removed by patting silver back to old place as money of redemption and as a measure of value. "TELL THE TRUTH, AND SHAME, ETC." OTIS PATTERSON, A. W. PATTERSON, . . Editor Business Manager THE SILVER-UNIT DOLLAR. iah Judkios J. Laurence Laughlin, professor of political economy in the uni versity of Chicago, has been secured by the Chicago Times Ilerald as financial editor. "Coin" in his "financial school" pays Pro fessor Laughlin and his views particular attention, and now the learned gentleman is endeavoring to "get back" at "Coin" through his employer's paper, claiming that the unit as adopted in 1792 was not a silver one. The Minne apolis Tribune publishes some of Prof. Laughlin's opinions which are reproduced by the Portland Telegram, the reputed "tail" of the Oregonian, and the paper that gives vent in its issue of Friday, May 10th, to this "Hilver mouometitllium is populism and populism ia silver monometallism and Buy democratic or republionn effort to dissociate the titles ia impudent later-1 fereuoe." Quintessence of rot! The International Cyclopedia, which is a strictly American edition of Chamber's Encyclopedia, on page 120 of Vol. X, under subject, "the unit of value and coinage laws of the United states," says: "In 1785 congross adopted the sil ver dollar ns the unit of money. On April 2, 1702, in the law establish ing a mint, it enacted that 'The money of the United States shall bo expressed in dollars or units;' the dollar 'to bo of tho valuoof b Spanish milled dollar ns tho same is now current,' and to contain '571 J grains of puro silver. Tho same act fixed tho weight of the gold englo at 217 f -10 grains, or 21) grains to tho dollar, which made the ratio of vuliiu of silver to gold by weight, ns ono to fifteen (approximately). Iu 1S.11 tho weight of puro gold in tho eagle was i educed to 'I'M grains, no chango being made in tho weigh or fineness of tho ailvcr-uni dollar." Tho italics "silver-iiui!" aro ours. but wo desiro to call special at tention to tht'HO words. Also note tho language in tho ahovo quo tation from tho authority mention ed, "Tho money of tho Unite States shall ln expressed in dollar or units;' the dollar 'to bo of tl value of a Spanihh milled dollar as the same is now current,' and to contain .'171 J grains of puro silver." Wo have imt examined tl Kncyclopedid llrittauicii on tho subject, which, regardless of so- called American nuppltiutMiU ain revisions, is intensely Knglitdi, but tho (In.etto contends that its nuthority is r.iind to tho bent, l'mf. Laughlin Hot excepted. That tho unit dillur was silver nnd contained 1171 1 grains of puro silver is ns ooiieluHivu ns tho fact, long CNUhlirtlieJ, that tho woild is round. To KHsert that the unit was other than a hilver ono aluma ns much igimrnnco or d-'airt t avoid telling tho truth ns to coin, bat tho latter projMnitiiin. Section 0 nf the roinngo laws of IT'.'i further t-taten that that there shall bo coined 'Vnglc - each to l of tho value of ten dollar or units." This law did Dot say that tho la !., of tell-dolliif g M l.ieOA Portland's organ of populism opines that "one of tbe issues of the state cam paign next year should be tbe abolition of the railroad commission, as it costs tbe state en enormous amount of mouey and no beuetit is derived." That was one of tbe issues of the state oampaign last year, and tbe desire ot tbe people then expressed was thwarted by the ob structionists in tbe late legislature whose taotios the populist organ approved. It is a safe polioy, however, to advise a short-memoried people this year as to wbat they should do next year. Tele gram. Tho bill repealing the law creat ing the railroad commission passed the house, where all of the "ob structionists" were found with the exception of three. It went to the senate and was huDg up high and dry. W e suppose the three ob noxious "obstructionists" just forc ed President Simon and his helpers to kill the bill repealing the rail road commission. The Telegram will have a sight more influence if it will tell the truth. mought be, an he's comin' rite into the house. Pa, yon'se go to tbe dore an' Pll run an' tell mam to be puttin' on her beet dress an be presentable like." Thus spoke Mirandy Judkins, who ras looking out of the window, to ber father, Jeremiah, one day as be sat meditating over bis troubles and tbe mftrtoarrA rtn Vi i a V -irr at tha Vtortirt n ! n cw Saturday morniDg tbe eventful day . ., . . ... , " , 'or the seventeenth year on the home- when Mirandy was to accompany her 8teaj By Jamea Judaon Martelle. CHAPTER V. father to town, rolled round, and found Mirandy np betimes and ail hustle and "Ob, I reckon it's that ar' agect oomin' to collect tbe interest on tbe k..Dn.i : .. i. - . : . l. r r mortgage, answered Jerry as he knocked journey. . ' , . . . ., After breakfast John brought the 1"" ,7. , w-" f wkh the butter and eggs were carefully Ouk readers will get a good deal of hard reading and cold facts from the Toledo Blade. The Utah republican league has elected delegates to the Cleveland convention and adopted silver resolutions. Admiral Meade criticised Cleve. land and the would-be dictator proposes to have the admiral court- martialed. T. K. Roberts' Gold Miner is out for free coinage of silver, and is authority on mining matters in Southern Oregon. our town progresses we hope soon to have church services more otten. Our Sunday sohool is progressing nicely and we understand will prepare for a pleasant entertainment on Chil dren's Day. Tbe Congregational S. S. convention at Condoo, was visited by Misses Anna Balsiger and Oraoe Sohofleld two repre sentatives of the lone Sunday school. As our town is improving, we hope that our school board will see fit to appropriate enough money to fence in our school grounds. We believe there ' nothing which helps a town more, than proof of tbe citizens' interest in education. Our sohool should keep up with tha general improvements of the Scott's Emission The stranger after tying bis horse to Jake. May 13, 1895. IONE ITEMS. packed in, and after many admonitions 3 . i. . ' ' "'.'""w t h P fpnno nmjiaoilail in tha h nil an anil from Mrs. Judkins to Mirandy as to how fl on tfce door sne snouia conduct bereeif wits pro- mmmn , incnj nunc iu luwU) ucrcujiuu auu ma daughter started for Ueppner. It was Frank Sbepardson, an engineer on tbe a beautiful spring morning, typioal of Southern Paoiflc By., who resides at the bracing and exhilarating climate of Angeles, Cal., was troubled with Eastern Oregon ; wrapt in a green verdure and their visited the Hot Springs, but received no surroundings enveloped in a mantle of permanent relief until heused Chamber loveliness. The plaintive call of the uin'B Pai? B?lm- H? W lt iB the .beet wU,UWwm ouuuammeu, 10 me For sale by Slocum-Johnson Drug Co Bweei songoi iue meaaow iarK, ana trje happy obirp ot the robbin as it flitted to aud fro, the waving fields of rich mellow grain and grasses, prolifio in their Ione'8 boom is complete, but far from growth, were wont to oall for renewed ' energy in toe spirit of man and dispel 0OD8trU0tion Bod more to oome any gloom tbat migbt shadow the heart pni,na,in, tt PBfpBahin0 rain a hn, witbin. No wonder then that Jerry dis- pleasant weather agaio and farmers are pelled for a time from his mind tbe m'ire bopeful. thoughts of his financial difficulties and Several prominent business men of took on a happy and jovial mood in con- Heppner purchased some ot Ione's fortuity with the loveliness ot nature's f?! u. !" l1- .., , u i ii . Our three blaoksmiths are permanently handiwork and the exhilarating scent ,ooated jn thejr new Bnopf aB to ui umuis d lomuio, wnrK. nava ineir nanns run. The trip to Heppner was made in due Mr. Ben Case will represent tbe Ione time and Jerry prooeeded at once to at- Republican Club at Portland, the other tend to the business which had brought delea'e no being able to go. " T a. i n 1 ii -r . i him here, leaving Mirandv at the store if""?. "W euur . 8 ""e where she had seen the handsome stratton. from Missouri has filled ber merchant, and of whom she purchased place. the goods for ber new dress, after having Rev. Curran still preaobes at the received a fair Drioe for the butter and IDe school house onoe a month and I tlAtfQH flllla f" y-1 ff (1 at A A nAn1 fl1tn All Art goods were so aheap, and suited ber so well, that she was happily able, out of the money left to buy other little trinkets whiob go so far to please a young lady's heart. Harry, tbe young merchant with whom Mirandy was dealing, and of whom she was greatly enamored, was very affable and obliging to the youDg lady and showed ber many things about tbe store wbiob she would have liked very much to have Bocklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions and positively oures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to eive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. riPoe 25 cents per box. For sale by T. W. Ayers. Jr. Opening Night. Lastevening Boyd& Saling opened up their ice cream parlorsi next door to Green Mathews', and did a rushing business. People like to get out occasionally and iudnlge in ice oream, soda, milk-shakes, et o;ctera, and may be the gentleman eojoy anioe after dinner oigar. Boyd & Saling seem to have provided all these things, and a good many more, and tbe Gazette oannot see bow they can fail to eucoeed. Bilious Colic. Persons who are subject to attacks of bilious colic will be pleased to know tbat prompt relief may be bad by taking Chamberlain's Colio, (Jbolera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It acts quickly and oan always be depended upon. In many cases the attack may be prevented by tuking this remedy as soon as tbe first indication of the disease appears. 25 and 50 oent bottles for sale by Slooum Johnson Drug Co. Anyone haviDg one. two and tbree- year-old steers for sale should see Sam Kinsman at Heppner. tf. 1 The death of Mrs. Patrick Ford, wife of the editor of the Irish i World, is announced. She had been connected with charitable bad and quoted ber price that were really Catholic institutions for more than Bst0Bbing in their lowoess of figure. thirty years. Jeremiah having- attended to his uuaiuess amies, ueing ante to get tne A LEADING journal tells its mortaBe "ded anrther year, and I 1 readers that it is a "brave" act for . 0 'D" oat'sfBotory arrangements , . ., . . . for tbe settlements of his store bills, he a country newspaper in this state returued to wbere he b8(1 left Miraniy to line ltBolf up with the power of to do her trading and they soon took greed (Jold. Yes, it does take their departure for home. grit. Most of us have observed Jeremiah while in town bad also made l(laj inquiry as to property valuations, but receiving no encouragement be decided The Oreconian comes down oot ,0 "t'enipt to dispose ot bis property na;nUn.,lin. t -,:... "unueauiooauie on ror urn. longer monomeiainsr, ,y. A. ooaw, WHO Mirandv all the wav home was con las published "A History of tiuually thinking of the young merohant Currency, l'i'i'i to 18!)1." Any wuo ,I,J DjS(l') ""ob n impression ou persou could readily see that the ,,or 8"t, mHU,i"ueJ to ur lUB Oregonian is endeavoring to ape L " , . i the ideas of Americans who are Jeremiah was too full of business at the agents of English gold syndicates, time to pay inuoh heed to Mirandy'i but lt is surprising that it will remarks, but latr on they were foroibly admit it by goiug direct to the reculle'1 to b'9 miud bdJ be foou,luen r...i.:. i. i io ouniain muou more iruiu man ucnon. fountain head for opinions. 4 ... . , , . and other dm rc brines were tbe ovDosurn (EN. A. J. WARXEIl and Hon. of evry ye In tbe household and Joseph C. Sibley, the two silver f"ly edmired by all. men who are making a tour of tho JrralH''. tiin tiafaotorily P.t ,nlBl,nrt li.n. ! ""B'-'i uuucii uungaiiona in ' , " V Ur-pi., rMurwd with brave hwrt to ana uus wcru, mil maue no piiDJic , he prformn-e ot bn arJuou. farm fpet'clies, but probably will do SO duties, aud with tbe aid ot Jubn aud today if it is popsiblo for them to liwr faithful and loviug epouse, got return after filling tho engagement luroi't" " ' " at Colfni. Wash. Itntl. nn.ntlia 1x'hiu r'r on the bonieitoed, Crescent Means Half-Moon, Doesn't It & l UT WHETHER there'! a man in the moon who burned brush on Sun day, or did any other evil, wrongful act, or whether the moon is made of green cheeae, concern! not the trado who want first class bicycle with all the modern Improvements, at prices within the reach of ail. The Crescent la made by WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, CHICAGO AND NEW YORK, is not a secret remedy. It is simply me purest ui Cod-liver Oil, the finest Hypophospmtes, and chem cally pure Glycerine, all combined into a perlec . hmuh sion so that it will never change or lose its integrity. This is the secret of Scott's Emulsion s great success. It is amost happy combination qi nesn-giv mg, ening and healing agents, their perfect union giving them remarkable value in all - 1 "v ASES. WASTING 01 ia in r.nnsiimT)tion. wherein it arrests the wasting by supplying the most concentrated nour ishment, and in Anaemia and Scrofula it enriches and vitalizes the blood. In fact, in every phase ot wasting it is most effective. Your doctor will connim iu wc say about it. Don't be persuaded to accept a suusuuuv Scott & Bowne. New York. All Druggists. 50c. and SI. 1 fUHE 1 MIDWAY PLAISANCE ""111111, nrf,, The daughters of tbe Midway tnieht have b?en made more fair if they had purohased their finery at L. BLUMENTH AL'S. And their hus bands a d mr-le relatives and attendants ought to have eaoh bought one ot our merchant's ALL WOOL 88 50 SUITS. He is not accustomed to supplying accoutrements for Commanches or Hotten tots, but we dare say that the daughters and sons of the forest miRbt find much to edify them in his store. We would not promise that any of it oaine from Paris or Hong Kong, but as bq American store with American ideas, lUnmeuthnl deals chiefly with the American article. The fashionable gent or lady will find what they want at BLUMENTUAL'S. There is something for everybody and somebody may have everything, provided somebody has the prioe. And such suits and dry goods for so little money ! L. BLUMENTHAL, At the old stand, corner of May and Main streets. HEPPNER, OREGON i V And is tor asle by a THE rATTERSOX PUBLISHING CO., j, " Agents for Morrow nnd Orant Counties. ; W S th Crescent before purchasing. YOU SHOULD PlplPME For a "big feed" when you come to Heppner and stop at the C1TY HOTEL. Popular Prices! Comfortable Rooms! Alr-ss, Tom Bradley, Prop. "Hitch Your Wagon to the Star." COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES OF.- May17,1B9S. 8 P.M. Optra House. umliviiltHl Hiiiixrt of Bilver tnon fur olluv, winch would imply Unit only iiiuliT (vrtnin conditio!. h woulil tluy fitul it iitu'i'HHiiry to liiiinch u i Min tho tHlitical ton a diHtiiu'tivcly Hilvor party. aud allboiigb the ueceMariee of life wt-re ruortuuutily blub and tbe ruarkel prioe of Kraiu and other marketable prodiiola eitrrnirly low, wa find our Jeremiah till with a brave heart, bia aboiilJer at tbe wheel with a deleruiiiiktioo to maater Iba aituatioD at all baiarda aud In Itn.l I. !.... li.n I . vlif ....I - I i he i oriiikihi nuu in n rrrrnt m,...,.,,! i i. .i,),.... nn.Alji : I . .ii. i - . .. . ... . inu. i urn wciopua v mu . .,, u b .ff . ,b- h . i .......... i ... i. f l ...... l . i - . ii--.'iiiiy tun wn.t'uc rt'l'I'IVI'.! It l..,n ... ,., . i ... .,-.y -. ,. r rrurnr iniiT In to wheat 100 acrw of laoj, baullug tli jjoldit'i roiiitiina in New York gram to market, repairiuii fuce aud lUiriiiK to f urniHli ready j-riutM aMM,jlll( ,a olU.; Utm dotiM. --fPR0GRAM:- lNViW ATIHH. yi'KTITT-Mr. (irHt'ie. Mr. Mrwnrili, Mr. 8. H. Iliimi r ml Mr. A. W. riii-rni. Hl.DTTOV-"TIkela l'leo," Mniiitlo K. A'lklna tY-"Uim-mlUin; A Moiled Trcatlw," Lillian M. III.Ih-v. Hou, Mr. Hiitum ORtTloN-'i'araUrlUni of RiimI nl Amrrlrs," Matn'l A. Lrver. CLa rornmY, ri.le K. Ijtt w, MIm llrown 1rai'l BorN"-Yatll.-torr, . Ann Mellalrj CL Ktl. Aiuii ko l'aimrTii r IirLm, Don. W. R. r.llla fAixixu Word to rat Ct. I'rtn. A. W. Wlr elnfta on "aomul inoiioy" to lo UHi-d n auppl.MiiiMitti. Of couran' oviTy country tiewapapcr waa tliua Hpprun.'li.vl in tlio couil'iiii'd clTort to lll'lld lT tlllt Will tf tilt tHHUilf. Tliia ia tho nniniiiH of tlic Suu'a artitlc, and it luakra what wfl con- alitor a full riHeitioii of tho matter Any nowapnir that allow iteelf to In contaminated ly tho apiita of ltritif h pdd will 1h ditriihto. and liatisl ly tho H'pl., and wrll it DU;lit to U Tbe winlrr d( Iba uJmn ot the an leentb asd brgiuuieg nt the aeveateentb )r on the lntuled paaae.1 i' IT pteaa- autly riioiiitb in a aeial way, Mirandy Qu.lni timi'b rpjionietil atlt'odiug tbe frntifiit daiioet givru Iu tl.a nnjbtxir. u.hhI and "tuaabliig" the Ooaolry liallaiiU, thiiil ber thoiigbla were out oft to refer! to Iba handeutua young merchant aba hal met on ber In lUpt'iier wilb ber 'pe. JeremUb and lit faithful ponae, iboiU'b diHily over Ibrlr in it. KimptiTU' M'.m Broao ktitl Mrs. Pullon Ind. btedura, were very Ihaokful (hall Tli. ra U iimra ealariti ta Ibia ae lioo lil.rf ka.l a auni t.n.f i. r,.t n.rm i.i - i 1. til l.ualtnal a it. I Mill ll lloa laiatl faaaM tear oHWi. , w Ineurahla. 'fn.'ietit aiuottiit irf Iba lire.fira vt kteal tiKiit tara .lu lora iitw I lite illi lh t raolu-a of a lillla frugal I t'MI dollars of unit-." or to Im of iim.i. ll a l-al J.Maae, and irh-rilf. m. I.t l.n ,anj.r Ir..ia il..,r I th, y al . of (..,, a,l v,r d--JUra. ! r;' r"'.'," ' L!:? '-'t J '"' ' " - Nilr. rnn l .11 rrt op.Mi ! at-le. H,iei,e . pr.oea eaiarrb ''i.len.lU r to reauiu I I m 1,1 .... I ,r I ' ' e.-"'it'l'l-tiil ilaraa, and theff-burden cf .. and attain ballU aith lha ' ' . r. i ,"r"" --l.lnt...n.l traaimanl a lara.lrt ..f tba w.hI I for tiratit.ooj lot ni.l, will! ailvor, lu mlina ia uumi ira nianuraoiiirs ly .lit... i I... .. ,t K. J. ("Ihh A t'o , T"le.l Oloi. la lltr ......... ........ ....,.,-..,,., ti.n nf Plir. B roM,,i ifttUO with tLoa IhiUkra whioll m ' ll 'a taro mtfnall la from 10 -ii i I ilin a (ii a traaifc l ai'ta doerlly Pienat)r..rtu..iiHy a ,11 how, , ,,,.kl WSMU, , tli unit uf alu. Thou half the '' '. Tbrjr i fTef m. l,nn lrr. . i . , ... ii.ioara ..r any raaa 11 laoa n eioa. ial..,.,au t..,t ..f ll... . .itn.l ,.f i ; waa r-r a II n i 7ICYGLES Here are THREE POINTS Which we wish you to Remember : First: We Keep HARDWARE Second: We offer it CHEAP TniCD: We sell FOR CASH We are enabled to give more for a dollar than the usual "Dollar's worth." r.TTTTAM V-- A JUaf MS A 1 All A I & BISBEE Main Street, Heppner, Or. the. lile ks Drocery Arc the Highest of all High Grades. Watrantr.1 -iflo tn ar In. jr'.a Inilll In Iha iM. rrraMieaa nl rlca. ri ant t li .lmr.1 to r mot mmirjr l--f an lnfrOur ahrrl, Iti.I.tou ha.ln Watel!). H-iia ati.l guaanli.l l.jr Id Imllaiia ll.rfr', t o , lU'.U n di-llal r trt ii, ) Ik-Ii'I la a ! f'.'l SCORCHER SOS. 22lb. LADICS' $75. INMANA HICVCLE CO., IK WIRII IIUKiK. Il.r -lia, l . f. . A ,UB Aim l-t fa!fB ()f(.n, friuli'l-'n, of MONEY LOANED, rim M. ill lniit..i., aiin I r-H rlr Nruutiat. a1. Wara irr.rr. In nrKdlinia nr. I Inor.cnKra uinmi ttnir.ivel fnrma Iu Oret-.n, lib ra.iern prllr al a ralei-l luli-reat tint l.i rer. V r rviil Mr annum. Wurtiingi that hava h lulini bf other mm Mulra. A-l-lreaa lth itamp. MF.KVIM lOiOKT. Haker ( II jr. Orenon. Notice Of Dissolution. NOTIi K I lir.RHIY lVfM THAT THE frlnrrvlilp hrfeUifori. rxl.tlriK l.l.rrn II P M-i'Urt ainl H h Warren, iio-li-r Hi nnn nanianl Warran. (enrral turn lian- iltaa aataliil.hmelil nM auil r.xiil h t. In llr Hirf . I T "tl. h. Ihldlaf lrll ililr hy tnulual rntiaut, II K Warru ha.lng ,.,.. nl Ma Inirrral i T. W. a 1 Ii n Btiu, lo aiin aa ll.irnrr A Khr, aMttmra all inllilln. n-lln u ail a'T-Hittla i..iiliiiir liii.lii ( Ote ... 't iatlili In ll.a Oral National Hank toililln, ll.unrr, oti-fon. it. n H(arR. II. I. W AKKKN ller-Jilief. (.it , UJ , l. . -13 READY- To Make Tiling Lively! IN THE GROCERY TRADE, And offer thir nw inniea of Tia and fa.flWs at .riea tbat wilt tnnke a arnia- tlou. Tlia Wljjta llntiai. Ornfcra rarrira Fnnpy ami Htapla (ir.pripa. Wmwl anil Willnwwara, (! urn ami Crorkary no. I Tin war. d wn, tmttinu doulli wotk on th A.i.lraa. r-llier half, riihaocintf its valu and jf-fi..) .. Irastata, 5 thus loieitiij tho to pay a .irtuil i-riMiiiiun f..r motiy t- l. l'ia r-'iitf V If 1. This hal.l. lop fetcod OiTU oar t-H'i.!, is uttit i oa4ai "ns itar itf J ?)f s ar 'IM. Oiir In .at'fi,. tin nal.a Ol.lrt ., ,i nia, ti-i nialU tew amall Ilia am -art. . tU rail aJ aalils rr taaa r. I Hwtm cturrtit vi. "I'a, a.-nia i-na't fnimu' ui tLa raj on liolafl atk lla's fulrraj ll.a tiara aaj uta 'j.niali ia r.m,o' I. ait. VoiiJar a I,.. In Ida aixM 11 san U? Taia'l II... r .n . .... 1.. ... . . i . ....,.i bora, au' liita fallal .ialu' rulaa a Ua-k, ami 'laiii t lull Hmiih Dcf Tom j J 'Ura . Hi lln ltrf, taia'l a-na 'o (bam Irllrta, tr ba'a liioia axilral ik Ibaa lli-ro ni'a la, aa' I J -an It 1 au Imi lit l lfa.-brr f lia Lltat fora fauJa S'.uiiii' ! waala, ahau bo's Id tfaa la Ua 4aaalo tlals be a a A all. kift bs fOtf, a1al l l ! s RAM MtAtHOAt, ft. r. acRivsra MEADOWS & SC1UVNUK, l!av sucolisl A. M Ounn in th Itlackamithii g lIualoMMi sn-1 arc prepsrl to do all kinds ot SWiMM, HEPEHG AND HORSESHOEIHG. lliifhat tric.m iail fur potiplry pro i!nri in ricl-Ntt,: fur kimhI. N,-w gimdi arriving daily. Call and rjamina to aaa fur nnraf. NmI lir l-i U,a City total, Heppner, Oregon. Now la Ilia liroa o gt tba Wa. klr Ofrtfinmn, lha (faalaat oaaapapar of Ida Waal. Wnb lha(li'tia.U-ib ar.rl Ijr In ailtanpa-.f-irooa aar, -. No tlr eotrblnaili.n i f naapara ran ta ma.U to Ilia alata. w will giaa aa a rraratnm an M ioii oal )nnrnal.lba Wrh f( I'laalar, an a.-rtonllcral pafr. t.m.a to dow ao.l autwrila. o o d i"k i"i in. .,. , D Notice of Intention. 1nrtr Ar 1 4 Mr'. or .'-s, 4 A-Mla. S.,t,,. t, (,.(. . .Ion 11, ,t A W aa m ah. if ra la r.nn u.m, at Oi i iarauiaa (: aa ! al tM .J u .aa at-. T14I-U.T tnaf I'.a tian -l ar'l..f I,,, r.. 1 ,.,. Iia ntfif.i U tnaaa fl.i ptm.t tn M.rt of ma u .i aai i r.r a ill l ma la " .' i W M...r. ,, Ii .ark al H .r. roa H.H.4 tborongbhrad i-ta. Jt', r;;,MV, y Tbia ball waabra-1 Is Ullnoia hy ' . If . m .- r W m -.. T. an l la J-t II.- aa.mal "Z'tJ?,!;, 'X l""'iriTT-,''.r.CJ ni) aalil l l llfr I f-'i tlial Will lifll ..I ... I 1, ,! S 0fc fia I will iall fliaap aa - ii.-t, 4 a.,r. m r ,a-k V.nin, r a ar.itliar of it -a 1 1 or will traJs f ' 2 '' " o mrf-S f-l'al al I "'M,r !. . f.?Pfwai. k.ft-M