,n,HKl miii ttllll nllltlfr'H (Il Chainberlait's Ooiixh Itemedy because P . for the 'rather' of Christian t lTiri it is praixed by all who try it." says J Lndeavur is in Hie pnme or maiiiioou, (rra a JMIrdered slalo of h liver. W. Col Jt Kon .- druuuists. Marshfleld. full of Vigor aud strength, giving oue no digestion is imperfect and tlier is lnil Tl ..... I.... ll.d l.'.mitrtti If t.tl.tiavttil tn ruiMiim v tt - . : t ii . l .mi.. .1 luil ll.a tn mi u iinur nrftilrtn till lr RTiiiinMi. t " .-.. wrmnu. nus . w , ,.,rnM ....... . , B ,fouW- W1 1 1 . r. 1 . 1 V or I il nu troiiiiti can use Hi m feme. Iv iieiorc nun jn iu wiiiuu w mm millioiit praising il. It prompt reli n.r i-i.i.in mi u rt-iicvrn iiinniiiu, in mm o... r , , - ....u.. i....,.i ,.,,., i HUtl lMliiry iioiiii in r.i.rui'.u y Honcirii toward an nm'ikin.i ... . ........ . t.,: . ....... i I ""- - i- "llie urami ijo.ig i. ir. t. r., tmttlo. just cloHed one of their most brilliant mMh. in ml the "parade" which took place yesterday a on of the most impoftiiig ever wiineosed in Oregon. The fl teitids dicotirl inspiring LIGHT, STRONG, jtfFCMttffi T" " 0X SCIENTIFIC Four Models 885 and $100. EVERY MACHINE FULLY GUARANTEED. SEND 2-CENT STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Monarch Cycle Co. Factory end Main Office; Lake and Halsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. BRANCHES :-New York, San Francisco, Suit Lake City. Denver, Memphis, Detroit, Toronto. WEBB. SAFE & LOCK CO, Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. A. W. PATTERSON, Agent for Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon. Notice of Intention. V AM) OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OKKOON, I j Mhv -n. lW.if. Notice is hiTchv itiven that the following lmmert settler Iims tiled notice of hi. ntMi.t un to innkii nim orool in innnori 01 hlHi'liilm, nmt that iwld proof will lie marie I liclore J. w. .Morrow, t:o. eierit, hi uepjiner, Oregon, on July li. l.v.n, viz: WILLIAM O. SCOTT, ILL No. :W71, for the W", NV mid BW !i. See. XI. To. 1 . K 2 K. V. M. He iiHini'i the foll .wlnK witnee to prove tilii rontlnnoiin residence upon and culiivation nf mild IiliiiI. viz: (.come v. Hni it n, KranK ttmun, I nomai imr- nett, Kdttar V. l'almer, all of Lexington, or. J. K. MnoKK, :ia-l'.l. Kt-Klnter. i. it... a. f IIIIM irtlliUlH win mi uiiitit'i v rn.-u -- kiilnpvn and itei'onie lUnif-niiH to life. alwaja uiyrn bunt of youiiu people, wlman heart arf u,, ,(l, b taken to ntnv tin pro- lef. It i pipenially valuatils b"in traim d hy him iu'Moyalty toChrit ree ou th apiienranee of th firt a il relieve. th lntiu. m .k, . md native 'hi.,1 mid pei.ee, Kodwill ymi.iom. Dr. J. It Mel ,ei.'. Liver lireatliliiir pHNler nd Hidn nin ctoriilum. A fold will liefer remilt ill plieiinmiilil hen Huh remedy in tun en Hiid reniion-1 alilt" or Hirened. For hIo by Mlneiiiii JoliiiHun Druii Co. lUI.KKT DKI.AM) AM) wlNIMI HKCIHION A WILLHKHK ( II ALTAI t .1 Orvoa illy With hint Tmch tn' AMM-Utli July 10-ill. Fiimi-hisl by W. 1). lUrlnn, Un.l I mn..e mid the ,,.r.e.u uniform of the Th Joint newuon of th WillHroi-tt nd Mining Attorney. Wwhiii.ton, 1. 0. III. A. 0 ml lb reli. of (be 8r..nd ")' Cbntii.-u .ml the m-,i. lener ii.ii.'. , i i-.i. t I olllrer. with . I'ark. J ill v 111 ''0. lma led In k-rmter . , . if. it., un rornoinni in niniis lue . - - - w"",w iwme- M,,B f .... ...j ,1, mH,h,tf .l...t..r 1.,.,. ...l.,illM.l ImI ,,u.f M"'"" innreii. nn. Mine pir.... -- ' .. " ...o.in-t.i ;........ -ff.ir-..f S-lem, th. U mitiful cnpiul ol -oy -rr.r or uien mirp....... ... . .. . . ... . I eilf of Oreiioii. weure. n.ereoy uio rquiiii inm m in. ' - " . . , . . 1 1.. ll,.,,. M ,r-lli.i. . .1. ,..,. I, lT..iml w r Mil uioKing iorwnr.1 iu me limH.hen (lr.i.,1 I,hI. K. of V. deprtmeuH liv o..i orgmi.l .1 nn .II ...... m il NIL knowintf tl.Nt erl.lher iiimLt coi....lerlion K.lrm e.u rutHrt.ia. Ih.l I lie uur.U Tb pro.tau l.ll fr from eoiuplet. ill rl.t ll, only .,y. lrdy lnhi,le.,.mbn.me. MlluMof I i.. v it .1.. ..... .... ....... ........ ..r I'lthmn brother run. Ind iinlved, nj delay in tb lumiane of flu! imrtilWU will not rTi't her n.lili. In Hi. rvent of biT iib.eqnpht li lb th. rquiUld. Ittln iletonnU to b.r In it. IIUli A ro.l I'titry rm1rnpinif Ui.J tint in- edideil in Ih. d.-eUrnl ry .Utenit-nt, hut ueren.ary di th. ikihtf of tti. nun nd nut In Pi.i'n of tb rit .i tr., niy Im lliir l to 'Mii.l h.-r. fmlb on lbs HI Mil fro t TOW A CASK I TWI!.. NOT f.uHI.. You Should Pppp For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the CSTY HOTEL Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms ! Mrs. TDoixi Bradley, Prop. I CYCLES Ir. F. W. (linniiiliM. lb. gr.nl ornior i Ckli'iTi; l'r.if. Ji lm Ivry, ol S in F.'.n cic. ixipaUr on ! continent; Pmid H. Jur.Un, pruid-til of lb. l Und HUn- fi.r l I'oiv.rilij; Ir. tl.n. it- Wllm1.. Hi. kintf of il nd humur; (.'baric Kdwnrd !-" k. know n and Wrl b'tllianl orator ami Intur.i s U" ll. M. lfio, lb. n pnlarm.nul''ml'-nt II An irTvnMn TAmttm and Krmre Toftc. Bold hy I)nipnrltorcnt by malL JiOotMo. na l-uuper pnrimt'H. rnmpici iree. trt tlf The Knvrtrlto TCtTS f 3TOt MJ AXWfortboTocUandlireaUi, For mile hy 1. . Ayen, Jr., UriUKInt $1800.00 GIVEN AWAV TO INVENTORS. tiwaerrtrymnnth ivn to my oiwwtii ij 1i thmugh ul IM wt auiuacwut ftuoX dumif tl month ,tctltnf . Mwiir Hi brat ptlmti for onrrllmt. nd lh ol'ri of ihn ciHn 11 la acoun(t inm..n ia krtirrk 4 Ihtirbn. hi id-k Al Uk mim lux MM w .mprvM uptm uh puuiK un mli IT'S THE SIMPLE!, TRIVIAL INTLNTIONS THAT VILLD I CRTLNLS, wh M K "r.f.wuulow" hkh cjn b tuW iTi ! as nd 4nwn wUoul txbin( th pawrneei't b(k, 'Munf.n.' ".clUr-Wion." "11'ii-l.itk." "k4il mnwt. end ( Ihauund uhtt kill lhm tiut Bn( any oo can ..d way if imtifnvinci ntl ih-w rrpl pnwntKjnt nl lh ory lt.l bring Uir4 pMiim to UM utbuc IfytaUuakMXJOiciluiigWinintM IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SCEMS. PMflttt !' aul llmilh IWn ten il Robr ! In M N i vnal h"nkT. wWil t W .t.nflon, 1 C .lihwlKniMwttiTpunuihlin AnMTiia w lh inim.K at MxnMTt. luiniOi yi i tub. I rnt-K is Ihn tnutn.l. ItM (4 fwl. In all out clwioa. a aHo adtil.l4 toil, lh wmn-M r H asonlk hh win nut im er.'. an I hun-lnMa ol Uwuaaaua c cntaaa M lha "Salwoal KacnJaf. CrMlaintn a all. k of iKrwinnar. and a dwoi ' of k, inwnittw. wJl ba a. atia.nl hmuwiut lh I nilnl Sumiiwal CaiataUMa aa 1 oianuta. turan, iku Uuif u. to Ikaal I iir. iw lha ati ol lha InaamHi. All tw,aMna.lal taganani aUKtly C0nJrUaa. n i j0 Are the Highest of oil High Grades. Warranted iierlor In any llleyelo built In the world, refril)e of prire. I)o tint be liiiliiicil to pay more nmney for an Inferior wheel. ImUton havliiKthe Wavtrley. Ilullt anil Rnarantt-eil by the Inillati llieyelel'o , a nillllnii ilollar roiieern, hoav bond la good at Rnld. 211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75. -'"" " INDIANA BKJYCLl; CO., IICMER II. I! AI-l.fH'K, luAPoLia, ID., I'. 8. A. Gen. Agent for Kaatern Orent.n, Pendleton, Or. Bill's Pills MAY NOT LC ON HALE AT- SIOCLM JOHNSTON DRUG CO.'S SlUKE I'.ut tber. ar Iiutii)rt of rellabla braml. of pnr. rrn., ami tb. trnmi el ni-v.r ptoel .ini.J tnor. rle. ui. ne to i!i. poilis. I'nrn rlrii. rnan that oo bail re.ulli follow trratuiput by pb)ai. emu. A4A r0 ILL I known In. I or Vela wltlilli I lot ila,rr i lalin, pfii'lihli II.. aulriirtil al.i- aneai of a lo. pnlry witlou i. liuitl, 111" aai.l palrtil I oillatali.lil aj . Notie. of pplieatl '0 for nuuetal patriil innat l. ial, iliirinat tb. Kilo. I of piilill. all. m. In lb ie olli . bail (t j Hla.liell.in oter lb. lalt-l. au l 10 Mi. alarae. of neh lin , Mpilbb ralioti mual m nta.1. I. iii. a, (roanr. tin tli. taluliiry rilrem.Bta. IMliMM i rio lr l;HIMl. rt-'in l i. t:.i. Tb. pr.'.hi'linn of g'il.1 In Anirrli ai ileereaainic. Tbn Inforuiatlnn ruraia Irom tatialu J oiir.m wbich at. aaol ti li. rlial.. Front a atanJ point of our aoiual ner.l f ir .nil Una la not alatlliiia! li.", but from lb. Untlpolnl joiin wronr.Riu-RN ft co.. $olacitir 4 AmrtKmn and I oraif. 1'ala.U. 6iSI Mrect. N.W.. Bt.t. Waahlnetnn. D. C. J r " r a n Here nro Ural ('Ileal II-'blag Cllea hflnploiii - M. nature; iiili'iia. llot.ittg an, I liii(iiiit; Innat al tilgtilj .ora. by aerati'liing. If allowwl t.i continue Imiinr form, wbieti otteii Mif ami part of tb. Pl.liii.u "''.rale. Ihioiuln. ery una. h.iim inriii pii'ai urn iiriMnn mi"i iipi turf. lirhU uUvr.li"n. fttil tn m t c ... ... I... . . a... WiHmt,. I rniii.tM tin itmioftt. At lrtiitU, i if (iiibUa Itiftlrtniuta ; I r-i."iii k. II.. . I I . il ... It. U.. . t. U I . a. ... a The iMilan.. of a plaisr palet.l. e , . r.o"Iu.. .on. t'b.ptd.n, IU. Ml,.h, J l,alle.,.,r.i, riHv.r l -bieh bo. that Ihrra I m. leot.ir.ri lb. g lle.1 Mr. ar.iwa w ov. Klun.y, of Aat.iria; Mi It. Anna M ria, teacher of phjaioaj acn-ne. ia tb. pul I f ehmiU of i'leetanil, Ohio; I'lrai.lri.t Tiiimia M.-CUIIamL of IVillo I'nit.r- ttr; It.. W. h. H ill, from (liioa; Kami Iblro It.r .U. of japan ; t)lrre j JQ J ' li, n. I Bafl., oi in. I onavi niaira wrain- r bnr-an; Con.t T. M. Au.lr,m, of Vaiie.ior; It. hlrtta an I Van nl II,. alio .bar. to a.enmjlal. ttol.l ..y, f Vflan,l I'alfer.ity; I'faa. I,i,t i"lkal. I gbtat o.r, Ut lo.ar.I, lu p ,, Youmt. of Albany (V.lle.a; tmaral. on. il I aafuL U. oql I Tlnwu X.altn. of lVirto t'oll'g; J raili-r Ikt. a l n,t..,ii nnual i pl) I m , Hti. Aaru nllqral I o( .n.ell.m. In .at an.l aometbiha: ! (',l!..; , L t'ampl.!, of lb. Mat. I Uelrm Itilirr l a t r....l l.i t. lb. '''. '"il willi a.inetb n. Li t.) iy. Snrmal; M. tl. Itifal. f lb l'l.ti tory Iwat II .IT el a iwrmanool fuia i ll.aa bat. all III g II Is III. worbl I (frrfn Hlat. Normal; V. C lUalef.of ... . - . ii.pao ibin.a gfi mir vain, iroru inair i ih W illarn.ll. I aiv.tailt 11.11 Mrown. i .h v.. .m" i,f..-b,.. g,.n f M,M(o0,.it.;rmpr,.,g t. ..Hie. an.1 gi. ihia roioavU a (air trial ! '" ,f' " l'""" eapilah. j .,y ,.rel lb. I'ae,!! Cna.1, laraolra i. if babtinal e.H.ai i.t.,a ir. .lolaai .u ai, ,.rntin ami g'.o-l, f'ow ; many ro r Kn l Jwi.I-! a twig f.f lb. lOGum-JQHns siocum-Joiiustoii Drag Go I ara f..f llradwk.. A fait.a ly f,.f alt form of ll TIIKHH Which tUh you t U 'IUelnler : laeh. , Ma 11, Una en. r. ,y g,n g II.. naw-la-l ll.fT.tll .l otr lb. Ii.la l of !... kith. la. a.,. f- raar. g ... ... ... .... . ..... 11,0 tU it tin lieina. III!' Ig. tllw oaly r.fiy i,l al i n ' . '". It U tb Imagiaary tooiat oe T. W. Atr. it , lrn. tit.. tlt It la roll la th. bi-a IT . k. I . I ...Ik., a ..-a ., . . ... I , lTiamif a-wn i"l r"- i-.nr! " r. IfUaUUl IU fci.ul.!'n af,-,i tM i, la ....ii-.a-. tmrl wi!IUk ttti U.U Itf.-rm. r .iu..l. Itta..-r ' , . , , , . . t en la-1 an I w ni,u mn-atly it lt Othrr Mil tie, . ffo.tl.a, Kt.f .., h.t tntttf gill CMTf till i'rt tl lb Llli if : IU. I, 1 1, ar I inf t -mi la .. , a(i,!t i , ... I i m tw' r I na ' l.t.l ri' ML.tft -4 1 1 llfl f i.Uil,, wl t-t ,Vt B, ,j m t. ).l'.r, lUft t; tl I..U.I.W, Att.1 h. In Ibal II . ma) uily of p U atlaob l.t g"l l II, at ! il ir nj lr!)iane rli mi i.la of mn. Tbmi lany tbt.ng g all,-1 boM ffaalaw g .imilar al. bf imagining b. Ml tt4it.gr II -a U and I.U.M. laat lbr. .lay ilatnla-l tpfw'y l ll, ftl. T.aebar' Aafill"g Tb looaeal Ja,,ar lu.anl "ill a lal r riTnll" ef m'iab, .i al. r i all at r of t'.aairta (fg n art latitrnL l'll.T: Wr Kieji HARDWARE St v.iM: Vr .(T. r it CI I HAP Tim !: Wf aej FOR CASH ( V r fttaMoil t.i jrit. rti 't i f r .!Uf than omiS Sj t tb. lima gt !b Wawkly j Oia-C -nial), lb. aaaajf i' II. a oal Wi'h $ ' b '.j -I Ir In a !. f,.. , r,f. 1 1 N I .fl. ! t'a. lai f4.iy, f H A . ftn I' er. : -Ifbina'a-ei a.. .( .1. !. a i.! Cat. Mil, -HI,,!,.!,' I a'a-fb lw-. If a , la lb. lal. ..-i.a )., I g.ta aa a ' Ih. frai ra I en a 1 ttata at af ttntiJ lhal I ti- '''a k '. Itltnal I 1rlat.l . h. i rth.- GIIJ.IAM aS: MSBKK j Crescent . Mkans IIai.i-Moon, Doksnt It? 'XIIliai .ia H ,I T ttlir.TlirK iharr a man In lha aa ho burnH bnuh on un daf, or dlt any oihar a.ll. aniP,! art. ot abathar th m.mn la Itiada of r.B ct,n.r, n.ni,ii n.H Ida lr. aatil Ural rlua bl.). r auh all ll.a m -1. f n m-.,,m-i,i.. at priira aiu.ln l,a rra h of alt. Th i rrar l,l ta II a-'. by WESTERN WHEEL WORKS. CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, All It l"f a I t aaaaaaaaaaaaaai T1IK PATTEKSOX rvnusm.xo cl Ajmt$ for Morrotr nml Urani Cvtintirt, I at" S tH Cftl kfe) awec-hatlng lakaa Tin: L.NCAsiiiRr. Insuranck Co. ! MANCMI'WTKM, llfHil amii r . , r r, r lilii 1 'M. "o rtitxirr.ll,n - W " I 1 Ti J' r , li fata NOTARY PUBLIC .CONVEYANCER .'Al.l. A l i'i 44 u,a r rv " lfu w t '. -,ih"-iUi! fa. altl J r tJfL llel 1 Cfr. ;f. T . .1 . r .at T, W, AtiV-r lVtalUktta.4lUlt.