TIME TABLE. fitaee for Hardman, Monument, Lone Creek, lohn Day anil Canyon City, leaves as follows : Every day at 6 a. in., except Buu'lay. A rriven every day at 6 p. m., except Monday, The cheapciit, quickest and beat line to or from the Interior country. WALT. THOMPSON, Prop. Phlll Cohn. Agent. You can get the best beer 4 4 4 in Heppner at G. B, Ted rowe's, 5 cents per glass, 4 4 4 If you want the finest liquors, cigars, etc., call at Ted's City Hotel Bar! Here and There. Don't overlook Johnny Hager for good meat. . Try Spray's bams and bacon, the best in town. Wm. Oourter was in from Eight Mile Monday. Tom Crow was over from Butter creek Tuesduy. , Spray's pressed beef, something new, fine for lunches. Ayers guarantees his poison. Only $2.50 per dozen. tf. Photographer Dowe will return to Heppner in July. Don't forget the special dinner at the City hotel Sunday. Eead "Coin's" publications. Don Carlos Boyd, agent. The Niles-Vinson, Marble Works, Walla Walla. Wash. Carl Crow dropped in yesterday from his ranch near Lbxington. E. T. Perkius won th Itioyole put up at lone on the number 23B. The Weekly Sun and the Gazette $2.75 per year, notn strictly in advauoe. The Gazette wonders why something isn't done towards a 4th of July celebra tion. Now is the time to kill squirrels; and Swairgart's "Sure Shot" is the stuff to do it with. tf. That great loveler of distinction, the reducer of prices, Minor & Co., are still active. W. A. Johnston got in Sunday from B iker City, coming overland from Pen dleton. Don't forget Minor & Co.'s 87.50, all wool suits, the best in the market for the money. The I. O. O. F. grand lodge is in session at Suleui this week with a good attendiinoa. Tbe menu of the Oity hotel dinner Sunday will inolude the choicest viands of the season. Gihoueen Bros, are making a special out on large family groups; call and get their prices. tf Tbe Dalles has a horse-meat cannery and will go into tbe business extensively if the produot sells well. For good meat, full weight and 08nh prioes call on Johnny Hager, tbe new bufober, next door to ttie post office. Improve your fowls and double your production of egus. W. W. Smead can tell you bow it is done. Information free. tf. Commencement exercises of High School at opera bouse, May 17th. Admission 10; reserved seats 25 cents. 3t. Of course you have noticed that L. Blumenthal ia out for business this pring. His $3.50 suits are attracting attention. tf. Have yon read "Coin'i Financial Sohool" and bis other books? If not you should see-Don Curios Boyd and get them. Green Mathews for shaving, hair cutting, shampooing and all other work in that line. Baths at any time during business hours. CM. Joues, assistant. Dick Neville, who does the kioking for the Belvedere, oomplains right royally that the gutter between May a'd Willow on the west side of Main streets is tbe means of toroing a lot of dirty water down between tbe saloon and P. C. Thompson Co.'s, and from there it cannot run away, making bad mud-boles and otherwise becoming troublesome. Diok says he has talked to the Gazette's editor as a councilman and got no satisfaction except the expression that something ought to be done, and Dow be asks the Gazette as the town paper to agitate something being done to have tbe nuisance abated. Tne town oouncil Bhould attend to this matter at onoe. They have certainly been careless long enough. Mrs. Julia Bradley, of the City hotel, will give an excellent dinner next Sun day. Some of the principal features wiil be strawberries, ice oream, oake and the choicest vintage of California's vine yards. In addition to these, tbe tables will be loaded with delicaoies, and it is hoped that Mrs. Bradley will be liberally patronized. The Heppner public is an appreciative one and there is little doubt but that there will be no exoeption in this case, It. A. J. Tillard is having 9000 head, of sheep shorn by the Jake Wattenberger orew, and the results will net 80,000 pounds of wool, 50,000 of it being his own property. The largest run made by the nine men composing tbe crew for one day's shearing was 1,282 bead and the smallest 1,000. This is a pretty good average. Mr. Tillard has one load at Heppner's warehouse already, and more will follow Boon, COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. 8. S. Horner returned last mgbt from a Illiniums trip to Portland where be bad been to bny goods for tbe new firm of Horner & lihea. Meadows & Hcrivner, the blacksmiths, h'trseshoers and wood butchers, at tbe old Uunn stand, Main street, Heppner. Call on the boys. That proposed telephone line from Wil lows Junction to Heppeer should not be forgotten. Then it should be extended oo into Canyon City. Gilbonsen Bros, will do rash of work Ht their Heppner gallery op to June 1st, after whioh they will eloae tbe gnllury for time. 5 7 Matbews Bros., City hotel barber shop, tonsnrial artists. Uaircutting, shaving, uliHinpnoing, etc., done scientifically. Butbs at 25 oeuts epieoe. G. B. Uatt, the tonsorial artist, oao be fonnd at his parlors, Matlock comer, where be will dispense at popular prices, shaven, shampoos, uairouts. etc. Id "Coin's Fiuancial School," and then take np bis other publications They are all convincing, interesting. Don Carlos Boyd, agent. Hoe bim. Any inventor in Eastern Oregon who il'Hiri the Tvii'es of an attorney in Washington, I). C . will find it to bi advantage to call on or address this pa per, 5tf Found A revolver on road befo Heppner ami C. F. Leyde'a ranch. Owner can have same by calling on Mr Loyd, proving tbe property and paring for this notice. B O. Licene to wd so far this month have been ind to W. E. Dennis and Henrietta Whit. Jonathan J. AM vo and ' AnoaC. lMVItt, Jee B. Warfleld and Mrs. Nanry J. lWleu. Lioxingtoo furiinhed soma eimtement a ft w riaya eo In w tiled nrearms came nearly b'ing uwd. io alMeno of the full particular a ran only give tbe matter panning mention. Stockmen You ran croM the John Day ib jour ehtwp. telv mil bwln (Jama creek, on tb Bill Ualkr liM.Ue, anil It will rn.t yon f i.au per hand. D..II t forget tbie. If. Dr. J. H. MoLean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier is admirably adapted to mnKe "a little nealtn go a long way." Its curative power is largely attributable to its stimulant, tonic and uutritive properties, by wbioh the enemy of the system is reoruited It is pleasant to the taste, easily borne on tbe stomach and harmless under pro longed use. Prioe $1.00 per bottle. Mr. Frank MoFarland, accompanied by bis wife and child, left on this after-' noon's train for the East on a business trip to remain some time. His sons will remain with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. M. B. Potter, of Hood River, this summer. Tbe Gazette hopes that Mr. McFarland will be entirely success ful in bis business ventures among tbe denizens of the Eastern oountry. The sudden death of Dr. J. Guy Lewis, of Sparta, Union Co., caused by erysipe las, is acnonnoed through tbe press of of tbe Btate. The doctor was held in bigb esteem by all who knew bim. He was a clerk on one of theimportaut com mittees during tbe reoent session of the Oregon legislature. The street sprinkler man, Mr. Mitobell, getting up a subscription list tor the purpose of indemnifying bim tor tbe bounteous distribution on Main and other streets of tbe aqueous fluid, as long as a supply oan be had trom tbe mill race. It ia needed right now. Dr. E. A. Vaughan, tbe sew dentist, will aoon leave and we would advise those who are desirous of fine work to come in at onoe. Foil sets without plates, bridge and crown work and tbe most diiiioult oases in dentistry attended to with satisfactory results. Everything guaranteed. tf S. P. Sturgiss, Judge Jas. A. Fee and O. S. Jaokson, of the East Oregonian, were in town Wednesday on their way from Grant county to tbeir Pendleton homes. Thy departed Thursday morn ing, overland. Tbe boys tell some good stories ou "Jack" wbioh we may spring later on. Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Teno., says "Sbilob'a Vitahzer 'saved my life.' I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Prioe 75 cents. Sold by T. W. Ayers, Ji. O. W. Gilbonsen returned Tuesday from Wagner where be bad been for about two weeks working up some busi ness in tbe photographic Hue. He re ports great euocess and will tackle the Long Creek section in the near future. Subscribers to the Weekly Sun, tbe coming paper or Oregon, l per year. With tbe Uazjtte, both tn advance, 82.75 per year. A good combination. Two of the people's papers at one prioe. Subscribe at tbe Uazette ollice. WEDNESDAY, MAT 8, 1895. Miscellaneous bills allowed: F. J. Hallock, $177.74; Annie J. Balsiger, $218.70; J. W. Morrow, $100; Frank Gilliam, $83 33; J. H. Wyland, $53.33; G. W. Wells, $177.74; G. W. Harrington, $400; A. G. Bartholomew, $3; C. M. Long, $2; C. A. Hayes, $2; Julius Eeithley, $150. In the case, State ys. J. W. Sweazea, costs were allowed amounting to $24.40; case State vs. John Masters, $15 40; case State vs. John Jenkins, Jr., $8.55; oase State vs. John Masters and John Jenkins, amounting to $17.55, continued for term. THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1895. Miscellaneous bills allowed: E. L. Freeland, $3; J. M. Buker, $14; O. G. Fuqua, $14. In tue oase, State vs. J. N. Jones, costs amounting to $29.15 were allowed. Tbe boundaries of sohool Diets. 38 and 6 were ohanged so as not to con flict with other sohool districts. Costs in the case, State vs. Jack Montgomery, amounting to $5.85 allowed. Judge Freeland allowed $11.60 in the case of State vs. N. S. Whetstone. Issue of scrip to A. G. Bartholomew and E. G. Freeland uonfirmed. County road asked to be vacated by G. W. Lord, et a., but was set aside for WBnt of jurisdiction. In tbe matter of road application No. 139, by J. L. Kinoaid, et ah, bill of J. J. McGee for $11.30, oontinued for term aod report rejected owing to an error, and the following bills allowed: F. H. Wilson, $3.20; J J. MoElligott, $3 20; 8. P. Haney, $3.20. In the matter of road application No. 140, O. E. Farnswortb, et al., petition acoepted, and Cbaa. E. Miller, O. S. Kirk and Fred Asbbaugh appointed viewers, J. J. McGee, surveyor, to meet at place of beginning May 31, 1895. List of oouoty warrants unclaimed, having been issued seven years prior to July 1, 1895, ordered published, and if unclaimed by Sept. 1, 1895, to be cancelled. List of same has already been published in the Gazette. Sheriff was allowed $444.50 for rebate of taxes allowed by bim. Clerk was iustruoted to plaoe a war rant on the delinquent tax rolls for the immediate collection of taxes. Tbe official list does not appear at this time. COONTY W. C. T. V. The Morrow County Wt O. T. U was organized by Mrs. L. H. Additon, of Portland, and met in convention in tbe M. E. church, Heppner. May 13, 1895. Much enthusiasm was manifest and our looal Union, which has Straggled long, and ofttimes under dleconragfl ments, feel that their work has not been in vain. Followina are the officers elected: President, Mrs. H. F. Briggs, Heppner; First Vice, Mrs. Luoie R. Beaoh, Lexington ; Keoording Sec, Miss Silvia Shaner, Hardman; Corresponding Seo., Mrs. M. L. Ooey, Heppner; Treasurer, Mrs. Fanny Ingraham, Eight Mile. For superintendents of different de partments the following were elected: Evangelistic, Miss Ida Fell, Heppner; Distribution of Literature, Mrs. Alice MoNay, Heppner; SundBy Sohool Work, Mrs. Ida Ellis, Heppner; Sabbath Observance, Mrs. Cordelia Ashbaueh, Eight Mile; Narootics, Mrs. Lena Muir,' Lexington; Homes for Homeless Chil dren, Mrs. Alice Adkins, Bbea Creek; Flower Mission, Mrs. Josie Kabler, Hardman: Purity. Mrs. Rush, Rhea Creek; Mercy, Mrs. Stanton, Eight Mile; Loyal Temperanoe Legion, Mrs. Mattie Fuqua, Eight Mile ; Parlor Work ; Mrs. Mamie Brown, Heppner; Press Work, MrB. Mattie Smead, Heppner; Demorest Medal Contest, Mrs. L. R. Beach, Lexington ; Relations of Capital and Labor, Dallas Dampman, Heppner. The next annual convention will be held in Lexington, and in the meantime it is expected that the oountry will organize more looal Unions and that much good work will be done. 1 HE Chronological Recapitulation of events of much interest to the student of history. At a glance he can see the dates of principal events, and saves much time and trouble. For a similar reason a recapitulation of articles of merchandise is made so that the customer can find what he wants at low figures at E. J, Slocum's, without spending hours in "looking around." It saves time, and "time Is money, besides the way-down reduction on prices of articles which all receive at his place. THIS MAN. . . . HAS STRUCK BOTTOM That is what our competitors have to say of Minor & Co. That there is nothing left to out on that they have reached tbe bottom on everything. See This! A big line of summer wash goods, including satteens and other lines in great de in and. it May Do as Much for Yon. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he had a severe kidney trouble for a number of years, with severe pains in his back and also that bis bladder was affected. He tried many so-oalled kid ney cures but without any good result. About a year ago be began use ot n-ieo- rio Bitters auu found reiiei at once. Electric Bitters is especially adopted to the oure of all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Prioe only 60o. for large bottle. At drug store of T. W. Ayers, Jr. A Terrible Visitant. Pain is always a terrible visitant, and often domiciles itself with one for life. This infliction is preventible, in oae ot rheumatism, by a timely resort to Hos- tetter's Stomach Bitters, wbioh obecks the enoroaohments of this obstinate and dangerous malady at the outset. The term "dangerous" is used advisedly, for rheumatism is always liable to attack the vital organs and terminate life No testimony is mom conclusive and concurrent than that ot physicians wbo testify to the excellent effect of the Bitters in this disease. Persons inour wetting in rainy or snowy weather. and wbo are exposed to draughts, bonld use the Bitters as a preventive of II effects. Malaria, dyspepsia, liver and idnev trouble, nerv usiiphs and ue bility are also among the ailments to which this popular medicine is adapted For the infirmities, soreness and stiffness of the aged it is highly beneficial. A suitable reward will be paid by our competitors to any one wbo can explain how Minor 4 Co. can sell pure, full weight and honest goods for what tbey can sell light weights, adulterated and inferior brand. Fred Bock, an experienced batcher from Portland, baa accepted a position in Hayes A Mathews butcher shop, w here be will erv the public in the bwat of style. Fresh mean aud honest weight to everyone. Notice Hnving discovered that two aooonnt bonks and a nnmber of bills have disappeared, Mr. Bradley desire to inform tli owing her that nn one U authorized to collect for tbe City ho tel but iittrm-lf. Call on MoFarland Mercantile Co. and note their special prices on gent furm.h Ing good, hosiery and noderware. Ibcy keep ooroplein Due and sell thwie lower than luwy bave ever been known io lieppoer. Let A tan colored bloodhnaod, ten months old, while i"t on bream. La aeen at or near Uardmao. Unliable reward will be viven for bi retnrti to D. A. II err en, Heppner, Or. C tf. J. C. Brown, of Black Ilorv. dmiro the Uat-tte to ay that on next Halard he will have on exhibition for trial at C H. Van Duyn't store sample of hi new ''ilrrcl poixio. K hi to' Cor t eni.1 on goe-stt It cure Inolpirnt Consumption. It I Hi best (!uhCnrotity one ent d'", it eu.. r) et.. aud II . Hold by 1. W Ayr. Jr. I. . Aver, Jr., t making squrrr txiixio that he guarantees. o kill D Stick a Pin In here, and don't forget the nice line of laces being sold at Very low figures. E CLAIM to carry the largest and best selected stock to be found in this city. No Cheap-John goods kept in stock, you can find them elsewhere. We boast on the quantity and quality we handle, but as to our own honesty we have nothing to say ; we are like the rest of the human race, born to cheat, misrepresentation and fraud. MINOR & CO. Ladies "Wanting The nicest, neatest and cheapest underwear should not pass that department, else they may regret it. en, 0 I it tl. B F. K.aggart i preparvd to ftiroiah bit "!inr Mint'' ')Uirrl p-imon In pav, and wlla II al '!') cnt per b1ale l'l. Me ba already rrrcivrd eat. for I! 00; Jl e) per doxeo. a nrg nr.Ur from Wa.hir.gtoo and , sample auj try it. it .m not fed toexlerminateth. .alt mM , ff rbi w, '"" j ieiftg fur lumtw. Mwbine from In met.th.nlng the lil ft W'0-e i tip. Addrr N. A. Leach, Ulmg. fremiti L'iiiirf'iti lUMiulilicnn Club, ton, Oregnii. tf. f. of lb'- .-irc-d i J T. MMIitr. T"m l'i''" L Com mint-, got B. Ms- ln ' 1,1 ,' inifs iiitea. TheCadetbhip. Percy Olinstead, son of Jndge Olinstead, is about to graduate tbe Annapolis naval sohool, which leaves a vaoauoy in Oregon, which will be filled this month at Portland by competitive examination. The time for tbe same is set for May 2.1, under the upervision ot Congressman Kllis wbo recommends tbe successful aspirant. Those wbo do not pass the pbysioal examination need go oo further, but hould tbey get through the hands ot tbe pbysioian succeisfully they will then be required to tell what they know of tbe cora.noo branobes including aritbmetio and algebra. Any young man between tbe age of 11 anil 20 year is eligible to oompete for the plaoe, ind Morrow county should bave some candidate. A Hlich Compliment. Holtot, Conn. "I am very much pleased wilb the effect of your Mimuious Liver lUgnlator. and bavn rerommc-nded it to a good msoy friend." E. A. Bose. Your itrnifuist Ml it in powder or liquid; the powder to betaken dry, or made into a tea. Crescent. J. U. Piper was op YVeduenday last. He our new ad. for the Waverly bic) cle. Will Mxllory was down from Ilardmao this week. Crescent refer lo the shape ot tb tnooo at certain period. Born-To the wife f W. B. ll'ir prr. oo Butter creek. May H'h. ao eleven pound hy. Tbe Ptteraon rub. Co . will oou have 'me tti')ele no i dilution at tbeir t fll'-e in Heppner. Tbe Crescent tn"u may be made of greeo rlier or may have tuan tu It bo burned brush oo Hundvy. X. H. Ubetitone baa Imuglil out Brrl Hcott and W back in to old eland black Uilthltig. with Wm. Ete a a partner. E.J. Hornm move along with tb prno-u'lon of pr'igriw.lfe bill'' and aottte out with a io tin IMU. (Jh. Of w Lore Tuly aod WrdnemUy, and will b rtly move back lo lleppuer frutn Ln (r nr Arliitgtou. SOME PEKT1NENT QUESTIONS. Mb. Editor: We would like to ask a few questions. Why is it that all ladies sitting for their pictures want to look young? We have known ladies, forty years old, to come into our gallery and sit for photos and after using our wrinkle exterminator on their negative, and giving them a rose bud mouth, knocking down their obeek bones and rounding off the square corners generally, we have known suoh lad.es tbe minute tbey fasten tbeir eyes on tbeir picture to exolaim 1 "Oh these forty-graphs make me look too old! And then just as strange we bave known young men with just tbe opposite ambition who will remind us that they don't want to look too muou like a gosling, and say: "Can't you make my mustache a little heavierr "Oh yes, oortainly," and after we use onr magni fier, shade in a few wrinkles, raise their eye-brows and obeek bones and square up their features generally, yel tbey will some times oomplain ot looking too young! In tbe language ot Kaboka's philosophers we will exolaim: "Now tbese are facts. And since tbey are we are prepared to treat them aooordiogly, and bave been working oo a process by wbicb we oan turn tbe band on tbe dial of the human faoe, either backward or forward, make tbe old look yooog, tbe young look old. Patent applied for. Don't all come at onoe. Yours truly, Qilhochen Bros. Yon Must Have shirts, men, and prices from 25 cents to $3 are found. You can get what you want. Jiwit ' '-'Zf "-'; "v-.i Re-Opened! THE IT L Hmbeen re-openert hy Mm. J. B. Rporry who will conduct it ln a strictly Ant-clans manner, with the view ol pleasing the traue In general. People from Country Districts will be made to feel at home. Sunday Dinners a Specialty ! Popular Prices ! Free 'Bus for Customers to and from all trains. .... i ... . MRS. J. B. SPERRY, Lessee. 'Tis Warm To travel now, but those who must go should not fail to provide themselves with a trunk and valise of latest make. Sold very cheap. iVttornoyM tit IflXV, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries I' nb lie, and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HANK BUILDING. nErPNEIt, OREQON STow Idea" Patterns, at the v?ry low price of 10 cents; latest styles, aud equal to IJutter- ick's or any other standard line of patterns. i r Arriving Daily : A.T Skllllli IHTILI! mm REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the Firnt National Bank at llepp- ' ... si J JL . ncr. in IM Male or urrytm, m ine Clone of Huine, May 7, 105. RESOURCES. Loans and dim-omits f 115.05.B3 I )virdraftH secured and unsecured tf,iWJ.36 U. S. Honds to secure oircula- tion iz.wsi.iw Premiums on I'. H. bonds Hi.yno Sloelts. nnti-a, eto 7,C.'W 13 1 Unit in if-liinme furniture, ana fixtures W).44 l)u f nun NuIuhihI bunks (not rrst-rve agfiilK) 8.475 74 Due from annroved n aerve agts. 20,WiM.44 Notes of other National Dank l.iXM.OO l-'raetiimHl imurr ourrencr. nn kfli ami cnts H4.01 UwrCL oHtV RMKHVR IN ., II. Hpwjie 5540.0 I'dfinption fund witb U. K. Trwiuinrer lit Di-t rent, of nirmilntion ) W52.50 The Feet. should be encased in com. y0 Sell as Low or Lower than Any of furtablo bIiopb. SIocuiu'b uur uom pernors. line is extensive and do serves inspection. A new line of Kastorn rockIm ex pected shortly. Wc keep a complete line of everything. Special Prices on Gents' Furnishings. Seo the I-iine Of latcht etylos in gloves. The b!Ht is to be round in thin department. Cull fr jiticei and doti' t fail to see tlietn. CALL AND 1 he National Hank HuilJini;, SHE US. UepDncr, Oregon IVI.Ow.'IH 12.IJU0.IJ0 15,004.05 mti culuruu ed Total ii7,mu U Mil U TIES. Capital nt'K'k paid in Hurlilu fund Undivided profit.! expeu P4 and tain paid National Hank Notes oill- atanding Due io oilier Natmnal lUtiks, . flue to htute Hank and bank er fudiviilual di'MMlU ailliirct to ... ru-Aw IVtniuid rrtitlcatHi of drniwit IH.i'lJliJ I nun re i tiib'tNi of dfiKixIt . . . . 4,21 4 2 Pimcs and IE? IBR'S WAREHOUSE ! Storage and Forwarding. r.' A ll I 6wi Quality LrLl in alloo 2.27J.M Are Hjx'cial featurea of Flo mm' atore, aud in Hint col. Utnn lie irrKr to keep you K)atel on liat Lo locj.. The l"il I tiv read, W Aliatrr and J U. igbn. fl mf II. Mll k fame ia from lVn lift' n t'il. ir, bringing tl hint th utoflr lnrjrl tir Ik'b Uat k n. and io a llr' (V..r. ni Mrd ...n W,nrUjr tiv Ai Tftomtn en tli iniii. tier 41'. l.l b ftriM an eif'nditnr i f 4 1 rent. Mr. Halltek ill rrmoin !. i la tb i'firi. II biTo tvtjr t uiiiUnn ft ttiru eft th l.niino pn.,liir. bf IO'r diet. A lb temtiefntir fe lin.lef tb tfrtifi !)( rtf Id aim rat f"l tif1, r-aif " I I" il t'l' t. tiercnM Ik . 1 1 '.. .'ii.'rf .'i and f ill "I lmrriie. lr, J II M' l'i' n''IKlhPft f Or I ! at. I lii.l 'if;(Uf is a f;it.i ntit ftat'v tj 'arr-i ttt h4i fittln-$ 11 'fMl f tS ft! fM Tlrn'. The b! paid 2l b ff i tb fan t ir bad. Wanted - MatO ff faoef eng. Will gt to lit b"0e nr tk eiug t b'm. Mr. Marjr llendern. VtiU.I Iaatilrv r,ffc b Mr C. Niin. old M'j'littatO II-iiik. Metiditig ; neatlf d m. lUv. i. M IaiiQ i d in Arllbg. tie In atieadabc oo aa Ep"rtb Lvago j gibtlr.j. Try Arf' e.irrJ pnio b.f..re hnriiif any Hir. (loir IJ.'l r-r da-fi. tf. 1 M Jff C,liti f,i bhf il't.. f I'urtlanl ).tr U to ris abort : Hat. 1 11 ttifk, I lu i tiitt I'tik, I r'i tt fin, ih$ ii f rr 4 i Total 111? ,mi5 Smtk or Oaa-Mi. i I. (Jwirg Coiiapr, Cbi'r of IU i abov niri l bank. il' aolemnly er i . . ... . ... . . . . I r'i VI iu I'-t Keb bar ttl ooo l-av f.,r An.tin rtalu-n abere b "HI pil"l a Iminl if l.eou llir'i'itili tb tiOiMitu l f uniiner' grtfiog. Tb Cfeent bir;i:l require BO Martiuo t'" to li It I'"" Kiiil'ity. It etimk tit U'!f. Call at lb (n-l U btliee t t prior. Kfl'e Cbrver IVh.I, lb grt I'.l-M p1fifi-f, l ffebn and ol-'teM l' Hi (im (Via oJ ef ('! ipiia, 2Sct,;Mlet,ll. rVMi. i.tt.af'fi,: ,mlitt Hb alotp r-f Jf- 1 hreitb ari l lo apmle o at l.tiff-fug Xl Jon dieofdrrxl '! of li liver. l:-Hf rek Ufi b b t" io a l.'1 ,lrfr!mfi I )mfrleet aad tht I tol utiut t rtiliag, II iil ! Mifotn tm n, ,irDfti. II lloe4 Ui rmio and b In bep lull roio. j lh if,m,i , niimtlf rach be i.ii an I r?t tbn tk r.eed-1 ti la and lw.rn ngrt li Id, Tli. P.U.r. in l u't. C . !, Tared H' tb aenrr i.f l,e (J e.f. i.l ! " j I f"f M 'ff'i l Oralit e. nil 1 1'.. J ! t'lofiv W ! m !& f 'f tf ,,m flffM. f eif t frli that tbn aleiV ttmei,t I true brat of m knowledge and ll-f. iit.ti. txo.aa, Ueliier. Hil.nled and'rDtob'f'rDvi tbie 1.4 h 4 y of My, 1H 5. y. l Fiin. Notary Publia 't uregu-Correct-Alteat: C. A. I'.bea, J. I. libra, r rank K- ll-igg, J)irrW,r. Vbn yoor lirt pain oa aa 1 uo- adtal (.'..iUlino la frqubt, aceuttv f H'ih ,,!' b l.keii n atr li !'' ! nq tb Bpe'!! "t lb fi't t n.t' -n.. Ir. J. II. MIjeB'i Ltf and intf balm I ee llf ied fe ?' It oj4 iw-H f To rnefit cotnrtilion in any line keiit y nie, ami invito ao arly inarction f al'fk. E. J. SLOCUM, 011 IMwktnan Ktaml, n i ;i pn i : 1 1. o 1 1 1 ;n ox. a, Mt, W.x.t lul I and enniirnel. HnePml altentinn paid li mil that H mv Im utidi-r rover and In g'A roinlitioa fur lnioti'in of bu)r. Kemeniher the Upper Warehouse. HENRY HEPPNER, Heppner, Ore. Proprietor. Oik Patterson ! NOTARY PU3LIC CONVEYANCER CAM AT (ii'i'icie LEU It I V 1 i 1 Plenty of tlicm at tho Ga7ett Officii i.l. t