Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 21, 1895, Image 2

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    j .
tires, lie welcomes mm as a
helpmate and brother, rather than
a possible antagonist or opponent
in the distribution of political hon
ors. He recognizes the fact that
The Party of the People ia the One That
Settles the Silver Question.
From the Portland Sun.
By kind permission of Hon. H. R.
Governor Lord has shown the Kiocaid. Beoretary of state, The San
. . . Editor
Business Manager
From The Portland Sun.
It is fitting that kindred spirits
should honor the traits of character
an nnt.if.fiah le in themselves. Sena
tor Mitchell's letter to his personal
friend, Secretary of State Kwcaid,
as published on the first page of
today's Sun, is a letter fiom a brave,
able and loyal American to a brave,
able and loyal American.
Loyalty to the people and their
interests, utter unselfishness and
disregard of personal gain or ad
vancement; perfect fearlessness in
the advocacy of right and justice
marked intelligence and perspica-
city in detecting flaws and fallacies
utter loathing of hypocrisy ant
deceit; perfect sympathy with the
great masses in their struggles and
trials; keen appreciation or reme
dies necessary for existing evils
political acumen in knowing the
popular pulse and sentiment; utter
contempt for the truckling rnethoi
and double-dealings resorted to by
sorno Bo-cnlled politicians these
and many more noble qualifications
are mutually possessed by Senator
Mitchell and Secretary of State
It is a plensure at this time, when
there seems to bo a surfeit of trim
mers but a drouth of lenders, to
recognize the qualificationa for
leadership as manifested in these
gentlemen. Mr. Mitchell shows n
thorough realization of the immi
nent danger threatening our nation,
as ho aplly states the interests of
the nation havo been "murdered
the past few years by the enforce
ment of the single-gold standard
The demonetization of t-ilver was a
murder, and a nnmt cohl-hlooiiVi
one. The rights, property intercut
prosperity, happiness and freedom
of the producing classes were in
deed miinleied. The evil result
of this crime in the past cannot be
palliated or foi gotten, but t'ljuit
ulile legislation, by removing the
principal cause of the past evils,
cau eliminate from the future the
possibility of tin ir return.
Mr. Mitchell unqualifiedly and
earnestly advise the convention of
the republican clubs to be held in
this city on the '22.1 of the month
to Ixildly and fearlessly declare
themselves on the money question.
In t ikini4 this step he shows liini-
H. lf to li.' thoroughly worthy of tin
high honor which in the past the
pfople of his parly and state havt
endowed him. He tiiuiiift'ht here,
in his utter disregnrd fr self, am
his custoinitry solicitudti for tin
ptopli'iiiid nniiety ftr his patty'
welfare and siicee, by In.1.11) hm!
fearlessly ndvieing the member of
hi party a to tin coutce they
hhould pursue to insure prosiei it)
to the people rt desire iupxM'd
to be the fuiidiimiiital leiiet of
I'Vi-ry party - an I biing victory to
hi party in the te-vt national bat.
tie. I In Iiiomn well that there ru e
many gold-htaiidnrd mn ne king
to hide under the rkilU of the re
publican party, hoping to u tli.it
panoply as a (suet for their own
nlfinh ends. H realize that
them' MrMli will ilollhtlreaeivri't-
ly Midi him nil J endenvor to pre.
tel.t hi re.i l. etioii to tin neiiatf
lie in in blT'tt nt to the wilb
danger that h" Inijit run in litis
respect, kilo Mill that CVell if tl''
f. hti d he will h v. done hi diitt
by hi ountij, hi p'oty roi l hi
ow n if n p t. 1 hi p-utleiimii
liei-1 have le f.ara a to th renult
to him rm'iialljr of thi clear an
titiurUlioii of hi own jUioii ai
the iiim1 a-lvico fciveii lo In pirt)
h The Hun predict that wher he
in)' h ..l by the coiiriM h
i a 1 i Iti-i. he wiH gain hun lie I
Mr. Mil. In It ree k l)i the Unlit
atl ability of hi a s-it. N-imt.
Menu b teahnna that wllli I. tin
ho will hat l dm ! the h nor
f. r whstm r f'H. t,iii ..ii On-; ii
ff iff tlii .i.U II. iittl.mri.ul.
vt Ut iMl tiri"'
. I -inKl ioViofl fVifl fs I In miner rtarannol Ifitter
Bame ability and merit in hia chief . . . . . nnr abIe 8nd
executiveship of his state as he has popniar geimtor, Hon. John H. Mitchell:
heretofore in bis public and private United States Bknatb, )
Wfa TTo knows well that in the Washington, D. 0., May 3, 1P95. )
, 1 . i ii i 4-i V,;iQ flnvJ Hon. Harrison R. Kincaid, Seoretary of
,aSl senary -.c , 8tnte Salem, Or. My Dear Beoretary:
ernorlora wasnoiacaiiuwtue , termination of the
the senatorship, he had many sup- eeDatorii fight I have been on the
norters, and he doubtless realizes point of writing yon, and I want to
that with his cieat rjODularity thank you most sinoerely for having
throughout the state and the high vieed daily by wire as to the
1 , . progress of that contest. It oertainly
position he occupies, Governor Q9i remarkable contP8t. Seemed
Lord would prove a dangerous an- to be Dot 80 mu0Q any parti0ular caudi
tagonist should he decide to be a faieB Bgainst Senator Dolph, but rather
n0,u1i,lntP. for the senatorship be- a fiaht against him by a large minority
ore the next legislature. Mr . e T c., .
Mitchell is not a disciple of that . the repub-
chool of politicians who believe iioma ot the Btate rjjhe finai out0ome
in pulling down public men, covert- wa8 to me, as I presume to many others,
ly attacking so-called friends, and somewhat of a surprise, aitnougi we
J...: uxa fUnmlf ,m nn the must all agree that no more level-
uiUB rrr Tn LT H headed, straight, active republican
ruins of their shattered hopes. He . . ... than Mr
recognizes merit wherever found MoBridei j hope t)je COntest has not
and fearlessly enters the list, satis- heft any sores that cannot readily be
fll t,o mnkfi an ODen battle and healed over, and that the party may
eave the verdict of victory in the oorne up to tne pons ,uu .uu.u -
BllVD lira 'O'""" J uJ ( lha novl q ant inn It l-ertniDlV
hands of the people. . . BratifyiD(r to you, and I am
The Sun predicts that the repuo- it ia t0 me to 8ee the headway the
licans of the state of Oregon will silver sentiment is making throughout
appreciate the necessity of acced- the oouatry. It seems to haye beoome
iHlUnll'a thnf. cyclonic. The people are beginning to
C tiTilufatD
they will unequivocally uecm.oi n. . how their intere8ts
themselves in favor of independent . BVe heen muf(iered the past few years
bimetalism, and that Mr. Mitchell by the enforcement of the single gold
,ill snnneed himself to the United standard and the appreciation ot gold
r,. , ! which is going up at the rate of 5 per
cent per annum uii iuo h"jd, rui
Hon. Peter II. Buhkett, Cali- the -ry oodUy
foruia's first governor, is dead. eDublioan State Club Association
- - . when it meets in Portland on the 22d of
SOME say that tne silver cause is May m ipeftk out bo)dly Bnd fearlessly
waning, but judging Irom tne on thj money question
numher of financial articles appear- The leaders of the repnblican party
iug daily in the gold-bug press, now in the East are beginning to realize
e ... . for the first time that tbey cannot win
the fight is just commencing. qq g gtrB(ldleba8 re80.
. IT ! 41.
In the first heat Col. J. B. Eddy ,nin tUe money queBUOU
win8 in his suit against the state "bis' connection, my dear friend, I
for salary alleged to be one as rail- wif)h to eXtet,d my congratulations to
O would that 1 were yonder thrush,
Mid forest branches swingiug,
While every dewy leaf would hush,
And listen to my singing!
Or would I were an eagle high,
That cleaves the distant hazy;
'Tis not for me, alas! fori
Am nothing but a daisy
Though throned upon a jaunty stem,
And clasping tight a golden gem,
With star of silver crowning them.
And would that I were yonder oak,
With vines about me clinging,
Or with the storm's undreaded stroke,
My arms In triumph flinging,
Or basking in a cloudless sky,
Mid dreams divinely huy;
Oh that would be life! but I
Am nothing but a daisv
The humblest of the flowers, alas!
A spectre white amid the grass.
That trembles when a foot may pass.
And would that I were yonder maid,
Whose fairy feet are bringing
A precious form adown the glade
That with her laugh is ringing!
And look! for now she wanders uigh
Along the woodland mazy;
She takes me to hers -lf! though I
Am nothing but a daisy
A child of nature, void of art,
I play at last an envied part;
This beauty claspB me to her heart!
Piles! Pilesl Itching Piles.
bvmDtoma Moisture; intense ltobing
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue
tumors form, which often bleed ana
ulcerate, becoming very pore. Swayne s
Ointment stops the ltobing and Dieea-
108, heals ulceration, and in most oases
removes the tnmors, At druggists, or
by mail, for oOoents. Dr.bwByue.6 bon,
Wool Notes. Oregon stands seventh
of the states in the number or ner
2.456.077. Sbe is fourth
in the production of unwashed wool,
having 19.618,616 pounds. Ohio ranks
first with Texas a very close seoond arid
California third, with only 210,000 less
sheep. Texas produces the most un
washed wool, but her produot loses 63
per cent in soouring, while that from
Ohio loses but 52 per cent, so that the
latter outranks her in the sonuriog pro
duct. Oregon wool loses 65 per cent
weight in soouring. The average weight
of the Oregon fleece is 8 pounds.
A Subpbisb Parti. A few of the
friends of Miss Lillian Bisbee tendered
her a snprise party at her home on last
Saturday evening. Miss Bisbee is one
of the young ladies who acquitted her-
self so ably at the graduating exercises
of the Heppner High School class last
Friday evening. Her classmates and
few other friends met at the residence of
Rev, Frank Adkinson the eveniug above
mentioned and at 8 o'clook made their
way to the home of Miss Bisbee, the
soene of the surprise. A few parlor
games were indulged in, and a great
deal of enjoyment had whioh goes to
prove that iss Bisbee is well up in the
mannor n( on tar t ai n in a her friends. At
eleven o'clock all took their departure
to the ioe cream parlors ot Messrs. Boyd
&Saling where a bonteous supply of
ice oream and exoellent oake was served
After all had done justice to the palat
able spread they dispersed to their
seperate places of abode. The names
of those present are as follows: Misses
Anna McHalev. Maggie Adkins, Ardella
Reed, Myrtle Horner, Elsie Laoy, Mabel
I r.7.ar ami fWtha Gate. Messrs. li ibert
Hvnd. James Hart, Earnest Gilhonsen
John Horner, Dr. Eugene Vaughan
Harry Warren, Ed. Baling and Harry
ij L.
'"V '71 S
j. v t nrr1 in its parlv stams. Tt-
can witaout uouut, uv u. ------ . . ..
ZTZi: fiZL twtrt hut with the riditlatiO or
uaiuc nuui : ,. .. . r,o.
properly used it can De overcome au t .: . . -; : -vanquished.
Hope, courage, proper ci , . ;
power, and tne reguiai uuu
nourishing food-medicine in existence
Scott s nmtiisioe
-the wasting can be arrestee me :
cough cured, bodily energies icu;;t , -powers
made to assert themselves and , nl ms
K . , ; c-A InHimipn r. m Tlie 1 LI litis.
that are Degmmuy iu - ,
This Snowed preparation, that has no doubt cu ed
hundreds of thousands oi mcipiem lw VAr ""'-U
Son is simply Cod-liver Oil . emulsified and
11 , .-, occimi nt nn. combined lae
paiataDie auu caaj' -
lypophosphites, the great bone bram and 11 ei, e mc
, ,mf THII
NO WW""".-
w '
The undersigned having been restored
tn hAftlth hv simnle means, after suffer
ing for Boveral years with a severe lung
nflWinn. and that dread disease, Con-
sumption, is anxious to make known to
his fellow sufferers trie means 01 rmo.
To those who desire it. he will cheerful
iv oar,,! frA nf charee. a codv of the pre
scription used, which thev will find a
sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Ca
itin and all throat and lung
maladies. He hopes nil sufferers will
use his remedv as it is invaluable. Those
desiring tbe prescription, which will cost
them nothing, and may prove a blessing,
will pleaie address, Rev. EDWARD A.
WILSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. junll-w.
Notice All news and advertising mat
ter muBt reaoh this office not later than
Monday noon for Tuesday's issue, and
not later than Thursday noon for Fri
day's issue. The change ot train urne
renders this rule imperative and it will
be adhered to in every instance.
mini commissioner, ilie case will
now go to the Bupreme court.
Tue Owensboro, Ky., democratic
convention which recently met to
nominate a railroad commissioner,
Inilared fur free coinage of silver,
Senator Dlackburn was present.
you over the fine reoord you are making
as secretary of state. I have read the
papers of the state with niuoh pleasure
on this subject. I am sure your oourse
so far cannot but meet with tbe indorse
ment of all of the citizens of our state,
irreHpective of party, and especially of
republieBim who desire to see the best
interests ut the party advanced.
Trusting this may find yon, Mrs. Kin
oaid aud Webster in good health, ai d
hoping to have the pleasure of seeing
Mr. Cleveland has enlisted in
t.n "uonn.l rnonfiv" war naainst
lilt: mi...... ......... 1 . 1
!.,.. .1 ,1 tutit. lnv I mil. HinOerelV
silver. He did not enlist in the "
win for the preservation of the ' JonN jj Mitchell.
IT..: .... i.w.Hnlii ltitfi1 n Diitiufl-I -
uim.il, iB - --"- r, 8 Kdly present my compliments
tuto. Salt l-aae iriuuuo. . .,,. Ijn..i. wi,ose record as
f.i. hui liuun in all rANnAfltrt
. 1 uovri nnr ti' ni - - -1
JTIH sum tunc Jiawan carinoi . . . of tbe nosition
uiaintain a republican form of Le OOOUpien, aud has my cordial indorse-
iovi-riiinent. and that shortly 1 Lent
iiKUiarchy will be established with
I'rinct'HH Kaiulani on the throne,
and under the protection of the
Inited States. All hope of annex- Omiclfrmnn, of Dimondale, Meh., we are
J. II. M.
Mitrvil(in Itriiull.
Fmm a Iftler written bv Ilev.
rm www m iiaK'n
not cum, U
Team Wanted. I want to buy a
good, gentle team of about 1200 pound
horses. Also a good, second-hand
wagon und harness and a gentle saddle
pouy. Haye some good, young Short
horn bulls for sale; also fine poultry
and eggs for hatohiug. Took first prize
on my cattle and fowls at State fair last
year. Call at tbe J. Q Wilson plwce
above Heppner. N. V. maris.
The man who talks through his hat is
everywhere in evidenoe-very objection
able evidenoe it is. too, in most oubbs.
The man of intelligence oovers his
oranium with one of
fine straw hats, which is in itself b sign
of prosperity and good taste.
He also buys his groceries, gnnts' fur
nishings, Btockmeu's supplies, etc., at
Mr. Howard makes a speoialty in those
things required by sheep and oattlemen.
Remember the place -
Four doors south of the O'ty hotel.
For a "big, feed" when you come to
Heppner and stop at the
Comfortable Rooms !
. 1 .1 . 411 1.
li..n H,e.s to havo been given up. 1--, " DrS.
N.i Dinrtiivfrv. M the results were
l vit,.ii S! M f'rr r rM. who lmil inarveloiiH in the cssoof my wife
" ' ........... nh.i.nl.
visited rortland recently, is niv. Junotion rlm wan brought down
favor of the proiKised ship railway with rmumonia rmc-t-Hding L unpp
. ... , ... imi- " 1 IVrnbtH pBriixjsriis i-f oiiughing would
at I ehlo, but Senator blkms, wlio , ,, ,,., -, ,e Interruption ami
preceded Senator Cullum m-Teral it wml m if nh could cot rmrv k
t 'ii 11 phi. r itn-in '""' - -- -
weeks, is not tmicU impressfHl wun K . N ih.w,Ter. . ,1 -M quick in
it. Uy many it is looked Uxn as u work and ll'lv Miwfaotwy in
, ... 1 resuliH.- l rial imuhi"" "
a scheme to delay tho opening ot A).flli jr, ,rug ntore. IW-golar m
the river. and
IlAUvrv.authurof'CVin'HFinan. nn. dkhmon.
..'ml SehiHil." and Prof. Lauuhlin KuniWind by W. I). HarUn, Land
d-diated on the htlver question iuUo,i Mining Allomy, WasUington. I),
..1 . 1 ..... :..i. A... I ii,.. J.
like of the "turnout" to hear them
lias not la-en seen mnee the famous , , , f jt ivtket
l,inelu-l.ulaH conteht lHforoL Kroitk C. Tuylor. Md tht wbir,
the war. llarvey'n iMiitention for on th r cirdi of tli lel Un.l oirn.
mire Amerioai.is.11 in the matter of ! '''" ""ira ,lie P" ,
All BMiramiio T ,1 of.rt Kiln
Bold h DruBKista or sent by mall. ijOnOUo.
and $1.00 per package. Samples free.
trt tlf The Favorite TOOTS P5tl
IV V ilUrthoXoctUanailrettUi,-j.
For inle by 1. W. Ayen, Jr., Drugitlst
Notice of Final Settlement.
V 1 ..... 1 1. 1 ni ,hiilnilrnl.ir ut tin1
M.UIP r i.ik- Morirmi. rt.H-.-iim'.., m r;' "';;r"
mi,l i.r.-nt'iil.'rt r.iri'UI.'in.'l '! l'-'l I'.'"
,c..!itit, mt n'K'li H.liiilulirt..r. with Hi
.-oiuilv ci.urt of ih county f M'.rr.iw. Kinli- l
Orcn.iii, mirt Hint MomUy thi' ll rtny nl July.
lh-. ,, H III o'. I.M k . 111.. "I l'l '" ,'' "
,1,11V ii...ilHl.-.l l.y "l'l curt l.ir til.' Ii.'rliw nl
ol,j.-.IUiiii to wl.l Tuiinl 'l n.lt.unii'iit
tlicrwir. .,,..
7 15
T. R. Howard makes a speoialty in
supplying stockmen with all needed
articles, besides carrying a general line.
See his new ad. tr-
Rhilnh'n Cure, the great Cortgh and
it r ; : .. ...... .1 .. .11 11 n .1 Pnr.lrpl.
ijroup jiirc.. in i.i Kro upiii'hiui . I . r- 1
size cintains twenty five doses only 2oc. D -.1-1 1 or HrCeS
Cbildren love it. Bold by T. W. Ayers I U J U I a I I liv--.
Jf;., A V, P.terson and Hon. MfS. ODOIXI Bmdley, PP.
W H HlliH. departed for Portland
v-stwdiiv afternoon to attend the state
. 1. l..l.a uhinli
c niVfliliim or repuuiiiittu ...w-
convenes tomorrow.
The neli-hmted K-utncky Jack, Eagle,
wdl stand the seim'-n at Willis rjtewm 1 s
h.eiv Ulle. IVruis are tea.nanie
Hiid will be made known on application
8f I'up Simons or Willis Stewart. if
Misses Maggie Adkins and Elsie Lacy
.u ut ivn,il.'tiin this week attending a
oonventlon of tbe Epworth League,
lining dol. gates from the League 01 iue
M. E. churoh. Houtlr, at mis piace.
v.., ia Hia time to cet the SVeekly
Oregimian, the greatest uespaper of
the Went. With the (l-zi'tro. both strict
u i ,lo,.nn. fur one ear. t'). No better
combination of newspaper can tie made
in the state. li.'Mi.Vs will give as a
nri-mi'im an additional journal, the Web-
..! 1....-. I
foot Planter, an nuririmurni yn.
Come in now Htid subscribe.
Are the Highest of all High Grades.
Warrants iipertor to any Bicycle built in the worl.l, rcKiirrtlcm of price.
Do not be imluccrt to ly more money for mi interior wheel, limliitoti
haviiiKtlie Wnvirley. Hullt mirt gimriiiitccrt by the ImliKii llicycle a.,
million dollar concern, hoe bond l a kikxI hh pild.
211b. SCORCHER $85. 221b. LADIES' $75.
HOMER II. HALIH'K, 1m.uNAI-oi.ii., I.vi.. I'. 8. A.
Gun. Alien! for Eautern Oregon. Pendleton, Or.
X II 13
The aupreme ooort nf the I luted
rr-.v jl, t
.inMiey wan not met by the rofe-
an ln.lii.lul to UnJ within a fa.lroa.1
grant uinler the hiiupata.l of rre-rtntioo
tawa, wh.nli Iimi tMii recogruieJ by the
.i(!Wra of the goternrueot, and hai Hot
Half-Moon, Doksn't It
BIT WHKTItVH ilnrea a man In the moon who biirnct brimh on Sim
day, nr .11 1 any other H1. ri.iiliil a. 1, r mhether the m.Hin
made of rwn h.-. comertu not the trarto who aiU flrat claaa
bicycle. .1th all th m-lcrn lmPr..vem. i..a, .H .-a wt.lilu lh reh of all.
Tha Crea. ent ia mad by
- ' I I -i J V
Bill's Pills
llul thern tit hiiridreda of reliable
brand o pur drnga, (,tuJ m trr.n.iet
never pri .chimed tunrf we!i'ime iiewa to
the pu'ilio. I'lint drum mean that no
bad reeulte follow treatrnvut by pbyr.1
nan. SMoisitu ling Co.,
ftllUU CDIIiVt lri.
A 1. r-l Wa
f. . t". e'-i
...tlt polil
l...ltl flll
l,l.n fH. I lm in
l'lior. l.M'iim.lN, thrt financial in,.,, Mflfl,.M, their ! iaedrpte4 from
i'.lil.rtif tho I'liu-apr TliiH'e-IItT. ti,api rl..iii(ll8rrit.
1.1, iiunparfe iuKl with com. Tho mitmi,.
.r. f. .H.ir lin e lnt mut to wjiW- Tim mineral value i.f a vein la not
etan.l that in tn.t 'f tin etatoa nf eaubli.be.1 by aa ordinary ay eerti-
.i . i'..: ... i:.i.. ... .... ftfale
UH III. Ml IIHH- ' IHMi'lll .....r.-. .
....... . , . I Oil Un.l may be looaled on.ler tbe
0-1 ar..l Uial II l lm M nun u m a . p . fc , nrltfllH,ri. l(,,.11',.. him a r.u-..; i.'.r.
r.kt.i.li.,n aa tiratu'ini or . . .... i. -m ,U,iWM.-IM-r''' 1-''?"".:;.,.
..,..-........ .- r. I lAlltia niDIHIQ .111 I fl' p..,,i.'w.,, , . ..I.., K lr,t ...PI .".'.
I'li.utia. Hut litoet rrtalucta have Jrat eotry .f lan.l feturoe4 ai..i. ,"rJ', H u C .nr
nlli'H a low that laiil re Mt gnrtillnral.
... , . In eorilliel with reervJ e.-htnl ieolnta.
tl.. aj ,..H lato.l .urchru.li Jniwcr .,.,.,...,, W.
f Knltl. !.. ia waller f.f froleat nf a.tvre
Ami ia for aale by
Afnh for Marroic owl (Irani Counlir.
gr Sea tM Creeeenl beor purchaalna.
u 1,1(5
te l EAGLE
Kentucky Jack,
H lloaa rHi.
TiiK rurtbui.l Tfb'Kratn itthv
rrrai.liMit I'li'Vi'lati.l'n Nliry
a t t . a a aitti,.iiiltuia I. a aaiir.t
"" " "IT"""" "" ., i,l
..(! !.i . t n 1 1 1 nt an.t ntlii r iili'na. I i'liai.,lM.rlain'a i'lie.
. . - - - . . 1. . ... ki. ..1
. .1 .VIII . I- U'l..ll I'laniMea K'tue.17. 11 w' h -
..r l..t thfir olli.-.al hia.U W hll .... , ....ut .,fc In many
Notici 0t
M 1
'l 11"
OT.i l H?tir t"' "r
. .l'ir ll I 're
... Jk '' a ... - -
.... ...r-.l ..... a I I ''
. . .. ...... t.A t. -J .
lr..ea win. a aol je"! In attack ' , ",".'...ai "i H
bilMHia r)ie will l le.l l. am.w thai ! .ti,,..,,. i hi 1 ' 1 '
I h-.lefa an-l - ; i..i,. ai ! e
II,. li .1 ,Ni.-..a. 'a I 'I-' I'll'"'
Hirt rtro
points :
Which we iiU you t
iM'tni-rtilivr :
11 iv r : -Wo Ki-cp
Srrt'M1: W oiT.-r it
SHIS Jack, formerly the property of C. S.
Kirk & Sons, will stand the 5vn;tin nt
Willis Stewart's Slaft, Heppner.
I Terms made known on application.
thi . not rpriitt to thrt rpa4-
ira f tho lUi tt it n niHi.U
that 1 1 tea action utt lh att f tlm
I rrai.ti'iit Mi.l hie ri'ullican nn t
I'Miim f i! BW'xrt4'ra trii.a the
Iiiik innn-r ami neater at lianl
hfn .iu.'fUiittn ill control
lliia i .at ion. Thie ia mi tin. f.r
,t..aittaiii an.! thrt tfnijtrr .-f the
l.j.te will 11. t much Uwt
t'.l. tat It
Anr-'.e l.arn . ! an I U'w
. .r ... iiwi I f .a Ui 14 ee m
tlm.m Ihe attara Way b feeale.l t
laati.rf hie f-inwly a e0 aa Ibe ftrat
ia l.e.l..e -f the ,liMaM Bft-ara. S
and fl em Hiilloa ! eale by hbienm-
r ill. utllg
Ail i.wiif I La !' In.lbie.t l
art ia ail. bow email Ibe entrant,
are r t'4 l. fall an4 elle t raab
of .
4 1. r. it. i.
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HoVct of InttnVon.
anorrnt at 1 a ..aM- '"".'''.
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U .r.. .".' f ta, ai "'II
Tnir.i: We rll
CHEAP Us the Place for Fresh Groceries. Cheap for
ash Unly.
rmn smo, cms aw Fits aims oh mso.
W in, t W
. a i . a !. '
l t rtrt 1,
IM 1 i it (. W h " " '
Jit V h. - . Iv I ' "
ll.a-M .-- "
Wall. Tb.f' tuna IM ";""-" -
iUt-lt a.t Mw..ei.'. Mti'lr. l; , , r . a v
, aa-fri-l M.w.laf aft.l laaviB Ht'f ; .. . . . ... M n., .
.lay iei l ie Ut. hlial a I 'f jvta
m ra le lawiver. I. OiM.J
V tire enal lrt.1 to Rive mute
for R tlollar thntl the uaual
"lK.llar'e w.'tth."
isJaiBMireit.Ufri.tjrr, Or.
AttorneyN tit Jc.w.
All braine aiial t to ia a r r .m-
tUlt.f. tft' i I,lV'wa If.. a '
orncs in NituxL ham. m.,u.',s.,
I ka a Hf ftee.