Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 24, 1895, Image 2

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. Editor
Business Manager
From The Dalles Chronicle.
A subscriber recently wrote to
the New York World as follows :
''I want to get the names and ad
dresses o the members of the sen
ate and tlie house who voted for
the bill to demonetize silver; also
the names of the chairmen of the
committees that recommended it,
and the date of the passage of the
bill. F. N. M."
Marquette, Mich.
No bill ever passed "to demone
tize silver." Silver was demone
tized by a trick, and not more than
three men in the city of Washing
ton knew when it was done or
within a year thereafter, even, that
it had been done. This demoneti
zation was the result of a combina
tion among half a dozen of the
leading gamblers of the Gold
Board, which has its ramification
abroad. The coinage committee of
the house reported a "bill to codify
the miot laws." The necessity for
that codification was well known,
and the chairman explained that
no change had been made in any
of the laws, but that the different
acts bearing upon the mint had
boon brought together under one
section. The bill was not even
road except by title. It was passed
without one dissenting voto. In
the section enumerating the differ
ent lawful silver cuius of the Unit
ed States the word "dollar" was
omitted, beginning ''the half dol
lar," etc. No one noticed the
omission. Kvon a careful reading
of the bill by evory member of
congress would not have reveille.
the trick to any one of thorn. No
one was thinking of tho demone.
ti.ation of uilver. No human wing
ou the fuco of tho earth had over
Hiiggohlml such a thing. The silver
dollar was at three cents premium
over tho gold dollar, aud when the
gold dollar was quoted at 110 the
silver dollar was quotod at 111).
The word had been strickon out h
some member of tho committor
without the knowlodgo of his uu-
BUHpoctmg colIoHguos; but who
did it has never been diecoverod
In after years each member of th
coinago rommittoo cxpresHly din-
c-liiitued nny knowledge of the trick
or Hint Iia knew or had heard t lint
the word "dollar" had been omitted
Tho bill went to the netiate, nn
referred to it committee on coin
age, nam. tied perfunctorily, re
ported ly Mr. Sherman (the chair.
man) to tho senate, and panned on
Mr. Sherman's ttriHuratico that it
mndd 110 changn in tho law, only
bringing all tho different lawn to
gether. After tho bill was at
tho secret that silver had been de
luotictized m carefully kept No
member if tho government knew
it Sis monlha after, ami agaiu s
year after, President (Irant, iioi
knowing Mint silver had lieeu ile
monetized, advocabsl tho coinage
ot more silver dollar. At that
tuno there wor sotno in tho coiiu
try. Tho necn tary of tho treanui)
also advanced the tamo thing. T
tlieir ititcliftO fttouilllliettt the)
were hon tlm h-tnirt of tho di
rector of tho (icrmau mint in Lich
ho stated, that America had de
liioiK li.s it dver coinagn. Tl
kt'itement had l-veii laughed at
the blunder .f a foreigner, but up.
oil tho elrttiiitiftlloti of tlm mint
laws a rodifiivt under th act o
the )rnr I f.ne, it wa ditvverrH
that silver h I leon d mourtite.
for a )er. liter ,ff.rt from that
liiu to this. take tho back trac
La beD dfentL
and evening. Hon. Thos. H. Ton-!
gue heads the list of delegates
elected by a majority of 100 votes.
Mr. Tongue is a friend of the white
metal and is quoted in the Sun of
May 23 as saying: "I am a bimetal
ist and believe in the use of silver
that is consistent with the main
tenance of a parity with gold, and
give preference to the American
The convention throughout was
characterized by good feeling and
harmony among the delegates, and
while the free silver resolution was
counted out the bimetallists ac
cepted their defeat gracefully and
do not consider the action a repu
diation or denial of the strong sen
timent existing in this state among
a majority of the republican voters
in favor of free silver at a ratio of
16 to 1. Speculation at this time
is idle as to what action the repub
lican national convention will take
in regard to silver. It is over a
year yet ere the republican nation
al convention meets and in the
meantime the friends of free silver
will be actively at work gaining
How Jeremiah Judkios
By James Judson Martelle.J
The summons being answered by the
boneet Jerry opening the dour with the
full expectation of facial? no other
personage than the agent whose time
was about due to make the annual oall
on Jerry for the interest on the mortgage.
Imagine Jerry's happy surprise, how
ever, when upon opening the door be
was not to meet the undesirable
oall from the agent but the countenance
of an entire straDger greeted him instead.
He was a man of apparently about 40
years of age, neatly attired, for that
section of country, in "store clothes,''
light hair and moustache and dancing
blue eyes, which betokened much fun
and merriment in the general makeup
of the man.
The stranger readily acoepted Jerry's
honest but brusque invitation to "oum
in an' rest," and introducing himself as
Grant Rogers, Esq., representing H. &
R., dealers in general merchandise and
furnishing goods of nearly every de
scription, of Heppner, soon mde him
self at home and on very easy terms
with Jerry and bis estimable wife, who
by this time, "primped up" in her best,
ha1 marl A Vtoi a nnaora nna Miponrlv
i. ii...' -rHv,v..u,w.
uOW uuuvbub uuny lueir cause. to0( atter Bcouring the younger Judkins'
in all 14 delegates were elected with soap and hot water and vesting
to the National Republican League, tbeui with clean aprons entered the
Six of the delegates are from the dioiDf 8nd 8i,tinK room' combined in
state at large and four from each T TWIT . .
each busily engaged trying to poke the
congressional district. fiBt of .h(,ir flft
hand dnwn thair th mat.
The six delegates from the state presumably in an endeavor to smother
at large are: George P. Hughes, of 'Qelr bashfullness, while with their
Salem: Dr. N. H. Ellis, of Albanv: right hanas they clung tenaoiously on to
R. S. Anderson, of Baker Oityjl " j ,l 1
' 9 v nil no1 Innv a nr. tin urn thw anrlanvnrarl
hoB. II. Tongne, of Hillsboro; t0 bide themselves by noking their heads
John C. Carson, of Portland; C. A. out of sight under Mirandy'e skirt,
ehlbrede, of Koseburg. nearly throwing that young lady into
First District J. N. Smith couva'8in9. na oausing her to blush
' 1L. A. I - rt l i l
U.rmn- I R Tw;,l Votvil,.!!. tt I iiie roois oi Dot ure reoi nair, wuion
1" " IS 1 Vj -A. UU1 U AM 1 4.-1
K. Smith. Oreeon Citv: F.
Mulkey, Eugene.
Second District M. 13aker, La 6 'oRgy shoes, and at the same time
Grande: J. H. Huddleson. Mult, showing to Mr. Rogers a pair of mis.
nnmnh- Sfl,nnl V.1mnra of,;0 . maiea nosiery and limbs, to judge from
' I IhA fila nf tho nnlrla dianluond that
a. uiuuuf mubcu. miffhl have done cooi iemaa fl h&n
rmlaa nr in fha nnnolpnnt.mri rf o nat rt
rrn 1 il.- i t r - r
mmiuuxyonueireasury, u. 8titi for some youthful genius. How-
Q. Carlisle, is lecturing in Ken- ever, Mirandy soon displaced Barab
tucky on "Sound Money." IHb Jane BD(1 B'hy rron their safe retreat
first discussion of the question was nd ensconced them in o corner of the
n..: t m i , . , ronui io luemseives.
" J b I Tl rnnlil aabiIv Ka baaii tSaf fha
HON. D.P.TnoMrsON was chosen htr8D8 .Mr- made a very
AH thfl nnrmnnflnt rlmirmm nf dial.. - . ..
v tne nrst, as evidenced by tne soy glances
Salt Lake Silver convention. Mr. she oast at him from nnder her ev
Ihompson is one of the best known lashes when she thought be was not
mon in Oregon, and the Gazette WBtbiiig har. Mirandy pictured her
His slan
even wealthy men are understand- oould only gain hn sffotion it would
ng tho necessity for tho rehabili- mke bur the bnppiest mortal on earth,
tatiou of silver. D" 88 OfftQ' ailed sweetly on Mirandy
in answer to some question, it nearly
Tilt: sT.itt: art-v nt lew
Ml KTISii.
of Orant, with the seam bursted out in
the instep, in proof of her statement.
"Well," replied Grant, "things do look
rather blue for you, I must say, but,
Mr. Judkins I notioe your crops are all
in and looking splendid, your place is
well improved, your stock and poultry
sleek and fat and with the bonntiful
rains we are having this spring insures
a heavy yield of grain the ooming
harvest, and should there be a European
war, wbioh now seems a certainty and
an inevitable outcome of negotiations
and conditions existing between dif
ferent powers in Europe, there is no
question but what you will realize a
handsome price for your grain prodnots,
and all this coupled with the solace I
am happily able to give you in the way
of saving you many a dollar that you are
now oompelled, virtually to throw away,
will release you from the bondage of a
mortgage and other indebtedness in a
short time and place you on a selid
footing financially."
Marvelous Kesalts.
From a letter written bv Rev. J.
Guuderman, of Dimondale, Mch., we are
permitted to make tbisextraot: "I have
no hesitation in reoommending Dr. King's
New Discovery, as the results were
almost maryeloua in the case of my wife
While I was pastor of the Baptist oburoh
at Riv.is Junction she was brought down
with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe.
Terrible paroxysms of ooughing would
last honrs with little interruption aud
it seemed as if she could not survive
them. A friend recommended Dr.
King's New Disoovery; it was quiok in
its work and highly satisfactory in
results." Trial bottles free at T. W.
Ayers, Jr., drug store. Regular size
50c. and $1.
at any moment was ready to burst into
a oonrlagration from the friction caused
by her agitation, to the soles of ber No.
Played for Crazy by Bam etuwss to Get
him out of Difficulty.
in uregon, and the Uazette wiuuiu ujr- .""uuy y.umreu uer
say among tho wealthiest hooe of a modal homband tn her mind
. , and was sure that in Mr. Qrant Rogers
land proves conclusively that h8d fimml her BD0,0i BnJ if Bhe
monopoly of traflic from St. Paul rH,,iz6
to tho North Pacific coast over tr, woman's
l or tho ptirp.MMMif clrcliKg dele.
Kit t tl. Hepublicnit Nnhoiml
I -fa tTUi ti I i l.. I in I'lrttUttd.
Oii., i'H Jui.e !'., lit Voting Meti'
Mil llfpnl.lieiD (Juh mit Id
"pci! 'iii-n In th Park l!ilr,
at iVitfau t, HVlnUr nfurr"
It IS currently reportod in rail- threw that young lady into the seventh
road circles that President Hill, of ble"e" .r ,,"ll1Bh, !or Bl,e hBj D0 otber
tho Great Northern, has gained .,f hi. .tt.fli.nM.t h,.
control ot llio JNortliem l HCltlC. Kiuking iu the muliuht uf his iimilHi
Hill U expected to arrive in New Mirandy forgot all about the handsome
York from England tho first of wu,, wfcbaut she bad met In llepp-
next week, and should the reoort '
I t fitl . T
tr.m it till rv Mum ui.i uraui iwgere anne lime or
" - - aw ..... h...v. II I lit (. I . , , . ,. ... ...
mm, uis urn i vmii 10 iteremiau juaiins
Imt simds ot love aud
wrath aud hate be
tbout 10,(KM) miles of track. ioing iu the heart ot the susceptible
anil Hat tern J Mirandy. hv bcilowinir
illE income tax law was declared opcm ber his m..t osptivating smi'.e aud
unconstitutional iu the Buprpiuel,""i',,D". e'"" h" ""uld not hsve done
court at Washington Monday, May " ooul', be b8T '' & '"refold
lO Tl !.. . - i i i tuiurv utu.iii.i'.Upui.
'II I liA tliniiiii lat H1ABUII.A Imu I
mp. ....p...v . i. lui-nnuiu tin" .. ,
... . . ii'il luimi uiri-i ami ii't me
.,n. -,. n ....K B.i,c.,. ,,Uuiio ii- 0 T4iri f Mirandy for (mart
teulioii mnco tho beginning of the ItitentKin and agaia tk up lbs thread
regular seHhlon of tho oild congreon, ear story whu h rebttea to Jeremiah
and tho action of tin auoreme Ju-lkins and hie worldly trouble. Ho
nr in .1.M..rS.. t. ........I P ' M
it.l lii..i..iiaililnli,.ai.l . I. 4 I. 1
. UUu,u,,.ur,, tifj ine. ujj ..WltI M. JUll,jng ij onl
government of ft revenue of 1-10,. htugur. -jroa beve oil- end writ im
lXK),(HH) aud will necessitate the prtm-d le here, a tidy hom, e luting
pee.ly adoption of other meaaure ai Jol,ful cbilJwo, eoJ from out-
l.vtl.., 1l1..i.,itrli.,nL.r..;,,,l.,,r- r'1 W ' lo frosperous
. . . elrcurBtllHl.,,
iuo ininn,u iu ii'iruuii.TiMmuiM Tm " kiiarta.l Jarrt la
by thrt deeidiou of tho supreme llm I ,ve all you say bat the
Court pf.riiy, eo' thai dou't enera Iu euro
am bow or D.lbrr.'
Hone jHsiplo go no far Si to con "Why ere you sol priMptroatt" tkd
teiitl that frH coiuatre of silver will Orsul.
-nre nil ill-,,f tl,.. .nntrt. Tbi. 10 a'w """t W-rtgage 00
J ..1. .11 t .... .
... I a, i I v,m m wit wwu, nit mi iutvr(i
II. iPl'lt'U't ltfr.rK., A III IlltllirV 1 a . .... . a
, i to iu iirm u ion poiirmoni pric or
pithtnm in only otio oi mo many glMHu u lluun w b-v lo b-v. ell bo me
irolleiue of utateatuaunhip Wfore eo wife are as aaviu' m eao be, il more'o
llin country. Free roiunce of i. op the .rt.fJis oe what we rie en
rer that would bring aUnit silver im ut.i grow urge, the
. ... ... , tntrrrt bardt-r le pay, eoewrHl Jrry.
.n.no.netall.i.tw,,,,KK .i.o good. .Vt,-lo iMtmlM Uil,lf(,,
iHii legwiaiinn uiaiw hi swore uir Jo trB M ibo' emTlbleg
country genuiun hiiiii tnlliniu and wre agio o eo that we would nevar be
thi coupltsl with the protection pf-l'ort.ue. ! lhre is e eeylo to lb
nMeyvt the repuMioau party will ,,w 1 T yn p0' mb,c
' ' . ... .1 i Trusliolbe L..fd. for lie d.ietb ell
emoxeour greatest troutde and ,httltf. tb.1 be will Mp lb,to
nru g nirreaetM pr.iM-rny.-1 uiou M ,lM f,a ln llm, t,0 lt da m ,m0.
Ileputdican. Iim Ibel lie ie a long line to bliu
tie, fr avt'lly g t lo waul f..f I'linga,
A Tutit. Uiiaii. I h.i 1 tuaetm l Ii-Id entuewbat la
a. . .1 -
I ain la lrrrilile tt-ilant, end tnaliiii' lb til en' btiylo' but.li aa
Uo.l .m.oilP. Iitw lf with en Lr life. e, U,.e f r the rbil.lre lo o la sktile
fbie litllitftma I frf i.t.bU, I tt U, rti..n gidfO eo rblok-ee u' eirh.
M,,amii..,., i.y a iimHy rr-..rt to II ,yJ ukte' betlrr eo rtf I enaikil,
uo-i rM.m,..-B Iinur. lh h-t U ,.fiM, r.t m tut.fl. there eis
v. . .. :...'": toibiy un ne iu. i.ur,.i 0 ib
rra ',1 !.-..!." i tt.! e li,li. ..r .tflg-if n.' ll, I ir4 brlp t peid, se
tl.m .li.tn U Imtila tii.ra I lul lx l.t gl in an' wMk aa' plaeb
MM 'il ..,.. at, I t.rnita.U lifa 'i.,, - r.n, X
ipwiintfiw ,a m'.rr rttftritiat aj
anai-urtMil lliaa that of Mii.i. i... . tvp.
I.l,ry l.t Iha nr. 11,1 rffl Pf ha Jeramlah - III aUod II Ibneri Uoft.ti
Hiiut la Iia tlwtM. ratanti iir 'It Ullm' bi OHnhlly o( late
w.iorg i r.iny or - waaib-r. -N..w ma," p ka up Mirandy. jm
" w ... r m y w u r u if H lav
Bam P. SturgiBS, oashier of the First
National Bank ot Pendleton, Judge Jas.
A. Fee and 0. S. Jaokson ot the East
Oregooian, recently stopped at Pry
Wilson's on their tour of Grant county.
There is nothing singular about this
fact. "Jaok," espeoially, never misses a
During the evening repast "Jack" be
came involved with some strapping stran
ger over thesubjeotof "single tax." The
subjeot waxed warm. Hotter and hotter
grew the argument and a free fight
seemed imminent. Mr. Sturgiss saw
that if it oome to that "Jaok" wouldn't
be any match for the stranger, though
be was a sort of a Oorbett in the argu
ment, Mr. Sturgiss then quietly inter
rupted tne animated conversation to
say that Judge Fee and himself were out
with Mr. Jackson honi ig to benefit bis
bealtb; that he was slightly orszy, and
not to pay any attention to bis vapor
ings. "Jaok" was floored, but not
entirely knooked off the earth, admitting
that be was a little "off," but declaring
that Mr. rjtnrgiss' populist idea were
responsible for bis trouble, as be talked
nothing else while out on the trip.
, A strong populist happened to be in
the crowd and Uturgiss couldn't shake
him the remainder of the evening, which
was some revenge even though "Jack"
was evaded by the entire household and
oouldn't get up a conversation daring
the rest of bis stay.
Do you want a bicycle? Then see
the Crescent.
Mr. Hugh Fields returned from Port
land last week.
The Crescent is no fake. Bee it before
buying a bicycle.
Ben Patterson returned from Portland
Wednesday night.
Oscar SchafTer was a visitor to Hepp
ner Saturday lost.
For the money, the Crescent cannot
be beaten. See it.
See tbe Crescent high grade wheel.
Equal to the best.
A. P. Bradbury, tbe craoker man,
Sundayed in Heppner.
Chas. McDowell went down to Port
land Monday for a short stay.
Messrs. Andrew and Ed. Rood were
in Saturday from Eight Mile.
Tbe Crescent's standard wheels com
pare well with tbe beet makes.
Ed Cox, of Hardman, was in the city
over Tuesday, returning home Wednes
day morning.
Tbe Patterson Pub. Co., will bave
some fine wheels here in the near future,
for sale cheap.
Anyone having one, two and tbree-
year-old steers tor sale should see Sam
Kinsman at Heppner. tf.
Ed. Hale visited Fossil last week,
returning Sunday. Ed. thinks of going
to Portland this week.
Pbi) Cohn took bis departure yester
day afternoon for Portland to be absent
a few days on business.
Frank Lee, tbe wool buyer, made a
business yisit to Arlington the first of
the week, returning on Tuesday evening.
Tbe oresoeut half-moon and tbe
Crescent bicycle are two different pro
positions. No green cheese about tbe
Ben Case, of lone, went down to Port
land Monday as a representative from
the lone Republican Club to tbe state
Homer H. Hallock returned to his
home at Pendleton on Monday, after
having spent a week with relatives and
friends in this city.
Mr. Arthur Dupee, son of Mr. Dupee,
of the firm ot Nichols, Dupee & Co.,
wool merohants, of Boston, arrived in
Heppner on Tuesday evening.
Chas. Jobnron, ot N. H. Johnson &
Sous, was in last Saturday nigbt to
attend regular communication or Hepp
oer Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M.
Jaok Arnold, who has been working
for P. C. Thompson for some time past
out on bis Hiuton creek ranch, has re
turned to bis home at Baker City.
S. W. Spenoer and wife were in the
oity from butter oreek over Sunday,
Woo. has finished hauling in bis wool
wbiob be disposed ot at a fair prioe.
Earl's Clover Boot, the great Blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the Complexion and cares Constipation,
25 ots., 60 ots., il . Sold by T. W. Ayers,
Keep the
.n.vr. Ppp.ixo. Oa.. y. -y
"Mvbabv was a living skeleton. The doctors s .iJ 1-..; v-,s '' v",: '.Vv.T.S
rnus, SW. etc . Thvariou. foods I tned f
J'.J p.. ... .nn p-, hari TflTT-Pn At lllll ...v.. a. ..a . a-
. " . ,. , . TiT Z Am TWfln iixinv SCOTT'S Mf..Mf.V K'lllt-
YVIlatt. lie uiu tab un n. I " - - , . '
a- aa: J o in him hnt.flp. thpfl aSTlUll f' ftllllLT it
atrain fcy theWorption method of rubbing it into his b,.l.v Tl- i.e. t v. ni.tr
b y RottSn t -touten and fatten, and bw.iin h lw.ui il.il r.mir.l.-d boy,
VGJ.UU0. p-P"" T apv.fe ' , j .
oi-; tliea
SlOUS. aOaUV LJCL CLU pV DlPVUlPt aaapa. a , . ,
wonder to il Scott's Emulsion supplied the Noa Wi
Scott's Emulsloi
is especially useful for sickly, delicate children when their other food
fails to nourish them. It supplies in a concentrated, easily digestible
form just the nourishment they need to build them up and jrive them
health and strength. It is Cod-liver Oil made palatable and easy to
assimilate, combined with the Hypophosphites, both of which are
most remarkable nutrients.
Don't be persuaded to accept a substitute!
Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. and Si,
Milium Colic.
Person wbo are subjeot to attaok of
bilious colio will be pleased to know that
prompt relief may be bad by taking
Chamberlain Colio, Cholera and
Diarrbtea Remedy. It aota qoirkly and
oan alwsy be depended upon. In many
cane the attack may be prevented by
taking tun remedy as soon a tbe Brut
indionlioa of the disease tppearn. 25
and 50 oent bottlf for sale by Hlooum
Johusoo Drug Co.
In Niw QrABTiaa. Tb energetio
law firm of Ellis A Lyons bave moved
their office Into trior commodious and
oomlortabl quarter, lb Orm now
occupying tb two front room up stair
in Tb National Batik building. Th
room aro beiog artistically fillod up
ud mbeo fully arranged Mfssr. Ellis A
Lyons will have tb neatest law office
iu tb city.
nit. I'll I iu tug nit.
hyniptom Moiature; intvnit Itolnng
and slinging; moat t sight; worse by
erakiiing. It allowtxl to continue
tumor form, blob ofteo blrtsl sod
iilieralf, brcomlog very ore. Mwatmb s
OirmiMT stops Hi Itching and bleed
log, bral nlovratioo, sod id Uioft oaar
remove tb tamor. At draggint. or
by mail, for aOeaot. I'r.Bwiju Hon,
Dr. J. L Hill. Orand Ctioollnr. anJ
(lo. r. M.-Gunorll, U. K. of It A 8
stHXitD panted bv II. O. Matbtr, fdilor
of tb Umgoo Koight. srrtv-xt at HepD-
of ImI mgbl sod .'! Dorlo Lodg
.. , K. of P. so omoial vuil today
lakiog th tram Ibis sftornnoo for rtnlot
bfltiw. Tb mmtr of tb l.xlg bur
rgrt vt-ry mncb that th OranJ
i baomllnr had to tnak them s day
vmii, Dni di ii m i iimita ol II
Impntiaibl (or bira to day ovr sotbr
S tr It Ira's Amirs lUlv.
Tb bl alv in tb world for eat,
nrttiMt, rvtr, urr. BJt Ilbvam
Kvr rtttrM, IX ur. Cbart-ttd llaii.la
CbtlblaiD. tViro. sod all tkis vrspliou
sod txiiifly ear l'llt-, or so pay
rfquirtsi. ii i gua'ariK-.! in
twritt atiafotiis or a.ioT rvfandiKl,
rtl'tw 25 itiiii pr bi. For by
i. v. Ar. it.
lUtfuUr tjnaritrlynii ling w hl l si
lb M. .. rtio'fb on nandav lant, lU-v
It. M OrN, of Arlinitoo rmiiing I
lb siws(w ot I rvcidiog Eldr Moitr.
to toMt Mrmu
Tb asJtttigo4 bavpgba rvtaivJ
to bfsltb by ttnpl , sltrr a.'Trr-
t fur Mttrtil yrsr wiib s In
tT-t.. sad Ibal drvad tl (s
iiilhti, t anrvxM 00-i ta
hi flltw nlT-Mtf lb mn uf rM
T tbna whs ct"lr II. b will rbMrial
ly Mfid. fiM t cbarg a. tv.j.y pf is pr.
f'pti'to s-t. wbisti thv will 8M s
mrltm alftlal fa f 1 ft at .t IS t at ap. n talk aa. a r.
... ' - - I -Waia-aa, - .
.tMMil I alh l tun s i.rVfiit ol - "jts.P"iit4.tiMbr..tso4tii
HIrTla MkUti. diiia l.t t.J w I .mln ir Mr t..tnfaw, s!.ti-. bow all rtii
ki.lncv t..tiM, t. ut,. an 4 4v I ss' I !! II f'.f 'n Is bnltr ' ta. a il I lovalttubl. Tb
bt ttf r. ilM th si!rst.t bw it,,,', bs4 slrIr. n a how
f m at 4 it tn.l.lr b.V . Illr4 bt . I ko tot lb lo fUm
.Uttittnf lb l ftw.fi,..., , b.ch will fomi
n fi.M .jf, iwv LUWAKl) A
v iusu.i, W 11 t, ji. I, J9,ii..
limn nmmu
Tbe daughters of tbe Midway might bave been made mora fair if they had
purobased their finery at BLUMENTHAL S. And their bus
bands a d male relatives and attendants ought to have eaob bought one of our
merchant's ALL WOOL 8 50 SUITS.
He is not Bocustomed to supplying accoutrements for Commanches or Hotten
tots, but we dare say that the daughters and sons of the forest might find much
to edify them in his store. We would not promise that any of it oame from
Paris or Hong Kong, but as an American store with AmeriOBn ideas, Blumenthal
deals chiefly with the Amerioan article.
The fashionable gent or lady will find what they want at BLTJMENTHAL'S.
There is something for everybody and somebody may have everything, provided
somebody has the prioe. And such suits and dry goods for so little money I
At tbe old stand, oorner of May and Main streets,
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day exoept Monday and leaving every
day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap
est route to tbe interior. P. Cohn,
Bgent. '
Tbe Patterson Pub. Co., bave seoured
the agency of the Uresoent bioyoles for
Morrow and Qrant oounties, and will
shortly have some machines for sale at
very low figure. Examine a Crescent
before buying, tt.
Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins. Chattanooga,
Tenn., says "Shilob's Vitalizer 'saved
my life.' I consider it tbe best remedy
for s debilitated system I ever used,
ror dyspepma, liver or kidney trouble
it eioels. Prioe 71. cent. Hold by T.
W. Ayer, Jr.
In tbe editorial in our Inst Friday'
issue, "Th Silver Unit Dollar," the
type made us say "Prof Langhlin not
accepted" Instead of 'Prof. Laugblin
not excepted " The error wa mad by
the printer sod not oaugbl lu the proof.
though discovered before tb entire
edition was printed.
Tom WooWy. of lone, and Messrs.
Card well and lltstin. of Tb Dalle, left
on Mooday with 18 orload of sheep
for Cbiuavo, four of wbioh were taken
from tb lone country. Alter tb sht-ep
are dipnd of Tom expect to go to
Austin, Trias, where be will visit hi
relative for about two mootbs be for
returning lo Oregon.
Now I tb time to get the Weekly
Oregooiau, th greatest nes)per of
th Win... With tbe Uxtetio, both strict
ly in advance, for oo year, $3. No better
oombioation nf newspaper can b made
io th lat. llettide we will give a
premium o additional journal, th Web
foot Planter, as sgripullcral paixr.
Com in now and nborlb.
lb VtatteDbergar shearing crew
mad th following six-day ran out st
Andy 1 illard : Torn Htanag, 903 tbet-p;
Mike Cummlng. SIN; Uob Beard. 1 041.
J. Wallet) Iter ger, 1A"8; J. Campbell,
7 Vim Klmo, KB; wiley W alien
brger, HON; I)n Mlbw. WIOj Torn
MOUam, VTI: J. lUr.ltm, 813. Total
Dumber sheared In ix day H.TSi sbeeo
rlino, who I knows a lb "Kid, bud
s Mon oo hi right hand and eons-
qarotlv fell short of bi nombr.
For a "big feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
6hilo'Cor I (old oo S gosrst l-.
It cur looiplent Omamplio. It
tb twit Oongb Car only on eesl s do.
Irt...oi., snJll. HolJbyT. W,
Ay em, jr.
Popular Prices ! Comfortable Rooms !
Mrs. 1Aoin Bradley, Prop.
Are the Highest of oil High Grades.
Warranted mpcrlor to any Bicycle built In the wnrlil, renanllru nt price.
Do not te Induced to pay more money tor an Inforlnr wheel. Intltt on
hiving the Wttverley. Built and R.iantnieed by the ItidUn Bicycle l'o ,a
niilllon dollar concern, whoee bond I good gold.
211b. SCORCHER $86. 221b. LADIES' $75.
CUlogu. .res. INDIANA BICYCI.li CO.,
HOMER II. I1AU.OTK, lKUiMrni.i, l-t)., V. I. A.
iirn. Agent lor Etulrrn Oregon, Tendlelnn, Or.
Have sncceeilml A. M. OoDti io the RIacksmitliibg
IIUHinPo and are iirepnred to do all kinds of
A Wtguo Shop run In ronnertlnn. etlt(rt.m guirmnUvd. Cell
oo tbero at th old Uunn (hop,
Here are
Which we wish you to
lii'taomWr :
FtrtrtT: We Kwp
Seiip: We nlT.r it
TutBD Wt S4-II
We axe r nt.cl to give more
for a dollar thao the usual
-Iktllar's w..rth.M
Means Hali -Moon, Doesn't It ?
Mia b'.rcft. Urppcrr, Or.
. n
t'T WIIKTIIIH llrt wen la lh . mho b.iitw-1 bru.h on iia-
dy. or did any oihrf lt. mt.gful tf I, or h(,.f it, B.,.n u
S.te ot gro t t-a, rotHVtnt d lh lt. aba tteul Dni rim
l.lrrle lll til th Bi'-ler lmf.r,,.m-nl. el r1re lihln lh trvh nl ell.
The rrenl ,! y
Am4 it Ut M tf-
Ajmt$ for Morreir twl Grunt C,nUt,
ft IKS Cet 0ff Setlei.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.