TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardman, Monument, Lon Creek, lohn Day and Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. m., except Sunday. Arrives every day at 6 p. m.. except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. 1'hill Cohn, Agent. You can get the best beer in Heppner at Q. B. Ted row e's, 5 cents per glass, If you want the finest liquors, cigars, call at Ted'B City Hotel Bar! etc.. Here and There. Cresoent. Orange cider at Boyd & Siding's. Try Morgan's dreamery butter. tf. Don't overlook Johnny Hager for good meat. Try Spray's hams and bacoD, the best in town. E. H. Clnrke, the wool bnyer, is in the oity. See Driskell has moved to town with his family. Spray's pressed beef, something new, fine for luuones. All kinds of temperance drinks at Boyd & Saling'a. Ayers guarantees his poison. Only $2.50 per dozen. tt. Photographer Dowe will return to Heppner in July . Read "Coin's" publications. Don Carlos Boyd, agent. . Johnny Ayers and wife are visiting in Heppner for a few days. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walla. Wash. Jofen Barker was in from the Butter oreek country yesterday. For fine millinery and cheap, see Mrs. Le Balliatster at tbe Oity hotel. 2t. The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $2.75 per year, both strictly in advauoe. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S. 0. Smith, Srtleaman, Hopnar. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and SwBggart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do it with. tf. A she-lit frost Tuesday night did Borne damage to gardeus in different parts of the oity The Hood River strawberry crop is about ready for puking. It is immunise this year. The ohanoe to get fine millinery cheap, will last but one week. Uall at ity hotel at ouoa. t, Gihoii8en Bros, are making a special out on large family groups; call and get their prices. Waldron Rhe and wife have moved into the Frank MoFarland residence ou lower Main street. Thfi Brand lodire Knights of Pythias of Washington, ia iues-ion at Walla Walla this week with a large attendance For good meat, full weight and cash prices call on Johnny Uager, the new butcher, next door to me post omce. Improve your fowls and double yon production ot eggs. w. tell you bow it is done, free. Of course you have noticed that L. Blumeuthiil is out tor DiiHinesa urn spring. His 8 50 suits are attracting attention. " Have yon read "Coin's Financial Mnii.ml" nuil his otber books? If Dot yon should see Don Carlos Boyd an get mem, We are informed by Mr. Mitchell that Lis new dtreet sprinkler has arrived, an it was bis intention to have tue started up today. nr.an Mitlipwi for bavins, bair cnttiug, shampooing and all otber work in that line. Baths at any time dunug ImniuPHB hours. Meadows & Hcnvner, tbe blacksmiths, hnrnHnuoers and wood butchers, at the old Giiun tnd. Maio street, Heppner. Call oo tbe boys. Regular religions services at tbe opera Loom on Sunday morning an.l veiling by Elder J . W. Jenkins, to wLlob you ai. corJially iuvited. Jack Luke left for Portland Hatnrdiy laxt for a wek'a variation O. L. Uohin son, of PortU d, is holding down bis place dunug bis abeuc. Dou Carlos Boyd this week reived a large iuvoioe of "Odn'e financial School" which he distributed to those who bad ubcnbed for them. B-yd 4 Haling Lave JupI no-ived fre.b supply of dainty catidiea. ont. oranges, l-mor.. orng older ami banauaa. Oive tbe boys call A picnic given by tbe Huviy schools of U-ppner. willotvir at the gnva on Halnrdav, June 1. A '" le promised all tUM who will attend. Any inventor in rt-ro Or. gn wbn demrea til" rvlirs oi an I........... Washington. I. U, will i no advantage ta call on or addic Mr. r....r,tA t.tolvrr no mad le-o UrtxiDvr aod u Alvab Leaob. ot Lexington was quite badly hnrt yesterday miming by tbe breaking down of a scHff Id at the Uasey bouse in this city. He and bis brother were at work on tbe soaffdding some tweuty feet above the ground when a cross piece gave wav precipitating them both to" terra firm. Iu going down they struck another soHffolding underneath with snffioient force to break it down. Alvab received injuries sufficient to lay him off for a few days, but fortunately no limbs were broken. His brother was more fortunate, and aside from a thorough stinking np, no serious damape wan done to him and he was soon at his work again. It whs rather a fortunate eRoape all around, considering the distance of the fall. From reports we learn that the crop outlook of the Hardman and Eight Mile seotions is good, though the oool weather bas kept tbe gr-do back some. Squirrels are d iing an immense amount of damage in this locality, but as yet the crops are not sufferine badly from the lack of rain. However iu the western and northern parts of the county the laok of rain and the squirrels together has nearly destroyed the crop and the outlook is anything but en oouraging. In tbe spring, the human body needs assistance to throw off the stagnation i roduoed by winter diet. As the temperature riHes under the growing heat the suu's ravs we feel tired, half sick and low in spirits' because the blood is Bluggisb and fnll of impurities. Dr. .T H. McLean's Strengthing Cordml and Blond Purifier is a reliable spring remedy to invigorate the body and give tone to the digestion. Price $1 per bottle. Mrs. J. M. Bradley, the hospitable and affable hostess of the City hotel, will serve an elpgaut and bounteous dinuer at that DoDular carHVUsary, Sunday npxt. The tables will will be spread with a verv tas-teful menu of choice eatsbles and a variety of fruits and other dtlinaoies for desert. Beantiful fl Hmead cau Information tf. same to it to bis thl t'- Otf wers artiHticaliy arranged will deco. rate the tables aud lend a weird and vlv enchantment to the comfortable and homelike surroundings of the dining room. Stock Inspector Jas. H. Wyland, this week completed bis labors of inspecting he sheep of Moirnw oounty ana nuns hat there is 241,680 sheep in the oounty year old and upwards. Uut or. tuis limber 43.500 have been driven out of Iih nonntv bv Enstern and local buyers. Mr Wvlwiul estimates the lamb crop of the couutv at about 125,000. Tbe flocks r now mostly en route tor summer range in the Blues where they will re main until fall. frank Khepardson. an engineer on the Southern Pacific Ry., who resides at Los Angeles, Cal., was troubled with rheumatism for a long time, tie was treated bv several physicians, also visited tbe Hot Spring, but received no normanent relief until he used Chamber- Ihiu's i'ain iiaim. tie says n is mo uei medicine in the world for rheumatism For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. The Misses Cora and Vira Hart took their rtunarture vesterday afternoon tor Willows Junction, reiormug last uigui in company witn ineir cuubiuk, mc Mishph Coda and Ida Sarver, ol Wasli- Ington, wbo will visit for quite awhile with their unole and aunt, Mr. and Mrs J. O. Hurt, in the hope that the climate will nrove ben.-fiOl-'l to MIPS UOU6 Sarver whose health is quite poorly. Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthening Cordiul and Blood Pnrin-r is Admirably adapted to ru.k "a little neaiiu go a long wav." Us curative power is largely attributable to its stimulant, tonic and nutritive properties, by which the energy of the system is recruited. It is pleasant to the tnsle.easily borne on the stomach and harmless under pro longed use. Price 1 00 per bottle. Mrs. M. Le Ballistsler, a milliner of many years experience, has arrived from The Dalle and isJooated for one week nnlv at tbe City hotel parlois, where she has an elegant dieplay of flue ini'Unery, consisting of ba , bonnets, rihb'iiis, etc. rLe is disposing of this inck v.tv eheao. Call before it is all gone. Dr. E. A. Vanghan, tbe rew dentist, will soon leave and we would advise tin mm who are desirous of fine work to noma in at once. Full aets without plates, bridge and t row u work and the mom difficult oanee in dentistry attended to with salisfHCtoty results. Kverytbing iMiaratiteed. tf m Tbe annual uini.ic and convention of the Morrow County Sunday Hchool Association, will be held t IVttey's grove on I hnrsday, Jnne 13. A good progriim lis been prepared and nlT tii.e is promised all those who alteud r'tirilier announcements ! be made Istcr on. HnbrrilKr to the Weekly Sno, the (v-tiilng paper of tlregon, it per year. With the GhZ tte, b-dh in dvance, 1275 per year. A gd combinalioo. Two of the triple' paper at one price, huhm-rih at ilia Hs-lte office. Fred IlK-k, an exerienced bntcber fn.rn Portland, has accepted Mlln in listen Matbewi biilclier shop, where be will stve the publio in the best of stjlf. Fresh meal and Loiil weight t everymi. Call on McFarlaud Mercntil Co. and not thfr tecul prices on gents fannsli lug gHids. tniery and uodetwar. Tuey kn a eonn.lel hue n.l ell the lower than tby have ever leeti known AGKlCDLTrRAL QrARANlINE EECLA-I HONS. At a speoial meeting of tbe Oregon State Board of Horticulture, held in Portland April 2, 1S9 all members present, the following regulations were adopted, iu aooordiinoe with the laws regulating snob matters, and are, there fore, binding upon all persons, lbe regulations are to take t-ff.'Ot and be in force from and after May 4, 1895: Rule 1 All ooniigoees, agents or other persons, shall, within twenty-four hours, notify the quarantine officers of the State b iard of Horticulture, or duly commissioned quarantined guardian of the arrival of any trees, plants, bud or cions at the quarantine station, in the district of AdbI destination. Rule 2 All trees, plants, oottings, grafts, bods or cions, imported or brought- into the state from any foreign ... TT 1.1 country, or from any or the uuueu States or territories, are hereby re quired to be inspected upon arrival at the quarantine etation in the distriot of fiual destination, and if any t uoh nursery sUicli, trees, tlants, cuttings, grafts, buds or cions are found to be free of inaeot pests aud funguous diseases, the said quarantine offiaer or duly com missioned quarantine guardian shall issue a certificate to that effect. And furthermore, if any of said trees, plants, outtings, grafts, buds or cions are found infested with insect pests, fungi, blight or other diseases injurious to fruit or to fruit trees, or other trees or plants, thev shall be disinfected aud remain in quarantine until the quarantine offioer of the State Board of Horticulture or the duly commissioned qunrantine guar dian can determine whether the said trees, plants, cuttings, grafts, buds or Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE., OKHUUS, I j u.ii iwis Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to mane nnai prooi in upporioi h s claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County ClerK, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 2, 1S95, viz: JOHN GOTTW ALU, Hd. No. 5401 for the SE NEH, NEand tiE NW Sec. 12. Tp. 4 8, R 28 E. V . M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: W illiam Sanders, 1. A. Moore, jaiues uruwu, B. Natter, of Heppner, Ore-B p 38-49. Register. Notice of Intention. T A NT) OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, I J May 22, 1S95. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hn claim, and that said proof will be made before 3. W. Morrow, Co. clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 6, 1895, viz: WILLIAM G. SCOTT, Hd. No. 871. for the W'4 NWfc and Wtf SW See. 32, Tp. 1 8. R 25 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Georae W. Smith, Frank Smith, Thomas Bar nett, Edgar D. Valuier, all of Lexington, or. J. F. MOORE, 38-49. Register. T-T HEChrc 7f is of V histor; HE Chronological Recapitulation of events much interest to the student of history. At a glance he can Bee the dates of principal events, and saves much time and trouble. For a similar reason a recapitulation of articles of merchandise is made so that the customer can find what he wants at low figures at E. J. Slocum's, without spending hours iu "looking around." It Baves time, and "time is money," besides the way-down reduction on prices of articles which all receive at his place. Notice of Intention. J AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, j Aprils. 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 8, 1895, viz : DALLAS DAMPMAN, Hd No. 0851 for the W Sec. 18 and WJ-S NE4 Sec. 19, Tp 3, 8. of Range 27 E. W. M. He names the follow ng witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: D. A. Herren, A. J. Stevenson, Frank Merrill, and D. B. Stalter, all of Heppner, Morrow Co. Oregon. . B. F. WILSON, 330-40 Register. Notice 0t Dissolution. THIS Mivrc . . . . HAS STRUCK BOTTOM ! That is what oar competitors have to say of Minor Ss Co. That there is nothing left to out on that they have reaohed tbe bottom on everything. k' corrvtiOMTa See This ! A big line of summer wash goods, including Batteene and other lines in great demand. mE CLAIM to carry the largest and best selected stock to be found in this city. No Cheap-John goods kept in stock, you can find them elsewhere. We boast on the quantity and quality we handle, but as to our own honesty we have nothing to say ; we are like the rest of the human race, born to cheat, misrepresentation and fraud. I in lli(iti(ifr. wtliiirtfl.1 lasfl Oaurr can hate same by calling o Mr. , , h , , , Lal tyd, prut in the property o4 t'"8 . ftf r l,r,rno. Mniul.l. for this not iM. 0b I f,,r,l will tw yivn for bis rtorn to Isaac l'blpt wk. D. A. Uefrrn, Umr, Or. 6 if. bui of sb.p. ttrb be ' -"; (1.ii.,... it,.,, will ,H ro.h of be psaturrd m tb. or An.t.o Mt.tn.n.tlrant Co. U,i,ilrry f..r a time. 5 7 Seel tll: M..!.. Hro..,C..y 1,,1 U,b-r shop. l.Mer.vlth.altdmrg.oo lb. i .t in.i h , jB, ,c,rtlilfl(.fci,. brcittsiUt on by ao atta- " r,H'" ... , , ,. , iMtscnog. N" ll.tn and fi -ibr main ot II F. 8.rt ! '";. , f .r .imi-r. Mrt,.- fro,,, r.ii.,bid. or nb lo.j-ct. at p. tui ,'i,l"H1"i ?",Ub.'..lr-d; rr.id 112 of. AUrcN. A. b. Utng. ,)S f((uUl. ,a.f.,.lln. .tati-te I or l'r W-hf -'-o ' i "0' ,f- tn.y !... ...rb o.ti n d-M -Uf Muliii I'rrry !. t n t.l I I.t. iff Wf C. r, rr.1. .f..vdl, l...vr, that tob ,lbM...lf.1Udt.iit.ruiioaUil.- .'tl-jN.,n ,, M,nutmn l...i. Mu l.t i I )fns,(,, rUrf-. of In- ... ..... i ' !.omI...d Hull ct.H'n.s aid ions are free from live injurious inseot pests or their eBBS, larvae or pupae, or ftiDKous diseases before they can be oflfrred for sale, eift, distribution or transportation. All persons or com panies are hereby prohibited from carrying any trees, plants, outtinKS, grafts, buds or oions from without the state to any point within the state beyond the nearest poiut on its line or course to tbe quarantine station in the die riot of ultimate destination, or from any point within the state to any other poiut therein, until snoh trees, plants, outtings, grafts, buds or cions have been duly inspeoted, and it required disin feoted as hereinbefore provided, and all suob shipments must be accompanied by the proper certificates of the insteot iug officer. Provided, however, that after such persons or company has given the proper officer fonr days' notioe, he or tbey shall not be required to bold such shipments further, without directi ons from snoh officer. llule 3 All peach, neotarine, aprioot. plum or almond trees, and all other tiees budded or grafted upon peach stook or roots, all peacb or other pits, and all peach, neotarine, apricot, plum or almond outtings, buds, or oions, raised or urown in a district where the "peach yellows" or the "peaoh rosette" are known to exist, are hereby prohibited from being imported into or plauted or offered for sale, gift or distribution within the state of Oregon. Rule 4 -All trees, plants, outtings, grafts, bods, cions, seeds or pits arriving from guy foreigu country found infested with insect pests or tbeir uw, larvae or pnpae, or with fungi, or other diseases heretofore unknown in this state, are hereby prohibited from landing. Rule 5 Fruit of any kind grown iu snv foreiun country, or in any of the United States or territories, foiiud in tested with eny inceots, or wilh any fungi, blight, or other disease or dixest-es Injurious to frnit or fruit trees, or to olber trees or plants is hereby pro hibiled from being off-red for tale, gift or distribution within the state. Rule 0 Any boxes, packas, packing materia) and the like intixted by any insector inrectt., or their Bags, larva or pupae, or by any fungi, blight, or other dittease or diaeaa known to be it j'irloiis to fruit or fruit tree, or to olber tieei or plant, aud libl to spread ooutauion, are hereby prohibited from being ofTtied foi sule, niU, distribution, or transpor tation n tt l it said matelial bus I een din- infected bv dinning it in boiling water and allowing it to rem do In said boiling water uo h-M thau two mliintoe; suob boiling ler nd a aucli disinfectant to contain In solution out Ixiiind of ooncetilrated potash to each and every ton gallons of water. Kule 11 -Animal koon as flying tol, Anstraliaa or Knglib wild rabbit, or olber animals or bird detrimental to fruit or fruit tn i, plauU, etc., are pro. biblted from lielng brought or Umled in tblitUte Bod tf landed shall bed atro)d. Itula 12-(jirbtin stations: For tbe Fourth district, eomunsing the e.itiottee of Morrow, Wo. Oilliam 0.k and ShDMoan, shall b Tl. Dlls. Ktuile oiianufi 'irniiue ortWr, or any tu ibbi r of tbe torl or tbe sorre lary theHH.f. Hole U-Iaip'tr or owor of nuiH-ry slock, trr-, or rutting. graM, bti Is, or Cin, deifing it have n h OTICE IS HEREBY i-IVEN THAT THE partnerBhip heretofore existing between H D. Homer and H. E. Warren, under the tirra name of Horner it Warren, a general merchnn dine establiBhment owned and conducted In Heppner, Oregon, h8 this day been dissolved y inuinai consent, n. c. vvarreii uaviug isposed of his interest to E. W. Hhea. The new firm, to be known as Horner & Rhea, assumes all indebtedness collects all accounts and continues business at the old location in the First National Bank building, Heppner, Oregon. n. it. nuHir.K, H. E. WARREN. Heppner, Or., May 4, 1895. 33-9. Notice of Final Settlement. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 undersigned, the administrator of the estate of Lizzie Moriran, deceased, has rendered and oresented for settlement and filed his flna account, as such administrator, with the counti court of the county of Morrow, state of Oreaon. and that Monday, the 1st day of July lxWi. at 10 o'clock a. in., of suld day has been duly appointed by said court for the hearlnn of objections to said account and a settlement thereof. M. R. MORGAN, 7-15 Administrator, Stick a Pin In here, and don't forget the nice line of laces being sold at very low figures. MIKOM & CO. Ladies Wanting The nicest, neatest and cheapest underwear should not pass that department, else they may regret it. ONEY LOANED. Monfmi cd. W First Mortgages proved tutm 1'ropcrty Negotiat ed. We are prepared to negotiate lirst mortgages upon improved farms in nrpiron. with eastern parties at a rate of interest not to exceed V per cent, per annum. Mortgages renewed that have been taken by oilier com panies. Address with stamp, Baker City, Oregon. Yon Must Have shirts, men, and prices from 25 cents to Hd are found. You can get what you want. Re-Opened! TI HOTEL Has been re-opened by Mrs. J. B. fipcrry who will conduct it In a strictly ftrst-clasB manner, with the view ol pleasing the trade in general. People from Country Districts will be made to feel at home. Sunday n ii a M6C1 I n i PAT111 i vyuitti an i Dan Matboit, T. W. Marshal and Sam arp "VXTri rm B. Stay, the first two well-known -A-AW mm traveling men, and the last named repre senting tbe LondoD & Lanoaashire Ian. Co , were in Heppner Saturday last. To travel now, but those who must go should not fail to provide themselves with a trunk and valise of latest make. Sold very cheap. T H 10 Ills II:1::: Grocery A5f?S New Idea Patterns, at the very low price of 10 ccnU; latest styles, and equal to Butter ick'a or any other standard line of patterns, Free 'Bus for Customers to and from all trains. MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee. All businesa attended to in a prompt and Batiafaotory manner. Notarial 1'nblic and Collector!. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HANK BUILDINQ. HEPPNER, OREGON Arriving Tlio Feet Kliould ho encased in com fortable shoes. Slocum's linn is extensive and de serves inspection. A new line of Kaatorn goods ex pected shortly. 111 II 1 1 111 Tlni'lv nun uuuj;rj --: A.T a- WSm MERCANTILE CHITS -11 hKAIiY- To Make Tins lively! IS TIIK lllKK r.RV TRADE And oflTer their new involne of Taaa and Oilfeea at irioe that will tnako a aenaa- tion. Th Wbiia ll"ii Oroperv carrir Fanny and Staple (irorien. Wood and Willnwwar, UlMar aud Crockery and Tinware. See the Line Of latoat rtyles in gloves. The best is to be found in this department Call for prices ntid don't fail to see them. We Sell as Low or Lower than Any of Our Competitors. i We keep a complete line of everything. Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings. CALL AND SEE US. The National Bank BuilJimr, llep&ner, Oregon oorwry trh, tfea. dM, ruttiii(f, Hiiibeat urifMNi ti l f"r c'intry pro- d ') In riniiann tut k'hU. New good arriving daily. C and riamlow U (or yonrwlf. Neil door to the City holel, Heppner, Oregon. O i" Pi'ices and Quality Are ajH-cial featureaof Bio- owm'a at(rr, and in this col- umn lo pnxes to keep you pemted on what ha koet. irudUd-. u-l-f lb-1 -"- - T,.UM,,.,.,orBi,aa,....,r rw ,ll..fl'l.. .f It-.b ref. a I"1' j'1 ' j ,..., ' .I.a.l dMef tol I a t,"t f,l k.lf,l'rti). , . , . . , ., , ... , J Jbtpiu. fc.rt'.i it rrie ii ii.. r.r, i. lup?n-r!fc.,'-u-l', 'I'"' " .. !ui.rrif li qi.raii'iu U'i tt,. fur In- W. L. Douclas CI CUnC iiTHiirir, OnwLriTrM AHIN. Wbrtl "' l"'M '" n0' ,t,it,ii.. ! frrri.fl. " U.1l I I t.l l j. J, M. ri u oftf fftij llflin Htt lr i A'-i (Si.w io l .wa httid.y apwtl'H., a k-I iy ll "' "I r.tfnl.li.'it f IUb' l. I i-li!a a t-i I'larauttb latiotia, tift.f'. f ( tr ' "0, ferit. tut I,m4 Kwwi4.ii J.- ii a. an i all ')' ! li.io'n a'e.a I. Fa". I"d "A Mra, 3 v. in? U o' Uii I m v'.iot "a It It.a rrli i. l.'in lf ilMiif,iai.l' ! n ,r,..,fr t ,,. f (,f tU l.iard, ' " .. i ... ... . t .... ' ' a in. ... . . l, .f.t. IU t.Mll.rl tl'j BI HEPPll'S WAREHOUSE ! Storage and Forwarding. le. Ii. ! ill. 1 nHme whu f."' ' i. .i. ... .iifi' -a inn-"- t- .U ,V. Cr. , . .k..m b. I t f e.,, . U' I . "" :?r.T.t . . t..,. . " -iit A W. u. .,nt ! jf 4 !t jrt I It I at a nel "t hl-U o.ft.fM r. at r','.fi.', jr;J.l'' J H. n a. l. I ( AiUtti Om. L luawMf, axy. 3. COPDOVAW, U.V'OUCt.ltOlU. i.Anir.a ' ' fH0'-','' pet Orf OM Mllll. Hwfl. M lh W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 SbOC3 Alt our h' arc couatly Mtltfactory v a fi im k I -f ( It.lMMl I ! M fit. m th .toi, j Kla. M 1 1 4 IMtM. ii iw kwi m.oU twi-vi f-m ik, t 'M i a ill 1. 'M p (mm. Atwaatd, A!;.tebtt I Jxpect To m-t tntition So ny un kr-pt by ti, nJ lnit an early ioap!ction of atck. E. J. SLOCUM, (J! 1 lilarkutao Htaml, IIHIM'NKH, OIIKOON j, mk m; Wwdbalnl and alifniij. Hnrna1 attention paid l wimiI Ibal It may b. under eov.r and Io rubdititm Ut Ibtixetmo ut bny.r.. Kcmcmhcr the Upper Warehouse. HENRY HEPPNER, Heppner, Ore. Proprietor. AIL Ul A HA A r S MJI : NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER CAM. AT i ivi ii ni i Llual mm Plenty of them at tho Gazette Offico ;ta