VTOCR BRANDS. While yon aep roar subscription paid op yen can keep your brand in free of charge. AUvn. T. J., lone, Or. Horse Mi on left shoulder; cattle name on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row county. Armstrong, J. O., Alpine, Or. T with bar un der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D Eight Mile, Or. Tattle brand, O D on left hip and horses same brand on right ehonldnr. Itange. Kight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Henpner, Or. Horses, JA con nentirl on loft flank: cattle, same on left hio. H'lird. T). W and son. Horse branded D B on the left hio; o tie the same on left dink, crop off rig' t ear. nndorcrop in the left. Mange in Morrow Comity. Bnrtholamew, A. G., Alpine. Or. Horses branded 1 K on either shoulder. Range in Mor row countv Hannistor, J. W., Harrlman. Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, Honseberry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle sume on right side. Hnrke. M Ht fi, liong Croek, Or On cattle, MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left oar, un der half crop off right. Horses, same bnmd on letft shoulder, liange in Grant and Morrow CBrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left enr half crop nd right ear miner slope. Barton, Wm.. H"ppnor, Or. -Horses, J Bon right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in BH OrlT Brown, Ina, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; catt le same on right hip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle C with dot in ie ter on left hip; cattle, name. Brown, W. J., Luna. Oregon. Homes W bar over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left 'B'oyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on tifb hip oattle, same, with split in each ear. n n n , Bore, P. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder: oattlo. same on left hip. Brownlee, W. J., Fox,Or-Cattle. JB oonnecfed on left side; orop on left ear and two splits and midiile piece ont out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Kange in Vox valley, Grant county, ('Hrsner Warren, WHgner, Or. Horses brand ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three barn) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Kange in Grant and Morrow counties. Oain.E., Caleb.Or Y I) on horsoB on loft stifle' TJ with quarter cirole over it, on left shoulder and on loft stifle on all colts n-'der fi years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years, All range in Grant oonnty. Cate, ('has. U Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H (! on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Corrigall. M M. Calloway. Or Cattle crop ont of f ach ear and underbit, wattle in forehead; horses half circle 0 on left stifle. Itange Mor ow and Umatilla ooni'tios. Curl, T. H John Day, Or. Double cross on each hip on entile, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Kange In Grant oonnty. On sheep, inverted A ami spear point ou shoulder. Kar marko" ewes, crop on left ear punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half orop in left ear. All rangs iu Grant oonntv. ... Conic a. ,l..Irf)na.Or. Horses. w)on nnhtshonl der. Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square crop off left and split in right. Currin. K. Y Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on left atiHa. Cox Kd. H., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with Ein center; horses. (;h on loft lit). Cochran, K. K Monument, Grant Co, Or. Itrua hmndod circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark nulla nlone both ear and dewlap. 1'i.ui.in II . Harduian. Or. Horses branded O on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also brands CI on horses right thigh; ca't'e same brand on right shouldur, and cut off end of riuht. enr. Douglass, W. M , Galloway. Or. Cattle, H D on right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, H D Ely, Bros., Donglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip, hole in right ear. Emery, C. H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded reversed (! with tail on left shoulder ; cat. tlesame ou right hip. Itange in Morrow oonnty. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LK on right hip; horses V with bar ui.dor on right shoulder. Klorenoe. H. V. Heppner, Or Horses, V on right shouldi" ; oattle, V on right hip or thigh, French, George. Heppner. Or. Cattle branded WF, with liar over it. on left, side; orop oil loft ear. Horse, same brand on left hip. Gentry, Klmer, Kcho, Or. -Horses hrsnded H. H. with II quarter cin le over it. on left stifle. Knngein Morrow and Umatillsoonntios. Hiatt A. H., Ilidge, Or. Cattle, round-top with quarter circle under It on the right hip. Itange in Morrow and UtiiHtillacoiinties. Million A. I links, lliimi Hon. Or Cattle, two ban on either hip; crop in right ear and split iu left. Horses J on right thigh. Kange in Grant oouuty Hughes, Hamnel, Wagner, Or-J" (T V L c.oiiiim'U'iDon right shoulder on iHirmis; on oattle, on right hip and on left aide, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left Kange in Haystack ilitrlet..Mor,,w oonntv HhIb, Milton, Whhit, Or. Horses hranded -O- (cattle with parallel tails) on ln slioiililer ('utile same on lull hip also large circle ou lofl hie. Howard J L, G tllowar, Or. Ho'ses f (cross with i ir uliuvn i't on right sii'nilder; oattlesniue on I 'ft niile. Knngi in Morrow and Ihiintillii comities Hall. Edwin, John Duv. Or.-Cniiln E II on rlirlit liii;liors s nuhihiiii ruht stinulder. Kange In iirunt nty. Hughes. Mat, lliiptmer, Or. Horses, shaded limrt on the loft shoulder. Hatige Morrow Co. Hnnaker. II Wagnnr. Or, -Horses, V on left atlieiHer: CHI tie. Von left III i. Humphreys, i M Uardinaii, Or. Horse, II oi, lef' (Unit IIusiiiii. Luther. Fight Mile. Or.-Horse II on (he left shoulder slid limrt on the left stills Cat. tie ssniM on left hni. It'ingn in lorrow oiiimty .l-.iies. Il'irrv. Heppu -r Hr - Horses lirandml II J on tn li ft shoulder; rnMlii lira nled i on rorht hip. alio .mdei lot ill left ar. liaitgii in M'" row county. J link iii, ri. M., Heppner, Or -Horses, horse, shoe J oil left shoulder. (sill", the mills, Kange ' I'l'i Mile. J. .to a 'ii, eli. Liia, r llorsos. oindeT on left suite; cal l In, smiiis on right hip, under half orop in hii mid si, lit n left ear Himr, Mike, Heppi er, Or.- Horses hmndivl KSV on l.i'l hip csitle usiii and orop of! left esrt under alut un lli right Kirk J T. Heppner. Or. - Horse (19 en Ml honlder: rati I". U on left hill. Kirk. Jsmh, II ippusr. Or.; home- II on left L'.ul.ler ; oat I In same on tight side, undcrlut on right ear. Kumlierlaiiil W.G .MiinnI Vernon. Or. I Lull rai'le oil rig 'it and left sides, swallow fink In It ft ear and ii'eter cmp in rigid ear, HnnMsmam. biaed on left shoulder. Itniige iu Grant CMtiitv lttft..ti, Hteltltt, ni.Or,-H L on left tn x- ini entile, rrop and split im light ear. Ilnnwv saute brand ou left shuiiliWar, liange l.ranl T.l'ei'slletl, Jotin W ,...ll'.- Or. - Horses lirnltdil half -eili'ls J I . cnnecteil on left sttolll. der. I a'lle. saiur mi left liiii, Kange, itsar lri Itia'on lili.'K. J W Heppner Or - Horses lnsnde-1 f , ami oi ell tt..tit...r; rettle same ou left lop, waitl oir right )e, Hum sills III rigid ear. ltM, Oefirge. Heplilief Or.- Horara brande.1 rloitlile H run tte,t swiiiief line ralleil Swing II. IHI lefl shiHllitMr. Minor, hr, Heppner r - Cattle, M II nr rlgtil hli. Iioism M 'Hi left shoulder. Morg.n si N. Il.ippi.er. Or. - llonm. Ml on left tt'uM'i rsiile ssine mi Uift lop, Miiehell li r lone. i'r, - l.ir-. ii on rtglii bip; i-anie, li on nghi side. Met Isreu, D ll . Hmwlistllle Or,- Horws, fignra ,m ea.-h li.eittler, ihiii la. Miim bin M iliir. Krai'k. fi Wl-i.tir Mnlesbo with .a-sif k on rsiile im rdw sad nuilar r. a.'h Mir, boraea sains liraltd on lefl stitta, Mi'llal 'l, .. IIS'ioH-in. I IT. 11 Moraea. - Willi l.aif cin Is n'flef m t.fi sliiailder.on I atn. 5rttf itmrm eoniiei-ieil on lop ihi lite righl aols lenge in lirant Cieinlv. N.ail n.iW lne lt.-k Or - H'.iae. A M e. . lief leal on lf al.Hilier, rsMia same irti Urfh ld4i, S.fi) km. r , Hiiti.rion or,-llciraa, rin Is Jinn left tlogt: rsHie sains im lefl hip, Oliver, J,sn h. I aliliei I tit. Ilr - K I on cattle us left lop. ,.n rtorse, sa'tie on lefl Hugh, liange In Oral, I f-eii-l f linr, I'mii, llli g on. Or.- I O is lafi sb,..t,.f i , llli, H hiii. I'mi'le I I I. Dr. On catMa. I ,1' e.ll,w I. I on li ft lop. Iinhws on l,.fl sliftr Jel W4Htw oil It'W. It ,t .e tt Inset eeti t, ',.. I IU,. ,g I 11 l M, ll e-wa, .Uf f rir. u t.it.l hi, lri stMHu-lef sn-l I on Ur lop I f"i in t r' o'.l rl"lll. M m, Ir'l l,. Il' f I l,l M.la, Isrker Mlwa, lltolniss IN. - II. 1 1' o rf aLieil lt. I'ltf letl, lIH'l'in III H.,r-es brand . ., f ce ,.n-i.-l mt btl slmi.lr i rattle lite ill Mtft'l top llKga Wifr e,.ul't- I U-- J ll , I. I" IK ll.'laea J ew i . . Mt i.,.il ., rallla. sains , Wtl hip , I r, i,,' ii, i. , i VH I , l-'ii-s IN !' iluno.e.l I' ,,-- I.. t J II J enih ' I l Ii' -'t I ,,. i.( 1-. I ! III l'l ail M l slip in lie IIS", H -l S'll'eW. Hi I'i'Srt N H -raea, iiar a I. " ' ' ll lie lf (;-,,. -i I I II. i I ...f. Hi, II .( I U iM ptl ..(. ,.h ll. . Ilri.i l' - ICitaa litaii la.1 mt the .!. ',.m. l-r tnia I on the Uff s,ii rr,, ,.s) i.fi a snd leaia- n lew k. lianw &l H .. and s I'-e'-l- f eiei' Ilea ll -. ! .' . IN II h.. I.. I s tl im r.l.l .t .a l '',ss r.r. -a ' . l.s .1 enii; sa.i. on figi.l l.i lia II - m n 'I H ia. H 'M II II..OH1 III Mil ei.e ,tl. .,,.. . ,r im I... rsl la ,.a I I Im a. r..,. ..4 I it .1 aa S I ( Ut la le'l II -mm a e I u ' I llai a I ll artw (r...l ao-l . e ax.l.aa, U'- M ll It, ll.aaa, tO i l-f. I aiti it. list. I los ,..-k .. I i W, 'ii -lnr is.- Il. Is, b-l ll e-'l l. M i Isi.ga i Do"" on left shoulder: eettle same on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle on left hi fid leg. ... I Straight W. E., Heppner, Or. Horsee shaded JH no lert stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in righl ear, underbit in left. bapp. Thos.. Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on left hip: cattle same on left hip. Hhrier.John. Fox. Or. NO connected on horses on right hip; cattle, same on right hip, crop off right ear and under bit in left ear. Kange in itrant county. ... Smith Bros., rjussnville, Or. Horses, Dranaea H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, ameonleft shoulder. Hoilires. James. Arlington. Or,; horses branded JH on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose waddle. Kange in Morrow ana tjiuiam counties Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horsee 88 on right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, B on right hit ; swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaggart. . W., Heppner, irr. norses, tt on left shoulde. ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Hoerry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on loft hip, crop off right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horsee, Z on left shoulder: cattle. 2 on left shoulder. Tippets. 8.T..Enierpriae,0r. Horses, C-on lefl shoulder. Turner K. W., Heppner, (Jr. Hmall capital 1 left shoulder, horses; cattle same on loft hip with split in both ears. Thornton, II, M., lone, Or. Horses branded HT connected on left Btifie; sheep same brand, VanderDool. H. T.. Ina. Or: Horses HV con nected on right shonlder;cattle, same ou right Walbridge, Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses, TJ. L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. crop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John W,, Salem or Heppner, or. Homes branded Jo on the left shoulder. Kange Morrow county. Warren. W H. Caleb, Or Cattle W with quarter circle over it, on left side, split iu right ear. Horses same brand on left Hhonlder. Uatigein Grunt comity. Wade. Henry, Honpner. Or. Horses branded ace of spades on left shoulder and loft hio Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wolflngor, John, John Day City. Or On horses three parallel bars on left shonlder; 7 on sheep. bit in both ears, liange in urani ana mtunuer counties. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, TJF connects on lef t shoulder. Watkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded UE connected on left stifle, Wallace. Charles. Heppner, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, holt in left ear; horses, W on right shoulder some sameon left shoulder. -ARE YOU- MAKING the MOST OF YOURSELF? There la one,magazine which will help you to SUCCEED by teaching you to kiow and ap preciate your-elf. The Phrenological Journal & wide-awake up-to-date exponent of Human Nature. Are you using THOUGHT and TACT in Bringing up Your Children? The Child Culture Department helps mothers nd teachers to study the characteristics of each child as a guide to its proper development. Hcnd ten cents for sample copy of the Phreno logical Journal. FOWLER & WELLS CO., Publishers. 27 East 21st St., New York. DOWN W A CEATER. Wonders' Witnessed by tain Explorer. a Moun- Indlan legends of a Famous Extinct Vol cano la the West Strange Ani mal. Found In the Subter ranean Caverns. We also publish a long list of helpful books. 330-39. Whittior nros., nuntmgiou. Baker Co., Or. -Horses branded W B connected on left shoulder Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter oir cle over three bars on left hip, both oattle and horses. Kange Grant comity. Williams, J O, Long Creek. Or Horses, quar ter oirele over three bars on left hip; oattle same and slit in each ear. Kange in Grant oonnty Wren, A. A., Hoppnor, Or, Horses running A A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip. Young, J. 8., Gooseberry, Or. Horse brander THonthe right shoulde- ALL WHO CULTIVATE FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES For Pleasure or Profit, Should see that the Journal they subscribe to is the best and most reliable authority obtainable. STANDS FOREMOST IN THE LIST. TAVERN OF A- Castle Crags o H3 I Ni OPENS JUNE 1, 1895. GEO. SCHONCWALD, MANAGES. Luxury, Good Cheer, Hospitality, De lightful and Healthful Pastimes, Matchless Mountain Scenery. SWEET BRIER CAMP. Established last year In aroman just below and In full view of grand old Shasta It was a great lilt and promises still more encouraging re sults for the present year. T J. Loftuh, atCastella, is still in charge ana will answer an inquiries. A new candidate for public favor tins year is SHASTA VICINO CAMP, Also in the Shasta region, about a mile and a half from Dunsmiilr. t is a genuine paradise for hunters, fishers and seekers of health and pleasure. Easy to reach (near the railroad), sightly, and all the ne cessities of camp life easily procur able. All inquiries about Hhasta Vlcino Camp, if addressed to W. C. Gray, Box 4, Dunsmiilr, Cal will receive prompt attention. WORK WITHOUT PAY. It deals practically with fruits and vegetables, trees, shrubs and flowers, and covers the field of horticulture systematically und thoroughly. It Illustrates and describes methods of cultiva tion, improved varieties and labor - saving devices. It is, without doubt, lie Paper for the People! $t.0O a Year (14 titimorr). Specimen copy and 511-page catalogue ot horticultural books FREE on application. American Gardening, 170 Fulton St., N.Y. Camping in The SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS Alma, Wrights, Laurel, Glenwood, Felion, Ben l-oniond, Boulder Creek, Reduced Rates During the Camping season will be made by the SOUTH PACIFIC CO. For full particulars address a, r, Kuur-ris, Asst. iter, rasa, agi., Portland, Ohkoon. July 28. Or any 8. I'. Co, Agent. !! r.CAVtMO.inHULIV,AKKSi jfjliTwS. Lightest. Xj2i'jrtlf Accurate, itf.pftBr Compact, 5s.st, Simplest, rdriinncst, .Solid Tup krcrlvrr. Most Modern and progressive K'ir i-atl'igiift or Iiifuniislhiii write to Till- MAR LIN TIKI! ARM3 CO., New HJvcn. Conn. COPYRIGHTS CAN I OBTAIN A PATF.NTt For ft rmntrt ntwpf ami n hnmt oiiintnn, wrltn to II NN A 411.. who have hud nearly fifty femV rxiwrlenr'B In thn patent bum mom. rnnintunlca- tUmn utrtrtly cmiflilmitlnl. A 1 1 n nHink uf In f Mi-Mint Ion mmonrniiitf I'nlfntm iuhI 1mw to olt t it m iihmii 4nt fro. A I no a cHinioueof luectiau hill mtil mil'Mtllllo honk tlit Inh. r-ih-ntPi takon tlirntiuh Munn A Co. TWIT Pt'ccml tmllcMlntho friiitlMo Anifrlrnn atitl tliiit ro hrniiifht w lll r inflow tlitt puhhcwlin- out rt to the Inventor. Thli nl'tnlil ln'r. WfMHHl wN'hlT, elciiantly HtnulrHtiMi, han hy fur I h irif.'fi rirfufntioQ or mnw ou'iumc wors in um rtirlil. m: a rear. hniiirlf rpi writ fre. Ihillrllnu K.iiihm. niohthlr. llfAlirMr, Htnala rtMfn, 7.) wniK, p vtry tiuniiMr oontaina Druu- ml tihof tff HlttlA of t.f tllnl ii lute. In rolom. nml iih . with fiffiTisi, pimmtnit niiiHiHri to no liOTAL MAHKKT UKl'OKT. i 9 'S AND SAY E- MONEY I if IT 19 ABSOLUTELY The Best CLWIN3 MACHdlsi MADE Wlicat, Im 8 Kloiir.tihl 2 lit'cvcs.cdwg A two.yeHrolilH.cwt. 2 " three " "3 SIll'I'P, lllllttdllH, tll'Hll.... 1 TiO it '1 " Ho. 1 IHJ Ml HdtfS, OU foot, Ct lings, driNoo'il Wool 6 (4 llorsi'S), hIhw ale. HuittT, roll KkflfM. ilol I Cliickoiis. Joe 3 00 i'urkoy I'oUlues, pir owt CAI.irnkNIA MsMKKT. mi IM M 4 (H) 40 40 Crater mountain is one of the Uma tilla Indians' great spook depots from ancient time, says the Baker City Dem ocrat. Bucks that are now white with the hoary frosts of many winters rec ollect hanging in the trees tightly strapped to their nursing boards, while their mothers roamed the forests in search of game for the lords of crea tion r wood for the tepee, and from infancy love to relate how the great spirit spoke to them with the awful voice of terrific thunder in the bowels of the earth. Many are the stories and legends of Indian lore told of Crater mountain. One of the favorite ones is told of a great war between the Shoshones and Umatillas. When the Umatillas had conquered their foes they proceeded to slaughter old and young, regardless of sex. One beauti ful Shoshone maiden, seeing that death was inevitable from her pursu ing foes, plunged headlong into the burning crater, and instantly the vol canic eruption ceased, much to the consternation of her pursuers, who on the following day found, on looking down the chasm of inky darkness, a resplendent light with the form of the Shoshone maiden in the midst of the apparition. They told it to their dusky warriors and to this day Crater moun tain is looked upo.n with reverence from an Indian point of view. The following is from the diary of J. A. Wright: "Crater mountian is located some eleven miles from the Camp of Cornucopia, on the south side of the range whose caps are tipped with eternal snow. Many chasms and As sures have in .the misty past cleft the mountains and left them in the most fantastic shapes. Vegetation ceases to crow after a certain height is reached, and close under the base of one of the great peaks is the famous extinct vol cano. Ashes and lava are louna in great profusion and in such indescrib able masses that it makes the ascent one of peril and great dimculty. How ever, once at the top, a peek down into the blank, fathomless abyss supplies the most morbid minds with all the sensa tionalism necessary for a lifetime. A favorite amusement was to throw rocks down and listen to the sounds as they struck on the projecting sides of the dark chimney until the sounds died away, leaving nothing but for the mvstified explorer to guess it Had reached the bottom." Manv have been the stories circu lated of the wonderful cavern that ex tended from the sides of the great chimney. A stout cable was provided and a basket swung from a pulley Hon. Joseph, with camera and note book, was carefully lowered some three hundred and seventy-eight feet, when he noticed an aperture in the side of the chimnev. and, by signals agreed upon, a halt was called iu his downward career, and he crawled through a cleft iu the great chimney, and the work of exploration began. The first sight that met his astonished gaze was a most stupendous chamber, from whose mighty dome hung stalac tites of great beauty, which were en hanced hy the light of the candle, and fairly struck terror to Ins heart, as the dickering candle seemed to possess the ovcr of some unseen hund that limile .Millions of the brilliant stalactites lance in resplendent beauty. A grout snowv owl blinked at the astonished loseiih. The explorer groped Ins way to the f;ir end of the chamber, where he thought he heard the sounds of falling water nor was lie mistaken, for smieefciiig himself through an opening he found himself in another ehamisT of im-at lieauty, with a htroaumf hot sulphur water running into the earth. The incrustation from the sulphur water had transformed the cavern into coral-like substance and left it iu such fantastic slutiH-H. He found in the water some lively little lizards und some frogs mm ciiange comr on tnc slightest provocation and two lurge rats who eyed the explorer with a cu rlosity that seemed to Issle no good, and lie longed for his little gun. HER DEST. Well-Known Authors Who Decline to Ac cept Money for Their Works. This is true of Count Lyof Nikol aievitch Tolstoi, the famous Russian author, who, while in the army as a member of the staff of Prince Gorts chakoff, was present at the storming of Sebastopol in 1855. Leaving the army, and already a famous poet and novelist, he devoted himself to liter ature, and spent a short time in the most brilliant literary and social circles of St. Petersburg. Since his marriage he has lived more or less in retirement, and during the Russian famines of 1891 and 1892 made great efforts on behalf of the peasants on and in the vicinity of his estates. In the latter year Count Tolstoi resigned all social standing and privileges of his rank, and he now devotes most of his time and money to good works, while living as poorly us any of the peasan try. He insists that the literal inter pretation of the Sermon on the Mount is the only rule of Christian life, and he has expressly declined to avail him self of any copTight in his works or in translations of them into other languages. Dr. John Charles Ryle, bishop of Liverpool, has written above two hundred tracts on religious sub jects, many of which have been trans lated and reprinted in French, Ger man, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Hindostani, and Chinese, and it is said that he will take nothing' from the publishers for them and will make no profit from them. SOME POINTED QUESTIONS. aGUARANTE elts They Were Tot to American Travelers by the Viceroy of China. When Mr. Allen and Mr. Sachtleben reached Tien Tsin, after their long bicy cle ride from Constantinople across Asia, they had a protracted interview with the viceroy Li Hung Chang the man whom Gen. Grant included among the three greatest statesmen of his day. lie asked the young American travelers a multitude oi questions auoui. uie countries they had ridden through, and at last came down to personalities, lhe following were a few of his inquiries: About how much did the trip cost you?" "Do you expect to get DacK an or more than you spent?" "Will you write a book?" "Did you find any gold or silver de posits on your route?" "Do you like the Chinese diet?" "now much did one meal cost vou?" "How old are you?" 'Are vou married?" "What Is the trade or profession of your parents?" "Do they own much land?" "Are vou democrats or republicans?' "Will you run for any political office in America?" "Do you expect ever to get into con gress?" "Do you have to buy offices in Amer ica?" The young men hesitated a little over this last question, and the viceroy was good enough to say that they would be come so well known as tne result oi their long journey that they might get into office without paying for it. ou are both young," he added, "and may hope for anything." THE en Electric AND APPLIANCES SNSUREto the sick theso great point3 cf advantage over all imitators. IE ELECTING CURRENT can be ' immediately felt, al though oothfng to the most sensitive. The strength of the current is under the complete control of the wearer, so much so that a child may be treated and cured by the same power of Belt necessary for the strongest man. It can be changed from positive to neg ative current in a moment. They have and are curing thousands of cases of RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC DISEASES 'A ' ' it AND NERVOUS AILMENTS in man and woman (irom any cause) where long continued medical treatment failed to cure. NO MEDICINES ARE NECESSARY. Avoid all cheap (so-called) Electric Bolts and fraudulent imitations of our Electric Belts and Appliances, as these are an imposition upon the suffering THE OWEN ELECTRIC TRUSS is the most retentive and curative Truss made for the radical cure of Rupturo. Inclose six cents and send for our LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE in English, German, Swedish and Nor weeian languages; containing medical facts, sworn statements of cures made and descriptions of Belts and Appli ances, Address WEfl ELECTRICAL FLASHES. Wit rtl OI 11 Dr.AI.I II1 ran mII feu mi i hint ehrpr llian inn ran rl rlMHlisrt, 1hNltV IIOtKU ur Im! w mk rprr kind. tirh III tLintl, I II. and olhrr lllah Arm rail Nlrarl flaird ftrMlaa Mavnlar lortli.OOana a p. Call aar aiaal ar vrlt ua. ta war.; yoar irad, aud If prlers, Irrma and stmaredaallna- HI la, wa lll !. II. Wa rkallrnaa Iha Murld i;iisjrsa III. I'T I It 10.00 MfMlMuT l arhlao lor ill.HII,r I krllrr f itt. wins narhlaalarf 40.011 Ikan ran ksr Irnaa a a, ar aur Arai. TiimWHOXESEWlHGMJlCHtfECO. iM." in- I'"! I'm. aa i tukM-1 ii. u ansi.us. ton aakt a T!.c Nfvk lm $tn Miikr f. i Mnrkrl hi. Hau i ranrisc.i. Cal. '3000 PARCELS CF MAIL" ft!. Wl.rni.rwl K7i tt 7U Hour. Mil '4(klttr IWtrs, stitl I fed 4 Mint fi 00 6 Ul (t H IN) 4 Ml tt 6 ." 7 l. HJ fl llf 13 14i IT. 1 .4 1 M ii.f 75 3 in tt 6 mi 11 m 15 Mnttniia, (int. H.iK, Ct VViml FaalirD Orron.. Hntler, Ih r'u. tint l'lilalniis orw, Mr el. . i.l.l. " . . Chickens, loa I'urkiiya, tti lOHTt AXl MAHKkT. KliMir, bill BwPB, eat ilr . I ... M ultima. Ilvr alirarrii , . " ilriHtard, III,... . Hiitfa, on fiMil " ilrrtuMsl, Hi Wmil - i'.aalrro tlrroD... Hilllnf rvifs, ih'i f U id M 1 Mitt 2 1 i t 2 ii i f 2 i4 tt 3 &Utt3 m tt tt m e 75 i.i I 1-7 IMl. I I Turarja, lliilrraM-il II C 1 l,isilli . I wisif C, SS Jljt i ' Sil I'll s'lmiiii - isT rpy'""'"'1''1 "W tafca Uaanr n rrNmmroiltns r V J t Viw"k.'j "'' i' Cliatiitvrrlall I'niub lUmoitf Uciiar X t t i i'-t ft M 4 1 1 (t .W.fi tn .-.f I -4) t All. Mr Ira t.-t 'rri rttHil' 1H I'lhH 1'K ((I. It J to '1 Im ilsf snli'iiit.in iIih uf Ilia N.-m,i i.4 Hii Is .V I an.l Id rrk"il .r i 1 1 i-t ilia Wnkij Otroiiiaa lal ., I Ai i t iil f il ii rf I .f Ilia Im ) an.) nif '"f hi fin t It !'? n K. ..Hi ll U iii-Ma an I j Wm Or. k-misa f.f I I AH ill aulx llHuna f..f rl.lilUl la Million I'SlU'll I I.I' If SUlHi" ! .m hI iu a ll a ill It ilia urn, Rk.1'" I I' IIK.Or...iw. Irflti ap iii "V i- 'i in. a.- H t . !!. lit M.a mi iH n' i ii !'. mi -.i'is II ai l 4 " ! il ... 9 t I I " .4 ...I t i - . . I I j ! 4 MMa . .it , :'. . . . . . 1 1 1 . . 1.- . t i. . I . . . . . a a. iiiiKf ni, ti ii,si'"l i 'Ii' HU.a rva M I ,!, at I ! i i , I La I I Li 1 a , I M 'ti U, .i'iniiii a r.llllUll ll la I'faiMsl ly all abii try il," J W. i'.ii It hun, ilnis'HisI". Marabflrl.l, Orriiiin. N ia flltclril aitli a ll.rual or 1 ti ti at lr.iiin! ran iim Ihia ratumlr jail limit tifaiatrta! ll. It klaaj gl irvm't rrlirf, ll ia MiiUlljr valiiatil f.if m. la aa tl Irliatra tlir linw. Insart irralliiiia aaalrr aci'l ai.U lioinralina rnlilai ii-f imiiII la nriituni.la a hrn Una rriii. U lasrn an. I fa-o-i alila f ara rlrrcias.l. For tala I f hliMMim J,iinaiin l'rii C. (1 It. 1111, Ilia Innanrial k'lisl, ran ha I mi I al I. is I'silms, Mslliirk onraar, alirfa tl kill tlliriiaa at n''Utr 'lirv, slistrs, sliiii'"-a, bairata, rli-. lUal 'I'.. Hi'a Flnanrial hfli.i," an J llian lasa up l l rrtliar uttitiratinna Th ata all C 't I incliitf. HilrMliin-, ('ail.si Ikit.l, aitant. M dim, T. W. Atrra, Jr. la luakiti,; ilrrrl iMHaiia thai Ii (ttarantava. ,i Blil pal, ai.. aPa l al riils - ran, 6 i air ff S ,V, ll'.l t a n l-t a an I la an J Iff II. ll. Vtil -I'ia.B c faO arklff W'U i ii b'nttf ii 11 tan 4 but.it. Uri, a,ff UlaJllUft. I'atbatle Inilanrra of I ha Chilli's Instlnrl fr run. Airs. Moiraworth, who writoa'a moV' Injr srtlclr In Woman' Work, ronrrrn ln(T the nri-ov"!! of olitnininir "fun. food anil fnli nir" fur all rlusHt'Hof chililrrn, any Unit thir nrr anmnir lndon' poor tlmusaniU of little ones who nrvcr Inul a tuv. Yrt still thr t'ltllii'sv in.tlrtf't lo'Tnake Indirre" surmounts vxvry irnctlrnl ol ta'li anil iIhto la a tmr stury of onr little auffi-n-r frmn a s-lirnnU iIIm-um w In isr only .l.i tliln:r wvr tlit htvits of ilamp on tin- wall lii'M.li' her IhmI. Mio pUyeil tliry wit ri-ul ntnl nlirr stir faro thiMii iiiiiiii's att't linulimry qiiallttoa. Anollii'r triti Htory aiinivi'il how far tlii llttlo raiiilli of a lo atnl loritii; wonl nmv throw Its I fa in. , t.-m lur l Min.i.ir ii..il f.ir l.uii'1'in s nNir Aa Irylnrf to lni'r"-ia utin hrr littlo jmpiU fcniin I U- of tin real inranliiij oi fllrif. "Whatrrrrlt rnsy !. ahr aatil, "our offrritiir liitiiMl kliniil.l Ih of our Wit, of what prla nu.st. In una hal-jr In-art hrr wnrli fnnnd rra.lr rriii.. NVl ilay a little rrratr rnhlr hir ofT.Tinir t.i tlio ti Bi hrr. It was a rarrfully tin! Ai'k aifr. cunuinuiir a f-w irralna of rUv i nis was rtr-r inoat ruUu and Jut- nape, nar only trvaur. PERSONAL ORCVITICtk. Tns tirrinan riiirror ha iw turm4 bis aUriitluu Iu arullHur. w itk rr.uite. It It aaiJ. quitr a untoaarJa rn tha eonaniurrura of lit iulrrfrrrui-a with aci. tua an. I liUratura. Mv. Iihiliv At'iaa. who ha Win diarU'hU U'S a palfti Uilaston to lAiba-rfuia, I iietrrmmnl that It thall Upaeida. lit bat Ukaa fir buodr4 raaa and a lot of Matlm guns wita bim. raintM It tat of Urrat I ritaln U kaakln quiu a rrpitalUn asaa ai-trrM Wfora lh quran. If If any ihanrt tha llrtlish r.p!a ahouM ttiaka up Ihrir m n 1 U rt e(! th r'jal aul. aiJiaa ahr ran t auri of a f ifiutit la Amrriia M ! Tw ain, thr popular writrr. hf waa knows tha Inilia'.a A L O T. al1r cf l 'atnl-an l wh.t dir t Is porlhrm lata rrs nt'r. wa tii,r4 fof..! ht M tha ttaiHa ila. with .ut iit7-. Mi Wlr U,i t p.a.f4 a,--! a .sl i, nuwi b4 K4 Uu la. r 11 1C00 OilbiTt recorded that other bodies bvsiilcn amber had electric prop erties. Tkmla, the electrician, thinkshe has solved the problem of transmitting tfU'ctrioity to a dibtanoe with little Ions of power. TiiKilestrnetivenessof anew Gatlinff ffuu may be imagined when it in Htated that it tires :i,l "J shots a minute. hen operali'd by an eleotrie motor, it fires 5, in 'ii hhuts in a minute. Sami vi. LnrKflw, un u(ed renident of Muraiiie. N. I)., who ban been a (,'reat hiilTerer from rheumatisin fur over twenty years him been entirely anil, it Is tliuiiirht, j'nimnetitly cured bv a slight struUeof lijfhi ninif. Mu. I'TnnoN is now i-ntruifod In the const ruction of ii iimtfnetic ore concen tratur w liit-li he e.vpivt will work a revolution In the iron business, so that northern furnaces can once inure buc ccssfully coiiiK'tu with the south. Tn.F.nioNKMKTKH U the new word niiininif an Instrument to reiristcr the time of euch louversution at the tele plmtii' frum tha time of rintrin(f up the efi'hiui.ri! to the riricinifHilr signal. .Such a system would reduce rctilula of telephoiii's to a acute acconlinir to the service. Insteiiil of a llxed chlirtre to ta business tlrm or oucaslonal user alike. ieiititlc Americun. ELECTRIC IP 203 TO 211 STATE STREET. CHICAGO. W. d. BRODIE. 1057 W Polk St., Chicago, Oct. ST, 1893. The Owen Electric Belt and Appliance Co. r Gentlemen Solely in the iuterett of others who are, or may become similarly affected with myself, I venture to offer my experience with the use of the Owen Electric licit, and that I am actuated entirely by that motive, must D9 apparent from the fact that until you see my name and address recorded on this letter you had no knowledge of either. 1 had long been a sufferer from chronic dyspepsia and nervous prostration, contracted or aggravated by many years residence in the East Indies. About three years ago I purchased one of your Belts in the hope that its use might afford me Borne relief, and wore It continuously as directed for about four hours every afternoon for a month or so, and the result wac perfectly marvelous. My indigestion with all its attendant miseries, ner vousness, depression, Irritability and Insomnia, from which latter I was a great sufferer, have disappeared. I then discontinued the use of the Belt (the existence of which I had indeed for gotten), until about six weeks ago, when a recurrence of my old trouble very forcibly reminded me of it. I again put it into wear (after ceasing its use for over one and one-half yearB), and with the same extraordinary results, being again restored to health, strength ana vigor, after wearing it for only ten days. Under these circumstances I can most emphatically recommend to others suffering from the ailments which I have endeavored to describe, the adop tion of the use of the Owen Electric Belt. I had long been aware of the curative powers of electricity from what I had read on the subject. and on my return to England I purchased from Pulvermacher of Regent street, London, thw combined chain bands, of which he is the patentee, for which I paid three' guineas, and" although I mus admit that I derived some benefit from their use, I am bound to say the general result did not approach the benefit derived from the use of the Owen Belt, besides which Its utility is so great an improve ment In comfort and convenience; Tulver maehers' being cumbersome and complicated la adjusting to the body, besides causing from being uncovered, blisters and sores, and above all not being able to regulate the current as Is the caso in the Owen Electric Kelt. You are at perfect liberty to make what use you think fit of this letter, and 1 nhall bo glad to answer either verbally or by letter any inquiry" niado from me on this subject. I am, gentlemen. Yours respectfully, W. J. BK0DIE. h IA Institute -OF- For tho Cui'" oi Liquor, Opium aiid Tobacco Habits It Is hwatiid at Salem, Oiegon, The Mont licmtdul Town on the Count. Call at the Gazkttk office (or particular. Strti'tljiconllileiillKl. 1 risliiuiit prtvaii'siiil sure cure. ON DUSY BROADWAY. Aa lacMant Sat liftra Urm na Ilia Rlraala of Our lilt I It Irs. ltroailwny ua cruwdeU with trucks ami )w.li'striiins. 1 1 ahorlly after rlk'hl o'eliH'k In the morning anil abon-Uii-ieis ami clcrka were hurryintr to their business. Tli rev llulii plrla turneil Intu Four teenth atreet. They wore the regula tion t'his'kfrvil apnina an fiimlliar to the outruns of the bl dry 1,'inmIs stores A they Miuiileil the corner a (fust of wlinl rudely hfteil the hat of the small est iflrl ami sent It aaiitiitf into the niU! die of the street. th. ilear, there foea rny hat. the little one cneil, aa she atiHsl wrlntfln her hitiiiU anil making' t.p hrr mint! vihat to ihv The nrit moment ahe ha.l fullowesl It Into the street The lint was run iluw n I v a cable ear an. I the ItttU ,'iri a, reniiH'il. "1 rm k ilrlver pul'.eil up their Imrse a yoti rnrciy tin-in do Iu t,ia birf citr. The cable ear IoimsI ami the If r piiian fiit off anil himself rraeuetl the i heap sailor hat He bambsl It to the little girt In thr mhhlle of the alrwl, ln earefii'ly IhI olT the mii'l. and after . I n jf this joined Ih t C MMimni "u on thrsl Uiaalk Jiien trar.ic, wiiuii ln.l m mu- Wienlarily sl.p)w.l a rriiili.l Trui k ilrnrrs shouted and (Wore, and trripinrn poinuled their fuii un tt tal'.e ar a4Ui. and I ie ularrvn cmild hanlly make up hi a mind whetfi rr he liitd a. tuai'.y si u tha hi i-lrtit of Imagined IL I aar W'i aa It trat n led men! M ntt la ar a-oil all In a Ufliia! rUmii 'i-T 1 1-10, Iha f,. II. an J fn ir r sv r . ir I a lin ini.al '.. it Kioh' X iwinr, lur a-itiiimtioa n-l a an I eul.ia, each h tf la at'ia'anW,! - t irel Ibllria. ! fl feu 't fi Ijw. Mumaeh at. I Kda, D ieatea trtilea H', the la Iha aurl I, and IS L ,,, . .a I j iMta aSIS 11.1 -svr'rrl fill AU I has fBi-la a'l mar s lied to d i il ah' elainiM if lim ahd ti b' I an i ' .lia' l I l'as'h ' I ' 'a ! tl ti, -a el UA S3 .4 II 4 . . AJtf't i L -;W1TH r()uro BOUND to Tako Mini. Leaves No Constipation,- Cnrra ll, a well aa all II llinnaneta, Kirk ilenilarbe and Malaria, The only CuMr.. Hllil. tlll In the anrl. I. Kuld by all ilrntruisi or aenl bv mall on reeen.i of .nee. W eenU per ton. l llLMlMN Ml I'ICAL Cll. 411 t'alilornla Htrret Han Frahrlen, ('al. BLANKS. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office OUR sSTOCK . OF . . . SPACE IS TOO 1 1 HAW ANM) vi-: ARK WILLING TO UNLOAD It ficc. to Advertisers at a Vou neeil it in your jrent iin.'Micial sacri- l)Uines. and as .1 matter of business we nuift s-.-ll it. Tin: pATTt.Ksos rn visiUN.; C o. I N. IMta, aM-h araij'i f f An ii,a naaiiN I in; Lancasiiiki: Insukavck (.. t MAM IIUi. rid, 15311 AMI UHLX il.M. O'.g .;M).eHtltH,a W... Ul