PATENTS! NOTICE TO INVENTORS. Tbere never b time in the bistor ofonr cojntry when the demtind for inventions nnd improvements in the flrtB BDil scie-iops gHnf rlly was bo great hh now. The O'lnveniences of rm-jkiiid in the fnotory ami workshop, the household and on the farm, s wl: bu in officm! life, reqni'e continual MCfess'nns to the appurtenance and implimentg of earli in order to (mve liibor, time and expense. The political olmnee in the administra tion of government does not affect th progress of the Amerirun inveutor, who beiug on the alert, arid ready to per ceive the existing defloiencies, does not permit the affaire of government to de ter bim from Quickly oouoeiving tht remedy to overoome exiting discrepan cies. Too great cire uannot be ex"r oved in ouoosing a competent and skill (1 attorney to prepare and prosecute an application for patent. Valuable in terests have been lottt and destroyed it innumerable instances bv the emplo ment of incompetent counsel, and es pecially is this advice applicable to those who adopt the "No patent, no pay" system. Inventors who entrus' their business to this class of attorney do o at imminent risk, as the breadth and strenuth of the patent is never con Bidered in view of a quick endeavor t get an allowance and obtain the fee THE PliRHS CLAIMS COMPANY. John Wedderbnm. General Manage 618 K street, N. W.,VVashington, D. C. represeniing a large number of impor tant daily and weekly papers, and gen eral periodicals of the eouutry, was in stituted to nroteot its outruns from thf nnsafe methods heretofore employed in this line of bnsineHS. The said Con Tin n v in nrenared to take charge of all patent business entrusted to it for rea sonable fees, and prepare and proseoute applications generally, including me Rhaninal inventions, design patents trade-marks, labels, copyrights, interfer ences, infringements, validity reports, and irivs especial at'enion to rejected cases. It is ulso prepared to enbir into competition with any Arm iu securing foreign patents. Write for instructions and advice. Philip W. Avmicrr. tllH F Street, p. 0. Box 3H5. Washington, D. 0, VTOCK RltANHH. Whilfl yon nwpymir mitnririiitirm (mid up yr Bun krtsp yiiiirhrnn.t in freeiif olntrir. iltn T .1 . Innn. Or. HciriuMi flit on Inf linnltlnr; raiHln hiitix cm left hip, ntniir lilt on riimt ear, anil iipimr till on me i"it; rutin", noir row ooniily. rmipnn. .1. . Alpine. Or. T with har nn dor it on I itft honlilnr of hoiww; ciitlln mmn on left hip- 4lli,,n O. t).. K.iif'it Mile. Or ratlin hrnn't ODnti liifl hip nn I lio"' nin liranil cm riM )iiiu'lr. Kwii" Muni, nil". A Iknu. J. .1., tlmi'tixr, Op. HnnKw, .1 mm DP'.ii.'l ,n '.r Sunk: ra'H'. HTn'm lrt ,. Ilii-H I) W ail 'i. -Home hnii'l 'I I) .... ,i... int hi.,; n I.l thi ti n' oi l"U fl .nk rropofT fil t t'Rt. Mt'tl'irrirop inthultjfc. Hiiiikm in Morrew ('.unity. lliirihnhi'iiow. O . AIiiIhr, Or.-- Ilorn hmii'la U 10 ..'i mIIIit uliiiiililir. Itimnn in Mo ,ii ,,i(ltltV ii i,i..r I. W.. Ilnriloian, Or. (Mils tirnnil ml H on I'ift hln and thiirh: split, in h ear, Hrtitntr. P.'l'ir, I0n.h"rry Orn'fon -llormo brini'l"'! I'll on Infl ahoiililiir. ('ill I In nainn on riirllt Hllte Hurltn. M HI C, l.otiir Cmnk. Or-On caltl", M aV ronnimtn'l on Infl hip. mop oil left oar. nn. ilnr half crop oil riiiM. Ilnrm, aaino Imiti'l on Inifl houlilr. It'tnun ill llrant anil Morrow 'Hr'w'nHn, .!'", lit'lm. Or llnniiwi hramlod 7 on rmlit ti'iul'l"r; ciitln M on Hi h'fl niilii, lrft 'ir hi1' rop ml riutit ar iiiniw almm. Hanon, Win . II I'pn'ir. Or. -Ilornw, J H nn riitht tliii, nallle minpt on risht hip; Hpht in Bach "sr. .... ... Hrown. las, linlon. Or. Ilonux III nn tlm riuhl titli; ialll hhhihoii right hips range, Mor mwn.mnly. Mrown, 1. ('., Hoi'l''"'. Or. Moninii. mri'lii V wilh 1ot in ter on h'fl hip; raill, aa'iiH. Brown. W. J , ln. nri'ipm. Ilnrm' W har nvr It, on the led ultoiilil'ir. faith' shiihi on left Ho(r. W. d.. llPP'!r, Or. llnraM. hoi hraml on ruli hip oallln. m, wilh iplit in "iiortf.'p.O., Ilppniw, Or Itonwn, I' M nn left llionl lnr; ra'lhi aa'no on Ixfl hin. llrnwnlM. W. .1., Hot .Or -Caul. JH onnniwlml on lfl l l: ""rop on Inf oar mel two nlila'"l nti'l'l l plrti-a lnl out on riilM aar; on h'ira aa'na hraml nn lh lft Ihiicht IUiiii in tot aller, Ornn) eotin'T. I 'aiauni Warr". Wa"r. Or - Mmmmm liraml (mIiIhii rlrfht aiill"; ratlin " (Ihrna tinr0 on rmht rilw. crop ami "phi in wh "ar. Ilanicn in lirmil m'hI ll.irr'iw riMintitta. ( am.K.,1 alnh.Or V lion honmaonlnfl iHla' II with iiii' nm'ln or it, on h'fl ahonl.h'r ami Inff ati'ln on all enlta n 'l"r lfar;"n ft "h'Mil'l.'r only "tt all hornnmivnr ft years. All ra'wn in (Irani e.,i"'. I niaJ'Iii, II.. Vma'tn nr la. Or. Il.tran H I' tin ritfM ah ull I'"", ea'ttn a'na nil tiifhl hip. Ilantm M.,rr,,w aM I t' nVllla " oinlwa. rnrrlitaP M l Oa hwy Or ' B'lln 'Mil o" l,f H'linl B'l li' a"V In f 'rh'c, ,,.r-.. hilf et"-l (' nn h it ililU. liaiiitit Mor. i,w a"'l I' i''a r"ii' lp. Carl, 'I'. II . .l ein l v, lr -Oi'ih'ii rroaa on nrl, liip nn oaola, w ill"W fork ami illi h.r hil tn rwhl car, anlil in h'fl nr. Ita'itffi in llrant r,'l'y. (ltl ali""i. n,""t"'l (B'li apar ihlll l,n ah eil hr. I" ar ma' ko.l , nr,p t,n Infl nar ,ti'i,lil iipi'r hil in ritfM. V.rfliar. rr.ip in rn'-l a". I ii" I -r half crop ill loll rut. All tt n KraiM r-ttmi . ('ink J..I.'iOr. llnnwa.wiiHiriahlaniml iter ( a'la. aa'n'"t r.rfhl Ion' fkar nialk .'lam or"t ""i l't a'nl hf in 'l"'it. I iirnn. II. V., ( lirrinall,, Or, -llorana.1 nn I 't all'la I'm K I M . Ila' l 'iaii. Or - ('aula, (' with f i nil..r: Im,, t .,n l"f 'up. (WVa'i, II t . M e,ii 'i.i. liratl l'.,. Or -.n. InaM I -I .l"-l.' hat I.m.-,',i nn t,.t-il p., ! -a n hr'i I a h lh htpa, mark tt .,r -h,p. , .'t, a- I l-wla" (I,, , H, lla. Iiivi Or 1 1 rwa ,fatl tn. 'Irf'.l Lip t .,11 I.- t'l I'l h. I Ota ,-lia, tir,-, U I "' h'ra "rfM ll.ltft.; r, I ..M h'a -. -m I il'it hxilt.t, a .-I c it tl I'tll ol fl.-hi "a" li! M lli'l "a Or. IVil-HOm ri'.l , l. a.. f.'ik in na It aat. h"raa. II l nn I Ir Ht l "ig'a Or ll.'raai t.ra'i I l . nn !( al",il lf. ea"ln tbviia on h.f'.'ilp, h,.ll ir r,i. aat f ,,,, r H.lltr.lma Or II .r.-. Ia"l"l i,-t i' wi" la 'I I!t "'i'l! .i'l; tat ii.- iia .,ii ritf tit hi li tn M trr-. t'.tn. if . I ,..., ,.i , l. . II -ft. i ttr t ,"lt, l ..a rtrf'.t t.p. h-ttta V !t tntr ln .tr I'll ttM !.,' I -I ri.t.-,f H I II -ttir Or .Im. K mi r i'.t i " i '-a'' I r "it iw'.t h p " la'i (,..,. i, ti II . . , to i I.. ,., I to Y, Hi !' "'t 'I h'fl all fl ip ,,t l f ' .,.- I," I,- I . I l-'t h p It- 'i. I ' " ' ' , ' tit II u l.raa I I H H ,' a i ' ' ' t i I II ai ii,. li, , l a II Jnnkin. 8. M., Hnppnar, Or -Horaei, horse. J im left shoulder, uatuo. inu Mine. Hanire k'lht Mila. I.ih's n.F,.;x L na. Or. Hnraaa. cirria i on eft atirln: cattle., same on nifht hip, unaer nail iron in rir anil apiu n inn nr u , ; i. . u ...... . ,.r i )r HnraaR hrananrl KNY on' left hip cuttle Mine and crop oB left ear: nnilr alnn on the right Kirk J. T.. Heppner. or. noraee o on ien ahonhler: cattle. R9 on left hip. Kirk. Jeaen, Heppner, ur.; norae- n on ien shon Icier; cattle same on right Bine, nnaerou on right ear. r , Knmherlanrt.W.O..Monnt Vernon. Or.-I Lon cattle on right and left eidna. awsllow fork in It ft ear anil nmler cion in right ear. HorseB aaro' hran-l nn le't ahoiilder. nange in uranr arain Iviften, Stennnn. box. ur. ri ij on ien nip caf'le. crop ann apill on rigm ear. i aamn hmud in left shoulder. Kange (Trant rillll'ltV. .iur.Hllen. John W., ,---' wr.-noran' hraml""! half-circle ,1 1, connected on inrtannni ler. ( attle. eaine on lett tap. itanue, near loi itif""1 .. .. ., .... t j.j Liihoy, J . w Meppner vtr. noraea Dranneti Ij'nl A 't '''ft Bhoulder; cettle siime on leu ip, wattle over nnht ye, tnree ants in rigm ear. l,orfl, (teorge, Meppner. tr. norsea nrannen donhle H cot.nect SotnetimeB called e awing H. on left shoulder. VmitT lar-Hr. nappiier or. t aiue. in u on riitht hip; hnrae M on left shoulder. MorgH'l. n. a ., tlt'ppuer. vtr. ntirt, m ; on l,.ft ahonhlot cattle same on left hip. Mitchell. Oacar. lone, or. tlore-8, o on ngn' hin; cattle, 77 on right sirte. vlnt'iaren, U. I., nrownsvine. nr. nonw, iirnrn Son each shoulder: cattle, M2on hip MnHirr. Frank, Hot Valley, ur. mine snot- itv, t,,-r.rlr on catt b nn rihs and nuier in Bach oar: horaee same brand on loft, Btifta. vtt.Hu ... ... . .nmiit,in. or.-n nnrae. - with half circle under on left shoulder; on I :attt. 'onr hare connected on top on the right Bide Hunge in Grant t olintv. mi in.l,.. lino Uiick.Or. Horses A N con nected nn left, ahonlder: cattle same on both hips. Nordyke K., Hilverton. ur. ttoreeB, mroie ion left thigh: ca' tie. same on lert hip. Oliver. Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A i on catt If on left hip: on horses, flame on left thigh, ltauge in Orant county Oiler. I'erry, Ltexington, ur. r u on ii ah'"l.'l0'. fln. Herman, Piaine City, ur. un cattle. P connected on left hip; horses nn lert suae and wartle tin nose. Hance in (trant county. Pnarton. Olnva, Eight II lie, i ir. norsns, quar- tr circle ahiohl on left shoulder and 24 on left hin i uttle, f'ira tn let: ear. rami ortippon. at i i :.. .n ir;..,. T;ic ii ihti inn. nulla- .tn ....... Parker ,V Hleason. Hardtnan.ur, iioreesir ot ft shoulder. Piper. Krfe t, Itoxingtnn, Or.- Hnr ob brand. K li K connected) ni, left shoulder; rmttlr mnnn right hip. Kange. Morrow county. Pniar ,). H.. lnxingtoii. Or. Ilnrsefl, .IK con nuniar) ii- loft shoulder; cattle, same on left hip nider hi' in each oar. u. ' nno. Or.: horses niamonn roe aKimldar- cattlo. J l J connected, on t.hf ofl hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the iglit. tiri Indin. TIardman. Or. Horsea, annarf crt"- with unartflr-eircle oyer it. on left stille. IteiilTigor, 1 .una, neppner, yji. iiiimno, j i. itu It, ft shoulder. Rush Hroa.. Ileopner, or. tioraos nranoon t , iha riitht ahouhler: entile. IX on the left hip crop off left our and dewlap on neck. Range It Vlorrow and a'Doiningcoiimi'm. Keaney, Andrew, l.eimigtnn, ur. noraei branded A It on right, shoulder, vent quartet circle over nrano: Cllllin anuiu iu rigm. top Hit'igo Morrow county. Kovse, Wm. II. Uairyyine, ur un connem with nnarter iMrele over lop on cHttioon rignt nil and crop "IT riu'ht ear and split in left. Dorset same brand t.n loft shoulder. Kange in Morrow Omul ami (liHiam counties. Il,.i,.r .1 w.. leupner. ur. tioraos. ju oi loft flhoulder. Cattle, O on right hip. u.,w,k,ill .1. W.. (looseberrv. Or. Horse branded HI on left sh .uldar; lange iu llor county. L , , Ha ling. ( ' Heppner, ur tiorsea nranuou on loft ahoiiliier; cattle same on left hip Hwnggnrt, H. I'., lioiingtnn, ur. tiorsea wilh dash under it on lefl stille catllf II with lash niuler it on right IP P. crop nil right oar ann wa hlh'd on riitht hind leg. Kange in Morrow, (lillinm and Umatilla nountiea. Hwuggnrt. A I,., Athena, ur. Horses nranne" v un left ahouhler: cetthisipne on left hip. Cro tm ear. watt'" on lert hind leg. Htraight W. K Heppner, Or. Horses shaded J H on let "title; cattle .1 H on left hip, swallow fork in riglp ear. iimlerhit In left. Hupp. Thna., Heppner, nr. noraoa, B A 1 on h,rt Inn: nattl, same on left tup. Kli'-i"r John. rnx, or. ini; connected nt horsos on right hip: oattie, aama on right hip. crop nil right ear and niuler bit in left ear, Kange in urii"t. c'lil'itv. Huiith IP'om . Huaativille, Or. Ilnrsoa, hrantletl II. . iei shoulder; cattle, Hine on left, Hhoiildor K(piir's. Jimiea. Arlington, Or,: horsea branded M on li'll ahoiildor: cattle the snina, also iiiwp wa.ldh'. Ka'igo in Marrow and (iilliiim cu tntiea Ht'.ph"tia, V. A., Ilard'mitl, Or-; hurst's HS or rig'il siillo; catiln horizontal L on the right side HiKvouHiin. Mrs A. J.. Il'ippner. Or. Caltle. h nn right In i : aw-iilow-fork in left ear. Hwnggart. (. W., Hepp'iHr. Or. -Iloraes, (I nt loft tUnnl h ; ca'tle. (4 un loft hip. Miii.rrv. K. (I.. Iloptiner, Or. Cattle W C oil ,.ft ten crop tiff r-tfht ami nml.'rbit in Infl mr. il'ovlipt; horai's W Con loft shoulder. rlio'iiiiatin, J A., Hoponor. t ir. Morses, J on ,.fi mI .l r: cattle, 2 on left shollldttr. rilioota.H. r..Kt'.letlirine.Or. Horatai. C-on left shouldor. Tiiinor K. V . Heppner, Or.-Small capital T lull sliinihltii. Iiorsos; callln luinie on left hi' tilti mi, III in bolt, eara. l liiT'itoti, H. M., lnnn, Or Horses branded H I' ftinneeted on loft alitle; ahep same brand. VaudurptMil. II . J. Itona. 1 Ir:-- llorana II V eon uuilil un right lioulder;calllii, aaine on right In.. Wiilbridge. Win . HppMr. Or. I lories. IT. Ij. nn the t"ft aliolliiler; cattle same on light hip. iiriip'tM left fir and rigid ear loptasl. Wllaiei, J'Hili O., Halelll nr Hepntier, Or. Iloisoa brnmlotlJij un the left Imiililer. Kangt Morrow .iuiotv. Warren W It. Caleb, Or-Cattl W wilh iiuartw ciri hi nver It. nil left ante, split 111 right ear Horsoa aaine brand on left shoulder. Kaugeir Umnl comity Wad" Henry, llepptmr. Or -lloratai brandof act nf apattiM, un Infl atitiuitier Ntel lert Inn Cattle brandntt aanm on left aide nil. I left tup. Wninnger. ,l..hii, John I lay City. Or -On hnnuv tht-tas pamllel luiff oil left nhnuhler; 7 on ahnep hit in taith mra. Kang in (irnut iul Malhnet oietntitia. Wo.slwartl, John, Ib'tmner, Or. Honwi, til enunnt-Pal en left shoulder. VVatkina, l.iahe, H"pp"r, Or. Monuw hmntlnri 1,1 K r,,nti,a'lHil un left atitln. Walla-e Charh II tppner. Or. -Caltle, W ol rntht thih. hoi, in Infl ear: hum. W un righ' ahtiuhler mitllt aalllBun left shulllder, W'hiltier lirtai., mini ingiuii. Maker Co., Or. -Hurt-i lualidtal VV II ciutinclmi un left ''iiuhler Illinois. atH'o, Hamiitttn. or.-(JiiBrter rir cln titer three tsars on loft hip, taitli calUe luif Ii',. Knngn I Irani ctitiiitjr. Wdliama. J . Iing Crnnk. Or-lltirw, tpiat ter ciri-ln nyer three Itani nil Inf t hip: call In aailif a. lit in na.'h ear llantfe in llrant ctntulv Winn, A. A., 'leppner. Or.-Hnratai nitiiiiniiA t nn sh,,iil,lr, l nit In. saute tip right t,ii. V'tntig. J. M., OtMMMtmrry.Or. Ilnrwai hrander rXtit. II.. rl.1,1 h.ntltlaf TAVERN OF A- -Castle Crass o T I A SMOKY CONTINENT. That la What North America Has Been of Late. Note of a Traveler Who Crossed to the Faclflo Uurlne tlte Kecent Great Forest 1 Ires Strange Slfc-hts and Incidents. OPENS JUNE 1, 1895. GEO. SCHONEWALD, MSNAOIB, Loxary, Good Cheer, llospitalily. De Jiirlitful and llealthluLPastiiries, Miikhless MountiiiD Scenery. SWEET BRIER CAMP. Established last year In a roman tic tiell of the Sacrcmento Canyon. lust Dl'lOW anil in mil new ui K'auu . 1.,J old .Shasta It was a great hit and record of extensive lires on plain anu prouiises still more encouraging re sults for the present year. T. J. Loftl's, at Camel la, is still in charge and will aiiBiver all iuqulries. Renorts continue to come in of forest and prairie fires in the west. The fires in Montana and later in tne norin west have been followed by others in Tennessee, Kentucky and Arkansas. Those who have made a study and A t ew candidate for public favor this year is SHASTA VI CI NO CAMP, in forest say that those of last summer and this fall are unprecedented in the history of this couatry. The fires reached from the preat lakes to the Pacific. A New York Sun reporter who went west just before the Minnesota disas- the largest figures of all. Thus, in the immediate vicinity of a Bunsen flame, the gigantic number of 30,000,000 was found in a cubic eentimeter, or 489,000, 000 per cubic inch. In Mr. Aitkin's own words: "It does seem strange that there may be as many dust particles in one cubic inch of air of a room at night when the gas is burning as there are inhabitants in Great Britain; and that ; in three cubic inches of gases from a Bunsen flame there are as many parti cles as there are inhabitants of the world." Possibly tests on the air of smoking rooms world reveal still greater num bers. Mr. Aitkens has not yet tested , such air, but he found that a cigarette I smoker sends. 4,000,000,000 particles, IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT AlsointheShnRta region, about ter passed through a haze of smoke tiilla unH n half from Dtl USUI ui r. v - - " ., , that extended clear across tne country. He went from Buffalo to Duluth on the lakes, and so thick was the smoke that it was necessary frequently to blow the fog whistle of the steamer for an hour at a time. All the fog whistles at the lighthouses on the lakes were kept going night and day. Near Cleveland the smoke was so thick a mile and a half from Dunsuiuir. It in a genuine paradise mr hunters, fi-hers and seekers of health and pleasure. Kasy to reach (near the railniMd). sighilv, and all the ne cessities of camp life eaBily procur able. All liiquirh-a about Hhasta Victim Camp, if addressed to W. C. Gray, I)ox 4, Dnnsmiiir,, will receive prompt attention. Camping in The ADDRESS A LETTER OR POSTAL CARD TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney, P. O. Box 463. Washington, D. C. Honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days, or over, in the 'ate war are entitled, if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor, whether disabiiuw was caused bv service or not. and regardless of their pecuniary eircumstances. mnrf or less into the air with every, M'lDOWSofsuchsoldiersandsailorsareentitledCilnotremameajwneinrrsu.u. more or less, into uie tu wim cvcijr ..j. ,., , , if now deoendentuoon their own labor for support. Wir not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldier's death was due to service. CHILDREN are entitled (if under sixteen years) in almost all cases where there was m, widow, or she has since died or remarried. ij ..ui..ji.ju PARENTS are entitled if soldier left neither widow nor child, provided soldier died In service, or from efTects of service, and they are now dependent upon their own labor for sup port. It makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or "Soldiers of the late war, pensioned under one law, may apply for Wither ratei nnder other UWT nousandsrsolJidVving from $, to $,o per mo,th under the old la- are d to hlKh rates under new law, not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned, but also for others, whether doe toservice or not. . ... also Soldiers and sailors disabled in line oi aury in regujnr uiuxy u u. , puff he makes. "Justice," remarked Jupiter, after he had read the morning papers, "you seem to be falling down pretty often these days." "Yes," replied the god dess addressed, regretfully, "I keep losing my balance." -Detroit Tribune. LOCAL MARKET REPOKT. SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS that it was impossible to see more than , " ,.,ht.. i.nrel. olenwood. the length of the ship when approaeli Tcl on. Ben Lomond, Iloulder Creek. j!) Reduced Rates i During the Campine season will be muue Dy me iirnnnn it Ui i. For full particulars address E. I. KOUKKK, Asst. tier. "ass. At., 1'OKTI.AND, OBKtlON. July 26. Or any S. P. Co. Agent ARE YOU MAKING the MOST OF YOURSELF ? There Is one magazine which will help you to MliCl EKII by tvattlilnit you to ktmw and ap predate jour elf. The Phrenological Journal ' a wide-awake up to-dute exponent ol Hamuli Nature. Are you using THOGHT and TAC1 in Bringing up Your Children ? The Child Culture Department helps mothers nd teai hers to study the characteristics ot each child as a guide to Its proper development Send ten cents for sample copy of the I'hreno- loKical Journal. .FOWLER A WELLS CO., Publishers. 27 East 'Jlst St., New York. Wc also publish a long list of helpful bonks. " . .- T IT 13 AND p-vpy'Q AES0UJULY mm MONEY 4;, $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. f i v ft rwry mnth gtn wv tn my H tfi fV itirit;h ut tf Hit nuftl BMirtoiwiM UM dunug f 'itr ihr hft plnlf'r rnirrltrnl, til iJ . it llit (Mct t lo flmHit( invf nl- t la k"l It m h '4 thru tm h( lr Al tl nt U4 W9 iJt Iw ittt J IT !" tit 'Uk lltC Utl lh IT "S 1 HE SIMM r,TKIVIL INVCNTIONS HUT VU LD i DRriMS, 'xt i ti' wl Wrkit t 4(itri Hm kt m, iif iinli it a way ft n f v rg , inlth iir-t I IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SIT..MS. t, N ,i, el Kri.-t,kr.M K,U,lml ( thing mi. I ' ( , l, h l ei4 nr l .l..l.l,l HI AnKIt SEWING HAC'.ilVt MADE K OH OlTIl DI'AI.rnt ran dell oii im .lil lira clioper lliun f on can Krt rlmwhere. HioMiW IIOtM'. I. our beat! but we make cbraper klnda. aiKli ai the Lin AX, IlJIKAIi a lid other High Arm Full Nlclicl J-Iaied Keulnir Itlarliliioa for 15.00 end un. full oil our eaent or wrlie us, W war.: j our trade, and If prleea, tcr:;i and square deallnc will Iu. wo will It. We rhallrnite the world to odjrea IIKTTI.ll gSO.OO Newln.r marhlne for $50.00, or a bietor '20. wln narhlne for I'iO.OO than ou run buf from ne, or our abpih". T'l'J FEW HOME SEWING HftCHIi C CO. ,,.,.v. M.m n.xrn MtM. l Vio Suf-l,- X. .i, .i lit. nr. I.." i. Mn. luius. bJl luNriH I u A i i . fOH BALC BY 'flit New lliiinf M.fhinc Co. 2.17 Mark"! St. Nun Fraticiap.t, Cl ALL WHO CULTIVATE FRUITS FLOWERS VEGETABLES For Pleasure or Profit, houl,l ht th Intirnal the stihitrtl lo it tiiv l'i t and i, tciiau.e auihuniy ubtaiuable. II li-. li f.ri n It..- II ,, r. U . II li lt . I I . I lot. i ei tlrf'. . I. t ,, v i n, f , , V , I ' li .. It I . V '. ' l ,. I , ( '! II U'l I II ..' I J I. 'I. ri I M i,l I (,n t 't t I li It. I I ft . t,. I, .. ... I, II ,-. M. . I' it i ai. i tl , . . t i t ii It 4" ' t' 2S ' f t, I i. I i. .a .1 i't I ! I-, . I., I. It ... , . u el I r ton la'a- tet, ' i r 1 .'.1 I'. t . , , i lr, 't - 4 4 t ,i ti, tl,r I'ti-ir-.t .4 l. ,1 -it w frai !. .H..H 1 II... i.njt, el I '4. e fttl Pit f llfftlt, lr .-. . ,r., i .Ml, ll,r ,.nt( f , h HM.I h ,,. i $ i itre, i hw.'i. ul th.Hwila ll ,- i r . .4 I. " rt .'.l C'tl' l'f ti t, .. i, nnrt. t,. "ii'l l hit .,nl.t. .l't.' . ls , I i-mi'i "4 I1h I ,,.lr.l V,,t m.Hi( , . ,, , , I m ' .. ...nt, km t. 4 w lima 14' ' n i' ,f.l,nll'll'iinl. A i u ju ... i.j.i.l. J uiKllf (gbUrauaL JtUINNVI HDI Km US A CO., S.,l..ilu(S et AMHiHan an J I u.i4 I'aunla, 013 l! Mrcrt, N.W !' l1. llitKlnn. p. C. mm .l-fKTSirf l12aT I ' wi I i v, I n"WW in.tJ ' j 'II III, irl'ii. t - . I . , ,1 vit . ... I n i , UNf! t'MDl fCMMOSTIH THi LIST. It rltpreilr!1y lih fruits ami vefetntile., Iirs hrul.. n, (1..ri, and i,.,n, M hri.i ,. l,.ftiriilttit virntir.iUr ii I, .imhi v. ll Il.iirir auj tlefefit. rurthn-ta nl ruitiva. lion, in, rvrd vartetiraaul llit.,,r . tattug ttrvi. ra. It la, nliuul Uuubt, The Paperforthe Peoplel $1 OO m Year 14 Malm), Hiwlmen c-p and fci-rwua f'l.-na ot le.ttuu.iuial I--. W, Mil en appiuativn. ktnitn Crilnii'j, 1 70 Fulton St., N.Y. ng the breakwater. On Lake Superi or the smoke was so dense that suores of birds lost their way and welcomed the ship as a place of refuge. Ihey were birds that almost never venture bevond the forest, and so exhausted were they that they were practically tame. They took crumbs out of the hands of the children on board the vessel, and one beautiful little preen and yellow songster, almost as delicate as a canary, lighted on the head of the reporter and rested there for tuny nr tecn minutes, while the reporter re mained in conversation with a party of at least half a dozen. It was impossi ble to see the famous Apostle islands as the ship went by them, and the har bor of Duluth was in a thick Haze. On the way down from Duluth to Minnennolis the fires were burning freely in the famous lumber district, but there was no indication ot tne ter rible disaster that was to overtake Hinckley the next week. The country had been so long without rain that everyone seemed to think that it must come in a day or two, ami there was little apprehension that anything more serious than that which had al ready happened could occur. Travel ers could see a few hundred feet out of the car windows, and as night came on the thin line of flame eating its way through the leaves and underbrush was visible every mile or two. In St. Paul it was impossible to see the river and the city itself from the heights. Out in the wheat country of thi! Dakotas the haze seemed to lilt a a little, but when the grazing country of Montana was reached desolation seemed to reign. For fifty miles at a stretch the plains were black as far as the eve could see. The cattle had been driven back to the mountains, the herders said, in some eases for hun dreds of miles. The streams of water and the little lakes, that are the salva tion of the country for grazing purposes, were dried up. Occasionally there would be a patch for eight or ten miles that would be unbr.rned, but over the tho mnuncla in thnt rolling cotliv try there could be seen the approach of the fire, and there was no way to stop it At night the fires were especially beautiful. The flame wns nevermore than from six to eight inches big',-. Oc casionally it ran in a straight lint par allel with the railroad fra diM nice if several miles. At other tinus it formed crescents and circles up the sloping sides tf some extended Ktm',1. Again there were acute and iluis itngles, and as the smoke rose and tilled the air it made it impossible to see clearly for more than u few hun tired vanls. In thi- Kocky mountains it was the same story. Far up t ho ieaks, close to the limit of the wmi.1 Wit, Kcores of fires could be seen burning briskly, where no hunter could have left his oftinpllre burning. Some of the fires in the mountains, ns well as some of thoM" on tlie plains, were undt ubtedly started by locomotive sparks, and some were started by the negligence of bun tern who had not exl uigm-dird their cnnpllrcH nn leaving fur their srt. but no one could account for the lire fur tip the liUMilituill hides. n tin raeillc slope the reporter found wore of who had changed their routes and given up part of their trips liecause of the siitulie. Seattle wna in a fog, and the attractive I'uget sound was as if it did not c.i--t. The sound of the fog whistles on tin- Mi'iiiiiiNiat was the only ui mil that Seattle was a m-n;trt. All mini u nnd nt her kinds of ti lling wan at a etuiuM ill. and the citii tis wi re si ing thiil the smoke wus u most serious In to the industries of the I'lacc. Ihiwn through tho licautiftil n:et fertile ml lev nr l Tcgon t tn' MimUe In. I I lie scene ry, mid lint until the travelers were c!oe under the flank of l"ti'U Mount Mi;ista In upper t'alif"rtiia. 'ul, I thi' towering pile Is seen. All the t .iviide r,inge nn lilddi n, nnd the MiH'rti peak. Mich b T;ieom;i. 1 1 . m1 and ,d, itns wrr a If thry Imd Hot I ST II Not until the reporter bad reached the N Ikirk unitititntti In l'.rltl .li Co 1'iuil.i.i. on lu n y li'Miie. did lie llnd the it in. sphere ch ar. The hotel keejvr tit (.la. i. r sl, that the day tlmt burst In p!eii.!.r over the siks. on Sunday i f the nvotid wet k of N-ptetulvr, w as the llrt jvrfivtlv el. nr day that had ls ti wi n there to tamiths. mi. I at l h Id. on the rii.ti-rn al.... f the t an. n.liutl r'kie. the radr I i Ili. i.iU t, !. the s.iuie t..ry. 'Ir.irl. r. r..t'i-. a. I in. n aifi w.-tti in r t rt un Hi.'ti r ' in- Wheat, bu $ 35 Flour.bbl '1 Beeves, cows & two.year-nlde, cwt. 2 50 " three " " o til) Shpep, muttons, bead 1 50 S) 2 25 " gtock A tiu 10 i ou ITngs, on foot, cwt 3 00 Hoes, dressed 4 un Wool 5 8 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll Eutts, doz Chickens, doz 3 00 Turkeys Potatoes, per cwt 40 6M 40 CALIFORNIA MAKKWT. Wheat, cwt $ 87i 97J b'lour, bbl 2 50 3 50 Beeves, stall fed 4 50 5 00 Muttons, cwt 6 00 (ffi 8 00 Hotrs, cwt 4 50 5 25 Wool -EnRtem Oregon.. 7 Butter, lb 6 0i 13 Rifgs.doz 14? 15 Potatoes new, per ot... 1 an 1 fill " old. " ... any? Ohiokens, doz 3 00 6 00 L'nrkeys, It) 11 15 PORTLAND MAKKfcT. Wheat, bu $ 52 53 Flour.bbl 1800235 Beeves, cwt 2 25 3 SO dressed Muttons, live shpsred. .. 2 25 (SB 2 75 dressed, lb 04 M1. Hogs, on foot 3 50 3 75 dressed, 11) 04V Wool EnHtPro Oregon... 05 07 Butter 1 15 F.L'trs. doz US Cfi 08J4 Chickens, doz 3 00 4 50 furkeys, lb dressed. . H entitled, whetneraiscnargea loraisaDiiuy or nui. ni,i.,ii. Survivors, and their widows, of the Klack Hawk, Creek. Cherokee and Seminole or Flor ida Indian Wars of 1833 to 1843, are entitled under recent act. .,UoMei1 Mexican War eoldiers and their widows aUoentitled, if sixty-two years of age or disabled "oFdcfaUiVs completed and settlement obtained, whether pension has been granted under iateRe?ertedr c'laVms reopened and settlement secured, if rejection Improper or "' Wj- h Certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war wnu halendVohr1lwsragnaU?0?mation. No charge for advice. No fee unless successful. Address, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY, TOHN WEDDERBURN. Manasine: Attorney, -.WITH. mm : mum : m Youre BOUND to Take 'Em. 'We tnke pleRsure in reoommendinp hnmberlHii'a OoiiKh Remedy beouum it if? praited by nil who try it," says .1 VV. Cox it Son, druedists, Marshfield Oregon . No one Hfllioted with a throi1 or nine trouivo eiin UBe lliis remed without pruisins it. It tilwBys give ,irotnpt relief. It is espeoiiilly Vftlunbh for colda ns it relieves the lung, m iket bretithinif punier nnd nitln exptOtorHtion cold will never reonlt in pneiimonii hen this reinetlv isi tBtpn Hnd renHtm bin onre exeroiHed. For ule b; Slocnm JohiiHon Prnu Co. l'KIZKS ON 1'ATEN'IS. Make i ow tu xet (1110 Hllll IVl'llIN Km t li tie . Leaves No Constipation, - CnreH it, rh well fls fill B'llionanefB. Pick Hendiiobe nnd Mulnria. The only oomfobtabi.k pill in the world. Sold by hII drnt'i-'stH or petit by mail on -ceemt of price. 25 centH per box. 1JKEN 1'lhS M bl 1UA Ij L U . 411 CHlifornin Street. Sim Fnu eit-oti. Cnl. legal mm Plenty of them at the Gazette Office We pcc!up phtftitR and to indn ipoplo to k'-ep truck of their biinht i let.B we offer a priztt of rue Iniudrer lollurtt to be pnitl on the flrnt of ever) nonth to the petniii who nbruitB to uf die tiioft tneritoi ioiiH iiiventioii during he pretvetlinsf niotitli. We will lilw dvvitit." the tiiveiiti'i'i free ef charue ii lieNa'iotiHl Hieorder, a weekly iipwp ;iHp-r, pllblihlied III WMtdiiUKton. 1). C. liicli Iihr an i ltetinivH circtilalitu lirmii'hiiut lb Uuitfil States aud I levnted to lli iutereftn of invptitom. NOT 80 IIAHD AH IT HKKMM. TI.p ltlea of beiiitf iibl It) invent unrre linn InlteR diohI pfiiptu an lit in Tt r) Ili 'itH ; tin deliiRion the eon'pati) viMii'M to dtpel. It IHlhe niropln thliivr iiul nitiull in veiiticmn that m 'ike the MfiittKt atiiniliit of money, ami the com. dex oiii M are mdilnin prolitahle. Altntmi Vi r l.oilj, at riimim time or aeother, oneeiiea nn iilea, which, if patented, mtil. I pp liHb'y lt worth to hiru ortuiit' U' f.'rtnuately nieli ideaa arf muull) dltlilf d wit limit tho iwhf. Tdr iiniile invrtili" na like Ihe ear wtrdnw liieli Pi'tild he randy altil up ami down Allium! briMikitiK Hie panaelteer'a back, he antic pan, Collar button, the nut lock. h bottle t"i'ter, tint annw ehovel, art ildiiira that almoat eter)o''e aeea pmni av of improvititf ntton, ami it la I hem kin I of itttrctilion tlia lirilnjlheurfa'en retnriiM to the author. 'lie prz- e tlT-r will ha patil at tlie ti I of i".ich ni'ititb, whether the appll .alii-n In-ho aetftl ntinn by th VnU ft t'lfit e or not Krry rotl)ettol Html apply for a patent on Ida infinite!' h'"'iii;li it. and whet I er ;e pteonrea tb hir t't'f no', the iiifrntor "ill liv vrIiimIiI patittt, i in: claim company, I' W. AviHirr. tien'l Manager, fd' V St. N. V. Wa.liiiiKtoii, P. C. 1. S. The li pi.illull jr of till 'otnpinj; timv Im. m.jei from lite fact that lla atni k ia In Id by alatitt aeveiit'en Suti Iri.l nf ti e li ad.iirf lie apapere of Hie I'l.ltrd Mtalia. tf ff UP n 't iptnuMniwif vmvm '"'fL? ,' ! .u'.i.'..,.f :v..... . fim if ,i iiriTt i-' FOR INVENTIONS. Equal whh the interest of those having claims apiinst the government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuable inventions because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reli. able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, ii not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorney and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re tained counsel expert in patent practice, aud therefore are prepared to Obtain Patents in the United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct It terferenccs, Make Special Examinations, Prosecute Rejected Cases. Register Trade-Markg and Copyrights, Render Opinions as to . Scope and Validity of Patents, Prosecute and Defend Infringement Suits, Etc., Etc. If you have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to trether with a brief description of the imnortant features, ami vou will be at one; advised as to the best course tc pursue. Models are seldom necesaary. if others are infringing on your rights, or if you ere charged with infringement by others, submit the nutter to u for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY. 618 F STREET, NORTHWEST, WASHINGTON, D.C. r. o. box ea JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney. Cut this out and send It with your iw" '3000PARCELSCrMAir v ri fOR 10 KIM ITAWPI flit .lr if ,.il olilim m w I aw hi i a i r .!!, a. prlhleil -ti ff.iit.ti..! PM-h.!. IHiil""!." nrtiHiMf ; (I.-IH "it I ...t tot" t r"n 1 11 N.M I f iti-ti-i Vue Lan'cashiri: Insurance Co. W. I'ATfEnSIlN, lliKNT. )" ftle lomt imlie WnrlU lh: Keeley UUs -OF- ! For tho Cuiv a l.iqucir. (i:um aaJ Tobacco Habits It ll ititrt t Huli-tn. Otrgiin, I The Juf lU-nutiul Tuu n on (he Cnt. I full St lh 0Tt oltir for l.rllriilr. tl) roiiO'lriilUl. Itratinvnl rvl. tint ,ur , nti I tt T M r..iii.- thai lhi ri;-rt.r went ovi r I n lil 1 II PI I I I I I t I unit.-. i in ..nit ti ,it t.r.'liit lv mi.!i tin f .. Z-i .o,. ". -ti -'.-''"r X k : I t r. aw ; I II I II 11 Ll ii tl I Tl . , , . i .......i . ! 'L!u. '1. .l -v ' ' rtlS. Th.Srofa nuvttnf r,.mt. in' w.- " . JVV , y . i. M IK M 4 9 I . it ,. I A ll.. ..I I I m I. -1 t. r 4'.. '..tft Milwi. - .. . I lli p l.ri I. p , . 5 i Mi. , t ' I . M . t )- . '.. i .. - ' . , . I I . . , t . rt t .. ufi . i ," I... . r ' i " f i i- . t . i m li. ii "i i . . limX Trade Ti-.t. 4 u rri ' MOOCRATC ftry kilrn j PRESS CLAIMS CO ' JOMH WSOOCR0URK, ! .cnt. wttiti'ti. P.C "t (" r-f4 .!' ' l n l I,'. H i I -.1 l- l W ( t , , . - , . , . , .. m r .-I ri. tmg Cltrlr H'wrtlfe.M . I i..i I I I', n .-I I . .... k, .4 t I . J .t!(T..., '.... I . I, ..,...,.. - IH l'lliHIM I" M.thi,,.'ino..Wv,Htl rr...t-J .-ul "it.M , , . I . . i. .... i I ..... . rt . - - . l. ' l "'' !-' I y.4 iiiwtiiwiiiirt' mm. rttimWrm of mUvir1-ii.m arjit.fc'j from I'J. nx) U S.V.ovx T?i! air licar i t! fT-Mii ism'A'a'-O fwr t;. ia V.e s'.r car t'j iiUi.?. Tor et"n; ',, tbi r fmir f-t ffMt ti i he gr ;..! rt n t t4ill l ST.l.OnO Wt ir t tnrr n . B? ,1 t r rtl,1 of tllr" tlirctll ' '. w ti;U ii.-ur thu rvl.tij i,i;i. t.n! at t! U ,;ii.ti'nrf t f t!,, ii , . t i b , '.'.!. 1 t Hi,-i-i.l tf t.. u ;Ui 1.4.1 Nvn lu.rj4 1 s. l. C j OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACIv IS TOO 11KAVY AND WE AR1-: WILLING TO UNLOAD I'M. I' It to Advertisers at a great fin.mci.i! sacri- l)Ui;H . s. ;ir.(l as a I U rll tll-k.f .ftlllrl " rf !' ... . i, r,. ,....! ii,. utr twu mi iCC you iH'td it in vour t ', ,ti ii' n...-rlt ihg f.f ll. : matter of lnwm wc wuit i , . . 1 1-. t. o. f i n v. 1 "! lr.orf t'.l m ' tl.'i li f. r I J t.r .. il.U i w 1 lit'. 1 AlTi.Ki.ON tb .!. , 1! it. lLI.l.llI!Nf; Co.